User Manual

FCC ID: K44499200

Users Manual

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KENWOOD                                                        masoom e            i2bimeermmmmm—————————————_———
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                          NX—5000 series                                                                    Po                                                         + anioss Mouninn: Th annn auoled ty ha manfactve ol dal most net e mouniata            mems iemineoennomin          prane es uns ecienconnne io aoametard
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          oome    en teoratone ho ae
                          NX—3000 series                                                                                                                               + Tecmalywincurent O19ED AF Exponre ns taniana mus ho ntafoatorscnndag
                                                                                                                                                                         themnimm l dizarce shoun abore.and n accoterc wie mauramatcraie anarra
                         TK—D740 TK—D840                                                                                                                                 manitactumeornunpir                                                                      JarowGun towtareny
                                                                                                                surruen accessonies                                    + Weingalatan: Thearinnacan be moured at h cenert avels maal motor tunk 8. tite        mmuccine
                         VM5000 series                                             Caruy inpat e vanitar W mcummand atyou iuriy tme n e owing n tfow
                                                                                                                                                                         rinimin atediance i nzned
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                         USER GUIDE                                                w h canl nnadany                                                                                                                                                           Ibonatt lomn un enen ons ameny maoce
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                                                                                   Iememmue                                                                            deaerartha marsituni urter nowetons                                                    ‘eameneno7       0 1200 nsm 28— oomea sns anconnen            esn onen tirnrurme
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                                                                                   |otas 1o mm astiaoong scrun                                                         Nou as e quiiad antusrt ie adl en mus comvl h omm contreof yrardarsts                  antui n bmeryastion neederninr
This User guide covers only the basic operations of your                           Ece                                                                                 nsl ha mninim anpaaioncsancefalebalou) s uied tewosn to antrna and eaty                    Te  n rovatory sint ends
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Imonenonen           satenrce we enc       ewt m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       neurdnn        s   orsoent eteannanTrem a rownran
radio. For using details instructon manual, refer to the                           Enomermmerm                                                                         parronforaatotyng Rf Enanum conpharce. Thopuntona ie ravoniar ut it te                     M t m analet mVne ncncooao e tonl
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                                                                                   leaing cour                                                                                                                                                                  Memmntces
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                                                                                                         Do                                                              reemna                                                                                  murive

