15.247 report_WiFiHU2s-c v3


Test Report

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                                                                                FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                   Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

                                   TEST REPORT
                         Report No.:        150500230TWN‐001R1
                         Model No.:         WiFiHU2s‐c
                         Issued Date:       May 23, 2017

Applicant:                     Radicom Research Inc.
                               2148 Bering Dr., San Jose, CA. 95131, USA

Test Method/ Standard:         47 CFR FCC Part 15.247 & ANSI C63.10:2013
                               KDB 558074 D01 v04

Test Site:                     93910

Test By:                       Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.,
                               Hsinchu Laboratory
                               No. 11, Lane 275, Ko‐Nan 1 Street, Chia‐Tung Li,
                               Shiang‐Shan District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan

It may be duplicated completely for legal use with the allowance of the applicant. It shall not
be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Intertek Laboratory. The test
result(s) in this report only applies to the tested sample(s).

The test report was prepared by:

                                       Sunny Liu/ Senior Officer
These measurements were taken by:

                                       Durant Wei/ Engineer
The test report was reviewed by:

                                        Name Jimmy Yang
                                        Title Group Leader

                                                                      Copyright © 2016 Intertek
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                                                                        FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                           Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

                                Revision History

    Report No.         Issue Date                    Revision Summary
150500230TWN‐001     Jun. 02, 2015   Original report
150500230TWN‐001R1   May 23, 2017    Add greater gain antenna and installed in host for
                                     WiFiHU2s‐c, after engineer judgment, the tests
                                     were considered necessary. See the Summary of
                                     Test Data.

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                                                                                                                  FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                                                     Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

                                                                  Table of Contents
1. Summary of Test Data ................................................................................................................. 4
2. General Information .................................................................................................................... 5
   2.1 Identification of the EUT ....................................................................................................... 5
   2.2 Description of EUT ................................................................................................................ 6
   2.3 Antenna description .............................................................................................................. 6
   2.4 Peripherals equipment .......................................................................................................... 6
   2.5 Operation mode .................................................................................................................... 7
   2.6 Applied test modes and channels ......................................................................................... 8

3. Emissions In Restricted Frequency Bands (Radiated emission measurements) ......................... 9
   3.1 Operating environment ......................................................................................................... 9
   3.2 Limit for emission in restricted frequency bands (Radiated emission measurement) ......... 9
   3.3 Measuring instrument setting............................................................................................. 10
   3.4 Test procedure..................................................................................................................... 11
   3.5 Test configuration ................................................................................................................ 12
   3.5.1 Radiated emission from 9kHz to 30MHz uses Loop Antenna: ......................................... 12
   3.5.2 Radiated emission below 1GHz using Bilog Antenna ...................................................... 13
   3.5.3 Radiated emission above 1GHz using Horn Antenna....................................................... 13
   3.6 Test result ............................................................................................................................ 14
   3.6.1 Measurement results: frequencies 9kHz to 30MHz......................................................... 14
   3.6.2 Measurement results: frequencies below 1 GHz ............................................................. 15
   3.6.3 Measurement results: frequency above 1GHz ................................................................ 16

4. Emission On Band Edge ............................................................................................................. 17
   4.1 Operating environment ....................................................................................................... 17
   4.2 Measuring instrument setting............................................................................................. 17
   4.3 Test procedure..................................................................................................................... 18
   4.4 Test results........................................................................................................................... 19

5. Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power ............................................................................... 28
   5.1 Operating environment ....................................................................................................... 28
   5.2 Limit for maximum peak conducted output power ............................................................ 28
   5.3 Measuring instrument setting............................................................................................. 28
   5.4 Test procedure..................................................................................................................... 28
   5.5 Test diagram ........................................................................................................................ 28
   5.6 Test result ............................................................................................................................ 29

Appendix A: Test equipment list ................................................................................................... 30
Appendix B: Measurement Uncertainty ....................................................................................... 31

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                                                                           FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                              Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

1. Summary of Test Data

                                           Applicable Rule
            Test Requirement                                                  Result
                                           (Section 15.247)
 Emissions In Restricted Frequency Bands   15.247(d), 15.205,
 (Radiated emission measurements)               15.209

