Antenna installlation guide part 1


Users Manual

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                                      Please always put the surge protector
                                      indoors and near the device
                                      side, if you cannot keep it indoors,
                                      use the tapes to wrap all the connectors
                                      as pictures showed below.
Option: Ultra low-loss cable LMR400
Length options: 3M/6M/9M
                                                Option: Surge protector
                                                Connectors: N-plug to N-jack

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                    ANT24-SP Surge protector
                    Installation guide
                    for outdoor antenna-kit
Step 1
loosen the screw from the surge protector.
Option (1)                                               Option (2)
Step 2
get a normal conductive copper wire with 2 sides stripped long enough to be conductive,
these wires can lead high voltage surges into the grounding.
Step 3
find a conductive material nearby the antenna installation sites, connect another end of the wire
into position, there are several options:
(1) Use a long screw to stick into the ground tightly, connect another wire onto.
(2) fix or solder another end of wire onto a steel material/ bar under steel construction,
    such as wall for buildings, railings or other conductive materials which set up from
    the ground.
  (1) for the ground screw you use, we suggest the longer (deeper into ground) the better performance it has.
  (2) please use a copper wire with diameter at least from 2.0mm, the thicker the diameter, the higher
      voltage it can sustain.

               Optional ultra low attenuation cable for
               ANT24—Outdoor high gain series




We have the following
length options to create
flexible antenna deployment:

                                                          Default extension cables
                                                                m          e
P/N: ANT24—CBO3N: 3meter @ 0.78dB attenuation
P/N: ANT24—CBO6N: 6meter @ 1.56dB attenuation
P/N: ANT24—CBO9N: Imeter @ 2.34dB attenuation

The longer cable you use, the more
attenuation it causes, therefoe,
the extended range might be shorten than a normal link with
default extension cables.

                D—Link ANT24—0400
                Indoor Omni—Directional Antenna

Remove one default antenna
from the wireless device and
start to assemble!

Using ANT24~JC jumper cable to switch to smaller connector
which can be compllant with DWL—660 WLAN card.

                                   ANT24—JC jumper cable      Horizontal coverage                     Vertical coverage
     Antonna             nector


 Wall mount                           Ceiling mount
                                                             Frequency band         2400—2500MHz.
                                                             Antenna gain           4dBi
                                                             VSWR                   2.0 max
                                                             Polarization           Linear vertical
                                                             HPBW / H—plane         360°
                                                             HPBW / E—plane         40°
 N                                                           Impedence              50 Ohms
                                                             Dimensions LxWxH       145X55X48 mm

                                                             Weight                 180g without joint
                                                                                    Package Contents:
                                                                                    — ANT24—0400 Antenna
                                                                                    — With 1.5m cable
                          .                                                         — Mounting Kit
                          incorrect placement                                       — Quick Installation Guide

      Please always place the antenna vertically to the
      desk/ceiling, not recommend to mount the antenna
      perpendicular to the wall.

To have correct connection of the attached
extension cable (Based on connector color management)
     Silver to Antenna
      Golden to Device

              D—Link ANT24—0500
              Indoor/Outdoor Omni— Directional Antenna

Remove one default antenna
from the wireless device and
start to assemble!


    Wall Mount                       Pole Mount

Installation Note:                                  Hortzontal coverag                 Vartical coverage
1. use L— type mounting to fix with antenna
2. use 4 plastic anchor with (4) screws to
    install the antenna onto the wall.
3. use band clamp ( 2pcs ) to fix the anterna       rrequency band       2sooute
    on the pole.                                    Antonne gain         5o 4B
                                                    vewn                 20 max
                                                &   Polarzation          Linear vertical
                                                    HPBW ! H—pleno       a00"
                                                    HPBW I E—pline       set
                              g                     Impedance            60 Oime
                                                    Dimensions Lx0WeH    019320 mm

     incorrect placement                 >          Wolght               1009 withoutJont

                                                                           Package Contents:
A caumon:                                                                  = ANT24—0500 Antenna
     Pleasa always place the antenna vertically                            — Extension Cable ( 3m )
     to the horizontal surface, not recommend                              = Mounting Kit
     to mount the antenna perpendicular to walls.                          — Quick Installation Guide

             D—Link ANT24—0800
             Indoor/Outdoor Omni— Directional Antenna

Remove one default antenna
from the wireless device and
start to assemble!

