Test Report

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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

                                                          TEST REPORT

                    Trimble Geo Explorer 2005 Handheld GPS with
                           802.11b and 802.11g WLAN

                                                                          tested to the

                                 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 47

                                     Part 15 – Radio Frequency Devices,
                                     Subpart C – Intentional Radiators

                                 Section 15.247 – Operation in the band
                                           2400 – 2483.5 MHz


                                  Trimble Navigation New Zealand Ltd

     This Test Report is issued with the authority of:
                                                                                                  Andrew Cutler - General Manager


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

                                                          Table of Contents

1.            CLIENT INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                3

2.            DESCRIPTION OF TEST SAMPLE                                                                                                                                        3

3.            COMPLIANCE STATEMENT                                                                                                                                              4

4.            TEST SAMPLE DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                           5

5.            ATTESTATION                                                                                                                                                       6

6.            TRANSMITTER TEST RESULTS                                                                                                                                          7

7.            TEST EQUIPMENT USED                                                                                                                                              32

8.            ACCREDITATIONS                                                                                                                                                   32

9.            PHOTOGRAPHS                                                                                                                                                      33


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006


              Company Name                                             Trimble Navigation NZ Ltd

              Address                                                  PO Box 8729

              City                                                     Christchurch

              Country                                                   New Zealand

              Contact                                                   Mike Oosterman

              Email                                                      mike.oosterman@trimble.co.nz


              Brand Name                                               Trimble

              Model Number                                             GeoExplorer 2005

              Product                                                  Handheld GPS with
                                                                       802.11b+g WLAN Module

              Manufacturer                                              Trimble Navigation NZ Ltd

              Country of Origin                                        New Zealand

              Serial Number                                            4537461959

              FCC ID                                                   JUP613


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006


The Trimble Geo Explorer 2005 Handheld GPS with 802.11b + g WLAN
Transmitter Module complies with 47 CFR Part 15 and in particular Sections, 15.205,
15.207, 15.209 and 15.247 when tested in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2003 & DA-00-705.

CLAUSE                      TEST PERFORMED                                                                                                     RESULT

15.203                      Antenna requirement                                                                                                Complies

15.205                      Operation in restricted bands                                                                                      Complies

15.207                      Conducted emissions                                                                                                Complies

15.209                      Radiated emissions                                                                                                 Complies


(a)(1)                      FHSS channel bandwidth                                                                                             Not applicable

(a)(1)(iii)                 FHSS channel occupancy                                                                                             Notapplicable

(a)(2)                      Digital modulation bandwidth                                                                                       Complies

(b)(1)                      FHSS peak output power                                                                                             Not applicable

(b)(3)                      Digital peak output power                                                                                          Complies

 (c)                        Antenna gains exceeding 6 dBi                                                                                      Not applicable

(d)                         Spurious emissions                                                                                                 Complies

(e)                         Digital modulation power spectral density                                                                          Complies

(f)                         Hybrid systems                                                                                                     Noted

(g)                         Hopping systems                                                                                                    Noted

(h)                         Hopping systems intelligence                                                                                       Noted

(i)                         Radio frequency hazard                                                                                             Not tested


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006


The sample tested is a Hand Held GPS unit which is contained within a Pocket PC that
includes a module containing 802.11b + g WLAN transmitters to enable the
device to communicate with other computing devices using wireless technology.

Modulation system used

802.11b WLAN:                              Direct sequence spread spectrum at 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps

802.11g WLAN:                              Direct sequence spread spectrum at 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54

Rated Module Output Power

WLAN:                                      14.5 dBm

Antenna Type

WLAN:                                      ¼ whip monopole

Test frequencies

WLAN:                                      2412 MHz, 2437 MHz, 2462 MHz

Power Supply

Device is powered by internal batteries.

Device can be operated while sitting in the charger base which can be powered from 110 Vac
or 230 Vac.

Device can also be operated when powered at 12 Vdc in a vehicle using an in car adaptor that
attached to what is known as a serial clip.


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

5.            ATTESTATION

This report describes the tests and measurements performed for the purpose of
determining compliance with the specification with the following conditions:

The client selected the test sample.

