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Exhi   E     User‘s               Manual

                    FCC ID.: K4ERIF


ENFORCER 100F Installation Manval

See page 15 for testing tips.

 Poor transmitter range                              1. Low or dead transmiter battey                 Replace the battery.
                                                                                                                                                                        INSTALLATION MANUAL
                                                     2. Metal o cor body reflecting RF woves          Mount alarm broin in anotherlocation
                                                     3. RF interlrence                                Fold or all up (do not ct) alorm brain antemna,                                                                            ®
 Torsmite ED doesn‘fosh when butn pusbed             1. Loose batary connection                       Make sure battery contoct with cip i ight and clean.
                                                     2. Low or dead transeniter batter:               Replace the bottory                                           ‘
                                                     3. Defectie ransmittor.                          Replace the tronsmitter
 Transimfter not work when sien sounding             Alaim broin o close to sten.                     increase thdistonce between sten and alarm broin, and
                                                                                                      make sure the two ore notgrounded together.
 Alarm not respond to pressing tonsmiter button...| Transmitter notmatched to alrm.           Re—code the tronsmiter                                                                                          'DDF
 Under passve arrting (switch sensing), sten does Doot/hood/runk pin switch not connected, or Chedcblueo by/nhite uie (deperding on which switch) at
 tot chirgwhen the last dooy/hood/‘ronk is closed.   broken, or ts height is not adjusted property.   |broin with ¥OM. Ifground when door or haod or trunk
                                                                                                      apen,and no when desed, hen prblem with wishomess or
                                                                                                      bain. Oifemise, dhedc ulc wie, o comnection.
 Under passvearning (airentsensng),sten doesnot——    Hot a problen — With cirentsesing dn can                                                                                                             Rem°1e Confro"ed
 thirp when the last doothood/wunk is dased          onl detect open doos, notdised doors                                                                                                              Vehicl e SeCUrHY Sysfem
 Not all dors rigger the alsim                       Door silthes are isolated by diades.             Conmect tigget wir to under—dash cautesy lights, t
                                                                                                      connectindividual pin sufches to each door
 Too many folse aloms                                Shock sensor ar doos pin switches, o curent      Reduce shock sensor Iigger sensilivity, and double—check
                                                     sesing.                                          all door and hood/trunk pin svitches.
 When alarm triggeted, pressing tronsmtter shuts     Patented Stoy—Safe Disorm                        This is a feature of the darm, and not a problem.
 siren and lights OFF, but alarm stoys armed
 More than one chirp when arting factve mode}._}     Alaim detecs open ciui, does zone bypass.._      Check all apenings tosee which is not dosed properly.
 Siien does not chinp.                               Set for chis delate,                             Reprogrom to restore chp.
 Sien chrgs or LEB Heshes while diving.              Yllow wire of 10—pin comedor looe.               Check the connection
 Siren continually emits a strange quiet sound.      Peor main bin ground                             Check the main brein ground, make sure good contoc,
                                                                                                      and not grounded togetherwith siren.
 Cot main power wire(ad wie}, and alarm looses       Fused orange wire and fused red wie              Connect these two wites to seporate sources of +1VBC.
 power.                                              connected to the same source.                    ({Feature not available for (—) parking light systems).
 Testing ofhardwired zone, on—board or aviliary      Tied totestthe triggers too soon after the       Woit 3 sec. (bordwired Iriggess) or 10 sec. (current sense)
 sensor,or curent sensor ces ntigger alorm.          alorm was aimed.                                 ater arming belore testing.

SECO—LARM‘s ENFORCER 100F is protected by the following patents:
US. pot. nos.             5483225, 5473905, 4975678, 4980666, 48355 18, 4810998, 4550229, 4543568, 4546629,
                          4679033, 4700332, 4706064, 4761 631, 4926160, 4507945, D314791, D319196
Toiwan pat. nos.          105843,100701, 94510, 84996, 76872, 50612, 43239, 40938, 35097, 39687, 75669, 66042, 59176,
                          40988, 37977, 33201, 33687, 52421 , 19593, 12398, 21111, 30897, 97422, 40244, 30905, 30060, 37844,                                                              ®
                           2409, 28883, 31633, 26600, 22073, 20786, 46459, 17724, 18971, 20380, 24477, 39225, 16021
UK. pat. nos.             2271009, 2215895, 2179482, 2177529, 2177797, 2141480
German pat. nos.          29600370.0,69203003.3, G$203004.1, 692128092
Hungary pat. no.          85927                                    China pot. no. 2194300564.7                                                                          SECO—LARM® U.S.A., INC.
Jagon pat, no.            1882619                                  Korea pat. nos. 32332, 35097                                                                                  .
Other international patents are pending.                                                                                                                                17811 Sky Park Circle
                                                                                                                                                                        Suite D & E
                                                                                                                                                                        Irvine, California 92614
Page 16                                                                                                        SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.                                   nut arrroonmunson resauotors
                                                                                                                                                                        cencamate reoasvarr

ENFORCER 100F Installation Manval                                                                                                                       ENFORCER 100F Installation Manual

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                               ALARM FEATURE PROGRAMMING
General Considerations ...                             3       10—pin conn., 2 x ORANGE wires .......       7   Description of feature             Default     Can be programmed to be:

Connection Diagram ....                                4       10—pin connector, WHITE wire ..........     8    Enable/disable current sensor      enabled     disabled — cut the purple wireloop _
                                                                                                                Passive/active mode                active_|_ passive — cut the orange wire loop
Mounting the AIQRM BQIM ...ccccsceseceeees             5   LED ... ccccmmmmcmmmmmmmemermermenermenencea     9   Permanent chirp on/off             on        off — cut fracer on the printed cireuit board

SDCIFICUNONS ........cccccosscecmmenmemmennenncnmnne   5   VET PUSh—DUHON ......c.cccccmememmemenermenes    9
                                                                                                                Programming for Chirp Disable
Wire Connections:                                          Power door lock/unlock ................          9

    10—pin connector, RED wire                         6   Dual—stage ShOck $2N80r ........c.uuccmeies> 12
                                                                                                                                                                                              Solder these two
    10—pin connector, BLACK wire ............          6   Current Sensing ...                             13                                                                                 solder pads togethr
                                                                                                                                                                                I‘            for chirp disable.
    10—pin connector, YELLOW wire .........            6   Coding the RF Transmitiers                      14

    10—pin connector, PINK wire...............         6   Alarm Feature Programming ...                   15

    10—pin connector, PURPLE wire ...........          6   Tips for Testing 1h@ AIGIM .ccsccsc 15

    10—pin connector, BLUE wire ...............        7   Troubleshooting GUide ... 16

    10—pin conn., BLUEAWHITE wire .........            7

                                                                                                                TIPS FOR TESTING THE ALARM
                                                                                                                A. Testing RF reception and range — To test if           the BLUE WIRE of the 6—pin connector near
                                                                                                                   the alarm brain is receiving signals from the RF      that connector. If the BLUE wire shows {—)
                                                                                                                   transmitter, and to test range, watch the             when the door is opened, then the
                                                                                                                   alarm status LED. The LED should turn ON              problem may be caused by the user not
                                                                                                                   steady as long as any button on the RF                arming the alarm correctly, or the alarm
                                                                                                                   transmitteris being pressed.. If the LED does         brain may be defective. But if the BLUE
                                                                                                                   not turn ON, this means the alarm brain is            wire does not show {—) when the door is
NOTICE                                                                                                             not receiving the transmitter signal.                 opened, the problem may be a loose or
                                                                                                                                                                         defective pin switch or wire connection.
The information and specifications printed in this manual are current at the time of publication.               B.. Testing wire connections — Often, when
However, the SECO—LARM policy is one of continual development and improvement. For this                            trying to frace a problem between a trigger         . Sensor delay times — The various sensors
reason, SECO—LARM reserves the right to change specifications without notice. SECO—LARM is                         input, wiring, and the alarm brain, one               have a short 4—second delay from the time
also not responsible for misprints or typographical errors.                                                        place to test is at the alarm brain itself.. Set      the alarm is armed until the sensor can be
                                                                                                                   the VOM for (+) or (—}, depending on the              triggered. Therefore, after arming the
Copyright © 1998 SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be                              trigger, then probe the appropriate wire              alarm, wait until after the delay period
reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of SECO—LARM. This                       near the alarm brain while testing the                before testing the sensor to be sure that
vehicle security system is protected by patents in the U.S.A., Great Britain, Germany, Hungary,                    frigger.. For instance, to determine why a (—}        sensoris operating properly.
Taiwan, China, Japan, and Korea. Other U.S.A. and international patents are pending.                               door trigger is not working, probe and test

Page 2                                                                       SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.                                                                                                          Page 15

ENFORCER 100F installation Manual                                                                                                               ENFORCER 100F Installation Manual
e                                                                                                      omm

CODING THE RF TRANSMITTERS                                                                             GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
The two included transmitters come pre—coded to the alarm brain, and so no further coding is           IMPORTANT: THIS ALARM IS INTENDED FOR
needed at the time of installation.
                                                                                                       INSTALLATION BY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS ONLY.
Any number of transmitters can be scratch—coded to match the alarm brain. In most cases, to
add odditional transmitters, just open an existing transmitter and a new transmitter, and use a        READ BOTH THIS MANUAL AND THE OWNERS MANUAL
dremel tool or an awl or other pointed object to cut fraces in the new transmitter‘s printed           COMPLETELY BEFORE BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION
circuit board to match the cuts in the old transmitter.
                                                                                                       1. Make sure all electrical connedtions are            2. Ask the customer where to install the push—
However, in some cases, especially if the transmitters are lost or stolen and it is not practical to      securely soldered.                                     button switch. It should be inconspicuous,
pull out the alarm brain, it is possible to find the alarm‘s existing code and code a new
                                                                                                                                                                 yet easy to reach in case of an emergency.
transmitter without seeing the old transmitter‘s printed circuit board. In this case:
                                                                                                       2. Do not run wires too fightly. Allow someslack
                                                                                                          in case the wires are accidentally pulled by        3. Turn the domelight OFF, or remove the
A.   Get the code — Look for a 5—digit number on a whitesticker on either the back of the                 someone servicing the vehicle in the future.           domelight fuse, to save car battery power
     alarm brain, back of an existing transmitter case, or on top of an IC on the alarm brain‘s
                                                                                                          Remember that wires may shrink or break due            during the installation. (But turn the
     printed circuit board.                                                                               to impact, heot, and so on.                            domelight ON or replace the fuse before
                                                                                                                                                                 testing using current sensing.)
B.   Note the      code — Each digit corresponds to one combination on the printed circuit board:
                                                                                                       3, Do notallow wires to rub against sharp edges
     {1) The       1st digit corresponds to combination "I" on PCB.
                                                                                                          which could cause short circuits. Use
     {2) The       2nd digit corresponds to combination "II" on PCB.
                                                                                                          grommets when wires are run through holes in
     {3) The       3rd digit corresponds to combination ‘IIl" on PCB.
                                                                                                          the car body orfirewall.
     {4} The       4th digit corresponds to combination "IV" on PCB.
     (5) The 5th digit corresponds to combination "V" on PCB.
                                                                                                       4. Profect and hide wires with flexible tubing or by   IMPORTANT:
     Every combination has two bits (BIT "A" & BIT "B"). Each bit can be programmed for one of            wrapping with elerical tape if possible.
     three modes ("H" or "L" or "F").. Each combination corresponds to one digit (see TABLE 1}.
                                                                                                          Ideally, the wires should be indistinguishable      THIS MANUAL OFFERS GENERAL
TABLE 1                                                                                                   from the vehicle‘s factory wiring.                  GUIDELINES ONLY. INSTALLATION WILL
                                                                                                                                                              VARY FROM VEHICLE TO VEHICLE.
                    1      2      3      4     5      6      7      8                                  5. Mount all plastic components away from              SECO—LARM IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR
           A        H      H      H      L     L       L      F      F       F                            sources of extreme heat such as the exhaust         INJURIES OR DAMAGES WHICH RESULT
                                                                                                           manifold orturbochargerto prevent melting.         FROM INCORRECT INSTALLATION OF
           B        H      L      F      H     L       F     H       L                                    Also mount all components away from areas           THIS ALARM SYSTEM.
                                                                                                          that receive water diredily.
     H:—       Keep the trace between the Middle case and the Higher case, but cut the trace                                                                  DISCONNECT THE FUSES FROM THE
               between the Middle case and the Lower case.                                             6. Mount all components in such a way that they        ALARM‘S RED AND ORANGE WIRES
     L:        Keep the trace between the Middle case and the Lower case, but cut the trace               do not impair or inferfere with the normal          BEFORE BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION.
               between the Middle case and the Higher case.                                               operation of the car‘s moving parts.                PLUG BACK IN ONLY AFTER THE
     F:        Cut both traces.                                                                                                                               INSTALLATION IS DONE AND CHECKED.
                                                                                                       7. Mount all components and run all wires so
3.   Example — Take code 25679                                                                            they cannot be easily reached from                  TEST ALL WIRES CAREFULLY BEFORE
     for example. 1= 2, II = 5,                                                                           undemneath the vehicle.                             CUTTING OR SPLICING. TO AVOID
     III = 6, IV =7, Y = 9.                                                                                                                                   DAMAGING THE VEHICLES ELECTRICAL
     Carefully cut the printed circuit                                                                 BEFORE YOU START, DON‘T FORGET:                        EQUIPMENT, USE A TEST METER, NOT A
     board trace per figs. 1 and 2.                                                                                                                           TEST LIGHT.
     For every trace cut on the                                                                        1. Ask the customer where to install the LED.
     transmitter, the respective trace                                                                    It should be visible from the right and left        IF THE VEHICLE IS EQUIPPED WITH AN
     must be cut on the receiver.            Fig. 1 — RF transmitter          Fig. 2 — RF receiver        sides of the car. It should not be exposed          ANTI—THEFT RADIO OR AN AIR BAG, DO
                                             printed circuit board            printed circuit board       to direct sunlight.                                 NOT DISCONNECT THE BATTERY.

Page 14                                                                  SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.                                                                                                    Page 3

