Test Report

FCC ID: K6620361X60

Test Report

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                                                                                                  Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                  FCC ID : K6620361X60

                                             TEST REPORT
STANDARD                  : FCC Part 15B Class B

                     Applicant                                                  Testing Laboratory
 Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                      Intertek Japan K.K.    Tochigi Laboratory
 4-8-8 Nakameguro Meguro-ku, Tokyo                               870, Nakaawano, Kanuma-shi, Tochigi-ken
 153-8644 Japan                                                  322-0306 Japan

  Tel.: +81 3 5725 6111                                           Tel. : +81 289 86 7121
                                                                  URL: http://www.japan.intertek-etlsemko.com

 Equipment Type                         HF/50MHz Transceiver
 Category                               Peripherals
 Trademark                              YAESU
 Model(s)                               FT DX 5000
 Serial No.                             9L000001
 Equipment Authorization                Certification (FCC ID : K6620361X60)
 Test Result                            Complied
 Report Number                          JT09110006
 Report Issue Date                      December 9, 2009

This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its
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liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage
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only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been
under an Intertek certification program.

 Approved by                                                     Tested by

 Kazuo Gokita                                                   Atsuyuki Morishima


© Intertek Japan K.K.                                 Page 1 of 30                                      FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                                   Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                   FCC ID : K6620361X60



SECTION          1. GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 3

SECTION          2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................... 4

SECTION          3. EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ................................................................................................ 5

SECTION          4. SUPPORT EQUIPMENT...................................................................................................... 7

SECTION          5. USED CABLE(S).................................................................................................................. 8

SECTION          6. TEST CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................... 10

SECTION          7. OPERATING CONDITION ..................................................................................................11

SECTION          8. TEST PROCEDURE(S) ..................................................................................................... 12

SECTION          9. MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..................................................................................... 14

SECTION          10. EVALUATION OF TEST RESULTS ................................................................................. 15

SECTION          11. PHOTOGRAPHS OF MAXIMUM EMISSION SET-UP .................................................... 27

SECTION          12. LIST OF MEASURING INSTRUMENTS.......................................................................... 30

© Intertek Japan K.K.                                         Page 2 of 30                                               FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                             Report No. JT09110006
                                                                             FCC ID : K6620361X60
 Location                      Tochigi No.2 Test Site
 EUT Received                  November 10, 2009
 Date of Test                  From November 10, 2009 to November 12, 2009
 Standard Applied               FCC Part15B class B –Peripherals
 Measurement methods           ANSI C63.4-2003
 Test Procedure                Document number : RJP-EM001, RJP-EM003
 Deviation from Standard(s)    None

 ACCREDITATION        SCOPE          LAB. CODE                                     Remarks
 VLAC                 EMC Testing    VLAC-008-5                                    JAPAN
 BSMI                 EMC Testing    SL2-IN-E-6017, SL2-A-E-6017                   TAIWAN
                                     R-257, C-260, C-284, T-374, T-375
 VCCI                 EMC Testing    R-258, C-261, C-285, T-376, T-377             JAPAN
                                     R-259, C-262, T-378
 FCC                 EMC Testing     Designation Number : JP0011                   USA
 IC                   EMC Testing    2042P-1, 2042P-2                              CANADA
 SAUDI ARABIA         EMC Testing    N/A

 EUT    Equipment Under Test                      DoC     Declaration of Conformity
 AMN    Artificial Mains Network                  ISN     Impedance Stabilization Network
 LISN   Line Impedance Stabilization Network      Q-P     Quasi-peak
 AMP    Amplifier                                 AVG     Average
 ATT    Attenuator                                PK      Peak
 ANT    Antenna                                   Cal     Calibration
 BBA    Broadband Antenna                         N/A     Not applicable or Not available
 DIP    Dipole Antenna                            LCD     Liquid-Crystal Display
 AE     Associated Equipment

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                                                                                 Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                 FCC ID : K6620361X60
The minimum margins to the limits are as follows:

                                                     Rx A:B:30.000MHz(ANT 1) mode
 Conducted disturbance at mains terminals
                                                                            8.1 dB (1.5945 MHz) AV

                                                     Rx A:B:0.030MHz(ANT 1) mode
 Radiated disturbance
                                                                            4.4 dB (88.80 MHz)

 Note : See Section 10 for details.

 < Measurement data correction >

           * Conducted disturbance at mains terminals
                   Emission Level [dBµV] = Meter Reading [dBµV] + Factor [dB]
                   Margin [dB] = Limit [dBµV] - Emission Level [dBµV]
                   * Factor = LISN Factor + Cable Loss + ATT

           * Radiated disturbance
                    Emission Level [dBµV/m] = Meter Reading [dBµV] + Factor [dB/m]
                    Margin [dB] = Limit [dBµV/m] - Emission Level [dBµV/m]
                    * Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain + ATT
                    ( – Distance Conversion Factor)

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                                                                                     Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                     FCC ID : K6620361X60
The equipment under test (EUT) consisted of the following apparatus.

3.1 System Configuration
 Symbol Item                      Model No.    Serial No.     Manufacturer     Notes        FCC ID
              HF/50MHz                                        Vertex
    A1                            FT DX 5000   9L000001                        EUT          K6620361X60
              Transceiver                                     Standard
              Data Management                                 Vertex
    A2                            DMU-2000     7D060071                        Option          DoC
              Unit                                            Standard
    A3        Microphone          MH-31B8      None                            Accessory    N/A
              Remote Control                                  Vertex
    A4                            FH-2         None                            Option       N/A
              Keypad                                          Standard
    A5        Headphone           YH-77STA     None                            Option       N/A
    A6        Speaker             SP-2000      70006                           Option       N/A
    A7        u-Tuning            MTU-160      6N004                           Option       N/A
    A8        u-Tuning            MTU-80/40    6N004                           Option       N/A
    A9        u-Tuning            MTU-30/20    6N004                           Option       N/A
 Rated Power : FT DX 5000 : AC90-264 V, 50/60 Hz, 80 VA (RX), 720 VA (TX)
               DMU-2000 : AC100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 50 VA
 Supplied Power : FT DX 5000 : AC120 V, 60 Hz , DMU-2000 : AC120 V, 60 Hz
 Condition of Equipment           Prototype
 Type                             Tabletop
 Suppression Devices              No Modifications by the laboratory were made to the device

3.2 Overview of EUT
 Frequency Ranges                 0.030 – 60.000 MHz
 Receiver Type                    Triple Conversion Super-heterodyne
 Model of Operation               A1A, A3E, F3E, J3E

3.3 Intermediate Frequencies
 1st                         Main : 9.000 MHz (Upper), Sub : 40.455 MHz (Upper)
 2nd                              Main : 30 kHz SSB/CW, 24 kHz FM/AM, Sub : 455 kHz (Lower)
 3rd                              Sub : 30 kHz SSB/CW, 24 kHz FM/AM

