RF Exposure Calibration HF-3061


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                DARE!! Calibrations
                                                                                Calibration services
                                                                                                                                                                                 Tel. +31 348 431 807
                                                                                Vijzelmolenlaan 7                                                                                Fax +31 348 430 645
                                                                                3447 GX Woerden                                                                                          www.dare.nl
                                                                                The Netherlands                                                                                 calibrations@dare.nl

                                                                                                      CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION

   Applicant:                              Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Service (H.K.) Ltd.
                                           Taoyuan Branch

   Order by:                               EMC Instruments corporation
                                           1F, No.8, Lane38 WenSan 3rd street
                                           Kwei-Shan Hsiang Taoyuan Hsien

   Instrument:                             H- Field Probe + Broadband field meter
                                           manufacturer     Narda / Wandel & Goltermann
                                           type             HF 3061 + NBM- 550
                                           serial number    A-0122 + B-0872
                                           identification   E2-020086
                                           asset number.    140000119

   Calibration method:                     The instrument was allowed to acclimatize for at least 2 hours before any measurements were made.

                                           During calibration, all axis of the field probe are switched on as in the normal isotropic mode of
                                           operation of the probe.

                                           The calibration is performed in a TEM cell. The calculated field method is used for the calibration.

                                                                                   Applied field strength
                                                              Correction Factor = --------------------------------
                                                                                  Measured field strength

                                           The polarization of the E-field is vertical. For each frequency and field strength setting, the field probe
                                           is rotated so that each position is aligned with the E-field. The axis under test is always perpendicular
                                           to the direction of propagation and parallel to the E-field.

                                           The H-Field is calculated by dividing the E-Field with 377 ohm.

                                           The probe position has been determined as follows:
                                           The point of view is from the antenna to the probe.

                                           Position 1: probe horizontal, perpendicular to the field, display horizontal (up). Probe head aligned
                                           with center of the antenna, probe box to the right.

                                           Position 2: probe horizontal, perpendicular to the field, display aligned vertical, to the front facing the
                                           antenna. Probe head aligned with center of the antenna, probe box to the right.

                                           Position 3: probe horizontal, perpendicular to the field, display horizontal (down). Probe head aligned
                                           with center of the antenna, probe box to the right.

   Certificate number 201600474.01                                                                                                                                                         Page 1 of 8
     This certificate is issued provided that D.A.R.E!! Calibrations does not assume any liability.     Reproduction of the complete certificate is allowed. Parts of the certificate may only be reproduced
                                                                                                        with written approval of the calibration laboratory.

Dijkstra Advice, Research & EMC Services B.V.
KvK Utrecht 30138675
Rabobank Utrechtse Waarden e.o.
IBAN: NL19RABO0158313704 SWIFT code RABONL2U
Eori-number: NL805613468
VAT number: NL8056.13.468.B01

                                                  DARE!! Calibrations
                                                  Calibration services
                                                                                                                    Tel. +31 348 431 807
                                                  Vijzelmolenlaan 7                                                 Fax +31 348 430 645
                                                  3447 GX Woerden                                                           www.dare.nl
                                                  The Netherlands                                                  calibrations@dare.nl

                            See page 7 and 8 for a detailed drawing of the probe positioning.

   Ambient conditions:      The calibration was carried out in a screened room, at an ambient temperature of (23 ± 2)°C and a
                            relative humidity of (50 ± 10)%.

   Period of calibration:   2016 February, 9.

   Due date:                2017 February, 9

   Results:                 The results are listed on page 3 to 5.
                            No adjustments have been made to the instrument.
                            The measured values were calculated from a single sample.

                            This certificate replaces certificate number 201600474.00.
                            Frequency range corrected at page 4.

   Uncertainty:             The reported expanded uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
                            measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k = 2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a
                            coverage probability of approximately 95%.The standard uncertainty of measurement has been
                            determined in accordance with EA publication EA-4/02.

