users manual

FCC ID: K66VXA-120

Users Manual

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The Yaesu VXA-120 Aviator Pro II is compact, stylish, solid hand-held transceiver providing communica-
                                                                                          COM” band: 118 ~
tion (transmit and receive) capability on the International Aircraft Communication Band (“COM
136.975 MHz), additionally provides receive on the “NAV NAV
                                                        NAV” band (108 ~ 117.975 MHz).
The VXA-120 includes our exclusive two-mode display with upright or inverted for easy viewing when on
your belt, NOAA weather band monitoring capability, 8 character Alpha/Numeric Display, 50 Memory Chan-
nels and 100 Book Memory Channels.
We recommend that you read this manual in its entirety, so as to understand the many features of the VXA-120
completely. Keep this manual handy, so you may use it for reference.


                           CONTROLS & CONNECTORS (TOP PANEL)
    Antenna Jack                                                BUSY/TX Indicator Lamp
    This SMA jack accepts thee supplied flexible                This lamp glows green when a signal is being
    antenna, or another antenna designed to provide             received and red when transmitting.
    50 Ω impedance on the Aircraft Communication
    Turn this control clockwise to turn the radio on
    and to increase the volume. Counterclockwise ro-
    tation into the click-stop will turn the radio off.
    CHANNEL Selector Knob
    This is 20-position detended rotary switch tunes
    the operating frequency or selects the memory
    Pressing this knob momentarily selects the tun-
    ing methods among VFO (Variable Frequency
    Oscillator), MR (Memory Recall), BOOK (Pre-
    Programmed Memories), and WX (Weather
    Channel Memories) mode.
    LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
    The display shows the selected operating condi-
    tions as indicated on the next page.
    The display may be changed inverted viewing
    via the Menu; see page 29 for details.

                                                          VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                      CONTROLS & CONNECTORS (LCD DISPLAY)

This icon is the
“Low Battery” indi-                                                                        This indicator con-
cator, which blinks   This indicator con-                            This indicator con-   firms that this
when the battery      firms that the AUTO-    This indicator con-    firms that the        channel will be
voltage becomes       MATIC NOISE LIMITER     firms that D U A L     “Split” (Duplex)      skipped during
too low for proper    is activated. See       W ATCH is active.      mode is activated.    scan. See page
operation.            page 17.                See page 24.           See page 26.          23.

This icon indicates                                                                        This indicator con-
that the “Book”                                                                            firms that Second-
Memory Bank is in                                                                          ary Key Function is
use. See page 14.                                                                          active. See page 5.

                                These digits provide frequency or alphanumeric
                                information about the channel you are using.


                         CONTROLS & C ONNECTORS (FRONT PANEL)
    The internal speaker located in this position.
    Speak across this opening in a normal tone voice
    while pressing the PTT switch.
    Several keys have dual functions. The color of
    the label determines the way in which you acti-
    vate the function:
    The white labels represent the primary functions
    of the keys (activated by simply pressing the key
    The yellow labels represent the secondary func-
    tions of the keys (activated by pressing the [F]
    key first, then the indicated key).
    On the keypad, primary functions (white) are la-
    beled to the left, while the secondary functions
    (yellow) are labeled to the right. These functions
    are described in detail on the next page.
    Battery Pack Latch
    Open this latch for battery removal.

                                                         VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                             CONTROLS & CONNECTORS (KEYPAD )

Primary Function        Frequency Entry         Frequency Entry      Frequency Entry      Selects Memory Display
(Press Key)                 Digit 1                 Digit 2              Digit 3              Type (page 19)
Secondary Function
                             None                    None                 None             Locks the Keypad
(Press     +)

Primary Function        Frequency Entry         Frequency Entry      Frequency Entry      Selects Emergency
(Press Key)                 Digit 4                 Digit 5              Digit 6          Channel (121.5 MHz)
Secondary Function
                             None                    None                 None                    None
(Press     +)

Primary Function        Frequency Entry         Frequency Entry      Frequency Entry       Activates Automatic
(Press Key)                 Digit 7                 Digit 8              Digit 9              Noise Limiter

Secondary Function Activates Split (Duplex )      On/Off Switch     Allows Skipping of
(Press     +)               mode               for Keypad Beeper   Channel during Scan

Primary Function        Memory “Write”          Frequency Entry                           Activates “Secondary”
(Press Key)                                                         Activates Scanning
                         Command                    Digit 0                                     Key mode
Secondary Function   Split-Memory “Write”
                                                     None          Activates Dual Watch           None
(Press     +)              Command


                           CONTROLS & CONNECTORS (LEFT SIDE)
    PTT (PUSH TO TALK ) Switch
    Press this button to transmit when you are oper-
                  COM” band. Release this button to
    ating in the “COM
    return to the “RECEIVE” mode. See page 15.
    MONITOR Switch
    This button may be pressed to “open” the squelch
    manually, allowing you to listen for very weak
    signals. Press and hold this button for 2 seconds,
    to “open” the squelch continuously. Press this
    button again to resume normal (quiet) monitor-
    ing. See page 12.
    LAMP Switch
    Press this switch momentarily, to activate the
    back-lighting lamp for the display. Press and hold
    this switch for 2 seconds, to activate the back-
    lighting lamp continuously. To turn the lamp off,
    press this switch again. The LAMP switch may
    be configured in several ways via the Menu; see
    page 28 for details.