3.4 Oscillator(s) / Crystal(s)
 Base Clock                 Operating Frequency          Board Name               Remarks
 11.1 MHz                      11.1 MHz                  CNTL Unit
 18.432 MHz                    18.432 MHz                DSP Unit                 X7001
 18.432 MHz                    18.432 MHz                DSP Unit                 X7501
 400.000 MHz                   9.030-69.000 MHz          Local Unit               VFO (A)
 400.000 MHz                   40.485-100.455 MHz        Local Unit               VFO (B)
 40.000 MHz                    425 kHz                   Local Unit               SSB/CW
 40.000 MHz                    400.000 MHz               Local Unit
 133 MHz                       667 MHz                   EBC365LP6
                                                                                  (Highest Frequency)
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                                                                             Report No. JT09110006
                                                                             FCC ID : K6620361X60

3.5 Port(s)/Connector(s)
 Port Name               Connector Type              Connector Pin          Remarks
 Mic.                     FM214-8SMPT-NI             8 pin                  Front
 Phone                    6φ Stereo                  1 pin                  Front
 KEY                      6φ Stereo                  1 pin                  Front
 Mic.                     RCA                        1 pin
 ANT1, 2, 3, 4, RX        MR-S                       1 pin
 RX OUT                   BNC                        1 pin
 CAT                      D-sub                      9 pin
 ROTATOR                  Mini-DIN                   6 pin
 EXT.ALC                  RCA                        1 pin
 BAND DATA                DIN                        8 pin
 TX GND                   RCA                        1 pin
 TRV                      RCA                        1 pin
 PACKET                   DIN                        5 pin
 RTTY                     DIN                        4 pin
 AF OUT                   3.5φ Mono                  1 pin
 EXT.SPKR                 3.5φ Mono                  1 pin
 V-AF                     3.5φ Mono                  1 pin
 PTT                      RCA                        1 pin
 +13.8V                   RCA                        1 pin
 REC                      RCA                        1 pin
 TX REC                   RCA                        1 pin
 IF OUT                   RCA                        1 pin
 REMOTE                   3.5φ Mono                  1 pin
 u-Tune (TO)              RCA                        1 pin
 u-Tune (FROM)            RCA                        1 pin
 u-Tune                   Mini-DIN                   10 pin
 DMU                      Mini-DIN                   8 pin
 KEY                      6φ Stereo                  1 pin

3.6 Frequency Range of Measurements
                       Required Measurement Frequency Range          Measured Frequency Range
 Conducted disturbance
                         0.15 – 30 MHz                               0.15 – 30 MHz
 at mains terminals
 Radiated disturbance    30 – 5000 MHz                               30 – 5000 MHz

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                                                                                   Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                   FCC ID : K6620361X60
The EUT was supported by the following equipment during the test.

 Symbol       Item               Model No.       Serial No.      Manufacturer      Remarks     FCC ID

     B        CF Card            FC-32MH         None            Canon                         N/A
     C        GPS Receiver       Etrex Venture   73800627                                      DoC
                                                 TH-054EXM-371                                 AQ6-
     D        Ext. Keyboard      RT7D00                          DELL
                                                 71-19D-1655                                   7D0080COB
     E        Ext. Display       E172FPb         None            DELL                          DoC

     F        Computer           DMC             FXYKV1X         DELL                          DoC

     G        Display            E176FPb         None            DELL                          DoC

     H        Keyboard           SK-8115         None            DELL                          DoC

      I       Mouse              MO56UOA         E1900IT0        DELL                          DoC

     J        Printer            C8154AL         TH71Q5Z024      Hewlett Packard               Doc

     K        AC Adapter         0957-2171       E151B100MU02L   Hewlett Packard               DoC

 Supplied Power:
    E, F, G, K          AC120 V, 60 Hz

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                                                                                     Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                     FCC ID : K6620361X60
SECTION           5. USED CABLE(S)
The following cable(s) was used for the test.

                                                        Length                 Metal
  No.     Name                                                        Shield                 Ferrite Core
                                                        (m)                    Connector
   1      Microphone cable                                     0.50     Yes      Metal
   2      Keypad (FH-2) cable                                  1.00     Yes      Metal
   3      Headphone cable                                      1.80     Yes      Metal
   4      KEY cable                                            0.60     Yes      Metal
   5      u-Tune (TO) cable                                1.20         Yes      Metal
   6      u-Tune (FROM) cable                                  1.20     Yes      Metal
   7      ROTATOR cable                                        1.50     Yes      Metal
   8      LINER (BAND DATA ) cable                             2.00     Yes      Metal
   9      IF OUT cable                                         1.20     Yes      Metal
  10      RTTY cable                                           1.10     Yes      Metal
   11     PTT cable                                            1.50     Yes      Metal
  12      REC cable                                            2.00     Yes      Metal
  13      EXT. SPKR cable                                      1.00     Yes      Metal
  14      KEY cable                                            1.10     Yes      Metal
  15      u-Tune cable                                         1.10     Yes      Metal
  16      DMU cable                                        1.40         Yes      Metal
  17      CAT cable                                            1.80     Yes      Metal
  18      USB cable                                            1.00     Yes      Metal
  19      Ext. Keyboard cable                                  1.50     Yes      Metal
  20      Ext. Display cable                                   1.80     Yes      Metal
  21      COM (GPS) cable                                      2.00     Yes      Metal
  22      AUDIO IN cable                                       1.50     Yes      Metal
  23      AUDIO OUT cable                                      1.10     Yes      Metal
  24      Centronics cable                                     2.40     Yes      Metal
  25      Keyboard cable                                       2.00     Yes      Metal
  26      Mouse cable                                          1.80     Yes      Metal
  27      Display cable                                        1.80     Yes      Metal       Fixed x1
  28      PKT cable                                            1.50     Yes      Metal
  29      u-Tune (CNTL) cable                                  1.10     Yes      Metal
  30      V-AF cable                                           1.00     Yes      Metal
  31      AF-OUT cable                                         1.50     Yes      Metal
  32      Mic. cable                                           1.20     Yes      Metal

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                                                                                 Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                 FCC ID : K6620361X60

  33      EXT ALC cable                                       1.00   No    Metal
  34      TRV cable                                           1.10   No    Metal
  35      TX REQ cable                                        1.00   No    Metal
  36      +13.8V cable                                        1.00   No    Metal
  37      TX GND cable                                    1.90       No    Metal
  38      GND cable                                           1.50   No    N/A
  39      u-Tune (CNTL) cable                                 1.10   Yes   Metal
  40      u-Tune (RF) cable                               1.10       Yes   Metal
  41      u-Tune (CNTL) cable                                 1.10   Yes   Metal
  42      u-Tune (RF) cable                               1.10       Yes   Metal
  43      Power cable for Printer (DC)                        1.70   No     No
  44      Power cable for FT DX 5000 (AC)                     2.20   No     No
  45      Power cable for DMU-2000 (AC)                       1.40   No     No
  46      Power cable for Ext. Display (AC)                   1.80   No     No
  47      Power cable for Display (AC)                        1.80   No     No
  48      Power cable for Printer (AC)                        2.00   No     No
  49      Power cable for Computer (AC)                       1.90   No     No

 Note : No. 27 cable is supplied together with Display (G).