ENFORCER 100F Connection Diagram                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ENFORCER 100F Installation Manual
                       §                         &                                                        $
                  ‘§§                          5s                                               z55 é_ >3                                                                                                The shock sensor is omnidirectional. It                IMPORTANT — These four wires are transistor
          §.      ;E>                        8g$                                                Egg g‘%;                                                                                                 can be mounted at any angle.)                          +12VDC artransistor ground inputs and
       wo $ 8     E§ §                       g‘g §Ea                                              ul                                                                                                 (2) Plug the sensorinto the alarm brain‘s                  outputs with max. ratings of SOOmA Take care
       2 523 58905                           85$&                                                     C                                                                                                     4—pin connector.                                    when connecting accessories to these wires.
       fig%‘g‘gégg                            gg;g                                                 '                                                                                           &      {3) Set the sen:
       B5B 86550                               $ie                                                                         ..                                                &                              a. Turn the pre—intrusion (1st stage}
       Eéég%;gé                              §<zm_                                                                                           _                             5 ;                                 sensitivity to maximum {clockwise}.              CURRENT SENSING
       Edaw ?*"                                                                                                               2                                            2 ;z:                            b.. Test the trigger (2nd stage}
                                                     §   3                _                                                   §                                            8 5                                  sensitivity by rapping hard on the              A. Program the alarm for switch sensing only,
                                         wo          §   3                &                                                   a                                            1|3                                  vehicle to simulate an attack. (Do                 or for both current & switch sensing.
                                         %}          2   E                &      .                                            *                                            $ %                                  not hit the window.) Adjust the
                                         g%          §   6.               § 3.':;                                        e E                                               § é                                  sensitivity by turning the trigger              B. Curlrent sensing c:'oes :o\‘ trigger the clzrm
                                         k3          5   820              3|81                                           2o Sis                                            alQ                                  adjustment pod clockwise {more                     until 4 seconds after the alarm is armed.
                                         88 $ s3 42                                    EE                       i g                 E E.                                   § 3                                   sensitive) or counterclockwise.
                                                 57|                                   35                       € §                 c|%                                    5| &                             c.   Next, test pre—intrusion (1st stage)           C. If the alarm is programmed for current
                                                                     25 $sk                                     3s                      #Jg                                5| $                                  sensifivity by lightly knocking on the            sensing, but does not detect the opening of
                                                                         z8 3
                                                                             i                                  sg
                                                                                                                &                   & &
                                                                                                                                        g|2                                Elt
                                                                                                                                                                           5)$                                                :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 vehicle to simulate         —
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        bumping the                        L.        —              .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a door, it is possible the domelights do not
                                                         _           5R                m85%                     ®Lt                 +2                                     "|*                                   car. Adjust sensifivity by turning the            draw enough current. In this case, try a
                                             B o §                                                                                                                                                               pre—intrusion pod clockwise ({more                brighter domelight (check the vehicle
                                             5 & &                                                                                                                               ——— YELLOW
                                                                                                                                                                                                               sensitive) or counter—clockwise.                    manufacturer‘s specifications}, or connect


                                                                                                                                        —— RED

                                                                                                                                                                                                            d. NOTE:                                               a non—polarized capacitor (47uF or larger)
                                                                                                                                                                                                               — Changing trigger sensitivity also                 in parallel across the domelight.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    oaffects pre—intrusion sensitivity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 — When trigger sensitivity is set to           D. Note regarding current sensing:

                                                                                                                                                                      BLACK —!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   {1) If the domelight burns out or is




                                                                                       8| _
                                                                                       $ $$
                                                                                       & §


                                                                                                          i%&A 88






                                                                                                                                                                                                                   minimum, the shock sensoris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   turned OFF, and cannot trigger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the alarm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mt i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 — When sensitivity is set to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    maximum, the shock sensor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    is very sensitive. This may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cause unnecessary chirps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and/or false alarms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 — The shock sensor and auxilia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sensors will not trigger the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1 rm un til 4 sdecodscfenh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    motion is

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       n seconds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    alarm is armed and no further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  is defected

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 after r th e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       constantly leff ON, the alarm will not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       detect the doors opening.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       are desired, connect the door pin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   {2) If current sensing and passive arming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .                          —
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       switches to the alarm. Otherwise the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       alarm will not arm properly.
  9                                                                                                           c          0                       0
  &               z                                                                                       @               =                      =                                                B. To connect more than one SECO—LARM
Eus               $                                                                                       2                                                                                          dual—stage shock, microwave, or glass
$rfs              $2                                                                                      &
 559                                                                                                      $                        P                      7                                          break sensor, use an SR—199—315
£6z8            5\8                                                                                                                                       6                                                             .
                                                             x                                            2                        2                      E                                          Y—connector. (See fig. 18.)
s5ss            |25                                          5       &                                                             & &
                                                             E.3                                                                   Py                                                                   .
5158             5\g
                 B                                           $51
                                                             258                                                                   88                     |88    i
                                                                                                                                                                                                  C.. To install non—SECO—LARM auxilia
                                                                                                                                                                                                      sensors — Splice into the shock sensor‘s
§5g22             82                                                                                                                                                                                 wire harness
u59                                          L                                                                                                                                                                 For assinal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       shown in fig. 19.
2s                E1.                        s                                                                                                                                                       NOTE — For single—stage auxiliary
                s\a|€      &                                                                                                                                    g=>                   :}             sensors, do not use the YELLOW WIRE.
                  «[        §§            if                                                                                                                         §32
                S1e|$       §
                            2 m          af
                                         >                                                                                                                           F
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 13

ENFORCER 100F Installation Manual                                                                                   ENFORCER 100F Installation Manual
                                                               D. Single wire, polarity switching — The
                                                                  factory door lock switch uses a single wire      MmOUNTING THE ALARM BRAIN
Fig. 17 — Plugging the SS—052BA into                              to control the door lock and unlock
the alarm brain                                                                                                    The alarm‘s main brain, which controls all the              F.   RF considerations — Tronsmitter range will
                                                                  operation. The single LOCK/UNLOCK
                                                                                                                   alarm‘s functions, is very sophisticated, and                    vary. For greatest range:
                                                                  WIRE shows ground when the doors lock,
                                                                                                                   care must be taken when mounting. Note:                          {1} Metal blocks RF fransmission, while glass
                                                                  and +12VDC when they unlock. This is
                                                                                                                                                                                        and plastic have no effect. The higherthe
                                                                  found on most Mercedes Benz and on
                                                                                                                   A. DO NOT MOUNT THE ALARM BRAIN                                       alarm brain is mounted (the closer to the
                                                                  some other European cars. See fig. 13.
                                                 Alarm brain                                                          UNTIL ALL CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN                                   windshield}, and the farther from metal,
                                                                                                                      MADE AND THOROUGHLY TESTED.                                       the greater the fransmitter range. Never
                                                                  Single wire, positive shunt switching — This
                                                                                                                                                                                         mount in the trunk.
                                                                  system uses a single wire to activate the
                                                                                                                   8. Do not mount the alarm brain whereit is                       {2) Do not mount near pagers, CB radios,
                                                                  door locks. Applying +12VDC on the
                                                                                                                      exposed to extreme heat or moisture. DO                           car horns, or air horns.
                                                                  LOCK/UNLOCK WIRE causes the doors to
                                                                                                                      NOT MOUNT iT IN THE ENGINE                                    {3) Do notlengthen or cut the black
                                                                  unlock, and removing the +12VDC {not
                                                                                                                       COMPARTMENT.                                                      antenna wire or mount the antenna
Fig. 18 — Connecting more than one                                applying ground) causes the doors to lock.
                                                                                                                                                                                        wire to the metal car body, unless in an
auxiliary SECO—LARM sensor to the                                 Found on some Ford Probes. See fig. 14.
                                                                                                                   C. Mountthe alarm brain out—of—sight under                            area of excessive RF interference.
alarm (via the SR—199—315 Y—connector)                                                                                the dashboard. Securely tie—wrap it in                        {4) RF interference — If there are
                                                                  Single wire, negative shunt switching —
                                                                                                                       place so it cannot be easily reached by                          difficulties arming and disarming in
                                                                  This system uses a single wire to activate
 $S—052BA                                                                                                              thieves or disconnected by accident.                              areas of strong RF interference, such as
 dual—stage w                                                     the door locks. Applying ground on the
   shock                  52.199.315                                                                                                                                                     near an airport or a military base, tape
                                                                  LOCK/UNLOCK WIRE causes the doors to
                                                                                                                   D. Make sure the alarm brain does not                                 the antenna wire to the car‘s metal
                                                                   unlock, and removing the ground {not
                                                                                                                      disrupt the normal operation of any                                body, or roll or fold it (do not cut it).
                                                 Alarm brain       applying +12VDC} couses the doors to
                                                                                                                       moving parts under the dash.                                      This may reduce range, but it should
                                                                   lock. Found on some Mazdas and
                                                                                                                                                                                         reduce arming and disarming
                                                                   Nissans. See fig. 15.
 SL1* 259A                                                                                                         E. Do not mountin front of the heater,                                difficulties.
 dual—stage                                                                                                           defroster, or air conditioning ducts.
 microwave                                                       . Aftermarket door lock actuators — If the
   sensor                                                          vehicle does not have power door locks,
                                                                   install aftermarket actuators according to
                                                                   the supplier‘s instructions. {if the vehicle
                                                                   has power door locks on all doors except
Fig. 19 — Adding a non—SECO—LARM                                   the driver‘s door, install one aftermarket
auxiliary single— or dual—stage sensor                             actuator on the driver‘s door. Includes
                                                                   some Yolvos, SAABs, and assorted
                                                                   Japanese models.) See fig. 16.
                                                               13. 4—pin connector                                 Alarm outputs                                               Transmitter/receiver
                                                                   DUAL—STAGE SHOCK SENSOR                         Siren/horn:         +12VDG, 24                              Modulation:       AM
                                                                   YELLOW WIRE (pre—intrusion input)               Parking lights:     On—board 10A DPST relay, 2 wires        Impedance:        50 ohm
                                                                    BLACK WIRE (ground output)                                         {com & N.O.)                            Frequency:        315MHz
                                                                                                                   Starter disable:    500mA fransistor ground                 Digital coding:   Over 68 billion possible codes
                                                                    BLUE WIRE (aux. sensor trigger input)          LED output:         100mA, fransistor ground                Power {emnttr}s   +12VDC battery
—>— veLow* [J Pre—miuson nput                                       RED WIRE (+12VDC oviput)                       Doorlack/unlock: 500mA ground oviput
                                                                    Figs. 17 to 19                                                                                             General
—< BLACK FJ Consiont ground output, 500mA max.                                                                     Alarm inputs                                                Power:            +12VDC (9V to 14V)
                                                                                                                   RF panic, N.O. negative for door, N.O. positive for door,   Current drain:    Under 20mA {armed, LED flashing)
—>— BE                                                             To install the included shock sensor:           N.O. negative for hood/trunk, N.O. negative for aux.        Exit delay:       30 seconds (passive arming]
                  {—)Aux. sensor trigger input                     {1) Cable—tie the sensor securely to at least   sensor frigger, N.O. negative for aux. sensor pre—alert,    Entry delay:      None {10 sec. under emergency disarm)
— RED                                                                  two points under the dash. Do not           ignition switch sensing, current sensing                    Alarm duration:   30—second cycle, max. 4 cycles
                  FT2VDC constant oviput, 500m& max.
                                                                       screw it to metal. Mount so you can
* NOTE — ignore the YEULOW wire if installing a single—                reach the adjustment pods. (NOTE—
  slage sensor.

