Users Manual 5

FCC ID: K6620461X50

Users Manual

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Convenience Features
                                                                               FCC ID: K6620461X50 / IC: 511B-20461X50

                                      Rotator Control Functions
When using a YAESU model G-800DXA, G-1000DXA, G-2800DXA Antenna Rotator (not supplied), it is possible to
control it from the front panel of the FT DX 3000.

1. Press and hold in the [ ENT ] button (one of the
   [ BAND ] key switches) for one second. The Fre-                                           [3.5(2)], [7(3)] Button
                                                                                             [14(5)], [18(6)] Button
   quency Display area will change over to the “Rotator
   Control” configuration.
2. Press either the [3.5(2)] button or the [7(3)] button
   to rotate the antenna. Pressing the [3.5(2)] button
   will cause rotation to the left (counter-clockwise) by
   two degree steps, while pressing the [7(3)] button
   will cause rotation to the right (clockwise) by two
   degree steps.                                                                                         [ENT] Button
3. Press the [14(5)] button or the [18(6)] button to con-
   trol the speed of rotation. Pressing the [14(5)] button                 Counter-clockwise Rotation
   will cause slower rotation, while pressing the [18(6)]                           Clockwise Rotation
   button will speed up rotation. Usually, you will be
   using the “100%” speed setting.
When you are through exercising rotator control, press
the [ENT] button momentarily. The Frequency Display
will return to the main display field.

                                                                                       Speed Down
                  Important Note                                            Speed Up

    Set the starting point to match your rotator
     control indicator needle via the Menu item
     default setting is zero (north). If your control-
     ler starting point is south, the Menu item “014
     DISPLAY ROTATOR START UP” must be set
     to “180”. If not set properly the FT DX 3000
     display will not show the correct direction.
    When the rotator control indicator needle
     does not indicate the precise antenna direc-
     tion, calibrate the indicator needle precisely
     to the antenna direction via the Menu item

                                Remove the rubber cap first,
                                and then connect the plug.

Page 40                                                           FT DX 3000 Operating Manual

                                                         Convenience Features
                                                                                  FCC ID: K6620461X50 / IC: 511B-20461X50

                           More Frequency Navigation Techniques
Keyboard Frequency Entry                                      Using the [UP]/[DWN] buttons of the
You may enter operating frequencies directly into the             supplied MH-31B8 Hand Microphone
current VFO, using the front panel [BAND] key buttons.        The [UP]/[DWN] buttons on                [FST] Button
                                                                                           [DWN] Button      [UP] Button
Example: Enter 14.250.00 MHz                                  the supplied MH-31 B8 Hand
1. P r e s s t h e [ E N T ] b u t -                          Microphone may also be used
   ton to engage the direct                                   to manually scan the frequency
   frequency entry process.                                   upward or downward.
   Now, beginning with the                                    The microphone’s [UP]/[DWN]
   first digit of the frequency                               buttons utilize the tuning steps of
   (the leftmost digit), we will enter the required digits    the Main Tuning Dial knob.
   of the frequency.
                                                              When the microphone’s [FST] button
2. Press, in order, the digits of the operating frequency,
                                                              is pressed, the tuning rate increases
   using the [BAND] buttons (the frequency entry digit
                                                              by a factor of ten, in a manner similar
   or decimal point is printed on the right side of the
                                                              to the transceiver front panel [FST]
   buttons). In this example, enter
   [1.8(1)]  [10(4)]  [GEN(.)]  [3.5(2)]                  button.
		         [14(5)]  [50(0)]  [50(0)]  [50(0)]             Advice:
   [50(0)]                                                    You may independently set the tuning steps of the [UP]/
   The decimal point after the “MHz” portion of the           [DWN] buttons in the AM and FM modes. To set new
   frequency must be entered, but no decimal point is         tuning steps, use Menu items “154 TUNING AM CH
   required after the “kHz” portion.                          STEP” and “155 TUNING FM CH STEP”.
3. Press the [ENT] button once more. A short “beep”
   will confirm that the frequency entry was successful,
   and the new operating frequency will appear on the
   If you attempt to enter a frequency outside the oper-
   ating range of 30 kHz ~ 56 MHz, the microprocessor
   will ignore the attempt, and you will be returned to
   your previous operating frequency. If this happens,
   please try again, taking care not to repeat the error in
   the frequency entry process.

