Parts List/Tune Up Info

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  oct. 2.49ee. ii:giem     YAesu usa           -fl“‘fl
rroy YAsSU MUSEN C0., 17                       —      ID: KObVX—5R
                                                      $205%  Y&y        _ romme                  113

                                                                           VX~5R alignment dos

                                       VX—5R Alignment

           The VX—5R is carefully aligned at the factory for the spemfied performance across
         the amateur band. Realignment should therefore not Int necessary except in the
         event of a component failure. Only an authorized Yaafu representative should
         perform all component replacement and service, or the warranty policy may be
         void. The following procedures cover the ad)ustments that arc not normally
         required once the transceiver has left the factory. Howevier, if damage occurs and
         some parts subsequently are replaced, realignment may be required. If a sudden
         problem occurs during normal operation, it is likely ciue to component failure;
         realignment should not be done until after the faully component has been
            We recommend that servicing be performed only by ;;uthonzed Yaesu service
         technicians who are experienced with the circuitry and fully equipped for repair
         and alignment. If a fault is suspected, contact the iealer from whom the
         transceiver was purchased for instructions regarding wmipair. Authorizoed Yacsu
         service technicians realign all circuits and make complete performance checks to
         ensure compliance with factory specifications after) replacing any faulty
         components. Those who do undertake any of the following alignments are
         cautioned to proceed at their own risk. Problems caused y unauthorized attempts _
         at realignment are not covered by the warranty policy Also, Yaesu reserves the
         right to change circuits and alignment procedures in \'he interest of improved
         perfarmance, without notifying owners.
            Under no circumstances should any alignment be atter’npted unless the normal
         function and qperation of the transceiver are clearly undl¢Trstood the cause of the
         malfunction has been clearly pinpointed and any faulty ommponen‘rs replaced, and
         realignment determined to be absolutely necessary.
            The following test equipment (and familiarity with ifs use) is necessary for
         complete realignment. Correction of problems caused by| misalignment resulting
         from use of improper test equipment is not covered under the warranty policy.
         While most steps do not require all of the equipment litted, the interactions of
         some adjustments may require that more complex udji\,"zshnents be performed
         afterwards.                                                   |
            Do not aitempt to perform only a single step unless it is clearly isolated
         electrically from all other steps, Have all test equipment keady before beginning
         and, follow all of the steps in a section in the order presented

         Required Test Equipment

                                                1                     YAESU MUSEN Co.. Ltd.

                                                                                              No .419     P.12/18
 oct.   2.1998    11:G2en    YRESU USA
rrol vaEsu MUSEN
              Ass C0., L1D                           1998210A 28 (%‘2 32/%a12:26/8853001109035 P :

                                                                                             VX—GR alignment.doo

          ? RP Signal Generator with calibrated output level at 50(1\ MHz
          ? Deviation Meter (linear detector)
          7 In—line Wattmeter with 5% accuracy at 500 MHz
          ?50—&, 10—W RF Dummy Load                                  |
          ?8—Q AF Dummy Load
          ? Regulated DC Power Supply adjustable from 3 to 15 VDC 2A
          ? Frequency Counter: 0.2—ppm accuracy at 500 MHz
          ? AF Signal Generator
          ? AC Voltmeter
          ? DC Voltmeter: high impedance                               .
          ? VHF Sampling Coupler                                       ;
          ? SINAD Meter                                                    ‘

          AlignmentPreparation & Precautions                                ;
            A 10—W RE load and in—line wattmeter must be con.nqa:ted to the main anterna
          jack in all procedures that call for transmission, alignme¢it is not possible with an
          antenna. After completing one step, read the next stey}) to see if the same test
          equipment is required. If not, remove the test equipment (except durmimy load and
          wattmeter, if connected) before proceeding.
               Correct alignment requires that the ambicnt temperatyre be the same as that of
          the transceiver and tost equipment, and that this tompérature be held constant
          between 20~30°C (68~86°F). When the transceiver is brought into the shop from
          hot or cold air, it should be allowed some time to come tofoom termperature before
          alignment. Whenever possible, alignments should be marle with oscillator shields
          and cireuit boards firmly affixed in place. Also, the test equipment must be
         thoroughly warmed up before beginning.
         Note: Signal levels in 4B referred to in the alignment procedure.y hre based on OdBm=0.5 x
          V.                                                                    i