 Emission On The Band Edge                 15.247(d), 15.205                   Pass

                                                                        Add greater gain
                                                                    antenna and installed in
                                                                    host, after confirmation,
                                                                    the difference does not
 Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power         15.247(b)(3)              affect the Output
                                                                      Power. Then the test
                                                                    data in this report based
                                                                           on report of

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                                                                                                                                                    FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                                                                                       Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

2. General Information

2.1 Identification of the EUT

Product:                                            USB WiFi Module
Model No:                                           WiFiHU2s‐c
FCC ID:                                             K7T‐WIFIHU2S
Operating Frequency:                                2412 MHz ~ 2462 MHz for 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (HT20)
                                                    2422 MHz ~ 2452 MHz for 802.11n (HT40)
Channel Number:                                     11 channels for 2412 MHz ~ 2462 MHz
                                                    9 channels for 2422 MHz ~ 2452 MHz
Frequency of Each                                   2407+5 k MHz, k=1~11 for 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n HT20
Channel:                                            2407+5 k MHz, k=3~9 for 802.11n (HT40)
Access scheme:                                      DSSS, OFDM
Rated Power:                                        DC 5V from Notebook
Power Cord:                                         N/A
Sample Received:                                    May 19, 2017
Sample condition:                                   Workable
Test Date(s):                                       May 19, 2017 ~ May 22, 2017
Note 1: The test report only allows to be revised within three years from its original issued date unless further standard or the requirement was noticed.
Note 2: When determining the test conclusion, the Measurement Uncertainty of test has been considered.
Note 3: Except where explicitly agreed in writing, all work and services performed by Intertek is subject to our standard Terms and Conditions which can be obtained at our website:
         http://www.intertek‐twn.com/terms/ . Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement.

        This report is made solely on the basis of your instructions and / or information and materials supplied by you and provide no warranty on the tested sample(s) be truly representative of the
        sample source. The report is not intended to be a recommendation for any particular course of action, you are responsible for acting as you see fit on the basis of the report results. Intertek is
        under no obligation to refer to or report upon any facts or circumstances which are outside the specific instructions received and accepts no responsibility to any parties whatsoever, following
        the issue of the report, for any matters arising outside the agreed scope of the works. This report does not discharge or release you from your legal obligations and duties to any other person.
        You are the only one authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report (and then only in its entirety). Any such third parties to whom this report may be circulated rely on the content
        of the report solely at their own risk.

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                                                                                FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                   Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

2.2 Description of EUT

                                                        Transmit path
   Modulation mode
                                     Chain 0 / Main                     Chain 1 / AUX
        802.11b                            V                                   X
        802.11g                            V                                   X
    802.11 n (HT20)                        V                                   X
    802.11 n (HT40)                        V                                   X

Product SW/HW version :          SW: V010 / HW: RA6/RA7
Radio SW/HW version :            SW: V010 / HW: RA6/RA7
Test SW Version :                V010_RTL11n_SingleChip_9xC_USB_v010_20100428

2.3 Antenna description

The antenna is affixed to the EUT using a unique connector, which allows for replacement of a
broken antenna, but DOES NOT use a standard antenna jack or electrical connector.

Antenna Gain          : 5 dBi
Antenna Type          : Dipole antenna
Connector Type        : SMA‐R

2.4 Peripherals equipment

   Peripherals           Brand          Model No.         Serial No.           Data cable
  Notebook PC            DELL           Latitude D610       4YWZK1S         USB 0.5 meter × 1

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                                                                                  FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                     Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

2.5 Operation mode

The EUT was supplied with DC 5V from Notebook PC.
TX‐MODE was based on a specific test program “MP819xVC.exe program”, and the program
could select different frequency and modulation.
With individual verifying, the maximum output power were found out 1 Mbps data rate for
802.11b mode, 6 Mbps data rate for 802.11g mode, 6.5 Mbps data rate for 802.11n(HT20)
mode and 13.5 Mbps data rate for 802.11n(HT40) mode, the final tests were executed under
these conditions recorded in this report individually.

