User Manual Statement


Users Manual

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                                            Satety Instructions
                                              1. Please ethese nstuctns before stngthe device t ensure           Ifyou make an etglle hardware caim undertis mantacturers
                                                 sateand properuse.                                              warrantyBeltn wil honortis warrant by daing one ot the folowing
                                              2. Conneet he vall aapter ohe wreless charging padito socket       (at s opton>:
                                                 cuet atis closeby and is easyt isconnect rom e source.             ) repating th product with new orrefuraished parts
                                              5. Use ndoorani a dlocaton ony keen avay rom wet or                   85 repiaaing th product h reasonably valable equvalennew
                                                 danpiecatins.                                                         or refurished Bein product
                                              4. Keeputreless chargig pad and wal.adapter avay trom any             ) refundig the actul parchase price of h product ies any
                                                 Iquidsor maistre.                                                     rebates and discountsor
                                              5. Unplug the uireless chargig pad when unused orong pertods          © paying the costotrepal ofte product

      *‘ belkin.
                                              6. bonotstor your devie n very hator vercld areas. i is            An repaireo repincement products are warantedtohe rematncer
                                                 recommended to us your device at oom temperatres.               ofthe orginal Hardware Waranty o or 30 ays wricheveis lowgr.
                                              7. Cauton: Ifyou experience problems withthe wireless charging     Al products and partsthatare replace become he properiy of i.
                                                 pad,please discntingeuse,unplug the vall adaptr ofthe
                                                 wireless chargingpad rom the AC socke, and contact olfor        Mo Beltnemployee,agent o eseler can make any verbal or vatten
                                                 assstance.                                                      moxdflcaton,extensionoraddiion to his manufacturers varant.
                                              8. bo not use f vstal defectsare abserved on thewreless
                                                 charging pad or vall adapter Do not attemptto serviceor         Note : Be vare hat goods presentedforepalrmay be repiced by
                                                 disassemble.                                                    refurshed goods ohesame typeratherthan thdefectve goods
                                                                                                                 betngrepatres. Alernativereurshed partsmay be use n threpals
        BOOSTUP"" WIRELESS                  Product Warranty Information
           CHARGING PAD                     This warrantis provded t you y BelntermationaIc.CBeln)               Note 2: The fghts and remedles outired abovearethe ony ights
                                                                                                                 and remedtes avalable underths manutacturers warranty.However
 SOCLE DE CHARGE SANS FIL BOOSTUP           mrortant nonice resaroms your consumericnts                          a defect which giveisetoa cam underths manufacturer‘s warranty
                                            Te benefis we givei this manatacturers warranty aradatonalo,         m also gverise o ightsundelocal us,and ciferent or addonal
BASE DE CARGA INALAMBRICA BOOSTUP           and do not detracttrom, any rights and remedtes that you may have    remedlesmay be avalabl underthase las.Further, ghts and
                                            underlocal eonsumerprtecton laus.This manutacturers warranty         remeates may be avtant underloca taws even or aerects, goodor
                                            is govermed bythe us of e country n hich you purchased your          services thatarenot covered by his manutacturers waranty atll
       SKU/MODEL: F7U027                    Bakin product n many countres,consumers havestatutaryights
                                            underlocal consumerlavs.Those consumer Aghts may dfer between        D Express warrantes Nor given
      UGs / MODELE : F7U027                 countnes,states and province,and often cannobeexciuded.This
                                            manufactirers varantys not ntended to                                Blkin does nogveany exoress arrant:
  NUMERO DE SKU/MODELO: F7U027                 +. change or excludeanystattoryconsumerrightstat cannat be          a) in relatn o ervces provided by Belin with the product,excent
                                                  Tavtuly changed or exctutedsor                                      tor h Iimited waranties given in section AQ:
                                               «: Imit orexlode any ight you have against e person uho old         b) n reatontoany thirt—pary seice oterigs whichmay be
                                                  the Helin product to you lthat person has breached tel sales        Includen,or buncled wih, thproduct
                                                  contract wthyou.                                                 © trathe opertionotte product sottware or serces wl be
   Product and Warranty Information                                                                                   uniterrupted arerrorree:
                                            a score or manuracturerswarranty                                         that te producto sevces,or any eautoment, system or
Informationssur le produit et la garantie                                                                             netwerk on unich he product, sovare or ervices areused wl
                                            0 Express warnty —warranty periods and remedies                           be free ot vuineralit o intruston or attac;or
Informacion del producto y de la garantia                                                                          ©) asto thecontiued avalanlity oa hird partysservic, wnich
                                            Bakin wartants hehrdwareI thisBei product agalnst defects                 thisproducts use o operaion may reauire.
                                            in matenals and workmanship under normaluse fote Hardvare
                                            Warranty PeriodThe Hardare Warranty Prlobeginson the date            Note: Altough these warrantlesarenot expressy iven by Beli,
                                            of purchase bythe onginal end—user purchaseanfasts orthe             they may be Impled or othervisegivenundelocal us
                                            perod specttc:
                                               +. Thirty—Si(36) manthsfor new prodct regitered with Belin        010 Greumstancesin which this manafacturers warranty does notarny
                                               + Twenty—Four @24monthsfor newproduct
                                               +. Twelve 12monthsfor reurbished productin urope,the Midie        "This manifacturers waranty does not applyt
                                                  Eastand Atrca                                                     ) e productassemily selhasbeen removed or amages,
                                               + Nety 20) daysforefuhished productin Latin America                  19 Ihe producthas beenaltered r mouledexceby Bebin,

