Theory of Operation

FCC ID: K66GX2350S

Operational Description

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«— a. meosyor oreramon                         RepWenge.°
   31 PraselostedtooPLL)
    Te Praseloaed ns (PUL eanst o VCO Z1 etrnce ortaX901 PL C GPDL and PL iestw ance
     Git t and GA0S Tre menenceser GLmeries ne cock can ons roneSn nerac by ho
    scentn trwens aeiy ho UPDOIRN i Ts dn utfom ons 8 2 ard 2 f manemensrOLH ind
    mstntt on 10 and 1t ol LC ORI Th n bealorcaer bmarey is cpufom on VCO z20(itLO n
    Tifmseny AXLO#RXFsmeprreinin

   $11 rogmmnatisOiter
    The mensocaie OLO1 cernnes a chinty muvoer 00 wheh is e o PL C OPDL inice arth ne
 (D rowanatiecnae svtes e VCO ns 2 Nate sanpinss ho d6t pawatrooicra 128
     1ezt Crangry e on esns i cazn e Nse n e mlscmcus0101 ans e tevany
    Hor ense snnd scvnge oo e e npnase ce s consmantymorarya 128
     itsorato ecrasence
     Te ptos dsc conpars esn tonersfor tenarmal id(an hetumnc t
     The 2121 e framnypoiens t ovaaonstae 200 asies to 1 of PLC GPOT and uisto
     erdansauce: rarelmenfnners 10omtan y vdny tmrencn astortocurc o 1ree
     is ranassieis h prasecessn C901
   31491 Loo riee
    Te P o tis o pas econpeideGPte GPOs P0A and P0R ts y twconcorens
    Baimay se nsntbvatage acestfom ara 13 are1 o RLL 0OR The en votog s Pn o oi 1 of

  315 WotagCortntad zstt 1C0)
    Cigegreane, on 21 o menpsmse OL1 ama ovotage OV) walvs e V mpatr C208i un
    Rh+8 sn o ¥G0 2201 oG22K Cumg mh rt L0 ulin l VCO 220 i nsb t
    beatarcterontd ransttnion
    ie tavnt on 2 ofmrnmncemerGLO on hh vatage EV t e ave f T +8 mitn G20¢ sn ns
   af Ri+# nas 2 ansaton be vaig ofwugh GR ant h ols t n VCO 2201 ie cre
   umn aute unnistom e mierens o anaias y monerons anes GHY and G1ET hn aenes s arto
   fo taton agurman e heuoh GH0.The sa ban esd t i VCO 2R3 wnin se              m
    deralThe aetfom n 3 o VGO 2201 n oiio TX anpfrpeetvnr GTOL n e ravmneonsi te
   Te IL onitees uresia Goeneranetsontra sesundogon hoatctn T ofi orer
   1iketoea nsvase ons tawnon e lsncs onl tomarco n e tan dtacer o L0
   arot e 2L a esd anta OV ieomsttom i ? of P01 mis es arses i on oo mcomncaner
   Lo ihen OV wsin o38 otmenpnsemsr L o many tN narowis ne PLL C OPt We twi a
   seasets taumen e etemrc ineopnnnie teganses n Gbos e AL s inmed ard OV s omm
   from n o PuL i0 aror ms avle taspns t n 5 t mrnpncessrOLD! patuilhso e uenfrn
@p beranssiernentcicor:

    e esaiari dscsonneerstaie uin a nmeredat enc o2 zon a enc P
    Te mesve cnit oof AF areiterGRIRtnaer ORtE anter F0ns P corte
    wadecoinavats Q1C,.O10%,. 01BO10#antauto c 10B cpas n h froey nrge o 96000


  321 RF AnpiterGrmt
   Te esn sprsvogh e antnsseaut T1 pass hrugh o ow us tconptiea en orie, ies
   CTir. L108andGT8 t han paies iupnanra mute GNBS ant e over enomncin it OA sn
    arrisi hbnanes e The mcavingfosanis case on bntpas e conmandofLROt anc Lc
   antls ces RF aneiteGROA Trerenrg oifacsani anvite y GRER ananses ces rarne
   Bardgas e canetand f L0 LROS and LRIb rmnntevoridsqea Theecmingfoensy a haninc
   10 h q of ut mer B0A Te foriant in pot CRO1) may e uo ce bbndgafls or ant s
   svesct ieE Aito un ameiny on countorl
   2227 Ceat
    Te tsls cststo e overcf o maw OnBt, Te ce focsns and e flnspalne reodin
(0) GR3 ant woder fae fncuenoes (he imB oteren, eame,andLO] Thfit L0 n unco w AX
D tacensy in 2t e Tresit e oi nol tcunsesotPRcd onen A t en
    i torsfom maciantsyais refP® sgrle 24 uc tan css eP anctar arot
    Tea iefisls anitay GBOY n anaptet o t resnit i onte
    Te liat ts sot PPBRmay o ard in tL0 ansas ho en es hVCO it L0ans
    esd oys cornioa
   an4mt Crmat
    ‘refacseratmesgn n 2t seond F10 F2R ols o e esns mar in O3 n e esncmn in
    i @4 kBo ecnt 21 29Mz fo XP01 sqnas ed i usn a 50 iescs i en me
    galsanes oio o C and eviest on hr lt ameat ie spoas h renasecsn
    2t arut uns is anite y ssod P aneiten fs t ncaiuire ovecuter R s commrasis on se
       wantossstiom on 1

s2s mdocieat
 Arorunot e io sn omttom swndlF C GFoR sls t on 2 an on of h dcoanpnacs arnitr
 itewrire e uasenofta ds salconpersant antran asunt i o1 and n e matinerofcs
 Thiantimer cesc af stw i romainode onenmoce
 Te AF sns bat e acta t 010 m euttom i 4 an o1 o arGuh e aents t in and on15
 retncit oftecsen pnonatG108 atene ce nalhas en adtn y h cce countunner
 it ne AF sgral am us tm in and i 16 f NORascin in# and on 2 o e inA poin anctec
 snn ovvettom iszn10
 h AF avltatsnavttamoi 7 othetA poanptar s oar i ofi semnptorsennracer
 t vagh t 1BB anteserasseies AC2 va i 1 ciIC n adsto, hA nora t om 10
 efba taf povn anata s arnato e octronar EGO1 n an tb n nznctere cnveci and
 Te AF uis t eplst m1 ant m o 100 wmmhn nc noie mt mctine C1c3
 exrinh AF sls ie i ant en o TreAF sns hx s oaet on m 7 oow pos h anaite
 @107 @0s unist n 1e hematsinerG1CS msprals amin tm t nisend l uin c it
 in agralanenoralton e tMG,tacametfom o 7 f 10 ans a wnassied s tin AF oo angite
 it in an on @122 i sqata e spaltom e seMG,t ova on in o 010 ancistan
 aeolt ie nA poveaveite Q10 ia in norG1th
228 NoiSqaien Creat
 Anedn t h nido ugottom is 1 o OAte in tow pos e sonpies o RROT AFR AFP
 w12.          aito sns bnaries o 1 fGr0 e naseconsorctol e dgain esttom ai 16 of
 F2R ki cometed ns O vouge n rose dnc GS t roscea se apuat bencfi nc s
 sasse isap an 23 o 122 and old i 7 oGLSL, Ths voagaconsae vin e sutcnvoiere in
 (Trevatapls ansies un e eosacvoineRLG0 is r Lt
 Viheibanurn saivouge s rgrrban e vaapefom e soutons e 0 l ounctfom i on o
 CUD1 inban i cpid o e AF mt méon GHL on seurn sn coeaio o anndenfon ho

    \Whan esntsnn ntageislave ban e vatagfom sc vaiv, B Lo s t fomin 2t
    101 antbesasteta h AF mt mien L sputo is ot ooin ito e anicmes Sninty
    enenacatenn coenton, e e cvectfo on 20 of L ant n aesio e 1t AUP mte mech
    110 m iremamseiinepentos e Lo natswpettr on t e GLOL an hen acsists tn AP
 Travnateraat on ns apees in en snse uitGBD (12) anunanin sas e eiant
 by i cTrn e earer aa e stt anlat oi e consaaecnctGIDT D ho eabeaertore
 Strala sane Bs e cureanir sru 030 QM) o onie a snire veve ant n mesies o on 97 t
 rirsnorame QL01 Te unaheraotov sgr s aians ty GLO s sremine e bp of vester i inu
 Tihen e anour tecunn (M s is aneaes ty ho mensroamse GL01 a Ngn voig s oana fom mn 28
 (EEWOT9 is vatage s se e AF i cmas GHt ang 1C1 vout td on atonng e tevsonr oo
 ennmetbes maing h ean Arcion Th Vn Sn To s ochn m of mnencane Lo ee»)
 ardacton antin 18 o RF icrel akne ICCHOR Pra i Sern en an on Sof inA mt
 wieh napas e W Ar BorpTe t ncerlwenek 100 veniaspro s 0 d ih ntera
©                 renuorein

                                ¥           v
                 Aur 3vter en t iconsunor escugram

33 tarenir
227 Merprons Amaitr
  (iheie mb D avichob nasoton a esn oAD! (rizerroncoevadai ste BV
  Thstt on 53 ofmensncue QLO1 en s acomn on t icnencesr OLO CBcesns
  a ie DGaven GZTO uhh tw on andnxles s D+B en GES ant mvie i h revent cnuts
  HMerprere t ie hm1 o B1 imrvtone cornecon andarnestm argrass
  derasebah GBtt en asln in in anatr 10(1tanclut rarg Te ut sqeals
  sesis i in rion asearcite o120
  107@Rce a o sas er t Pseio saie ta i y 18 cBOn. Tel nein
 sorn cr 1 ans 19 o sn C190 at n ataias b DnvitonAdumnet RTR Ard e amin o on t
 vcorttt omesizerevco
                                  rearsus wemesen
                  renusttons        ancn
                Htormrin nizes3=*witi

                                  uease |oor
                                    vor SR d

                              Fue34 10 ie uPRect ogm

232 0anpites
 Te T1 unslrotconis o T1 breiven and Te Cien. m out s usds unarommmay RF
 Sialet Iriffom uVCO 20 n The anptas apals oi on1ora povr arite GTot

                  L   &sttd                                    zn
        wromm     |                *
         ko      weae       aoes
         sn       sa         &


  223 Rroipoveransiter
   YWhen T00 it sort tm h TD aneiir ts esns tm 1 o FiraPove it T9 s anpited i
   oi fom i . The rrunito soct amaes h a o oss ie cnpern o 70%, 70b ant L7
   aimiatharors andasutnn sipuis Te saltan paries eanrreesT1 andoc heughte
   TeR pover can o stt iew 2utsy m NC hy on e fon sreof avvva1 ut isnsenn,
   oh 18c movpnsasse GLSt sls e anter t GHHS on and 0B V is ausles s e actnate nover c(PP0)
   sn 2b vats isies1BotOL ce 5Vnin assind ie APC crent
 328 Adonate PeverGonielARO sreat
  Apernetineraventialoamfom n o ra aniterGTOi esd APG demcon GTH! an arte in
  Te denass Do vaage passs roa Tt3 avt RTS igh poeradut in s ces e APC on nc
  07071 nds When ons menint 00 aner Th he290 AIP O an ARGfealOTT avr:
  gotesavaio n ns onantnsuya lt f vaags o GTO,ant o in t ra aneite GTO ens of
  vetoge mestsi T19 ae dnc t L yin 12e nivnnnsec D1 andcan b un y ree
@Onsoinadiatant RTot Oonsover en

  341 Meropmctmner GLot
  Te inton e o porsct maercoreOL0 wenadon
                      sio 850 Spwore 10 ane ves no                           meam
      commomerss                                                    Roswans

                                    q 0 0 — o — — o 0
      comeimice                                                     rootremmsne
      comeemorse        eucs    one                                 rerumzen
      comeamnee         es      ne                                  fermtion)
         Cl             evcs   oo                                   iCooveemmssmermitrns
         iess           evcs   wcose                                on memmamenteres
                        evce. irosew                                (doovmmmnmmmnnmee
                        cce    icoce                                (Covecrentizsmetrca
  ©                          —sesores                               muscsn nasson
                             20 ow                                 Gwey
                             =mear                                 intnomomewrnes
                             —   re                                Girtametsstews
                              masn                                 mtrserostres
  #    nows              —       Ro                                Gitrersrenimes
© a reescsors           cves ie                                    fotstionl
  2 nessoues            cvoe ie                                    rewaine
  #   aee               ces ce                                     Inanttoen
      sn                css meor                                   Terntsomninocntumen
      se                cus rmcor                            mo     Smmsneroisnensmimce
      se           ro   cuce meur                            zon   piftmmnemiiees
                         40w                                 so    Gmeteny
      ce«          on   cce neveson                          zou   Desmnstens
      gee               cvos seoer                                 Armesecumes
      are          m    evee ie                                    Iotustton)
      use          so   cves ie                                    fowsttoul
      men               cuce emevoes                               Anoosnccortinnasmetmee
      sn                ce sw                           hn         Rmeenaenamtorea
      sore              ons comsn                       ha         rcsrnminesmommemnnen
      cen               cce mariere                     h          Amowine it nommatiteres
      cen                                                          CiPrinenssmmaremmionsttemen
      cure                                                         Homemiemitnotnitemee
      ow                                                           rromizn
                                                                   ruleBm crmmomemsiens
                                                                   rud Sn cmememiemes
        rave                                                         rctromeptsieimes
        raxe       m
        m          m cucs                                          Soveninmee:
        rme        on                                              fertorecs

                 wemtem                          m soro aw neesmsouney w
                 en                              m sro me remsumouin a
                 (omtpemin                       m se se remmescum a
          rrontncmmmen                         wsomn ~ woen remsmmouee i
                 lestemin                        m sro ne cenitemoionin
             mminpesmecee                        ous — eomizemacomonin
                 lomemen                         m se ow      imtasmeo =
            nusmrerommoss                      mewe sao ce cemmmens a
                 stazece                         w    ~ ak
                                                 o sro ie       mm
    iwonntresrmezn tw «n                      ressmon —. se cummmessuce
       Gniossammnevatons                      csmes — ma       mmum
            posmssmscnsim wa                   weure ~ ow      imsicunss
         povimnminamon ie                     wowe — c         suros
         meunoynizmrce                                           we
    nnumreresmartemsceon                     amemon —         usnn
      nnnereamentens mss Po                     us 0          femmo
      nnmroumenters nsm wa                                      sure
      nncuntumemstmimcs PS

          mesumunizenius o                                      smy
            nwoptipmsices                                       tw
       Reiuntipmenrenness                                       ow
            maiuntoneczes                                       cume
                         as                                      sw
                         is                                      me      a
  soumesemsstassen ce s                                          on      a
  roumennostesmn uen w=                                   on     ‘on
  soumesrnnstnsmn iom «s                                         on      a
                  Gommmen                       m      sro     sinme     a
                  bemtmrens                     m      soro    wasne
        rovuntsme es                          wose     seo               m
        rerontrensismsncure                   woue     ser               #
                        19                                               a
     rntomrsinsimcammces                        e       —

    rolmmninstsinsammmcs                        we      ~—
                  rimuseco                                               m
                remicnls «>                     sw      —
                        s                       las     —                a
                  meam                           m     se                in
            nnumpsmstons                      wecees   sao               a
        numessrecemcm tes                      uon     o
             mnoresmrcns es

                                     o 0 0
                                              bese.    sxo               s
                  Hmnrce co                      Lo     C                s
nxmpanimmmocnnmmemene w                         wes    sore   2 sBa BR   a
  nuientiimeennnctmmeny w                        a     seo               a
            memremenso «s                      usee.   s
         nesirmannameny «o                      lsw    sn                s
                  messinon en                    im    sao               s
                            on                   o     se
            imassoemntnn                      eosnn.   sro

                                                               BB bs
             emes           ore me            mninde   oos ors

  sezico                                              .
   160ie Outs s ovimidtymrsprsee LDi orrninp re LCD emstefsoamc s ($00)
   indas 80 stck CCavscneeas5) me sls octom ns 7. ansotmnpncme GLY ns
   asstos on 48 ansenertco ses
   TreiCD cvanrtee attes masecemerOLGt MemcnsereLt o85 i a miseionoss spud
   smunsesettoone oum
  343050i cbeive CaingLoge
   080 dn n posen y merspncesGLB, Tht of sons ivamied t ei on fom
   onb t mirneneasne io The 090 i sns stt i ie pass hN0and sase Avogh ow
   rarfer 030tt hgrerrarmens sis Th DGG on salsadusecy GSO dvatontmrorr
   antlsarslists n etintnpancite 17 0trangtuss ns
   «080 Brcote.
   Tremston sgaimastet in o DGC bant snhCW anovart ui n aats y is o
   Te reastonspnla en asplsti a t FScssnt Tha PSX scaie G3D coat o aang prav.
(@ es o cumtain e andPSK canrner Th FBX cesGBot conars tePX i n a bpe en
   wnrnisrentmaterst in P mrsencane .C1
  snn puote rggnasynoo nom
  e At sovalton t mnston n odes o e omensrass amater GStL Tha son saiss froh OS hn
  aesta t n t mtn angte T1(12)fanptuae mt Treirt sals oi on Sot e pss
  imatwon on
  C187 @2canana en pass ion pacavencsato ons ie n oc by 18 202. Tsns
  sastnn 1t ars 12cmutiarOfhR nsl sls ie at i srrnlovih 1O#oamattom iT o Grce
  And iaorasaceast h on 4 of o tncealsounneGto#ind an in o Gics
  Jw Pe icalen ras ew acgaie ty e deiealcongernewr G1te, maF sgoaun oona tunan o on
  seoedton 7 tm niscons AF utd 00anhscfon in . Theapvi oareonS and o PA
  cerit en QACB is enidt i 2 PhPMR ATP GAOtTh nsaliarife i a mm o 20 vass
(Ontestfomee n ns taetGRG en e a seawvin o e l onaasLA and oava o e h speser
  P ssm uied rernpncesorcrtes n averahtcesendog onh uy eny
  Te en bas 2t sn o ne 2 asear i aetas i on f B ALP Gattant cvmetfom i t he se a
  asse on 1 anea o PA AB contu uin QAMS wns msiralasies hesoh GBCS en css t in 2t miny
  angterONC(12) ns in tmin soas css on e ouseArate C107 22
 Te salni sephe 14 m 1t o is100 ane aavlad i i 1 lA cornse0104 t otna
 fompn?ofaiot nspoen ioi antied w t
 Tastaloanttom in aObTds css ieon 1B e tssntetente 10 un2 an on tte ies
 Are e e assn agota ty e estsaosrterse G10.bAP sn m oitm in 1ite
 stt2e lR poone areite oron
 Te      it i ocitfom e e e ul ot poveanpte n cam be etsreaEO anionBott t
 niesptorecoreesriai t anazotiice


sssrocnomnGm                     —
 Aette e ve t on o rnyb nimncesss O.01 Te sira said uh dade L1 ns
Ts stt savistoiOAOS baravla o in 2t in anter 10(9tarpiun Te t se
a nslationd owpis t AraieG(0T 20
C107 @2ns o pom er t patatenies mcsgrs grr un ie y 11 ctOc. Th iralont s
passetpes 1e ans 120tmatinerG1E3 nticals i on 1 olA cornmm C194 evoattom on e arot
Andtie spalaweteo ein t h sialsentnter 108 iS anieind it
e be ons nha hm ahatad by e daven pounterate 108 e P se ocfan n of C1cE
asslston 7 o e fstiosnd AFauth OM antan oi fom on 1. Te sson onSans t PAAS
esrsaen GStH ant i acoie n i 2l PR ATP GAOL re ocsevs angited a mauramot 2 vom
andoamettom notGrt, en eA soraaela o n ons CA0ant oo PAsoster
Te oc signiw seo e oi sriaton in etioconntos y GLOT oi afeanonsFOGt is
£0o can se prosnd acematatin e Grtato un vaiestre raine

Document Created: 1999-07-26 13:21:14
Document Modified: 1999-07-26 13:21:14

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC