Users Manual Part 1

FCC ID: K6620621X50

Users Manual

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                                                              Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

                          HF/50 MHz Transceiver

                         Operation Manual

Tennozu Parkside Building
2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 Japan
6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.
Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall Close
Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.

                                                                                                                        Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

Table                              of              Contents
Front Panel Buttons and Knobs......................... 3                                         Convenience Features...................................... 19
Display Indications.............................................. 6                                   AGC (Tool for Comfortable and effective Reception)....... 19
                                                                                                      SHIFT (Interference Rejection)......................................... 19
Rear Panel Jacks................................................. 7
                                                                                                      RF GAIN............................................................................ 20
Supplied MH-31B8 Microphone.......................... 8                                          SSB/AM Mode Transmission............................ 21
Accessories & Options....................................... 9                                        TX Power Adjustment........................................................ 21
    Supplied Accessories.......................................................... 9             CW Mode Operation.......................................... 22
    Available Options................................................................ 9               Setup for Straight Key
Installation.......................................................... 10                                          (and Straight Key emulation) Operation........ 22
    Connection of Antenna and Power Supply....................... 10                                  Using the Built-in Electronic Keyer.................................... 23
    About Coaxial Cable..........................................................11                       Adjusting the Keyer Speed......................................... 23
    Grounding......................................................................... 12        Memory Operation............................................. 24
Installation.......................................................... 12                             Convenient Memory functions........................................... 24
    VL-1000 Linear Amplifier Interconnection......................... 13                                 Quick Point:................................................................ 24
    Interfacing to Other Linear Amplifier.................................. 14                        Regular Memory Operation............................................... 24
Easy Operation.................................................. 15                                      Memory Storage......................................................... 24
       Receiving.................................................................... 15                  Memory Channel Recall............................................. 24
       Transmit...................................................................... 15              Regular Memory Operation............................................... 25
    Menu Operation................................................................ 15                    Erasing Memory Channel Data................................... 25
    Resetting the Microprocessor........................................... 16                           Memory Tune Operation............................................. 25
       Menu Mode Reset...................................................... 16                  Scanning Operation.......................................... 26
       All Reset..................................................................... 16              VFO and Memory Scanning.............................................. 26
Receiving........................................................... 17                                  Preparation................................................................. 26
    Tuning Steps..................................................................... 17                 VFO/Memory Scan..................................................... 26
        Change the Tuning Step of the [MAIN DIAL] Knob..... 17                                   Operation on Alaska Emergency Frequency:
    About the [UP]/[DWN] buttons of the MH-31B8................ 17
    Clarifier.............................................................................. 18   5167.5 kHz (U.S. Version Only)......................... 27
                                                                                                 Preparation.............................................................................. 27
    DIAL Lock.......................................................................... 18              Operation.................................................................... 27
    ATT (Adjust the Receiving Sensitivity).............................. 18
    Noise Blanker (Interference Rejection)............................. 18
                                                                                                 Specifications.................................................... 28
                                                                                                 FCC Notice......................................................... 30

Page 2                                                                                                                         FT-410 Operation Manual

                                                                             Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

           Front Panel Buttons                                                                and             Knobs
                                                 1     2     3


