SAR attachment C


RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of                                                             Sehmaizerschar Kaibrtenst
Schmid & Partner                                                                      Servce suiie itonage
  Engineering AG                                                                      Senvio stezre ditanturs
Zovghausetasse 44004 Rarch Suizenind                                                  Suiss GatiratonSevice

Acnsta ty e Sss Foges Gfe t WetelogandAenctaton                       Accraion No: SCS 108
Te Suiss ceredtaton Serice s oneofhe signtories to h EA
Mublaten Agromant fo th ecoantion o cattrtoncorcates
cien      (6CS                                                        cwineaine: EX3—3552.Mards
 Oves                         Exspv«—shasse

 Cxitaten pecessets           on cacorys, on cart2iangon catant
                              Calibration procedure for dosimetri E—feld probes

 Caitaton ce                  March 18, 2005
 Conttonat h catvaieston      TA Tol@rance

 Ti caipaton cunten document ie cesbity t ratonastandais uic eats m pyseal uns of menssononts 60
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 Abcattvatons have bean contete in e coses atontay octy eniorment anprahee Z2 37Gand humiay«T0%.
 CaitatonEavenentd NMATE entealfrcaivaton)
 PimaySindurts                CS                 st(Caibotes o Contcau o)                Stresies Cotaton
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Corifeate No: Exs.3582marts                        Page 1 of 10

Calibration Laboratory of                                                      Sevatzevsche Kaibirsanst
Schmid & Partner                                                               Servce use atinonnage
  Engineering AG                                                               Servio nszaltaturs
ioughivstranse 43 6004 zarch, Sutserans                                        Suiss Catiraton Senvce
Accusta b te Snis Fdeifc t Msolayand Accrestton                             Accredtatono: SCS 108
The Suiss Acrodtation Servn s oneofthesignstores o te EA
Mitistr Aprcement o ho reagntion ocaltratoncertstes

TSL                     tissue simulating liqguid
NORMcy.z                sensitivly in free space
ConF                    sensitiviy in TSL /NORMxy.z
por                     diode compression point
Polarization 0          o rotation around probe axis
Polarization 8          8 rotation around an axis thatis in the plane normal to probe axis (at
                        measurement center), .. 9 = 0 is normal to probe axis
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2003, ‘IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining         the Peak Spatial—
         Averaged SpecifAbsorption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless
         Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", December 2003
    6)   CENELEC EN 50361, "Basic standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption Rate
         related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz — 3
         GHz), July 2001
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
     NORMxy,z: Assessed for E—feld polarization 8 = 0 (f< 900 MHiz in TENM—call £> 1800 MHz:
     R22 wavequide). NORMxy,z are only intermediate values, Le., the uncertainties of
         NORMxy,z does not effect the E——fild uncertainty inside TSL (see below Cony).
         NORM(Mxy.z = NORMxyz * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This
         Iinearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
         the frequency response is included in the stated uncertainty of Conv®
         DCPxy,z: DCP are numerical Inearization parameters assessed based on the data of
         power sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media,
         ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—feld (or
         Temperature Transfer Standard forf< 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analyticalfeld
         distributions based on power measurements for f> 800 MHz. The same setups are used for
         assessment ofthe parameters applied for boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which
         typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are used in DASY4 software to
         improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitiity in TSL corresponds to
         NORMcy,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A
         frequency dependent Convis used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows
         extending the valtity from + 50 MHz to + 100 Meiz.
         Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy);in a feld oflow gradients realized using a
         flat phantom exposed by a patch antenna
         Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center
         from the probe tip (on probe axis). No tolerance required

Corifeate No: £x5—3552Mas                          Page 0t to

  ExsoVs sN:35s2                                                   March 19, 2005

               Probe EX3DV4
                       Manufactured:               November 7, 2004
                       Calibrated:                 March 19, 2005

                           Calibrated for DASY Systems
                            (Note:non—compatble win OASY2 ystem)

Cenifeat No: 23002 s                 Page ot 10

   ExspVs sN:3552                                                              March 19, 2005

   DASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 SN:3552

   Sensitivity in Free Space®                                         Diode Compression®
           Normx                o4 s r01%..       ViVim)®         por x        s2 my
           Norm¥                030 £101%.        pViVim)®        pcpy         82 mV
           Normz                ns s 10%..        pViVim)®        borz         s2my

   Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
   Please see Page 6.

   Boundary Effect
   Ts                    900 Mite   Typieal SAR gradient: 5% per mm

           Sensor Conter to Phantam Surtce Distance               20 mm 30 mm
           sans )          Wihout Corecton Algorthm                 s1    ie
           SaRs i)         Wih Correcton Algorthm                   o2    o4

   Ts                   1750 Mite   Typical SAR gradient10 % per mm

           Sensor Cante to Phantam Surtace Distance               20 mm 30 mm
           sars i)        Wihout Corecton Algorthm                  «s   2e
           SA )           With Corecton Algorthm                    110  os

   Sensor Offset
           Probe Tip o Sensor Center                          1.0 mm

   The reported unceriainly of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
   imeasurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
   corresponds to a coverage probabilty of approximately 95%.

