Manual Part 2


Users Manual

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Section 3 — Configuration

 DNS Servers: The DNS server information will be supplied by your ISP (Internet Service Provider.)

          MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit — you may need to change the MTU for optimal performance with your specific ISP, 1400 is the
               default MTU.

MAC Address: The default MAC Address is set to the Internet port‘s physical interface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It is not
                recommended that you change the default MAC address unless required by your ISP. You can use the Clone Your PC‘s
                MAC Address button to replace the Internet port‘s MAC address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                         22

    Section 3 — Configuration

                                                             Internet Setup
    Choose L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) if your ISP uses a L2TP connection. Your ISP will provide you with a username
    and password. This option is typically used for DSL services.

    Address Mode: Select Static if your ISP assigned you the IP address,          ue lGaed Tc ues
                    subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. In most
                                                                                  Choose the mode to be used by the router to connect to the Internet.
                    cases, select Dynamic.
                                                                                    My Internet Connection is * [LZIP @semome [Possward) W
   L2TP IP Address: Enter the L2TP IP address supplied by your ISP (Static
                    only).                                                        L2te mTERNET      conMiECtIOnTVPE :

 L2TP Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask supplied by your ISP (Static only).      Enter the information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

                                                                                                 Address Mode : O DmamciP © Static
    L2TP Gateway: Enter the Gateway IP Address provided by your ISP.                          LatP 1P Address :

                                                                                            L2TP Subnet Mask : reszss. 2550
    L2TP Server IP: Enter the Server IP provided by your ISP (optional).             L2TP Gateway IP Addross : 000
                                                                                       L2TP Server IP Address :
        Username: Enter your L2TP username.                                                           Userame :
                                                                                                      Password :
         Password: Enter your L2TP password and then retype the password                       verify Password :
                    in the next box.                                                          Reconnect Mode : © Almyson @ on demand O Manual
                                                                                           Maximum 1dle Time :              (mnutes, O—nnints)
  Reconnect Mode: Select either Always—on, On—Demand, or Manual.                           Primary DHS Server : _‘fl‘fl‘fl
                                                                                        Secondary DNS Server : aaso
Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maximum idle time during which the Internet                                     wu :             (bytes) nTu defsut = 1400
                    connection is maintained during inactivity. To disable this                   MAC Address : __flfl‘flfl‘flfl‘flfl‘flfl:flfl
                    feature, enable Auto—reconnect.
                                                                                                                       ‘Gene You PCsMAC Adiress

      DNS Servers: Enter the Primary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses
                    (Static L2TP only).

     D—Link DIR—825 User Manual

Section 3 — Configuration

          MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit — you may need to change the MTU for optimal performance with your specific ISP. 1400 is the
               default MTU.

    Clone MAC The default MAC Address is set to the Internet port‘s physical interface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It is not
      Address: recommended that you change the default MAC address unless required by your ISP. You can use the Clone Your PC‘s
               MAC Address button to replace the Internet port‘s MAC address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                         24

  Section 3 — Configuration

                                                            Internet Setup
                                                      Static (assigned by ISP)
  Select Static IP Address if all the Internet port‘s IP information is provided to you by your ISP, You will need to enter in the IP address,
  subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address(es) provided to you by your ISP. Each IP address entered in the fields must be in the
  appropriate IP form, which are four octets separated by a dot (x.x.x.x). The Router will not accept the IP address if it is not in this format.

     IP Address: : Enter the IP address assigned by your ISP.            Nob n enc

   Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by your ISF,              Choose the mode to be used by the router to connect to the Internet,

                                                                            My Internet Connection is :   Static 1                     (+]
Default Gateway: Enter the Gateway assigned by your ISP.
                                                                         STATICIP ADDRESS INTERNET CONNE
   DNS Servers: The DNS server information will be supplied by your
                  ISP (Internet Service Provider.)                       Enter the: static address information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

            MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit — you may need to                               IP Address:
                  change the MTU for optimal performance with your                       Subnat Mask :    2s5.255.255.0
                  specific ISP. 1500 is the default MTU.                             befault Gateway :
                                                                                  Primary DNS Server :
  MAC Address: The default MAC Addressis set to the Internet port‘s            Secondary DNS Server:
                  physical interface MAC address on the Broadband
                                                                                                 MTU:     1500            (bytes) MTUdefauk= 1500
                  Router. It is not recommended that you change the
                  default MAC address unless required by your ISP,                       MAC Address: co:00:00:00:00:00
                  You can use the Clone Your PC‘s MAC Address                                                        lne Your PCs MAC Address
                  button to replace the Internet port‘s MAC address
                  with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