The final tests were executed under these conditions recorded in this report individually.

   802.11b ch6 chain0                802.11g ch6 chain0                 802.11n HT20 ch6 chain0
   Data rate         AV        Data rate              AV              Data rate                AV
    (Mbps)         (dBm)        (Mbps)              (dBm)              (Mbps)                (dBm)
       1           15.88            6                15.36              MCS0                 13.63
       2           15.73            9                15.25              MCS1                 13.51
      5.5          15.61           12                15.12              MCS2                 13.38
       11          15.48           18                14.96              MCS3                 13.27
       ‐              ‐            24                14.88              MCS4                 13.14
       ‐              ‐            36                14.74              MCS5                 13.00
       ‐              ‐            48                14.71              MCS6                 12.87
       ‐              ‐            54                14.58              MCS7                 12.73

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                                                                        FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                           Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

2.6 Applied test modes and channels

                                                Data Rate
      Test items                 Mode                                    Channel

  Radiated spurious
                                              Worst case
 Emission 9kHz~1GHz
                                802.11 b            1                    1, 6 , 11
  Radiated Spurious
                                802.11 g            6                     1, 6, 11
 Emission 1GHz~10th
                            802.11 n (HT20)         6.5                   1, 6, 11
                            802.11 n (HT40)        13.5                   3, 6, 9
                                802.11 b            1                    1, 6 , 11
Emission on the Band            802.11 g            6                     1, 6, 11
        Edge                802.11 n (HT20)         6.5                   1, 6, 11
                            802.11 n (HT40)        13.5                   3, 6, 9

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                                                                             FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

3. Emissions In Restricted Frequency Bands (Radiated emission measurements)

3.1 Operating environment

       Temperature:                25          ℃
     Relative Humidity:            50          %
   Atmospheric Pressure           1008        hPa
                               15.247(d), 15.205,

3.2 Limit for emission in restricted frequency bands (Radiated emission measurement)

          Frequency                    Field Strength             Measurement distance
            (MHz)                    (microvolts/meter)                 (meters)
         0.009~0.490                     2400/F(kHz)                        300
         0.490~1.705                     2400/F(kHz)                         30
           1.705~30                           30                             30
             30‐88                           100                              3
            88‐216                           150                              3
           216‐960                           200                              3
          Above 960                          500                              3
1. In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna and the
   closed point of any part of the device or system

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                                                                              FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                 Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

3.3 Measuring instrument setting

Below 1GHz measurement
                                     Receiver settings
             Receiver function                                    Setting
                 Detector                                           QP
                                                           9‐150 kHz ; 200‐300 Hz
                   RBW                                     0.15‐30 MHz; 9‐10 kHz
                                                         30‐1000 MHz; 100‐120 kHz
                   VBW                                          ≧3 x RBW
                  Sweep                                        Auto couple
                Attenuation                                        Auto

Above 1GHz measurement
                                 Spectrum analyzer settings
        Spectrum Analyzer function                                Setting
                 Detector                                          Peak
                   RBW                                             1MHz
                   VBW                                   3MHz for Peak and Average
                  Sweep                                        Auto couple
              Start Frequency                                      1GHz
              Stop Frequency                                  Tenth harmonic
                Attenuation                                        Auto

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                                                                                 FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                    Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

