Part 25


Test Report

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                                                   Test Report
                               Prepared for: EMS Technologies Honeywell Satcom

                                                    Model: GXA

                                       Description: KA Band Aviation Radio

                                              FCC ID: K6KJETWAVE


                                                    FCC Part 25

                                         Date of Issue: December 14, 2015

On the behalf of the applicant:          EMS Technologies Honeywell Satcom
                                         400 Maple Grove Rd
                                         Ottawa, Ontario K2V 1B8

Attention of:                            Harish Gopal
                                         Ph: (613) 595-7557

                                                  Prepared By
                                            Compliance Testing, LLC
                                               1724 S. Nevada Way
                                                 Mesa, AZ 85204
                                    (480) 926-3100 phone / (480) 926-3598 fax
                                              Project No: p1580004

                                                                        Greg Corbin
                                                                        Project Test Engineer

        This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Compliance Testing.
                             All results contained herein relate only to the sample tested

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                           Test Report Revision History

Revision   Date       Revised By       Reason for Revision

1.0        11/25/15   Greg Corbin      Original Document
                                       Updated contact information; corrected model name &
2.0        12/2/15    Amanda Reed
                                       Updated TMA 110 – 150 GHz radiated emissions data
3.0        12/8/15    Greg Corbin
                                       Added Necessary Bandwidth calculations
4.0        12/14/15   Amanda Reed      Updated Emission Designator

5.0        12/14/15   Diana Williams   Corrected FCC ID

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                                                                           Table of Contents

                   Description                                                                                                                         Page

Standard Test Conditions and Engineering Practices ............................................................................................................ 5
Test Result Summary.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Conducted Output Power ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Conducted Emissions Limitations (Mask) ............................................................................................................................... 9
Emissions Limitations (radiated) ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Necessary Bandwidth Calculations (Occupied Bandwidth) .................................................................................................. 24
Frequency Tolerance (Temperature Variation) ..................................................................................................................... 25
Frequency Tolerance (Voltage Variation) ............................................................................................................................. 26
Test Equipment Utilized ........................................................................................................................................................ 27

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                                                         ILAC / A2LA

Compliance Testing, LLC, has been accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC
17025:2005. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory
quality management system (refer joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated January 2009).

The tests results contained within this test report all fall within our scope of accreditation, unless noted in the table below.

Please refer to for current scope of accreditation.

Testing Certificate Number: 2152.01

FCC Site Reg. #349717

IC Site Reg. #2044A-2

       Non-accredited tests contained in this report:


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Standard Test Conditions and Engineering Practices

Unless otherwise indicated, the procedures contained in ANSI C63.4-2009 were observed during testing.

Prior to testing, the EUT was tuned up in accordance with the manufacturer’s alignment procedures. All external gain
controls were maintained at the position of maximum and/or optimum gain throughout the testing.

Measurement results, unless otherwise noted, are worst case measurement.

Unless otherwise indicated in the specific measurement results, the ambient temperature was maintained within the range
of 10º to 40ºC (50º to 104ºF) and the relative humidity levels were in the range of 10% to 90%.

                                                   Environmental Conditions
                                   Temperature            Humidity             Pressure
                                      (°C)                  (%)                 (mbar)
                                     19.8 – 24.4          29.3 – 43.2        961.5 – 974.2

Test and Measurement Data

All tests and measurement data shown were performed in accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations, Volume II; Part 2
and the following individual Parts: FCC Part 25 Satellite Communications.

Prior to testing the EUT was tuned up in accordance with the manufacturer’s alignment procedures. All external gain
controls were maintained at the position of maximum and/or optimum gain throughout the testing.

Measurement results, unless otherwise noted, are worst case measurements.

EUT Description
Model: GXA
Description: KA Band Aviation Radio
Additional Information:
The EUT is an aircraft earth station installed in either the tail or fuselage of the airplane and used to provide Inmarsat
Global Xpress Aviation data services.

EUT Operation during Tests
The EUT operates from 29 – 30 GHz using 3 types of modulation, QPSK. BPSK and 8PSK.

The EUT was controlled by 2 racks of equipment supplied and operated by the manufacturer.
The racks are referred to as Test Jigs by the manufacturer.
The EUT output is WR 28 waveguide. The manufacturer provided a 20 dB waveguide coupler and a 40 dB waveguide
attenuator for a load.
The conducted measurements were measured at the coupled port of the coupler.
Radiated measurements were measured in an anechoic chamber with the transmitter connected to 2 types of antennas
and into a termination.