                                                         VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                                          MIC/EAR Jack
                                          You may connect the (optional) CT-60 Headset
                                          Cable or the (optional) MH-44A4B Speaker/Mi-
                                          crophone to this jack.
                                                  Never connect the any Speaker/Micro-
                                                  phone that is not recommended by the
                                          manufacturer. Because these jack connections are
                                          unique using a Speaker/Microphone that is not
                                          specified by Yaesu will damage the VXA-120.
                                          EXT DC Jack
                                          When an external 12-Volt DC power source is
                                          available, you may connect the E-DC-5B Exter-
                                          nal DC Cable here. Do not connect any wire to
                                          this jack if that wire is connected directly to a
                                          28-Volt DC source. Connecting the VXA-120 di-
                                          rectly to a source which exceeds 15.0 Volts DC
                                          will result in damage to the unit.


                                              BEFORE YOU BEGIN
    Precautions                                                  Battery Installation and Removal
    r This apparatus is capable of two-way communi-              ¦ To install the battery, hold the transceiver with
      cation on channels used for critical aviation safety         your left hand, so your palm is over the speaker
      communications. Therefore, it is important that              and your thumb is on the top of the Belt Clip.
      this radio be kept away from children or other               Insert the battery pack into the battery compart-
      unauthorized users at all times.                             ment on the back of the radio while tilting the
    r When making DC connections via the E-DC-5B                   Belt Clip outward, then close the Battery Pack
      DC cable, be absolutely certain to observe the               Latch until it locks in place with a “Click.”
      proper voltage level and polarity guidelines. Do
      not connect this radio directly to any 24 ~ 28
      Volt DC source, nor to AC power of any kind.
      Connecting the VXA-120 directly to a source
      which exceeds 15.0 Volts DC will result in dam-
      age to the unit.
    r Do not dispose of the Ni-Cd Battery Pack in a
      fire. Do not carry a Ni-Cd Battery Pack in your            ¦ To remove the battery, turn the radio off and re-
      pocket, where keys or coins could short the ter-             move any protective cases. Open the Battery Pack
      minals. This could create a serious fire/burn dan-           Latch on the bottom of the radio, then slide the
      ger, and possibly cause damage to the Ni-Cd                  battery downward and out from the radio while
      pack.                                                        unfolding the Belt Clip.
    r Although the VXA-120 is designed to be water
      resistant, the enclosure is not “waterproof.” Do                   Do not attempt to open any of the recharge-
      not allow the radio to become submersed in wa-                     able Ni-Cd packs, as personal injury or dam-
      ter, and do not expose it and/or its Ni-Cd Battery         age to the Ni-Cd pack could occur if a cell or cells
      Pack to water spray under pressure.                        become accidentally short-circuited.

                                                             VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                                         BEFORE YOU BEGIN
Battery Charging                                        the charger/battery. Contact your Dealer if you
It is necessary to fully charge the Ni-Cd battery be-   have any doubts about the appropriateness of the
fore it’s first use. Follow these procedures:           particular charger or battery pack you intend to
¦ Install the supplied FNB-V57 Ni-Cd battery pack
  onto the transceiver. Ensure that the transceiver
  is switched off.
                                                                        Must be transceiver
¦ Plug the NC-76 into the AC line outlet.                               switched off.
¦ Insert the battery pack into the NC-76; the an-
                                                                                          To AC line outlet
  tenna jack should be at the left side when view-
  ing the charger from the front.
¦ If the battery pack is inserted correctly, the RED
  indicator will glow. A fully-discharged pack will
  be charged completely in 15 hours.
Important Notes:
r The NC-76 is not designed to power the trans-
   ceiver for operation (reception or transmission).
r Do not leave the charger connected to the trans-
   ceiver for continuous periods in excess of 24
   hours. Long term overcharging can degrade the
   Ni-Cd battery pack and significantly shorten its
   useful life.
r If using a charger other than the NC-76, or if
   using a battery pack other than the FNB-V57,
   follow the appropriate instructions provided with

                                               BEFORE YOU BEGIN
     Low Battery Indication                                       Installing the FBA-25 (option) Alkaline
     ¦ As your battery discharges during use, the volt-           Battery Case
       age will gradually become lower. When the bat-             The optional FBA-25 Battery Case allows opera-
       tery voltage reaches 5.0 Volts, the “ x ” icon             tion of the VXA-120 using six “AA” size Alkaline
       will blink on the LCD display, indicating that             batteries.
       the battery pack must be recharged before fur-
       ther use.                                                  When installing batteries, insert the (–) end first, then
     ¦ Avoid recharging Ni-Cd batteries before the                              +) end so the battery snaps into place.
                                                                  press in the (+
       “Low Battery” indicator is observed, as this can           Always replace all six batteries at the same time, pay-
       degrade the charge capacity of your Ni-Cd bat-             ing attention to the polarity indicated inside the case.
       tery pack. Yaesu recommends that you carry an                      The FBA-25 must not be used with re-
       extra, fully-charged pack with you so you will                     chargeable cells. The FBA-25 does not con-
       not lose communications capability due to a de-            tain the thermal and over-current protection cir-
       pleted Ni-Cd battery.                                      cuits (provided in the “FNB” series of Ni-Cd Bat-
       This “deep cycling” practice will help to main-            tery Packs) required when utilizing Ni-Cd cells.
       tain longer overall battery life after many recharg-
       ing cycles.