3.4 Test procedure

1. Configure the EUT according to ANSI C63.10. The EUT was placed on the top of the turntable
   0.8 meter or 1.5 meter above ground. The center of the receiving antenna mounted on the
   top of a height‐variable antenna tower was placed 3 meters far away from the turntable.
2. Power on the EUT and all the companion devices. The turntable was rotated by 360 degree to
   find the position of the maximum emission level.
3. The height of the receiving antenna was varied between one meter and four meters above
   ground to find the maximum emission field strength of the both horizontal and vertical
4. If find the frequencies above the limit or below within 3dB, the antenna tower was scan (from
   1m to 4m) and then the turntable was rotated to find the maximum reading.
5. Set the test‐receiver system to peak or CISPR quasi‐peak detector with specified bandwidth
   under maximum hold mode.
6. For emissions above 1GHz, use 1MHz VBW and 3MHz RBW for peak and average reading
   Place the measurement antenna away from each area of the EUT determined to be a source
   of emissions at the specified measurement distance, while keeping the measurement
   antenna aimed at the source of emissions at each frequency of significant emissions, with
   polarization oriented for maximum response.
7. If the emissions level of the EUT in peak mode was 3dB lower than the average limit specified
   then testing will be stopped and peak values of the EUT will be reported. Otherwise, the
   emissions which do not have 3dB margin will be measured using the quasi‐peak method for
   below 1GHz.
8. For testing above 1GHz, The emissions level of the EUT in peak mode was lower than average
   limit, then testing will be stopped and peak values of the EUT will be reported, otherwise, the
   emission will be measured in average mode again and reported.
9. In case the emission is lower than 30MHz, loop antenna has to be used for measurement and
   the recorded data should be quasi‐peak measured by receiver.

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                                                                             FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

3.5 Test configuration

3.5.1 Radiated emission from 9kHz to 30MHz uses Loop Antenna:


                                          3 meters



                                                            RF Test
                                                     □      Receiver

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                                                                                FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                   Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

3.5.2 Radiated emission below 1GHz using Bilog Antenna


                                 10 meters       1.0~4.0 meters


                  EUT &


                                  Ground Plane

                                                         □        RF Test

3.5.3 Radiated emission above 1GHz using Horn Antenna

                                   3 meters
                                                                             Horn or Bilog
                                                       1‐4 meter             Antenna
               EUT &
             Peripheral                                                            HPF and Pre‐Amp.
                                                                                     (if necessary)

    1.5 m

                                  Ground Plane



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                                                                               FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                  Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

3.6 Test result

3.6.1 Measurement results: frequencies 9kHz to 30MHz

 EUT               : WiFiHU2s‐c

                                       Corr.                     Calculated         Limit
   Frequency                                        Reading                                      Margin
                     Detector          Factor                       level           @ 3m
     (MHz)                            (dB/m)         (dBμV)      (dBμV/m)        (dBμV/m)             (dB)
       0.01             QP             95.30         ‐44.72         50.58          127.60         ‐77.02
       0.02             QP             90.60         ‐37.04         53.56          121.58         ‐68.02
       0.03             QP             85.90         ‐31.11         54.79          118.06         ‐63.27
       0.04             QP             83.20         ‐34.15         49.05          115.56         ‐66.51
       0.09             QP             75.46         ‐31.51         43.95          108.52         ‐64.57
       0.12             QP             73.23         ‐28.36         44.87          106.02         ‐61.15
       0.27             QP             65.96         ‐13.77         52.19           98.98         ‐46.79
       0.75             QP             57.50         ‐11.51         45.99           70.10         ‐24.11
       0.87             QP             56.16         ‐12.46         43.70           68.81         ‐25.11
       1.11             QP             54.18         ‐13.92         40.26           66.70         ‐26.44
       1.52             QP             52.26         ‐13.15         39.11           63.97         ‐24.86
       1.76             QP             51.13         ‐13.07         38.06           69.54         ‐31.48
Remark: Corr. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss ‐ PreAmplifier Gain

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                                                                              FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                 Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

3.6.2 Measurement results: frequencies below 1 GHz

The test was performed on EUT under 802.11b/g/n continuously transmitting mode. The worst
case occurred at 802.11g channel 11.

