Operating Manual 53_61

FCC ID: K6630633X30

Users Manual

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    in the group must contain the same group MMSI so they can be contacted
    by each other. There is a chance that another group of vessels may program
    in the same group MMSI. If this happens, simply change one or more of the
    last 5 digits of the group MMSI.
Press and hold         DSC SETUP                  SELECT        GROUP DIR.                  SELECT
                                                                                 
       key              (    /     key)       (      key)        (    /      key)       (      key)

1. Begin by entering a name for the Group.                                      DSC SETUP
                                                                               GROUP DIR.
    Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select                                         ADD
    “ADD” with the CH▼/CH▲ key.                                                   DELETE
                                                          GROUP DIR.
2. Press the [SELECT] soft key.                       GROUP NAME:
3. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to scroll through MMSI:                           BACK            SELECT
    the first letter of the name of the group you                              GROUP DIR.
                                                              SAVE             GROUP NAME
    want to reference in the directory.                                    S ---------------
                                                       BACK         SELECT
4. Press the [SELECT] soft key to store the                                A B C D EF G HI J K LM
                                                          GROUP DIR.
    first letter in the name and step to the next GROUP NAME:              N O P Q RS T UV W X YZ
                                                                           0 1 2 3 45 6 78 9
                                                        STANDARD---------      a&         Delete

    letter to the right.                              MMSI:                BACK FINISH SELECT
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the name is
    complete. The name can consist of up to
                                                       BACK         SELECT
    eleven characters, if you do not use all
    eleven characters, select “→” to move to the
    next space. This method can also be used
    to enter a blank space in the name.
    If a mistake was made entering in the name, press the CH▼/CH▲/◄/►
    key to select “←” or “→”, press the [SELECT] soft key until the wrong
    character is selected, then perform steps 3 and 4.
6. After the eleventh letter or space has been entered, press the [FINISH]
    soft key to advance to the group MMSI number entry.
7. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select the second number of the MMSI (nine
    digits: the first digit is permanently set to “0”) of the group you want to
    contact, then press the [SELECT] soft key to step to the next number.
    Repeat this procedure until all eight spaces of the MMSI number are entered.
    If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI number, press the CH▼/
    CH▲/◄/► key to select “←” or “→”, press the [SELECT] soft key until the
    wrong character is selected, then perform step 7.
8. After the ninth digit has been entered, press the [FINISH] soft key to confirm.
9. To store the data, select “SAVE”, then press the [SELECT] soft key.
10. To enter another group address, repeat steps 2 through 9.
11. Press the CLR key to return to radio operation.


11.6.2 Transmitting a Group Call
Group Call using the Group Directory

 Press                                        SELECT         GROUP                                  SELECT
                                                                                     
            (   /    /    /    key)       (      key)          (        /      key)             (      key)

1. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select “HISTO-                     GROUP CALL
   RY” or “MEMORY”.                                         MEMORY
                                                            NEW ID
2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the
                                                                                         GROUP CALL
   CH▼/CH▲ key to select a group you want                                             KARENS

   to contact.                                               BACK            SELECT   Team BOB
3. Press the [SELECT] soft key, press the                      GROUP CALL             Standard-Group
                                                              INTERSHIP CH            Horizon-1G
   CH▼/CH▲ key to select the operating                            CH:06               USCG Group
                                                                                       BACK            SELECT
   channel you want to communicate on, then                       CH:09                  GROUP CALL
                                                                  CH:10                       087654321
   press the [SELECT] soft key. To select an                      CH:13                       Horizon-Group
                                                                                       CATEG:    ROUTINE
   operating channels from all the voice chan-               BACK     MANUAL SELECT       CH:    06

   nels, press the [MANUAL] soft key.                          GROUP CALL
                                                                    087654321           Do you want to
                                                                    Horizon-Group      transmit a Call?
4. Press the [YES] soft key to transmit the                  CATEG:    ROUTINE         YES           NO
                                                                CH:    06
   group call signal.                                                                    GROUP CALL
5. When the group call signal is sent, the                     transmitting                   Horizon-Group
                                                                                       CATEG:    ROUTINE
   display will be as shown in the illustration                                           CH:

   at the right.
6. After the group call is transmitted, all the                                                        QUIT
   radios in the group will switch to the desig-
   nated channel.
7. Listen to the channel to make sure it is not
   busy, then press the PTT button and call the
   other vessels you desire to communicate
Group Call by Manually Entering an MMSI
This feature allows contacting a group of vessels by manually entering their
group MMSI number.

