SAR Probe Calibration


RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of                                                      sctmatzeictorKatirtanst
Schmid & Partner                                                               Sarvee uiss @hrlonnage
  Engineering AG                                                               Sentle sero ol tantra
Zovgrausetass 000 urch, Sutzoiand                                              Sss Calbeatin Sevice

Acruttsby ho SuisFaguaOoWtlogand Acusttn                         Acsdtateno: 5CS 108
Te SuiseAcerestaton Senicis on of tsinatores o tEA
Mobltarn Areemanforthrecogntonofaltratoncericten
ciem     CC                                                      cariteas no: EX3—3554_Apror

CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                  |
 Oe                          Exepve=snissse

Cittvaton prceduets          OA CAL—O1v8, OR CAL—12# and OA CAL—t4va
                             Callbration procedure for dosimatiE—feld probes

Catvaton se                  Aorl 24, 2007
 Coritinctnecainaus un       in Tolgrance

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Cortfeate No: Exs—asssAntr                      Page 1 ot10

Calibration Laboratory of                                                   SctwoieriscterKatmientorat
Schmid & Partner                                                            Servce auise tinomnage
  Engineering AG                                                            Sarvil vinere ol tamturn
‘evahacstamse dt004 RorchSwizenind                                          Suiee Cattraton Senvce

                                                                         Acersstatono: 5CS 108
Motttet greemanfor t rocogntion o cattraoncorcates

TSL                  tissue simulating lquid
NORMxy.z             sensitiviy in free space
ConF                 sensitiviy in TSL / NORMcy.z
por                  diode compression point
Polarization o        rotation around probe axis
Polarization 8.      $ rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at
                     measurement center), Le., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2003, "IEEE Recommended Practicefor Determining the Poak Spatia
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", December 2003
   b) IEC 62200—1, "Procedure to measure the Specifc Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held
       devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)\
       February 2005
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   + NORMxy.z: Assessed for E—feld polarization 9 0 (f< 900 Mz in TEM—cel; 1 > 1800 MHz:
       R22 waveguide). NORMiyz are only intermediate values, Le., the uncertainties of
     NORMicy.z does not effect the E*—feld uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
   * NORM(Mxy,z = NORMxy,z * frequency.response (see Frequency Response Chart). This
     linearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
       the frequency response is included in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
   +   DOPxyz: DCP are numerical Inearization parameters assessed based on the data of
     power sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media
   * ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in fat phantom using E—field (or
     Temperature Transfer Standard for f s 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analylical fleld
     distributions based on power measurements for 1 > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for
     assessment of the parameters applied for boundary compensation (aipha, depth) of which
     typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are used in DASY4 software to
     improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitiviy in TSL corresponds to
     NORMxy.z " Conv whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for GonvF. A
     frequency dependent ConyF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending
     the validly from + 50 MHiz to « 100 MHz
   * Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy); in a feld of low gradients realized using a
       fat phantom exposed by a patch antenna.
   *   Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center
       from the probe tip (on probe axis). No tolerance required.

Certfcate No exo.assApor                     Page 0t 10

   Exsovs sN:3554                                                          April 24, 2007

                    Probe EX3DV4
                             Manufactured:                July 13, 2004
                             Last calibrated:             February 22, 2006
                             Recalibrated:                April 24, 2007

                                 Calibrated for DASY Systems
                                  (Note: non—compatble wih DASY2system)

Cenifeats no: exs asseapor                 Page 3 ot 10

   Exsovs sN:3554                                                                   April 24, 2007

   DASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 SN:3554

   Sensitivity in Free Space®                                         Diode Compression®
           NormX              a.3r0 s toms       wVi(Vim)®        pcP x           01 mV
           Norm¥              0.480 s      wVi(Vim®         por y           82 mV
           Normz              a.3s0 s to.%       wVi(Vim)"        ocr 2           s3 mV

   Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
   Ploase see Page 8 and 9.

   Boundary Effect

   Ts                 900 Mite      Typical SAR gradients 5% per mm

          Sensor Centar to Phantom Surtace Ditance                20 mm     30 mm
          SARa(X]          Wihout Conecton Algorthm                    se    is
          SAR.,(X]         Wih Conection Algorthn                      oa    o7
   Ts                1750 Mite      Typlcal SAR gradient 10% permm

          Sensor Genterto Phantom Surace Ditance                  20 mm 30 mm
          SAR D4           Wihout Coecton Algorthm                     «8    24
          SAR., 1          Wth Coection Algorthm                       08    o8

   Sensor Offset

           Probe Tip to Sensor Conter                         1.0 am

   The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of

  |Zeresponds to a eoverage probanifty of approwimataly sa%.
   measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution

  Athe cnitnis ol NomiXZ t etafocne .tsrcerany net T9. se Page )
  * Numorcalianton swanetouncnnant eneaures

CerifeaNo: E33584 Anor                        Page« or10

   Exsovs sN:3554                                                                                           April 24, 2007

                                                     Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                       (TEM—Cellif110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

          Frequency rosponse (nomatizod)

                                                o      seo       1000      1so       zoc0    2sco     s0s0
                                                             —o—reu              —o—nee

                                                    Uncertaity ofFrequency Response of E—felt £ 6.3%(ke2)

Ceifeaie No: Ex5seAnor                                                  Page Set10

   ExsoVs sN:3554                                                                  April 24, 2007

                             Receiving Pattern (¢), 8 = 0°

          1= 600 Mkz, TEM ifitt0EXX                            1= te00 miz,we Rez

                                                                                   —a~ oo nte

                                                                                   ——soo ie
                                                                                   —a~ie00 uite
                                                                                   —a~2soo unte

          o         so          t2o        10             mo      xo         seo

                           Uncertaity of Axial isotropy Assossment £ 0.5% (ke2)

