FCC Waiver Grant


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                                          SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.

                                                                                                          Suite 500
      SQL{J                 LEGAL                                                                         1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
  S                        COUNSEL                                                                        Washington, DC 20004

      AN DEFS              wWORLDWIDE                                                                     Office: +1.202.626.6600
                                                                                                          Fax:        +1.202.626.6780

                                                                                                                      Direct Dial: +1.202.626.6615

April 9, 2010                                                                                               GHANTED

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BY CERTIFIED MALL                                                                                   Mfi%’\
James Shaffer
Mobility Division
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
                                                                                                                 APRiL 44 , L010
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:      EMS Technologies Canada, Ltd. Request for Waiver of Part 87 Rules to Allow Equipment
         Certification of Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service Transceivers

Dear Mr. Shaffer:

        EMS Technologies Canada, Ltd. ("EMS"), by its attorneys, pursuant to section 1.925 of the
Commission‘s rules, hereby requests waiver of Sections 87.131, 87.133, 87.137, 8§7.139(i){1),
87.139(i)(3) and 87.141(j) of the Commission‘s rules to permit certification of its next generation
acronautical—mobile satellite service ("AMSS") transceivers A781, HSD—MK2, A781—MK2, HSD—MK3,
and A78S1—MK3. These transceivers will be introduced as new EMS products in the United States once
FCC certification has been secured and will support the Inmarsat Classic, Swift64 and SwiftBroadband
aircraft communications services.

         Similar waivers of the Part 87 rules have been granted to EMS, Honeywell International, Inc., and
Rockwell Collins, Inc. to permit certification of similar equipment.‘ Such equipment is intended for use
on aircraft to provide high—speed Internet, voice and video conferencing capabilities in the cockpit, in the
cabin and at the gate. The EMS transceivers comply with Inmarsat technical requirements and
specifications. A letter in support from Inmarsat can be provided at your request. In addition, the EMS
transceivers meet the applicable ARINC Characteristics 429, 739, 600, 741 and 781; RTCA/DO—210 "The

‘ See EMS equipment authorization for the HSD—440 transceiver, FCC ID K6KHSD—440 (2010),
Honeywell International, Inc. equipment authorization for the HD—128 transceiver, FCC ID GB8HD—128
(2007), and Rockwell Collins, Inc. equipment authorization for the HST—2110B and HST—2120B
transceivers, FCC ID AJK8222232 and AJK8222234 (2008).

                                                    BEJING * HONG KONG * SHANGHAI * TOKYO                             *INDEPENDENT NETWORK FIRM

James Shaffer                                                                SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.
April 9, 2010
Page 2

Satcom Minimum Operational Performance Standards;" and will be certified pursuant to a Federal
Aviation Administration Type Certification, Supplemental Type Certification, and/or Technical Standard
Order Certification as applicable to the end customer requirements. Therefore, grant of the instant waiver
is in the public interest.

EMS Transceivers Background

         EMS‘s transceivers would provide high—speed voice and data links to Inmarsat‘s world—wide
satellite network in the 1525—1559 MHz receive and 1626.5—1660.5 MHz transmit bands. The next
generation transceivers A781, HSD—MK2, A781—MK2, HSD—MK3, and A781—MK3 support the Inmarsat
Classic AMS(R)S, Swift64, and SwiftBroadband services. The A7S81 is a derivative of the authorized
HSD—440 (FCC ID K6KHSD—440). It uses the same transceiver channel cards, a different output power
amplifier, and is packaged in a six Modular Concept Unit ("MCU®") equipment box versus an eight MCU
used for the HSD—440. It is also capable of operation with its internal amplifier or with a separate external
flange mounted power amplifier.      The HSD—MK2 is also a derivative of the authorized HSD—440.           It
employs a different channel card to provide additional Inmarsat Classic channels. The A781—MK2 uses
this same channel card as the HSD—MK2 but is based on the A781 package. Finally, the HSD—MK3 and
the A781—MK3 transceivers employ a third type of transceiver channel card that supports transmission of
different types of Inmarsat services on the same card.

Requested Waivers — Part 87

       The EMS transceivers will meet the technical requirements of Part 87 AMSS rules with respect to
output power, spurious emissions, intermodulation and priority and preemption. Specifically, Swift64
and SwiftBroadband transmissions can be suspended if they would interfere with safety—related messages,
or if ordered by the captain of the aircraft." The Part 87 rules, however, only contemplate the modulation
types and transmission characteristics used for the Inmarsat Aero—H, Aero—L and Aero—I services.
Inmarsat‘s Swift64 and SwiftBroadband services offer higher data rates by utilizing more efficient
modulation techniques. The Part 87 rules have not yet been updated to reflect these emissions types and

87.131 Authorized Emissions

        Section 87.131 authorizes G1D, G1E and G1W for aircraft earth stations.           The Swift64 and
SwiftBroadband services, however, use 16 Point Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ("16—QAM") and
QPSK modulation schemes, with emission types G7ZW and D7W. Therefore, EMS requests waiver of the
authorized emissions in Section 87.131 of the Commussion‘s rules.

See 47 C.F.R. §87.189(c).