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Qty   Description                                 Manufacturer            Model             S/N
                                              Honeywell Aerospace
1     GXA V&V KRFU/KANDU Test Jig                                   P/N: 90402190 rev 1     N/A
                                               Electronic Systems
                                              Honeywell Aerospace
1     GXA V&V MODMAN Test Jig                                       P/N: 90402791 Rev 1     N/A
                                               Electronic Systems
                                              Honeywell Aerospace
1     TMA (Tail Mount Antenna)                                      P/N: 90400013-001       017
                                               Electronic Systems
                                              Honeywell Aerospace
1     FMA (Fuselage Mount Antenna)                                   P/N: 90000380-1       0007
                                               Electronic Systems

      Cables: Configuration cables included with the test jigs.

      Modifications: None

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Test Result Summary

    Specification   Test Name                                                 Comments
                                                                  Fail, N/A
    25.204          Carrier Output Power (Conducted)               Pass

    25.202f         Unwanted Emissions (Transmitter Conducted)     Pass

    2.1053          Field Strength of Spurious Radiation           Pass

    25.202f         Emission Masks (Occupied Bandwidth)            Pass

    25.202d         Frequency Stability (Temperature Variation)    Pass

    25.202d         Frequency Stability (Voltage Variation)        Pass

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Conducted Output Power
Engineer: Greg Corbin
Test Date: 11/13/2015

                                                       Test Procedure

The EUT was connected to a Spectrum Analyzer via a 20 dB coupler. The spectrum analyzer channel power
measurement tool was used to record the output power.

Per §25.204(c), there is no EIRP limit for earth stations with elevation angles > 5 degrees above the horizon.

Per the manufacturer, the EUT does not transmit at elevation angles < 5 degrees above the horizon.

EIRP is based on the antenna used and is addressed at the time of installation.

                                                         Test Setup

                      EUT                     20 dB                      40 dB
                                             coupler                  termination


                                            Transmitter Peak Output Power

     Tuned Frequency            Modulation              Recorded
                                                                                    Specification Limit           Result
          (GHz)                                        Measurement
            29.0                   QPSK                   41.74            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

            29.5                   QPSK                   40.76            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

            30.0                   QPSK                   40.17            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

            29.0                   BPSK                   41.42            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

            29.5                   BPSK                   40.46            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

            30.0                   BPSK                   39.83            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

            29.0                    8PSK                  40.97            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

            29.5                    8PSK                  39.51            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

            30.0                    8PSK                  39.19            No limit for Aircraft Earth Stations   Pass

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Conducted Emissions Limitations (Mask)
Engineer: Greg Corbin
Test Date: 11/13/2015

                                                       Test Procedure

The EUT was connected directly to a spectrum analyzer and the conducted spurious emissions were measured to ensure
that the EUT met the requirements specified. Only the worst case emission at each frequency was reported. Notch and
high pass filters were utilized to ensure that the fundamental power did not force the input of the spectrum analyzer into
compressions. These losses in addition to cable losses were input into the analyzer as a reference level offset to ensure
that accurate measurements were obtained.

Since the EUT output is WR 28 waveguide, the conducted emission limitations measurements were limited to the masks
within the passband.
All other emission limitations were measured radiated, in an anechoic chamber with the 2 different types of antennas
listed and a 50 ohm load.

                                                         Test Setup

                      EUT                     20 dB                      40 dB
                                             coupler                  termination


                                       Emissions Limitations Plots at 29.0 GHz
                                                 QPSK modulation

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BPSK Modulation

8PSK Modulation

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Emissions Limitations Plots at 29.5 GHz
          QPSK Modulation

          BPSK Modulation

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           8PSK Modulation

Emissions Limitations Plots at 30.0 GHz
          QPSK Modulation

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BPSK Modulation

8PSK Modulation

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Emissions Limitations (radiated)
Engineer: Greg Corbin
Test Date: 11/17/2015

                                                    Test Procedure

Since the EUT output is WR 28 waveguide, the conducted emission limitations measurements were limited to the masks
within the passband.
All other emission limitations were measured radiated, in an anechoic chamber with the 2 different types of antennas
listed and a 50 ohm load.
Measurements were performed from 30 MHz to 150 GHz.
Harmonic mixers were utilized above 40 GHz.
The spurious emissions measurements were performed using all 3 modulations (QPSK, BPSK, 8PSK).

Calculations were used to compare the results to the -13 dBm limit.