   A ho nemes f Noid e atctno Ed ncerany nade TSL se Page )
   * NomereaInnasaton panseuncenany roteasres

Gerifeas No: ©0— 882 Macs                     Page t ot 10

   Exsovs sN:ssez                                                                                        March 19, 2008

                                                    Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                        (TEM—Cel       1110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

            Frequency responsermatizec)

                                               o      soo       1oc0     1s0o       200      2sco      soco
                                                            ~o—rem              —o—nze

                                                   Uncertainty ofFrequency Response of E—feld £ 6.3% (ke2)

Corifcate No: Ex3—2552.Mats                                            Pase Sat1o

    Ex3DV4 sN:sss2                                                                  March 19, 2005

                              Receiving Pattern (¢), $ = 0°

              1= 600 mkz, TEm ifttoExx                         1= 1800 viz,we Rez

             os                    ~o—sonite
             o«                    ~a— 100 mite
   Eror g)

             ”W ~>—soonite
             «2                    ~a~ 1200 mite
             as                    ~a—2500 hite
                 1z0 10 mo ano aro

                            Uncertainty of Axial Isotrapy Assossment # 0.5% (ke2)

Cerifeats No: ©33552.Macs                   PaseBot10

   ExsoVs sN:35s2                                                                                March 19, 2005

                                          Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                              (Waveguide R22, (= 1800 MHz)


                            nees                                                        ,

         input Signat fr)




                               acor     oom      oor        o1            1       100       im
                                                       SR (mnien‘)
                                      ~#—notcomponsated               ~4—consensated

          Eior t)

                             ooo         sn            a          1               10             160
                                                       sat iwen‘t

                                        Uncertainty of Linearity Assossmant £ 0.6% (2)

Gerifeai No: Exasta maos                               Page 7 ot 10

   EX3DV4 SN:3552                                                                     March 19, 2005

                          Conversion Factor Assessment

                                                                 = 1750 ike, WGLS Rz2 (head)
             1=900 Mks, WGLS 9 (head)
        :                                                   $
        ti                                                  &
                                                            5 100

                                                              as 60— a 0 a       m
                       som                                             smm
             6Awiphal ~6—Hmimes                                  heve —o—renamen
  11mbte Valeiy MMe]®       tst     pormithity    Conductty          Alsha_ Dopth   ConE Uncertinty
  «50        +80/2 100      Head:   485 8%       087 £8%              ore    o4     1079 2 139% (o2)
   sas s50/2100—            Hess arsesn osorse                        oss. os        ars «io(ed)
   e00 ssoraa00             Hess arsesn oorase                        osn ost        947 «tton(ed)
   deso      £80/2100       Head:   405 8%       120 £8%              on     081     865 2 11.0% (2)
   1780      £80/2100       Head:   401 28%      137 £8%              oxm    10      804 2 t10% (e2)
   1900      +80/2100       Head    400%95%      1405%                ose    108     7es +11.0% (on)
  2450       8072100        Head    302+9%       180 £8%              ods    o8      738 211.8% (od)

  «50        +80/2 100      Boay    S6728%       084x 8%              o7e    0%%    1048 2 13.3% (io2)
  85         +80/2 100      Body    S5228%       087 5%               oso    oss     ai7e + 11.0% (ood)
  soo        +807z 100      Booy ssoust          10s3%                osr    om      as1 2 t10% (oP)
   1480      +80/2100       Boay    S4028%       1305%                o4t    ons     853 + t10% (o2)
   1780      £80/2100       Boay    S3428%       149x 5%              odr    127     780 £11.0%       )
   1900      8072100        Body    $3325%       1822 8%             o2      182     782 £11.0% (on)
  2sso       +s0/2 100      Booy sa7ast          1osa9%              osr     i2      ao4 £ 118% (oP)
  5 thvaliy t 10Mt onl anates torGASY v4 and Ngher(seePage 2. Thuncerany is h RSS
  of he Gonne unceintatcaibatin focuency and h unceralny tor h Inlcand requercy band.

Cerifeat No: ©G.3562ts                        Page aot 10

   Exsove sN:35s2                                                                 March 19, 2005

                             Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                         Error (4, 8), £=200 MHz

                        s                                             s

                                                                        Emor o)
                               #    2o                             o
                                         #                    ss
                                              s           w

                       maso—ass mass—are mose—o0 moso—0z0 mozsess
                       mossom momsos moiom momsose mossis

                         Uncertaity of SphericaIsotropy Assossmont2 2.6% (ke2)

Certfeats No: Ex3—25%2maas                   Pase#ot10

   ExsDVé sN:3ss2                                                                    March 19, 2005

           (= 5200 Nitz, WGLS RS3 (head)                       = sav0 mis, WeLs RsB trody)
          ro                                                  oo
         soo                                                  so
       & soo                                                & 500
       & wo                                                 % «o
       £ so                                                 £ so
       §8 mo                                                &
                                                            8 mo
          10                                                  100
           so                                                  s
                o0    n         m      s                             o      0       m     s      4e
                               tm                                                  smm
           ~0—Analtcal ~o—Messuemens                           ~6—Anabical ~0—Measwrements

   titte" vanamy ty            T9L   Pormitivty Conductvty          AlphaDopth__   ConvF Uncsrainy
   se0o    250                Heas   seousn     a7easm              040     180.    4st +136%(e2)
   ssoo    aso                Head   sseusn     Assa5m              040     180.    402 196%(c2)
   se0o    +s0                Head   ssaa8%     s2ras               42.     180.    390 £138%(e2)

   s20o    +so                Beay   «sousn     ssousm              o0      180     428 +138%(e2)
   ssoo    +so                Boy    asersn     sessm               040     180.    ons 198%(e2)
   seoo    aso                Boay   «szesn     eoorsh              045     185.    361 +198%(e2)

   ° Accedttionfor Comeasonamantanove300 e i uronty annle for Acrodtadon s xpocied
   in snng ues

Certfeate No: ©x3.3552.tacs                 Pase 10 ot 10

Document Created: 2005-04-11 12:02:36
Document Modified: 2005-04-11 12:02:36

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