RF exposure evaluation


RF Exposure Info

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                       FCC ID: KA2CHS161A1

Project No.       : 1808H001
Equipment         : Wi-Fi Water Sensor
Model             : DCH-S161
Applicant         : D-Link Corporation
Address           : 17595 Mt. Herrmann, Fountain Valley, California,
                   United States 92708
Exposure category : General population/uncontrolled environment
EUT Type:         : Production Unit (Engineer Sample)
Device Type       : Mobile Device

   1. Evaluation Method
Systems operating under the provisions of FCC 47 CFR section shall be operated in a manner that
ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the Commission’s
In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091 this device has been defined as mobile
device whereby a distance of 0.2m normally can be maintained between the user and the device, and
below RF Permissible Exposure limit shall comply with.
In accordance with KDB447498D01 for Simultaneous transmission MPE test exclusion applies when the
sum of the MPE ratios for all simultaneous transmitting antennas incorporated in a host device, based
on the calculated/estimated, numerically modeled or measured field strengths or power density, is ≤ 1.0.
The MPE ratio of each antenna is determined at the minimum test separation distance required by the
operating configurations and exposure conditions of the host device, according to the ratio of field
strengths or power density to MPE limit, at the test frequency. Either the maximum peak or spatially
averaged results from measurements or numerical simulations may be used to determine the MPE
ratios. Spatial averaging does not apply when MPE is estimated using simple calculations based on far-
field plane-wave equivalent conditions. The antenna installation and operating requirements for the
host device must meet the minimum test separation distances required by all antennas, in both
standalone and simultaneous transmission operations, to satisfy compliance.

   2. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

   3. Refer Evaluation Method
ANSI C95.1–1999: IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
FCC KDB publication 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06: Mobile and Portable Devices RF
Exposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies.
FCC CFR 47 part1 1.1310: Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.
FCC CFR 47 part2 2.1093: Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable devices

    4. Calculation Method
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01
S=power density
P=power input to antenna
G=power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
R=distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

    5.                             Conducted Power Results

         5.1                       Test Setup

         5.2                       Test Equipment

     Item      Kind of Equipment      Manufacturer       Type No.        Serial No.   Calibrated until
       1          Power Meter          ANRITSU           ML2495A         1128009       Aug.20, 2018
       2       Pulse Power Sensor      ANRITSU           MA2411B         1027500       Aug.20, 2018

         Remark: all calibration period of equipment list is one year.

         5.3                       Test Procedure

         a.                       The EUT was directly connected to the power meter and antenna
            output port as show in the block diagram Test Setup.
         b.                       Setup EUT work at duty cycle more than 98%;
         c.                       Read power sensor values in Peak detector;

         5.4                       Test Results and Manufacturing Tolerance

                                                   Maximum Peak power declared by Manufacturer
                                                                         Antenna 0

                    802.11b                                           ≤ 18.50

                    802.11g                                           ≤ 23.00

                802.11n(20 MHz)                                       ≤ 22.50

                802.11n(40 MHz)                                        ≤21.50

    6.                            Antenna Information

                                                                                    Maximum Peak Gain
     Antenna       Manufacturer    Model Name       Antenna Type      Connector
    Antenna 0          N/A          WL6DR1500            PCB              N/A               0

    7.                            Evaluation Results

          7.1                     Standalone

Antenna 0

                                               Antenna   Antenna
                          Output power                               Duty        MPE         MPE Limits
         Mode                                   Gain       Gain
                                                                     Cycle      (W/m2)        (W/m2)
                        (dBm)        (W)        (dBi)    (linear)
     802.11b            18.48       0.070         0       1.0000     100%        0.0140        1.0000
     802.11g            22.57       0.018         0       1.0000     100%        0.0360        1.0000
 802.11n(20 MHz)        22.08       0.161         0       1.0000     100%        0.0321        1.0000
 802.11n(40 MHz)        21.49       0.140         0       1.0000     100%        0.0281        1.0000

   1. Maximum power including tune-up tolerance;
   2. EIRP including tune-up tolerance;
   3. MPE use distance is 20cm from manufacturer declaration of user manual.

    8.                            Conclusion
The measurement results comply with the FCC Limit per 47 CFR 2.1093 for the uncontrolled RF Exposure and
SAR Exclusion Threshold per KDB 447498 v06.

Document Created: 2018-09-27 10:12:45
Document Modified: 2018-09-27 10:12:45

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