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                                                                                                                           Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                           FCC ID : K6620361X60

                                                                                                                ∗ : EUT
                                                                                                                  : Ferrite core

                                  39                      42                                AC120 V
                                                                                             60 Hz
                                  ∗                  ∗                   ∗
                             A7                 A8              A9                                44
                                                                                                                  3                             ∗
                                   Antenna Port (50Ω Terminator)                                                                  A5
                        6                                                                               ∗
                        5             1          2         3        4         Rx       Rx out                     4
                         ∗                                          A1                                            1
                 A6                                                                                                                   A3            ∗

                             38            30-37           7-12              28             14 15           17        2                     ∗
                                  Open                Open              Open               Open
                                                     13                                                     AC120 V
                                                                                  16                         60 Hz
      AC120 V           45                                 22
       60 Hz                                ∗                           Open
                        18            A2         B         23                                               F
       Open                                                             Open

                    19                      20                 21                          25           26            27               24

                    D                   E                  C                           H            I                 G                J

                                            46                                                                            47
                                  AC120 V                                                                        AC120 V
                                   60 Hz                                                                          60 Hz

                                                                                                                                 AC120 V
                                                                                                                                  60 Hz

The symbols and numbers assigned to the equipments and cables on this diagram correspond to the ones in
Sections 3 to 5.

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                                                                               Report No. JT09110006
                                                                               FCC ID : K6620361X60
The EUT was operated under the following conditions during the test.

7.1 Operating Condition
      The test was carried out under RX mode.
      EUT was examined in the operating conditions that had maximum emissions.

7.2 Operating Flow       [RX mode]

      Following operations were performed continuously.

                                 Enter “RX Frequency” (VFO:A, VFO:B)

                                     Start up “RX” (VFO:A, VFO:B)

                   Computer sends command data to EUT. EUT changes operating mode.

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                                                                                                                                 Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                                 FCC ID : K6620361X60
Test was carried out under the following conditions.

Conducted disturbance at mains terminals
Test setup as per standard
                                            Shielded Room                                                       4.5 m
                                                                                                                    Non-conductive table
                                                                                                        10 cm

                                            Rear of EUT to be flushed         1m
                                            with rear of table top
                                                                                                                                                80 cm to

                                                                          80 cm
                                                                                                     40 cm                                    50µH//50Ω

                                                                                   40 cm to vertical
                                                      Bonded to horizontal                                       Bonded to horizontal
                                                                                   reference plane
                                                      ground plane                                               ground plane

                                                            * Reference Ground plane : greater than 2 x 2m
Diagram of the measuring instruments
                    ATT.        Connector
           LISN                                       RF                      RF                     Receiver
                           C1           C2           Switch          C3      Switch      C4


Setting for the instruments
 Frequency [MHz]        Instrument                Detector Function                     Resolution Bandwidth                            Video Bandwidth
                                                         Quasi Peak                                    10 kHz                                    N/A
       0.15 – 30                Receiver
                                                          Average                                      10 kHz                                    N/A

[ Preliminary Measurement ]
EUT is tested on all operating conditions.
The spectrum analyzer is controlled by the computer program to sweep the frequency range to be measured,
then spectrum chart is plotted out to find the worst emission conditions in operating mode and/or configuration
decision for the final test.
All leads other than safety ground are tested.

[ Final Measurement ]
The EUT is operated in the worst emission condition found by the preliminary test.
The equipment and cables are arranged or manipulated within the range of the test standard in the above
At least six highest spectrum are measured in quasi-peak and average (if necessary) using the test receiver.

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                                                                                                                                           Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                                           FCC ID : K6620361X60

Radiated disturbance
Test setup as per standard
                                                                                                          10 cm            Non-conductive table

                                                       Rear of EUT to be flushed
                                                       with rear of table top
                                                                                                                                                     80 cm to

                                                                                                                   40 cm


Diagram of the measuring instruments ( 30-1000MHz )

                    Joint        Joint         Joint

                    Connector    Connector     Connector
                                                                   Step              Amplifier           RF                   RF
                                                                   ATT.                                 Switch               Switch
                  R1            R8        R2             R3                     R4                R5                  R6                  R7


 Above 1GHz
                                         RG2                                                     RG1
Setting for the instruments
 Frequency [MHz]        Instrument                               Detector Function Resolution Bandwidth                                           Video Bandwidth
      30 – 1000                      Receiver                           Quasi Peak                           120 kHz                                     N/A
                                     Spectrum                             Peak                                1 MHz                                     1 MHz
     Above 1000
                                     Analyzer                            Average                              1 MHz                                     10 Hz

[ Preliminary Measurement ]
EUT is tested on all operating conditions.
The spectrum analyzer is set max-hold mode and swept during turntable was rotated 0 to 360 degree. Then
spectrum chart is plotted out to find the worst emission conditions in configuration, operating mode, or
ambient noise notation.

[ Final Measurement ]
The EUT operated in the worst emission condition found by the preliminary test.
The turntable azimuth (EUT direction) and antenna height (1 to 4 meters) are adjusted the position so that
maximum field strength is obtained for each frequency spectrum to be measured.
The equipment and cables are arranged or manipulated within the range of the test standard in the above
condition. At least six highest spectrum are measured by the test receiver (quasi-peak) and spectrum
analyzer (peak and average). When the uncertain result was obtained, the measurement is retried by using
the half wave dipole antenna instead of the broadband antenna.

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                                                                                    Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                    FCC ID : K6620361X60


 Radiated disturbance at 3m           Ulab                                Ucispr
 30 MHz – 1000 MHz                    +/- 3.6 dB
                                                                          5.2 dB
 Above 1 GHz (ANSI)                   +/- 4.2 dB
 Radiated disturbance at 10m
 30 MHz – 1000 MHz                    +/- 3.7 dB
                                                                          5.1 dB
 Above 1 GHz (ANSI)                   +/- 4.2 dB
 Radiated disturbance at 30m
                                      N/A                                 5.2 dB
 Conducted disturbance at mains terminals
 9 kHz - 150 kHz                                                          4.0 dB
                                      +/- 2.7 dB
 150 kHz - 30 MHz                                                         3.6 dB
 Conducted disturbance at telecommunication ports (voltage)
 9 kHz – 30 MHz                       +/- 2.7 dB                          Nil
 Conducted disturbance at telecommunication ports (current)
 9 kHz – 30 MHz                       +/- 2.8 dB                          Nil
 Conducted disturbance at terminals
 150 kHz – 30 MHz                     +/- 2.7 dB                          Nil
 Disturbance power
 30 MHz – 300 MHz                     +/- 2.9 dB                          4.5 dB

The above expanded instrumentation uncertainty, Ulab., is estimated in accordance with CISPR 16-4-2.
Traceability to national standard in SI units is ensured with these values.
Compliance with the limits in this standard are determined without in consideration of the measurement
uncertainty of the measurement instrumentation.

