Manual Part 5


Users Manual

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Section 3 — Configuration

The screen below displays the Traffic Statistics. Here you can view the amount of packets that pass through the DIR—825
on both the Internet, LAN ports and both the 802.11n/g (2.4GHz) and 802.11n/a (5GHz) wireless bands. The traffic
counter will reset if the device is rebooted.

                                     ‘TaffeSttstesdeplay recave and transmt packets passng through your router.
                                         Refeansuterce         Cexrsuinke

                                     tan statistics
                                                           Sent: 2728                         Received : 4707
                                              TX Pacets Dropped : 1                RX Packets Dropped : 0
                                                       Colisions: 0                              Emors: 0

                                                             Sent: 0                      Recoived : 0
                                              TX Packets Droppedt : 0          Rx Packets Dropped : 0
                                                        Colisions: 0                         Errors: 0


                                                              Sent: 2025                                 n
                                              TX Packets Dropped : 0               *&      e trowstr®
                                                                                                 Emors: 0

                                               coreee:                                       Receved : 0
                                              $s                                  ic Packets Dropped : 0
                                                                                               Errors: 0

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                           67

Section 3 — Configuration

                                                            Internet Sessions
The Internet Sessions page displays full details of active Internet sessions through your router. An Internet session is a
conversation between a program or application on a LAN—side computer and a program or application on a WAN—side

                                     SETUP                ADVANCED                      TOOLS                 STATUS    EHSbe i

                             This page displays thefull detais of active internet sessions to your router.

                             Local      NAT    Internet         Protocol        State      Dir   Priority    Time Out

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                        68

Section 3 — Configuration

The wireless client table displays a list of current connected wireless clients. This table also displays the connection
time and MAC address of the connected wireless clients.

                                             Viaw tha vienhsets hat aconnactd o therotar.(% cemghiepu in the t for
                                             afew nuteale a unrpuced dacomwl
                                              sw macadiress ieaddress mede wate(ibes) Soral 0)
                                                ssto M Address 1P Address Hede Rate (Mps).               Sral(%G)


The WISH details page displays full details of wireless clients that are connected when WISH is enabled.

                                   ‘The WISH Sessions page deplays ful detals of actve local wreless sessions through your router
                                   when WISH has been enabled. A WISH sesion i2 conversation between a progrem or
                                   applcation on a wirelessiy connected LAtsde computer and another computer, hawever

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual

Section 3 — Configuration

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D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                              70

Section 4 — Security

                                         Wireless Security
This section will show you the different levels of security you can use to protect your data from intruders. The
DIR—825 offers the following types of security:

       * WPAZ (Wi—Fi Protected Access 2)               * WPAZ—PSK (Pre—Shared Key)
       * WPA (Wi—Fi Protected Access)                  * WPA—PSK (Pre—Shared Key)

                                                 What is WPA?
WPA, or Wi—Fi Protected Access, is a Wi—Fi standard that was designed to improve the security features of WEP (Wired
Equivalent Privacy).

The 2 major improvements over WEP:

       * Improved data encryption through the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). TKIP scrambles the keys
         using a hashing algorithm and, by adding an integrity—checking feature, ensures that the keys haven‘t
         been tampered with. WPAZ is based on 802.11i and uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) instead
         of TKIP.

       * User authentication, which is generally missing in WEP, through the extensible authentication protocol
         (EAP). WEP regulates access to a wireless network based on a computer‘s hardware—specific MAC
         address, which is relatively simple to be sniffed out and stolen. EAP is built on a more secure public—key
         encryption system to ensure that only authorized network users can access the network.

WPA—PSK/WPA2Z—PSK uses a passphrase or key to authenticate your wireless connection. The key is an alpha—numeric
password between 8 and 63 characters long. The password can include symbols (!?*&_) and spaces. This key must
be the exact same key entered on your wireless router or access point.

WPA/NPAZ incorporates user authentication through the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). EAP is built on a
more secure public key encryption system to ensure that only authorized network users can access the network.
D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                            71

Section 4 — Security

                                Wireless Security Setup Wizard
To run the security wizard, click on Setup at the top and then
click Launch Wireless Security Setup Wizard.