    1. All measurements are field strength measured at 1 meter except for 30 - 1000 MHz, which was measured at 3
    2. For 30 - 1000 MHz, all correction factors were input to the spectrum analyzer before recording data.
    3. Added receive correction factors (mixer and antenna) to field strength data.
    4. Subtracted BW correction factor. BW specified = 4 kHz, BW measured = 30 KHz
    5. Convert field strength (dBuV/m) to EIRP (dBm).
    6. Compare result to -13 dBm conducted limit.
    7. BW Correction Factor = 10*LOG(B1/B2)
    8. Field Strength (Calculated ) = Raw Data-BW Corr Factor+RX Mixer Corr Factor +RX Antenna Corr Factor
    9. EIRP (dBm) = Field Strength (dBuV/m) - 107

                                                       Test Setup

                    EUT                                         Harmonic              Spectrum
                                                                 Mixer                Analyzer

                                                         30 MHz – 40 GHz connection

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                                   Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                            FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3        1         31      8.75      0        0       4.77         27.02       -79.98     -13     -66.98
 1 - 18        1       13.75     24.5     8.75      0      40.3        0          56.05       -50.95     -13     -37.95
 18 - 40       1       39.49     38.9     8.75      0      46.9        0          77.05       -29.95     -13     -16.95
 40 - 50       1       40.9      0.95     8.75    23.4     23.1        0          38.7         -68.3     -13     -55.3
 50 - 75       1       74.94     11.1     8.75    37.3      23         0          62.65       -44.35     -13     -31.35
75 - 110       1       85.68     23.6     8.75    42.1      23         0          79.95       -27.05     -13     -14.05
110 - 150      1       110       -8.8     8.75    51.4     22.3        0          56.15       -50.85     -13     -37.85

                         FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.97       32      8.75      0        0       4.77         28.02       -78.98     -13     -65.98
 1 - 18        1       14.2       24      8.75      0      41.9        0          57.15       -49.85     -13     -36.85
 18 - 40       1       39.56     38.2     8.75      0      46.9        0          76.35       -30.65     -13     -17.65
 40 - 50       1       48.3       3.3     8.75    22.9     23.3        0          40.75       -66.25     -13     -53.25
 50 - 75       1       50.44     12.7     8.75    35.5     22.5        0          61.95       -45.05     -13     -32.05
75 - 110       1       87.25     24.3     8.75    42.1     23.1        0          80.75       -26.25     -13     -13.25
110 - 150      1       139.7      -5.9    8.75    55.9     23.2        0          64.45       -42.55     -13     -29.55

                            FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.95      30.5     8.75      0        0       4.77         26.52       -80.48     -13     -67.48
 1 - 18        1       13.89     24.1     8.75      0      40.9        0          56.25       -50.75     -13     -37.75
 18 - 40       1       39.6      37.8     8.75      0      46.9        0          75.95       -31.05     -13     -18.05
 40 - 50       1       42.64      1.5     8.75    23.1     23.2        0          39.05       -67.95     -13     -54.95
 50 - 75       1       50.13     12.9     8.75    36.3     22.4        0          62.85       -44.15     -13     -31.15
75 - 110       1       88.74     23.1     8.75    41.8     23.1        0          79.25       -27.75     -13     -14.75
110 - 150      1       145.2      -0.1    8.75    52.5     23.2        0          66.85       -40.15     -13     -27.15

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                                   Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                            FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3        1         30      8.75      0        0       4.77         26.02       -80.98     -13     -67.98
 1 - 18        1       13.89     24.8     8.75      0      40.9        0          56.95       -50.05     -13     -37.05
 18 - 40       1       39.78     37.9     8.75      0       47         0          76.15       -30.85     -13     -17.85
 40 - 50       1       41.48      1.6     8.75    23.3     23.1        0          39.25       -67.75     -13     -54.75
 50 - 75       1        50       12.4     8.75    36.3     22.4        0          62.35       -44.65     -13     -31.65
75 - 110       1       85.68     21.9     8.75     42       23         0          78.15       -28.85     -13     -15.85
110 - 150      1       110       -8.9     8.75    51.4     22.3        0          56.05       -50.95     -13     -37.95

                         FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.95       31      8.75      0        0       4.77         27.02       -79.98     -13     -66.98
 1 - 18        1       15.56     24.4     8.75      0      38.2        0          53.85       -53.15     -13     -40.15
 18 - 40       1       39.74     37.9     8.75      0      46.9        0          76.05       -30.95     -13     -17.95
 40 - 50       1        40        1.1     8.75    24.1     23.1        0          39.55       -67.45     -13     -54.45
 50 - 75       1       50.44     11.2     8.75    35.6     22.4        0          60.45       -46.55     -13     -33.55
75 - 110       1       87.25      24      8.75    42.1     23.1        0          80.45       -26.55     -13     -13.55
110 - 150      1       139.7     -6.1     8.75     56      23.2        0          64.35       -42.65     -13     -29.65

                            FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.95      31.5     8.75      0        0       4.77         27.52       -79.48     -13     -66.48
 1 - 18        1       13.95     24.5     8.75      0      41.3        0          57.05       -49.95     -13     -36.95
 18 - 40       1       39.71     36.8     8.75      0      46.9        0          74.95       -32.05     -13     -19.05
 40 - 50       1       42.63      1.2     8.75    22.8     23.2        0          38.45       -68.55     -13     -55.55
 50 - 75       1       73.31     13.9     8.75    36.3     23.4        0          64.85       -42.15     -13     -29.15
75 - 110       1       88.74     23.7     8.75    42.2     23.1        0          80.25       -26.75     -13     -13.75
110 - 150      1       145.2      -0.6    8.75    52.5     23.2        0          66.35       -40.65     -13     -27.65