Using the [CLAR/VFO-B] knob
You may change the cur-
rent VFO frequency in 1
MHz steps. Press the [MHz]
button located at the bot-
tom and left of the [CLAR/
VFO-B] knob. The 1 MHz
steps will be applied to the
current VFO frequency.
The imbedded LED in the
[MHz] button will glow orange in the latter case.
When tuning in 1 MHz steps, clockwise rotation of the
[CLAR/VFO-B] knob will increase the frequency, while
counter-clockwise rotation will decrease the frequency.

FT DX 3000 Operating Manual                                                                                  Page 41

Interference Rejection
                                                                                             FCC ID: K6620461X50 / IC: 511B-20461X50

                   Receiver Operation (Front End Block Diagram)
The FT DX 3000 includes a wide range of special features to suppress the many types of interference that may be en-
countered on the HF bands. However, real world interference conditions are constantly changing, so optimum setting of
the controls is somewhat of an art, requiring familiarity with the types of interference and the subtle effects of some of
the controls. Therefore, the following information is provided as a general guideline for typical situations, and a starting
point for your own experimentation.
The FT DX 3000’s interference-fighting circuitry begins in its “RF” stages, and continues throughout the entire receiver
section. FT DX 3000 allows configuration of the features described below.

R. FLT (IF Roofing Filters)                                      IF NOTCH
Three Roofing filters, of 15 kHz, 6 kHz, and 3 kHz               The IF Notch filter is a high-Q notch filter that can sig-
bandwidths, are provided in the 69 MHz First IF, right           nificantly reduce, if not eliminate, an interfering carrier.
after the first mixer. These filters are automatically se-
lected to provide narrow-band selectivity to protect the
                                                                 DNF (Digital Notch filter)
                                                                 When multiple interfering carriers are encountered dur-
following IF and DSP stages. The automatically selected
                                                                 ing reception, the Digital Notch Filter can significantly
filter, may be manually changed by the operator, if de-
                                                                 reduce the level of these signals.
sired, for special operating circumstances.

CONTOUR Filter                                                   DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)
                                                                 The DSP’s Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) feature uti-
The DSP Contour filter has the unique ability to pro-
                                                                 lizes 15 different mathematical algorithms to analyze
vide either a null or a peak in tunable segments of the
                                                                 and suppress different noise profiles encountered on the
receiver passband. You may suppress interference and
                                                                 HF/50 MHz bands. Choose the selection that provides
excessive frequency components on an incoming signal,
                                                                 the best noise suppression, and allows the signal to rise
or you may peak those tunable frequency segments. The
                                                                 up out of the noise.
level of the null or peak, and the bandwidth, over which
it is applied, are adjustable via the Menu.                      AGC
                                                                 The AGC system is highly adaptable to changing signal
                                                                 and fading characteristics, making reception possible
The passband center frequency of the IF DSP filter may
                                                                 under the most difficult conditions.
be moved up or down by adjusting this control.

The width of the IF DSP filtering may be adjusted using
this control.

Page 42                                                                       FT DX 3000 Operating Manual

                                                    Interference Rejection
                                                                                        FCC ID: K6620461X50 / IC: 511B-20461X50

When extremely strong local signals or high noise, still degrades reception, you can use the [ATT] button to insert 6, 12,
or 18-dB of RF attenuation in front of the RF amplifier.

1. Press the [ATT] button several times to set the de-          [ATT] Button   Block Diagram Display

   sired attenuation level, per the chart below.
           : Attenuator is Off
           : The incoming signal power is reduced by 6
             dB (Signal voltage reduced by 1/2)
           : The incoming signal power is reduced by 12
             dB (Signal voltage reduced to 1/4)
           : The incoming signal power is reduced by 18
             dB (Signal voltage reduced to 1/8th)
   The selected attenuation level will be indicated in the
   ATT column of the Block Diagram Display on the
2. To restore full signal strength through the Attenua-
   tor circuit area, press the [ATT] button to restore the
   ATT display to the “OFF” position.

 The attenuator selection will be memorized independently on each VFO stack of the VFO-A and VFO-B.
 If background noise causes the S-meter to deflect on clear frequencies, press the [ATT] button until the S-meter
  drops to about “S-1”. This setting optimizes the trade-offs between sensitivity, noise, and interference immunity.
  Also, once you have tuned in a station you want to work, you may want to reduce sensitivity further (add more at-
  tenuation) by pressing the [ATT] button to a higher setting. This reduces the strength of all signals (and noise) and
  can make reception more comfortable, important especially during long QSOs. When looking for weak signals on a
  quiet band, you will want maximum sensitivity, so the IPO should be disabled and the [ATT] button should be set to
  “OFF.” This situation is typical during quiet times on frequencies above 21 MHz, and when using a small or nega-
  tive-gain receiving antenna on other bands.

FT DX 3000 Operating Manual                                                                                        Page 43

Interference Rejection
                                                                                           FCC ID: K6620461X50 / IC: 511B-20461X50

             µ-Tune        Filter (Requires the optional RF µTuning Kit)
The RF µTuning Kit provides ultra-sharp RF selectivity for the front end of the transceiver. Very high Q is made pos-
sible by the narrow-band design. Three RF µTuning Kits are available. The MTU-160 covers the 1.8 MHz band. The
MTU-80/40 covers the 3.5 and 7 MHz bands. The MTU-30/20 covers 10.1 and 14 MHz bands.
When any (or all) of the three optional units are connected, they will be automatically adjusted to center on your operat-
ing frequency.
The narrow bandwidth is especially useful on the low bands, when many strong signals are being received via NVIS
propagation (Near Vertical-Incidence Signals) within a narrow bandwidth. The added protection for the RF stage is es-
pecially helpful in preventing IMD and blocking.

µ-Tune Operation
1. Press the [MHz/µT] button to activate the µ-Tune
   filter. The LED inside the [MHz/µT] button glows
   orange. The [ CLAR/VFO-B ] knob works as the
   µ-TUNING knob.
    The µ-Tune circuit will automatically align itself
       onto your operating frequency.
    Remember that µ-Tune only operates on the 14
       MHz and lower bands.
                                                                                                    [MHz/µT] Button
2. Rotate the [ CLAR/VFO-B ] knob to peak the re-
                                                                                                       [CLAR/VFO-B] Button
   sponse (background noise) or reduce interference.
    You may observe the relative peak point of the
       µ-Tune filter in the Tuning Offset Indicator on
       the display, while tuning the [CLAR/VFO-B ]
    The amount of change in the center frequency
       of the µ-Tune filter, when rotating the [CLAR/
       VFO-B] knob by one click, can be configured
       using Menu item “045 GENERAL µTUNE DIAL
    If you have performed manual adjustment of the             Advice:
       µ-Tune filter center frequency, you may press the
                                                                 The µ-Tune Filter selection will be memorized in-
       [CLAR/VFO-B] button to re-center the filter re-
                                                                  dependently on each VFO stack of the VFO-A and
       sponse on your current operating frequency.                VFO-B.
3. Press the [ MHz/µT ] button momentarily to dis-
                                                                 You may change the indication of the Tuning Offset
   engage the µ-Tune filter; the “         ” icon will be         Indicator to display of the µ-Tune filter continuously
   changed to “       ” in the FLT column of the Block            while the µ-Tune filter is activated. This is Menu
   Diagram Display on the display. In this mode, only             item “011 DISPLAY BAR DISPLAY SELECT”. See
   the fixed bandpass filter for the current band will be         Box on the next page for details of the setting.
   Alternate presses of the [ MHz/µT ] button, will
   switch the µ-Tune filter between on or off.

Page 44                                                                      FT DX 3000 Operating Manual

Document Created: 2012-08-10 18:59:20
Document Modified: 2012-08-10 18:59:20

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