                                                              VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

Preliminary Steps                                        Operation Quick Start
¦ Install a charged battery pack onto the transceiver,   r To turn the radio on,
  as described previously.                                 rotate the VOLUME
¦ Screw the supplied antenna onto the Antenna              knob out of the click-
  jack. Never operate this transceiver without an          stop.
  antenna connected.
¦ If you have an optional Speaker/Microphone or
  headset, we recommend that it not be connected
  until you are familiar with the basic operation of     r After three “initial-
  the VXA-120.                                             ization” beeps are
                                                           heard, a channel fre-
                                                           quency should ap-
                                                           pear on the display. If
                                                           not, press downward
                                                           (momentarily) on the
                                                           CHANNEL selector knob (repeatedly, if neces-
                                                           sary) so that “ " VFO "” appears on the display,
                                                           followed by a channel frequency.
                                                         r Directly entering frequencies from the Keypad
                                                           is the easiest method if you know the frequency
                                                           on which you wish to operate. Just enter the five
                                                           digits of the frequency to move to that frequency.
                                                           For example, to set 134.35 MHz,
                                                           press [1 ] à [3] à [ 4] à [3] à [5].


       To set 118.275 MHz, you do not need to press        r Rotate the VOL-
       the final “5” in the frequency:                       UME knob to set the
       [ 1] à [1] à [8] à [ 2] à [7 ].                       volume level. If no
     r You may also turn                                     signal is present,
       t h e t o p p a n e l ’s                              press and hold the
       CHANNEL selector                                      MONITOR button
       knob to choose the                                    for 2 seconds; back-
       desired operating fre-                                ground noise will
       quency. The channel                                   now be heard, and
       frequency will ap-                                    you may use this
       pear on the LCD.                                      noise to set the VOL-
     r To change frequency                                   UME knob for the
       in 1 MHz steps, press                                 desired audio level.
       the [F] key momen-                                    Press the MONITOR
       tarily, then rotate the                               button momentarily, to silence the noise and re-
       CHANNEL selector                                      sume normal (quiet) monitoring.
       knob to select the                                  r Press and hold the
       MHz digit desired.                                    LAMP button for 2
       Press [ F] once more to resume normal channel         seconds, to illumi-
       selection in 25-kHz steps.                            nate the display and
                                                             keypad continuously.
                                                             To disable the illumi-
                                                             nation, press the
                                                             LAMP button momentarily.

                                                       VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

r To turn the radio off, turn the VOLUME knob         Accessing the 121.5 MHz Emergency Frequency
  fully counter-clockwise into the click stop posi-   The VXA-120 can quickly access the 121.500 MHz
  tion.                                               Emergency Frequency. This function can be activated
                                                      even when the keypad lock function is in use.
                                                      r To access the Emer-
                                                        gency Frequency,
                                                        press the [121.5] key

                                                      r To exit the Emer-
                                                        gency Frequency,
                                                        press the CHAN-
                                                        NEL selector knob.


     Tuning Methods                                                ¦ BOOK (Pre-Programmed) Memories
     Throughout this manual, you will see references to              The Book memories are
     several different frequency setting methods. Each will          pre-programmed, either
     be particularly useful in a particular operating situa-         at the factory or by your
     tion, and they are described below:                             Dealer (depending on your country’s require-
     ¦ VFO (Variable Frequency Oscillator)                           ments), typically including the major COM and
       The VFO is a “tuning                                          NAV band station frequencies used in your area.
       dial” system which al-                                        The Book memories can be changed by the user.
       lows you to tune                                              See page 27 for details.
       through the NAV or COM bands in 25-kHz steps                ¦ WX (Weather Channel) Memories
       using the CHANNEL selector, the Keypad, or                    Ten Weather Channels
       the scanner.                                                  are pre-programmed at
     ¦ MR (Memory Recall)                                            the factory as appropri-
       The MR (Memory Re-                                            ate for your country, and the VXA-120 will au-
       call) mode of the VXA-                                        tomatically scan this special bank when it is se-
       120 provides the user                                         lected by the user.
       with the ability to store and recall as many as 50
       channels in the radio’s main memory bank. These
       memory channels may also be labeled by you
       with an alpha/numeric name of up to 8 charac-
       ters in length, to aid in quick identification of
       the channel. See page 20 for details on creating
       alpha/numeric labels.

