SAR Dipole Validation 1


RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of                         «U                                 Schweizorsehor Kaltrircioont
Schmid & Partner                                                                     Servicesuisse ialonnage
Eooghnusstrese   8004 2rich, Suterind
                                                                                     Senvite viemro ditaatun
                                                                                     Smss Calbraton Serice

Aceadted y the Suis Fadea Oifcnof Matoloy and Acedtaten                   Aceredtaton io: SCS 108
Te Suise AceredtationSorice is one ofth ignatoies o the EA
     meral Agrocmanfo herocogntion o altrationconticatos
          ces                                                             Ceniicats No: D9UOV2—108_FebO6

CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                             ]
ow                            D900V2— SN: 108

 Cattratonpocntires          OA CAL—OSv6
                             Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits

 Caltratondate                February 22, 2006

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Carifeate No: 0900V2—108_Foros                       Page 1 or0

Calibration Laboratory of                                              . Sctwelzrischer Kalibrrcionst
Schmid & Partner                                                       gSovies suisse etalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                          Senviio sz ditaatua
Hughavnstrasse d3 0004 2oich, Surtertand                               S suiss catbration Sonice

Accrdtoby ho Suiss FadeclOfeof Mtsagy and ccrestaton                    Accredtaton No: SCS 108
‘ThSniss Aceredtaton Servic s oneothesignatorios o the EA
MottitoratAgroomentforthe recogntionof calration coriicates
TSL                     tissue simulating liquid
Conve                   sensitvity in TSL / NORM xy.z
NiA                     not applicable or not measured
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2003,"IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, December 2003
   b) CENELEC EN 50361, "Basic standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption Rate
      related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz — 3 GHz),
      July 2001
   c) Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering & Technology (FCC OET),
      "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
      Electromagnetic Fields; Additional Information for Evaluating Compliance of Mobile and
      Portable Devices with FCC Limits for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Emissions‘,
      Supplement C (Edition 01—01) to Bulletin 65
Additional Documentation:
   d) DASY4 System Handbook
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
     of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valld at the frequency indicated.
   * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
     point exactly below the center marking of the fiat phantom section, with the arms oriented
     parallel to the body axi.
   + Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
     positioned under the liquid filed phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
     measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
     reflected power. No uncertainty required.
   * Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point. No
     uncertainty required.
    *   SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
    *   SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
    +   SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
        nominal SAR result

Cerifeate No: D900v2—10_rebos                         Page2or

Measurement Conditions
    DASY system confquraton, as fr as not gven on page 1
      DASY version                                        prsva                           wis
      Extrapotation                               Advanced Extrapoiaton
      Phantom                                    Modular Flat Phantom V4.9
      Distance Dipole Genter— TSL                          18 mm                       with Spacer
     Area Scan resolution                                dx, 0y = 15 mm
     Zoom Scan Resolution                            dh,dy, t =5 mm
     Frequency                                       900 ie # 1 Miic
Head TSL parameters
   The faloving parameters and calcultions were appled
                                                            Temperature                     Conductiviy
     Nominal Head TSL parameters                              220°0             a15         087 mhoin
     Measured Head TSL parameters                           @z002)°c          41826%      096 mhoin6%
     Head TSL tomperature during tost                       @z002)°c            M              —
SAR result with Head TSL
     SAR averaged over 1 on(1g)of Head TSL                    conditon
     SAR measured                                        250 mW inout power           260 mWio
     SAR nomnalzed                                        rormalized to 1W            108 mwig
     SAR fornominal Head TS paramotors !                  rormalized to 1W      10.0 mW ig 2 17.0% k)
     SAR averaged over 10 em(10 ) of Head TSL                 conditon
     SAR measured                                     250 mW inout power              173mW7/9
     SAR nomaized                                  |_ nomaized to 1W                 s mWio
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters*          |_nomatzed o 1W              so7 mWig 2 165 (co2)
! Gorectio o nominal TSL paramaters accordngto 0)chapter"SAR Sensivitos
Cerifeate No: 300V2—108_Fent                       Page s oro

Body TSL parameters
    Te foloning parameters and calcations were anpled
                                                           Temperature          Permitiviy      Conductiviy
      Nominal Body TSl parameters                             z00                  sso           105 mhoim
      Measured Body TSL parameters                         @ooa‘c                56626%       100 mhoin*6%
      Body TSL temperature during tost                     @uszoa)c                 m               s

SAR result with Body TSL

      SAR averaged over 1 em" (1g)of Bodly TSL               conditon
      SAR measured                                      250 mWl inoutpower             250 mWi o
      SAR nomaized                                       normalized to 1W               104 mW/a
      SA# fornominal Body TSL porameters*                nommalized to 1W          10.mW y 2 17.0 % (co2)