The report relates only to the sample tested.

This report does not contain corrections or erasures.

Measurement uncertainties with statistical confidence intervals of 95% are shown below
test results. Both Class A and Class B uncertainties have been accounted for, as well as
influence uncertainties where appropriate.

In addition this equipment has been tested in accordance with the requirements contained
in the appropriate Commission regulations.

To the best of my knowledge, these tests were performed using measurement procedures
that are consistent with industry or Commission standards and demonstrate that the
equipment complies with the appropriate standards.

I further certify that the necessary measurements were made by EMC Technologies NZ
Ltd, 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand.

Andrew Cutler
General Manager
EMC Technologies NZ Ltd


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006


Section 15.203 – Antenna requirement

The device has an integral antenna that is attached permanently.

Section 15.205 – Restricted bands of operation

Refer to measurements made with reference to Section 15.247 (c).

Section 15.207 – Conducted emissions

Normally this device operates using internal batteries.

However the device can be operated while sitting in a charger base (Cradle Guad 2 P/N

Testing was carried out with the device was operating while attached to the charger base
when powered at 110 Vac while in standby mode and when transmitting continuously in
WLAN and Bluetooth modes and with the GPS Receiver operating.

Conducted emissions testing was carried out over the frequency range of 150 kHz to 30

Testing was carried out in the laboratory’s MacKelvie Street screened room.

The device was placed on top of the test table, which is 1m x 1.5m, 80cm above the screened
room floor which acts as the horizontal ground plane. In addition the device was positioned
40cm away from the screened room wall which acts as the vertical ground plane. The artificial
mains network was bonded to the screened room floor. At all times the device was kept more
than 80cm from the artificial mains network.

Quasi-Peak and Average measurements were made with a receiver bandwidth of 9 kHz.

The supplied plot shows combined graphs of measurements made on both the phase and
neutral AC voltage supply lines.

Measurement uncertainty with a confidence interval of 95% is:
 - Mains terminal tests            (0.15 - 30 MHz) ± 2.2 dB

Result: Comp lies


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                                EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

                                                                     Conducted emissions

     Comments:                Device tested in standby mode charging the battery with the PDA and GPS modules turned on
                              when powered at 110 Vac.

        Level [dBµV]


                 +                                                                                   x
       40                    +                                          x
                                            +                                x



             150k           300k           500k                  1M       2M    3M                        4M        6M            10M                          30M
                                                                  Frequency [Hz]
           Peak -------                   Average -------                    Quasi Peak        X                     Average +
Quasi-Peak Measurements
      Frequency                            Level                     Limit                     Margin                      Phase                       Rechecks
         MHz                               dBµ V                     dBµ V                      dB                                                      dBµ V
      0.185000                             50.80                     64.2                      13.3                          L1                          50.0
      1.225000                             41.20                     56.0                      14.7                          L1
      1.447500                             37.20                     56.0                      18.7                          L1
      3.440000                             44.80                     56.0                      11.1                          L1
Average Measurements
             Frequency                      Level                   Limit                      Margin                     Phase                        Rechecks
                MHz                        dBµ V                    dBµ V                        dB                                                     dBµ V
             0.185000                      44.30                    54.2                        9.9                         L1
             0.280000                      40.10                    50.8                       10.6                         L1
             0.465000                      35.40                    46.6                       11.1                         L1
             3.245000                      31.10                    46.0                       14.8                         L1
             3.350000                      32.00                    46.0                       13.9                         L1
             3.425000                      30.90                    46.0                       15.0                         L1


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

                                                                     Conducted emissions

     Comments:                Device tested when powered at 110 Vac when the Wireless LAN and the Bluetooth
                              transmitters were transmitting continuously with the GPS also activated.