                                                               VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

Transmission                              Reception of Weather Channel Broadcasts
To transmit, press and                    The VXA-120 can receive VHF Weather Channel
hold the PTT switch.                      broadcasts, which may assist your flight planning.
Speak into the micro-                     The VXA-120 includes a ten-channel auto-search
phone area of the front                   feature, which simplifies access to Weather Chan-
panel grille in a normal                  nels when you are in an unfamiliar location.
voice level.
                                          r To receive Weather
To return to the receive                    Channels, press the
mode, release the PTT switch.               CHANNEL selector
                                            knob (repeatedly, if
                                            necessary) to select
                                            the Weather Channel
                                            mode. In the Weather
                                            Channel mode, “ " WX "” will appear on the dis-
                                          r The VXA-120 will now scan quickly through the
                                            ten standard Weather Channels, and will stop on
                                            the first active station found.
                                          r If there are two or
                                            more weather chan-
                                            nels audible in your
                                            area, you may select
                                            the alternate chan-
                                            nel(s) by pressing the
                                            PTT switch. Pressing

       the PTT switch re-initiates the scanning process.       r To exit the Weather
     r If there are no                                           Channel mode, press
       Weather Channels in                                       the CHANNEL se-
       your area, the scan-                                      lector knob momen-
       ner will not stop.                                        tarily to return to the
       Press the MONITOR                                         VFO mode.
       button to stop the
                                                               Note: The Weather Channel mode memorizes the last
     r You can also select
                                                               Weather Channel you have used, and will retain this
       Weather Channels
                                                               information until the radio is turned off.
       manually by rotating
       the CHANNEL se-
       lector knob.

     r To comfirm the current Weather Channel fre-
       quency, press the [
       (    )] key momen-
       tarily. The display
       changes to frequency
       indication. Press the
       [ (      )] key again
       to return to normal

                                                           VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

Monitor Key                                           ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter) Feature
When listening to a very weak signal from an air-     For reduction of impulse noise, such as that produced
craft or ground station, you may observe the signal   by an engine’s ignition system, the ANL feature may
disappearing periodically as the incoming signal      prove helpful.
strength becomes too weak to override the squelch
                                                      r To activate the ANL
threshold setting.
                                                        feature, press the
To disable the squelch                                  [ANL] key momen-
temporarily, press and                                  tarily. The “ ANL ”
hold the MONITOR key                                    icon will appear on
for 2 seconds on the left                               the display, and you
side of the radio, just be-                             should observe a re-
low the PTT button. The                                 duction in the ignition noise.
squelch will remain open                              r To turn the ANL feature off, repeat the above
and you should have a better chance of hearing weak     step; the “ANL” icon will disappear from the dis-
signals.                                                play.
To return to normal operation, press the MONITOR
key momentarily.


     LOCK Function                                              Beep On/Off
     The lock function prevents accidental changes to the       The VXA-120’s key/button beeper provides conve-
     frequency setting and the keypad controls.                 nient audible feedback whenever a button is pressed.
                                                                Each key and button has a different beep pitch, and
     r To activate the lock
                                                                each function has a unique beep combination.
       feature, press [F] à
       [ (        )] key.                                       When you are scanning, the beeper will be heard each
     r In the LOCK mode,                                        time the scanner halts on a busy channel. This may
       the display will show                                    be distracting in some environments; if you want to
       “ " LOCK"” when                                          turn the beeper off (or back on again):
       you rotate the                                           r Press [F] à [8 (BEEP)] key; “ BEEP on” will
       CHANNEL selector knob, press the CHANNEL                   appear on the LCD.
       selector knob, or touch a key on the keypad.             r Rotate the CHAN-
     r To turn the lock feature off,                              NEL selector knob
       press [ F] à [ (        )] again.
                                                                  one click to change
     r You can still access the 121.500 MHz Emergency             the display to
       Frequency when the LOCK function is on.                    “ BEEP oFF.”
       Simply press the [121.5] key momentarily (this           r Press the [8 (BEEP)]
       key never locks). Pressing this key also unlocks           key again to save your new setting and exit to
       the radio.                                                 normal operation.

                                                            VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL



                                             MEMORY OPERATION
     The VXA-120 provides 50 user-programmable                  Memory Storage
     “Main” memories, labeled “ CH"))! ” through                r Select the desired frequency in the VFO mode,
     “ CH")%),” and up to 100 pre-programmed memo-                or recall the Book Memory channel or Weather
     ries, designated “Book” Memories. The “  ” icon              channel to be stored in the Main Memory.
     appears when “Book” Memory Mode is activated.              r Press and hold the [ MW (SPL.W )] key for 2
                                                                  seconds. The display will indicate “ CH"” and a
     The Main memories and “Book” Memories can be
                                                                  channel number will blink on the LCD.
     assigned alpha-numeric names of up to eight charac-
                                                                r Within five seconds of pressing the [ MW
                                                                  (SPL.W)] key, rotate the CHANNEL selector
     Memory System Operation                                      knob to select the desired memory channel num-
     The VXA-120’s Main Memory system allows the                  ber for storage.
     user to store, label, and recall channel frequencies         In order to prevent writing over memory chan-
     which you may want to use frequently. You may store          nels, a bar will appear under the hyphen (located
     VFO frequencies, Book Memory frequencies, and/               between “ CH” and the channel number) to indi-
     or Weather Channel frequencies into the Main                 cate a vacant memory channel.
     Memory system.                                             r Now press and hold in the [MW (SPL.W)] key
                                                                  for 2 seconds; you will now see “;"""""""
                                                                  on the LCD. To attach an alpha/numeric name
                                                                  (label) to the memory, proceed to the next step;
                                                                  otherwise press and hold [MW (SPL.W)] for 2
                                                                  seconds to save the entry and exit.
                                                                r To label a memory with an alpha/numeric name,
                                                                  the next step is to use the CHANNEL selector
                                                                  knob to select any of the 48 available characters
                                                                  (including letters, numbers, and special symbols).