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                                                                                                              Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                              FCC ID : K6620361X60
10.1 Conducted disturbance at mains terminals
10.1.1 Rx A:B:0.030MHz (ANT 1) (Power Line for FT DX 5000)

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                        : QP
                                                                                              : AVG
                                                                                                                                             : QP
                                                                                                                                             : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                              70
   Conducted Voltages on Mains Port
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                         60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                               Emission Level [dBuV]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:0.030MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                      40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 12 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      TEMPERATURE : 26.0 [degC]                                                        20
      HUMIDITY     : 45.0 [%]
      NOTE         : Power Line for FT DX 5000

                                                                                       150k    300k          1M             3M        10M            30M
      ENGINEER            :        Atsuyuki Morishima                                                             Frequency [Hz]

             FREQUENCY MODE            READING             FACTOR                                     EMISSION            LIMIT       MARGIN
      [No]        [MHz]                  [dBuV]              [dB]                                       [dBuV]           [dBuV]         [dB]
                                       Line1 Line2        Line1 Line2                                 Line1 Line2                    Line1 Line2

         1          0.1651 QP           35.0    35.1       10.4                        10.4           45.4   45.5           65.2      19.8       19.7
         2          0.1651 AVG          21.1    21.1       10.4                        10.4           31.5   31.5           55.2      23.7       23.7
         3          0.1993 QP           32.5    32.3       10.4                        10.4           42.9   42.7           63.6      20.7       20.9
         4          0.2784 QP           24.6    29.4       10.4                        10.4           35.0   39.8           60.9      25.9       21.1
         5          0.3479 QP           22.4    22.5       10.4                        10.4           32.8   32.9           59.0      26.2       26.1
         6          0.5587 QP           17.6    19.6       10.4                        10.4           28.0   30.0           56.0      28.0       26.0
         7          1.1142 QP           14.1    12.4       10.4                        10.4           24.5   22.8           56.0      31.5       33.2
         8          4.9690 QP           24.3    26.2       10.7                        10.7           35.0   36.9           56.0      21.0       19.1
         9          4.9690 AVG           5.6     6.0       10.7                        10.7           16.3   16.7           46.0      29.7       29.3
        10          5.1043 QP           25.7    27.4       10.7                        10.7           36.4   38.1           60.0      23.6       21.9
        11         13.4155 QP           18.9    16.7       11.0                        11.1           29.9   27.8           60.0      30.1       32.2

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(LISN,Pad,Cable)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                       Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

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                                                                                                                  Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                  FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.1.2 Rx A:B:0.030MHz (ANT 1) (Power Line for DMU-2000)

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                            : QP
                                                                                                  : AVG
                                                                                                                                                 : QP
                                                                                                                                                 : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                                  70
   Conducted Voltages on Mains Port
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                             60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                                   Emission Level [dBuV]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:0.030MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                          40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 12 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      TEMPERATURE : 26.0 [degC]                                                            20
      HUMIDITY     : 45.0 [%]
      NOTE         : Power Line for DMU-2000

                                                                                           150k    300k          1M             3M        10M            30M
      ENGINEER               :         Atsuyuki Morishima                                                             Frequency [Hz]

             FREQUENCY MODE               READING              FACTOR                                     EMISSION            LIMIT       MARGIN
      [No]        [MHz]                     [dBuV]               [dB]                                       [dBuV]           [dBuV]         [dB]
                                          Line1 Line2         Line1 Line2                                 Line1 Line2                    Line1 Line2

         1          0.1514        QP       32.1    32.0        10.4                        10.4           42.5   42.4           65.9      23.4       23.5
         2          0.2648        QP       28.4    30.3        10.4                        10.4           38.8   40.7           61.3      22.5       20.6
         3          0.6645        QP       20.8    16.0        10.4                        10.4           31.2   26.4           56.0      24.8       29.6
         4          1.4621        QP       25.1    21.1        10.4                        10.4           35.5   31.5           56.0      20.5       24.5
         5          1.5949        QP       27.4    20.4        10.4                        10.4           37.8   30.8           56.0      18.2       25.2
         6          1.5949       AVG       27.3    19.6        10.4                        10.4           37.7   30.0           46.0       8.3       16.0
         7          1.9930        QP       24.0     8.7        10.4                        10.4           34.4   19.1           56.0      21.6       36.9
         8          2.3927        QP       24.1    19.4        10.5                        10.5           34.6   29.9           56.0      21.4       26.1
         9          2.9235        QP       24.4    27.4        10.5                        10.5           34.9   37.9           56.0      21.1       18.1
        10          2.9235       AVG       22.3    17.2        10.5                        10.5           32.8   27.7           46.0      13.2       18.3
        11          3.4557        QP       26.0    20.7        10.7                        10.7           36.7   31.4           56.0      19.3       24.6
        12          3.4557       AVG       23.4    16.4        10.7                        10.7           34.1   27.1           46.0      11.9       18.9
        13          4.3860        QP       25.3    25.8        10.7                        10.7           36.0   36.5           56.0      20.0       19.5
        14          4.3860       AVG       23.4    24.8        10.7                        10.7           34.1   35.5           46.0      11.9       10.5
        15         10.6232        QP       10.6    12.7        11.0                        11.0           21.6   23.7           60.0      38.4       36.3

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(LISN,Pad,Cable)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                           Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                              Page 16 of 30                                                          FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                              Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                              FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.1.3 Rx A:B:30.000MHz (ANT 1) (Power Line for FT DX 5000)

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                        : QP
                                                                                              : AVG
                                                                                                                                             : QP
                                                                                                                                             : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                              70
   Conducted Voltages on Mains Port
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                         60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                               Emission Level [dBuV]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:30.000MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                      40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 12 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      TEMPERATURE : 26.0 [degC]                                                        20
      HUMIDITY     : 45.0 [%]
      NOTE         : Power Line for FT DX5000

                                                                                       150k    300k          1M             3M        10M            30M
      ENGINEER            :        Atsuyuki Morishima                                                             Frequency [Hz]

             FREQUENCY MODE            READING             FACTOR                                     EMISSION            LIMIT       MARGIN
      [No]        [MHz]                  [dBuV]              [dB]                                       [dBuV]           [dBuV]         [dB]
                                       Line1 Line2        Line1 Line2                                 Line1 Line2                    Line1 Line2