                            The uncertainties refer to the measured values only with no account being taken of the ability of the
                            instruments under test to maintain their calibration.

   Traceability:            The measurements have been executed using standards for which the traceability to (inter)national
                            standards has been demonstrated towards the RvA.
                             Description          Identification   Certificate number             Last calibration date
                             Signal Generator     ID 1265          RvA K063/201501248.00          October 2015
                             Power meter          ID 1247          RvA K063/201404632.01          November 2014
                             Power head           ID 1248          RvA K063/201404632.01          November 2014
                             RF Amplifier         ID 7387          D.A.R.E!!                      October 2015
                             Coupler              ID 7432          RvA K063/201500583.00          April 2015
                             TEM cell             ID 1073          -/No cal required              -
                             Attenuator 30dB      ID 1313          RvA K063/201600022.00          January 2016
                             Termination 50       ID 1545          /No cal required               -
                             ohms, N-type
                             Radicentre,          ID 7407          /-/No cal required             -

                             Date                               Calibrated by                     Checked by

                             2017 January, 6                    B. Ahyud                          D. van der Vlugt
                                                                Calibration Engineer              Director

   Certificate number 201600474.01                                                                                        Page 2 of 8

Dijkstra Advice, Research & EMC Services B.V.
KvK Utrecht 30138675
Rabobank Utrechtse Waarden e.o.
IBAN: NL19RABO0158313704 SWIFT code RABONL2U
Eori-number: NL805613468
VAT number: NL8056.13.468.B01

                                                DARE!! Calibrations
                                                Calibration services
                                                                         Tel. +31 348 431 807
                                                Vijzelmolenlaan 7        Fax +31 348 430 645
                                                3447 GX Woerden                  www.dare.nl
                                                The Netherlands         calibrations@dare.nl

      H-field Probe linearity (Position 1)
      Frequency: 1 MHz, Septum height: 0,45 m
      Range: range less

      APPLIED       MEASURED         LINEARITY ±           CORRECTION
      FIELD         FIELD            UNCERTAINTY           FACTOR
      [A/m]         [A/m]            [dB]
      0,0213        0,0211           (-0,281 ± 0,026) dB   1,01
      0,0425        0,0408           0 dB (Reference)      1,04
      0,0852        0,0827           (-0,103 ± 0,027) dB   1,03
      0,1702        0,1655           (-0,11 ± 0,05) dB     1,03
      0,2650        0,2592           (-0,17 ± 0,06) dB     1,02

      H-field Probe linearity (Position 2)
      Frequency: 1 MHz, Septum height: 0,45 m
      Range: range less

      APPLIED       MEASURED         LINEARITY ±           CORRECTION
      FIELD         FIELD            UNCERTAINTY           FACTOR
      [A/m]         [A/m]            [dB]
      0,0213        0,0199           (0,300 ± 0,026) dB    1,07
      0,0425        0,0412           0 dB (Reference)      1,03
      0,0852        0,0830           (-0,037 ± 0,027) dB   1,03
      0,1703        0,1662           (-0,06 ± 0,05) dB     1,02
      0,2652        0,2599           (-0,10 ± 0,06) dB     1,02

      H-field Probe linearity (Position 3)
      Frequency: 1 MHz, Septum height: 0,45 m
      Range: range less

      APPLIED       MEASURED         LINEARITY ±           CORRECTION
      FIELD         FIELD            UNCERTAINTY           FACTOR
      [A/m]         [A/m]            [dB]
      0,0213        0,0216           (-0,348 ± 0,026) dB   0,99
      0,0425        0,0413           0 dB (Reference)      1,03
      0,0852        0,0832           (-0,031 ± 0,027) dB   1,02
      0,1703        0,1662           (-0,03 ± 0,05) dB     1,02
      0,2651        0,2597           (-0,07 ± 0,06) dB     1,02

   Certificate number 201600474.01                                             Page 3 of 8

