Antenna Specification

FCC ID: KA22002060010-1

Parts List/Tune Up Info

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CUSTOMER       : 友訊科技股份有限公司
                    D-LINK Corporation

MODEL NO.      : IW-241RS-120-1

                             λ DIPOLE ANTENNA,

                    REVERSE SMA CONNECTOR


                 JOYMAX ELECTRONIC CORP.

桃園縣平鎮市新榮路 63 巷 17 號          Tel:03-4931401 . 4931447 Fax:03-4028086
        17,Hsin-Jung Rd., Ping-Chen, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, R. O. C


1. DESCRIPTION                  :2.4GHz Swivel Type ,1/4λ
                                                        λ Dipole

2. CUSTOMER                     :D-LINK Corporation

3. MODEL NO                     :IW-241RS-120-1

4.APPEARANCE                    :See fig.1

5. FREQUENCY                    :2.4~2.5 GHz

6. IMPEDANCE                    :50 Ohms nominal

7. S.W.R.                       :Less than 2.0:1

8. GAIN                         :2dBi


10. TYPE OF RADIATION           :Toroidal
11. POLARIZATION                :Vertical

12. ELECTRICAL LENGTH           :1/4λ
                                    λ, Dipole




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      Replaces £S0075C dated November 1, 1996,                                         (Cont. on €005 card)
      ssmaene           wea        Undernriters Laboratories Tnc.®                                 supsons

    qurze>                                  July 28, 1997
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     See General Information Preceding These Recogrition.
      Smallseale test datadoes not pertain to buiding materlals, furnishings and related conters.
    Smaltsele testdita is intended solely for determiring thRarimabilty of plste matarials usein the
    cemponant and parts of end—product devces and applonees, where the acceptablity ofthe cembinaton
    is getennined by UC.

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                                                                   Date             18.1
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‘Inspcc‘lion Cortificate

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Document Created: 2003-06-19 13:30:53
Document Modified: 2003-06-19 13:30:53

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