  0 he productdamage was caused by i wth nor—en producs,           atht/niwibelcom/support Teleghone support may not be                 fora Clas B tgtadevie, pursuano Par15 ofthe FCC rules. Trese
  «5 thproduct has not been Instaled,cperated,repaired,or          avallable uhere you Ive.                                             Iits are deigned tprovdereasonable profecionagalnst narmi
     imabtalne n accordance with nstructonssupplea by Beln                                                                              Interferencna residentainstlation.
  @> thproduct has beensubjected t asnormal physicaor eletrcl      oceverat exctusions ano ummanonsor Laaluiry                          This equloment genertes,usesand canradateraco trequency
     stress.msuse,negligence,oracaiden,                                                                                                 energyand if t Instaled and used in accordance wihthe
  1> the seinumber on the prodcthas been altere, defaced,or        in someJunseietons and rcuristancestis possol fora                   Instrctions,may causeharminterferenceto racto communicaion.
     removed,or                                                    manutactirer tociangeorexcluse warrantesconcitons or                 However there is noguarantee that Intrference ul not ccur
  5> th product is suppled orHensed frbeta, evalation, testng      quarantees impled or mposed by law, and to tmenatse Imit ts          in a partear nstaatinit his equtoment doescauseharmt
     or demonstraonpurases fowhich Belin does not charge a         Hablitconsumersin toseJunscletonswhere it can artuly doso            Interferenct raclo o elevion receptionwhch can be determined
     surchase price oIcense fee                                    andtothe ful xtent hatItialoned by law to o s, Belir:                byfurning the eautoment at and on, tuser is encouraged to ryand
                                                                                                                                        orrect e Interference by one or more thefalowtng measures
Note:Altough this manafacturers varrany does nt aply n theavove      + Imits llimoted warantesand conditns otmerchantanity,                + Rearent orrelcate hereceiving antenna.
areumtances you may stil have ights and remedtesundeloallavs.           acceptabltysatlifactory qualtyoAness or a parteular                + Increasetheditance between he easioment and therecever.
                                                                        purpose tothe duratin ofthrelevant Wareanty Peioct                 + Connect theeauipmenttoanoutleon a crcut aiferent rom
a. ontaininservice unoer reis mavuracrurers wareanry                 +. excludes llother express o mgllconditons,representatons               that o which he recateris comnected.
                                                                        and warrantiesincluingany imoted varanty t non—                    + Consulthedealer oan superenced radl/TV techican for heks
Ifyou havea questonabout your productor expenence a protiem             intingement;                                                    FCC cautons Any hanges or macatlons not xpressly agproved by
with ileas goto hilconfsupportwhere you il                           +. excludes llfablityfothe loss ot or damage to,daa caused by      the party respontol for compliance could vold the users authortyto
finda varety o oninesupport ols and nformation toasst you               use oa Beli product o ts repas                                  operate hisequpment
wih your productifhe productprovesdefecttve during the Warranty      «: exctudes any lablly it may haveto you for:                      RadiationExposure Stateme
Perta, en return thproductto thlocalondesignated by Selin               a) oss ofrevene orprot,                                         This equloment complles it FCC raclaton exposure Imits seforth
Technleal SupportThe felehone numberforBelin TectnicaSupport            ©)foss oheabilty o use any thrdarty products, sottwareor        for an uncontrledenironmentEnd users must folow tspecifc
in yourarea can be found by clcing the ontact Us k on the home             servies.and                                                  eperating instructons for satyngRF exposure complance. To
page ohi/                                                  0 anyindrectconsequentalspecia.incldentator punttve loss        malntaln complance wih FCC RF exposure complance requrements,
                                                                           or damagesuticharsesunter any w Uclucing the w of            pleasefalow opertion nstructonsasdocumented n this manval.
Have your product seral number and prof purchase on hand when              negigence) and relatestoyour useorinablty to use a Belin     Thisequiomentshould e nsale and operared wih a minimum
calina orlodaina waranty caim.A DATSD PROOF 0f ORIGNAL                     sroduct orsotwar, o any related services.This excluion       distance af10 em beweanthe radato and your body.
rurchase is reuieD To process wiRRANTY CLAMS.Ifyou                         avoles even fBein has en adised ofthe posstlity of
arerequestet erurn your produc bypastyou uil e gven a                      such damages and even iany warranty o rermedy provided       mportant note:
Return Materals Authorzation RWA)number You areresponstolfor               undethis manafacture‘ warrntyfals o ts essental              Incustry Canada Statement
properl nackaging andshipping your preductatyour oun cost and              purposeand                                                   Thisdevice complles wth RSS216ofthe ncustry Canada Rules.
Hst;and you areresponsile forashipsin and handingcharges, in         «: Imitsts monetary lanlityt youunder anylaw,t the ic that         Operaion is subjectto tfatowng two conditons:
addiron toany apolcable customs dutles, VAT or other assocated          youpaldfote Bele product                                        1 Thisdevice may not cause nteference and
Haes ocharges whenretuningyour product You mustinclucethe                                                                               2 This devce mustacceptany ntererenceincluding nterterence
RMA rumber and a cay ofyour dated preoof orginal purchase when     If yu vein the European Unlonreferences n this Section o "specia,    that may causeundesred operalonof the devic.
returning your product Procctsreceved whout an RMA number          Indrect consequential o Incidenta lossesshallmean any losses which   RadiationExposure Stateme
and dated proot otoriinal purchase willbe rjected. Do not ncluse   D were not reasonably foreseeabl byboth partesand/or D were          This equioment complles it1Cradaton exposure Umitsset forth
any otherltems uttproduct you are returnin.!f you purchased        known to you but notto usand/or iD were reasonly oreseeatle          foranuncontrledenvironment. Thisequipmentshoutd be nstaled
your product wihin he European Unlan,Norvay, o Svtzerans,you       8y both artes butcould have been prevented y yousuch as, for         and operated it aminimum distance of ocm between the raiator
must returnsuch product o Bs designated cental exchange            examole ut wihoutImitatom, osses caused by vruses,Trolns or          and yourbod.
center uin the Eiropean Unlon.Please speakto Beln Technical        other malldous programs,olos of or darageto your data.
Supportas diectedabovefor more detas.                                                                                                   Innovation,Science and Ecoromic evelopment Canada Statement:
                                                                                                                                        This igtal apparatusconples wih cANIcesxnie3@.
Detectveproduct covered by ths manutacturers warrant wil be        ECC Statement
repaied oeplaced and returmed t you ithout charge. Belin ioes      bectaation or conrormiry wirkircrutes ror
n shprepiacement productsto ocalons outsitethe countryfrom         svecromaonericcomeaniury                                             rrancus
whichtheorgiral product was urchased Repals orrepiacements         \We BIternationat i. of 12045 E Waterfont Drtve,Paya Vsta,
rat covered undethis manafactuers wartanty or yourstattory         CA 9009%,dectareunder our se responsialithat h product               Constgnesdestcurte
consumerrightsul e subject o chargeatBelti‘s ther—current rates.   £70027,to nich this decaratonreltescomptes wih Part 15 ohe
                                                                   FCC Rutes. Opertion is subject t te falowng two conditons 0            1. Veullezre ces nstructonsavant toute utlsaton ath duttiser
                                                                   this device may not causeharmta Interfrence and 2) this device            cet apparel de manre street adéauate.
comer techncat suprort                                             mustaccept any nterferencerecevec,incluaingntererence that may         2. Brancher adaptatea mura u socl dcharge sans 1 surune
                                                                   cause undesred operation.                                                 prisedecourant procheet acle a iébrancher e o source.
"This manufacturers warranty s netheraservie noa support           Federal Communications Commisslon nterferencStatement                  3. UffiserNapparelsectementa tntéieacetdans es endrals
contractInformatin about Belis curenttechnical supportoffengs      Thisequipment has beenteste and found tocomply wih the Imits              sectent doloné e tout emola—cement huride oumoullé.
and palcles Oncludng anfee forsupport sevices can e found