Dijkstra Advice, Research & EMC Services B.V.
KvK Utrecht 30138675
Rabobank Utrechtse Waarden e.o.
IBAN: NL19RABO0158313704 SWIFT code RABONL2U
Eori-number: NL805613468
VAT number: NL8056.13.468.B01

                                                DARE!! Calibrations
                                                Calibration services
                                                                                                    Tel. +31 348 431 807
                                                Vijzelmolenlaan 7                                   Fax +31 348 430 645
                                                3447 GX Woerden                                             www.dare.nl
                                                The Netherlands                                    calibrations@dare.nl

    H-field Probe frequency response
    Frequency range: 300 kHz – 30 MHz
    Septum height: 0,45 m
    Range: range less
    [MHz]             [A/m]                      [A/m]
                      Pos 1 Pos 2       Pos 3    Pos 1 Pos 2  Pos 3    Pos 1         Pos 2         Pos 3
    0,3               0,053 0,053       0,053    0,046 0,046  0,045    1,15 ± 0,31   1,16 ± 0,31   1,18 ± 0,32
    0,4               0,054 0,054       0,054    0,049 0,048  0,049    1,10 ± 0,30   1,12 ± 0,30   1,10 ± 0,30
    0,5               0,053 0,053       0,053    0,049 0,049  0,050    1,08 ± 0,29   1,08 ± 0,29   1,07 ± 0,29
    0,6               0,053 0,053       0,053    0,051 0,049  0,050    1,05 ± 0,28   1,07 ± 0,29   1,06 ± 0,29
    0,7               0,054 0,054       0,054    0,051 0,051  0,051    1,05 ± 0,28   1,06 ± 0,29   1,05 ± 0,28
    0,8               0,053 0,053       0,053    0,051 0,051  0,052    1,05 ± 0,28   1,06 ± 0,28   1,03 ± 0,28
    0,9               0,053 0,053       0,053    0,051 0,051  0,052    1,04 ± 0,28   1,04 ± 0,28   1,03 ± 0,28
    1                 0,053 0,053       0,053    0,051 0,051  0,052    1,04 ± 0,28   1,04 ± 0,28   1,03 ± 0,28
    2                 0,053 0,053       0,053    0,052 0,052  0,052    1,02 ± 0,27   1,03 ± 0,28   1,02 ± 0,27
    3                 0,053 0,053       0,053    0,052 0,052  0,052    1,03 ± 0,28   1,02 ± 0,28   1,01 ± 0,27
    4                 0,053 0,053       0,053    0,052 0,052  0,052    1,02 ± 0,28   1,03 ± 0,28   1,02 ± 0,27
    5                 0,053 0,053       0,054    0,052 0,051  0,053    1,02 ± 0,28   1,03 ± 0,28   1,02 ± 0,27
    6                 0,053 0,053       0,053    0,052 0,052  0,052    1,02 ± 0,27   1,02 ± 0,27   1,01 ± 0,27
    7                 0,053 0,053       0,053    0,052 0,052  0,053    1,02 ± 0,28   1,02 ± 0,27   1,00 ± 0,27
    8                 0,053 0,053       0,053    0,052 0,051  0,052    1,02 ± 0,28   1,03 ± 0,28   1,01 ± 0,27
    9                 0,053 0,053       0,053    0,051 0,051  0,052    1,03 ± 0,28   1,03 ± 0,28   1,01 ± 0,27
    10                0,053 0,053       0,053    0,052 0,051  0,052    1,03 ± 0,28   1,03 ± 0,28   1,02 ± 0,27
    20                0,053 0,053       0,053    0,052 0,052  0,052    1,03 ± 0,28   1,02 ± 0,28   1,01 ± 0,27
    30                0,053 0,053       0,053    0,054 0,054  0,055    0,99 ± 0,27   0,98 ± 0,26   0,97 ± 0,26

