FAA Notification Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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4May 2010

Federal Aviation Administration
Office of Spectrum Policy and Management
800 lndependence Avenue, SW
Washington D.C.20591

Reference:           FAA Notification of FCC Equipment under FCC Part 87
                     HSD-MK2, and HSD-MK3, Aeronautical Earth Station
                     Satellite Commu nications Transceiverc
                     FCC ID's K6KHSD.MK2 and K6KHSD.MK3

Dear Sir,

ln accordance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules and Regulations, Part 87.'t47(d), EMS
Technologies Canada, Ltd. (EMS) hereby notifies the Federal Aviation Administration of its filing with the FCC of
an application for certification of the HSD-MK2 and HSD-MK3 Aeronautical Earth Station Satellite
Communications Transceiver models referenced above.

Please find below the information required pursuant to Part 87.147(d)(1).

f   )   Description of Equipment
         The EMS HSD-MK2 and HSD-MK3 Aeronautical Earth Station (AES) satellite communication transceivers
         support the lnmarsat Classic-Aero H+, Swift64, and SwiftBroadband aeronautical satellite communications
         services. These transceivers meet the applicable requirements of RTCA/DO-210D "Minimum Operational
         Performance Standards for Geosynchronous Orbit Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services (AMSS) Avionics".
         Both the HSD-MK2 and the HSD-MK3 are product derivatives of the FCC authorized and FAA Technical
         Standard Order (TSO C-132) authorized HSD440. The HSD-MK2 transceiver replaces one of the
         HSD-440 channel cards with a version that provides two lnmarsat Aero H+ voice channels versus one. The
         HSD-MK3 transceiver replaces the other HSD-440 channelcard with a version that provides multiple
         lnmarsat services on the same circuit card assembly.
         The following provides a brief description of the HSD-MK2 and HSD-MK3 transceivers. When used, the
         abbreviation HSD refers to either model of transceiver. Where distinction is necessary, the appropriate
         model name is used.
         The EMS HSD is the transceiver of an Aeronautical Earth Station (AES) which incorporates the satellite
         data unit and the high power amplifier functions of the AES. The SDU is packaged in an eight Modular
         Concept Unit (8-MCU) enclosure as defined in ARINC Specification 600. The SDU contains 2 channel card
         circuit card assemblies (CCA), a data inpuVoutput CCA, a control processor CCA, an RF inpuVoutput
         module, an RF power amplifier, a multi-voltage output power supply, and interconnection wiring. The
         channel cards provide the interfaces between the user voice or data and the lnmarsat L-band satellite
         signal. Multiple L-band signals are produced on each channel card. The HSD-MK2 and HSD-MK3 ditfer in
         the type and capability of channel card used. The data inpuUoutput CCA provides the interface between
         user data and voice circuits, and the channel cards. The control processor CCA provides the interface to
         the aircraft and controls the overall operation of the AES. The RF inpuUoutput module combines the L-band
         signals from the channel cards and distributes the receive signal from the AES diplexer/low noíse amplifier.
         The power amplifier provides the high power RF signal gain with a nominal maximum output power of
         60 watts.


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       The relationship between the HSD transceiver and the other subsystems of the Aeronautical Earth Station
       is illustrated in Figure 1.

                          MCDU (x2)
                         or WSCI (x2)                                                     C€nùal   Llåhtenoæ          Swilr6{ Soryl@s
                                                                                            Cwputo,      (CMC) loll Oul'ty       Vdæ     (6,4   kÞs)
                           lI!        -
                                      æ          AcARs/                                                               3.1 kHz audþ
                                                                                                                      55. 64 kbps ciart-swilcfBd data
                                                      cMU <--------J                                                  64 lbps pactelsktchod data
                                                      (x2) I +
                                                                                                                      SwlttE.ddb¡nd Sed¡cerl
                                                                                                                      Toll Qu¿l'ly Vdæ (ü kbps)
                                 ,:                                                                                   AMBE|2 Voke
                                                                                                                      3.1 kHz ôudp
                                                                                                                      56, 64 kbps ord¡t.sw'tcùed data
                                                                                                                      Up to 432 kbps   paclofsetched dåta

                                  Syslm C0fi9 Str¿ps                                                                  Aô.o.H.,H+ Sôry14
                                      D¡$roto   L/O                                                                   4.8 kb0s úæ

                                                      Figure 1: Aeronautical Earth Station

2l   Manufacturer's ldentification
       The EMS model identification and the FCC ldentifier for the HSD equipment are presented in Table 1. For
       reference, the supported lnmarsat services are included.