Cenifems No: mo.ss5¢Apar                   Page s ot 10

   Exsove sNissse                                                                               April 24, 2007

                                          Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                              (Waveguide R22, £= 1800 MHz)



           InoutSigna! t





                              cc00:     oo       oor         on           1   10         100
                                                     SA8 ImiWien‘)
                                      ~8—notcomponsated           ~#—conpensates
           Eror g)

                                         sn            o              1       10               100
                                                       SA8 (mWien‘)

                                        Uncertainty of Linearity Assessmant£0.6% (ke2)

Corifeaie No: Ex3.2551Anor                              Page rotto

   Exsovs sN:3554                                                                April 24, 2007

                          Conversion Factor Assessment

   «uis VallityMit]®       tst. rormitiviy Conductty        Alsha Dopth     ConE Uncortainty
   aso    a80/2100         Head    «ase5%       oarast       o3s    086       820    a183% (en)
   gos    aso/a100         Head    ansast       ooorsm       oss    085       776    at0te(e2)
   e00    ss0/a100         Head    ansest       oorsm        080    o8s       ret    ati0t(e2)
   1450   £50/2100         Head:   40sxt       12025%        063.   080       721    £11.0%(e2)
   1750   £80/100          Head:   40.ta8%     nark8%        025.   100       687    £11.0%(e2)
   1000   £80/2100         Head    40045%      raokst        27     100       658    at10%
   1950   £80/2100         Head:   4ok st      n4oe8t        025.   107.      630    £11.0%
   2000   +s072100         Head:   40025%      da0kst        048    100       633    etio%
   2000   a50/2100         Head    coers%       t7te9t       048    100       697    stt (e2)
   aaso   as0/2100         head    dorast      neosh         080|   100.      618    a 16 (ed)
   2000   £80/2100         Head    soou5%      noskst        .Os3   100       604    etiat(e2)
   3500   £80/2100         Head:   droa5%      20r5t..       048.   086       508    ad9.i% (e2)
   4050   +80/2100         Head:   dea8%       aaor5t        048    165.      503    a19.1% (eP)
   s200   £80/2100         Head:   9so45%      Aesest        045    165.      463    a19.1% (e2)
   sa0o   «so/a 01         Head    sso«s%      areast        048    165       443    £10.1%(e2)
   se00   «s0/e100         Head    aseast      dosesm        080    165       410
   seoo   «soya 01         Head    assasm      soresth       048    165.      424    a10.%(e2)
   se00   «s0/2100         Head    dsa5%       S2re8%        .048   165.      41     218.1%(e2)

  © trevaiy ota 10 M ont apotes tOASY ve4 ang ghr se Page2. Thuncersiny is teS
  ot e GomE uncerantyateabraton fanuency and h unceraint fr h edetet hequency band

Centeate No: Ex3584Aner                      PaseBor10

   Exsovs sN:3554                                                                 April 24, 2007

                            Conversion Factor Assessment

   uis Vality M]®            tst_   pornitiviy   Conductty   Alpha Dopth     ConF Uncertainty
   aso     «so/r100         Bosy Sorks%           Odezsh      048    Ose       900 eta9% (e2)
   sas     «so/a100         Booy seast           oorks%       oss     oos      800 £110%(e2)
   s00     «so/a 100        Boay    seorsh       roses%       oes    080       rst    2110%
   taso    ssora 100        Boay    seozsm       r8ors%       oe0    100       689    2 110%(e2)
   drso    «sorz100         Boay    soazsn       rasesm       022.   ror       682    £110%(e2)
   1800    «so7z100         Bosy    saaast       nsrk8%       oro    130       661    a110%(e2)
   1950    «sorz100         Boy     sagast       nsre8%       020    nar       648    »410%(e2)
   2000    «s0/ 2100        Bowy    saaast       rsre5%       040    100       691    £110%(e2)
   2000    «so/a 100        Boyy    seeasn       reses%       ost    100       637    £ t18%(e2)
   2aso    +s0/a100         Bosy    Sai7a8%      10525%       080    100       614    + 118%(2)
   2000    «so/a 100        Bowy    sasast        arers..     ost    100       s04    £118%(e2)
   3500    «so/a 100        Boy     stazsn       acrasn       oss    on2       se8    a toth(e2)
   «aso    «sora 100        Boyy    aoazsn       sores%       oso    170       428    £10.%(2)
   s200    «sorz100         Boay:   4o0+8%       sa05%        081    170       a77    a1ath(ed)
   sa0o    «so/ator         Bosy:   aasast       saze5%       ons    170.      360    a1ath(e2)
   ssoo    «so/a 100        Booy    daeast       sess%        080    170       a61    £191%(e2)
   seoo    aso/ator         Bogy    aasast       s7res%       080    170.      380    a1ot%(ea)
   seoo    «sora 100        Boyy    asaas        eoos%        oso    170       ass    ator%(e2)

   travaiy t 10M onl apates tGASY ve4 and ghr (seePage 2. Thunceranty is tRSS
   ot e Con uncerant atcalbrtion recuency and h uncerantytorth ndetes feavency bond

Conifeate No: E0.3584Anar                     Pagesato

   EX3DV4 SN:3554                                                                  April 24, 2007

                             Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                       Error ($, 8), £=900 MHz

                              mac0—a80 m.o20—000 ma00—000 m.010—620 m20000         Eiror (B]
                              uesmom momes mowes momos momico

                         Uncertainty of SphericalIsotropy Assonsmentt 2.6% (ke2)

Cerifeate No: Exa.asstAmor                Pase thot 10

Document Created: 2019-06-05 00:59:55
Document Modified: 2019-06-05 00:59:55

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