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                                   Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                             FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz      dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3        1         32      8.75      0        0       4.77         28.02       -78.98     -13     -65.98
 1 - 18        1       15.51     24.7     8.75      0      38.4        0          54.35       -52.65     -13     -39.65
 18 - 40       1       39.12     37.5     8.75      0      46.3        0          75.05       -31.95     -13     -18.95
 40 - 50       1       44.03      1.1     8.75    23.7     23.2        0          39.25       -67.75     -13     -54.75
 50 - 75       1       74.88     12.4     8.75    37.3     23.4        0          64.35       -42.65     -13     -29.65
75 - 110       1       85.68     23.1     8.75    42.1      23         0          79.45       -27.55     -13     -14.55
110 - 150      1       110.7      -9.3    8.75    51.4     22.3        0          55.65       -51.35     -13     -38.35

                         FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz      dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.97       31      8.75      0        0       4.77         27.02       -79.98     -13     -66.98
 1 - 18        1       13.81     24.3     8.75      0      40.5        0          56.05       -50.95     -13     -37.95
 18 - 40       1       39.67      37      8.75      0      46.9        0          75.15       -31.85     -13     -18.85
 40 - 50       1        40        1.2     8.75    24.1     23.1        0          39.65       -67.35     -13     -54.35
 50 - 75       1       50.19     13.1     8.75     36      22.4        0          62.75       -44.25     -13     -31.25
75 - 110       1       87.25     25.2     8.75    42.1     23.1        0          81.65       -25.35     -13     -12.35
110 - 150      1       139.7      -8.9    8.75    55.8     23.2        0          61.35       -45.65     -13     -32.65

                             FMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                            Raw Data      BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                       Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter     GHz      dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.94       32      8.75      0        0       4.77         28.02       -78.98     -13     -65.98
 1 - 18        1       13.69     25.3     8.75      0      40.3        0          56.85       -50.15     -13     -37.15
 18 - 40       1       29.37     32.2     8.75      0      46.6        0          70.05       -36.95     -13     -23.95
 40 - 50       1       49.15      7.7     8.75    22.3     23.4        0          44.65       -62.35     -13     -49.35
 50 - 75       1        75       12.5     8.75    37.3     23.4        0          64.45       -42.55     -13     -29.55
75 - 110       1       90.66     23.7     8.75    42.1     23.2        0          80.25       -26.75     -13     -13.75
110 - 150      1       142.1      -0.8    8.75    50.8     23.2        0          64.45       -42.55     -13     -29.55

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                                  Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                           TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.990     34.6    8.75       0        0       4.77         30.62       -76.38     -13     -63.38
 1 - 18        1       14.175    23.6    8.75       0      41.8        0          56.65       -50.35     -13     -37.35
 18 - 40       1       39.71     41.4    8.75       0      46.9        0          79.55       -27.45     -13     -14.45
 40 - 50       1       43.95     21.3    8.75     23.7     23.2        0          59.45       -47.55     -13     -34.55
 50 - 75       1       50.313     13     8.75     36.1     22.4        0          62.75       -44.25     -13     -31.25
75 - 110       1        87.6     30.4    8.75     42.2     23.1        0          86.95       -20.05     -13     -7.05
110 - 150      1       126.2     13.4    8.75     60.8     22.7        0          88.15       -18.85     -13     -5.85

                          TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.990     32.1    8.75       0        0       4.77         28.12       -78.88     -13     -65.88
 1 - 18        1       13.948    24.6    8.75       0      41.1        0          56.95       -50.05     -13     -37.05
 18 - 40       1       39.45     41.8    8.75       0      46.9        0          79.95       -27.05     -13     -14.05
 40 - 50       1       40.175    21.6    8.75      24      23.1        0          59.95       -47.05     -13     -34.05
 50 - 75       1       50.125    10.4    8.75     36.1     22.4        0          60.15       -46.85     -13     -33.85
75 - 110       1       89.175    31.1    8.75     41.9     23.2        0          87.45       -19.55     -13     -6.55
110 - 150      1       126.2     11.3    8.75     60.8     22.7        0          86.05       -20.95     -13     -7.95