 EUT               : WiFiHU2s‐c
 Worst Case        : 802.11g channel 11

  Antenna      Freq.     Receiver      Corr.     Reading     Corrected  Limit         Margin
  Polariz.                            Factor                   Level    @3m
   (V/H)       (MHz)     Detector    (dB/m)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)          (dB)
  Vertical     41.64        QP        16.50          17.60    34.10       40.00        ‐5.90
  Vertical    119.24        QP        13.78          18.01    31.79       43.50       ‐11.71
  Vertical    173.56        QP        15.64          20.37    36.01       43.50        ‐7.49
  Vertical    196.84        QP        13.86          24.60    38.46       43.50        ‐5.04
  Vertical    233.70        QP        15.20          19.68    34.88       46.00       ‐11.12
  Vertical    346.22        QP        18.64          15.49    34.13       46.00        ‐11.87
 Horizontal   130.88        QP        14.99          14.20    29.19       43.50       ‐14.31
 Horizontal   173.56        QP        15.64          17.10    32.74       43.50        ‐10.76
 Horizontal   196.84        QP        13.86          20.14    34.00       43.50        ‐9.50
 Horizontal   220.12        QP        14.66          19.78    34.44       46.00       ‐11.56
 Horizontal   233.70        QP        15.20          20.03    35.23       46.00       ‐10.77
 Horizontal   256.98        QP        16.03          17.77    33.80       46.00        ‐12.20
Remark: Corr. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss

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                                                                                      FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                         Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

3.6.3 Measurement results: frequency above 1GHz

EUT                 : WiFiHU2s‐c

                    Frequency Spectrum      Ant. Preamp. Corr.                  Corrected     Limit
                                                                      Reading                           Margin
      Mode                      Analyzer    Pol.     Gain    Factor             Reading       @ 3m
                      (MHz)     Detector (H/V)       (dB)   (dB/m) (dBμV)       (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)            (dB)
  802.11b , Ch 1      4824          PK        V     40.10    ‐0.04     43.26     43.22        74.00      ‐30.78
    2412MHz           4824          PK        H     40.10    ‐0.04     44.86     44.82        74.00      ‐29.18
  802.11b , Ch 6      4874          PK        V     40.00     0.13     41.52     41.65        74.00      ‐32.35
    2437MHz           4874          PK        H     40.00     0.13     44.24     44.37        74.00      ‐29.63
 802.11b , Ch 11      4924          PK        V     39.91     0.30     39.44     39.74        74.00      ‐34.26
    2462MHz           4924          PK        H     39.91     0.30     43.83     43.79        74.00      ‐30.21
  802.11g , Ch 1      4824          PK        V     40.10    ‐0.04     41.16     41.12        74.00      ‐32.88
    2412MHz           4824          PK        H     40.10    ‐0.04     42.42     42.38        74.00      ‐31.62
  802.11g , Ch 6      4874          PK        V     40.00     0.13     41.01     41.14        74.00      ‐32.86
    2437MHz           4874         AV         H     40.00     0.13     43.29     43.42        54.00      ‐10.58
 802.11g , Ch 11      4924          PK        V     39.91     0.30     40.46     40.76        74.00      ‐33.24
    2462MHz           4924          PK        H     39.91     0.30     40.87     41.17        74.00      ‐32.83
 802.11n20 , Ch 1     4824          PK        V     40.10    ‐0.04     41.46     41.42        74.00      ‐32.58
    2412MHz           4824          PK        H     40.10    ‐0.04     43.95     43.91        74.00      ‐30.09
 802.11n20 , Ch 6     4874          PK        V     40.00     0.13     42.22     42.35        74.00      ‐31.65
    2437MHz           4874          PK        H     40.00     0.13     43.76     43.89        74.00      ‐30.11
802.11n20 , Ch 11     4924          PK        V     39.91     0.30     40.68     40.98        74.00      ‐33.02
    2462MHz           4924          PK        H     39.91     0.30     43.22     43.52        74.00      ‐30.48
 802.11n40 , Ch 3     4844          PK        V     40.06     0.03     41.51     41.54        74.00      ‐32.46
    2422MHz           4844          PK        H     40.06     0.03     43.55     43.58        74.00      ‐30.42
 802.11n40 , Ch 6     4874          PK        V     40.00     0.13     42.58     42.71        74.00      ‐31.29
    2437MHz           4874          PK        H     40.00     0.13     43.59     43.72        74.00      ‐30.28
 802.11n40 , Ch 9     4904          PK        V     39.95     0.23     40.69     40.92        74.00      ‐33.08
    2452MHz           4904          PK        H     39.95     0.23     42.81     43.04        74.00      ‐30.96
Remark: Correction Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + High Pass Filter Loss ‐ Pre_Amplifier Gain