      SAR averaged over 10 om(10 g) of Body TSL              conditon
      SAR measured                                      250 mW inout power               170mW/g
      SAR nomaized                                       nomalized to 1W                 680 mwio
      SA fornominal Body TSL parameters *                nomalized to 1W           708 mWig * 16.5 % (c=2)

* Comection to nominalTSL parameters according o 4) chapter "SAR Sensitvites®
Certfeate No: Do00v2—108_Feros                       Page 4 oro

Antenna Parameters with Head TSL
      Impedance, ranstormed to foed point                                        «s50—71)0
      Retum Loss                                                                   «23108
Antenna Parameters with Body TSL
      Impedance, ranstormed to foed poit                                         451 0—00j0
      Retum Loss                                                                   —r8400
General Antenna Parameters and Design
      Electical Deay (one drecton)                                                  1307 ns
Affelongtem use with 10W radiated power, onlya sight warning ofthe dipole neathe feedpointcan be measured
"The dipaleis made of standard sennirild coaxial eable. The center canductor of thefeeding Ine s decty connected tothe
second arm ofthe dipole. The antenna is tharefor shortcircuted for DC—signals
No excessive force must be appled to the dipalarms, because they mightbend orthe soldered connections nearte
feedpoint may be damaged
Additional EUT Data
      Manutactured by                                                               srars
      Manstactured on                                                            Mereh 9, 2001
Crtfeate No:00¥2—108robo                               Page Sore

DASY4 Validation Report for Head TSL
                                                                       Date/Time: 22.02.2006 11:35:02
Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland
DUT: Dipole 900 MHz; Type: D900V2; Serial: DO00V2 — SN:108
Communication System: CW—900; Frequency: 900 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: HSL U1O BB;
Medium parameters used: £=900 MHz; a = 0.966 mhom; c = 41.8; p = 1000 ke/m‘
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY4 (High Precision Assessment)
DASY4 Configuration:
      Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1507 (HB); ConvB(5.8, 5.8, 5.8); Calibrated: 28.10.2005
      Sensor—Surface:4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
        Electronics: DAES Sn601; Calibrated: 15.12.2005

        Phantom: Flat Phantom 4.9L; Type: QDOOOP4OAA; ;
        Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.6 Build 57; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 160
Pin =   250 mW; d = 10 mm/Area Sean (71x71x1): Measurement arid: dx=15mm, dy=1 5mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.92 mW/z
Pin =250 mW; d = 10 mm/Zoom Sean (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=Smm, dy=mm,
Reference Value = 56.9 V/m; Power Drift = 0.042 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 4.06 Wikg
SAR(T g) = 2.60 mWigz SAR(IO g) .73 mWig
Maximum value of SAR (measured) 2.92 mWis





                 0 dB =2.02mWig

Corifeate No: ooo2.108_rebos                   Page 6oto

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

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Cerifcate No: 0900v2—108.Febos                   Page 7 oro

DASY4 Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                     Date/Time: 20.02.2006 13:29:00

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland
DUT: Dipole 900 MHz; Type: D900V2; Serial: DO00V2 — SN:108
Communication System: CW900; Frequeney: 900 MHz:Duty Cyele:1:1
Medium: MSL U10;
Medium parameters used: £=900 MHz; 0 = 1 mho/m; c, =56.6; p = 1000 ka/m‘
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY(High Precision Assessment)

DASY4 Configuration:
  + Probe: ETSDV6 — SN1507 (HF); ConvB(5.76, 5.76, 5.76); Calibrated: 28.10.2005
       Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
       Electronics: DAESn601; Calibrated: 15.12.2008
       Phantom: Flat Phantom 4.9L; Type: QDOOOP49AA; :
   +   Measurement SW DASY4, V4.6 Build 57, Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 160

Pin =250 mW; d = 10 mm/Area Sean (71x81x1): Measurement grid: dx=1 Smm, dy=1Smm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) =2.82 mW/s
Pin = 250 mW; d = 10 mm/Zoom Sean (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=Smm, dy=Smm,
Reference Value= 55.3 V/m; Power Drift =—0.023 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) =3.75 Wike
SAR(I g) =2.50 mWz SAR(IO g) = 1.7 mWig
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 2.82 mW/g





                0 dB = 2.82mWig

Certfeate No: eoov2.108Febo                   Page 8 or0

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

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Cortfeate No: oo0v2.108_rebos                 Paseoro

Document Created: 2019-06-05 02:48:48
Document Modified: 2019-06-05 02:48:48

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