      4                                 5    6       7 8    9 10

1. METER Button                                                      7. KEY Jack
    Press this button to change the meter function in                    This 3.5 mm, 3-contact jack accepts a CW key or
    the transmit mode as follows.                                        keyer paddles (for the built-in electronic keyer),
    PO  ALC  SWR  PO                                                  or output from an external electronic keyer.
    PO: Indicates the average power output level.                        Pinout is shown below. Key up is 5 volts, and key
    ALC: Indicates the relative ALC voltage.                             down current is 0.5 mA.
    SWR: I n d i c a t e s t h e S t a n d i n g Wa v e R a t i o       Do not use the plug except the 3.5-mm 3-pin
           (Forward/Reflected).                                          type plug. If the plug in correct size is not used
2. Filter Button                                                         the radio may be harmed or damaged.
    Press this button to change the filter.                              If the Keyer plug is removed from the jack while
3. FAST Button                                                           the FT-410 is in operation, the FT-410 may be
    Pressing this button will increase or decrease the                   switched to the transmit mode.
    tuning rate of the [MAIN DIAL] knob.                                 Tu r n o f f t h e p o w e r o f t h e F T- 4 1 0 b e f o r e
4. MIC Jack                                                              connecting or disconnecting the Keyer.
    This 8-pin jack accepts input from a supplied
    Hand Microphone.
5. PHONE Jack
    A 3.5 mm, 3-contact jack
    accepts either monaural or
    stereo headphones with 2
    or 3-contact plugs. When
    a plug is inserted, the
    loudspeaker is disabled.
    Note:                                                            8. AGC Button
    When wearing headphones,                                             This button selects the AGC characteristics for
    we recommend that you turn the AF GAIN levels                        the receiver.
    down to their lowest settings before turning                     9. Power / LOCK Button
    power on, to minimize the impact on your hearing                     Press and hold in this button for one second to
    caused by audio “pops” during switch-on.                             turn the transceiver on or off. Press this button
6. KEYER Button                                                          the locking of the [MAIN DIAL] knob and some
    This button toggles the internal CW keyer on and                     switches, to prevent accidental frequency
    off.                                                                 changes.
                                                                     10. MENU Button
                                                                         Press this button, the Menu Item and a title for
                                                                         the Menu Mode will appear in the display.

FT-410 Operation Manual                                                                                                  Page 3

                                                                      Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

Front Panel Buttons                                                  and           Knobs
                                                                     11 12 13 14 15


                                                                16   17       18    19 20       21        22     23

11. ATT Button                                           19. SWR Button
    This button selects the ATT level.                       Indicates the Standing Wave Ratio (Forward/
12. COMP Button                                              Reflected).
    This button turns the Speech Processor on and        20. AF Knob
    off.                                                     This knob sets the receiver’s audio volume level.
13. V/M Button                                               Typically, you will operate with this control set
    This button toggles frequency control between            between the 9 o’clock and 10 o’clock positions.
    VFO-A and the memory system. In memory               21. RF/SQL Knob
    mode.                                                    In the factory default, this knob adjusts the gain
14. GRP Button                                               of the receiver’s RF and IF stages. Using Menu
    Pressing this button allows you to select a              Item “SQL/RF Gain”, this knob may be changed
    memory group.                                            to function as a Squelch control, which may be
15. / Button                                               used to silence background noise when no signal
    These buttons select the operating band.                 is present.
16. MAIN DIAL Knob                                       22. CLAR Knob
    This knob adjusts the operating frequency.               Pressing this button activates the Clarifier, to
17. NB Button                                                allow temporarily offsetting the receive frequency.
    This button turns the IF Noise Blanker on and off.   23. SHIFT Knob
    Press this button to reduce short-duration pulse         This knob shifts the IF DSP passband to reduce
    noise.                                                   an interfering signal which is inside the IF
18. TUNER Button                                             passband.
    Press this button momentarily to toggle the
    Automatic Antenna Tuner on/off.
    Press and hold in this button to begin the
    automatic Tuning.

Page 4                                                                    FT-410 Operation Manual

                                                              Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

         Front Panel Buttons                                                   and             Knobs
                                                                            2425          26     27    28

                                      M-012                                                                        30
                                            14.195.000                                                             32


                                                                                          35     36

24. SPLIT Button                                        30. M V Button

    Press this button to activate split frequency           Press this button, a frequency and a mode of a
    operation between VFO-A, used for reception             memory channel are forwarded to VFO.
    and VFO-B, used for transmission (or vice           31. SCAN Button
    versa).                                                 Press this button to initiate the upward scanning
25. MW Button                                               of VFO frequencies or memory channels.
    Pressing this button copies the current operating   32. VOX Button
    data into the currently selected memory channel,        Press this button to activate the VOX (voice-
    over-writing any previous data stored there.            actuated transmitter switching) feature in the
26. DISP Button                                             SSB, and AM modes.
27. A=B Button                                          33. MODE Button
    Press this button momentarily to transfer data          These buttons select the operating mode.
    from VFO-A frequency to VFO-B, overwriting the      34. ENT Button
    previous contents in VFO-B. Use this key to set         Press this button, setting is Oprating frequency.
    both VFO-A and VFO-B to the same frequency          35. NR Button
    and mode.                                               Press this button to activate Noise Reduction
28. A/B Button                                              operation
    This button toggles the frequency control           36. NF Button
    between VFO-A and VFO-B.                                Press this button to activate Notch Filter
29. M-CLR Button                                            operation.
    Press this button, a memory channel is cleared.