       Level [dBµV]


                                                    x                  x
      40 +
                                      + +                                                             +



            150k           300k           500k                   1M       2M    3M                        4M          6M            10M                          30M
                                                                  Frequency [Hz]
            Peak -------                  Average -------                    Quasi Peak        X                     Average +

Quasi-Peak Measurements
      Frequency                            Level                     Limit                     Margin                      Phase                       Rechecks
         MHz                               dBµ V                     dBµ V                       dB                                                     dBµ V
      0.152500                             52.10                     65.8                      13.6                          L1
      0.630000                             42.00                     56.0                      13.9                          L1
      1.177500                             41.50                     56.0                      14.4                          L1
      3.365000                             46.10                     56.0                       9.8                          L1                             45.0
Average Measurements
            Frequency                      Level                    Limit                      Margin                      Phase                     Rechecks
              MHz                          dBµ V                    dBµ V                       dB                                                    dBµV
            0.152500                       38.10                     55.8                        17.6                       L1
            0.390000                       33.40                     48.0                        14.6                       L1
            0.470000                       32.50                     46.5                        14.0                       L1
            2.125000                       25.50                     46.0                        20.4                       L1
            2.380000                       25.10                     46.0                        20.8                       L1
            3.425000                       33.60                     46.0                        12.3                       L1

EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Section 15.247 (a) (2) – Digital modulation channel bandwidth

The WLAN device tested was a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum transmitter that could be
programmed to operate on one of 11 channels between 2412 MHz and 2462 MHz with a
channel spacing of 5 MHz.

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum transmitters are systems using digital modulation

This module can operate using IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g modes of operation at
various data speeds.

In the band 2400 – 2483.5 MHz the minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

All measurements were made using radiated methods using software supplied by the client.

The –6dB bandwidth has been measured at 2412, 2437 and 2462 MHz using a spectrum
analyser in peak hold mode and a horn antenna.

A resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz has been utilised.

Testing was carried out on channel 1 (2412 MHz) in the following modes:
-      802.11a at 1, 5.5 and 11 Mbps
-      802.11g at 6, 12, 24 and 54 Mbps

Testing has also been carried out on channels 6 and 11 using the mode that gave the widest
bandwidth on channel 1.

The 6 dB bandwidths were observed to be approximately 10 MHz for the 802.11a modes and
16.750 MHz for the 802.11g modes

Result: Complies


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

                                                            2412 MHz 802.11b at 1 Mbps

                                                          2412 MHz 802.11b at 5.5 Mbps

                                                           2412 MHz 802.11b at 11 Mbps


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

                                                              2412 MHz 802.11g 6 Mbps

                                                            2412 MHz 802.11g 12 Mbps

                                                            2412 MHz 802.11g 24 Mbps


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

                                                            2412 MHz 802.11g 54 Mbps

                                                            2437 MHz 802.11g 54 Mbps

                                                            2462 MHz 802.11g 54 Mbps


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Section 15.247 (b) (1) & (3) – Peak output power

As this device has no external antenna port, with the antenna being located internally;
radiated measurements were made to determine the peak output power.

The device was placed on the test table, being 80 cm above the ground plane, with the
computer screen display facing the test antenna located 3 metre away.

The device was rotated in order to determine the highest power output indication.

Measurements of the WLAN device were made with the spectrum analyser operating in
peak hold mode with a resolution bandwidth of 5 MHz.

Testing was carried out on channel 1 (2412 MHz) in the following modes:
-      802.11a at 1, 5.5 and 11 Mbps
-      802.11g at 6, 12, 24 and 54 Mbps

Testing has also been carried out on channels 6 and 11 using the mode that gave the highest
power level on channel 1.

As the bandwidth of the emission exceeded the resolution bandwidth of the spectrum
analyser power measurements were made in 5 MHz steps across the frequency band
occupied by the emission and were then summed to give a final power level.

           Frequency                  Mode    Data                           Level             Limit               Result
                 MHz                         (Mbps)                           dBm               dBm
                2412.0               802.11a   1.0                             6.4              30.0                 Pass
                2412.0               802.11a   5.5                             4.7              30.0                 Pass
                2412.0               802.11a  11.0                             5.3              30.0                 Pass

                2412.0               802.11g                6.0                 5.5              30.0                Pass
                2412.0               802.11g               12.0                 7.4              30.0                Pass
                2412.0               802.11g               24.0                 9.0              30.0                Pass
                2412.0               802.11g               54.0                 7.7              30.0                Pass

                2437.0               802.11g               24.0                 6.5              30.0                Pass

                2462.0               802.11g               24.0                 4.2              30.0                Pass

The specification limit is 30 dBm (1.0W).