  D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                       25

Section 3 — Configuration

                                              Wireless Settings
If you want to configure the wireless settings on your
router using the wizard, click Wireless Network Setup
Wizard and refer to page 71.
                                                          wnesssernes     + i nvelsnd wias          desgned to aust yu nwwitlon ewurk stup
Click Add Wireless Device with WPS if you want to                       ard wenisedaven canrecton.
                                                                        Befre ureaingthare wesrtslre ko ure youForfolonad l teps otirod in the
add a wireless device using Wi—Fi Protected Setup                       uc nsaliton cue ncutedn the pacane.
(WPS) and refer to page 73.                                             Inommmmmint
                                                                        Tc wrort h esnstt youteyour ennetwaresturTr ui uce ythrcigh
                                                                        steparates ns on ho t etupyour wedln netvertard how t make t secire,
If you want to manually configure the wireless settings
on your router click Manual Wireless Network Setup
                                                                        Hote: Some changes nadecany sSesup Weray reaure o o hange seme sotngs on
and refer to the next page.                                             youneslssant adastos s tay canalconnace o the DRoutor

                                                                        app wincirss orviee witnwes (wi1 rrowwerco serur) wizaro
                                                                        Th wl ds e to nsl ue camecng ut is covto you vrobasrocie t
                                                                        witidyou through sxpyston eiuctars on haw toaetyour weninsdavee conrocad
                                                                        C Un ltbuor to beyi.
                                                                                                 AWecosoone wies                                   Pvites

                                                                        manunt wikcuess nerwonk serur
                                                                        iuzie nemarts araay seuwan vinrrotectad semanvacontouanen of he
                                                                        vardies atiei wl doto thwsriey wrokue natwos iyou anull ie o coniare tha
                                                                        weres nc1 yoa it onl Syicers Roizemancal nent or the anca ircess
                                                                        fatvok Sexp buttn beow


D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                  26

    Section 3 — Configuration

                                                  Manual Wireless Settings
                                                      802.11n/g (2.4GHz)
  Enable Wireless: Check the box to enable the wireless function. If you do      wiRELEss NETWoRk setrmcs
                    not want to use wireless, uncheck the box to disable all
                    the wireless functions.                                                        Wireless Band : 2.4GHz Band
                                                                                                  Enable Wireless 1. y ap.2,; .          addiien
         Schedule: Select the time frame that you would    like your wireless            Wireless Network Hame :. ginc                     (Also caled the SeID)
                   network enabled. The schedule may be    setto Always. Any                      802.11 Mode :. vixed a02.1im, 202. 11g and 802.11b v
                   schedule you create will be available   in the drop—down           Enable Auto Channel Scan :. (7)
                   menu. Click Add New to create a new     schedule.                            Wireless Channel :

                                                                                               Transmission Rate : Best (cutomei)   +. (Nbt]s)
 Wireless Network Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of your wireless                      Channel width : 20 vie          —
            Name: network. Create a name using up to 32 characters. The                          Visbilty Status: @ vsble O Ivsble
                  SSID is case—sensitive.
     802.11 Mode: Select one of the following:
                                                                                 To protect your privacy you can configure wireless securty features, Thdevice supports three
                    802.11g Only — Select if all of your wireless clients are    wireless securty modes, ncliding WEP, WPA—Personal, and WPA—Enterprise. WEP i the orignal
                    802.11g.                                                     wireless encryption standard. \WPA provides a higherlvel of securty. WPA—Personal does not
                                                                                 reaure an authentication server. The WPA—Enterprse option requres an extemal RADINS server.
                    Mixed 802.11n and 802.11g — Select if you are using both
                    802.11n and 802.11g wireless clients.                                          Security Mode :. WPAPersonal      +
                    802.11n Only — Select only if all of your wireless clients
                    are 802.11n.

       Enable Auto The Auto Channel Scan setting can be selected to allow the DIR—825 to choose the channel with the least amount of
    Channel Scan: interference.