                                                            VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                                           MEMORY OPERATION
  When the desired first character appears, press      Recalling the Memories
  the CHANNEL selector knob momentarily to             r Press the CHANNEL selector knob, repeatedly
  move on to the next character.                         if necessary, until “MR” (Memory Recall) ap-
r Select succeeding characters in the same man-          pears on the display. In the MR mode, you will
  ner, pressing the CHANNEL selector knob mo-            see “ CH"” and the previously selected channel
  mentarily after each selection.                        number appearing on the LCD.
r After entering the entire name (eight characters     r Rotate the CHANNEL selector knob to select
  maximum), press the [ MW (SPL.W)] key for 2            the desired memory channel.
  seconds to save all data for the channel and exit.   r You may change the title structure of the Memory
                                                         display type among:
Note: If you have stored a Weather Channel, the            1. Channel Indication (sequential Channel Number,
“ WX"))! ~ WX")!) ” labels utilize the alphanu-               e.g. CH"))!, CH"))@, etc.);
meric memory, and other labels may not be stored.          2. Frequency Indication (e.g. 1@@. %))); or
                                                           3. Alphanumeric Label (e.g. LAX FSS).
                                                       r To change the Memory display title, press the
                                                         [ (        )] key repeatedly, if necessary, until you
                                                         get the desired display title structure.
                                                       r To exit the Memory mode, press the CHANNEL se-
                                                         lector knob momentarily to return to the VFO mode.
                Alph a-ta g C har
                              har act
                                  acto r               Note: In the “Book” Memory mode, you can change
 )   !   @ # $ % ^ & * ( A B                           the memory channel in 10 channel steps, press the
                                                       [F] key momentarily, then rotate the CHANNEL se-
 C D E F G H I J K L M N                               lector knob. The “ ” icon will show at the right
 O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z                               edge of the display when the 10 channel step tuning
                                                       mode is active. Press the [F] key once more to re-
     < > + ; : \ ` y [                       | "       sume normal channel selection in 1 channel step.

                                             SCANNING OPERATION
     The VXA-120 allows you to scan automatically in             r While the scanner remains paused on a frequency,
     the VFO*, Main Memory, “Book” Memory, or                      the decimal point of the frequency display blinks.
     Weather Channel modes. It pauses on signals encoun-           The display and keypad will be illuminated un-
     tered, so you can talk to the station(s) on that fre-         less the Scan Lamp Feature is turned off.
     quency, if you like.                                        r To change the scan direction, turn the CHAN-
                                                                   NEL selector knob one click in the opposite di-
     * In the VFO mode, the automatic scanner is only              rection.
     available in the COM band (118.000 - 136.975 MHz);
                                                                 r To stop the automatic scanner, press the PTT switch
     when the scanner reaches the uppermost frequency
                                                                   or the CHANNEL selector knob momentarily. You
     in the COM band, it will revert to the bottom end of
                                                                   may also press [SCAN (DW)] key again.
     the COM band and repeat the scanning process until
     you cancel the scanning process.                            The VXA-120’s automatic scanner is not operational
                                                                 in the NAV band (108.000 - 117.975 MHz), because
     If you wish to scan in the NAV band (108.000 -
                                                                 the NAV stations (ILS, etc.) transmit constantly
     136.975 MHz), you can do so manually, as described
                                                                 (thereby causing the scanner to stop repeatedly).
     at the right.
                                                                 However, you can scan manually in the NAV band,
     Scanning operation is basically the same in each of         per the following procedure:
     the above modes.
                                                                 r Press and hold the [ SCAN ( DW)] key to start
     r Press the [SCAN (DW)] key momentarily to start                the manual scanner. Scanning will continue as
       the automatic scanner upward (toward a higher                 long as the key is depressed.
       frequency or a higher channel number).                    r Release the [ SCAN ( DW)] key to stop the
     r When the scanner encounters a signal, scanning                manual scanner immediately.
       pauses and the radio remains on that channel until        Note: When scanning upward in frequency, when the
       one second after the signal disappears, after             frequency reaches the COM Band (118.000 - 136.975
       which scanning will resume.                               MHz) via manual scanning, the VXA-120 will switch
                                                                 to the automatic scanner mode.
                                                             VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                                       SCANNING OPERATION
Channel-Skip Scanning                                  r You can also designate a channel to be skipped
Continuous-carrier stations like ATIS (Automatic         while scanning. When the receiver is halted on a
Terminal Information Service) or Weather Broadcast       channel that you wish to skip, press and hold the
stations inhibit scanner operation. Since these sta-     [SCAN ( DW)] key for 2 seconds (the “SKIP”
tions are always active, the scanner will be halted      icon will appear next to the channel to be
repeatedly on their channels. Such channels can be       skipped).
set to be “skipped” during scanning, if you like, so   r Later, to re-enable the memory channel for scan-
as not to interfere with automatic channel scanning:     ning, repeat the first two steps. The “SKIP” icon
                                                         will disappear by the channel you have just re-
r Recall the Memory Channel to be skipped dur-           enabled.
  ing scanning.
r Press [F] à [ 9 (SKIP)] key. The “SKIP” icon         Note: A memory set to be “skipped” is still acces-
  will appear in the lower right corner, indicating    sible for manual memory selection using the CHAN-
  that the channel is to be ignored during scanning.   NEL selector knob.