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Section 15.247 (c) – Out of band emissions

As the transmitter does not have an external antenna port radiated measurements were
made at the open area test site.

Testing was carried when transmitting continuously on 2402 MHz, 2440 MHz and 2480
MHz in Bluetooth mode and on 2412 MHz, 2437 MHz and 2462 MHz in WLAN mode.

The device was placed on the test table, being 0.8 m above the ground plane, with the
front display facing the test antenna.

Measurements were made using a resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz where an emission
fell outside of a restricted band.

When an emission fell within a restricted band, above 1 GHz, a peak detector and an
average detector with a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz were utilised in accordance with
section 15.209.

Below 1 GHz a quasi peak detector with a resolution bandwidth of 120 kHz was utilised.

All measurements were initially made over a distance of 3 metres.

Above 1 GHz pre-testing was carried out at a distance of 10 cm as the emission levels
from the device were very low.

In the unrestricted bands measurements were made to determine if the field strength of
the emissions observed were more than 20 dB down on the highest in band emission

When an emission is located, it is positively identified and its maximum level is found by
rotating the automated turntable, and by varying the antenna height with an automated
antenna tower. The emission is measured in both vertical and horizontal antenna

The emission level is determined in field strength by taking the following into

Level (dBµV/m) = Receiver Reading (dBµV) + Antenna Factor (dB) + Coax Loss (dB) –
Amplifier Gain (dB)


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

            WLAN Transmitting on 2412 MHz
           Frequency Level     Limit   Antenna                                                       Detector               Bandwidth                       Result
              MHz   dBuV/m dBuV/m        Pol
              2412   102.3        -      Hort                                                          peak                    100 kHz                        Pass
              4824    19.8      54.0   Vert/Hort                                                      average                   1 MHz                         Pass
              7236     -        54.0   Vert/Hort                                                      average                   1 MHz                         Pass
              9648     -      (-20.0) Vert/Hort                                                        peak                    100 kHz                        Pass
             12060     -        54.0   Vert/Hort                                                      average                   1 MHz                         Pass
             14472     -      (-20.0) Vert/Hort                                                        peak                    100 kHz                        Pass
             16884     -        54.0   Vert/Hort                                                      average                   1 MHz                         Pass

           WLAN Transmitting on 2437 MHz
           Frequency Level     Limit  Antenna Detector                                                                     Bandwidth                        Result
              MHz   dBuV/m dBuV/m        Pol
              2437   100.7        -      Hort    peak                                                                         100 kHz                         Pass
              4874    18.5      54.0  Vert/Hort average                                                                        1 MHz                          Pass
              7311     -        54.0  Vert/Hort average                                                                        1 MHz                          Pass
              9748     -      (-20.0) Vert/Hort  peak                                                                         100 kHz                         Pass
             12185     -        54.0  Vert/Hort average                                                                        1 MHz                          Pass
             14622     -      (-20.0) Vert/Hort  peak                                                                         100 kHz                         Pass
             17059     -        54.0  Vert/Hort average                                                                        1 MHz                          Pass

           WLAN Transmitting on 2462 MHz
           Frequency Level     Limit  Antenna Detector                                                                     Bandwidth                        Result
              MHz   dBuV/m dBuV/m        Pol
              2462    98.5        -      Hort    peak                                                                         100 kHz                         Pass
              4924    16.5      54.0  Vert/Hort average                                                                        1 MHz                          Pass
              7386     -        54.0  Vert/Hort average                                                                        1 MHz                          Pass
              9848     -      (-20.0) Vert/Hort  peak                                                                         100 kHz                         Pass
             12310     -        54.0  Vert/Hort average                                                                        1 MHz                          Pass
             14772     -      (-20.0) Vert/Hort  peak                                                                         100 kHz                         Pass
             17234     -        54.0  Vert/Hort average                                                                        1 MHz                          Pass

           Where an average detector is listed in the above tables, measurements were also
           attempted using a peak detector where a limit of 74 dBuV/m was applied

          Where an emission level is indicated by a –, levels had a margin greater than 20 dB
          when compared to the limit.