  4. Tene socle e charge sans i efadaptatea muralolgnts de        51 vous préserte une ricamation de matéret aimissble en vertce      10 Casans lesques n garantl tu abrcant nesappliave pas
     tout ie ow entromns—mont humide                              ts pésente goranto ty abricant,Bakin honorer catle garants, son
  5 Debrancherie sole e chargesans Alrsqut nest as utise          entire cisatonde ture des mankressuvante                            La prisentgarantl oufabrcant nesappliue passts
     pendant ue péttoge prolngte                                     @> en réparant e procul avee des lices newves ou emises aneut       a) e sceau assemblage d proculta t retr ouendomemagt,
  & Ne pas entrenoservotre apparel dans un endraltexpostas            t) en remplacantie produt par un produt Belinéauvalent neatou      toie produt a ealtért ou modité parunepersonne ne tavallant
     frodintense o a destemptratures Heves. iesreconmand¢                remisa nest                                                        maspour Bekan,
     dutlsevtreappatela températureamblant.                              en vous remboursant o montant réel payéa fachatmotns es         0 ie produta eré endermmagt pa un autre produt ne provenant pas
  7. Attertn :i vausrencontrez des problemes avei sode de                rabals ootenis ou                                                  deBelin,
     charge sans . veutles cesser dutiser ddbrancherfadaptateur       @ en payanti cootdesréparatons u produt.                           «) e produtna pas été nstalutlst, repart ouenterens
     mural usoce e chargesans deIa prisede curant et cor—                                                                                   contormimente nstructons ouries paBotin,
     imuniqueavec Bekn pour corene fasst—fance                    Tout produt ripart ou deremplacement ost granpouris péroce             ©) e produt a étésoumisa ue condton dectrave ou shysique
  & Ne pas utlser t desdefautvsbles ont t constatés sur ie        restante de ts garantle dorignec matére ou pour une péroe de              arormale afafoje ‘unemasvals utlsaton, tune néglgerce
     soe e charge sans l outadaptateur mura. Ne pasessayer o      frente 30)ourt période a us lngue ayantpréstance. Belan                   cuctun accident
     1e demonter ou en are Fenteten.                              deventmmédlatementproprtare detous es produts t conposants             1o e numedeséne cuprodut a dalere,detratou suppringcu
                                                                  remoicts.                                                              @> e produla t ournou concedtsousIeence on versonbta,
informationssuta garantcu produtt                                                                                                           dérlvaton, dessal oude démonstatonsans ave Baltn att
Cetl aranvous est oferte par Beldn nteatonc « Belan               Avcun employt, mandatare oureverdeur e Batin no pout modife               demandé des fas fachat oude leece.
                                                                  profonger o aloter qusaue ce stt acett garante o fabrcant ue
ans imrortant concernant vos proits en tant ove                   ce sot sous fommevertae ou ccte.                                    Remargue: Ben auea garanteufabricantne sapplaue pasdans s
consonmareur                                                                                                                          cas mentlonnésc—dessus vous pourez fout e mime avar es dros et
Lesavantages contérés par ia résente garante o mbrcant sioctent   Remargue 1: Soyer astaue ies lensdefectuun prisntéspour             ds recous on vertudeslosiecaes.
ausrti e recours provasparies lt locales dprofecioces             réparaton pesvent 6trempiactspardesblens remi a net or u
corsomematews et ne ies modienton renLa présente garantl cu       mime typeplttt ue itrrépartsAtematvement desplcesrenises            aontermon oun service couvert rar ta oaravte ou
tabrcantost régipar le ts cpaysdans leauevous ver actott          3 neut pesventservr pouefecturaréparaton.                           rrericant
vote produt Belin,Dans de nembreuspays les consommaters
«tsposent e araslegaux en vertudes s ecalessuri protecton         Remaraue 2: es rats et esrecours susmentnnds sot s seuls
dsconsommateurs.Casdrols accordésue consommaleus peovent          dvots etrecours clsponbls on vertu e a présente garantio            51 vous aver desquestonsau suetu produt ou en cade roleme,
ditre un pays un Fat o ctinnrovece Fastre et npoivent             fabrcant Teuttasie dtauta Porin tunerécamaton on verde              consulte e t htJinmbalncorswpport ovous rowveres une
aénirlenent treexcus. a présentgarantl d fabrcantna pas           t préscnte garanle ufricant pout aussentaier dautes cros            arande varl loutls ade en Igne ot dverss informations tlessar