                           TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.990     32.1    8.75       0        0       4.77         28.12       -78.88     -13     -65.88
 1 - 18        1       13.722    24.3    8.75       0      40.4        0          55.95       -51.05     -13     -38.05
 18 - 40       1       39.52     42.4    8.75       0      46.9        0          80.55       -26.45     -13     -13.45
 40 - 50       1       44.925    20.9    8.75     22.9     23.2        0          58.25       -48.75     -13     -35.75
 50 - 75       1       50.125    12.6    8.75     36.2     22.4        0          62.45       -44.55     -13     -31.55
75 - 110       1       88.738    26.5    8.75     41.8     23.1        0          82.65       -24.35     -13     -11.35
110 - 150      1       126.2     16.9    8.75     60.8     22.7        0          91.65       -15.35     -13     -2.35

                                                                                          p1580004_FCC_Part 25_Rev 5.0
                                                                                                         Page 18 of 27

                                  Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                           TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.990     31.3    8.75       0        0       4.77         27.32       -79.68     -13     -66.68
 1 - 18        1       14.033    23.7    8.75       0      41.3        0          56.25       -50.75     -13     -37.75
 18 - 40       1       39.78     42.6    8.75       0      47.1        0          80.95       -26.05     -13     -13.05
 40 - 50       1       43.85     21.2    8.75     23.6     23.2        0          59.25       -47.75     -13     -34.75
 50 - 75       1       50.125    20.7    8.75     36.2     22.4        0          70.55       -36.45     -13     -23.45
75 - 110       1       85.675    30.2    8.75      42       23         0          86.45       -20.55     -13     -7.55
110 - 150      1       126.2     12.7    8.75     60.8     22.7        0          87.45       -19.55     -13     -6.55

                          TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.990     31.7    8.75       0        0       4.77         27.72       -79.28     -13     -66.28
 1 - 18        1       13.665    24.5    8.75       0      40.2        0          55.95       -51.05     -13     -38.05
 18 - 40       1        39.6     42.5    8.75       0      46.9        0          80.65       -26.35     -13     -13.35
 40 - 50       1       40.025    21.5    8.75     24.1     23.1        0          59.95       -47.05     -13     -34.05
 50 - 75       1       68.125    23.7    8.75     34.9     23.4        0          73.25       -33.75     -13     -20.75
75 - 110       1       89.175    31.2    8.75     41.9     23.1        0          87.45       -19.55     -13     -6.55
110 - 150      1       126.2     11.4    8.75     60.8     22.7        0          86.15       -20.85     -13     -7.85

                           TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.985     32.1    8.75       0        0       4.77         28.12       -78.88     -13     -65.88
 1 - 18        1       14.062    24.5    8.75       0      41.3        0          57.05       -49.95     -13     -36.95
 18 - 40       1       39.63     42.1    8.75       0      46.9        0          80.25       -26.75     -13     -13.75
 40 - 50       1       44.05     21.6    8.75     23.7     23.2        0          59.75       -47.25     -13     -34.25
 50 - 75       1       50.188    13.1    8.75     36.2     22.4        0          62.95       -44.05     -13     -31.05
75 - 110       1       90.663    27.1    8.75     42.1     23.2        0          83.65       -23.35     -13     -10.35
110 - 150      1       126.2     15.6    8.75     60.8     22.7        0          90.35       -16.65     -13     -3.65

                                                                                          p1580004_FCC_Part 25_Rev 5.0
                                                                                                         Page 19 of 27

                                  Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                             TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                    RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data        BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                 Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                           Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                   Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm       dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.990      31.6     8.75      0        0        4.77        27.62        -79.38     -13    -66.38
 1 - 18        1       13.637      24      8.75      0       40.2       0          55.45        -51.55     -13    -38.55
 18 - 40       1       39.63      41.4     8.75      0       46.9       0          79.55        -27.45     -13    -14.45
 40 - 50       1        40.6      21.2     8.75     23.6     23.1       0          59.15        -47.85     -13    -34.85
 50 - 75       1       50.125     12.7     8.75     36.1     22.4       0          62.45        -44.55     -13    -31.55
75 - 110       1       87.688     31.5     8.75     42.2     23.1       0          88.05        -18.95     -13     -5.95
110 - 150      1       126.2      13.5     8.75     60.8     22.7       0          88.25        -18.75     -13     -5.75

                          TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                    RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data        BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                 Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                           Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level    Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                   Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.990     31.2     8.75       0        0       4.77         27.22       -79.78     -13     -66.78
  1 - 18       1       13.75     24.2     8.75       0      40.4        0          55.85       -51.15     -13     -38.15
 18 - 40       1       39.38     42.7     8.75       0      46.6        0          80.55       -26.45     -13     -13.45
 40 - 50       1       43.425     21      8.75     23.2     23.2        0          58.65       -48.35     -13     -35.35
 50 - 75       1        50       12.1     8.75     36.3     22.4        0          62.05       -44.95     -13     -31.95
 75 - 110      1       87.25     30.2     8.75     42.1     23.1        0          86.65       -20.35     -13     -7.35
110 - 150      1       126.2     10.8     8.75     60.8     22.7        0          85.55       -21.45     -13     -8.45