         1          0.1659 QP           35.3    35.3       10.4                        10.4           45.7   45.7           65.2      19.5       19.5
         2          0.1659 AVG          22.2    22.1       10.4                        10.4           32.6   32.5           55.2      22.6       22.7
         3          0.1985 QP           32.7    32.9       10.4                        10.4           43.1   43.3           63.7      20.6       20.4
         4          0.2795 QP           25.3    30.2       10.4                        10.4           35.7   40.6           60.8      25.1       20.2
         5          0.3473 QP           22.7    22.7       10.4                        10.4           33.1   33.1           59.0      25.9       25.9
         6          0.5599 QP           17.8    19.9       10.4                        10.4           28.2   30.3           56.0      27.8       25.7
         7          1.1150 QP           14.9    12.9       10.4                        10.4           25.3   23.3           56.0      30.7       32.7
         8          4.9815 QP           25.0    26.1       10.7                        10.7           35.7   36.8           56.0      20.3       19.2
         9          4.9815 AVG           5.6     6.1       10.7                        10.7           16.3   16.8           46.0      29.7       29.2
        10          5.2392 QP           26.4    28.1       10.7                        10.7           37.1   38.8           60.0      22.9       21.2
        11         12.6600 QP           20.3    19.3       11.0                        11.1           31.3   30.4           60.0      28.7       29.6

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(LISN,Pad,Cable)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                       Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                          Page 17 of 30                                                          FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                                  Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                  FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.1.4 Rx A:B:30.000MHz (ANT 1) (Power Line for DMU-2000)

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                            : QP
                                                                                                  : AVG
                                                                                                                                                 : QP
                                                                                                                                                 : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                                  70
   Conducted Voltages on Mains Port
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                             60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                                   Emission Level [dBuV]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:30.000MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                          40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 12 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      TEMPERATURE : 26.0 [degC]                                                            20
      HUMIDITY     : 45.0 [%]
      NOTE         : Power Line for DMU-2000

                                                                                           150k    300k          1M             3M        10M            30M
      ENGINEER               :         Atsuyuki Morishima                                                             Frequency [Hz]

             FREQUENCY MODE               READING              FACTOR                                     EMISSION            LIMIT       MARGIN
      [No]        [MHz]                     [dBuV]               [dB]                                       [dBuV]           [dBuV]         [dB]
                                          Line1 Line2         Line1 Line2                                 Line1 Line2                    Line1 Line2

         1          0.1500        QP       32.9    32.2        10.4                        10.4           43.3   42.6           66.0      22.7       23.4
         2          0.2667        QP       28.4    30.2        10.4                        10.4           38.8   40.6           61.2      22.4       20.6
         3          0.6640        QP       20.7    15.4        10.4                        10.4           31.1   25.8           56.0      24.9       30.2
         4          1.4612        QP       25.1    21.1        10.4                        10.4           35.5   31.5           56.0      20.5       24.5
         5          1.5945        QP       27.5    20.3        10.4                        10.4           37.9   30.7           56.0      18.1       25.3
         6          1.5945       AVG       27.5    19.7        10.4                        10.4           37.9   30.1           46.0       8.1       15.9
         7          1.9940        QP       24.2     8.6        10.4                        10.4           34.6   19.0           56.0      21.4       37.0
         8          2.3928        QP       24.2    19.3        10.5                        10.5           34.7   29.8           56.0      21.3       26.2
         9          2.9232        QP       24.4    27.4        10.5                        10.5           34.9   37.9           56.0      21.1       18.1
        10          2.9232       AVG       22.2    17.2        10.5                        10.5           32.7   27.7           46.0      13.3       18.3
        11          3.4551        QP       25.9    20.7        10.7                        10.7           36.6   31.4           56.0      19.4       24.6
        12          3.4551       AVG       23.2    16.3        10.7                        10.7           33.9   27.0           46.0      12.1       19.0
        13          4.3857        QP       25.2    25.7        10.7                        10.7           35.9   36.4           56.0      20.1       19.6
        14          4.3857       AVG       23.4    24.7        10.7                        10.7           34.1   35.4           46.0      11.9       10.6
        15         10.6303        QP       10.2    12.4        11.0                        11.0           21.2   23.4           60.0      38.8       36.6

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(LISN,Pad,Cable)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                           Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                              Page 18 of 30                                                          FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                                 Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                 FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.1.5 Rx A:B:60.000MHz (ANT 1) (Power Line for FT DX 5000)

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                           : QP
                                                                                                 : AVG
                                                                                                                                                : QP
                                                                                                                                                : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                                 70
   Conducted Voltages on Mains Port
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                            60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                                  Emission Level [dBuV]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:60.000MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                         40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 12 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      TEMPERATURE : 26.0 [degC]                                                           20
      HUMIDITY     : 45.0 [%]
      NOTE         : Power Line for FT DX5000

                                                                                          150k    300k          1M             3M        10M            30M
      ENGINEER               :        Atsuyuki Morishima                                                             Frequency [Hz]

              FREQUENCY MODE             READING              FACTOR                                     EMISSION            LIMIT       MARGIN
      [No]         [MHz]                   [dBuV]               [dB]                                       [dBuV]           [dBuV]         [dB]
                                         Line1 Line2         Line1 Line2                                 Line1 Line2                    Line1 Line2

          1         0.1659       QP       34.2    34.2        10.4                        10.4           44.6   44.6           65.2      20.6       20.6
          2         0.1973       QP       33.1    33.3        10.4                        10.4           43.5   43.7           63.7      20.2       20.0
          3         0.2788       QP       25.7    30.4        10.4                        10.4           36.1   40.8           60.9      24.8       20.1
          4         0.3485       QP       23.2    24.1        10.4                        10.4           33.6   34.5           59.0      25.4       24.5
          5         0.5602       QP       18.1    19.8        10.4                        10.4           28.5   30.2           56.0      27.5       25.8
          6         1.1199       QP       17.8    15.8        10.4                        10.4           28.2   26.2           56.0      27.8       29.8
          7         5.1989       QP       25.8    27.4        10.7                        10.7           36.5   38.1           60.0      23.5       21.9
          8         4.9960       QP       22.5    24.0        10.7                        10.7           33.2   34.7           56.0      22.8       21.3
          9        13.1525       QP       20.7    19.3        11.0                        11.1           31.7   30.4           60.0      28.3       29.6

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(LISN,Pad,Cable)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                          Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                             Page 19 of 30                                                          FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                                  Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                  FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.1.6 Rx A:B:60.000MHz (ANT 1) (Power Line for DMU-2000)

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                            : QP
                                                                                                  : AVG
                                                                                                                                                 : QP
                                                                                                                                                 : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                                  70
   Conducted Voltages on Mains Port
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                             60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                                   Emission Level [dBuV]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:60.000MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                          40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 12 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      TEMPERATURE : 26.0 [degC]                                                            20
      HUMIDITY     : 45.0 [%]
      NOTE         : Power Line for DMU-2000

                                                                                           150k    300k          1M             3M        10M            30M
      ENGINEER               :         Atsuyuki Morishima                                                             Frequency [Hz]

             FREQUENCY MODE               READING              FACTOR                                     EMISSION            LIMIT       MARGIN
      [No]        [MHz]                     [dBuV]               [dB]                                       [dBuV]           [dBuV]         [dB]
                                          Line1 Line2         Line1 Line2                                 Line1 Line2                    Line1 Line2

         1          0.1500        QP       32.4    32.3        10.4                        10.4           42.8   42.7           66.0      23.2       23.3
         2          0.2658        QP       28.5    30.3        10.4                        10.4           38.9   40.7           61.2      22.3       20.5
         3          0.6652        QP       20.8    15.6        10.4                        10.4           31.2   26.0           56.0      24.8       30.0
         4          1.4621        QP       25.1    21.1        10.4                        10.4           35.5   31.5           56.0      20.5       24.5
         5          1.5946        QP       27.3    20.3        10.4                        10.4           37.7   30.7           56.0      18.3       25.3
         6          1.5946       AVG       27.3    19.6        10.4                        10.4           37.7   30.0           46.0       8.3       16.0
         7          1.9932        QP       24.2     8.6        10.4                        10.4           34.6   19.0           56.0      21.4       37.0
         8          2.3928        QP       24.2    19.4        10.5                        10.5           34.7   29.9           56.0      21.3       26.1
         9          2.9237        QP       24.5    27.4        10.5                        10.5           35.0   37.9           56.0      21.0       18.1
        10          2.9237       AVG       22.2    17.2        10.5                        10.5           32.7   27.7           46.0      13.3       18.3
        11          3.4554        QP       25.8    20.7        10.7                        10.7           36.5   31.4           56.0      19.5       24.6
        12          3.4554       AVG       23.2    16.3        10.7                        10.7           33.9   27.0           46.0      12.1       19.0
        13          4.3861        QP       25.3    25.8        10.7                        10.7           36.0   36.5           56.0      20.0       19.5
        14          4.3861       AVG       23.5    24.8        10.7                        10.7           34.2   35.5           46.0      11.8       10.5
        15         10.6310        QP       10.2    12.5        11.0                        11.0           21.2   23.5           60.0      38.8       36.5

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(LISN,Pad,Cable)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                           Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                              Page 20 of 30                                                          FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                                       Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                       FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.2 Radiated disturbance
10.2.1 Rx A:B:0.030MHz (ANT 1) [30 – 1000MHz]

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                              : BBA
                                                                                                    : DIP

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                                    70
   Radiated Electric Field
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                               60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                                   Emission Level [dBuV/m]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:0.030MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                            40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 10 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      DISTANCE     : 3.00 [m]                                                                20
      TEMPERATURE : 21.0 [degC]
      HUMIDITY     : 64.0 [%]
      NOTE         :                                                                         10

                                                                                             30M 40M          70M   100M          200M      400M      700M   1G
      ENGINEER               :         Atsuyuki Morishima                                                                  Frequency [Hz]

             FREQUENCY ANT.                READING             FACTOR                                       EMISSION        LIMIT              MARGIN
      [No]        [MHz]                     [dBuV]              [dB/m]                                       [dBuV/m]    [dBuV/m]               [dB]
                                            Hori   Vert        Hori    Vert                                   Hori  Vert                       Hori  Vert

         1           33.21       BBA          -    34.8        -6.7                          -6.7              -      28.1           40.0         -      11.9
         2           44.39       BBA          -    32.8        -4.8                          -4.8              -      28.0           40.0         -      12.0
         3           76.01       BBA       36.8    35.0        -7.4                          -7.4           29.4      27.6           40.0      10.6      12.4
         4           83.93       BBA       30.6       -        -9.0                          -9.0           21.6         -           40.0      18.4         -
         5           88.80       BBA       48.8    46.5        -9.7                          -9.7           39.1      36.8           43.5       4.4       6.7
         6          133.20       BBA       33.0    39.3        -4.7                          -4.7           28.3      34.6           43.5      15.2       8.9
         7          147.46       BBA       31.3    35.2        -3.7                          -3.7           27.6      31.5           43.5      15.9      12.0
         8          172.04       BBA          -    29.2        -3.8                          -3.8              -      25.4           43.5         -      18.1
         9          196.42       BBA       32.3       -        -5.7                          -5.7           26.6         -           43.5      16.9         -
        10          261.89       BBA       31.1    30.1        -2.7                          -2.7           28.4      27.4           46.0      17.6      18.6
        11          294.92       BBA          -    30.4        -1.2                          -1.2              -      29.2           46.0         -      16.8
        12          432.06       BBA       29.6       -         2.4                           2.4           32.0         -           46.0      14.0         -
        13          453.54       BBA          -    31.5         3.0                           3.0              -      34.5           46.0         -      11.5
        14          528.06       BBA       31.0       -         5.0                           5.0           36.0         -           46.0      10.0         -
        15          816.11       BBA          -    24.8        10.5                          10.5              -      35.3           46.0         -      10.7

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(Antenna,Antenna Pad,Cable,Preamp)
           ANT. : Used antenna(BBA = Broadband antenna, DIP = Dipole antenna)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                             Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                              Page 21 of 30                                                               FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                               Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                               FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.2.2 Rx A:B:0.030MHz (ANT 1) [1000 – 5000MHz]

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                         : PEK
                                                                                               : AVG
                                                                                                                                              : PEK
                                                                                                                                              : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                              70
   Radiated Electric Field
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                         60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                             Emission Level [dBuV/m]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:0.030MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                      40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 11 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      DISTANCE     : 3.00 [m]                                                          20
      TEMPERATURE : 22.0 [degC]
      HUMIDITY     : 64.0 [%]
      NOTE         :                                                                   10

                                                                                       1G                         2G              3G        4G        5G
      ENGINEER           :       Atsuyuki Morishima                                                              Frequency [Hz]

              FREQUENCY MODE         READING             FACTOR                                        EMISSION        LIMIT           MARGIN
      [No]         [MHz]              [dBuV]               [dB]                                         [dBuV/m]    [dBuV/m]            [dB]
                                      Hori   Vert        Hori   Vert                                     Hori  Vert                    Hori  Vert

          1        1199.87 PEK        45.5    40.9       -2.8                           -2.8           42.7   38.1         74.0        31.3       35.9
          2        1199.87 AVG        32.8    30.1       -2.8                           -2.8           30.0   27.3         54.0        24.0       26.7
          3        1399.67 PEK        39.4    40.4       -1.8                           -1.8           37.6   38.6         74.0        36.4       35.4
          4        1399.67 AVG        26.9    27.0       -1.8                           -1.8           25.1   25.2         54.0        28.9       28.8

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(Antenna,Antenna Pad,Cable,Preamp)
           ANT. : Used antenna(BBA = Broadband antenna, DIP = Dipole antenna)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                        Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                        Page 22 of 30                                                           FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                                       Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                       FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.2.3 Rx A:B:30.000MHz (ANT 1) [30 – 1000MHz]

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                              : BBA
                                                                                                    : DIP

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                                    70
   Radiated Electric Field
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                               60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                                   Emission Level [dBuV/m]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:30.000MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                            40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 10 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      DISTANCE     : 3.00 [m]                                                                20
      TEMPERATURE : 22.0 [degC]
      HUMIDITY     : 60.0 [%]
      NOTE         :                                                                         10

                                                                                             30M 40M          70M   100M          200M      400M      700M   1G
      ENGINEER               :         Atsuyuki Morishima                                                                  Frequency [Hz]

             FREQUENCY ANT.                READING             FACTOR                                       EMISSION        LIMIT              MARGIN
      [No]        [MHz]                     [dBuV]              [dB/m]                                       [dBuV/m]    [dBuV/m]               [dB]
                                            Hori   Vert        Hori    Vert                                   Hori  Vert                       Hori  Vert

         1           33.21       BBA          -    34.5        -6.7                          -6.7              -      27.8           40.0         -      12.2
         2           44.40       BBA          -    35.2        -4.8                          -4.8              -      30.4           40.0         -       9.6
         3           62.84       BBA          -    31.9        -5.0                          -5.0              -      26.9           40.0         -      13.1
         4           76.01       BBA       36.0    29.6        -7.4                          -7.4           28.6      22.2           40.0      11.4      17.8
         5           84.02       BBA       32.1       -        -9.0                          -9.0           23.1         -           40.0      16.9         -
         6           88.80       BBA       45.0    42.6        -9.7                          -9.7           35.3      32.9           43.5       8.2      10.6
         7          133.20       BBA          -    35.4        -4.7                          -4.7              -      30.7           43.5         -      12.8
         8          147.46       BBA       31.5    34.2        -3.7                          -3.7           27.8      30.5           43.5      15.7      13.0
         9          196.42       BBA       36.3       -        -5.7                          -5.7           30.6         -           43.5      12.9         -
        10          400.00       BBA       31.0    28.5         1.6                           1.6           32.6      30.1           46.0      13.4      15.9
        11          432.06       BBA       30.9       -         2.4                           2.4           33.3         -           46.0      12.7         -
        12          453.54       BBA          -    31.2         3.0                           3.0              -      34.2           46.0         -      11.8
        13          528.06       BBA       30.6       -         5.0                           5.0           35.6         -           46.0      10.4         -
        14          645.26       BBA       27.1       -         7.1                           7.1           34.2         -           46.0      11.8         -
        15          816.11       BBA          -    24.9        10.5                          10.5              -      35.4           46.0         -      10.6

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(Antenna,Antenna Pad,Cable,Preamp)
           ANT. : Used antenna(BBA = Broadband antenna, DIP = Dipole antenna)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                             Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                              Page 23 of 30                                                               FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                               Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                               FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.2.4 Rx A:B:30.000MHz (ANT 1) [1000 – 5000MHz]

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                         : PEK
                                                                                               : AVG
                                                                                                                                              : PEK
                                                                                                                                              : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                              70
   Radiated Electric Field
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                         60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                             Emission Level [dBuV/m]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:30.000MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                      40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 11 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      DISTANCE     : 3.00 [m]                                                          20
      TEMPERATURE : 22.2 [degC]
      HUMIDITY     : 65.0 [%]
      NOTE         :                                                                   10

                                                                                       1G                         2G              3G        4G        5G
      ENGINEER           :       Atsuyuki Morishima                                                              Frequency [Hz]

              FREQUENCY MODE         READING             FACTOR                                        EMISSION        LIMIT           MARGIN
      [No]         [MHz]              [dBuV]               [dB]                                         [dBuV/m]    [dBuV/m]            [dB]
                                      Hori   Vert        Hori   Vert                                     Hori  Vert                    Hori  Vert

          1        1199.80 PEK        45.2    45.0       -2.8                           -2.8           42.4   42.2         74.0        31.6       31.8
          2        1199.80 AVG        31.7    32.2       -2.8                           -2.8           28.9   29.4         54.0        25.1       24.6
          3        1399.78 PEK        45.7    45.5       -1.8                           -1.8           43.9   43.7         74.0        30.1       30.3
          4        1399.78 AVG        31.7    32.2       -1.8                           -1.8           29.9   30.4         54.0        24.1       23.6

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(Antenna,Antenna Pad,Cable,Preamp)
           ANT. : Used antenna(BBA = Broadband antenna, DIP = Dipole antenna)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                        Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                        Page 24 of 30                                                           FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                                       Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                                       FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.2.5 Rx A:B:60.000MHz (ANT 1) [30 – 1000MHz]

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                              : BBA
                                                                                                    : DIP

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                                    70
   Radiated Electric Field
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                               60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                                   Emission Level [dBuV/m]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:60.000MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                            40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 10 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT09110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      DISTANCE     : 3.00 [m]                                                                20
      TEMPERATURE : 22.0 [degC]
      HUMIDITY     : 60.0 [%]
      NOTE         :                                                                         10

                                                                                             30M 40M          70M   100M          200M      400M      700M   1G
      ENGINEER               :         Atsuyuki Morishima                                                                  Frequency [Hz]

             FREQUENCY ANT.                READING             FACTOR                                       EMISSION        LIMIT              MARGIN
      [No]        [MHz]                     [dBuV]              [dB/m]                                       [dBuV/m]    [dBuV/m]               [dB]
                                            Hori   Vert        Hori    Vert                                   Hori  Vert                       Hori  Vert

         1           33.22       BBA          -    34.7        -6.7                          -6.7              -      28.0           40.0         -      12.0
         2           44.40       BBA          -    33.5        -4.8                          -4.8              -      28.7           40.0         -      11.3
         3           62.44       BBA          -    34.5        -5.0                          -5.0              -      29.5           40.0         -      10.5
         4           76.06       BBA       34.8    37.6        -7.4                          -7.4           27.4      30.2           40.0      12.6       9.8
         5           88.80       BBA       45.7    42.1        -9.7                          -9.7           36.0      32.4           43.5       7.5      11.1
         6          133.20       BBA          -    36.2        -4.7                          -4.7              -      31.5           43.5         -      12.0
         7          147.46       BBA       32.7    34.4        -3.7                          -3.7           29.0      30.7           43.5      14.5      12.8
         8          196.42       BBA       34.6    31.7        -5.7                          -5.7           28.9      26.0           43.5      14.6      17.5
         9          231.99       BBA          -    35.6        -4.2                          -4.2              -      31.4           46.0         -      14.6
        10          400.00       BBA       31.1    29.2         1.6                           1.6           32.7      30.8           46.0      13.3      15.2
        11          432.06       BBA       30.5    26.5         2.4                           2.4           32.9      28.9           46.0      13.1      17.1
        12          453.54       BBA          -    32.4         3.0                           3.0              -      35.4           46.0         -      10.6
        13          528.06       BBA       30.1       -         5.0                           5.0           35.1         -           46.0      10.9         -
        14          645.26       BBA       29.7       -         7.1                           7.1           36.8         -           46.0       9.2         -
        15          816.11       BBA          -    24.9        10.5                          10.5              -      35.4           46.0         -      10.6