Check the Manually set 5GHz band Network Name... box to           Exxaeeareprrmramazapmem
manually set your desired wireless network name for the 5SGHZ     everournetwork nane, using up to 32charecters.
band.                                                                  NetworkHame (SSID) 2.4Gie Band :. d
                                                                        [ ianvaly seSGie band Networktome (SS)

Type your desired wireless network name (SSID).                    *3 D":Ku; hevebmefom sirmemeio resint,the es ol sinmemolseane snon w
                  :    :                                           0 Astonatalr         it key   fr   both 2.4Gt   and Soit bavd   (Re   ded)

            .               s                    .                  Wiln e Snctione
    Automatically: Select this option to automatically generate     ve beons rin megresrermmies.
    the router‘s network key and click Next.                      sous tmoin mlopris smmsopee wins.
    Manually: Select this option to manually enter your network
    key and click Next.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                      72

Section 4 — Security

If you selected Automatically, the summary window will
display your settings. Write down the security key and         ndsTrenWWRrertarontannfncormlantiorfarmace~
    j this on your wireless clients. Click Save to save your              —
                                                                  nared: ons
settings.                                                           Wiessstetwork lane dnc
                                                                        secuntrod as Ano(honornoat)—roweal
                                                                            se tyo: "rnt is
                                                                         Pro Storm ter
                                                                         Weds tand sattd
                                                                   wedksstermortone dncnes
                                                                       SeaityHade 2 :A9 aeie10)— Peven
                                                                           Goer tmes n sosras
                                                                        rrostoru rer
                                                                umssasmmasmisie snmenonsmmoiupnsone.

If you selected Manually, the following screen will appear.    You have selected your security level — you will need to set a wireless security password:
                                                               The WPA (W—Fi Protected Access) key must meet one of following quidelines:
                                                               — Between 8 and 64 characters (A longer WPA key is more secure than a short one}
                                                               — Eractly 64 characters using 0—9 and A—F

                                                                      (¥i Use the same Wreless Securty Password on both 2.4GH and Sote band
                                                               2.4ite Band Wieless Security Password : Siiiii11

                                                               Note: You will need to enter the same password as keys in this step into your wireles cients in
                                                               order to enable proper wireless communication:

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                       73

Section 4 — Security

                             Add Wireless Device with WPS Wizard
From the Setup > Wireless Settings screen, click Add              Ipooneorirecornececctel
Wireless Device with WPS.                                         ts waarts desgned o ass: you n comeceng your wres davee o our outer ie wt
                                                                  quse you thvoush setszep msvuccens on how toget your wrdles davce comacies. ack
                                                                  U batton beow to begn.

Select Auto to add a wireless client using WPS (Wi—Fi Protected   BdE uenooosoc enc
Setup). Once you select Auto and click Connect, you will have     Please select one of folowing configuration methods and clcnext to continue.
a 120 second time limit to apply the settings to your wireless    Auto © Selct ths opton £ your wreless device supports WPS (WeFiProtacted Setup)
client(s) and successfully establish a connection.                Manuil O Selec hi opton wildeploythe current wrelasssettngs for you to confure the wreless davice

If you select Manual, a settings summary screen will appear.                                               r] (&=]
Write down the security key and enter this on your wireless

PIN: Select this option to use PIN method. In order to use this   step 2: connect vour wiretess pevice
method you must know the wireless client‘s 8 digit PIN and        There are tvo ways to add wireless devie to your wiress ntwork:
                                                                  —PD1 (Personalidentfcation Number)
click Connect.                                                    —98¢ (Push Button Confqurtion)
                                                                                                   © ru
                                                                  please enterthe PIN from yourwreless devee and cickthe below ‘CannectButton
PBC: Select this option to use PBC (Push Button) method to                                         © rec
                                                                  please pres the push button on your wrelessdevice and cick the below‘onnectButton wehin 120 seconds
add a wireless client. Click Connect.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                              74

Section 4 — Security

                             Configure WPA—Personal (PSK)
It is recommended to enable encryption on your wireless router before your wireless network adapters. Please establish
wireless connectivity before enabling encryption. Your wireless signal may degrade when enabling encryption due to
the added overhead.