                             TMA Antenna_Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                    RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data        BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                 Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                           Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq      Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                   Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm       dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.966      33.3     8.75      0        0        4.77        29.32        -77.68     -13    -64.68
 1 - 18        1       14.062     23.8     8.75      0       41.3       0          56.35        -50.65     -13    -37.65
 18 - 40       1        39.3      41.3     8.75      0       46.3       0          78.85        -28.15     -13    -15.15
 40 - 50       1       40.05      21.3     8.75     24.1     23.1       0          59.75        -47.25     -13    -34.25
 50 - 75       1        50.1      12.3     8.75     36.1     22.4       0          62.05        -44.95     -13    -31.95
75 - 110       1       88.738     27.6     8.75     41.8     23.1       0          83.75        -23.25     -13     -10.3
110 - 150      1       126.2      15.2     8.75     60.8     22.7       0          89.95        -17.05     -13     -4.05

                                                                                           p1580004_FCC_Part 25_Rev 5.0
                                                                                                          Page 20 of 27

                                   Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                              50 ohm Load_Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                     RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data         BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                  Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                            Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                 Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq       Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                    Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz      dBuV/m      dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm      dBm       dB
 0.03 –1       3        0.536      38.3     8.75      0        0        4.77        34.32        -72.68     -13    -59.68
 1 - 18        1        13.75      25.5     8.75      0       40.4        0         57.15        -49.85     -13    -36.85
 18 - 40       1        39.74      37.7     8.75      0       46.9        0         75.85        -31.15     -13    -18.15
 40 - 50       1        48.55      26.7     8.75      23      23.4        0         64.35        -42.65     -13    -29.65
 50 - 75       1       60.625      -0.4     8.75     34.3     23.1        0         48.25        -58.75     -13    -45.75
75 - 110       1       103.175     0.8      8.75     43.1     23.4        0         58.55        -48.45     -13    -35.45
110 - 150      1        110        13.1     8.75     51.4     22.3        0         78.05        -28.95     -13    -15.95

                          50 ohm Load _Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                     RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data         BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                  Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                            Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                 Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq      Level    Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                    Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
   GHz       Meter      GHz      dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1        3       0.180     32.9     8.75       0        0       4.77         28.92       -78.08     -13     -65.08
  1 - 18        1      13.863     24.3     8.75       0      40.7        0          56.25       -50.75     -13     -37.75
 18 - 40        1       39.63     38.7     8.75       0      46.9        0          76.85       -30.15     -13     -17.15
 40 - 50        1      49.375     35.8     8.75     22.4     23.4        0          72.85       -34.15     -13     -21.15
 50 - 75        1      50.563      0.1     8.75     35.5     22.4        0          49.25       -57.75     -13     -44.75
 75 - 110       1      87.163      -2      8.75     42.1     23.1        0          54.45       -52.55     -13     -39.55
110 - 150       1       110       12.8     8.75     51.4     22.3        0          77.75       -29.25     -13     -16.25

                           50 ohm Load _Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_QPSK Modulation

                                                     RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data         BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                  Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                            Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                 Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq      Level    Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                    Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
   GHz       Meter      GHz      dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1        3       0.134     34.1     8.75       0        0       4.77         30.12       -76.88     -13     -63.88
  1 - 18        1      13.693     24.3     8.75       0      40.3        0          55.85       -51.15     -13     -38.15
 18 - 40        1       39.67     37.5     8.75       0      46.9        0          75.65       -31.35     -13     -18.35
 40 - 50        1       49.15     42.5     8.75     22.3     23.4        0          79.45       -27.55     -13     -14.55
 50 - 75        1        60        1.9     8.75     34.2     23.1        0          50.45       -56.55     -13     -43.55
 75 - 110       1      82.875      1.3     8.75     42.7     22.9        0          58.15       -48.85     -13     -35.85
110 - 150       1       110.6     12.4     8.75     51.4     22.3        0          77.35       -29.65     -13     -16.65

                                                                                            p1580004_FCC_Part 25_Rev 5.0
                                                                                                           Page 21 of 27

                                  Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                           50 ohm Load _Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.995     32.5    8.75       0        0       4.77         28.52       -78.48     -13     -65.48
 1 - 18        1       13.92     24.8    8.75       0       41         0          57.05       -49.95     -13     -36.95
 18 - 40       1       39.71      38     8.75       0      46.9        0          76.15       -30.85     -13     -17.85
 40 - 50       1        48.6     26.2    8.75     22.8     23.3        0          63.55       -43.45     -13     -30.45
 50 - 75       1       56.563    -0.2    8.75     33.3     22.9        0          47.25       -59.75     -13     -46.75
75 - 110       1       82.875    0.5     8.75     42.7     22.9        0          57.35       -49.65     -13     -36.65
110 - 150      1       110.2     12.4    8.75     51.4     22.3        0          77.35       -29.65     -13     -16.65