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(Antenna,Antenna Pad,Cable,Preamp)
           ANT. : Used antenna(BBA = Broadband antenna, DIP = Dipole antenna)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                             Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                              Page 25 of 30                                                               FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                                               Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                                               FCC ID : K6620361X60

10.2.6 Rx A:B:60.000MHz (ANT 1) [1000 – 5000MHz]

   Intertek Japan K.K.                                                                         : PEK
                                                                                               : AVG
                                                                                                                                              : PEK
                                                                                                                                              : AVG

   Tochigi No.2 Test Site                                                              70
   Radiated Electric Field
      APPLICANT    : Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.                                         60
      EUT NAME     : HF Transceiver
      MODEL NO.    : FT DX 5000

                                                             Emission Level [dBuV/m]
      SERIAL NO.   : 9L000001
      TEST MODE    : Rx A:B:60.000MHz (ANT 1)
      POWER SOURCE : AC120V, 60Hz                                                      40
      DATE TESTED  : Nov 11 2009
      FILE NO.     : JT091110006
      REGULATION   : FCC Part15B Class B
      TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-2003
      DISTANCE     : 3.00 [m]                                                          20
      TEMPERATURE : 22.2 [degC]
      HUMIDITY     : 65.0 [%]
      NOTE         :                                                                   10

                                                                                       1G                         2G              3G        4G        5G
      ENGINEER           :       Atsuyuki Morishima                                                              Frequency [Hz]

              FREQUENCY MODE         READING             FACTOR                                        EMISSION        LIMIT           MARGIN
      [No]         [MHz]              [dBuV]               [dB]                                         [dBuV/m]    [dBuV/m]            [dB]
                                      Hori   Vert        Hori   Vert                                     Hori  Vert                    Hori  Vert

          1        1199.80 PEK        45.5    45.2       -2.8                           -2.8           42.7   42.4         74.0        31.3       31.6
          2        1199.80 AVG        32.1    33.0       -2.8                           -2.8           29.3   30.2         54.0        24.7       23.8
          3        1399.80 PEK        45.4    45.3       -1.8                           -1.8           43.6   43.5         74.0        30.4       30.5
          4        1399.80 AVG        33.1    32.9       -1.8                           -1.8           31.3   31.1         54.0        22.7       22.9

           Higher six points are underlined.
           Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B Class B limit
           Emisson Level = Read + Factor(Antenna,Antenna Pad,Cable,Preamp)
           ANT. : Used antenna(BBA = Broadband antenna, DIP = Dipole antenna)

   emiT 3, 0, 0, 0                                                                                        Copyright(c)2007 Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                        Page 26 of 30                                                           FJP-EM001 Version2.0

                                                                                              Report No. JT09110006
                                                                                              FCC ID : K6620361X60

 Instrument               Model No.                      Serial No.    Manufacturer     Cal. date         Due date

 Conducted disturbance at mains terminals
                                                                       ROHDE &
 LISN (EUT)               ESH2-Z5                        892377/021                     Jul. 06, 09       Jul. 31, 10
 10dB Attenuator          CFA-01(BPJ-10)                 None          TAMAGAWA         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 LISN (Peripheral)        KNW-242                        8-851-27      KYORITSU         Jul. 14, 09       Jul. 31, 10
 50Ω Termination          CT-01                          None          TAMAGAWA         Jul. 14, 09       Jul. 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(C1)        5D-2W(6.0 m)                   2CL01a        INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(C2)        RG-5A/U(7.0 m)                 2CL02         INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(C3)        5D-2W(0.2 m)                   2CL03         INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(C4)        5D-2W(1.7 m)                   2CL04         INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Radiated disturbance
 Broad Band antenna       VULB9168                       218           Schwarzbeck      Mar. 05, 09       Mar. 31, 10
 Double ridged antenna    3115                           9903-5699     EMCO             Apr. 28, 09       Apr. 30, 10
 6dB Attenuator           CFA-01(NPJ-6)                  None          TAMAGAWA         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 6dB Attenuator           8493C                          18493                          Apr. 22, 09       Apr. 30, 10
 ANT Temination           R40424000                      None          Radall                N/A               N/A
 ANT Temination           090-0510                       None          Yuetsu                N/A               N/A
 Amplifier                8449B                          3008A01182                     Apr. 22, 09       Apr. 30, 10
 Step Attenuator          8494B                          2805A14563                     May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Amplifier                8447D                          2727A05324                     May 20, 09        May 31, 10
                          8563E                                        HEWLETT
 Spectrum analyzer                                       3821A09565                     Dec. 18, 08       Dec. 31, 09
                          (Firmware Revision 971024)                   PACKARD
 Coaxial cable(R1)        5D-2W(10.0 m)                  2R1001a       INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(R2)        RG-177/U(20.0 m)               2R1002        INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(R3)        RG-5A/U(1.3 m)                 2R1003        INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(R4)        RG-5A/U(0.2 m)                 2R1004        INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(R5)        5D-2W(0.7 m)                   2R1005        INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(R6)        5D-2W(0.2 m)                   2R1006        INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(R7)        5D-2W(1.7 m)                   2R1007        INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(R8)        5D-2W(6.0 m)                   2R1008a       INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Coaxial cable(RG1)       SUCOFLEX(1.5 m)                290799/4      SUHNER           Apr. 22, 09       Apr. 30, 10
 Coaxial cable(RG2)       SUCOFLEX(6.0 m)                290800/4      SUHNER           Apr. 22, 09       Apr. 30, 10
 Site Attenuation                                                                       Aug. 18, 09       Aug. 31, 10
                          ESS                                          ROHDE &
 Test receiver                                           842886/013                     Jan. 07, 09       Jan. 31, 10
                          (Firmware Version 1.07)                      SCHWARZ
 RF Switch                ACX-150                        None          INTERTEK         May 20, 09        May 31, 10
 Testing Software         emiT (Version 3,0,0,0)

Note : Test instruments are calibrated according to Quality Manual and Calibration Rules of Intertek Japan K.K.

© Intertek Japan K.K.                                  Page 30 of 30                                  FJP-EM001 Version2.0

Document Created: 2009-12-10 10:36:39
Document Modified: 2009-12-10 10:36:39

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