Wireless Channel: Indicates the channel setting for the DIR—825. By default the channel is set to 6. The Channel can be changed to fit the
                    channel setting for an existing wireless network or to customize the wireless network. If you enable Auto Channel Scan,
                    this option will be greyed out.

Transmission Rate: Select the transmit rate. It is strongly suggested to select Best (Auto) for best performance.

    D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                                  27

   Section 3 — Configuration

  Channel Width: Select the Channel Width:
                   Auto 20/40 — This is the default setting. Select if you are using both 802.11n and non—802.11n wireless devices.
                   20MHz — Selectif you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients.

 Visibility Status: Select Invisible if you do not want the SSID of your wireless network to be broadcasted by the DIR—825. If Invisible is
                    selected, the SSID of the DIR—825 will not be seen by Site Survey utilities so your wireless clients will have to know the
                    SSID of your DIR—825 in order to connect to it.

Wireless Security: Refer to page 71 for more information regarding wireless security.

   D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                              28

    Section 3 — Configuration

                                                                  802.11n/a (5GHz)

  Enable Wireless: Check the box to enable the wireless function. If you do
                    not want to use wireless, uncheck the box to disable all
                    the wireless functions.                                                        Wireless Band : 5GHz Band
                                 .                            |            .                      Enable Wireless :
         Schedule: Select the time frame that you would like your wireless               Wireless Network Hame : _ (Abo caled the SSD)
                    network enabled. The schedule may be setto Always. Any                          802.11 Mode :
                    schedule you create will be available in the drop—down            Enable Auto Channel Scan :
                    menu. Click Add New to create a new schedule.                              Wireless Channel :
                                                                                               Transmission Rate :                           (Ms)
 Wireless Network Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of your wireless                      Channel Width :
            Name: network. Create a name using up to 82 characters. The                           Visibiity Status: © visble O Invsble
                  SSID is case—sensitive.

     802.11 Mode: Select one of the following:
                                                                                 To protect your privacy you can confiqure wireless securty features. Th davice supports three
                    802.11a Only — Select if all of your wireless Cli&nt§ @FE    wadiees securty modes, ncuding WEP, WeA—Rersonal and WiPA—Enterprise, WEP s the original
                    802. 142.                                                    wireless encryption standard. WPA provides a higherlevel of securty. WPA—Personal does not
                      .                                   .            .         reaure an authentication server. The WPA—Enterprse option requres an extemal RADINS server.
                    Mixed 802.1 1n and 802.1 1a — Select if you are using both
                    802.11n and 802.1 1a wireless clients.                                         Security Mode :
                    802.11n Only — Select only if all of your wireless clients
                    are 802.11n.

       Enable Auto The Auto Channel Scan setting can be selected to allow the DIR—825 to choose the channel with the least amount of
    Channel Scan: interference.

Wireless Channel: Indicates the channel setting for the DIR—825. By default the channel is set to 6. The Channel can be changed to fit the
                    channel setting for an existing wireless network or to customize the wireless network. If you enable Auto Channel Scan,
                    this option will be greyed out.

Transmission Rate: Select the transmit rate. It is strongly suggested to select Best (Auto) for best performance.

    D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                                   29

   Section 3 — Configuration

  Channel Width: Select the Channel Width:
                   Auto 20/40 — This is the default setting. Select if you are using both 802.11n and non—802.11n wireless devices.
                   20MHz — Selectif you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients.

 Visibility Status: Select Invisible if you do not want the SSID of your wireless network to be broadcasted by the DIR—825. If Invisible is
                    selected, the SSID of the DIR—825 will not be seen by Site Survey utilities so your wireless clients will have to know the
                    SSID of your DIR—825 in order to connect to it.

Wireless Security: Refer to page 71 for more information regarding wireless security.

   D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                              30

   Section 3 — Configuration

                                                         Network Settings
   This section will allow you to change the local network settings of the router and to configure the DHCP settings.

                                                            Router Settings
Router IP Address: Enter the IP address of the router. The default IP      Lugpdeucce
                   address is
                                                                           Use this section to configure the internal network settings of your router. The IP Address that s
                                                                           confiqured here i the IP Address that you use to access the Web—hased management ntarface.
                   If you change the IP address, once you click Apply,     If you change the IP Address here, you may need to adjust your PC‘s network settings to access
                                                                           the network agoin.
                   you will need to enter the new IP address in your
                   browser to get back into the configuration utility.                 Router IP Addresst      102.1s55.0.1
                                                                                            Subnet Masic       2ss,25s.255.0
    Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask. The default subnet mask is
                                                                                             Device Name:      dingcuter
                                                                                      Local Domain Name:                              (optiona)
                                                                                        Enable DIS Relay: (7)
    Local Domain: Enter the Domain name (Optional).