                          50 ohm Load _Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.131     31.5    8.75       0        0       4.77         27.52       -79.48     -13     -66.48
 1 - 18        1       13.92     24.2    8.75       0       41         0          56.45       -50.55     -13     -37.55
 18 - 40       1       39.89     37.9    8.75       0      47.3        0          76.45       -30.55     -13     -17.55
 40 - 50       1       48.325     34     8.75      23      23.3        0          71.55       -35.45     -13     -22.45
 50 - 75       1       68.125    2.1     8.75     34.8     23.3        0          51.45       -55.55     -13     -42.55
75 - 110       1       86.463    0.7     8.75      42      23.1        0          57.05       -49.95     -13     -36.95
110 - 150      1       110.2     14.1    8.75     51.4     22.3        0          79.05       -27.95     -13     -14.95

                           50 ohm Load _Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_BPSK Modulation

                                                   RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data       BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                          Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                               Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq     Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                  Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz     dBuV/m    dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1       3       0.134     34.3    8.75       0        0       4.77         30.32       -76.68     -13     -63.68
 1 - 18        1       13.523    24.3    8.75       0       40         0          55.55       -51.45     -13     -38.45
 18 - 40       1       39.78      38     8.75       0       47         0          76.25       -30.75     -13     -17.75
 40 - 50       1       49.15     40.1    8.75     22.3     23.4        0          77.05       -29.95     -13     -16.95
 50 - 75       1        60       18.6    8.75     34.2     23.1        0          67.15       -39.85     -13     -26.85
75 - 110       1       102.3     0.6     8.75     42.9     23.4        0          58.15       -48.85     -13     -35.85
110 - 150      1       110.3     12.9    8.75     51.4     22.3        0          77.85       -29.15     -13     -16.15

                                                                                          p1580004_FCC_Part 25_Rev 5.0
                                                                                                         Page 22 of 27

                                   Emission Limitations (radiated) Test Data

                              50 ohm Load _Tuned Freq = 29 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                     RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data         BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                  Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                            Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                 Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq      Level    Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                    Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
   GHz       Meter      GHz      dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1        3       0.177      35.7    8.75       0        0       4.77         31.72       -75.28     -13     -62.28
  1 - 18        1      13.778      24.5    8.75       0      40.5        0          56.25       -50.75     -13     -37.75
 18 - 40        1       39.12      39      8.75       0      46.6        0          76.85       -30.15     -13     -17.15
 40 - 50        1       48.6       25.5    8.75     22.8     23.3        0          62.85       -44.15     -13     -31.15
 50 - 75        1      62.063      -0.1    8.75     33.8     23.2        0          48.15       -58.85     -13     -45.85
 75 - 110       1      87.688      0.4     8.75     42.2     23.1        0          57.35       -49.65     -13     -36.65
110 - 150       1       110        13.2    8.75     51.4     22.3        0          78.05       -28.95     -13     -15.95

                          50 ohm Load _Tuned Freq = 29.5 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                     RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data         BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                  Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                            Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                 Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq       Level   Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                    Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
  GHz        Meter      GHz       dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm      dBm       dB
 0.03 –1       3        0.134      34.4     8.75      0        0        4.77        30.42        -76.58     -13    -63.58
 1 - 18        1       13.722      23.9     8.75       0      40.3        0         55.45        -51.55     -13    -38.55
 18 - 40       1        39.56      37.6     8.75      0       46.9        0         75.75        -31.25     -13    -18.25
 40 - 50       1       48.325      36.7     8.75     23.1     23.3       0          74.35        -32.65     -13    -19.65
 50 - 75       1         65        -0.2     8.75     33.2     23.3        0         47.55        -59.45     -13    -46.45
75 - 110       1       109.738      0.3     8.75     44.5     23.4        0         57.15        -49.85     -13    -36.85
110 - 150      1        110        13.2     8.75     51.4     22.3        0         78.15        -28.85     -13    -15.85

                              50 ohm Load _Tuned Freq = 30 GHz_8PSK Modulation

                                                     RX       RX                                Convert
                           Raw Data         BW                        Distance       Field
Frequency     Test                                  Mixer     Ant                                 Field
                                            Corr                        Corr       Strength                Limit   Margin
  Range     distance                                 Corr     Corr                              Strength
                        Freq      Level    Factor                      Factor    (Calculated)
                                                    Factor   Factor                             to EIRP
   GHz       Meter      GHz      dBuV/m     dB       dB       dB        dB        dBuV/m         dBm       dBm      dB
 0.03 –1        3       0.180      33.7    8.75       0        0       4.77         29.72       -77.28     -13     -64.28
  1 - 18        1      13.778      24.9    8.75       0      40.5        0          56.65       -50.35     -13     -37.35
 18 - 40        1       39.49      37.4    8.75       0      46.8        0          75.45       -31.55     -13     -18.55
 40 - 50        1       49.15      42.7    8.75     22.3     23.4        0          79.65       -27.35     -13     -14.35
 50 - 75        1        60        1.6     8.75     34.2     23.1        0          50.15       -56.85     -13     -43.85
 75 - 110       1       94.6       0.6     8.75     42.5     23.3        0          58.35       -48.65     -13     -35.65
110 - 150       1       110        12.6    8.75     51.4     22.3        0          77.55       -29.45     -13     -16.45