 Press                                        SELECT         GROUP                                  SELECT
                                                                                     
            (   /    /    /    key)       (      key)          (        /      key)             (      key)


1. Select “NEW ID” with the CH▼/CH▲ key,                 GROUP CALL
   then press the [SELECT] soft key.                 MEMORY
                                                     NEW ID
2. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select the first
                                                                              GROUP CALL
   number of the MMSI (nine digits: the first                                     MMSI

   digit is permanently set to “0”) that you want     BACK          SELECT      08765432  -

   to contact, then press the [SELECT] soft key          GROUP CALL
                                                        INTERSHIP CH        12 34 567890
   to step to the next number.                               CH:06
                                                                           BACK FINISH SELECT
3. Repeat step 2 to set the MMSI number.                     CH:09            GROUP CALL
                                                             CH:10             087654321
   If a mistake was made entering in the MMSI                CH:13             Horizon-Group
   number, press the CH▼/CH▲/◄/► key to
                                                      BACK MANUAL SELECT          06

   select “←” or “→”, press the [SELECT] soft            GROUP CALL
                                                           087654321         Do you want to
                                                           Horizon-Group    transmit a Call?
   key until the wrong character is selected,                 ROUTINE
                                                                           YES             NO
   then perform step 2.                                                       GROUP CALL
4. When the MMSI number is complete, press               Transmitting          Horizon-Group
   the [FINISH] soft key.                                                         06

5. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select the
   operating channel you want to communi-                                                 QUIT
   cate on, then press the [SELECT] soft key.
   To select an operating channel from all the
   voice channels, press the [MANUAL] soft
6. Press the [YES] soft key to transmit the group call signal.
7. After the group call is transmitted, all the radios in the group will switch to
   the designated channel.
8. Listen to the channel to make sure it is not busy, then press the PTT button
   and talk into the microphone to communicate the message to the group of
11.6.3 Receiving a Group Call
1. When a group call is received, the HX890 will sound a                           RX GROUP
   ringing alarm.                                                                     Yaesu
                                                                               CATEG: ROUTINE
                                                                                  CH: 06
2. The display will show the group MMSI number.                                SINCE: 00:15

3. Press any key to stop the alarm.                                            MMSI: 366901234
4. Monitor the channel and listen for the station calling the                      STOP ALARM

   group with a message.


   On the display you will notice 3 soft key selections. These                           RX GROUP
   selections are described below:                                                        Yaesu
                                                                                   CATEG: ROUTINE
                                                                                      CH: 06
   [ACCEPT]: Press this key to accept the group call and to                        SINCE: 00:15

   switch to the requested channel.                                                MMSI: 366901234
   [PAUSE]: Press this key to temporarily disable automati-                       ACCEPT PAUSE QUIT

   cally switching to the requested channel.
   [QUIT]: Press this key to stop the automatic channel switch-
   ing and revert to the last selected working channel.
5. If you want to respond, monitor the channel to make sure it                           RX GROUP
   is clear, then press the PTT button and talk into the micro-                           Yaesu
                                                                                   CATEG: ROUTINE
                                                                                      CH: 06
   phone to the group of vessels.                                                  SINCE: 00:15

6. Press the [QUIT] soft key to return to radio operation.
   Note: If a key is not pressed within 30 seconds the radio                                        QUIT

   will automatically return to normal radio operation.

     When there is an unread group call, the “ ” icon will appear on the
     display. You may review the unread group call from the DSC log, refer
     to the section “11.11.3 Reviewing Other Logged Calls”.

11.6.4 Setting up the Group Call Ringer
The HX890 group call ringer may be set to ON or OFF with the DSC SETUP

Press and hold     DSC SETUP                  SELECT        DSC BEEP                           SELECT
                                                                                
       key          (   /      key)       (      key)        (      /      key)            (        key)

1. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select “GROUP”,                    DSC SETUP
                                                                DSC BEEP
   then press the [ENTER] soft key.                         INDIVIDUAL     ON
2. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select “OFF”.                   ALL SHIPS
                                                                                         DSC BEEP
3. Press the [ENTER] soft key to store the                  POS REQUEST    ON
                                                            POS REPORT     ON
   selected setting.                                         BACK       SELECT

                                                                                  BACK              ENTER

4. Press the CLR key to return the transceiver to normal operation.
To re-enable the ringer tone, repeat the above procedure, pressing the CH▼/
CH▲ key to select “ON” in step 7 above.


Advancements in the DSC system have made it possible to receive position
request calls from other vessels.
    To respond to a position request, the vessel must have an operating
    GPS receiver connected to its DSC radio and must not have its radio
    set to deny position requests.