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Other emissions observed when the device was operating in WLAN and Bluetooth modes
with the GPS receiver on when powered at 110 Vac are detailed below.

              Frequency                 Level     Level    Limit Margin Result Antenna
                                       Vertical Horizontal                     Polarisation
                  MHz                  dBuV/m dBuV/m dBuV/m        dB
                 30.000                 28.6               40.0   11.4   Pass   Vertical
                 32.045                 35.6               40.0    4.4   Pass   Vertical
                 33.453                 34.0               40.0    6.0   Pass   Vertical
                 34.120                 34.0               40.0    6.0   Pass   Vertical
                 35.345                 31.0               40.0    9.0   Pass   Vertical
                 36.133                 33.0               40.0    7.0   Pass   Vertical
                 37.543                 31.0               40.0    9.0   Pass   Vertical
                 38.948                 33.3               40.0    6.7   Pass   Vertical
                 39.678                 28.3               40.0   11.7   Pass   Vertical
                 50.422                 36.4               40.0    3.6  Uncert Vertical
                 55.888                 32.0               40.0    8.0   Pass   Vertical
                 56.653                 32.2               40.0    7.8   Pass   Vertical
                 58.785                 36.2               40.0    3.8  Uncert Vertical
                 59.250                 34.0               40.0    6.0   Pass   Vertical
                 60.228                 36.2               40.0    3.8  Uncert Vertical
                 60.803                 34.0               40.0    6.0   Pass   Vertical
                 64.195                 32.1               40.0    7.9   Pass   Vertical
                 64.768                 34.0               40.0    6.0   Pass   Vertical
                 66.208                 32.7               40.0    7.3   Pass   Vertical
                 66.758                 29.2               40.0   10.8   Pass   Vertical
                 68.223                 32.0               40.0    8.0   Pass   Vertical
                 68.450                 35.3               40.0    4.7   Pass   Vertical
                 69.018                 30.6               40.0    9.4   Pass   Vertical
                 70.850                 34.7               40.0    5.3   Pass   Vertical
                 84.650                 32.1               40.0    7.9   Pass   Vertical
                111.600                 30.0               43.5   13.5   Pass   Vertical
                130.200                 33.5               43.5   10.0   Pass   Vertical
                135.358                 32.2               43.5   11.3   Pass   Vertical
                138.358                 31.0               43.5   12.5   Pass   Vertical
                141.226                 32.1               43.5   11.4   Pass   Vertical
                259.000                           29.7     46.0   16.3   Pass Horizontal
                331.308                           31.0     46.0   15.0   Pass Horizontal
                332.308                           29.5     46.0   16.5   Pass Horizontal
                332.640                 31.0               46.0   15.0   Pass   Vertical
                366.300                           29.0     46.0   17.0   Pass Horizontal
                416.000                           27.5     46.0   18.5   Pass Horizontal


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Other emissions observed when the device was operating in WLAN and Bluetooth modes
with the GPS receiver on when powered at 12 Vdc using the serial clip.