Enable DNS Relay: Uncheck the box to transfer the DNS server information
                  from your ISP to your computers. If checked, your
                  computers will use the router for a DNS server.

   D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                              31

   Section 3 — Configuration

                                                        DHCP Server Settings
   DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Control Protocol. The DIR—825 has a built—in DHCP server. The DHCP Server will automatically assign
   an IP address to the computers on the LAN/private network. Be sure to set your computers to be DHCP clients by setting their TCP/IP
   settings to "Obtain an IP Address Automatically."When you turn your computers on, they will automatically load the proper TCP/IP settings
   provided by the DIR—825. The DHCP Server will automatically allocate an unused IP address from the IP address pool to the requesting
   computer. You must specify the starting and ending address of the IP address pool.

     Enable DHCP Check this box to enable the DHCP server on your router.       pHCP SERVER sETTINGS
          Server: Uncheck to disable this function.
                                                                                Use this section to confiqure the buitin DHCP Sarver to assgn IP addrasses to the computers
                                                                                on your network.
 DHCP IP Address Enter the starting and ending IP addresses for the DHCP
           Range: server‘s IP assignment.                                               Enable DHCP Server: )
                                                                                     DHCP IP Address Range:            to
                   Note: If you statically (manually) assign IP addresses to                 DHCP Lease Time:     bad            (mnutes)
                   your computers or devices, make sure the IP addresses are                Always broadcasts [2): (compatbity for some DHCP Cients)
                   outside of this range or you may have an IP conflict.             nietB10S announcement:       [*]
                                                                                    Learn NetBIOS from Want:
DHCP Lease Time: The length of time for the IP address lease. Enter the Lease                  netB1OS Scope:                              (ootiona)
                   time in minutes.                                                      NetBIOS node type :            Broadcast only (usa when na WINS servers confiqured)
                                                                                                                        Pont—to—Pont (no broadcast)
Always Broadcast: Enable this feature to broadcast your networks DHCP server                                      9     Mieed.mode (@roadcast then Pont—to—Pont)
                  to LAN/WLAN clients.                                                                                  Hybrd (Pont—to—Pont then Brasdcast)
                                                                                    Primary WINS IP Address:
        NetBIOS NetBIOS allows LAN hosts to discover all other computers         Secondary WINS IP Address:
  Announcement: within the network, enable this feature to allow the DHCP
                   Server to offer NetBIOS configuration settings.

   Learn NetBIOS$ Enable this feature to allow WINS information to be learned from the WAN side, disable to allow manual configuration.
      from WAN:

  NetBIOS Scope: This feature allows the configuration of a NetBIOS ‘domain‘ name under which network hosts operates. This setting has no
                 effect if the ‘Learn NetBIOS information from WAN‘ is activated.

   NetBIOS Node: Select the different type of NetBIOS node; Broadcast only, Point—to—Point, Mixed—mode, and Hybrid.

WINS IP Address: Enter your WINS IP address
   D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                                  32

     Section 3 — Configuration

                                                             DHCP Reservation
     If you want a computer or device to always have the same IP address assigned, you can create a DHCP reservation.
     The router will assign the IP address only to that computer or device.

     Note: This IP address must be within the DHCP IP Address Range.

            Enable: Check this box to enable the reservation.
   Computer Name: Enter the computer name or select from the drop                            Enabie:: ®i
                  down menu and click <<.                                           CompuitorHsme:                         <« Computer Neme +
                                                                                        TP Address:
        IP Address: Enter the IP address you want to assign to the                     MAC Address:
                     computer or device. This IP Address must be within
                     the DHCP IP Address Range.

     MAC Address: Enter the MAC address of the computer or
                                                                          Enable    Computer Name              MAC Address              IP Address
Copy Your PC‘s MAC If you want to assign an IP address to the computer
           Address: you are currently on, click this button to populate
                     the fields.
                                                                          Hardware Address Assigned IP      Hostname Expires
              Save: Click Save to save your entry. You must click Save    00:1636me:5et1   Ferar—5000   22 Hours 3 Minutes   Revoke Reserve
                     Settings at the top to activate your reservations.