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                                                                             FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

4. Emission On Band Edge

4.1 Operating environment

       Temperature:                25          ℃
     Relative Humidity:            50          %
   Atmospheric Pressure            1008       hPa
       Requirement              15.247(d), 15.205,

4.2 Measuring instrument setting

                                Spectrum analyzer settings
        Spectrum Analyzer function                               Setting
                 Detector                                         Peak
                   RBW                                            1MHz
                   VBW                               3MHz for Peak; 10Hz for Average
                  Sweep                                        Auto couple
               Restrict bands
                                                             2483.5 ~2500MHz
                Attenuation                                       Auto

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                                                                                 FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                    Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

4.3 Test procedure

1. Configure the EUT according to ANSI C63.10. The EUT was placed on the top of the turntable
   0.8 meter or 1.5 meter above ground. The center of the receiving antenna mounted on the
   top of a height‐variable antenna tower was placed 3 meters far away from the turntable.
2. Power on the EUT and all the companion devices. The turntable was rotated by 360 degree to
   find the position of the maximum emission level.
3. The height of the receiving antenna was varied between one meter and four meters above
   ground to find the maximum emission field strength of the both horizontal and vertical
4. If find the frequencies above the limit or below within 3dB, the antenna tower was scan (from
   1m to 4m) and then the turntable was rotated to find the maximum reading.
5. Set the test‐receiver system to peak or CISPR quasi‐peak detector with specified bandwidth
   under maximum hold mode.
6. For emissions above 1GHz, use 1MHz VBW and 3MHz RBW for peak and average reading
   Place the measurement antenna away from each area of the EUT determined to be a source
   of emissions at the specified measurement distance, while keeping the measurement
   antenna aimed at the source of emissions at each frequency of significant emissions, with
   polarization oriented for maximum response.
7. If the emissions level of the EUT in peak mode was 3dB lower than the average limit specified
   then testing will be stopped and peak values of the EUT will be reported. Otherwise, the
   emissions which do not have 3dB margin will be measured using the quasi‐peak method for
   below 1GHz.
8. For testing above 1GHz, The emissions level of the EUT in peak mode was lower than average
   limit, then testing will be stopped and peak values of the EUT will be reported, otherwise, the
   emission will be measured in average mode again and reported.
9. In case the emission is lower than 30MHz, loop antenna has to be used for measurement and
   the recorded data should be quasi‐peak measured by receiver.

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                                                                            FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                               Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

4.4 Test results

EUT                : WiFiHU2s‐c

            Frequency Spectrum Ant. Correction Reading Corrected          Limit     Margin Restricted
  Mode                  Analyzer   Pol.   Factor             Reading     @3m                 band
               (MHz)    Detector (H/V)    (dB/m)     (dBμV) (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)        (dB)          (MHz)
              2383.17      PK       V      33.82     21.93    55.75        74       ‐18.25
              2386.05      AV       V      33.83      8.97    42.80        54       ‐11.20
              2490.39      PK       V      34.33     22.73    57.06        74       ‐16.94
              2484.30      AV       V      34.30     10.87    45.17        54        ‐8.83
              2388.44      PK       V      33.84     24.40    58.24        74       ‐15.76
              2390.00      AV       V      33.85      9.40    43.25        54       ‐10.75
              2486.90      PK       V      34.32     26.86    61.18        74       ‐12.82
              2483.50      AV       V      34.30     10.69    44.99        54        ‐9.01
              2390.00      PK       V      33.85     23.81    57.66        74       ‐16.34
 802.11n      2390.00      AV       V      33.85      9.37    43.22        54       ‐10.78
  (HT20)      2485.98      PK       V      34.31     26.41    60.72        74       ‐13.28
              2483.50      AV       V      34.30     10.59    44.89        54        ‐9.11
              2385.93      PK       V      33.83     25.19    59.02        74       ‐14.98
 802.11n      2390.00      AV       V      33.85     10.54    44.39        54        ‐9.61
  (HT40)      2487.97      PK       V      34.32     26.94    61.26        74       ‐12.74
              2484.98      AV       V      34.31     12.15    46.46        54        ‐7.54
Remark: Correction Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable

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                                                   FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                      Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

 Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11b mode Ch 1 Peak

Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11b mode Ch1 Average

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                                                   FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                      Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

 Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11b mode Ch11 Peak

Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11b mode Ch11 Average

                                                        Page 21 of 31

                                                   FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                      Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

 Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11g mode Ch1 Peak

Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11g mode Ch1 Average

                                                        Page 22 of 31

                                                   FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                      Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

 Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11g mode Ch 11 Peak

Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11g mode Ch11 Average

                                                        Page 23 of 31

                                                       FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                          Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

 Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11 n(HT20) mode Ch 1 Peak

Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11 n(HT20) mode Ch1 Average

                                                            Page 24 of 31

                                                       FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                          Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

 Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11 n(HT20) mode Ch 11 Peak

Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11 n(HT20) mode Ch11 Average

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                                                       FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                          Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

 Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11 n(HT40) mode Ch 3 Peak

Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11 n(HT40) mode Ch3 Average

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                                                       FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                          Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

 Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11 n(HT40) mode Ch 9 Peak

Chain0 : Bandedge @ 802.11 n(HT40) mode Ch9 Average

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                                                                                   FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                      Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

5. Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power

5.1 Operating environment

       Temperature:                      25             ℃
     Relative Humidity:                  50              %
   Atmospheric Pressure                 1008            hPa
Requirement & Test method
                                        KDB 558074 D01 v04

5.2 Limit for maximum peak conducted output power

For systems using digital modulation in the 2400‐2483.5 MHz: 1 Watt (30dBm)

5.3 Measuring instrument setting

                                               Power meter
                Power meter                                            Setting
                                                       65MHz bandwidth is greater than the EUT
                                                                emission bandwidth
                    Detector                                       Peak & Average

5.4 Test procedure

Test procedures refer to clause 9.1.3 peak power meter method and clause
measurement using a gated RF average power meter of KDB 558074 D01.

5.5 Test diagram

                           DC block
                                                        EUT                   Power supply

      Power meter

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                                                                                                       FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                                          Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

5.6 Test result

For WiFiHU2s‐c:
Single TX

                                                           Output       Total Maximun Maximun
                            Frequency                      Power       Power       power           power            Limit      Margin
  Mode           Channel                     Rate
                               (MHz)                           (AV)     (AV)        (PK)            (PK)            (dBm)       (dB)
                                                               (dBm)    (mW)       (dBm)            (mW)
                   1           2412                            15.77    37.76      17.85      60.95368972            30        ‐12.15
                   6           2437              1             15.88    38.73      17.92      61.94410751            30        ‐12.08
                   11          2462                            15.54    35.81       17.5      56.23413252            30        ‐12.50
                   1           2412                            15.41    34.75      23.46       221.819642            30        ‐6.54
                   6           2437              6             15.36    34.36      22.89      194.5360082            30        ‐7.11
                   11          2462                            15.04    31.92      22.12      162.9296033            30        ‐7.88
                   1           2412                            14.37    27.35      22.77      189.2343619            30        ‐7.23
                   6           2437              6             14.18    26.18      22.04      159.9558029            30        ‐7.96
                   11          2462                            13.5     22.39      21.02      126.4736347            30        ‐8.98

                                       Output Power (dBm)          Output Power (mW)               Total Power (dBm)
                  Frequency            Chian 0       Chain 1      Chain 0       Chian 1            AV               PK         Limit Margin
Mode Channel                  Rate
                    (MHz)                                                                    0+1        0+1   0+1        0+1   (dBm)    (dB)
                              (Mbps) AV     PK       AV   PK     AV    PK   AV       PK
                                                                                            (mW) (dBm) (mW)          (dBm)