          Test Setup
               Set up the test equipment as shown below for transcelLer alignment, apply 12
         VDC power to the transceiver. Rofer to the drawings for Ahgnment Points.
         PLL Reference Frequency
            With the waitmeter, dummy load and frequency :mpnter connected to the
         antenna jack, and while tuned to the center of the bmnd, transmit and adjust
         TC2001 on the AF Unit, if necessary, so the counter treque\ncy is within 100 Hz of
         the displayed frequency on the VX—5R.

         UHP band Tx Deviation Adjustment

                                                     2                              .   YAESU MUSEN Co.. Ltd.

                 11: 038M   vaESU USA                                                 NO. 419    P.13/18
  OCT. 2.1998                                                      1

FROM YAESU MUSEN C0., LTD                         19988108 28 (G) 19330781 2: 26/@esssaot i0905 P is

                                                                                    VX=SR alienmentdoc   A 4.

         ? With the wattmeter, dummy load and frequency @ounter connected to the
            antenna jack, adjust the AF generator attenuator level for BOmV rms @ 1 kH2 to
            the MIC jack,
         ? Transmit and adjust VR1003 to obtain 4.24.5 kHiz itldzgatcd on the deviation
            meter (3.7—4.0 kHz for Al, AZA, A2B & A3 versions).

         144MHz band Tx Deviation Adjustment                           i
         7 With the wattmeter, dummy load and frequency sounter connected to the
            antenna jack, adjust the AF gcrwrator attcnuator level fur 80mV ims @1 kHz to
            the MIC jack.
         ? Transmit and adjust VR1002 to obtain 4.24.5 kHz u'udmated on the deviation
            meter (3.7—4.0 kHz for A1, A2A, A2B & A3 versions).

         SOMHz band Tx Deviation Adjustment
         ? With the wattmeter, dummy load and frequency <'|.5Lmter connected to the
            antenna jack, adjust the AF generator attemnuator level Mer EOmV tms @ 1 kHz to
            the MIC jack.
         ? Transmit and adjust VR1001 to obtain 4.24.5 kHz zru:{xt:'\t‘.d on the deviation
            meter (3.7—4.0 kHz for A1, AZA, A2B & A3 versions). _

         CTCSS Tx Deviation Adjustment                             :
         ? Tuncto the center of both band, and enable 88.5 Hz CTGSS encode.
         ? With the wattmeter, dumumy load and frequency ccfifnter connected to the
           antenna jack, transmit and adjust VR1004 to obtain 0.5—0.7 ki iz as indicated on
           the deviation meter.                                  1

         FM—Wide Alignment
         ? With the transceiver and RF signal generator both tuned to 76.1 MHz,
           modulate the RF signal generator with 75—kHz devxat,\on of a 1—kHx tone, and
            inject +40 dBu at the antenna jack.                  1
       . ? Adjust T2001 for optirourn SINAD ou deviation meter, 1

         Internal System Alignment Routine                                 i
           This uses a progranuned routine in the transceiver which simplifies many
         previously complex discrete component settings and adu(lsfmens with digitally—
         controlled settings via front panel buttons and LCD i,ndicanons Transceiver
         adjustments include:
         ? Squelch Hysteresis
         ? Squelch Threshold & Tight Adjustment
         ? $—Meter Full Scale & 5—1 Adjustment
         ? Wide—FM S—Meter Full Scale & $1 Adjustment

                                                 3                             YAESU MUSEN Co., Ltd.

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dvVA‘*‘SU MJSEX CO, , LTD                          19988108 28 (€) 1 2: 33/@91 2: 26/100883801109035 P 16

                                                                                        VX—5R alinment.doc      ,1;

         ? Power Output Adjustment (Hi/L3/1.2/1.1)

         5OMHz band Alignment                                      U
         ? To begin, set the transceiver to the center of the SQMHz band, then turn the
            transceiver off.
         ? Next, press and hold the knob, BAND, TXPO and lC) button together while
           powering the radio again. The display shows the first fetting.
           Note that the first settings are not adjustable and are ligft as set from thefactory.
           In the alignment, each adjustment is selected by rotamng the knob. Alignment is
         performed by pressing the knob, then injecting a signal of the required frequency
         and level.
           Pressing knob after a level setting or adjustment is magle stores the entry. To exit
         the aligninent routine, press HOME button. After perforirh.ng the system alignment
         in its entirety, individual settings can be retumed to ancdiadjusted should the need

         Squelch Hysteresis Adjust (HTS SQL 0)
         ? Select the squelch hysteresis level by DIAL.

         Squelch Preset Threshold (THLD SQL 88)
         ? Inject a —15dB u (—13.9dB u: Version Bl, B2A, B2B, C1, QZA C2B, D1, D2A and
            D2B) RF signal (3.5kHz deviation @ 1—kl42), then press{the MR button and rotate
            it for the next setting.                                   ;
         Squeich Preset Tight (TIGH SQL 54)                            [
         ? Adjust the generator level for a —4dB u (—2.5dB u: Ve'rsxru]a B1, B2A, B2B, C1, C2A,
           C2B, D1, D2A and D2B) signal, then press the MR bun%on and rotate it for the
           next setting.

         Low—Scale 5~1 Adjustment (S1 LEVEL 12)
         ? Adjust the generator level to —74B 4 (3.5k}iz deviation (49 1—kHz), then press the
           MR button and rotate it for the next setting.                   '

         S—Meter Full—Scale Adjust (§9 LEVEL 106)
         ? Adjust the generator level to +20dB 4 (3.9kHz deviation um 1—kMz2), then press the
           MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

         Wide Low—Scale 5—1 Adjustment (5] LEVEL 13)
         ? Adjust the generator level to —0dB u (20kHz deviation i 1—kHz), then press the
            MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

                                                   4                           |   YAESU MUSEN Co., Ltd.


                                                                                   NQ. 413     m.l0/15
  OcT.   2.1993   11:@4a      YAESJ USA
TROM YAZSU MUSEN €0., LTD                            1998€: 08. 28 (¢) 1 2: 33/@01 2: 26/@§83001109035 P 17

                                                                                 VX—     i      —
                                                                                  X—5R alignment.doc   4/

           Wide 5—Meter Full—Scale Adjust (59 LEVEL 131)
           ? Adjust the generator level to +200B ;. (20kHz devmhmr} @ 1—kHz), then pross the
             MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

          High TX Power Adjust (HL POWER 112)                          i
           ? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 5 W by zxotatmg the knob.
          ? Press the MR button to save the entry and rotate it for thie next setting.
          L3 Tz Power Adjust (L3 POWER 74)
          ? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 2.5 W using the knob.
          ? Press the MR button to save the entry and rotate it for the next setting.

          L2 Tx Power Adjust (L2 POWER 42)
          ? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 1 W by r;ntahng the knob.
          ? Press the MR button to save the entry and rotate it for the next setting.

          L1 Tz Power Adjust (L1 POWER 21)
          ? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 0.3 W u:»!\ng the knob.
          ? Press the MR button to save the entry.
          ? This completes the 50OMHz—band internal alignment routine, to save all settings
             and exit, press BAND button.

          144MHz band Alignment
          ? To begin, set the transceiver to the center of the 14-41Vl'H7 band, then turn the
            transceiver off,
          ? Next, press and hold the knob, BAND, TXPO and u) button together while
             powering the radio again. The display shows the first seitting.
            Note that the first settings are not adjustable and are leftias set from the factory.
            in the alignment, each adjustment is selected by rotating the knub. Alignment is
          performed by pressing the knob, then injecting a signal of the required frequency
          and level.
              Pressing knob after a level setting or adjustment is made} stores the ontry. To exit
           the alignment routine, press HOME button. After performing the system alignment
         ~ in its entirety, individual settings can be returned to and sidjusted should the need

          Squelch Hysteresis Adjust (HIS SQL 0)
          ? Select the squelch hysteresis level by DIAL.
          Squelch Presel Threshold (THLD SQL 92)

                                                     $                      YAESU MUSEN Co., Ltd.

                                                                        NQ,  41
                                                                        §U. d1z     F. 19— 48
ga8   115 geem     vaesu use
C MUSEN C0., LTD                           1998E1. 00. 28 (G) 12 34/@01 2: 26/@e@#3¢01 109035 P ig

                                                                        VX~5R alignment.dog     4(7

? Inject a 1546 n (—13.5dBa: Version B1, B2Z2A, B2B, CH, C2A, C2B, D1, D2A and
   D2B) RF signal (3.5kHz deviation @ 1—khHz), then prejs the MR button and rotate
   it for the next setting.

Squelch Preset Tight (TIGH SQ1. 44)
7 Adjust the generator level for a 4dB u (—2.54B u: Version B1, B2A, B2B, C1, C2A,
   C2B, D1, D2A and D2B) signal, then press the MR lutton and rotate it for the
   next setting.

Low—Scale S—1 Adjustment ($1 LEVEL 24)
? Adjust the generator level to —74B 4 (3.5kHz deviation @ 1—kHz), then press the
   MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

5—Meter Full—Seale Adjust (59 LEVEL 120)                     |
? Adjust the generator level to +200B a (3.5kHz deviation @ I—kl4z2z), then press the
   MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

Wide Low—Scale S—1 Adjusiment (51 LEVEL 51)
? Adjust the generator level to —0d4B _ (20kHz deviation @ 1—kHMz), then press the
   MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

Wide 5—Meter Full—Seale Adjust ($9 LEVEL 170}
? Adjust the generator level to +2008B 4 (20kHz deviation ® 1—kH2), then press the
   MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

High TX Power Adjust (HI POWER 118)
? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 5 W by rptating the knob.
? Press the MR button to save the entry and rotate it for thk next setting.

L3 Tx Power Adjust (L3 POWER 76)
? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 2.5 W u.flng the knob.
? Press the MR button to save the entry and rotate it for the next setting.

L2 Tx Power Adjust (L2 POWER 44)
? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 1 W by mtab.ng the knob.
? Press the MR button to save the entry and rotate it (ov the) next setting.

L1 Tx Power Adjust (L1 POWER 21)
? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 0.3 W us'umg the knob.
? Press the MR button to save the entry.
? This completes the 144MHz—band internal alignment rovitine, to save all settings

                                           6                      YAESU MUSEN Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    No.41g      P.17/18
 OCT.   ig9e   11:@Sen     vaesd USA
FROM YA sJ WseN 00. , Lt                           1998F108 25 (&) 12: 34/@11 7: 26/k@@33801109035 P 19

                                                                                    VX—S5R alignmentdog   18

            and exit, press BAND button.

         UHF band Alignnent                                  s
         ? To begin, set the transcciver to the center of the UHF band, then turn the
           transceiver off.
         7 Next, press and hold the knob, BAND, TXPO angl 0 button together while
             powering the radio again. The display shows the firssetting.
            Note that the first setrings are not adjustable and are léift as set from the factory.
            In the alignment, each adjustment is selected by rotating the knob. Alignment is
         performed by pressing the knob, then injecting a sxgnal«of the required frequency
         and level.
            Pressing knob aftor a level setting or adjustment is rmuie stores the entry. To exit
         the alignment routine, press HOME button. After performing the system alignrnent
         in its entirety, individual settings can be returned to and,adjusted should the need

         Squelch Hysteresis Adjust (HIS SQL 0)
         ? Select the squelch hysteresis level by DIAL.

         Squelch Preset Threshold (THLT) SQL 36)                      .
         ? Inject a 15dBu(—13.5dB u: Version B1, B2A, B2B, C1, C24, C2B, D1, D2A and
           D2B) RF signal (3.5kHz deviation @ 1—kHz), then press the MR button and rotate
           it for the next setting.

         Squelch Preset Tight (TICH SQL 55)                          .
         ? Adjust the generator level for a «44B u (—25d4B u:; Version B1, B2A, B2B, C1, C2A,
            C2B, D1L, D2A and D2B) signal, then press the MR button and rotate it for the
           next setting.

         Low—Scale 5—1 Adjustment ($1 LEVEL 7)
         ? Adjust the generator level to —7dB u (3.5kHz deviation 091-kHz) then proess the
            MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

        S—Meter Full—Scale Adjust ($9 LEVEL 98)
        ? Adjust the generator level to +20db u (3.5kHz deviation i «kHz), then press the
           MR button and rotate it for the next setting.
        Wide Low—Seale S—1 Adjustment (51 LEVEL 13)
        7 Adjust the generator level to —0dB L (20kHz deviation@1—~kHz), thon press the
           MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

                                                    7                     l‘   YAESU MUSEN Co.. Ltd.

                                                                                NO. 419     P.18—18
          998   11:0S0M    vaeso USH
ragyVasst WuseN Co., LTD                           199981 08. 28 (8) 12. 3002: 28feagot 109033 P 20

                                                                               VX—SR alignmant doe    'Z 9

         Wide S—Meter Full—Scale Adjust ($9 LEVEL 134)
         ? Adjust the gencrator level to +204B 4 (20kH2 deviation @ 1—k1 iz), then press the
            MR button and rotate it for the next setting.

         High TX Power Adjust (HIPOWER 172)
         7 Transmit and adjust the output power level for 4.5 W ty rotating the knob.
         ? Press the MR buttan to save the entry and rotate it for the next setting.
         L3 Tx Power Adjust (L3 POWER 119)
         ? Trans:mit and adjust the output power level for 2.5 W u;fmg the knob.
         ??Press the MR button to save the entry and rotate it for the next sctting.

         L2 Tx Power Adjust (L2 POWER 69)
         ? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 1 W by 1‘ntanng ‘the knob.
         ? Press the MR button to save the entry and rotate it for the next setting.
         L1 Tz Power Adjust (L1 POWER 35)
         ? Transmit and adjust the output power level for 0.3 W using the knob.
         ? Press the MR button to save the entry.
         ? This completes the UHF band internal alignment rouruxe, to save all settings and
            exit, press HOME button.

                                                   a                  |   YAESU MUSEN Co.. Ltd.

                                                                          VX—5R Component Application..xis. 1/2

Address       ___DeviC      Description             Arciceus         @@ o
   D 1001 Drode             UbzTE—17 518            Static Protect *~       ID: K66VX—5R
   D 1002     LED           AA11OIF—TR              Lamp                    ACTIVE        COMPONENT LIST
   D 1003     Diode         189400 TEG1             SW
   D 1004     LED           AA1OIF~TR               Lamp
   D 1005     Diode         DA221 TL                DC
   D 1006     Diode         RD2.0UM—T2              BATT Charge
   D 1007     Diode         RBS215—30 TE            PWR SW
   D 1008     Diode         188400 TES!             SW
   D 1009     Diode         DA221 TL                Reset
   D 1010     Diode         DA221 TL                Reset
   D 1011      Diode        168400 TE61             Matrix
   D 1012     Diode         HN2D01FUTE8SR           Matrix
   D   1013   Diode         RB521S—30 TE            3V Reg.
   D   1014   Diode         UMPTTN TN               Matrix
   D   1015   Diode         UMPT1N TN               Matrix
   D   1016   Diode         RB521S—30 TE6           3V Reg.
   D   1017   Diode         RB521S—30 TE6           6.5V DG—DC Convert
   D   1018   Diode         189400 TE61             SW
   D   1019   LED           AA1TIC—TR               Lamp
   D   1020   LED           AATMIC—TR               Lamp
   D   1021   LED           AA1IC—TR                Lamp
   D   1022   LED           AAM11C—TR               Lamp
   D   1023   LED           AA11TMIC—TR             Lamp
   D   1024   LED           AATIC—TR                Lamp
   Q   1001   Transistor    DTA144EE TL             TX/RX SW
   Q 1002 Transistor        25D1801S—TL             BATT Charge
   Q 1003     IC            HD6473877UX(NO PROG.)   CPU
   Q 1004     Transistor    2505374—TL              Shift SW
   Q 1005 Transistor        DTC143ZE TL             PWR SW
   Q 1006     Transistor    28C4617 TL R            Reset
   Q 1007     Transistor    DTC144EE TL             IDC
   Q 1008 Transistor        DTG124TE TL             TX/RX SW
   Q 1008     IC            M24C64—WMNGT            EEPROM
   Q 1010      Transistor   UMD2N TR                ROM Reset
   Q 1011     IC            $—807308N—DT—T1         Reset
   Q 1012     1C            BAO3OLBSG—TR            3V Reg.
   Q 1013     1C            $—812305G—GB—T1         3V Reg.
   Q 1014     1C            NJM34O3AV(TE1)          Mic AMP/1DC/LPF
   Q 1015     1C            BA1O3GBFV—E2            Buffer AMP/LPF
   Q 1016     1C            RHSRHG5TA—TT            6.5V DG—DC Convert
   Q 1017     1G            §—807308N—DT—T1         3V Reg.
   Q 1018     Transistor    UMWIN TR                TX/RX SW
   Q 1019     Transistor    CPH6102—TL              TX/RX SW
   D 2001     Diode         DAP222—TL               SW
   D 2002     Diode         DA221 TL                Noise Detect
   D 2003     Diode         DA221 TL                Limitter
   D 2004     Diode         1§9372(TE8SR)           Signal Detect
   D 2005     Diode         158400 TEO1             Multiplier
   D 2006     Diode         RD6.UMB2—T18            Audio DC Control
   D 2007     Diode         1SV286(TPL3)            DCS Modulation
   D 2008     Diode         1SV286(TPL3)            Ref. Ose
   D 2009     Diode         DA221 TL                Limitter
   D 2010     Diode         155400 TEG1             Ref. Osc.
   D 2011     LED           BRPG1I211C—TR           BUSY/TX LED
   D 2012     Diode         DAN222 TL               SW
   D 2013     Diode         158400 TE61             SW
   D 2014     Diode         DA221 TL                Limitter
   Q 2001     Transistor    DTC144EE TL             Narrow/Wide SW
   Q 2002 Transistor        2504400—4—TL            IF AMP
   Q 2003 Transistor        UMB3N TN                Narrow/Wide SW
   Q   2004   Transistor    2505374—TL              IF AMP
   Q   2005   1C            TKI0930VT1              Narrow IF Subsystem
   Q   2006   IC            TATIO2F(TP1)            Wide IF Subsystem
   Q   2007   Transistor    2504400—4—TL            Signal AMP
   Q 2008     Transistor    2504400—4—TL            Signal AMP
   Q   2009    Transistor   UMGIN TR                AM/FM SW
   Q   2010   MOSFET        HN1JO2FU(TESSL)         Mute SW
   Q   2011   Transistor    UMX3N TR                De—emphasis
   Q   2012   Transistor    UMD2N TR                Audio DC Control
   Q   2013   Transistor«   2504400—4—TL            Multiplier
   Q   2014   Transistor    2504617 TL R            Audio DC Control
   Q 2015 Transistor        CPH6102—TL              Audio DC Control
   Q 2016     Transistor    DTC143ZE TL             DC Charge Mute
   Q 2017     Transistor    2504617 TL R            OSC AMP
   Q 2018 Transistor        2504617 TL R            Ref. Osc.
   Q 2019     1C            TDA7233D—TR             Audio AMP
   Q 2020     FET           25J144GR TEBSR          AF Mute
   Q 2021     Transistor    UMD2N TR                Clone SW
   Q 2022 Transistor        UMG2ZN TR               LED SW
   Q 2023 FET               2SK2170—TL              AGC
   Q 2024 Transistor        UMHGN TR                AGC
   Q 2025 Transistor        FC119—TL                RF AMP
   Q 2026 Transistor        2504400—4—TL            Mixer
   Q 2027 Transistor        UMAZN TR                TX/RX SW
   Q 2028 Transistor        DTC144EE TL             TX/RX SW
IRE—URNTT .                                                     .
   D 3002 Diode             159362 TEBSR            Limitter
   D 3003 Diode             159362 TEBSR            Limitter