FT-410 Operation Manual                                                                                  Page 5

                                                                              Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

Display Indications


1                                                            2. TX / RX Display
2                                                                TX: This indicator appears during transmission.
3    M-012                                              5
                                                                 RX: T h i s i n d i c a t o r a p p e a r s w h e n e v e r t h e
             14.195.000                                 6            receiver squelch is open.
                                                             3. Indicates the operating band name, and
                                                                memory channel
1. Information Display                                           When in VFO mode, the operating band name
         : Indicates the RF attenuator status (“ON”             (A or B) is displayed.While in memory mode, and
          or “OFF”) selected for operation by the                the memory channel number are displayed.
          [ATT] button.
                                                             4. AF level indication
         : Indicates the Noise Blanker status (“ON”
                                                             5. Meter
          or “OFF”).
                                                                 While receiving, the received signal strength is
             /         /        /       /       : Displays       displayed.
    the currently selected operating mode.                       While transmitting, the meter displays PO,
          :This indicator appears whenever the VOX              ALC, or SWR (determined by the [METER/DIM]
           (automatic voice-actuated transmitter                 button).
           switching) circuit is activated.                  6. Frequency Display
             :T his indicator appears whenever the              The operating frequency is displayed.
               Clarifier function is activated.

Page 6                                                                             FT-410 Operation Manual

                                                                   Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

                                                            Rear Panel Jacks
          1                                                                                             2            3

          4                      5          6           7                8

1. DC IN Jack                                                                     TX GND OUT
                                                                         +13.8V OUT      GND
   This is the DC power supply connection for
                                                               BAND DATA-A (LSB)              BAND DATA-D (MSB)
   the transceiver. Use the supplied DC cable
                                                                                               TXREQ IN
   to connect directly to the car battery or to a                        TX INH IN
                                                                                             BAND DATA-C
                                                                        BAND DATA-B
   DC power supply, which must be capable of                                  EXT ALC IN     (viewed from rear panel)
   supplying at least 22 A @13.8 VDC.
                                                            6. DATA Jack
                  -                  +                          This 6-pin input/output jack provides receiver
                                                                audio and squelch signals, and accepts transmit
                                                                (AFSK) audio and PTT control, from an external
                 (viewed from rear panel)                       packet TNC.
                                                                                DATA IN            GND
2. ANT Jack
    Connect your antenna here, using a type-M (PL-                         DATA PTT                  FSK IN
    259) coaxial connector and 50 Ohm coaxial                                DATA OUT             SQL OUT
    feedline.                                                                  (viewed from rear panel)
    Warning!: High Power RF voltage is present
    at the TX RF section of the transceiver while           7. CAT Jack
    transmitting. Absolutely! Do not touch the TX RF            This 9-pin serial DB-9 jack allows external
    section while transmitting.                                 computer control of the FT-410. Connect a
3. GND Terminal                                                 (straight) serial cable here and to the RS-
    For safety and optimum performance, use this                232C COM port on your personal computer (no
    terminal to connect the transceiver to a good               external interface is required).
    earth ground. Use a large diameter, short braided                            CTS      RTS
                                                                        N/A                       Connect to ,
    cable for making ground connections. Refer to
    page 12 for other notes about proper grounding.
                                                                       GND                       Connect to ,
4. TUNER Jack                                                         Connect to ,   SERIAL OUT
    This 8-pin jack is used for Connection to the FC-                             SERIAL IN
    40 External Automatic Antenna Tuner.                                     (viewed from rear panel)
          +13.8V OUT     TX GND OUT
                              RXD                          8. EXT SPKR Jack
          GND
                              TXD                              This 3.5-mm, 2-pin jack provides variable audio
    TUNER SENSE              TX INH IN                        output for an external speaker. The audio output
                  RESET OUT (viewed from rear panel)           impedance at this jack is 4 - 16 Ohms and the
                                                                level varies according to the setting of the front
5. LINEAR Jack                                                  panel’s [AF] knob. Inserting a plug into this jack
    This 10-pin output jack provides band selection             disables the internal loudspeaker.
    data, which may be used for control of the
    optional VL-1000 Solid-State Linear Amplifier.