Page 12                                                                          SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.                                                                                                                           Page 5

ENFORCER 100F Installation Manual                                                                                                                                              ENFORCER 100F Installation Manual

WIRE CONNECTIONS                                                                                                  Fig. 13 (power door lock/unlock                                                  Fig. 15 (power door lack/unlock
1. 10—wire connector, RED WIRE (3A fuse,                 Connect to a fuse or wire which outputs
                                                                                                                  outputs) —~ Single wire, polarity                                                outputs) — Single wire, negative shunt
   to +12VDC)                                            +12VDC when the ignition key is in the ON                switching                                                                        switching
                                                         and START position, but not the ACC position.                                                                                                                +12VDC
Remove the 3A fuse, and connect this wire to             This wire must be connected at all times to              Must add fuse                  Uisneay|                   oray           ®                                ——                    BROWN
constant (unswitched) source of +1 2VDC.                 ensure proper arming and disarming, as well              ( 15A for 2 doors +             MWaplimad
                                                                                                                                                 500mA  mox.                { to lc
                                                                                                                                                                                 lock;                                            oaer            {—} to unlock,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  500mA max,
                                                         as to operate the push—button switch for valet,          30A for 4 doors)                                          500rmA max
Connect directly to the vehicle‘s fuse box, or to
the battery (+) terminal.                                emergency disarm, and temporary disarm.                                                                                                                           [Il=                               <
IMPORTANT ——— FOR SAFETY, DO NOT                         4.     10—wire connector, PINK WIRE (to                                                                                                                                                         {.) to lock,
INCREASE THE LENGTH OF THE RED WIRE.                            siren), fig. 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    L4                                   500mA max.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Factory lock/
IMPORTANT —— DO NOT PLUG 1N THE                          A. Mount the siren under the hood to the                                                                                                          unlock switch
FUSE UNTIL ALL OTHER CONNECTIONS                            vehicle‘s metal body. Mount as close to
ARE MADE.                                                      the grill as possible for best sound. The
                                                               siren must not fouch the engine. Mount
2. 10—wire connector, BLACK WIRE (to                           with the mouth facing down so water will
   chassis ground), fig. 1                                     not collectinside the siren.
                                                                                                                                             13 , RSTOR. theNOTEpump— the& contrl
                                                                                                                                                                             BWE ie    bemesn
                                                                                                                                                                                  is ground when
Choose a good chassis ground location. This              B. Connect the siren‘s BLACK WIRE direcily to the                                       PUMP         lodad, ) 12¥ when unlocked
is the most important point of a successful                    vehicle‘s metal chassis. Scrape paint from the                       ¢              YEL.OW NOTE — Progrom the alomm‘s door
installation. A poor ground connection will                    metal surface, and use a factory grounding
                                                                                                                                        P                     lock/nlack tmerfor 3.S.s0cood
                                                                                                                                                              oves                                 Factory door            Actuator

cause the siren to continuously emit a low                     bolt or a star washer.                                                                                                              lock actuators          control module

siren sound whenever the atarm is armed.
                                                         C. Connect the alarm‘s PINK WIRE directly to             Fig. 14 (power door lock/unlock                                                  Fig. 16 (power door lock/unlack
Use one of the car‘s factory bolts to connect to            the siren‘s RED WIRE.                                 outputs) — Single wire, positive shunt                                           outputs) — Aftermarket actuators
chassis ground. If none is available, scrape                                                                      switching
paint and dirt from the metal surface, and use           5. 10—wire connector, PURPLE WIRE
a grounding lug and star washer.                            (positive door trigger input), fig. 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Must add fuse                BrOwN—_
3. 10—wire connector, YELLOW WIRE                        Existing car door switches — Use a VOM meter                                                                                                {15A for 2 doors,            {] to unlock,        crar     x
                                                                                                                                                                                                     30A for 4 doors}             500mA max            [) to lack
   {ignition switch positive input)                      to locate a wire (usually in the driver‘s kick
                                                                                                                                                                              BROW!                                                                    500mA mox
                                                         panel) which shows +12VDC when any
                                                                                                                                                                              {—} to unlock,
                                                         vehicle door is opened, and which is not                                                                             500mA ma,
Fig. 1 — Connecting chassis groundfi                      +12VDC when all the doors are closed.                              +]2VDC/L|
                                                         Connect to the PURPLE WIRE.                                                                                          GRAY                 +12vDC E@j—                  5?1                |
               {—) Chassis                         4                                                                   otock sench [d
                                                                                                                       Factory lock/
                                                                                                                                                                              {;] to lock,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             [H i H]
                               Use factory                                                                                                                                    500mA max,
               ground input    bolt or star washer   *

Fig. 2 — Connecting
the siren
                                                                                                                                                                                                       f                              1
                                                         Fig. 3 — Connecting pos. door triggers
  Alarm PINK wire      Siren RED wire
  {Siren +12V output, |(siren +12V input) <@                  Alarm PURPLE wire (pos.               +12vncj
  2A max)
                                                              door trigger inpul}
                    Siren BLACK wire                                                                —o/           Factory door              Actuator                                               Factory door
                    {siren ground input}                                            =   Domelight   Door switch   lock actuators            control module                                         lock actuators