     D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                38

Section 3 — Configuration

                                               Virtual Server
The DIR—825 can be configured as a virtual server so that remote users accessing Web or FTP services via the public
IP address can be automatically redirected to local servers in the LAN (Local Area Network).

The DIR—825 firewall feature filters out unrecognized packets to protect your LAN network so all computers networked
with the DIR—825 are invisible to the outside world. If you wish, you can make some of the LAN computers accessible
from the Internet by enabling Virtual Server. Depending on the requested service, the DIR—825 redirects the external
service request to the appropriate server within the LAN network.

The DIR—825 is also capable of port—redirection meaning incoming traffic to a particular port may be redirected to a
different port on the server computer.

Each virtual service that is created will be listed at the bottom of the screen in the Virtual Servers List. There are
pre—defined virtual services already in the table. You may use them by enabling them and assigning the server IP to
use that particular virtual service.

For a list of ports for common applications, please visit http ://

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                          34

Section 3 — Configuration

This will allow you to open a single port. If you would like to open a range of ports, refer to the next page.

        Name: Entera name for the rule or select an application
              from the drop—down menu. Select an application
              and click << to populate the fields.

   IP Address: Enter the IP address of the computer on your
                local network that you want to allow the incoming    t an ntemal t\P ares and rmate 1 ere reaures, Tasfeaures useforhosing
                                                                     onl sences sich as FP o Web Senes.
                service to. If your computer is receiving an IP      [Encsetegs_]       oo svesetigs
                address automatically from the router (DHCP),
                you computer will be listed in the "Computer         zi—virtum servens uist
                Name" drop—down menu. Select your computer                                                       ror Toffice
                                                                        tm                                        putle Petoct     schatve
                and click <<.                                                                 Askatatione        o      e —        Kn ~
                                                                        it Adtices                                roots         Hnbound riter
                                                                         voue                 Contr tane      ~B#        s        wowa +
  Private Port/ Enter the port that you want to open next to            im                                        ruike rereco sceive           m rco
                                                                                                              ~1e       e — Mn +
   Public Port: Private Port and Public Port. The private and           i sotess                                  Prate         Hnoound Frter
                                                                        sose                  Eontare         ~Iis       s        Abat ~        fomed
                public ports are usually the same. The public
                                                                        tome                                      putle Patecel    chotue
                port is the port seen from the Internet side, and                             Askatatione     +1        e —        Kn
                the private port is the port being used by the          1t Adtsss                                 Poote         Hnbound Fer
                                                                         sose                                 ~Bs                 wowa +
                application on the computer within your local           fome                                      rutle rosat Sdeive
                                                                                              Jesictbatiane   ~1e       e — ty +
                network.                                                i sovess                                  Poace         Hnoound Freer       Eospo
                                                                        none                   ommtare        ~Jis       &        Abveat~             e
                                                                        Nume                                      putle Potecal Schatve
Protocal Type: Select TCP, UDP, or Both from the drop—down                                    Hostctatone     +J        w — ho~
                menu.                                                   it Addrsss                                Poote         Hnbount Far
                                                                         sose                  oroier tare    ~Bs                 wowa +
                                                                        tome                                      putte Petoct Scheive
                                                                                              Jostctbatiane   ~1e       e — mon +
     Schedule: The schedule of time when the Virtual Server             ie sovess                                 rrace         anoound Her
                Rule will be enabled. The schedule may be set            soss                  wrniertome     ~Be        s        Aowal +       Leeco
                to Always, which will allow the particular service      tome                                      putle Potecal Schatve
                                                                                              Hestcrntine     ~Jis      w — Rue ~
                to always be enabled. You can create your own           it Aties                                  Poate         Hnbount Euc
                times in the Tools > Schedules section.

Inbound Filter: Select Allow All (most common) or a created
                Inbound filter. You may create your own inbound
                filters in the Advanced > Inbound Filter page.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                              35

Section 3 — Configuration

                                                        Port Forwarding
     This will allow you to open a single port or a range of ports.