                                                        Table 1: Equipment ldentification

     Equipment ldentification                                                                 lnmarsat Services
EMS Model       FCC ID                  Classic Aero               Swift64                                                               SwiftBroadband
HSD-MK2         K6KHSD-MK2              PRT Data                   64kbps MPDS                                                           PS Background Class
                                        2 SCPC voice               64kbps ISDN voice (optional)                                          PS Streaming Class
                                                                   64kbps CS data (optional)                                             64kbps CS data
                                                                                                                                         AMBE 4kbps voice
HSD-MK3         K6KHSD-MK3               PRT Data                  64kbps MPDS                                                           2 of the following:
                                         1 SCPC voice              64kbps ISDN voice (optional)                                          PS Background Class
                                                                   64kbps CS data (optional)                                             PS Streaming Class
                                                                                                                                         64kbps CS data
                                                                                                                                         AMBE 4kbps voice

3)   Anten na Characteristics
     The HSD equipment is designed to operate with lnmarsat approved Satcom aeronautical antenna systems.
     These antennas meet the requirements of ARINC CharacteristicT4l andlor ARINC Characteristic 781, and

4l Rated Output Power
     60 watts

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5)    Emission Types and Characteristics
     The HSD equipment emission types and character¡stics are summarized in Table 2.

                                                                  Table 2: Emission Types and Characteristics

                                                                  Symoor xars                            Signal Sbtes             Pe16manco            Necossary
          lnmâßâtSân¡æ                                              ksyn/s                                      tsì                                                      Oss¡gnator      Bendwidlh (kH¿
                                          Data Råle      ftbesl                 ilodulal¡on TrDe                                    Fector (K)       8ândwidh (kH¿
                  Clessh R/T                    0.6                   0.6          FIz BPSK                      2                    0.70               0.840             E40tGr I)           z5

                  Cl833ic R/T                   1.2                   1.2          Hl2   BPSI<                   2                    0.70                t.68             I K68Gf D           25

                  Cles3ic   R/l                 r0.5                 s.25        Av¡albn OPSK                    1                     t.00               t0.5                                 25

                  Classþ C                      8.4                   1.2        Av¡âlþ¡ QPSK                    4                    0.8r                6.80             6KEOGI E            25

        Sr   116,l:   fDM Shns¡no                3                     3             BPSK                        2                     3.50               21.0             2IKOG,ID            za

      Srltal:     Mni   M   AiiBE Vo¡c6         5.6                   2.8         Offs€t QPSK                    1                     1.29               7.20             7t(z0G1E            45

                   Srlt64                                            33.6                                                                                                  ¡l0K0GlE            ¡15
                                               1U.4                                 t6 OAM                       r6                   0.60                ,10-0

              Sf,ll64 iiFG                     13¡1                  33.6           16 OAM                       r6                   0.60                10.0             4OKrcI D            45

             Sr ll8roadbând                     33.6                 16.8            OPSK                        4                    o.71                25.0             25K0G7W             225
             sw I t8loedband                    67.2                 33.6            OPSK                        1                                        50.0             50K0G7W             225
             sv ltBroâdbând                    134.,1                67.2            OPSK                        1                     0.71               100              r00KG7w             225
             ÞvrËro8oMno                       302.4                 151.2           OPSK                        4                    0.66                200              200KG7W             225
             sw lt8roadband                    t3¡1.¡l               33.6           16 OAM                                                                                 50K0D7W             225
                                                                                                                 16                    0.74               50.0
             sw ttBtoaoMnd                     268.8                 67.2                                                                                                  r00KD7w             225
                                                                                    16 OAM                       r6                    o.71               r00
             sr   llBroedbsnd                  60.1.8                151.2          16 QAM                       't6                   0.66               2æ               200KD7W             zz5

6)   Frequencies of Operation
     1626.5 to 1660.5 MHz transmitting
     1525 to 1559 MHz receiving

7l    Receiver Characteristics
     The receiving characteristics of the HSD equipment meet the applicable requirement of the lnmarsat System
     Definition Manuals (SDMs) and RTCA/D0-210.

lf this information meets with your approval, EMS herein requests that your office notify the FCC's Office of
Engineering and Technology Laboratory, Authorization and Evaluation Division, in order to indicate that, pursuant
to Section 87.147(dX2) of the FCC's rules, the FAA does not have an objection to the certification of the
equipment described in this letter.

lf you have any questions on the above information, please feel free to contact me directly.


Ron Halka
Director of Business Process lmprovement and Quality
EMS Aviation Ottawa

Document Created: 2010-07-05 15:46:56
Document Modified: 2010-07-05 15:46:56

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