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Necessary Bandwidth Calculations (Occupied Bandwidth)
Engineer: Greg Corbin
Test Date: 12/8/2015

The table below contains the necessary bandwidth calculations for the EUT.
The necessary bandwidth calculations were provided by the manufacturer.

                                                Signal                       Necessary                 Authorized
   Data Rate    Symbol Rate     Modulation                 Performance                       FCC
                                                States                       Bandwidth                 Bandwidth
    (kbps)        (ksym/s)        Type                      Factor (K)                    Designator
                                                  (S)                          (kHz)                     (kHz)
    47000           5875          8PSK            8            0.25            7833       7M83G7W         225

    20000           5000          QPSK            4            0.25            5000       5M00G1W         225

      936           468           BPSK            2            0.25            468         468kG7W        225

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Frequency Tolerance (Temperature Variation)
Test Engineer: Greg Corbin
Test Date: 10/29/2015
Limit: 0.001%

                                                                 Test Procedure

The EUT was placed in an environmental test chamber and the temperature was raised from -20°C to 50°C in 10°C
increments. The EUT RF output was connected to the spectrum analyzer via a 20 dB coupler. At each 10°C increment the
frequency was measured.

                             Temperature Chamber

                                   EUT                  20 dB                     40 dB
                                                       coupler                 termination


                                                                   Test Plot

                                         Frequency Stability vs. Temperature
   Frequency (MHz)

                     29500300000                                                                                 Upper Limit
                     29500000000                                                                                 Frequency
                     29499800000                                                                                 Lower Limit
                                   -30   -20    -10       0      10      20          30      40     50
                                                      Temperature (Centigrade)

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Frequency Tolerance (Voltage Variation)
Engineer: Greg Corbin
Test Date: 10/29/2015

                                                             Test Procedure

The EUT was powered by a power supply in one of the test racks provided by the manufacturer. This is where the power
to the EUT was varied. The EUT RF output was connected to the spectrum analyzer via a 20 dB coupler. At 20°C, the
EUT output frequency was measured at the nominal voltage and at the ± 15% voltage levels for the EUT.

                             Temperature Chamber

                                EUT                 20 dB                     40 dB
                                                   coupler                 termination


                                                               Test Plot

                                                   Frequency Stability vs. Voltage
      Frequency (MHz)

                                                                                                      Upper Limit
                        29500000000                                                                   Frequency

                        29499800000                                                                   Lower Limit

                                  95.00       105.00         115.00            125.00    135.00

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Test Equipment Utilized

                                                                               CT Asset          Last Cal     Cal Due
            Description               MFG            Model Number
                                                                               Number             Date         Date
   Horn Antenna                     EMCO         3116                           i00085           1/29/15      1/29/17

   Horn Antenna                     EMCO         3115                           i00103           1/20/15      1/20/17

   Horn Antenna, Amplified          ARA          DRG-118/A                      i00271            5/8/14       5/8/16

   Spectrum Analyzer                Agilent      E4407B                         i00331           9/18/15      9/18/16

   Bi-Log Antenna                   Schaffner    CBL 6111D                      i00349           10/19/15     10/19/17

   Harmonic Mixer                   HP           11970V                          00463           6/04/15      6/04/16

   Harmonic Mixer                   HP           11970W                          00464           6/20/15      6/20/16

   Harmonic Mixer                   HP           11970Q                          00465           6/04/15      6/04/16

   Horn Antenna, standard gain      CMI          H06R                            00475             NR           NR

   Horn Antenna, standard gain      CMI          H010R                           00476             NR           NR

   Horn Antenna, standard gain      CMI          Ho15R                           00477             NR           NR

   Harmonic Mixer                   OML          M06HWD                          00480           7/27/15      7/27/16

   Horn Antenna, standard gain      CMI          H022R                           00484             NR           NR

   Spectrum Analyzer                Agilent      E4448A (rental)           S/N:MY46180662        6/24/15      6/14/17

In addition to the above listed equipment standard RF connectors and cables were utilized in the testing of the described
equipment. Prior to testing these components were tested to verify proper operation.


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Document Created: 2015-12-14 15:29:04
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 15:29:04

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