Page 6                                                                         SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.                                                                                                                                                     Page 11

ENFORCER 100F Instailation Manual                                                                                                                                                                                ENFORCER 100F Installation Manual
e                                                                                                                                                            .o
    the door is locked to pulse a factory relay                                                                                                              6. 10—wire connector, BLUE WIRE                                   B. If the vehicle has no existing hood or trunk
    to lock the doors. The UNLOCK WIRE                                 Fig. 11 (power door lock/unlock                                                          {negative door trigger input), fig. 4                               switches — Mount a pin switch in both the
    becomes +12VDC when the door is                                    outputs) — Positive relay switching to                                                                                                                       hood and trunk. Connect as shown in fig. 6.
    unlocked to pulse a factory relay to unlock                        factory actuators                                                                     A. Existing car door switches — Use a VOM
    the doors. Most General Motors cars use                                                                                                                        meter to locate a wire (usually in the driver‘s             8.   10—wire connector
    this system. See fig. 11.                                                   s12v0cC 4                                    BROWN                                 kick panel) which shows ground when any                          2 x ORANGE WIRES (to flash positive
                                                                                                         ols                 {—} to unlock,                        vehicle door is apened, and which is not                         or negative parking lights)
C. Positive reversal switching to factory                                  Factory lock/                                     500mA max.                            ground when all the doors are closed.                            Fig. 7
    actuators — The factory door lock switch                               unlock switch                                                                           Connectto the BLUE WIRE.
    typically has 5 wires. Two wires always

                                                                                           Unlock wire

                                                                                                             Lock wire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A. Determine if the parking lights are positive
    show ground, and one always shows                                                                                                                        B. If the vehicle (such as a delivery van} has                       or negative switched — Using a YOM
    +12VDC. The LOCK WIRE shows ground                                                                                                                          no existing car door switches —— Mount a                            meter, test the wires coming from behind
    at rest and during unlock, but shows                                                                                                                        pin switch in every door you wish to protect.                       the light switch. Look for a wire which
    +12VDC when the door is locked. The                                                                                                                         Connect each switch to the BLUE WIRE.                               changes polarity when the parking lights
    UNLOCK WIRE shows ground af rest and                                                                                                                                                                                            are turned ON:
    during lock, but shows +12VDC when the                                                                                                                   7. 10—wire connector, BLUE/WHITE WIRE                                  {1} Positive (+] parking light system —— If a
    dooris unlocked. Many GM trucks, Fords,                                                                                                                        ({negative hood/trunk trigger input},                                wire goes to +12VDC when the
    and Chryslers use this system. See fig. 12.                                                                                                                    figs. 5 & 6                                                          parking lights are turned ON, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       shows no voltage with the parking
                                                                                                                                                             A. If the vehicle has a trunk light — Use a                               lights turned OFF, this is the (+)
                                                                                                                                                                VOM meter to locate a wire which shows                                 parking light wire.
                                                                                                                                         Grar                   ground with the trunk open, and which is
                                                                       Factory door                      Factory switching               {—) to lock,           not ground with the trunk closed. Mount a
                                                                       lock actuators                    relay                           500mA mox.             pin switch in the hood. Connect as shown
                                                                                                                                                                in fig. 5. Don‘t forget the diode.                             Fig. 7 — Flashing parking lights
Fig. 10 (power door lock/unlock                                        Fig. 12 (power door lock/unlock
outputs) — Negative relay switching to                                 outputs) — Positive reversal switching to                                                                                                               Positive single—circuit parking lights
factory actuators                                                      factory actuators                                                                     Fig. 4 — Connecting neg. door triggers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               > ORANGE
                                 C                                                                                                                                             +1MDC                             r—0
                                                                         Must add fuse                                                                   T                                      Domelight        Door     ==   —<€ ORANGE
     Faciory lock/             ols                                       {15A for 2 doors,                    BR'OWF: 1                   crar                                                                   switch
     unlock switch
                                                                         30A for 4 doors)                     {—] to unlack,                                      Alarm BLUE wire {neg. door tngger input)
                                                <BROWN                                                       500mA mox.                   {J} to lock,
                                                   {;) to unlock,                                                                         500mA mox,
                 Unlock wire

                                   Lock wire

                                                   500mA max
                                                                                                                                                             Fig. 5 — Connecting to trunk light &
                                                  +12VDC constant      +12/DC                                                                                hood pin switch            Hood/trunk switch
                                                  output, 500mA max.                                                                                                 +120¢
                                                   {+} to lock,
                                                                                                                                                                  Alarm BLUE/AWHITE wire {neg.
                                                   500mA max.                                                                                                     hood/trunk trigger input)
Factory door                   Factory switching                                                                                 n                                                                H       —                    Dual—circuit parking lights
lock actuators                 relay                                                                                         N                                               aod pin switch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2x 30A heavy—                       yz
                                                                                                               Unlock                                         .                          .                                                duty relays
                                                                                                                     nlock wire                              Fig. 6 — Connecting to trunk & hood
                                                                                                                                     x                       pin switches                     Trunk pin switch                 —>— ORANGE
                                                                                                                         tock wire                                                                                   —=        —CORANGE
                                                                       Factory door                                                       Factory door            Alarm BLUE/WHITE wire {neg.
                                                                       tock actuators                                                     lock switch             hood/irunk irigger input)      _4 pin switch

Page 10                                                                                                  SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.                                                                                                                                         Page 7