powotjetde:                                                       envertu des ols ocle t desrecour ciférent ousupplémentares          voteprodut5e produt se montre défectyesx perdant a petede
   + moiler ouexclir ies drolssttutares acordts aux               peuvente dispontiesen vert de ces ols En utdes gats t des           d garante,refournero arencroltinclqut pal outen technlque de
     consommateurs qutne pevvente modinés ou xctus                recourspeuvent ie aferts en veiy des ts ocles mime por des          BalinLe numiro d élhone c souten ectnique e Baktn de vore
     legatementiou                                                produts ddfectieus,desblens ou dessevices aunesant pasdu tout       région esclspontle en ciquant suie len «Contacernous» sur ta
   + Jmteou excure es grtlsaue vous ave contre a personne ut      comertspatagarante c abrcant.                                       page daccueldehit/Anmcbetdncon.
     ousa vend e procult Bekin s cetedernirena as respect¢
     votrecontat devente.                                         D Garantesexpresses NONottres                                       Avant appelr ou dedeposer un récamatonen vrtu e n garante,
                                                                                                                                      aver en man e numiro de sél eaprowve fachat de vote produt.
a rortée oe ca caraime ou rasricant                                                                                                   une ereuve oacHar inmal. oxtée esreoulse pour Teatrer
                                                                  Bekin ne fournt avcinegaantexprese:                                 une RecuabMATION EN VERTU DE LA GARANTEStivousest
                                                                    a> en en avecies serviesoffertsparBeldn avee ie produtsaut pour   demandé e retourner votre prodatparla ostevousrecevrer in
0 Garantexpresse— périodes t recous e in garante                       iegrantes ies mentionées dans i secton AG;                     rumro autorsatin de retour e matereCRMA) Vous avezia
                                                                    t3 en n avec des offesde servces un tersqupeovent tIncus          responsalité lenblerdemanire appropriéeet dexpéder votre
Balin garano mateelfournavec ce produt Betdn contre tout               dianste prout ouregrountsavecce demer                          produt a vos fals t a vos isques, assumertous es rals terpédtten
detit defanncaton et e mal—snre, dans o cadre tune utsatin          © aue ie produt es ogliels e es servces fonctonnerontsans         et e manutento, es rals ie douane,les txes o autre ras conneses
remaleduranttouteis pérode de grante du materel La erode               Interuption ousans errun                                       as moment e retoumerie produt, Vous dever Jodie numiro RYA et
d garantcu matiilcommenceata date dactat par fachotour=              5 aue ie produoules semicesde meme ave ies équpements,           unecople devotrpreuve tactat intal datée os cretour cu procutt
utlateur orginaercontnue de sapplaver pendanti durte inlqute:          lesystemes ees résaux suresquels s sontutiss,seront            Lesproduts resussans numiro RNMA et prewve tachat intfadarce
   + TrenteG6) molsagt dun produl neut enregstre aspres                Invaérablsa es tentativesatntusion ou aticue; ou               serontrefrés Naboutez acun aute arlde auprodut retourntSvors
     de Belin                                                        0 enNn aveci lspontlté permanente guservce dun ters aue          aver achece produt au sn deUiion roptemne on Norvage ouen
   + Vigt—quatre @2mas sagt un produtneut                              fusage oule fontianement dece prodult pet nécestor.            Susse,vous cever retoumer vote proculau centr clichange centra
   + Douze 2 motspour un produremis& neut en Europe,a Moyen:                                                                          ésgnt par Beln dans ‘Unlon earopéenne. Veutles corminker aw
     Oventeten Afrase                                                                                                                 ie soutn echrique Bekin pur de us angles inormattons.
                                                                  Remargue: Ben ave ces garantesne scentpas expressement ofeies
   + Ovatresingtdix(90)Jous pour un produltremis a neuten         par Belin, elespecventsat treimotats stre fouries n vetu            L produt defectuun couverpar a présent garante l abicansra
     Amtrgue iatne                                                ds as ocaes.                                                        répartouremplac,et youssera rervoyt sans rl. Beldn nee pas
                                                                                                                                      e produts e remplacement hos c pays fachacuprodut onginat