                                            DUAL WATCH OPERATION
     The Dual Watch feature automatically checks for                 While receiving on the priority channel, if you
     activity on a “priority” channel* while you are oper-           momentarily press the PTT switch, Dual Watch
     ating on another channel. During Dual Watch opera-              will be disabled. You may then transmit on the
     tion, the current channel and the Priority channel will         Priority Channel.
     each be polled for a 500 ms interval, as the VXA-             r To stop Dual Watch, press [F] à [ SCAN (DW)]
     120 looks for activity on each channel.                         key.
                                                                   r If you wish, you may use both the Dual Watch
     r To start Dual Watch, press [F] à [SCAN (DW )].
                                                                     and Scan features simultaneously. To do this, start
       The “DW” icon will appear on the display.
                                                                     the Dual Watch first, then start the Scanner.
     r While receiving on the “current” channel (not
       the Priority channel), you may push the PTT                 * The “Priority” Channel is defined as the last-used
       switch at any time to transmit on that channel.             Memory Channel (when using the VFO mode) or
     r When a signal is received on the Priority chan-             Memory Channel 1 (when using the Main Memory
       nel, operation immediately shifts to the Priority           or Book Memory modes).
       channel, the “DW” icon will blink, and the dis-
       play and keypad will become illuminated.

                                                               VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                             PRIORITY D UAL WATCH OPERATION
Similar to Dual Watch operation (described above),   r To start Priority Dual Watch, press [F] à [SCAN
Priority Dual Watch is an enhanced version which       (DW)].
includes the following additional features:            The “DW” icon will appear on the display.
                                                     r While receiving on the “current” (non-Priority)
l The receiving time interval (ratio) between the
                                                       channel, pressing the PTT button once causes
  current channel and the Priority channel may be
                                                       the radio to switch to the Priority channel and
  customized via the Menu mode, item PRTM. See
                                                       cancels Dual Watch. Press the PTT button again
  page 28 for details.
                                                       to transmit on the Priority channel.
l Irrespective of which channel is currently being
                                                     r When a signal is received on the Priority chan-
  received, when the PTT button is pushed trans-
                                                       nel, reception immediately shifts to the Priority
  mission will always occur on the Priority chan-
                                                       channel, “DW” icon will blink, and the display
                                                       and keypad will become illuminated unless the
Before initiating Priority Dual Watch, Menu item       Scan Lamp Feature is turned off.
DWMD must be set to the “Priority” mode (instead       While receiving on the priority channel, if you
of “Dual Watch”). See page 28 for details.             momentarily press the PTT switch, Priority Dual
                                                       Watch will be disabled. You may then transmit
                                                       on the Priority Channel.
                                                     r To stop Priority Dual Watch, press [F] à [SCAN
                                                       (DW)] key.


                                                 SPLIT OPERATION
     The split operation feature allows you to transmit a         Note: You have now stored the separate transmit fre-
     call to a Flight Service Station using the COM band          quency, but you have not yet activated the split-fre-
     frequencies, while receiving a NAV band station              quency function; go on to the next section.
     (such as the ATIS, AWOS etc.). NAV band stations
     equipped with this capability typically are shown,
                                                                  Operating in the Split Mode
     on navigation charts, with the voice calling frequency       r It is assumed that you have already set the de-
     in parenthesis above the navigation frequency.                 sired NAV band station’s frequencies per the
                                                                    above instructions.
     Programming a Transmit Frequency                             r Press [ F] à [7 ( SPL)] to turn on the “Split”
     r Press the CHANNEL selector knob, repeatedly                  function. The “SPL” icon will appear on the dis-
       if necessary, to select the VFO mode.                        play.
     r Set a NAV band (108.000 - 117.975 MHz) fre-                r Press and hold in the PTT switch to transmit on
       quency using the CHANNEL selector knob or                    the split transmit frequency.
       keypad.                                                    r Release the PTT switch to return to the receive
     r Press [ F] à [MW ( SPL.W)] key. The “SPL”                    mode.
       icon will blink, and the transmit frequency will           r To disable the “Split” function, press [ F] à [7
       appear on the display.                                       (SPL)] again.
     r Now set your radio’s transmit frequency, where             Note: A split frequency can be programmed into each
       the Flight Service Station will be listening for           memory channel independently. Set a transmit fre-
       calls, using the CHANNEL selector knob or key-             quency before programming the memory channel, if
       pad.                                                       desired. The split function on/off setting can also be
     r Press and hold in the [MW (SPL.W)] key for 2               programmed into a memory channel.
       seconds to save the transmit frequency and re-
       turn to the NAV band frequency.

                                                              VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                                        FIELD PROGRAMMING MODE
The VXA-120’s Book Memoris also allows the user                r To label a memory with an alpha/numeric name,
to store, label, and recall channel frequencies which            the next step is to use the CHANNEL selector
you may want to use frequently while the VXA-120                 knob to select any of the 48 available characters
is in the Field Programming mode.                                (including letters, numbers, and special symbols).
                                                                 When the desired first character appears, press
Memory Storage into the Book Memory                              down on the CHANNEL selector knob momen-
r Press and hold the PTT and LAMP switch while                   tarily to move on to the next character.
  turning the radio on, to activate the Field Pro-             r Select succeeding characters in the same man-
  gramming Mode.                                                 ner, pressing down on the CHANNEL selector
r Select the desired frequency to be stored in the               knob momentarily after each selection.
  Book Memory.                                                 r After entering the entire name (eight characters
r Press and hold the [ MW(SPL.W)] key for 2 sec-                 maximum), press the [MW( SPL.W)] key for 2
  onds. The display will indicate “BOOK;” and a                  seconds to save all data for the channel.
  channel number will blink on the LCD.                        r Turn the radio off, then turn the radio back on
r Wi t h i n f i v e s e c o n d s o f p r e s s i n g t h e     again to begin normal operation.
  [MW (SPL.W )] key, rotate the CHANNEL se-
  lector knob to select the desired memory chan-
  nel number for storage.
r Now press and hold in the [MW( SPL.W)] key
  for 2 seconds; you will now see “ ;"""""""”
  on the LCD. To attach an alpha/numeric name
  (label) to the memory, proceed to the next step;
  otherwise press and hold the [MW(SPL.W)] key
  for 2 seconds to save the entry and exit.


                                             MENU (“SET”) MODE
     The Menu system allows certain aspects of your              4. Rotate the CHANNEL
     radio’s configuration to be customized for your per-           selector knob to change
     sonal operating convenience. We do not recommend               the setting of the item
     that any of the default settings be changed, however,          (ON to OFF, etc.).
     until you are thoroughly familiar with the operation
     of the VXA-120.
                                                                 5. Press the CHANNEL
     1. Press the [F] key, then
                                                                    selector knob to save
        press the CHANNEL
                                                                    your new setting.
        selector knob to activate
                                                                 6. If you need to change
        the Menu (“SET”)
                                                                    more than one Menu
                                                                    item, repeat steps 2 - 5.
                                                                 7. Press the PTT switch to
     2. Rotate the CHANNEL
                                                                    exit the Menu (“SET”)
        selector knob to select
        the Menu item (feature)
        you wish to view and/or

     3. Once you have selected
        the desired Menu Item,
        press the CHANNEL
        selector knob once to
        view the current setting
        for the item.

                                                             VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                                                  MENU (“S ET”) MODE
MENU Listing                                                        SQL
A listing of the Menu items available via the SET                   Function: Squelch Level Setting
mode may be found below.                                            Available Values: 0 ~ 8
  Menu                                     Available
                                                                    Default Setting: 3
                    Function                            Default
  Item                                       Values                 Select a setting for this Menu item which just silences
 SQL     SQLSquelch Level Setting             0~8         3
 MCLR    Memory Channel Clear                   –         –
                                                                    the receiver when no signal is present. Use the low-
 RESE    Scan-Resume Mode Setting            CAR/5       CAR        est setting which will keep the receiver quiet between
 SCNL    Scan Lamp On/Off                    on/oFF       on        incoming transmissions.
 BEEP    Keypad Beeper On/Off                on/oFF       on
 RSAV    Receiver Battery Saver
                                            1:1 ~ 1:5
                                                          oFF       MCLR
 LAMP    LCD Illumination Mode            KEY/TGL/5       KEY       Function: Memory Channel Clear
 SFT     CPU Clock Shift                     on/oFF       oFF
                                           05/10/15/       15
                                                                    To Clear a Memory channel:
 PRTM    Priority Checking Time
                                            20/25/30    (1.5 sec)
         Select the                                                 1. Select the Menu Item MCLR.
 DWMD                                      DW/PRI         DW
         Dual Watch/Priority Function                               2. Press the CHANNEL selector knob, then rotate
 POBP    Select the Power on Beep         1/2/3/oFF       1
 LCD     Select the LCD Display Readout   NOR/INV        NOR
                                                                       the CHANNEL selector knob to recall the
 IMIC    Internal Microphone On/Off        on/oFF         on           memory channel to be erased (“ SET xx” will
                                                                       appear on the display).
                                                                    3. Press the VOLUME knob, then turn the CHAN-
                                                                       NEL selector knob one click to change the dis-
                                                                       play to “ CLR xx”.
                                                                    4. Press and hold the CHANNEL selector knob for
                                                                       2 seconds to exit.
                                                                    Important Notice: An “erased” channel cannot be
                                                                    restored, and “ CH"OO1 ” cannot be erased, as it is
                                                                    used for “Priority Channel” operation.

                                                MENU (“SET”) MODE
     RESM                                                           BEEP
     Function: Scan-Resume Mode Setting                             Function: Keypad Beeper On/Off
     Available Values: CAR/5                                        Available Values: on/oFF
     Default Setting: CAR                                           Default Setting: on
     In the “CAR” (Carrier Drop) mode, the scanner will             If you do a lot of scanning, you may wish to set this
     remain halted for as long as there is a carrier present        Menu item to “oFF,” as the Beeper will be heard each
     on the channel; after the carrier drops at the end of          time the scanner halts.
     the other station’s transmission, the scanning will
     In the “5” (5-Second Pause) mode, the scanner will             Function: Receive Battery Saver
     halt for five seconds only, after which scanning will          Available Values: oFF/ABSø /1:1 ~ 1:5
     resume (whether or not the other station is still trans-       Default Setting: oFF
     mitting).                                                      The setting of 1:5 will promote the greatest conser-
                                                                    vation of battery capacity, but the receiver’s response
     SCNL                                                           time to incoming calls will be slowed somewhat.
     Function: Scan Lamp On/Off (while paused)                      øABS: Automatic Battery Saver, based on activity
     Available Values: on/oFF                                       on receiver
     Default Setting: on                                            Note: This feature does not operate during Scan or
     If you set this function to “on,” the lamp will be illu-       Dual Watch.
     minated whenever the scanner stops.

                                                                VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

                                          MENU (“S ET”) MODE
LAMP                                                      DWMD
Function: LCD Illumination Mode                           Function: Select the Dual Watch/Priority Function
Available Values: KEY/TGL/5                               Available Values: DW/PRI
Default Setting: KEY                                      Default Setting: DW
In the “KEY” mode, the lamp will be activated for 5       In the DW mode, the VXA-120 will activate the Dual
seconds when a front panel key is pressed.                Watch feature when you press [F] à [SCAN (DW)].
In the “TGL” mode, the LAMP switch toggles the            In the PRI mode, the VXA-120 will activate the Pri-
lamp on and off.                                          ority feature when you press [F] à [SCAN (DW)].
In the “5” mode, the LAMP switch activates the
lamp for 5 seconds.
                                                          Function: Select the Power on Beep
SFT                                                       Available Values: 1/2/3/oFF
Function: CPU Clock Shift                                 Default Setting: 1
Available Values: on/oFF
Default Setting: oFF
This function is only used to move a spurious response    Function: Select the LCD Display Readout
“birdie” should it fall on a desired frequency. Consult   Available Values: NOR/INV
your Yaesu dealer for details regarding this function.    Default Setting: NOR

PRTM                                                      IMIC
                                                          Function: Internal Microphone On/Off
Function: Priority Checking Time
                                                          Available Values: on/oFF
Available Values: 05/10/15/20/25/30 (x0.1 sec)
                                                          Default Setting: on
Default Setting: 15 (1.5 seconds)
                                                          When operate the VXA-120 in noisy area, we rec-
This Menu item allows you to define how often the
                                                          ommend that use with the optional MH-44 A4B
Priority Channel will be checked for activity.
                                                          Speaker Microphone while this function set to “oFF.”
Note: The Dual Watch Polling time is 500 mS (fixed).

     General                                                                    Transmitter
     Frequency Range:     TX 118.000 - 136.975 MHz                              Power Output (@ 7.2 V):   3.5 W (PEP), 1.0 W (Carrier Power)
                          RX 108.000 - 136.975 MHz                              Frequency Stability:      Better than ±10 ppm (–10 °C to +60 °C)
                          Weather Channels (WX-01 - WX-10)                      Modulation System:        Low Level Amplitude Modulation
     Channel Spacing:     25 kHz                                                Spurious Emission:        > 60 dB below carrier
     Emission Type:       TX AM                                                 Int. Microphone Type:     Condenser
                          RX AM & FM                                            Ext. Mic. Impedance:      150 Ohms
     Supply Voltage:      6.0 - 15.0 VDC
     Current Consumption: < 1 µA (power off)
     (approx.)            22 mA (battery saver on, saver ratio 1:5)                      ACCESSORIES & OPTIONS
                          56 mA (squelch off)
                          180 mA (receive)
                                                                                Supplied Accessories
                          900 mA (transmit 1.0 W Carrier)                       Ni-Cd Battery Pack              FNB-V57
     Temperature Range: –10° to +60° C                                          Overnight Desktop Charger       NC-76B/C/U ø
     Case Size (WxHxD): 58 x 108.5 x 26.5 mm w/FNB-V57                          Helical Antenna                 ATV-7
                                                                                Operating Manual
     Weight (approx.):    335 grams
                          with FNB-V57, antenna, and belt clip                  Warranty Card

     Receiver                                                                   Available Options
     Circuit Type:             Double-conversion superheterodyne                MH-44A4B              Speaker Microphone
     IFs:                      35.4 MHz & 450 kHz                               FBA-25                Alkaline Battery Case
     Sensitivity:              <1 µV                                            NC-73B/C/Uø           Desktop Rapid Charger
                               (for 6 dB S/N with 1 kHz, 30 % modulation)       E-DC-5B               External Power Cable
     Selectivity:              <8 kHz/–6 dB                                     CT-60                 Headset Cable
     Adjacent CH. Selectivity: <25 kHz/–60 dB                                   CN-3                  Antenna Adapter
     AF Output (@7.2 V): 0.4 W @ 8 Ohms, 10 % THD
                                                                                               ø: “B” suffix is for use with 117 VAC,
                                                                                                  “C” suffix is for use with 220-240 VAC, or
     Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.                           “U” suffix is for use with 230 VAC.

                                                                            VXA-120 A VIATOR P RO II OPERATING MANUAL

Document Created: 1999-12-14 14:32:05
Document Modified: 1999-12-14 14:32:05

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