ENFORCER 100F \nstalliation Manual                                                                                                                      ENFORCER 100F Instaliation Manual
    [2) Negotive {—) parking light system — If a     9. 10—wire connector, WHITE WIRE (to                     D. Connect the WHITE WIRE and the two                   12. Connector 4 (3—pin connector)
       wire goes to ground when the parking              starter disable}, figs. 8a and 8b                       halves of the cut starter solenoid wire to               GRAY WIRE (ground output to lock}
        lights are turned ON, but shows no                                                                       the relay as shown in fig. 8a. Don‘t forget              RED WIRE (+12VDC output)
        ground with the parking lights turned        Connect to an optional 30A relay to prevent                 the diode.                                               BROWN WIRE {ground output to
        OFF, this is the {—) parking light wire.     the car from starting when the alarm is armed.                                                                       unlock)
    (3) NOTE:                                                                                                 E. if the engine still starts, connect terminal 86 to       Figs. 10 to 16
        a. Most vehicles have (+) parking light      A.. Locate the starter solenoid wire (carries power         a wire which shows +12VDC when the engine
           systems. A few (mainly Japanese)              from the ignition switch to the starter solenoid).       is both starting and running (fig. 8b}.             These 3 wires allow the alarm to control the
          have {—) parking light systems (the (—)       This wire must show +12VDC only when the                                                                      power door lock/unlock systems of most
          signal usually friggers a relay to send       ignition is in the start position.                    10. 2—pin RED connector, PLUG—IN LED,                   vehicles without external relays. However, one
          +12VDC to the parking lights).                                                                          fig. 9                                              or two relays may be required in some cases.
       b. If the voltage on the (+) or (—)           8. Cut the starter solenoid wire.
          parking light wire varies when you                                                                  A. Determine where to mount — The LED                   The alarm has a built—in timer which is pre—set
          dim or brighten the interior lights,       C. Test the starter solenoid wire as follows:               should be easily seen by potential thieves           for 0.4 seconds.
           then this is not the correct wire.           {1}. If the wire is cut before the engine is              and vandals. However, do NOT mount
                                                             started, the engine should not fturn over.           where the LED is easily exposed to                  Types of door lock/unlock systems — At the
B. Connect the fused ORANGE WIRE:                       {2) If the wire is cut while the engine is                sunlight. Discuss the location with the             time this manual was completed, there were
   {1) Positive (+] parking light system —                   running, it should not affect the                    customer before mounting,                           seven common types of power door lock/
       Connect the fused ORANGE WIRE                         engine‘s operation.                                                                                      unlock systems in use:
       directly to a source of unswitched                                                                     B. Drill a 3/8" hole in the LED location.
        +1 2VDC at the fuse box.                                                                                                                                      A.. Negative relay switching to factory actuators ——
    (2) Negative (—) parking light system —                                                                   C. Run the LED connector through the hole,                  The factory door lock switch has 3 wires.
                                                     Fig. 8a — Connect to starter disable
        Connectthe fused ORANGE WIRE                                                                             and then plug into the alarm brain.                      One wire always shows ground. The LOCK
        directly to a solid chassis ground.                                                                                                                               WIRE becomes ground when the door is
                                                                                                              IMPORTANT — DO NOT CONNECT THE                              locked, and sends a pulse to a factory relay to
                                                                                         To alarm white
C. Connect the non—fused ORANGE WIRE:                                                    starter disable      LED DIRECTLY TO THE CAR‘S BATTERY, OR                       lock the doors. The UNLOCK WIRE
   {1) Single—wire parking light systens —                                               output wire          IT WILL BURN OUT.                                           becomes ground when the door is
       Most vehicles have a single circuit which                                                                                                                          unlocked, and sends a pulse to a factory
       contrals all parking lights. In this case,                                                             11. 2—pin WHITE connector, PLUG—IN VET                      relay to unlock the doors. Most Japanese
        connedt the non—fused ORANGE WIRE to                                                                       BUTTON (push—button), fig. 9                           cars use this system. THIS IS THE MOST
        the (+) or (—) parking light wire.               Ignition                                                                                                         COMMON TYPE OF POWER DOOR LOCK
    (2) Dual—wire parking light systems — A few          switch AP7                   zy solencid             A. Determine where to mount— Location is not                SYSTEM. See fig. 10.
       vehicles (mainly European} have                                                                           important for security, as the VET switch
       separate circuits for parking lights for                                                                  cannot be used without the ignition key. It          B.— Positive relay switching to factory actuators
       the vehicle‘s right and left sides. in this                                                                should be hidden from view, yet easily                  — The factory door lock switch has 3
        case, connect the non—fused ORANGE                                                                        accessible by the user in an emergency. IT              wires, One wire always shows +12VDC.
       WIRE to two relays, each of which feeds                                                                    1 IMPORTANT THE USER EASILY                             The LOCK WIRE becomes +12VDC when
        power to the two separate circuits.                                                                       REMEMBERS THE BUTTON‘S LOCATION.

D. NOTE — This alarm features Dual Power                                                  To alarm white      B. Drill a 9/32" hole where the VET switch will
   Protection (DPP}. Under DPF, when you                                                  starter disable        be mounted.                                          Fig. 9 — LED and VET switch
   connect the fused ORANGE WIRE to + 1 2V,                                               ovtput wire
                                                                                                                                                                       /RED 2—pin connector
   it serves as a second power source for the                                                                 C.. Run the VET switch connector through the                 _——WHITE 2—pin connector
    alarm brain in case the fused RED WIRE is                                                                     hole, and then plug into the alarm brain.
    cut by thieves or vandals. Therefore,
    connect the fused ORANGE WIRE to a
                                                                                            Starter                                                                               BLACK ~—                    NEPLe® switch
    separate source of +12VDC from the                  Ignition
                                                         2                                  solenoid
    fused RED WIRE,                                     switch @f

Page 8                                                                  SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.

ENFORCER 100F Owner‘s Manual

                                                                                                             OWNER‘S MANUAL
A. 1 chirp — When valet mode is                E. 3 chirps/flashes —When pressing
   successfully entered.                            fransmitter button #1 to arm the alarm,
                                                    indicates the alarm arms even though it is
B. 1 chirp/flash:                                   not set properly (door not closed, or

   * When transmilter button #1 is pressed,         broken switch, or domelight is still ON, see
      the alarm is armed.                           ZONE BYPASS on page 5).
   * When a door is closed, the alarm will
      arm in 30 sec. (passive arming).         F4 flashes — When transmitter button #1
   * 30 sec. after ignition switch is turned        is pressed, indicates alarm in valet.
      OFF and all doors are closed (or 30

      seconds after delayed domelights turn    G. 5 chirps/flashes — Pre—intrusion warns
      OFF}, the alarm is armed {passive             potential thieves or vandals who trigger the
      arming with switch sensing}.                  first stage of a dual—stage sensor that your
                                                    car is protected by an alarm.
C. 2 chirps —When valet mode is
   successfully exited.                        H. 7 flashes — When the alarm is disarmed,                                          Remote Controlled
D. 2 chirps/flashes —When transmitter
                                                    indicates the alarm was triggered while
                                                    you were away.
                                                                                                                               Vehicle Security System
   button #1 is pressed, the alarm is
   disarmed.                                   NOTE — The chirps for arm, disarm, pre—
                                               intrusion, zone bypass, and valet can be
                                               deleted (see CHIRP DELETE, page 6).

A. Arming indicator — Flashes quickly          E. One—time override of passive
   during the 30—second rearm or passive          arming — Steady ON after VET button is
   arming countdown.                                pressed once.

B. Door open indicator — OFF when a            F.   RF reception indicator — ON while
   hardwired door is opened during the 30—          transmitter button is pressed.
   second rearm or passive arming
   countdown.                                  G. Valet mode indicator — Flashes slowly if
                                                    the ignition switch is turned OFF {no flash
C. Armed indicator — Flashes when the               if ignition is ON).
   alarm is armed.

D. Disarmed indicator — OFF when the
   alarm is disarmed.                                                                              SLT
                                                                                                   SECO—LARM® U.S.A., INC.
                                                                                                   17811 Sky Park Circle
                                                                                                   Suite D & E
                                                                                                   Irvine, California 92614

Page 8                                                            SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.           m virioommnunsworr resaucrons
                                                                                                   oaotemmere reo.aenyary