   Certificate number 201600474.01                                                                        Page 4 of 8

Dijkstra Advice, Research & EMC Services B.V.
KvK Utrecht 30138675
Rabobank Utrechtse Waarden e.o.
IBAN: NL19RABO0158313704 SWIFT code RABONL2U
Eori-number: NL805613468
VAT number: NL8056.13.468.B01

                                                DARE!! Calibrations
                                                Calibration services
                                                                                           Tel. +31 348 431 807
                                                Vijzelmolenlaan 7                          Fax +31 348 430 645
                                                3447 GX Woerden                                    www.dare.nl
                                                The Netherlands                           calibrations@dare.nl

        H-field Probe isotropy
        Applied field: 0,0531 A/m

                          FIELD        FIELD               FIELD        UNCERTAINTY
                          Position 1   Position 2          Position 3
        [MHz]             [A/m]        [A/m]               [A/m]        [dB]
        0,5               0,0491 A/m   0,0491 A/m          0,0496 A/m    (0,0 ± 1,2) dB
        1                 0,0510 A/m   0,0510 A/m          0,0515 A/m    (0,0 ± 1,2) dB
        10                0,0515 A/m   0,0515 A/m          0,0520 A/m    (0,0 ± 1,2) dB

   Certificate number 201600474.00                                                               Page 5 of 8

Dijkstra Advice, Research & EMC Services B.V.
KvK Utrecht 30138675
Rabobank Utrechtse Waarden e.o.
IBAN: NL19RABO0158313704 SWIFT code RABONL2U
Eori-number: NL805613468
VAT number: NL8056.13.468.B01

                                                DARE!! Calibrations
                                                Calibration services
                                                                        Tel. +31 348 431 807
                                                Vijzelmolenlaan 7       Fax +31 348 430 645
                                                3447 GX Woerden                 www.dare.nl
                                                The Netherlands        calibrations@dare.nl

   Certificate number 201600474.00                                            Page 6 of 8

Dijkstra Advice, Research & EMC Services B.V.
KvK Utrecht 30138675
Rabobank Utrechtse Waarden e.o.
IBAN: NL19RABO0158313704 SWIFT code RABONL2U
Eori-number: NL805613468
VAT number: NL8056.13.468.B01

                                                DARE!! Calibrations
                                                Calibration services
                                                                                  Tel. +31 348 431 807
                                                Vijzelmolenlaan 7                 Fax +31 348 430 645
                                                3447 GX Woerden                           www.dare.nl
                                                The Netherlands                  calibrations@dare.nl

                    Probe orientation in Tem Cell 10 kHz – 150 MHz (Input side view )

                   Position 1


                   Position 2


                   Position 3


   Certificate number 201600474.00                                                      Page 7 of 8

Dijkstra Advice, Research & EMC Services B.V.
KvK Utrecht 30138675
Rabobank Utrechtse Waarden e.o.
IBAN: NL19RABO0158313704 SWIFT code RABONL2U
Eori-number: NL805613468
VAT number: NL8056.13.468.B01

                                                DARE!! Calibrations
                                                Calibration services
                                                                                 Tel. +31 348 431 807
                                                Vijzelmolenlaan 7                Fax +31 348 430 645
                                                3447 GX Woerden                          www.dare.nl
                                                The Netherlands                 calibrations@dare.nl

                        Probe orientation in anechoic room 200 MHz – 40 GHz (Top view)

                         Position 1

                        Position 2

                        Position 3

   Certificate number 201600474.00                                                     Page 8 of 8

Dijkstra Advice, Research & EMC Services B.V.
KvK Utrecht 30138675
Rabobank Utrechtse Waarden e.o.
IBAN: NL19RABO0158313704 SWIFT code RABONL2U
Eori-number: NL805613468
VAT number: NL8056.13.468.B01

Document Created: 2017-10-06 10:18:52
Document Modified: 2017-10-06 10:18:52

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