Attestation RF Exposure Req. KDB 680106


Attestation Statements

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 Applicant                                Belkin International, Inc.
 FCC ID: K7SF7U027                        IC: 3623A-F7U027
                   RF Exposure Requirements ( FCC KDB 680106 D01)
 Requirements                             Statements
 (a)                                      127.8KHz
 Power transfer frequency is less that 1
 (b)                                      7.5W
 Output power from each primary coil
 is less than 5 watts
 (c)                                      Single coil
 The transfer system includes only single
 primary and secondary coils. This
 includes charging systems that may
 have multiple primary coils and clients
 that are able to detect and allow
 coupling only between individual pairs
 of coils
 (d)                                      Client device is placed directly in contact
 Client device is inserted in or placed   with the transmitter
 directly in contact with the transmitter
 (e)                                      16.26cm2 (diameter = 45.5mm)
 The maximum coupling surface area of
 the transmit (charging) device is
 between 60 cm2 and 400 cm 2.
 Aggregate leakage fields at 10 cm        Please refer to RF Exposure Report.
 surrounding the device from all
 simultaneous transmitting coils are
 demonstrated to be less than 30% of
 the MPE limit.

           / Principal Regulatory Compliance Engineer
Rajesh Karki
Belkin International, Inc.
Tel: 310-751-2817

Charging Mode with receiver
                                  E—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige             Ler          Right           Top         Bottom    Z—axis (Above)
   Max E—fied (Vim)         ao            a81            ass          aso           mm
      Limit (Vim)           se            ore            s1e           ore           ore
     Margin (Vim)         st021         s10.19         «s1047        «sto«1        «50220
   70 % Limit (Vim)        4208          4208           «208          «208          4208
  70 % Margin (Vim)       w27 na7      «2709          «27 .300       27 287       «21603

                                   H—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige              Ler          Right           Top         Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
    Max H—feld (uT)         o2s1          02e3           0250          o270         o83
   Maxc H—feld (A/m)       0.2008        o2104          o2152         02282        oasse
      Limit (Am)             163           163            163           163         163
     Margin (Am)           «14202        «14198         —raree       —1.4058       —12438
   70 % Limit (Am)          141           ri41           nia1          i4           1141
  70 % Margin (A‘m)       —1.00044      0.00372        o.90038       oose7e       o sros?

Charging Mode with receiver shift 12mm to top
                                      E—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Side               Let             Right          Top      Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
   Max E—feld (Vim)          270               38           402         an          i2
      Limit (Vim)             ore              ore           ore        ore          ore
     Margin (Vim)          1121              s102          «so0 08   «       s01.89
   70 % Limit (Vim)         4208             4208           «208       «208         4208
  70 % Margin (Vim)       «27 847           w27           —428.086   427623       «1323

                                   H—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Side              Lert         Right           Top         Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
    Max Hfield (ut)         oase          0323           o4c3          oa7a         o.706
   Max Hfield (A/m)        02072         o25ea          oar0«         oare?        ocase
      Limit (Afm)            163           163            163           163          163
     Margin (A/m)          13028         1376           —1.2508      —12508        o 0082
   70 % Limit (A/m)         i41           ni41           ni41          i4           i141
  70 % Nargin (Am)        —o asaoe      0.90012        os8172        oarsse       0 cospa

Charging Mode with receiver shift 12mm to botom
                                      E—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige              Let             Right           Top      Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
   Max E—fied (Vim)          438              aa1            as        422           are
      Limit (Vim)            ore              ore            ore        ore          ore
     Margin (Vim)          «sou 6           s10.60         s105      «sou 77       50427
   70 % Limit (Vim)         4208             4208           «208       «208         4208
  70 % Margin (Vim)       26. ra8          127 483         «2735     128.030      422089

                                  H—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige              Let         Right           Top          Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
    M —feld (ut)            o2re         0201           oare           casr          122
   Maxc H—feld (A/m)       0.2208       02328          03024          02036         care
      Limit (Am)             163          163            163            163          163
     Margin (A/m)         —1 4002       «13072         «13076        «1330         ncss
   70 % Limit (A‘m)         i41          ni41           ni41           1141         i141
  70 % Margin (A‘m)       o csse4      o 97804        0 90082        ocssis        oasre