                                                       Horizontal coverage                    Vertical coverage

                                                       Frequency band        2400—2500MHz.
 Mast diameter = 20 ~ 60 mm                            Antenna gain          8.0 dBi

                                                       VsWR                  2.0 max
                                                       Polarization          Linearvertical
                                                       HPBW / H—plane        360
                                                       HPBW / E—plane        15°
                                                       Impedence             50 Ohms
                                                       Dimensions LWxH       @19x520 mm
                                                       Weight                337q without Joint

           incorrect placement
                                                                                   Package Contents:
                                                                                   — ANT24—0800 Antenna
                                                                                   — Extension Cable ( 50cm )
A caution:                                                                         — Mounting Kit
   Please always place the antenna vertically to the                               — Surge Protector
   horizontal surface, not recommend to mount the                                  — Water—proof tape
   antenna perpendicular to the wall.                                              — Quick Installation Guide

          D—Link ANT24—0801
          Indoor Directional Panel Antenna
Remeve one defult antmna
from the wireiase device and
stat to ssomblet
                                 Foke mount
Wall mount             %&
   «all—                                          Imwwaries        __|nesmmiew
                                                  Acare pin        ue
                                                  voim                n
                                                  Rrinin           terveien
instalation Note:                                 remungive        m
‘Tne folowing pari are naedad for wall mountin:   remiesion        &
1. plasto wall anchors (4) ns                     naiece           soee
2. wallscrowe                                     Gnmndinetatiti   _|txctunin
3. mounting bese                                  neare            atpatteabim
4. loding whoel on the mountrg base                                  Package Gontenta:
5. edjuetile pvot arm                                                —ANT24—0801 Antonea
8. locing whoelfor pvat am                                           —Extenslon Cable (am )
                                                                     «Mounting KGt
                                                                     — Surge Protectse
                                                                     — Walseproot tape
                                                                     — Quick Instalation Guide

To have correct connection of the attached
extension cable (Based on connector color management)
     Silver to Antenna
      Golden to Device

D—Link ANT24—1201
Outdoor Directlonal Yag! Antenna
                          tmind           svosninte
                          thee pin
                          vem                  n
                          maistin          timeendod
                          resurigive      w
                          resissis        __|@
                          nwinee           EES
                          Smndiretitidi   mt om
                          ww              apumeape
                                           Package Contonts:
                                           ~ANTZ4—1201 antomna
                                           —Extenslon cable (80cm )
                                           « Mountig ht
                                           — Surge protector
                                           — Watarproottape
                                           + uic nstalaton guide

            D—Link ANT24—1400
            Outdoor Directional Panel Antenna

Remove one default antenna
from the wireless device and
start to assemble!

Wall mount

                                                                                      Vortcal covemge

                                                    Fmquency bend          24002500 ie
 Installation Nots:                                 Artome galn            1st
 Required parts for wall mounting:                                         15 mm«
1. ANT—1400 antenna body with 2 scrow holes         :::‘w"l"’:"            :,“" varteal
2. M—shaped matal fiing                                       thiwe          .
3. spring washers 8mm                               Heaw/ Esns             ®
4. bolts MB x 12                                    impodence               50 0ime
5. steel tubes                                      Dimansions LxWiHH__|   240i20e®9 mm
6. 8mm washer                                       waight                 #259 wihoutjont
7. bolt MB x 110
8. nut MB with lock washer                                                     Package Contents:
9 boits MB x16 with lock washer, washers and nuts                              = ANT24—1400 Antenna
 10. baite MGx10with washers                                                   — Extansion Cable (50om )
 12. trianguiar stand                                                          —Mounting Kit
 13. halFround motal stand                                                     — Surge protector
 14. wall scrows                                                               — Water—proof tape
 15. plastic wall anchor                                                       — Quick Installation Guide

Document Created: 2005-01-31 18:17:36
Document Modified: 2005-01-31 18:17:36

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