es eparatons ouremplacementsnon cowvetspar cett grante d                                                                              + modifearniexclur ningon derecho lega l consuridor ue nosea
fabrcantou parles ort statutares accordés uy consonmateus          wore meortante:                                                     postle mostcar o excl egatmente o
feront fobjet de fasselon s ts alrs en vigueurchez Beli.           Enonct ‘Industre Canada                                            +. Imifar s exlu ningn derecho aue usted posea en contra de a
                                                                   Ce dlsposiif est conformea a norme CNR: 216 standard ndustne        persona ue tevenctdel producto Bels esa persona h nfingido
cautre soumen reciwove                                             Canada appllcale aus apparelsrace exempts e cence. Son             su contato e ventaconustec.
                                                                   foretlonnement est ult us desx condons suivantes: D1e
La prisente garantd fapricant espas un contatde service            dispostf nedolt pas produre de broullage prjudicable,et 2 ce       aALcanceve La carantia oet raomicante
ou assstanceSvous déstez cotenides renslgnementssuis               dtspostif dataccepter toutbroutlagerec, y compri un broullage
poltiques ees offes e senices e souten techique de Baitn           susceptle de provequer un fonctornement ndesratie                   Garanta epresa:perfodosy compensaciones d o garanta
(notamment w sutdefals sapplevant us sertces desouten,
yeulerconsuteies htinbcomsuppor. e souten pr                       Déctaratio rexpostlon aux radlations                               Beltin garante t hardware en este producto Rlkicntrafalas en
1éléchone pet ne pasre afert is ovous viex.                        Cet éaupement est contorme auxIites fexpostton aux                 materales y caldad balouso normal prelPefodo de Grantl del
                                                                   rayonnements iC étailespour un enironnement non conrdl.Cet         HardwareEl Prfodo de Garantla dl Hardware comlnza en a fecha
o excisons er ummatons ctnérates oe reseonsasure                   éauipement dat trenstalese avec un miimum de10 on de               origialdecompra por l consuridoraly se extende durante l
                                                                   distance entrts sourcederayonnermentet vorecorps.                  perfedo que se especifcaa contiac
ns ceraines jardetons t stvationsun abrcana ia possotté                                                                                  + Trentay ses 36 meses siel producto es nuevo
c modifer ou dexcuredes garants ou desconditensinolctes                                                                                  + ventcuaro (24)mesesstel productoes nuevo
oulmpastespaia o et dImtersa esponsablit envers es                 espntou                                                               + Dace(12) meses s s un producto reacondicnado n Europa,
consommatewrs.Dans s Jurdlconspermeftanau abncan xercer                                                                                     Medio Onentey Atica
ces dots également,e dansleses maxinales autrstespala              Instrucclonesde seguridac:                                            + Noverta 0) dlasos un productoreacondicnado on America
io. Bekin:                                                           1: Por avaleastasnstrucionesantes e usar ol ispostve pra               Latna
   «:ia ta curt de o Ptade degarantl touteies grantes                   asegurar un uso sepuroyadecsado.
      etconiions mglltes de avalté marchande,acceptableou            2. Conecte e adaptadorde pared e a base e carga inaimbrica       1 ustedreatza un reciamo vildoconcernienteathardware bjoesta
      satstaisante ou adéquaton a un usage partcuten                    en un tomacarmente cercano en e e sea sencl desconectaia      garantfadefapricante Brespetars o garanta y reatzarsuna de
   +. exlsttoutes ies autres condifons,décratons t grantes              base.                                                         tossipuiertes acciones(asueleccon>:
      priwiesimsltement ou epresstment,y compri toutes is            3. Uselsolo en nferres y n ugaressecosy sn humeda:                   a> remarael productocon artes nuevas oreacondilonadas,
      garantes imoletes se non—sioato:                                  manténaalalelos d lgares melados o con umedac.                    85 reemlzaraf productopor oto productoBaln alspontble,
   «: aecine roreresponsaninepauts en ouencomimagementses            . Mantengaa basede carga inaimaricay etadaptador depared                razonablemente eauivalente, nuevs o reacondtconade,
      dennéesasantsute itisaton o ardparaton in procut atin:            Ieosde Iquidos y humedades.
   +. décine tout respontablité a votre dgard concemant:                                                                                  © reembaisarelprecie compra readl producto menos
      2) n perte de revenus odepotts                                 5. Desconecte a basede carga Ialimirica de tomacortente                 cxiquter rebaja descuento,o
                                                                        evando no t ulc durant argos pertos se tempo.                     ® pagar ol costo e reparaciindelproducto
      83 apere de s capact a uttser tout proultogliou servce         6. Noaimaceneeflsponttvo n reas con mucho caloromuco
         manant dun ters t                                              fri. Serecominda usr e lspastvo con temperaturaamolent.
      0 toute perte o tout ritiic indrectconstctt spéca                                                                               Cualquer producto eparado o d reuesto esgaratizadodurante o
         aceidentel ou punifntratdanie ce e toute ol y               7. Precauclon t sureproblemas conta base e crga naimonica        restodel Perlodo de Garanti e Hardware orlginal o or 30 dset ue
         comert i o denéglgenceet fsant sutea vtrutlsaton               dele Inmeditamente deusara desconecte e adaptadode            seael pertodo mas extenso.Todes losproductos y las plezas aue se
         dun produt oulegaelBaln o detou autrservce id oua              pared d a base del tomacormente CA contact con Belin para     reemplacen pasarina sepropedad de Selin.
         vore incapacté ates utiser a présente excusion sapplave        btener asstenca téeie.
         mme s ela éf révenu deReventalté des dommages               8. No utlzasthaydefectosvisiason ta basede carga nalimbnica      Ningan empleado,agente o revendedor e Beli puede relzar
         et meme i toutes es garanies ou usls recousstults              ae! adaptadorde pares. No ntente haceal ispostivo un          moctfcaciones, yasean vertales oeseits, extesiones adldones a
         dans i présent granteda fabcantne remptssent paseur            mantenimiento nidesarmari.                                    estagaranta delabricante.
   «:i sa responsabité écuntat enversvous, en vertd oute           Informacion e i arantta del producto                               Nota 1: tenga en centa auelos blenes que se presenten ara
      1e au pricaue vous averpayé pourle procut Belen.             Bekin interationat n ensicestvs, ‘Belar> i otorgan osta garnts.    reparaciin pueden serreemplarados por blenes reacandiclnados del
                                                                                                                                      mismo o n vez de reparalosblenesdefectuosos. n u defecto s
S1vous résideansINlion auroptemne esreftrences cans ie présent     Avso mrortanire soore Los perechos oet.consumibor                  partesreacondiclonadas se pueden tlzarenreparacin.
arttle ue « pertes patcultresIndrectes consécutves puntvesou       Los beneficios aue otorgamos en esta garanfa ceanicante
Incdentes» désigneronttout perteaut 0 rittll pasralsonnablement    son adleonales y no e cuttan valaninguno de los deechos y          Nota 2: losderechos y compensaciones desetos maibason s
prévisle par chacune des partes,0D at connue de vousetncomnue      compensacionesaue usted pueda tener baltas leyes ocales ce         drlcos derechosy compensaclones dspontles o est garantdel
c nous D ta lsonnablementprivisble par chacune des partes          proteccii l consuridor Esta garanl e fabricante se nge seqon tas   fabreantSembargo unafala ave e orgen a un recamo bloesi
mals aue vousaurer pu @vter ntarment une pert custe par out        leyesdel palsdande adqurid o producto deBEn muchos pates,          garanta dlibrcanttamiin puede da upar a derctos contome a
viruscheval de Trle oun atre programme malvailan, nsave toute      los consuridores gozan dederechosconforme a a lgilacn focal        leyes loclesy compensaciones ferentes o ackconalespuede aue estin
perte ou donmage a vosdonnées                                      sobretosconsurnidores.Estos derectos de s consumidores pueden      dispontblesbto aquelas eyesAders,esposbleauelodeechosy las
                                                                   varlar seqin elpals, lestado y a previnla, a menudo no se pueden   compensaciones estén lsponbles bajo eyes ocles ncuso par alns,
                                                                   exctur. Lapresentegarantadefabrcante noestsconcedida parn:         blenes o servclos ue noestincubleris por esta garantdelfabrcante.

                                                                   ntmerotelefonic de porteTeenico de Belin de sdn athacece                 @> extiye todaresponsaiiad porla péro dato anformacn
D Garantas expresas O proporcnadas                                 en elentace *Contdctenos" e a pagia                          eausadpor l uso de un producto Bmo u reparacit:
                                                                                                                                            t9 exciye cuatquirresponsablidad aue pudter tenerrnte l
Beln no proporciona ninguna garanta express:                       Tenga a mans elndmero de en e suproductoy comprobante de                    usuatopor
  2 enrelaciin a soware aservicos provistospor Belin conet         comora cuando lame o presente un recamo on virtud deestagaranto.         0 Ia perdidadeIngresos oelucrocesante,
     producta yasea cargadde fdbrca en elproducto, o Includo en    prra procesar un recLAo en virzup oe esta caranta                        @ n perdidadei capacidad para utizr calquir produco,
     el medio ave acompati atprocucto, exceptoprlas grantian       se reoulere e coprosantE oe comrra oRIGINAL CoN LA                          softvare service detercrosy
     Iiitadasexpuestas n asecan AGD mis abn:                       Frecia CoRRESPONDIENTEie ie saleta devolerelproducto por                 © aue sura contorme a cualquerlegistacion Ondtisa atey ce
  b> en esn a cmlquersotware e tercaros fetsdesericocue            corrense e otorgard un ndmero de Atrizacion de Devoluc¢n de                 nealgenci) y esté relaconado cons us, o ncapacidad
     puede aue se incloran en overgan empacades con ol producte:   Hateraes (RMA posus iglasen Inglé\Sert suresponsabldad                      para utlzaun producto o softvare Balin, uoo servico
    de que l funcinaniento del producto,software o servicos serd   enviarel products correctamente empaquetasoa su cargo y nesgo.              relacenade, Esta exclusse anlea ncluso s Belin ha sido
     innternimgido o tore de errores;                              Tarblen sertresponsatle porlos gastos de manlpuiion y env,                  advertio acerca de is postlidad de ies datos e Incluso
                                                                   derechos acuianetos, VA y todootro mpuesto y cargo relaclonado              vando cualauer garanta o compensaciinotorgada confome
  < deque l productsottvare o servicos,0 culquer equpo,            ave corresponda aldevaverel producto Aldevaverl products                    a l presente garantadefabrcante nocumplleracon su
     ststema o ed sobre e cualetprocucto,sotware o serico se       debers nct numero RMA y una capla delconprobante de
     utitea estard exento e vinerabildades a Inrusti ataque;0      comora originl cona fecha correspondlenteLos productos qve no               proptstesenciaty
  © respectode i lspontalidad contua de un servilodeterceros       umplan conestosrequitosserinrechasados. No ncluya nngon               +. Infasuresponsablidad monetati hacl ustedbacualquir
     queetuso o fincionamiento de este producto pueda reavent.     otro elemento canel producto ue devuelveSadquindot producto              Jeal precoave haya pagado porel productodeBen.
                                                                   en a UnldnEuropea, Norvega o Suta,deberd devalveri l centr de
Nota: Aungue estas garanfas noson proporconadas expresamente       camblosdesignado por Belin dentro deia UnionEuropen Para mds        Siresid n a Unidn Europes,las refrencas en est Seciin a ‘prdidas
por Belim, puede aue estén mpletis o de o ontral torgadas          Informacioncomuniquese con l SoporteTenico de Balin,segtn io        especiles indectasconscventes o incdentles gnitearin todas
balo leyesocaes.                                                   Intlcado anterirmente.                                              las pérdidas aue D no puderon se azonatlementeprevstas nor
                                                                                                                                       armbas partes yo Cb eran conocidaspara uted pro no para nosoros
¢ID Cicunstancas enlasque esta garanta defabrcante no se aplca     8 producto defetuozocubertopor esta garantla dlfabricante           y D puteron seraronablemente prevstas por ambaspartes pro
                                                                   sertreparado oreemplazado y devuett scargo.Baln no enva             podtanhaver sido preveidas por ustd alescome,por ebngle, ero
                                                                   productos de reemplazo fuera del pls onde se realzd i compra        stn iniacn,péridasa causa de vius, Troyanos u otrs programas
Esta gorantdelfabricanteno se alica t                              orignal dproduct.Las reparaciones o reemplazos ue noesten           mallcosos, o pérdda e o dato a s nformacin.
   a) elselo de ensambalde roducto ha sido remorido o datad,       cullertosen estagaranfa de fadicant sus derechos leglesde
   b)e producto ha ido lterado o modifcada con excepciondeBs       consumidorestardn sujetos a cargos de acuerdo con astarfas ce
   © l dato l rocuct ha sido causado pr t uso can productosaue     Balin quese encuentren vgentes oportunamente.                       T
      ro son deBeli
   «> l producto no hasida nstaladooperada reparado o mantentio    corrosororte técuco                                                 whentitrewBoostuP®
      d contormidad conlas insruccines proporconadas por Beli,                                                                         summerzuoer
   © efproductse hasometidoa un estverzo ico oelécinco             La presente garantfa e fabtcante no esnt un servilo n un contrato
      antimalo se ha utliadde forma ncorteca o negligent, ha       e soporte.Para obtererInfrmacion sobre os serviasy normas de        Aoyaniatnnfanmmnialiats
      sufido unacaderte,                                           aststenct éerica deBactyaimente vigentes o que ncluye los
   1» elngmero de endelproducto se a atterado,eliminado o          arancelespr servicetéeneo)vte htp:rinbelkincomsupport               Aountrimermlasnti:
      borrada.o                                                    Existts postlidad de qve no se bnde asstenlatlerdnica en su
   5> l roducto s surmistado o autorzado para propéstos beta,      luparderesienc.                                                       1. Whatnuuintouinitinedrrelnformlanniusnmibtmafan
      d evaluacn,prueba o demostracon pata o aue Belnino                                                                                     fiu
      cora unpreciodecompra o tasa e Ieenca.                       o.excuusiones cenerates v ummaciones o                                2. ohnoiinestorendinnfrenshontenehillthiodiensarive
                                                                   resronsatuoao                                                           : Minicinadutotnints ohianforonntod
Nota: Aungue esta garantfadefaricante no se aplca entas
«ircinstanclas menclonadas anterrmente puede aue dn tenga                                                                                4 oibddincamnadenssdinetitiopne noic?s
derechosy compensacones bajoeyes locaes.                           En algunasursdlcines y ircunstancias es postle que un fabricante          oo
                                                                   eamible o exciya garantas,condiclones o garantasmolctaso              5. enFrumbenfbiinafdiieiematuomnow
                                                                   Imouestas porleyy e esta manera,Imte s responsablidad a os            6. whtastoainntsinndfhuffinadnaluth wuntfafWaunntvemnes
sonteNain oe servicios saioesta carmthh oet                        consurmideresEn aquelas Jursciecnes donde legaimente pueda                sieaniien
rrericwte                                                          hacerse hasta l grado maxtmo auelo pernit ta ey, Belr:
                                                                      «: Imifatodas s garantasimpltiasylas condicines ce                 7 deeametnomonpolnilipnstntsnabenednWwlciow
51ene uns pregunta acerca de s producto s xpertmenta un                  comercalizacin, aceptanidad,caldac satifactri o apttud              condFrmandomenkaefvonuiernfdminnuiniinnts ubninds
problema con éste,vitte Mwinbelcom/support donde                         ara un propéato determinado a a duraciindel Perodo de a             Bolinnfetvememnas
encontrars una varledad deherramientas d soporte enie para               Garanten cuestio:                                               8. whinmvintimadenaioubert?en viniernmiest s
aststitocon s productoSo procuctoresulara derectuoso urate            +. excliyetodas las derds contiiones expresasompllotas,                wunioionviePnainet
el Prtodo de Garanta, entonces devueiv l productoa Ia uicacn              representacionesy garantasave Incluyen cuaaulegarantla       y
esignada por l SoporteTéico e BuliPede encontrar l                        Imolictade ncuriplimiento.

soosturno—riazucr                            LCs                                                     meatos
seuresut:rzuoe7                              reommemic.    emmumin       cmeiece        *‘ belkin.
                                             Save en caaneie         m nens                          soostur» anc wiretess cHarcicrap
                                                    etenesein mvoiarin cmen. mear=ur                 skumobei: ruoer
recsenonkchnr:                                 Hhokirenomennene                   mt o               Impormasyon no Producto atGarntiya
 1. omassenoancceninncancomchencer             frotmar
                                             1 Mrentne
                                               AbaChmimaycemiamm       ons
    conmesia—ceau.                                       ) RomCRIRN
                                                            mtndrcen    im me                        Maa Tagubltn ng Kalgtasans
 2. oamiagun trooe—irSFo—ensieshemuawes
    Rew. aveyNe. rerccan, 7975—enscmontss
                                                     Aomnlmcine         us boWhaccmimmen  smmce
                                                                                Crorarmiamas           1. Pakibasa ang mgatagublin n to bage ganttang device
                                                     RT  ETLAts          ht   rempram                     upang masiguro angkalgtanatangtamang paggan‘t
 3. afommUrantorsencteu. amppamossans
                                                     Bevinn     vikavem
                                                     Sant ) lamoma                                     2. Honekta ang wallaapter nwreess charging pad ssasatan
                                                                                                          no ourtet na kalaltatmadalng lang madistonetta muladto.
    aircoreu.                                  ©raonthas                                               5. Gamn lamang s oob atturong lokasyon: layosabasa 0
 £. ormianutbane—ir575—i0, arornonccmn       nacurssmnabe                                                 basang lugar.
    Auecias.                                  wrvnrerine—                mptrmaisinonte                4. layo muta sa mga ido o manass—masaang wirelss charging
 5. oomznc renmmenLevsal. ave>hrsnn          HHie
                                             nonp    Mninen
                                                  nippinenniaman         MEeETe Ml beo                    pad at walladapter
    Autcean.                                                                                           5. Funplug ang ireesschargng pad Kapag matagal nahind
 6 emomannoemcesancoorCareriuemecte                                                                       gaoanito.
    u. comwanenccemcheccennouey.                                                                       6. Huwag tago sanapaaint o napakatanig nalugaang iyong
 7 emuo—miasuorcmutreurues. emeniL           rc                                                           device Inierekomenda na gantin angyong devcesaparlcob
    comianivietase—17379—erc/zernemn                                                                      nasitd natemperatur.
    U Balinayt~ hes9—irecalcen,              soosrur» mss                                              7. Mag—ingat Kapag nataranasng mga problema sawrless
 a. ormiantutFeoe—17375—cantomnennon         seursie:cmuoe7                                               charging pad,havag gamits <unslug ang walladapterng
    Aeai.ememeUCoren. iMRLRDSMLRDLENECE                                                                   wireless charging pad mulsaACsocia,at kortakin ang Bein
    an.                                      sansmam                                                      parasatulons.
                                                                                                       1. Huwag gamitikapag may nakito rarandamang mga depeito
                                             seare                                                        sa virlesschargig pad waladapter Huwag subuang ayusi
                                               1 emunnnemsnien aeatmaamatee.                              ol—isassentle
                                               2. mmnennscmocenenmen
                                               5. seeresnarnionnmmmonxtematncs +                     Belin nfemationainLos Angels,CA $0096, UsA
                                               a. mmnsemimscommtmornaenomt>                          Belin Asta Pacifc Lt Hong Kong
anomimees uy ce                                5. sommesionienencandowemiegs—
communnioue ueihneXincenuceran                 6. iniemesene ncnmminemmc                             raanrs emunen
                                               7. ne dnnscenmodmine nsciictem + Ac iin               suannens Caman
 o                      ema    #   oA   oa        nemmocms 1 catian >                                w uminoeieteseorea« w:2001
 #m                     mnan                   0 romienssremmmnc nmamien in                          @rcaiim +=aimoeldn Ast FactcLimitedirct~
                                                  emntietins»                                        wie mromronsesnesmeransizont
wunn|cwnse in
     sem            a                        amoinmaicemanainee tons mintenaronmen                   nRovoorit—hevs—
                                             seuetusz1emlort >                                       onosnancu—zfm0
                                             ommcmmtemensmom eon                                     muns: ossrersor
                                             w esnoo cmmcmaizenatern                                 (—2200—200,15001700 geemo
                                             arounei Infmeioiemmm                                    EX~» lipansuppert@beldncom
                                             ommenmmmonneinonn nammmenmm
     as                                      azem                                                    Belin Tech Supportwinwencon/support
                                                                                                     Designed in California. Assembled in China.
                                                                                                     sesoa00057k rev.Aco

       Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the
following measures:

- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
  to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this

This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any
other antenna or transmitter.

Radiation Exposure Statement:
The product comply with the FCC/IC RF Exposure for Low Power Consumer
Wireless Power Transfer. RF exposure limit set forth for an uncontrolled
environment and are safe for intended operation as described in this manual.
The further RF exposure that compliance was demonstrated at 10cm and
greater separation from the user body or set the device to lower output power
if such function is available.

                                 Industry Canada statement

This device complies with ISED’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’ ISED applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) le
dispositif ne doit pas produire de brouillage préjudiciable, et (2) ce dispositif doit
accepter tout brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un
fonctionnement indésirable.

Radiation Exposure Statement:
The product comply with the IC RF Exposure for Low Power Consumer Wireless
Power Transfer. RF exposure limit set forth for an uncontrolled environment and are
safe for intended operation as described in this manual. The further RF exposure that
compliance was demonstrated at 10cm and greater separation from the user body or
set the device to lower output power if such function is available.

Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:
Le produit est conforme à l'exposition RF IC pour le transfert de puissance sans fil de
consommateurs de faible puissance. La limite d'exposition RF fixée pour un
environnement non contrôlé est sans danger pour le fonctionnement prévu tel que
décrit dans ce manuel. L'exposition RF supplémentaire que la conformité a été
démontrée à 10 cm et plus de séparation du corps de l'utilisateur ou de mettre
l'appareil à la puissance de sortie inférieure si une telle fonction est disponible.

Document Created: 2017-08-28 15:47:01
Document Modified: 2017-08-28 15:47:01

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC