User Manual 2

FCC ID: K6650023X20

Users Manual

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                                        Advanced Operation
Function Modes                                                     KEY BEEP
The [FUNC] key provides up to 6 quick access func-                 Setting the loudness of key beeps (see
tion assignments.                                                  page 37).
1. Press the [FUNC] key.                                           MEMO
2. Select the desired function                                     Enters Memory writing mode (see page
   by pressing the [◄] or [►]                                      30).
   key, and then press the                                         LIGHT
   [ENT] key.                                                      The white LED may be used as a flashlight.

          DUAL WATCH
          Activates the dual watch function (see page    To program the function assigned to the function key:
          21).                                           1. [MENU] à “SETUP” à “CONFIG” à “KEY AS-
          RX NOISE                                          SIGNMENT”.
          Setting the level of RX noise canceling (see   2. Select the assign number (“1” to “6”) to which you
          page 22).                                         want to assign a function by pressing the [▲] or [▼]
                                                            key, and then press the [ENT] key.
                  Enable/Disable the display lamp il-    3. Select the function you want to assign to the Func-
                  lumination.                               tion Screen by pressing the [◄] or [►] key, and
                                                            then press the [ENT] key.
          SCAN MEM
                                                            Tip: The default setting:
          The current channel is marked to be
                                                                  1: DUAL WATCH        4: RX NOISE
          scanned (see page 33).
                                                                  2: SCAN              5: DIM/DISP
                  SCAN                                            3: SCAN MEM          6: LIGHT
                  Activates the scan function (see
                                                         4. Press the PTT switch to return to normal opera-
                  page 32).

28                                                                      FTA-250L Operating Manual

                                        Memory Operation
The FTA-250L is capable of programming up to 250      3. Select a group that the
user-programmable memory channels with channel           desired channel belongs
frequency, channel tag (name) up to 7 characters,        to, by pressing the [ ▲ ]
and flag (marking for search refinement).                or [ ▼ ] key followed by
                                                         the [ENT] key.
The stored channels can be assigned to ALL or Group
Memory (GP1-GP9), which can be named with up to           The memory channels belong to either of the
8 characters.                                                following groups.
                                                             ALL :         Group including all the memory
The FTA-250L’s memory system allows you to store,
label, and recall channel frequencies you may use
                                                             GP1 to GP9 : Groups of memory channels that
                                                                           you can set “GP1” to “GP9” when
Recalling the Memories                                                     storing.
1. Press the [ MENU ] key                                The frequency and tag name of the channel listed
   to display the MENU                                   will be displayed along with the group name se-
   screen.                                               lected in step 3.
                                                      4. Select a memory channel
                                                         with the [▲] or [▼] key.
2. Select “MEMORY” on
                                                      5. To exit the Memory mode, press the [MENU] key,
   the screen by pressing
                                                         select the mode other than “MEMORY” on the
   the [◄] or [►] key, and
                                                         screen by pressing the [◄] or [►] key, and then
   then press the [ ENT ]
                                                         press the [ENT] key.

FTA-250L Operating Manual                                                                             29

                                           Memory Operation
Instant Storage                                           Maintenance of the Memory
1. Select a desired frequency.                            Adding new memory channels, editing the stored
2. Press and hold the [ENT]                               information, and deleting the stored addresses are al-
   key.                                                   lowed through the SETUP mode.
    The “ADD” selec-                                     Adding entries
       tion appears on the                                1. [ MENU ] à “SETUP” à “MEMORY BOOK” à
       d i s p l a y, w i t h t h e                          “ADD”.
       frequency, channel                                 2. Select the item, input letters and/or numbers, se-
       name (tag), group                                     lect a setting, and store the changes in the same
       name, and scan                                        way as the instant storage described previously.
       memory already filled
       in.                                                Notes:  You cannot skip the input of “NAME” (chan-
                                                                     nel tag).
3. Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the item, then
                                                                   You must input of “FREQ” (channel fre-
   press the [ENT] key.
4. Input letters and/or numbers with the keypad, or
   select a setting with the [▲], [▼], [◄], or [►] key,   Editing the information
   then press the [ENT] key.                              1. [ MENU ] à “SETUP” à “MEMORY BOOK” à
5. Select “SAVE MEMORY”                                      “EDIT”.
   by pressing the [▼] key,                               2. Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the group in-
   and then press the [ENT]                                  cluding the entry you want to edit, then press the
   key to store the frequen-                                 [ENT] key.
   cy into the memory.                                    3. Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the entry you
                                                             want to edit, then press the [ENT] key.
Note: You cannot store weather channels to the
                                                          4. Select the item, input letters and/or numbers, se-
      memory by pressing the [ENT] key during the
                                                             lect a setting, and then store the changes in the
      WX mode.
                                                             same way as the instant storage described previ-

30                                                                       FTA-250L Operating Manual

                                        Memory Operation
Deleting the memory                                   Setting the group name
1. [MENU] à “SETUP” à “MEMORY BOOK” à “DE-            1. [ MENU ] à “SETUP” à “MEMORY BOOK” à
   LETE”.                                                “GROUP NAME”.
2. Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the group in-   2. Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the group in-
   cluding the entry you want to delete, then press      cluding the entry you want to change, and then
   the [ENT] key.                                        press the [ENT] key.
3. Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the entry you   3. Use the keypad to edit the letters and/or numbers
   want to delete, then press the [ENT] key.             of the group name, then press the [ENT] key.
4. S e l e c t “ O K ? ” o n t h e                       The cursor will move to the next digit of the group
   screen by pressing the [◄]                            name.
   or [►] key, and then press                         4. Select “FINISH” by pressing the [◄] or [►] key,
   the [ENT] key.                                        and then press the [ENT] key.
5. Press the PTT switch to return to normal opera-    5. Press the PTT switch to return to normal opera-
   tion.                                                 tion.

FTA-250L Operating Manual                                                                               31

                                        Scanning Operation
The FTA-250L allows you to scan active channels au-      After the signal disappears, scanning resumes.
tomatically in the COMM (COM band), MR, and WX           To stop scanning, press the PTT switch or select
modes. It pauses on signals received, so you can talk     “SCAN” again in the Function screen.
to the station(s) on the frequency received.
                                                        Note: When you enable the alarm function at recep-
Scanning Channels                                             tion of the weather alert signal via the COMM
1. Set the transceiver to the COMM mode.                      SETUP menu in the SETUP mode, the last
2. Press the [ FUNC ] key                                     weather channel will be watched as the every
   to display the Function                                    second frequency during a scan.
   screen.                                              Example: When the last weather channel is 162.400
                                                                  MHz (WX02), the transceiver scans in the
                                                                  following order.
3. Select “SCAN” on the
   screen by pressing the                               118.000 à  162.400 à 118.025 à
   [◄] or [►] key, and then                                              à 162.400 à 118.050 à 162.400 ...
   press the [ENT] key.                                 The frequency of the last weather channel, however,
   The scanning starts and                              will not be displayed until the scanner encounters the
   the display returns to the                           weather alert signal.
   COMM mode screen.
   The “SC” icon appears
   on the display.

 The scanner searches signals from the lowest fre-
  quency to highest.
 When the scanner encounters a signal, the scan-
  ning pauses and the transceiver remains on that
  channel until the signal disappears, and the fre-
  quency indication on the display blinks.

32                                                                     FTA-250L Operating Manual

                                       Scanning Operation
Scanning the Specified Channels                        Scanning the marked channels
Among the memory and weather channels, you may         1. Set the transceiver to the MR or WX mode.
scan only those on which you want to see if a signal   2. The scanning starts and the display returns to the
exists.                                                   MR or WX mode screen.
Marking the channels                                   The FTA-250L operates in the same way as it does
1. Set the transceiver to the MR or WX mode and        when scanning all channels described in the previ-
   tune to the channel that you want to be scanned.    ous page, except that it searches marked frequencies
2. Press the [FUNC] key.                               only.
3. Select “MEMO MEM” by
                                                       Note: When you enable the alarm function of the
   pressing the [ ◄ ] or [ ► ]
                                                             weather alert signal via the COMM SETUP
   key, and then press the
                                                             menu in the SETUP mode, the last weather
   [ENT] key.
                                                             channel will be watched as the every second
 The current channel is                                     frequency during a scan.
   marked to be scanned
   and the “ ” icon, which                             Example: When the last weather channel is WX02
   indicates that the channel                                   (162.4 MHz), the transceiver scans in the
   is the target of scanning,                                   following order.
   will appear at the top side                         001MEM à WX02 à 002MEM à
   of the memory name when                                                à WX02 à 003MEM à WX02 ...
   the display returns to the
   MR or WX mode screen.                               The frequency of the last weather channel, however,
                                                       will not be displayed until the scanner encounters the
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above to mark other channels    weather alert signal.
   as well.

FTA-250L Operating Manual                                                                                33

                                              SETUP Mode
Note: We do not recommend that any of the default        Menu items
      settings be changed until you are thoroughly        MEMORY BOOK
      familiar with the operation of the FTA-250L.         You may store the frequencies with a tag name to
Basic Operation                                            the memory of the transceiver, and maintain the
1. Press the [MENU ] key to                                stored entries.
   display the MENU screen.                               COMM SETUP
                                                           You may set and adjust the operations of the
                                                           transceiver in the COM mode.
                                                          PRIORITY CH
2. Select “SETUP” on the                                   You may set the priority channel for dual watch.
   MENU screen by press-
   ing the [◄] or [►] key, and                            CONFIG
   then press the [ENT] key.                               You may set and adjust the various configurations
                                                           of the radio.
3. Select the desired menu
   item by pressing the [ ▲ ]                             ABOUT...
   or [▼] key, and then press                              Confirm the version of software installed in the ra-
   the [ENT] key.                                          dio.
4. Select the desired item by
   pressing the [ ▲ ] or [ ▼ ]
   key, and then press the
   [ENT] key.
5. Select the desired setting
   by pressing the [◄] or [►]
6. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.
7. Press the PTT switch to return to normal operation.

34                                                                      FTA-250L Operating Manual

                                        SETUP Mode
Maintenance of the Memory                          Turning on/off the weather alert
See pages 30 to 31 for details.                    You may enable or disable the
                                                   alarm function when receiving
                                                   the weather alert signal (see
                                                   pages 20).
Setting of the COMM SETUP Mode Operation
                                                   Turning on/off the scan stop with the PTT
                                                   You may lock out the PTT
                                                   switch during the scan opera-
                                                   tion (see page 32).
Turning on/off the emergency call
Yo u m a y e n a b l e o r d i s -                 Setting the scan resume time
able the quick access to the
                                                   You may select a waiting time
121.500 MHz emergency fre-
                                                   till the resuming of scan after
quency (see page 16).
                                                   the encountered signal disap-
Turning on/off the ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter)
You may enable or disable the                      The setting changes in the following order.
ANL (automatic noise limiter)                               1
                                                                                      à 5 (SEC)
feature (see page 26).
                                                   Tip: The default setting: 3 SEC

Setting the noise cancel
You may cancel background
noise when transmitting and
receiving (see page 22).

FTA-250L Operating Manual                                                                         35

                                              SETUP Mode
Setting the operation after stopping a scan           Setting the microphone configuration
You may select the operations                         You may change the assign-
listed below when encounter-                          ment of microphone controlled
ing a signal during a scan.                           with the PTT switch.(see page
The setting changes in the following order.
BUSY STOP:      Stays on the frequency and will not   Setting the side tone operation
                resume the scan.                      You may monitor your own
5 SEC STOP: Stays on the frequency for 5 seconds      voice when talking into the
                and then resume the scan.             microphone through the head-
10 SEC STOP: Stays on the frequency for 10 sec-       phones (see page 25).
                onds and then resume the scan.
Tip: The default setting: BUSY STOP                   Setting the audio filter of the receiver
Setting the frequency step for tuning                 You may select the operation
                                                      of the audio filter (see page
You may select the channel
steps of 8.33*/25 kHz per step
(see page 27).
                                                      Turning on/off the VOX operation
* 8.33 kHz; Europe only                               You may enable or disable
                                                      the VOX function (see page
Setting the time-out timer for transmission           24).
You may select a desired
remaining time for the TOT
function (see page 22).

36                                                                  FTA-250L Operating Manual

                                             SETUP Mode
Setting the sensitivity of the VOX system               Setting of the Operation and
You may select a VOX gain of                                      Configuration of the Transceiver
the VOX function (see page

Setting the sensing time of the VOX system              Setting the loudness of key beeps
You may select a VOX delay
                                                        You may adjust the loudness
time of the VOX function (see
                                                        in 5 levels.
page 24).
                                                        The setting changes in the following order.
                                                                OFF       à1    à2     à3    à4   à5
                                                                      à        à      à     à     à
Setting the polled frequency for dual watch (see page
21).                                                    Tip: The default setting: 3
                                                        Battery Save
                                                        You may select the desired
                                                        interval of time for the battery
                                                        saver (see page 23).

                                                        KEY ASSIGNMENT
                                                        You may program the func-
                                                        tion assigned to the function
                                                        screen (see page 28).

FTA-250L Operating Manual                                                                              37

                                               SETUP Mode
PTT LOCK                                                   Setting the contrast of the display
You may enable or disable the                              You may adjust the contrast in
PTT lock function (see page                                30 levels.
                                                           The setting changes in the following order.
Setting the brightness of the display                           LV01 à LV02
                                                                       à         à  ..... à LV29 à LV30

You may adjust the backlight                               Tip: The default setting: LV15
brightness in 5 levels.
                                                           About the Transceiver
The setting changes in the following order.                You may confirm the version of the software currently
        à LV1
                  à LV2
                            à LV3
                                      à LV4
                                               à LV5       operating on the transceiver.
Tip: The default setting: LV5
Setting the lamp of the display
You may select the operation
of the display lighting from the
following 4 types.
OFF:               No lighting at any time
CONTINUOUS: Lights at all time
5 / 10 / 30 / 60 / 120 / 300 (sec)
                   Lights for selected time when any
                   key is pressed.
EXT PO/KEY: Lights for 5 seconds only when any
                   key is pressed, or lights at all time
                   when the power is supplied through
                   the EXT DC jack.
38                                                                         FTA-250L Operating Manual

                                                  SETUP Mode
Summary of the SETUP Menu                                   SC RESUME      Setting the scan resume          3 SEC
Memory Book                                                 SC STOP TYPE   Setting the operation af-     BUSY STOP
                                                                           ter stopping a scan
       Item           Description           Default Value                  Setting the frequency
                                                            FREQ STEP                                       25 kHz
               Adding new channels or                                      step for tuning
ADD                                               -
               destinations                                                Setting the time-out timer
                                                            TX TOT                                          5 MIN
               Editing the stored infor-                                   for transmission
EDIT                                              -
               mation                                                      Setting the microphone
                                                            MIC SELECT                                    INTERNAL
               Deleting the stored chan-                                   configuration
DELETE                                            -
               nel or destination                                          Setting the side tone op-
                                                            SIDE TONE                                        OFF
                                           GP1 : GROUP-1                   eration
                                           GP2 : GROUP-2    AF PITCH       Setting the audio filter of
                                           GP3 : GROUP-3                                                   NORMAL
                                                            CONT           the receiver
                                           GP4 : GROUP-4
GROUP NAME     Editing the group name      GP5 : GROUP-5                   Turning on/off the VOX
                                                            VOX                                              OFF
                                           GP6 : GROUP-6                   operation
                                           GP7 : GROUP-7                   Setting the sensitivity of
                                                            VOX LEVEL                                        LV2
                                           GP8 : GROUP-8                   the VOX system
                                           GP9 : GROUP-9                   Setting the sensing time
                                                            VOX DELAY                                      1.5 SEC
                                                                           of the VOX system
     Item             Description           Default Value
                                                            PRIORITY CH
EMERGENCY      Turning on/off the emer-                           Item           Description             Default Value
CALL           gency call                                                  Setting the polled fre-
                                                                     -                                         -
               Turning on/off the auto-                                    quency for dual watch
ANL                                             OFF
               matic noise limiter
               Setting the noise cancel    TX MODE : OFF
NOISE CANCEL   operation                   RX MODE : OFF
WEATHER        Turning on/off the weath-        OFF
ALERT          er alert
               Turning on/off the scan
PTT SC STOP                                     ON
               stop with the PTT

FTA-250L Operating Manual                                                                                            39

                                                  SETUP Mode
     Item              Description            Default Value
KEY BEEP        Setting the loudness of              3
                key beeps
BATTERY SAVE    Setting the power save             50 %
KEY ASSIGN-     Setting the function as- 1 : DUAL WATCH
MENT            signed to the function 2 : SCAN
                screen                      3 : SCAN MEM
                                            4 : RX NOISE
                                            5 : DIM/DISP
                                            6 : LIGHT
PTT LOCK        Turning enable or disable          OFF
                the PTT Lock function
BACKLIT LEVEL   Setting the brightness              LV5
                level of the display
BACKLIT TIM-    Setting the backlight          EXT PO/KEY
ER              timer of the display
CONTRAST        Setting the contrast of the        LV15

     Item              Description          Default Value
                Confirming the version of
      -                                           -
                the software

40                                                             FTA-250L Operating Manual

Frequency Range:               TX: 118.000 to 136.975 MHz
                               RX: 118.000 to 136.975 MHz
		                                   161.650 to 163.275 MHz (Weather Channels; USA/Canada only)
Channel Spacing:               25 kHz/8.33 kHz (Europe only)
Emission Type:                 TX: AM
                               RX: AM & FM (FM: for receiving the Weather Channels)
Supply Voltage:                6.0 to 9.5 VDC (Battery Terminal)
                               9.0 to 10.5 VDC (EXT DC JACK with Charging)
Current Consumption (approx.): 300 µA (power off),
                               70 mA (battery saver on, saver ratio 50%)
                               90 mA (squelch on), 300 mA (receive), 900 mA (transmit 1.5 W Carrier)
Temperature Range:             +14 ºF to + 140 ºF (–10 ºC to +60 ºC)
Case Size (W x H x D):         2.1 x 4.1 x 1.2 inches (52 x 105 x 30 mm) with SBR-25LI
Weight (approx.):              10.6 oz (300 g) with SBR-25LI, antenna and belt clip
Circuit Type:                    Double-conversion superheterodyne
IFs:                             47.25 MHz & 450 kHz
Sensitivity:                     Better than 0.8 µV (for 6 dB S/N with 1 kHz, 30 % modulation)
Selectivity:                     Better than 8 kHz/–6 dB
Adjacent CH. Selectivity:        Less than 25 kHz/–60 dB
AF Output (@7.4 V):              0.7 W @ 16 Ohms, 10 % THD
Power Output (@ 7.4 V):          5.0 W (PEP), 1.5 W (Carrier Power)
Frequency Stability:             Better than ±1 ppm (+14 ºF to + 140 ºF [–10 ºC to +60 ºC])
Modulation System:               Low Level Amplitude Modulation
Spurious Emission:               >70 dB below carrier
Int. Microphone Type:            Condenser
Ext Mic. Impedance:              150 Ohms
                                                     Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

FTA-250L Operating Manual                                                                                          41

                            Troubleshooting For Headset Connection
                      Question                                                               Answer
When connecting the SCU-15 headset adapter cable          This happens when the plug on the SCU-15 headset adapter cable is not prop-
between the radio and a headset, the “       ” icon ap-   erly inserted into the MIC/SP jack. To make proper contact within the radio, the
pears on the display and the radio cannot be operated.    plug must be pushed all the way into the MIC/SP jack and be fixed with the two

Can I purchase the optional PTT Switch from Yaesu?        Contact your Aviation dealer for details regarding purchasing an aftermarket
                                                          Push-To-Talk switch.

Will my headset work with this radio?                     The SCU-15 headset adapter cable is made to operate with most headsets; how-
                                                          ever to be concretely sure check with the headset manufacturer using the wiring
                                                          shown below. Please confirm the connections and connector sizes are correct.

                       3.5mm plug

                      Microphone                                                    Speaker
                          Ground                                                    PJ-055
                                                                                    (accepts 0.25” phone plug)

                                              SCU-15                                (accepts 0.206” phone plug)

Headset specification requirements for SCU-15
Earphone (speaker) impedance:           8 Ω or above
Microphone impedance:                   150 Ω ±20%
PTT pressed:                            Ground
PTT not pressed:                        Open

42                                                                                         FTA-250L Operating Manual


FTA-250L Operating Manual          43

 Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain ap-
 proved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should
 be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.
 Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d’un type et d’un
 gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l’émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélec-
 trique à l’intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d’antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée quiva-
 lente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépassepas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établissement d’une communication satisfaisante.

 This radio transmitter (identify the device by certification number, or model number if Category II) has been approved by Industry Canada
 to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna
 type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly
 prohibited for use with this device.
 Le présent émetteur radio (identifier le dispositif par son numéro de certification ou son numéro de modèle s’il fait partie du matériel de
 catégorie I) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d’antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain ad-
 missible maximal et l’impédance requise pour chaque type d’antenne. Les types d’antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est
 supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l’exploitation de l’émetteur.

 Part 15.21: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by YAESU MUSEN could void the user’s authorization to op-
 erate this device.

                   Attention in case of use                                   Disposal of your Electronic and Electric Equipment
     This transceiver works on frequencies which are not                        Products with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) can-
     generally permitted. For frequency allocation, apply for a                 not be disposed as household waste.
     license at your local spectrum management authority. For                   Electronic and Electric Equipment should be recycled at a
     actual usage contact           List of national codes                      facility capable of handling these items and their waste by
     your dealer or sales       AT  BE BG CY CZ DE                              products.
     shop in order to get       DK ES      EE     FI   FR GB
                                                                                In EU countries, please contact your local
                               GR HR HU           IE    IT LT
     your transceiver ad-       LU   LV    MT NL       PL  PT                   equipment supplier representative or service
     justed to the allocated   RO SK        SI   SE CH     IS                   center for information about the waste collec-
     frequency range.           LI  NO      –      –     –  –                   tion system in your country.

44                                                                                             FTA-250L Operating Manual

Copyright 2017
All rights reserved.
No portion of this manual may be
reproduced without the permission of

Tennozu Parkside Building
2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
140-0002 Japan
YAESU USA                                                 1703-AS
6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.
                                                   Printed in Japan
Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall Close
Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.

Document Created: 2017-04-20 16:38:36
Document Modified: 2017-04-20 16:38:36

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