    ENFORCER 100F Owner‘s Manual                                                                                                                             ENFORCER 100F Owner‘s Manual
    rarrponommcosummaens                                                                                                                                    Emm
    From the moment you purchased this ENFORCER Vehicle Security System, you became a part of the
    SECO—LARM family. You started taking advantage of over 27 years of advanced engineering. You
                                                                                                                                                            POWER DOOR LOCKS
    joined a team of engineers, technicians, designers, and people like yourself who know how                                                               With this optional feature, your alarm can         Your alarm also has ignition—controlled
    important profecting your car is. You discovered the SECO—LARM difference                                                                               automatically lock the doors when armed and        operation. The doors automatically lock
    This difference is important because the ENFORCER is more than just an alarm.. it is a complete                                                         unlock the doors when disarmed. The doors          when you turn the ignition ON, and unlock
    security and convenience system. t is like having your personal security guard and butler on call in                                                    lock and unlock any time transmitter bution #1     when you turn the ignition OFF.
    your car, 24 hours a day.                                                                                                                               is pressed. For extra security, they lock
    Keep in mind that the best security systems will not work properly without careful installation.                                                        automatically if the alarm is triggered.           NOTE — Under pasive arming, the doors
    Therefore, the ENFORCER is designed for installation by your professional SECO—LARM dealer. He                                                          {Exception — See EMERGENCY CALL FOR                automatically lock after the 30—second exit
    understands both his alarms and your needs, and will work hard to ensure the ENFORCER does its
                                                                                                                                                            HELR page 5.)                                      delay is over and the alarm arms.
    job for you. Welcome to the family: SECO—LARM, your dealer, and you!
    This ENFORCER security system contains many innovative features and unique functions. Please
    read this Owners Manual carefully in order to understand all of this alarm‘s security and
                                                                                                                                                            DUAL—STAGE SHOCK SENSOR
    convenience features. Some features may require the addition of sensors or accessories not                                                              Your alarm includes a patented dual—stage          with sufficient force, the alarm will trigger.
    included with this alarm. Please consult your professional SECO—LARM dealer.                                                                            shock sensor.                                      {Your dealer can make the shock sensor more
    NOTICE                                                                                                                                                                                                     or less sensitive to aftack, depending on your
    The information and specifications printed in this manual are current at the time of publication                                                        The first stage (pre—intrusion alert) warns        vehicle.)
    However, the SECO—LARM policy is one of continual development and improvement. For this                                                                 thieves the alarm is armed. For instance, the
    reason, SECO—LARM reserves the right to change specifications without notice. SECO—LARM is also                                                         alarm will chirp and parking lights flash five     Note that the shock sensor will not be ready
    not responsible for misprints or typographical errors.                                                                                                  times if the sensor detects a light bump to the    to trigger the alarm until four seconds after
    Copyright © 1998 SECO—LARM® U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be                                                                  vehicle. However, if the thief attacks the car     the alarm is armed.
    reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the writien permission of SECO—LARM. This
    vehicle security system is protected by patents in the U.S.A., Great Britain, Germany, Hungary,
    Taiwan, China, Japan, and Korea. Other U.S.A. and international patents are pending.
                                                                                                                                                            OTHER FEATURES
    This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device,                                                        * Starter disable — With this optional               button #2 are switched in the second car.
    pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
    against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
                                                                                                                                                              feature, while your alarm is armed, your car       {Optional — ask your dealer.}
    radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may                                                     will not start, even if a thief has your keys.
    cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that                                                                                                                    * Patented Stay—Safe Disarm‘"" — Any time
    interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful                                                          * Tamper indicator — If your alarm was               your alarm is triggered (the siren is
    interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off                                                       triggered when you were away, the siren will       sounding and the parking lights are
    and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of mare of the following                                                         chirp two times and the parking lights flash       flashing}, press transmitter button #1 once
    measures:                                                                                                                                                 seven times when you disarm your alarm.            to shut the siren and flashing parking lights
    * Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.                                                                                                             This memory is automatically cancelled when        OFF while the alarm stays completely
    * Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.                                                                                             you turn the ignition switch ON.                   armed.
    * Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
    * Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
                                                                                                                                                            * 2nd car operation — With this feature,           * Dual—power protection (DPP"") — Helps
                                                                                                                                                              your transmitters can control alarms in two        keep your alarm powered even if a thief
    This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for a class B computing device, pursuant
                                                                                                                                                              cars. Operation for both cars is the same,         cuts the alarm‘s main power line.
    to FCC Rules. In order to maintain compliance with FCC regulations, shielded cables must be used
    with this equipment. Operation with non—approved equipment or unshielded cables is likely to result                                                       except that the functions of button #1 and         {Optional — ask your dealer.)
    in interference to radio and TV reception. The user is cautioned that changes and modifications
|   made to the equipment without the approval of manufacturer could void the user‘s authority to
    operate this equipment.                                                                                                                                 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES

                                                                                                                                                            Spare transmitter SK—919TD2A — Get one             Your dealer has a wide variety of other
    This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is
    subject to the fallowing wo conditions: {1} This device may
                                                                                          This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is
                                                                                          subject to the following two conditians: {1} This device may
                                                                                                                                                            for everyone who drives your car (2 included       genuine SECO—LARM accessories, including,
    not eause harmful interference, and (2) this device must                              not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must          with alarm}. To order a spare transmitter          pagers, microwave sensors, glass break
    accept any interference that may be received, including                               accept any interference that may be received, including           reference the above model number.                  sensors, immobilizers, and much more.
    interlerence that may cause undesired operation.                                      interference that may cause undesired operation.
    Notice: the changes or modifcations nat expressly approved by the portyresponsible for complince could vaid the user‘s authoity t operate tequipment.

    Page 2                                                                                                     SECO—LARM U.S.A., Inc.                                                                                                                Page 7

ENFORCER 100F Owner‘s Manual                                                                                                                          ENFORCER 100F Owner‘s Manual
ooo                                                                                                     opprmmrrmmrrrmmmmrmyrrmymmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmansmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmanmemmmnmmmmmmnnmmmmmmmmmmnnd
VALET                                                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS
Sometimes you may not wish your alarm to           and release the VET button once. The siren           Transmitter Functions                            3     Chirp Delete (Silent arm/disarm) .
arm when you leave your vehicle. (For              chirps twice to confirm valet is exited and that     Total Protection ........                        3    Power Door LOGks ....................
instance, if you leave your car with a valet       the alarm is now disarmed.
                                                                                                        Arming .                                         4    Dual—stage Shock Sensor
attendant, you may not want to teach him
how the alarm operates.}. If your alarm is         While your alarm is in valet, the LED flashes        Armed ..                                         5    Other Features ..............           .
set for active (manual) arming, this is easy —     slowly when the ignition switch is OFF so thieves    Zone Bypass ..                                   5    Optional Accessories ........
don‘t press button #1, and the alarm will not      think the alarm is armed. It does not flash when     Disarming ..                                     5    Appendix 1 — Understanding the
arm. However, if your alarm is set to arm          the ignition switch is ON. If you press              Emergency Call for Help (Panic)                  5      Siren Chirps & Light Flashes .........           8
passively, use the valet mode to prevent it        transmitter button #1 while the alarm is in valet,   VaI@t ......cccccecels.                          6    Appendix 2 — Understanding the
from arming.                                       the doors will lock or unlock, and the parking
                                                                                                        Emergency Disarm .                               6      LED flashes .............clllll.
                                                   lights will flash four times. The atarm‘s
To enter valet, first disarm the alarm, turn the   emergency call for help (panic) operates
ignition ON, and press and release the VET         normally.
button once. The alarm is now in the valet
mode. The siren chirps once to confirm.            NOTE —— If you trigger the alarm by doing
                                                   emergency call for help (panic) while the alarm
                                                                                                        TRANSMITTER FUNCTIONS
To exit valet, turn the ignition ON, then press    is in valet, the alarm will exit valet.              1. Press transmitter button #1 to:
                                                                                                           ® Arm and disarm the alarm.
                                                                                                           ® Turn the siren ON {and shut it OFF) in
EMERGENCY DISARM                                                                                                an emergency.
If you lose your fransmitter, you can disarm       NOTE — If you use emergency                              ®   Lock/unlock power door locks.
your alarm with the ignition key and "VET"         disarm, just turn the ignition OFF and                   ®   Bypass an open zone.
button. While your alarm is either armed or        close the doors when you leave your car, and
triggered, turn the ignition switch ON, then       the alarm arms automatically. Next time you          2. Press transmitter button #2 to:
press and release the VET button once. The         open a door, you will have 10 seconds of quiet          ® Silently arm or disarm the alarm.
siren and the flashing lights stop, and the        to turn the ignition switch ON and press the VET        ®    Operate 2nd vehicle.
alarm is disarmed. (Ask your dealer where          button to disarm the alarm. This feature is
the VET button is hidden.)                         cancelled next fime you use your fransmitter to      These features and functions are explained in
                                                   arm or disarm your alarm.                            this Owner‘s Manual.