James Shaffer                                                              SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.
April 9, 2010
Page 3

87.133 Frequency Stability

       Pursuant to Section 87.133(a), the frequency tolerance of an aircraft earth station operating in the
1626.5—1660.5 MHz band is +/— 320 Hz. For purposes of bench testing for certification, a tolerance of
+/ 160 Hz applies to the reference oscillator of the transmitter. The EMS transceivers contain a HSR
oscillator with a guaranteed accuracy (including aging) equivalent to +/— 365 Hz. Therefore, the
guaranteed accuracy of any Classic, Swift64 or SwiftBroadband transmissions will be +/— 365 Hz and
EMS requests a waiver of Section 87.133(a) of the Commussion‘s rules for this reason.

87.137 Types of Emissions

       Section 87.137(a) of the Commission‘s rules authorizes for aircraft earth stations emissions
designator 21KOG1D and the authorized bandwidth for aircraft earth station emissions above 50 MHz is
25 kHz. Lower values of necessary and authorized bandwidth are also permitted. As explained above,
Swift64 and SwiftBroadband utilize a 16—QAM and QPSK modulations, with emissions classes D7W,
G7ZW or G1E. In addition, due to the increased symbol rates for 16—QAM, a larger authorized bandwidth
is necessary. An adequate bandwidth for Swifft64 is 45 kHz and an adequate bandwidth for
SwiftBroadband is 225 kHz.

       Therefore, EMS seeks waiver of Section 87.137(a) of the Commission‘s rules to authorize the
following emissions designators and authorized bandwidth for the EMS transceivers:

                             Emissions Designator    Authorized Bandwidth
                                                         (Above 50 MHz)
                                  21K0OGID                       45
                                  T7K20GIE                       45
                                  40K0OG1IE                      45
                                  40K0OG1ID                      45
                                  25KO0G7W                      225
                                  SOKOG7ZW                      225
                                  100KG7W                       2295
                                  200KG7ZW                      225
                                  S50OKOD7TW                    225
                                  100KD7W                       225
                                  200KD7TW                      225

87.139(1)(1), note 2 Emission Limitations

       Section 87.139(i)(1) of the Commission‘s rules provides the required attenuation for a modulated
carrier and note 2 provides an absolute offset of +/— 35 kHz. Under the required designs for the new
modulation techniques, in many cases, ninety—nine percent of the occupied bandwidth exceeds the +/— 35
kHz offset. In other words, the new modulation schemes used for Swift64 and SwiftBroadband make

James Shaffer                                                                 SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.
April 9, 2010
Page 4

meeting the offset impossible. In accordance with the Inmarsat requirements, EMS requests a waiver of
Section $7.139(i), note 2 to permit an absolute offset of +/— 504 kHz.*

87.139(i)(3)Emission Limitations

       The 3 kbps BPSK signaling channel used for Swift64 does not employ the same filtering as used
by other modulation types. The BPSK signal will not meet the mask requirement as stated in Section
$7.139(i)(3). The mask as defined by Inmarsat is*:

                 Offset from Assigned    Relative Level (dB) Minimum               Maximum
                 Carrier Frequency (KHz)       |
                 0 to 1                  —1.7                                      +1
                 1 to 10                 Not specified                             +1
                 10 to 20                Not specified                             —16—(9/10)(F—10)
                 20 to 40                Not specified                             —25—(6/20)(F—20)
                 40 to 80                Not specified                             —31—(6/40)(F—40)
                 80 to 100               Not specified                             —37—(23/20)(F—80)

       EMS requests waiver of Section 87.139(i)(3) to allow the use of a 3 kbps BPSK emission that
meets the Inmarsat mask requirements above. No waiver is necessary for the SwiftBroadband service
because Inmarsat‘s restrictions are tighter than those specified in Section 87.139(i)(3).

87.141(1i) Modulation Requirements

        Section 87.141(;) of the Commission‘s rules requires transmitters used as aircraft earth stations to
employ BPSK for transmission rates up to and including 2400 bps, and QPSK for higher rates. Due to the
requirements of the Swifté4 and SwiftBroadband services, the EMS transceivers use additional
modulation schemes that do not meet this requirement. Specifically, the Swift64 and SwiftBroadband
services require the use of 16—QAM at transmission rates higher than 2400 bps and the use of BPSK for
the Swift64 3 kbps signaling channel. EMS therefore requests waiver of Section 87.141(j) of the
Commission‘s rules to permit these modulations.


       EMS requests that the Commission waive the requirements of Part 87 described above to permit
certification of its Inmarsat AMSS transceivers. The Commission has granted similar waivers to EMS,
Rockwell Collins, Honeywell and others so that aircraft passengers and crew can receive high speed voice
and data communications. Such waiver will not cause harmful interference to other services and is in the
public interest.

> See Inmarsat BGAN SDM Vol. 5, Ch. 3, « 2.4.8.

* See Inmarsat Mini—M System Definition Manual, Module 2, Part 1, Section and Figure 11.

James Shaffer                                                                 SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.
April 9, 2010
Page 5

         Please feel free to contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Squire,   Sg       & Dempsey L.L.P.
                                                        /4           /

                                                      Btuce A. Olcott
                                                      Joshua T. Guyan

Document Created: 2019-09-12 17:24:58
Document Modified: 2019-09-12 17:24:58

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