            1       2412              13.5 21.61 12.37 20.28 22.39 144.88 17.26 106.66 39.65 15.98 251.54             24.01     30      ‐5.99
            6       2437       6.5   13.63 21.43 12.52 20.53 23.07 139.00 17.86 112.98 40.93 16.12 251.97             24.01     30      ‐5.99
            11      2462             13.46 20.84 12.06 19.45 22.18 121.34 16.07 88.10 38.25 15.83 209.44              23.21     30      ‐6.79

            3       2422             13.19 20.73 12.24 20.04 20.84 118.30 16.75 100.93 37.59 15.75 219.23             23.41     30      ‐6.59
            6       2437       13    13.29 20.55 12.01 19.71 21.33 113.50 15.89 93.54 37.22 15.71 207.04              23.16     30      ‐6.84
            9       2452             13.19 20.17 11.97 19.63 20.84 103.99 15.74 91.83 36.58 15.63 195.83              22.92     30      ‐7.08

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                                                                                 FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                    Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

Appendix A: Test equipment list

  Equipment            Brand           Model No.       Serial No.                      Calibration
                   Rohde & Schwarz        ESCI          100018         2016/11/30       2017/11/29
                   Rohde & Schwarz       FSP30          100137         2016/08/16       2017/08/15
Horn Antenna
                    SHWARZBECK        BBHA 9120 D      9120D‐456       2014/08/29       2017/08/27
Horn Antenna
                    SHWARZBECK        BBHA 9170       BBHA9170159      2014/09/16       2017/09/14
                    SHWARZBECK         VULB 9168       9168‐172         2017/04/05      2018/04/04

 Pre‐Amplifier        EMC Co.         EMC12635SE        980205         2016/10/08       2017/10/07

 Pre‐Amplifier         MITEQ                            828825         2016/09/12       2017/09/11
 Power Meter           Anritsu         ML2495A          0844001        2016/11/09       2017/11/08

Power Sensor           Anritsu         MA2411B          0738452        2016/11/09       2017/11/08

Signal Analyzer        Agilent          N9030A        MY51380492       2016/09/13       2017/09/12

966‐2(A) Cable
                      SUHNER         SMA / EX 100         N/A          2016/08/16       2017/08/15
966‐2(B) Cable
                      SUHNER         SUCOFLEX 104P      CB0005         2016/08/16       2017/08/15

  RF Cable
                      SUHNER         SUCOFLEX 102       CB0006          2017/05/04      2018/05/03
Semi‐Anechoic          966_2          CEM‐966_2           N/A           2017/03/29      2018/03/28
High Pass Filter       Reactel                            N/A          2016/06/03       2017/06/02
 Active Loop
                MESS‐ELEKTRONI       FMZB1519          1519‐067         2017/03/30      2018/03/29
Note: No Calibration Required (NCR).

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                                                                             FCC ID: K7T‐WIFIHU2S
                                                                Report No.: 150500230TWN‐001R1

Appendix B: Measurement Uncertainty

This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95 %
confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

                                      Item                                          Uncertainty
Vertically polarized radiated disturbances from 30MHz~1GHz in a semi‐anechoic
                                                                                      5.14 dB
chamber at a distance of 3m
Horizontally polarized radiated disturbances from 30MHz~1GHz in a
                                                                                      5.22 dB
semi‐anechoic chamber at a distance of 3m
Vertically polarized Radiated disturbances from 1GHz~18GHz in a semi‐anechoic
                                                                                      3.64 dB
chamber at a distance of 3m
Horizontally polarized Radiated disturbances from 1GHz~18GHz in a
                                                                                      3.64 dB
semi‐anechoic chamber at a distance of 3m
Vertically polarized Radiated disturbances from 18GHz~40GHz in a
                                                                                      2.68 dB
semi‐anechoic chamber at a distance of 3m
Horizontally polarized Radiated disturbances from 18GHz~40GHz in a
                                                                                      2.68 dB
semi‐anechoic chamber at a distance of 3m
Radiated disturbances from 9kHz~30MHz in a semi‐anechoic chamber at a
                                                                                      3.54 dB
distance of 3m
Emission on the Band Edge Test                                                        3.64 dB

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Document Created: 2017-06-07 15:45:41
Document Modified: 2017-06-07 15:45:41

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