CHIRP DELETE (Silent arm/disarm)
                                                                                                        TOTAL PROTECTION
There are times, especially at night, when
you may not want to hear the siren chirps.                                                              While your alarm is armed, your car is                  being started.
There are 2 ways to delete chirps:                                                                      protected in the following ways:                      ® if the shock sensor detects light taps on the
                                                                                                        @ Potential thieves or vandals will be                  car, it will trigger the pre—intrusion alert
A. One—time delete — Just press button                                                                      deterred by the flashing LED.                       (the siren chirps five times and the parking
   #2 any time before you need the chirps                                                               ®   If a thief opens a door,the alarm                   lights flash five times) to warn potential
   deleted. For instance, press button #2                                                                   immediately sounds the siren and flashes            thieves and vandals. However, if it detects
    before you press button #1 to arm or               program your alarm to delete the chirps              the parking lights for 30 seconds. If the             a strong shock to the car, such as shock
   disarm the atarm, and the chirps will not          on a permanent basis.                                 opened dooris not closed and current                  caused by prying the trunk open, it will
   sound, but the parking lights will still                                                                 sensing has not been selected, the siren              trigger the alarm for 30 seconds. (See
   flash. The chirps are restored the next         NOTE — Either method deletes the arm,                    and lights will trigger up to four 30—second          DUAL—STAGE SHOCK SENSOR, page 7}
   time you press a transmitter button.            disarm, pre—intrusion, zone bypass, and valet            cycles, after which the alarm will rearm.         ® Optional SECO—LARM shock, motion,
                                                   chirps. However, it does not affect the flashing     ® Turning the ignition key ON will trigger the          glass—break, and microwave sensors will
B. Permanent delete — Your dealer can              parking lights.                                        alarm for 30 seconds.                                   offer your alarm additional protection. Ask
                                                                                                        ® The starter disable prevents the car from               your SECO—LARM dealer.

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ENFORCER 100F Owner‘s Manual                                                                                                                        ENFORCER 100F Owner‘s Manual

ARMING                                                                                                ARMED
                                                                                                      When the 30—sec. arming countdown ends, or          flash once, and the LED starts flashing
There are two different ways to arm your               If you close the last open door, and the       when transmitter button #1 is pressed to arm        to show the alarm is armed.
alarm. Tell your dealer which is best for you:        siren does not chirp and parking lights do      the alarm, the siren chirps and parking lights
                                                      not flash, you know that one or more
O Active Arming                                       openings are not closed properly. This is
                                                      SECO—LARM‘s patented Quick and Quiet            ZONE BYPASS
   Turn your ignition OFF.                            Testing {Q.Q.1.""}, and it prevents you from
                                                                                                      When you press button #1 to arm the alarm,             open, or because its pin switch is broken}.
   Close all the doors.                               thinking your alarm is armed whenit may not
                                                                                                      and the alarm responds with three chirps and           If the bypassed door is later closed, it will
   Then press transmitter                             be. In this case, doubte—check that all the
                                                                                                      three light flashes, there are two possibilifies:      be restored (no siren chirp or light flash).
   button #1. If the siren                            doors, as well as the hood and trunk, are
   chirps and parking                                 closed properly, and that your vehicle‘s
                                                                                                      A. Delayed domelights — If your domelights          If your alarm indicates a bypassed zone, find
   lights flash once, the                             domelights are OFF. If you cannot locate
                                                                                                         do not immediately turn OFF when you             the cause as soon as possible to ensure your
   alarm is fully armed.                              the problem, but need to arm the alarm,
                                                                                                          close your car door {in other wards, your       vehicle is completely protected. For instance,
                                                      then press button #1 to immediately arm
                                                      the alarm and bypass whatever zone is
                                                                                                          vehicle has delayed domelights}, this is        if your driver‘s door is not properly closed
   If the siren chirps and parking lights flash
                                                                                                          normal. The alarm should protectall the         when you arm your alarm, a thief may be able
   three times, the alarm is either waiting for       open (see ZONE BYPASS, page 5).
                                                                                                          openings once the domelights go OFF             to open any door without sefting off the alarm.
   the vehicle‘s delayed dornelights to turn
                                                    Q One—Time Override of Passive Arming                                                                 NOTE ~— The three zone bypass confirm
   OFF {if your vehicle is so equipped}, or it is
                                                                                                      B. A zone was bypassed — In other words,            chirps will not sound if chirp delete is
   telling you that one of the alarm‘s zones (a
                                                                                                          the alarm has armed, but a hardwired            engaged. However, the parking lights will still
   door, or the hood ortrunk} is either open           This function can prevent the alarm from
                                                       arming one time if it is programmed for
                                                                                                          door is not protected {either becauseit is      flash three times. See CHIRP DELETE, page 6.
   or is not functioning properly (see ZONE
   BYPASS, page 5). Also, check to make                passive arming. This is useful for leaving
   sure your car‘s domelight switch was not            the car for a short period of time such as a   DISARMING
   accidentally left on.                               stop at a gas station and you have friends
                                                       that are going to wait in the car. To          To disarm the alarm, press button #1. The                  alarm automatically
Q Passive Arming                                       operate, turn OFF the ignition and press       siren chirps twice, the parking lights flash               rearms in 30 sec.
                                                       the VET button once before opening any         twice, and the LED turns OFF. What happens                 Once rearmed, the
   Turn the ignition OFF, and open a door to           door (the LED will then turn steady on until   next depends on how your alarm is set (ask                 siren chirps and the
   exit the car. When the last door is closed          the ignifion is turned on or fransmitter       your dealer}:                                              parking lights flash one
   {and the domelight turns OFF, if your car           button is pressed). If you change your         Q Alarm set for active arming:                             fime, and the LED starts flashing.
   has delayed domelights), the siren chirps           mind and wish to leave the car for an              The alarm is now completely disarmed.
   and the parking lights flash once. The LED          extended time, press transmitter button #1     O Alarm set for passive arming:                     NOTE —— If passive arming is selected, the LED
    now flashes quickly during the 30—second           to arm the alarm. The one—time override            A. A 30—second automatic rearming               flashes quickly from the time transmitter button
   arming countdown, after which the siren             feature is automatically disengaged once              period begins.                               #1 is pressed to disarm the alarm until the
   chirps and parking lights flash once more           the ignition is turned on.                         B. Open a door and turn the ignition ON         alarm is either completely disarmed or it
   to contfirm the alarm is completely armed.                                                                before the rearming period expires to        rearms. The LED turns OFF while a door is
                                                    NOTE — Under passive arming, you can force               completely disarm the alarm.                 open {if connected to door switch).
    If you wish, you can open a door during         your alarm to arm immediately any time                C. If you do not turn the ignition ON, the
   the 30—second arming countdown, and              during the 30—second arming countdown by
    keep it open for as long as needed. The
    LED turns OFF while the dloor is opened.
                                                    pressing fransmitter button #1.
                                                                                                      EMERGENCY CALL FOR HELP (PANIC)
   When finished, once again close the last         NOTE — There are references to opening
                                                                                                      To trigger the alarm in an emergency {armed         Regardless of whether the
    door, and thesiren will chirp and parking       or closing a door throughout this manual.
                                                                                                      or disarmed), press and hold transmitter            alarm was armed or
    lights flash once to show the 30—second         "Door" also includes your hood and trunk,
                                                                                                      button #1 for 3 seconds. The siren sounds           disarmed when panic was
    arming countdown has started again. The         if they are protected. Ask your dealer.
                                                                                                      and the parking lights flash for about 30           activated, the alarm will
    LED will also begin to flash quickly.
                                                                                                      seconds. Stop the siren and the parking lights      disarm and doors will unlock (if remote
                                                                                                      any time by pressing button #1 again.               controlled door locks are connected) when
                                                                                                                                                          panic is activated.

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Document Created: 2001-06-13 07:37:25
Document Modified: 2001-06-13 07:37:25

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