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              onons           mermmne mmsyb einnd e            menmenmee
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anytamconsr                                                                          ainatiene      Onssm                                                              Te daves condlas wnInfuay Ceswurnt PoS runtadD. Greaien s mhpetie                      Grnintsatemcn
                                                                                                                                                                       Ailsing wo condten: (0 e darea may rt caize marlarcn, and ) the daven moat accunt an   qoi omnnoccsbgore
                                                                                                                                                                       inateri.incucina natanncetit y caus unduind opemton h doven                            Gantein 208
+ siecouve atuosr sunes canses, ovst ruues, «e)                                    reoverncoms       Doom                                                              ansmoriesmoseted                                                                       w
  ThOFF vourtanseabarwhia lng on on orwhia arad n gesoln saven atans. Do not                                                                                                                                                                                  cenvar100 onmuin Enmmam Asrormoves
  cary ssam filconalras n h wanayour ol yourbanicana i mouriad n tuen
                                                                                                                                                                       surruens seciantmon or conrominy                                                       Travcvais n oned st utea sn m orin arary
+ mury rrow moro rneavsvermatsmssions                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Inre mon e e aaten t oitay dn arary on nunc ce
                                                                                                                                                                       «rorng 2 ort Canstinc Infomatn                                                         Fergetes saaottanormi encn
  Ob nat se anyountranunar unan iabosy i athar andeg naart ortwctngtte aniata to
  wl porlty t d Faquercy bum o eland ryacanjo                                                                                                                          Td nane:Ke00000                                                                        memsiemineoennomin              prane es uns ecienconnne io aoametard
+ onmire susricoirs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1. Tmoran
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  Oaaing ha ranseonaranieson o(to0 moftymanta Nasteg case may uei                      \1CP
                                                                                          iess                                                                         Masa18so0n awre,000 ie Viionauto Ti ora c ticooso                                                  in se n e onpermeenmaomer                                   onan
  wlote n OR yourranscnvarwhan in an aea wharelatng in mograms, uts TUBN                                                                                               Rasronsle pary.NCKENTH000 USA Gomoraln tero Coomta . wTc rsose                         2. Anmadansnmsamom nt uah nana a t an mortenensnmanta arpnecronanctas
  ore ToRabloagrehave tasporc. fyou an vaniprin atng case h your                                                                                                       Tolastone uiooraarearce                                                                8. Ties ns e t unoatoraronttonan mucedancon
  llcls malasum ty n¥ canid n a coad morwina paddad imaroc oo nt avomee              D0 iX Inenos                    Seoner
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                                                                                                                                                                       TT darea y netcauze harni nariracnand )e coven ut ut arynrbrance meotad
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                                    erecaumions                                    Praes 0 1aach t vamicsvsron
                                                                                   Pss 0) Tasuino svtch o vanmanerore
ons tfobarng mmceitont pmantfre, paioalinun and rancanerdanage
+ 0o net anant i confgue ttranianrwl ding: ts o dangrous                           ADJUSTING THE voLume
                                                                                   Fress ho Nslime Unhy io nesase h voine.Proe h (Youme Down y o decnase te ue         "53 M Q@Bluetooth
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  o netsipom h ranscovart onpatod f nc aunigh.ror ace k norhastn alaress           SELECTING A ZONE AND CHANNEL
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  Itaasnornalotoror nc s td coning on th ramcata autch h ransconarpowa t           Un) (ChamalOownl                                                                    tas ofaich manl ty NC KENMFG0O Goontoni undarlease. Oiartadamad vade nanae an
  innodiant, and conct urRRWOGD donie                                                                                                                                  bossottiae mapectio ouare
  Uimet h ranscuar utyou n tving may b naiattate lave. Ploam ctuckand chsan e      TRANSMI'ITINE
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  o na puttaniaate twed fosactig oftie anvomantonths lc wicheachusa amalchigs        + itctannal binpwaunlttoconss too
  hand Ieail Become acaus oatfcato ewean ty                                        a Pis tTT such and apeat o h mimphone. Alase h PTT avich t meabe
  o netplceta vranseonaron unsutlo articos                                           + for mt avnd uit hld t vaniaveranposinay
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  Abvays utd thovansaner ounrof taoe ningontoraaccomotne
«To iasonofbuei banany e are t complwtfaveand rgulatone in yorcounty or maln       RECEIVING
                                                                                   Subettedadn aono an tannal i agrain ha hn pmgranimed on e adctodc nc you t
    Travaricaveropaane i 12¥ noutio mrund ym onOhack tbame polatyand
                                                                                   haar it ony t rmcuvat agnl nthasyor vanscoter uts
                                                                                   Arceing Gous Galls (Digtat
    volaoeotie whcl ebre nauling e vavccavar                                       Yanyaumss agrouncac a Gomartonalchanatand e meabed goupD machos t Dstup
+   m any tasnlnd 00 rownrcall o a REMWOOD otona 00 powercate                      onyai vansoior t can Noancaleevoen
+   96 netei andarrarows h ue badar nthe 5povercatle                               Whanyoumt aratpcan a Tuning ctartal h vanscoler avimatcay sutchs ote
+   O natplcoma mvastoneeala ind yorace ul neamactinoy that mcach t catle          conmineaioncatnd o meane tcat
+   YWhan rolaang h fom in h 50pavarcatls be sum tulace Aviha um ofte umvave       Arceing ncivcual Gall (Oigtal
    Hav ape im ita fastat h hatorvaln
                                                                                   Vionyou zols anintviialetaen onul un at h catrs 1i apoa ontdogy To
                                                                                   masord t tcat, ons andhold h PMauich and spo o ttanscoma s youwoulddurnga

Document Created: 2019-04-05 06:15:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-05 06:15:36

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