        Name: Enter a name for the rule or select an application
                from the drop—down menu. Select an application
                and click << to populate the fields.
                                                                                        serve           rovmcto            on                ons           o
   IP Address: Enter the IP address of the computer on your          reerronumons   Th ogton e cndtoeour mitie t aaanceofpr in utter nd redrectftn
                local network that you wantto allow the incoming                    evevgn ts par         5 2C on younetvotc Ths t nlous yutoencpots n
                                                                                    Vemicorracnatns, 2oFanges C050 mvespore n 6eseoied
                service to. If your computer is receiving an IP                     (izre000,soot mcalni l aohale i e ATemEETsnn
                address automatically from the router (DHCP),
                you computer will be listed in the "Computer
                Name" drop—down menu. Select your computer
                                                                                        fire                                                    Steide
                and click <<.                                                       8O paiacs                 eenmne                           won
                                                                                                                                             tmhouee ies
                                                                                        sace             l Tmamm:                              toum
     TCP/UDP: Enter the TCP and/or UDP port or ports that you                           tane                                                    se
                                                                                                         Emm                                   hes
                want to open. You can enter a single port or a                       Cs prese                                                Hnbourem
                range of ports. Separate ports with a common.
                                                                                        sace                mmmmm                              woom
                                                                                        fine                                                    Sdwide
                                                                                                         @—azm—                                won
                                                                                                                                             mnoure ies
                                                                                        sace             mm
                                                                                    8 ratias
                Example: 24,1009,3000—4000                                                                                                     tbum
                                                                                        tine                                                    sctce
                                                                                    "                       e                                  Res
     Schedule: The schedule of time when the Virtual Server                                                                                  Tnbowrere
                                                                                    & PA
                                                                                        sace                                                   wom
                Rule will be enabled. The schedule may be set                           o                                                       screie
                                                                                    mA » mtere
                                                                                                         Ei —ooms
                to Always, which will allow the particular service                                                                           Hnsoure fe
                to always be enabled. You can create your own                          soce                                                    thun
                times in the Tools > Schedules section.

Inbound Filter: Select Allow All (most common) or a created
                Inbound filter. You may create your own inbound
                filters in the Advanced > Inbound Filter page.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                     36

Section 3 — Configuration

                                                         Application Rules
Some applications require multiple connections, such as Internet gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony and
others. These applications have difficulties working through NAT (Network Address Translation). Special Applications
makes some of these applications work with the DIR—825. If you need to run applications that require multiple connections,
specify the port normally associated with an application in the "Trigger Port" field, select the protocol type as TCP or
UDP, then enter the firewall (public) ports associated with the trigger port to open them for inbound traffic.

The DIR—825 provides some predefined applications in the table on the bottom of the web page. Select the application
you want to use and enable it.
       Name: Enter a name for the rule. You may select a
             pre—defined application from the drop—down
             menu and click <<.

     Trigger: This is the port used to trigger the application. It
              can be either a single port or a range of ports.               n       T ninmaimadmerenti iimdnie immimedinsiniong m
                                                                                     al corvitas on yoir ntarmalnetwork
                                                                                         SmeSetins          contswesetires
 Traffic Type: Select the protocol of the trigger port (TCP,
               UDP, or Both).                                                    R   21 — appuication ruues
                                                                                                                                      Port      Trafic To: Schedule

    Firewall: This is the port number on the Internet side               j       f                                    wue          Feen           ims 7
              that will be used to access the application. You                       &                               Aniointone +. Freval)        ...       hn
              may define a single port or a range of ports.                                                                            m
              You can use a comma to add multiple ports or                                                            Aoricaten                             moye +
                                                                                     o                               & hsn J NSE
               port ranges.
 Traffic Type: Select the protocol of the firewall port (TCP,        G               8                               Rptamnione +. rrevat                   mor+
               UDP, or Both).                                                                                                          Troger
                                                                                                 Nane                 foriesten
                                                                                                                     Aptaiintane +.    Freval
   Schedule: The schedule oftime when the Application Rule
              will be enabled. The schedule may be set to
              Always, which will allow the particular service
              to always be enabled. You can create your own
              times in the Tools > Schedules section.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                                            3f

  Section 3 — Configuration

                                                                     QoS Engine
  The QoS Engine option helps improve your network gaming performance by prioritizing applications. By default the
  QoS Engine settings are disabled and application priority is not classified automatically.
   Enable Traffic This option is disabled by default. Enable this option for
       Shaping: better performance and experience with online games
                     and other interactive applications, such as VoIP.
                                                                                              m           rowaceo           ts             Bs