              Frequency                 Level     Level    Limit Margin Result Antenna
                                       Vertical Horizontal                     Polarisation
                  MHz                  dBuV/m dBuV/m dBuV/m        dB
                 30.350                 31.5               40.0    8.5   Pass   Vertical
                 38.250                 25.0               40.0   15.0   Pass   Vertical
                 52.050                 30.7               40.0    9.3   Pass   Vertical
                 63.900                 34.6               40.0    5.4   Pass   Vertical
                 68.200                 36.0               40.0    4.0  Uncert Vertical
                 72.000                 31.9               40.0    8.1   Pass   Vertical
                 72.000                 31.4               40.0    8.6   Pass   Vertical
                 74.700                 33.0               40.0    7.0   Pass   Vertical
                132.610                 32.3      28.4     43.5   11.2   Pass   Vertical
                135.400                 35.4               43.5    8.1   Pass   Vertical
                144.000                 31.6               43.5   11.9   Pass   Vertical
                216.000                 29.2               43.5   14.3   Pass   Vertical
                240.000                 29.0               46.0   17.0   Pass   Vertical
                280.413                 29.5               46.0   16.5   Pass   Vertical
                288.000                 25.0               46.0   21.0   Pass   Vertical
                299.850                 28.5               46.0   17.5   Pass   Vertical
                300.448                 30.1               46.0   15.9   Pass   Vertical
                304.600                 29.7               46.0   16.3   Pass   Vertical
                312.000                           32.3     46.0   13.7   Pass Horizontal
                331.500                 38.6               46.0    7.4   Pass   Vertical
                360.000                           33.4     46.0   12.6   Pass Horizontal
                384.000                           33.6     46.0   12.4   Pass Horizontal
                408.000                           28.9     46.0   17.1   Pass Horizontal
                433.318                 24.1               46.0   21.9   Pass   Vertical
                480.000                 27.8               46.0   18.2   Pass   Vertical
                499.400                 21.3               46.0   24.7   Pass   Vertical
                582.400                 31.0               46.0   15.0   Pass   Vertical
                599.600                 31.0               46.0   15.0   Pass   Vertical
                608.000                 30.3               46.0   15.7   Pass   Vertical


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Emissions with a margin greater than 20 dB of the limit have not been reported.

When the device was powered at 110 Vac the following devices were connected:
-     external GPS antenna to that GPS antenna port
-     laptop computer to the Ethernet port
-     USB device attached to the USB port

The device could also be powered using an external 12 Vdc source using what is known as a
serial clip.

When using the serial clip the following devices were connected:
-     external GPS antenna to that GPS antenna port
-     laptop computer to the serial port
-     12 Vdc in car power supply adaptor

The standard limits have been applied to the other emissions below 1000 MHz as these
emissions are always present and are not determined by whether the transmitter is on or not.

Result: Complies

Measurement uncertainty with a confidence interval of 95% is:
      - Free radiation tests       (30 – 18,000 MHz) ± 4.1 dB


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
Page 26 of 49               This report may not be reproduced except in full

                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Band edge measurements

The WLAN device is required to operate in the band 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz

Initially relative measurements were made in the laboratory using a 100 kHz resolution
bandwidth with the –20 dB limit being applied at both band edges.

Blue tooth mode between 2402 – 2480 MHz with a 20 dB mask applied.


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
Page 27 of 49               This report may not be reproduced except in full

                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

            WLAN mode on 2412 MHz. 802.11b. 11 Mbps. -46.1 dB down at band edge

            WLAN mode on 2462 MHz. 802.11b. 11 Mbps. -49.0 dB down at band edge


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
Page 28 of 49               This report may not be reproduced except in full

                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

        WLAN mode on 2412 MHz. 802.11g. 54 Mbps. -29.4 dB down at the band edge.

        WLAN mode on 2462 MHz. 802.11g. 54 Mbps. -37.3 dB down at the band edge.


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Test site measurements were in the 2310 – 2390 MHz and 2483.5 – 2500 MHz restricted
bands using a peak detector and an average detector with a 1 MHz bandwidth.

Restricted band 2310 – 2390 MHz

           Operating                     Mode                 Data  Highest                              Limit               Detector                 Result
           Frequency                                          Rate   Level
              MHz                                            (Mbps) dBuV/m                            dBuV/m
             2412.0                    802.11a                 1.0    41.4                             54.0                  Average                     Pass
             2412.0                    802.11a                 5.5    41.4                             54.0                  Average                     Pass
             2412.0                    802.11a                11.0    41.4                             54.0                  Average                     Pass

                2412.0                 802.11g                   6.0                41.4                  54.0               Average                     Pass
                2412.0                 802.11g                  12.0                41.2                  54.0               Average                     Pass
                2412.0                 802.11g                  24.0                41.4                  54.0               Average                     Pass
                2412.0                 802.11g                  54.0                41.4                  54.0               Average                     Pass

Restricted band 2483.5 – 2500.0 MHz

           Operating                     Mode                 Data  Highest                              Limit               Detector                 Result
           Frequency                                          Rate   Level
              MHz                                            (Mbps) dBuV/m                            dBuV/m
             2462.0                    802.11g                54.0    43.5                             54.0                  Average                     Pass

Result: Complies


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
Page 30 of 49               This report may not be reproduced except in full

                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006

Section 15.247 (e) – Peak power spectral density

As the transmitter does not have an external antenna port radiated measurements were
made at the open area test site.