FT-410 Operation Manual                                                                                          Page 7

                                                                   Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

Supplied MH-31B8 Microphone
                               2       3      4

                  1            DWN    FST     UP


                               DYNAMIC MICROPHONE

1. PTT Switch                                          6. TONE Switch
    Press this Switch to transmit, and release it to       Position 1 provides flat-audio-characteristic
    receive after your transmission is completed.          transmit audio.
2. DWN Key                                                 Position 2 attenuates low audio tones, for
    Press to tune down, hold to start scanning.            improved clarity in moderate band conditions, or
3. FST (FAST) Key                                          if you have a naturally deep voice.
    The FST Button on the transceiver should be set
    for momentary operation.
4. UP Key
    Press to tune up, hold to start scanning.
5. MIC
    The microphone is located here. Speak into the
    microphone in a normal voice level.
    The microphone should be positioned within
    2 inches (5 cm) from the mouth for optimum

Page 8                                                                 FT-410 Operation Manual

                                                            Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

                                    Accessories & Options
                                    Supplied Accessories
Hand Microphone (MH-31B8)                        1 pc     P/N: M3090086A
DC Power Cord with Fuse                          1 pc     P/N: T9025225
Fuse                                             1 pc     P/N: Q0000074
Operation Manual                                 1 pc
Warranty Card                                    1 pc

                                      Available Options
External Automatic Antenna Tuner (for Wire Antenna)     FC-40
Active-Tuning Antenna System                            ATAS-25
Active-Tuning Antenna System                            ATAS-120A
Solid-State Linear Amplifier/AC Power Supply            VL-1000 / VP-1000
Band Data Cable (for VL-1000)                           CT-118
Desktop Microphone                                      MD-100
Hand Microphone                                         MH-31B8
Lightweight Stereo Headphone                            YH-77STA
Mobile Mounting Bracket                                 MMB-90
Carrying Handle                                         MHG-1
Linear Amplifier Connection Cable                       SCU-28

FT-410 Operation Manual                                                                                Page 9

                                                                                   Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

                                 Connection of Antenna and Power Supply
The FT-410 is designed for use with any antenna system providing a 50 Ohm resistive impedance at the
desired operating frequency. Every effort should be made to ensure the impedance of the antenna system is
as close as possible to the specified 50-Ohm value. Note that the “G5RV” type antenna does not provide 50-
Ohm impedance on all HF Amateur bands, and an external wide-range antenna coupler must be used with
this antenna type.
Any antenna to be used with the FT-410 must, ultimately, be fed with 50 Ohm coaxial cable. Therefore, when
using a “balanced” antenna such as a dipole, remember that a balun or other matching/balancing device
must be used to ensure proper antenna performance.

    The 100V RF voltage (@100 W/50 Ω) is applied to the TX RF section of the transciver while
    Do not touch the TX RF section absolutely while transmitting.

    Permanent damage can result if improper supply voltage, or reverse-polarity voltage, is applied
    to the FT-410. The Limited Warranty on this transceiver does not cover damage caused by
    application of AC voltage, reversed polarity DC, or DC voltage outside the specified range of
    13.8V ±15%.
    When replacing fuses, be certain to use a fuse of the proper rating. The FT-410 requires a 25A
    fast-blow fuse.


   AC Power Supply

                0   5       10   15 20   0   5       20   30 40

                        V                        A




        RED             BLACK

                                 FUSE: 25A

Page 10                                                                                FT-410 Operation Manual

                                                                Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

     Do not position this apparatus in a location with direct exposure to sunshine.
     Do not position this apparatus in a location exposed to dust and/or high humidity.
     Do not expose the apparatus to dripping or splashing. Do not put objects with liquids on the
     Ensure adequate ventilation around this apparatus, so as to prevent heat build-up and
      possible reduction of performance due to high heat.
     Do not install this apparatus in a mechanically-unstable location, or where objects may fall
      onto this product from above.
     To minimize the possibility of interference to home entertainment devices, take all
       precautionary steps including separation of TV/FM antennas from Amateur transmitting
       antennas to the greatest extent possible, and keep transmitting coaxial cables separated
       from cables connected to home entertainment devices.
     Be absolutely certain to install your transmitting antenna(s) such that they cannot possibly
       come in contact with TV/FM radio or other antennas, nor with outside power or telephone