Automatic Uplink This option is enabled by default when the QoS Engine                  intimemenne ontaressae n wone. the ts o novieyoree
            Speed: option is enabled. This option will allow your router to             $ndameraeinaet*
                                                                                        oratalsetrre fo owneniatie.
                     automatically determine the uplink speed of your Internet

Measured Uplink This displays the detected uplink speed.                                  Astonan vsinsponds
            Speed:                                                                         Hessire Ustnicets tot Eis
                                                                                             Hanmat tsSpenss       lige ce (ore—
                                                                                                Comationtye: meaus                 —
  Manual Uplink The speed at which data can be transferred from the                        ces xost orotter ts
                                                                                            Trane l etvents
            Speed: router to your ISP. This is determined by your ISP. ISP‘s
                                                                                       cos cieme scrup
                     often speed as a download/upload pair. For example,                      Hrablegos trgns: 7
                     1.5Mbits/284Kbits. Using this example, you would enter               AstonstCosstistin: n
                     284. Alternatively you can test your uplink speed with a             Oranicaonentation: in
                     service such as
        .                                          .             .                        w                 ram                    Poses
Connection Type: By default, the router automatically determines whether                  yeas       &          txem magg
                 the underlying connection is an xDSU/Frame—relay                      C tose                               i on:
                                                  ;                                      ammnan                       ranotstss
                 network or some other connection type (such as cable                             ue                   >    Gram
                 modem or Ethernet), and it displays the result as
                 Detected xDSL or Frame Relay Network. If you have an unusual network connection in which you are actually connected
                 via xDSL but for which you contfigure either "Static" or "DHCP"in the Internet settings, setting this option to xDSL or Other
                 Frame Relay Network ensures that the router will recognize thatit needs to shape traffic slightly differently in order to give
                 the best performance. Choosing xDSL or Other Frame Relay Network causes the measured uplink speed to be reported
                 slightly lower than before on such connections, but gives much better results.

 Detected xDSL: When Connection Type is set to automatic, the automatically detected connection type is displayed here.

  D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                    38

    Section 3 — Configuration

Enable QoS Engine: This option is disabled by default. Enable this option for better performance and experience with online games and other
                   interactive applications, such as VoIF.

        Automatic This option is enabled by default. This will allow your router to automatically determine the network priority of running
    Classification: programs.

          Dynamic This option should be enabled when you have a slow Internet uplink. It helps to reduce the impact that large low priority
    Fragmentation: network packets can have on more urgent ones.

    D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                          39

Section 3 — Configuration

                                                         Network Filters
Use MAC (Media Access Control) Filters to allow or deny LAN (Local Area Network) computers by their MAC addresses
from accessing the network. You can either manually add a MAC address or select the MAC address from the list of
clients that are currently connected to the Broadband Router.

Configure MAC Select Turn MAC Filtering Off, Allow MAC
     Filtering: addresses listed below, or Deny MAC
                addresses listed below from the drop—down

MAC Address: Enter the MAC address you would like to                 the mat (heda aczesstorela) Adctess fre otonisusedto cortnnetwotcacces
                                                                    based or inmt Aderes ortne nenror atante. A NC adcress s a unnue 1 asigned ty
                                                                    Uie mardackn afU e networkadaplars Ts eslarecan be curfpae t ALLOW on EY
                filter.                                             networktnseretaccos.
                To find the MAC address on a computer,          :   Petrerctots
                please refer to the Networking Basics section       Confoure HRCFRemg bebo:
                in this manual.                                      Tonincriemaort
                                                                    mat Address
  DHCP Client: Select a DHCP client from the drop—down menu
                and click << to copy that MAC Address.

         Clear: Click to remove the MAC address.

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                                          40

Section 3 — Configuration

                                                      Access Control
The Access Control section allows you to control access in and out of your network. Use this feature as Parental Controls
to only grant access to approved sites, limit web access based on time or dates, and/or block access from applications
like P2P utilities or games.

 Add Policy: Click the Add Policy button to start the Access
               Control Wizard.

                                                                            mss     ky      rudes      uw        lomn‘isenis

                                                   Access Control Wizard
Click Next to continue with the wizard.
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                                                               ttep6—Covoue it Acos.coone

D—Link DIR—825 User Manual                                                                                                             41

Document Created: 2008-07-25 16:44:59
Document Modified: 2008-07-25 16:44:59

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