11.7.1 Receiving a Position Request
When a Position Request Call is received from another vessel, a ringing
alarm will sound. Operation of this transceiver function differs, depending on
the “POSITION REPLY” setting in the “DSC SETUP” menu. Refer to section
“11.7.3 Setting up Position Reply”.
Automatically reply:
1. When a position request call is received from another                     RX POS REQUEST
    vessel, a ringing sound will be produced. Then the request-                  Horizon
    ed position coordinates are transmitted automatically to
    the vessel requesting your vessels position.
2. To exit from Position Request display, press the [QUIT]                                    QUIT
    soft key.
Manually reply:
1. When a position request call is received          RX POS REQUEST
   from another vessel, a ringing sound will be      CATEG:
   produced, and the display will be as shown        SINCE:   00:15
                                                                             RX POS REQUEST
   in the illustration at the right.                                             366901235
2. Press any key to stop the alarm.                      STOP ALARM
                                                                             SINCE:   00:15
3. To send your vessel’s position to the request-    RX POS REQUEST
   ing vessel, press the [REPLY] soft key.           CATEG: SAFETY           REPLY            QUIT
   Or to exit from position request display, press
   the [QUIT] soft key.                                 Transmitted

4. Press the [QUIT] soft key to return to the channel display.
    When there is an unread position request call, the “ ” icon will appear
    on the display. To review the unread individual calls from the DSC log,
    refer to the section “11.11.3 Reviewing Other Logged Calls”.


11.7.2 Manual Input of Position Information
If the HX890 is located in an area where GPS reception is limited, in order to
reply to the received position request, you may manually input the location
(latitude and longitude) and time to be sent.

                   Press                                                             SELECT
                                                                           
                                 (      /       /         /          key)        (       key)

1. Press the [POS/TM] soft key.
                                                                                                 MMSI/POS INFO
                                                                                                      POS INFO
                                                                                                  POS:  --°--.-----
                                                                                                 TIME:  --:--
                                                                                                 OK             POS/TM

2. Press the CH▼/CH▲/◄/► key to select               MMSI/POS INFO
   the first number of latitude, then press Lat --˚--.-----
   the [SELECT] soft key to step to the next Lon ---˚--.-----
                                                   UTC --:--           MMSI/POS INFO
   number.                                         12 34 567890 SN
                                                              Delete      366900001
3. Repeat step 2 to set the position and time.      BACK FINISH SELECT
                                                                          POS INFO
   If a mistake was made, press the CH▼/                                    24°
                                                                                                  POS:                N

   CH▲/◄/► key to select “←” or “→”, press                             OK
                                                                                                 TIME:          UTC

   the [SELECT] soft key until the wrong char-
   acter is selected, then perform step 2.
4. When finished programming the position and time, press the [FINISH] soft
   key. The display will return to the previous screen.
5. Press the [OK] soft key.
6. Press the CLR key to return to radio operation.
11.7.3 Setting up Position Reply
The HX870E can be set up to either “automatically” or “manually” send your
position to another vessel. This selection is important if you are concerned
about someone polling the position of your vessel that you may not want to.
In the “Manual” mode you will see the MMSI or persons name shown on the
display allowing you to choose to send your position to the requesting vessel.

Press and hold       DSC SETUP                          SELECT              POSITION REPLY                   SELECT
                                                                                              
       key           (    /      key)               (         key)           (       /    key)           (        key)


1. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select “POSITION                                 DSC SETUP
   REPLY” with the CH▼/CH▲ key.                                                   INDIVIDUAL DIR.
                                                                                  INDIVIDUAL REPLY
                                                                                  INDIVIDUAL ACK
                                                                                  INDIVIDUAL RING
                                                                                  GROUP DIR.
                                                                                  POSITION REPLY
                                                                                  AUTO POS POLLING
                                                                                   BACK         SELECT

2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then press the CH▼/CH▲                                DSC SETUP
                                                                                    POSITION REPLY
   key to select “AUTO” or “MANUAL”. In “AUTO” mode, after                               AUTO
   a DSC POS Request is received, the radio will automati-
   cally transmit your vessels position. In “MANUAL” mode,
   the display of the radio will show who is requesting the                        BACK          ENTER

3. Press the [ENTER] soft key to store the selected setting.
4. Press the CLR key to return to radio operation.
11.7.4 Setting up a Position Request Ringer
The HX890 position request ringer may to set to ON or OFF.

Press and hold     DSC SETUP                  SELECT        DSC BEEP                          SELECT
                                                                                 
       key         (    /      key)       (      key)        (     /       key)           (      key)

1. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select                    DSC SETUP
                                                                DSC BEEP
   “POS REQUEST” with the CH▼/CH▲ key.                      INDIVIDUAL    ON
                                                            GROUP         ON
2. Press the [SELECT] soft key, then select                 ALL SHIPS     ON
                                                                                       DSC BEEP
   “OFF” with the CH▼/CH▲ key.                              POS REQUEST   ON
                                                                                      POS REQUEST
                                                            POS REPORT    ON
3. Press the [ENTER] soft key to store the                  BACK       SELECT
   selected setting.
4. Press the CLR key to return to radio opera-
                                                                                   BACK          ENTER
To re-enable the ringer tone, repeat the above procedure, pressing the CH▼/
CH▲ key to select “ON” in step 6 above.


This feature is similar to position request, however instead of requesting a
position of another vessel this function allows you to send your position to
another vessel.
11.8.1 Transmitting a DSC Position Report Call
DSC Position Report Call using the Individual/Position Directory
Refer to section “11.5 INDIVIDUAL CALL” to enter information into the indi-
vidual directory.

 Press                                       SELECT          POS REPORT                               SELECT
                                                                                      
            (   /   /    /    key)       (      key)          (         /        key)             (       key)

1. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select “HISTORY” or “MEMORY”.
                                                                                        POS REPORT CALL
                                                                                        NEW ID

                                                                                         BACK           SELECT

2. Press the [SELECT] soft key.                               POS REPORT
3. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select the                     KAREN
   intended recipient in the directory, then               366901254
                                                           Standard                        POS REPORT
   press the [SELECT] soft key.                            Horizon-2                        987654321
                                                           USCG                             Horizon-1
4. Press the [YES] soft key to send your posi-              BACK             SELECT
                                                                                           POS:   25.9755 S
                                                                                             118° 59.4566 W
   tion to the selected vessel.                               POS REPORT
                                                                   987654321             Do you want to
5. Press the [QUIT] soft key to return to radio             CATEG:    SAFETY            transmit a Call?
                                                              POS:   24° 25.9755 S      YES    POS    NO
   operation.                                                       118° 59.4566 W


DSC Position Report Call by Manually Entering an MMSI
This feature allows you to send your position to another vessel by manually
entering the MMSI of intended vessel.

 Press                                       SELECT          POS REPORT                               SELECT
                                                                                      
            (   /   /    /    key)       (      key)          (         /        key)             (       key)


1. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select “NEW ID”,          POS REPORT
   then press the [SELECT] soft key.              MEMORY
                                                  NEW ID
2. Press the CH▼/CH▲ key to select the first
                                                                           POS REPORT
   digit of the MMSI that you want to contact,                                 MMSI

   then press the [SELECT] soft key to step to     BACK          SELECT      98765432 -

   the next digit.                                 POS REPORT CALL
                                                        987654321        12 34 567890
3. Repeat step 2 to complete the MMSI                      SAFETY
                                                                        BACK FINISH SELECT
                                                             POS:              S
   number.                                                118°59.4566          W
                                                            TIME:       POS REPORT CALL
   If a mistake was made while entering the          Do you want to
                                                    transmit a Call?

   MMSI number, press the CH▼/CH▲/◄/►
                                                    YES POS/TM     NO          24°25.9755
                                                                                     POS:               S
                                                                              118°59.4566               W

   key to select “←” or “→”, press the [SELECT]                                09:56TIME:

   soft key until the wrong character is select-                                       QUIT
   ed, then perform step 2 and enter the correct
4. When the MMSI number is complete, press the [FINISH] soft key.
5. If you want to change the position displayed, press the [POS/TM] soft key
   to go to the position information input screen. After inputting new position
   information, press the [FINISH] soft key to confirm.
6. Press the [YES] soft key to send your position to the selected vessel.
7. Press the [QUIT] soft key to return to radio operation.
DSC Position Report Call by Manually Input Location and Time
If the HX890 is located in an area where GPS reception is limited and you want
to transmit a position report call, you may manually input the location (latitude
and longitude) and time to be sent. For details, refer to section “11.7.2 Manual
Input of Position Information”.
11.8.2 Receiving a DSC Position Report Call
When another vessel transmits their vessels location to the HX890 the follow-
ing will happen:

1. When a position report call is received from             RX POS REPORT
   another vessel, a ringing sound will be                      Horizon
                                                           CATEG: SAFETY
                                                             POS: 24°25.9755 N
   produced.                                                     118°59.4566 W
                                                            TIME: 12:56 AM LOC      RX POS REPORT
2. Press any key to stop the ringing.                                                    POS INFO
                                                           SINCE:   00:05               Horizon
3. Press the [INFO] soft key to see more                   SAVE      INFO   QUIT     POS: 24° 25.9755 N
                                                                                          118°59.4566 W
                                                                                    TIME: 12:56 AM LOC
   detailed position information of the station.                                     DST: 10 NH
                                                                                     BRG: 006° T
4. To exit and return to radio mode, press the                                     BACK     TO WPT   QUIT
   [QUIT] soft key.


Document Created: 2018-05-11 11:09:08
Document Modified: 2018-05-11 11:09:08

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