                                       About Coaxial Cable
Use high-quality 50-Ohm coaxial cable for the lead-in to your FT-410 transceiver. All efforts at providing an
efficient antenna system will be wasted if poor quality, lossy coaxial cable is used. This transceiver utilizes
standard “M” (“PL-259”) type connector.

                            2 mm

                                           20 mm

                                                                                           20 mm
                                   30 mm
                                                                                    3 mm

                                                                                     10 mm 15 mm

                                           Typical PL-259 Installation

FT-410 Operation Manual                                                                                  Page 11

                                                                     Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

The FT-410 transceiver, like any other HF communications apparatus, requires an effective ground system
for maximum electrical safety and best communications effectiveness. A good ground system can contribute
to station efficiency in a number of ways:
     It can minimize the possibility of electrical shock to the operator.
     It can minimize RF currents flowing on the shield of the coaxial cable and the chassis of the transceiv-
       er. Such currents may lead to radiation, which can cause interference to home entertainment devices
       or laboratory test equipment.
     can minimize the possibility of erratic transceiver/accessory operation caused by RF feedback and/or
       improper current flow through logic devices.
An effective earth ground system may take several forms. For a more complete discussion, see an
appropriate RF engineering text. The information below is intended only as a guideline.
Typically, the ground connection consists of one or more copper-clad steel rods, driven into the ground. If
multiple ground rods are used, they should be positioned in a “V” configuration, and bonded together at the
apex of the “V” which is nearest the station location. Use a heavy, braided cable (such as the discarded
shield from type RG-213 coaxial cable) and strong cable clamps to secure the braided cable(s) to the ground
rods. Be sure to weatherproof the connections to ensure many years of reliable service. Use the same type
of heavy, braided cable for the connections to the station ground bus (described below).
Inside of the station, a common ground bus consisting of a copper pipe of at least 25 mm (1”) diameter
should be used. An alternative station ground bus may consist of a wide copper plate (single-sided circuit
board material is ideal) secured to the bottom of the operating desk. Grounding connections from individual
devices such as transceivers, power supplies, and data communications devices (TNCs, etc.) should be
made directly to the ground bus using a heavy, braided cable.
Do not make ground connections from one electrical device to
another, and thence to the ground bus. This so-called “Daisy-
Chain” grounding technique may nullify any attempt at effective
radio frequency grounding. See the drawing at the right for
examples of proper grounding techniques.
Inspect the ground system - inside the station as well as outside          Proper Ground Connection
- on a regular basis so as to ensure maximum performance and
Besides following the above guidelines carefully, note that
household or industrial gas lines must never be used in an
attempt to establish an electrical ground. Cold water pipes may,
in some instances, help in the grounding effort, but gas lines            Improper Ground Connection
represent a significant explosion hazard, and must never be used.

Page 12                                                                  FT-410 Operation Manual

                                                                                                                                 Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

                                VL-1000 Linear Amplifier Interconnection
Be sure that both the FT-410 and VL-1000 are turned off, then follow the installation recommendations
contained in the illustration.

  Please refer to the VL-1000 Operating Manual for details regarding amplifier operation.
  Please do not attempt to connect or disconnect coaxial cables when your hands are wet.

                                                                ANTENNA CABLE (Not Supplied )

                                                                 HF Vertical Antenna

                                                                                               HF Dipole Antenna

                                                                                                                           HF Beam Antenna
   DC 13.8 V

                                                                                                                                                     Set the front panel’s
                                                                                                                                                     INPUT switch to the

                                                                                                                                                                                                       INPUT 2
                                                                                       ANT 1

                                                                                                                   ANT 2

                                                                                                                                             ANT 3


                                                                  ANT 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                      INPUT 1
                                                                                                                                                       REMOTE                            PTT 1
                                                                  ANT 2                                                                               BAND DATA 1                        PTT 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                      INPUT 2
                                                                                                                                                                                         ALC 1

                                                                  ANT 3
                                                                                                                                                                                         ALC 2

                                                                  ANT 4                                                                                                                                      DC48V IN
                                                                                                                                                      BAND DATA 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                 DC 48V IN
                                                                                                                                                                           ALC 2
                                                                                                                                                       BAND-DATA 2



                                 To link the FT-410 and VL-1000
                                 Power switches, set the VL-1000 RE-

                                 MOTE switch to the “ON” position.