Charging Mode with receiver shift 12mm to lett
                                      E—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige               Let              Right         Top      Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
   Max E—fied (Vim)          a48                a21          ase       are           105
      Limit (Vim)             se                ore          ore        ore          ore
     Margin (Vim)          st0s              s10.70        «   «s1022        035
   70 % Limit (Vim)         4208               4208         «208       «208         4208
  70 % Margin (Vim)       «27 37e           «27 se        «427 302   w27 184       «2245

                                   H—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige              Let          Right           Top         Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
    M —feld(ut)             oa37          css            oass          cas          o8ar
   Maxc H—feld (A/m)       0.3298         0372          o2see         oaree        oerre
      Limit (Am)             163           163            163          163           163
     Margin (A/m)          —12804         «1258         13012        1358          oos2
   70 % Limit (A‘m)         i41           ni41           ni41          1141         i141
  70 % Margin (A‘m)       —o sosze       —o 8808       o as084       o s483s      —o coose

Charging Mode with receiver shift 12mm to right
                                      E—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige               Let             Right          Top      Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
   Max E—fied (Vim)          207               aas           a4o       ane          1263
      Limit (Vim)             ore              ore           s14        ore          ore
     Margin (Vim)          «s11.03           s1o.6         «st0.51   «st0.02       «60137
   70 % Limit (Vim)         4208              4208          a20.8      «208         4208
  70 % Margin (Vim)       «27721            127 a62       azrasr     «2774        420959

                                 H—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige              Let         Right         Top           Bottom    Z—axis (Above)
    M H—feld (uT)           oase        oase           o31            0325          oces
   Max H—feld (A‘m)        oari2       oas72          0248            o26           oss>
      Limit (Am)             163          163          163             163           163
     Margin (A/m)         —12588       —1 2628        «1382           aar          —1.008
   70 % Limit (A‘m)         i41         ni41          a141            1141          i141
  70 % Margin (A‘m)       osens       o s830s        osor4           o 950         0.7sa6

Charging Mode airgap mm
                                  E—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige             Let          Right           Top         Bottom    Z—axis (Above)
   Max E—fied (Vim)         a9            201            a8s          ass           1029
      Limit (Vim)           ore           ore            ore           ore           ore
     Margin (Vim)         «st0.08       «st1.09        «s10.15       «stos         «s0a 71
   70 % Limit (Vim)        4208          4208           «208          «208          4208
  70 % Margin (Vim)       27042        «27763         «427. 105      27 a8        «22507

                                   H—Field Measurement (10cm)
       EUT Sige              Let          Right           Top         Bottom   Z—axis (Above)
    M —feld (ut)            0307          o25e           o2s4          c27          o03
   Maxc H—feld (A/m)       o24se         02054          02032         o 21e        0.7224
      Limit (Am)             163           163            163          163           163
     Margin (A/m)          «13844        «14236         «14268       aar32         o c0re
   70 % Limit (A‘m)         i41           ni41           ni41          1141         i141
  70 % Margin (A‘m)       —o ascu8      0.00052        —oc087e       oceo2        «0 cass?

Standby Mode
                                E—Field Measurement (10cm)
      EUT Side         Let             Right          Top     Bottom     Z—axis (Above)
  Max E—feld (Vim)     038              030           ose      042            o36
     Limit (Vim)       ore              ore           sta       ore           ore
    Margin (Vim)      stas2           «sta61         «1362    «stase        «s1aee
  70 % Limit (Vin)     420.8          4208           420.8     4208          4208

 70 % Margin (Vim)    429.534       w20 sar        aze 504    «29 .506     20 548

                               H—Field Measurement (10cm)
      EUT Side          Ler           Right           Top      Bottom    Z—axis (Above)
   Max H—feld (uT)      o2            o25            o2s        oan           o44s
  Maxc H—feld (A/m)    0.1928         0.198          ones      0.1928        o.3ses
     Limit (Afm)        163            163            183       163            163
    Margin (A/m)       14372          ES             4s        1a3r         12732
  70 % Limit (Afm)      141           i141           a41        i41           141
 70 % Margin (Am)     —1.00604       —1.0038        —1.cose   —1.00804      «osor24

Document Created: 2017-08-28 18:43:17
Document Modified: 2017-08-28 18:43:17

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