                                                               VX~5R Component Application..xis, 2/2

Address       DeviC         Description      Application
   D   3006   Diede         UJFWJ44NTE T2R   Cirouit protect
   D   3008   Diode         HVC358B(TAPE)    BPF
   D   3009   Diode         HSC277TRE        SW
   D   3010   Diode         DAN235E TL       SW
   D   3012   Diode         HVC358B(TAPE)    BPF
   D   3013   Diode         HVC300A(TAPE)    BPF
   D   3014   Diode         HVC3508—TRF      BPF
   D   3015   Diode         HVC358E(TAPE)    BPF
   D 3016 Diode             HVC300A(TAPE)    BPF
   D 3017     Diode         1T412—M20—T8A    BPF
   D 3018     Diode         HVC3E2TRF        BPF
   D 3019     Diode         HVC362TRF        BPF
   D 3020 Diode             HVC350B—TRF      BPF
   D 3021     Diode         17412—M20—T8A    BPF
   D 3022     Diode         HVC362TRF        BPF
   D 3023     Diode         HVC3G2TRF        BPF
   D 3024     Diode         HVC358B(TAPE)    BPF
   D 3025     Diode         DAN235E TL       SW
   D 3026     Diode         158400 TEGt      SW
   D 3027 Diode             155400 TE6I      SW
   D 3028     Diode         DAN222 TL        SW
   D 3029     Diode         DAN222 TL        SW
   D 3030     Diode         DAN222 TL        SW
   D 3031     Diode         DAN222 TL        APC Sens.
   D   3032   Diode         HN2DO1FUTEBSR    SW
   D   3033   Diode         158355 TE—17     SW
   D   3034   Diode         1SV3070PH3)      ANT SW
   D   3035   Diode         15V307TPH3)      ANT SW
   D 3036 Diode             15v307(TPH3)     ANT SW
   D 3037     Diode         158400 TES!      Ripple Filter
   D 3038     Diede         1SV30MTPH3)      ANT SW
   D 3039 Diode             1SV307(TPH3)     ANT SW
   D 3040     Diode         1SV30MTPH3)      ANT SW
   D 3041     Diode         1§V271 TPH3      ANT SW
   D 3042 Diode             1§V271 TPH3      ANT SW
   D   3043   Diode         1SV271 TPH3      ANT SW
   D   3044   Diode         158321 TEBSR     APC Detect
   D   3045   Diode         DAN222 TL        ANT SW
   D   3046    Diode        DAN222 TL        SW
   D   3047   Diode         158400 TEGi      SW
   Q 3007 Transistor        2505374—TL       RF AMP
   Q   3008    Transistor   UMX3N TR         Level GNTL
   Q   3009    Transistor   25C4400—4—TL     RF AMP
   Q   3010    Transistor   2805277—D2—TL    RF AMP
   Q   3011   Transistor    2505374—TL       RF AMP
   Q   3013   Transistor    2505374—TL       RF AMP
   Q 3016 Transistor        2505374—TL       Buffer AMP
   Q 3017     Transistor    25C4400—4—TL     Mixer
   Q 3018     Transistor    25C5277—D2—TL    Mixer
   Q 3019 Transistor        2505374—TL       Mixer
   Q 3020     Transistor    2505374—TL       Mixer
   Q 3021 16                FQ7925           PLL Subsystem
   Q 3022 Transistor        250§374—TL       Buffer AMP
   Q   3023   Transistor    2805374—TL       Buffer AMP
   Q   3024   Transistor    28C5374—TL       Buffer AMP
   Q   3025   Transistor    UMD2N TR         APC
   Q   3026    Transistor   DTA124EE TL      Unlock

Document Created: 2001-04-27 14:36:56
Document Modified: 2001-04-27 14:36:56

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