1. Log into the web—based configuration by opening a web browser        eCs
   and entering the IP address of the router ( Click on    To protect your prvacy you can confiqure wiraless securty features. Th device supports three

   Setup and then click Wireless Settings on the left side.             wiless securty modes, nclidng WEP, WPA.Personal and WPA.Enterprée. WE s the angnal
                                                                        wreless eneryption standard. WeA provides a hgher leveof securty. WPARersonl does not
                                                                        requre an authentcation server. The WPA—Enterprse option requres an extemnal RADIUS server.

2. Next to Security Mode, select WPA—Personal.                                            Security Mode :. wehrersonal      +

3. Next to WPA Mode, select Auto, WPA2 Only, or WPA Only. Use
   Auto if you have wireless clients using both WPA and WPAZ.           Ulse WPA or WPA2 mode to achieve a balance ofstrang securty and best compatbity. The
                                                                        made uses WPA forlsgacy clents whis mantaring higher securty wth stationthat are WPA2
                                                                        capable. Alo the strengest coher that the clant supports wil e used. For bast securty, use
                                                                        WPAZ Only mode. Ths mode uses AES(CCMP) cipher and legacy stations are not alowed access
                                                                        wth WeA securty, For maninum compatbity, use WPM Only. This mode uses TKIP coher.
4. Next to Cypher Type, select TKIP and AES, TKIP, or AES.              Some gaming and legacy devees wark only n ts mode.
                                                                        To achieve better wieless performance use WPA2 Only securty mode (or in other words AES
5. Next to Group Key Update Interval, enter the amount of time before
   the group key used for broadcast and multicast data is changed                            wea Mode : us (irkorwead) +
                                                                                         Cipher Type . mar andaes +
   (3600 is default).                                                       Group Key Update Interval: 3509       (seconds)

6. Next to Pre—Shared Key, enter a key (passphrase). The key is         Eoemtccc
   entered as a pass—phrase in ASCII format at both ends of the         Enter an 6 to 63charecter aphanumeric pass—vase. For good securty it should be of amole
                                                                        length and shoull not be a commonly known phrase.
   wireless connection. The pass—phrase must be between 8—63
   characters.                                                                           Pre—Shared Key :

7. Click Save Settings to save your settings. If you are configuring the router with a wireless adapter, you will lose
   connectivity until you enable WPA—PSK on your adapter and enter the same passphrase as you did on the router.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                         75

Section 4 — Security

                             Configure WPA—Enterprise (RADIUS)
It is recommended to enable encryption on your wireless router before your wireless network adapters. Please establish
wireless connectivity before enabling encryption. Your wireless signal may degrade when enabling encryption due to
the added overhead.

1. Log into the web—based configuration by opening a web browser
                                                                       To rtectyouns yasean enfi vacinn mt fetien Thdeve manata huroine onnete ndiina
   and entering the IP address of the router ( Click      WiPnrare, ad WeEtecrms UPpprvrassloa ralowarts. UPhGeramt dusnolieane n ootertien
                                                                       sever Te Wbntersisonlreqans in ons RONs sn
   on Setup and then click Wireless Settings on the left side.
                                                                                               geruityiades. (incesonere

    Next to Security Mode, select WPA—Enterprise.
                                                                           i        c           For boay conmatbit, eWM or UPAR moce, ts
                                                                         a                               MB hn Te t more rowie
                                                                       tec                 h re            lepeyantinweret old acors wh
    Next to WPA Mode, select Auto, WPA2 Only, or WPA Only. Use         NTe EUE ERIERNEIE avolbonerier aen,
    Auto if you have wireless clients using both WPA and WPA2.
                                                                                    Group eyUpdat nterval:.(sizo        geando
    Next to Cypher Type, select TKIP and AES, TKIP, or AES.

    Next to Group Key Update Interval, enter the amount of time        When WPR entorris is enaiedthe routeues AP (202.11)to auhentcate hests via remote RADUE

    before the group key used for broadcast and multicast data is                     AutherticationTimeots
    changed (3600 is default).                                                      is server t adiress:
                                                                                          AAON0S server t _
                                                                                  Katius servershored secet:

    Next to Authentication Timeout, enter the amount of time before                MAC Address mthertication: 5)
    a client is required to re—authenticate (60 minutes is default).

    Next to RADIUS Server IP Address enter the IP Address of your RADIUS server.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                       76

Document Created: 2008-07-25 16:47:46
Document Modified: 2008-07-25 16:47:46

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