The device was placed on the test table, being 80 cm above the ground plane, with the
device facing the test antenna located 3 metres away.

The device was rotated in order to determine the highest power output indication.

Measurements were made with the spectrum analyser operating in peak hold mode with a
resolution bandwidth of 3 kHz.

Measurements were made as follows:

           Frequency                  Mode    Data                           Level             Limit               Result
                 MHz                         (Mbps)                           dBm               dBm
                2412.0               802.11a   1.0                            -25.2              8.0                 Pass
                2412.0               802.11a   5.5                            -17.9              8.0                 Pass
                2412.0               802.11a  11.0                            -17.0              8.0                 Pass

                2412.0               802.11g                6.0               -26.3               8.0                Pass
                2412.0               802.11g               12.0               -24.3               8.0                Pass
                2412.0               802.11g               24.0               -22.4               8.0                Pass
                2412.0               802.11g               54.0               -21.9               8.0                Pass

                2462.0               802.11a               11.0               -20.2               8.0                Pass
                2462.0               802.11g               54.0               -28.6               8.0                Pass

The specification limit is 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during a continuous transmission.

Result: Complies.


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
Page 31 of 49               This report may not be reproduced except in full

                                              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                              Test Report No 60819.4
                                                           Report date: 11 September 2006


                Instrument                                   Manufacturer                      Model                          Serial No                   Ref No
                Aerial Controller                            EMCO                              1090                           9112-1062                   3710
                Aerial Mast                                  EMCO                              1070-1                         9203-1661                   3708
                Turntable                                    EMCO                              1080-1-2.1                     9109-1578                   3709
                VHF Balun                                    Schwarzbeck                       VHA 9103                       -                           3603
                Biconical Antenna                            Schwarzbeck                       BBA 9106                       -                           3612
                Log Periodic Antenna                         Schwarzbeck                       VUSLP 9111                     9111-228                    3785
                Measurement Receiver                         Rohde & Schwarz                   ESCS 30                        839873/1                    E1595
                Spectrum Analyser                            Hewlett Packard                   E7405A                         US39150142                  3776
                Coax Cable                                   Sucoflex                          104PA                          2736/4PA                    -
                Horn Antenna                                 EMCO                              3115                           9511-4629                   E1526
                Horn Antenna                                 Electrometrics                    RGA -60                        6234                        E1494
                Microwave Amplifier                          Hewlett Packard                   8349B                          2644A01659                  -

8.            ACCREDITATIONS

              Testing was carried out in accordance with EMC Technologies NZ Ltd
              registration with the Federal Communications Commission as a listed facility,
              Registration Number: 90838, which was updated on February 17th , 2004.

              In addition testing was carried out in accordance with the terms of EMC
              Technologies (NZ) Ltd’s International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ)
              Accreditation to NZS/IEC/ISO 17025.

              All measurement equipment has been calibrated in accordance with the terms of
              EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd’s International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ)
              Accreditation to NZS/IEC/ISO 17025.

              International Accreditation New Zealand has Mutual Recognition Arrangements
              for testing and calibration with 46 accreditation bodies in 34 economies. This
              includes NATA (Australia), UKAS (UK), SANAS (South Africa), NVLAP
              (USA), A2LA (USA), SWEDAC (Sweden). Further details can be supplied on


EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd                                                                                      Telephone: +64 9 360 0862 Fax: +64 9 360 0861
STREET ADDRESS - 47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand                                         E-mail: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
POSTAL ADDRESS - PO Box 68 307, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand                                                  Web Site: www.emctech.com.au
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Document Created: 2006-11-06 08:01:01
Document Modified: 2006-11-06 08:01:01

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