                                               CT-118 CONNECTION CABLE (Option)

FT-410 Operation Manual                                                                                                                                                                           Page 13

                                                                             Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

                         Interfacing to Other Linear Amplifier
The T/R control line is a transistor “open collector” circuit, capable of handling positive amplifier relay coil
voltages of up to +50V DC and current of up to 400 mA. If you plan on using multiple linear amplifiers for
different bands, you must provide external band-switching of the “Lin Tx” relay control line from the “TX GND
OUT” line at the LINEAR jack.

 Important Note!
 Do not exceed the maximum voltage or current ratings for the “TX GND OUT” line at the LINEAR jack.
 This line is not compatible with negative DC voltages, nor AC voltages of any magnitude.
 Most amplifier control relay systems require only low DC voltage/current switching capability (typically,
 +12V DC at 25 ~ 75 mA), and the switching transistor in the FT-410 will easily accommodate such

                                       Linear Amplifier Connection Cable (SCU-28)
                                                Color Code Information
                                   Wire Color LINEA Jack (Pin Number)      Function
                                   Orange                  1            +13.8 V
                                   Yellow                  2            TX GND OUT
                                   Green                   3            GND
                                   Red                     4            BAND DATA A
                                   White                   5            BAND DATA B
                                   Blue                    6            BAND DATA C
                                   Violet                  7            BAND DATA D
                                   Brown                   8            TX INH
                                   Black                   9            EXT ALC IN
                                   Gray                   10            TX REQ IN
                                   Light Blue            Case           Shield

Page 14                                                                          FT-410 Operation Manual

                                                              Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620621X50 IC: 511B-20621X50

                                                             Easy Operation
                                                             [▼]/[▲] button


                                                [MAIN DIAL] knob        [AF] knob
                                  [Power / LOCK] button                       [RF/SQL] knob

1. Connect your antenna to the ANT jack on the rear panel.
2. Connect the after-market DC power supply (or car battery) using the supplied DC power cable, and set the
   POWER switch of the DC power supply to on.
3. Press and hold in the [Power / LOCK] switch for one second to turn the transceiver on.
4. Rotate the [RF/SQL] knob to the fully clockwise position.
5. Rotate the [AF] knob to set a comfortable audio level on incoming signals or noise. Clockwise rotation of
   the [AF] knob increases the volume level.
6. Press the []/[] button to select the amateur band which you wish to begin operating.
7. Press the [MODE] button to select the desired operating mode.
8. Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to set the desired frequency.
1. Connect the Microphone to the MIC jack on the front panel.
2. To transmit, press the microphone’s PTT (Push To Talk) switch, speak into the microphone in a normal
   voice level.
3. Release the PTT switch to return to the receive mode.

                                          Menu Operation
The Menu System allows you to customize a wide                                            [GRP] button
variety of transceiver performance aspects and
operating characteristics. After you have initially                           M-012
customized the various Menu procedures, you will                                  14.195.000
find that you will not have to resort to them frequently
during everyday operation.
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu Mode.
   The “Menu.” will appear on the display.
2. Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to select the Menu                                 [MAIN DIAL] knob
                                                                         [MENU] button
   Item to be adjusted.
3. Press the [GRP] button to enable adjustment of the selected Menu Item. The “>>” will appear on the
4. Rotate the [MAIN DIAL] knob to adjust or select the parameter to be changed.
5. Press the [GRP] button to save the selection. The icon appears continuously.
6. Press the [MENU] button to return to normal operation.

FT-410 Operation Manual                                                                                  Page 15

Document Created: 2015-05-13 13:57:27
Document Modified: 2015-05-13 13:57:27

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