Part 22 24 EIRP Test Report


Test Report

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                                 TEST REPORT
                           RFI GLOBAL SERVICES LTD
                                Test of: Torch (EVDO Rev A) DCM300C

                                       FCC ID: JUP-WCDCM300C

                                   To: FCC Part 22.913 & Part 24.232

                                         Test Report Serial No:
                                      RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B V2.0
                           Version 2.0 Supersedes All Previous Versions

This Test Report Is Issued Under The Authority
Of Chris Guy, Head of Global Approvals:

Checked By:                                             A. Henriques


Date of Issue:                                          12 January 2011

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TEST REPORT                                    SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B    V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                             ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

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TEST REPORT                                                                            SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B               V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

Table of Contents
1. Customer Information .................................................................................................................. 4
2. Summary of Testing ..................................................................................................................... 5
    2.1. General Information                                                                                                                5
    2.2. Summary of Test Results                                                                                                            5
    2.3. Methods and Procedures                                                                                                             5
    2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification                                                                                             5
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) ....................................................................................................... 6
    3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)                                                                                 6
    3.2. Description of EUT                                                                                                           6
    3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT                                                                                        6
    3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing                                                                                    7
    3.5. Support Equipment                                                                                                            7
4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing ............................................................... 8
    4.1. Operating Modes                                                                                              8
    4.2. Configuration and Peripherals                                                                                8
5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results .................................................................. 9
    5.1. General Comments                                                                                            9
    5.2. Test Results – Part 22                                                                                   10
        5.2.1. Transmitter Output Power (ERP)                                                                     10
    5.3. Test Results – Part 24                                                                                   12
        5.3.1. Transmitter Output Power (EIRP)                                                                    12
6. Measurement Uncertainty .......................................................................................................... 14
Appendix 1. Test Equipment Used ................................................................................................ 15

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TEST REPORT                                SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B    V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                         ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

1. Customer Information
Company Name:     Trimble Navigation Ltd
Address:          10355 Westmoor Dr
                  Westminster Colo
                  United States

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TEST REPORT                                                            SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B    V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                      ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

2. Summary of Testing
2.1. General Information
Specification Reference:           47CFR22
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2010:
                                   Part 22 Subpart H (Public Mobile Services) - Section 22.913
Specification Reference:           47CFR24
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2010:
                                   Part 24 Subpart E (Personal Communication Services) - Section 24.232
Site Registration:                 FCC: 209735
Location of Testing:               RFI Global Services Ltd, Wade Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AH
Test Dates:                        13 December 2010

2.2. Summary of Test Results
FCC Reference (47CFR)              Measurement                                                      Result
Part 22
Part 22.913(a)                     Transmitter Output Power (ERP)
Part 24
Part 24.232                        Transmitter Output Power (EIRP)
Key to Results

   = Complied             = Did not comply

2.3. Methods and Procedures
Reference:                         ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004
Title:                             Land Mobile Communications Equipment, Measurements and performance

2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification
For the measurements contained within this test report, there were no deviations from, additions to, or
exclusions from the test specification identified above.

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TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B     V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT)
3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)
Product Name:                                Trimble Navigation DCM300C
Model Number:                                Torch / DCM300C
Serial Number:                               5042Z00083
Hardware Version Number:                     A
Software Version Number:                     0.1.5
FCC ID:                                      JUP-WCDCM300C

3.2. Description of EUT
The equipment under test was a data communications module (DCM) for use in construction vehicles. It
contains a Sierra Wireless CDMA module (FCC ID: N7N-MC5728) capable of 1xEV-DO and a Wi2Wi
Wi-Fi module (FCC ID: U9R-W2CBW009DI) capable of 802.11b and 802.11g.
The following antennas have been specified for use with the EUT:
•   Taoglas MA.104 “Hercules” Antenna, part number MA.104.C.A301111.B301311, declared antenna gain
    0 dBi
•   Pulse IP67 Active 6 bands GPS Antenna, part number W4120GW5000, declared antenna gain 0 dBi
•   Wilson NMO Cellular Antenna /20 feet LMR-240 RF coaxial cable combination consisting of:
    Wilson NMO Cellular Antenna, part number 301104, declared antenna gain 4.9 dBi in the 800 MHz band
    and 5.9 dBi in the 1900 MHz band and 20 feet of type LMR-240 cable, part number GBR-20-240-T1-A.

3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT
No modifications were applied to the EUT during testing.

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TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B    V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing
Type of Radio Device:                     Transceiver
Mode:                                     1xEV-DO
Modulation Type:                          QPSK, 8-PSK and 16-QAM
Power Supply Requirement(s):              Nominal               13.8 V
Technology Tested:                        US Cellular (800 band)
Maximum Output Power (ERP):               1xEV-DO               27.25 dBm
Transmit Channels Tested:                                                                    Channel
                                                 Channel ID        Channel Number
                                                                                         Frequency (MHz)
                                                  Bottom                 1013                  824
                                                   Middle                384                   836
                                                    Top                  777                   848
Technology Tested:                        US PCS (1900 band)
Maximum Output Power (EIRP):              1xEV-DO               28.3 dBm
Transmit Channels Tested:                                                                    Channel
                                                 Channel ID        Channel Number
                                                                                         Frequency (MHz)
                                                  Bottom                  25                  1851
                                                   Middle                600                  1880
                                                    Top                  1175                 1901

3.5. Support Equipment
The following support equipment was used to exercise the EUT during testing:

Description:                              Laptop
Brand Name:                               Dell
Model Name or Number:                     Latitude D610
Serial Number:                            RFI Asset Number PC 344NT

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TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B       V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing
4.1. Operating Modes
The EUT was tested in the following operating mode(s):
    •    Constantly transmitting at full power on bottom, middle and top channels as required.

4.2. Configuration and Peripherals
The EUT was tested in the following configuration(s):
    •    The sample with serial number 50242Z00083 was used for conducted power measurements.
    •    The EUT was placed into test mode via HyperTerminal, using instruction set as supplied by the
         customer. This then enabled the EUT to be set to transmit at full power on bottom, middle and top

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TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B      V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results
5.1. General Comments
Measurement uncertainties are evaluated in accordance with current best practice. Our reported expanded
uncertainties are based on standard uncertainties, which are multiplied by an appropriate coverage factor to
provide a statistical confidence level of approximately 95%.

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TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B        V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

5.2. Test Results – Part 22
5.2.1. Transmitter Output Power (ERP)
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                       Steve White                     Test Date:       13 December 2010
Test Sample:                         5042Z00083

FCC Part:                            22.913(a) & 2.1046(a)
Test Method Used:                    As detailed in ANSI TIA-603-C-2004 Section 2.2.1 referencing FCC
                                     CFR Part 2.1046(a)

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                    21
Relative Humidity (%):               29

Results - 0 dBi gain Antenna Types:

Channel         Frequency   Conducted     Declared        ERP       ERP Limit        Margin         Result
                  (MHz)       Power       Antenna        (dBm)       (dBm)            (dB)
                              (dBm)        Gain
 Bottom            824        29.4          -2.15        27.25         38.45          11.2         Complied
  Middle           836        28.9          -2.15        26.75         38.45          11.7         Complied
   Top             848        28.6          -2.15        26.45         38.45          12.0         Complied


1. The declared antenna gain for the antennas specified for use with the EUT (i.e. Taoglas MA.104
   “Hercules” Antenna, part number MA.104.C.A301111.B301311 and Pulse IP67 Active 6 bands GPS
   Antenna, part number W4120GW5000) is stated as nominal 0 dBi which equates to -2.15 dBd. This was
   calculated using the specified dBi to dBd conversion (dBd = dBi -2.15) as the limit is stated as an ERP
2. The declared antenna gain in dBd was added to the conducted output power in order to calculate the
   final ERP figure.

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TEST REPORT                                                     SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B      V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                               ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Output Power (ERP) (continued)
Results – Wilson NMO Cellular Antenna:

Channel       Frequency   Conducted    Declared    Cable      ERP        ERP      Margin      Result
                (MHz)       Power      Antenna     Loss      (dBm)       Limit     (dB)
                            (dBm)       Gain        (dB)                (dBm)
 Bottom            824      29.4         2.75        1.4     30.75      38.45       7.7      Complied
 Middle            836      28.9         2.75        1.4     30.25      38.45       8.2      Complied
   Top             848      28.6         2.75        1.4     29.95      38.45       8.5      Complied


1. The declared antenna gain for the Wilson NMO Cellular Antenna, part number 301104, is stated as
   nominal 4.9 dBi which equates to 2.75 dBd. This was calculated using the specified dBi to dBd
   conversion (dBd = dBi -2.15) as the limit is stated as an ERP value.
2. The combined declared antenna gain in dBd and cable loss in dB was added to the conducted output
   power in order to calculate the final ERP figure.
3. The RF coaxial cable (part number GBR-20-240-T1-A) specified for use with the Wilson NMO Cellular
   Antenna is a 20 feet length type LMR-240 cable which has a minimum loss of 1.4 dB in the 800 MHz
   cellular band.

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TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B      V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                  ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

5.3. Test Results – Part 24
5.3.1. Transmitter Output Power (EIRP)
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                       Steve White                    Test Date:      13 December 2010
Test Sample:                         5042Z00083

FCC Part:                            24.232 & 2.1046(a)
Test Method Used:                    As detailed in ANSI TIA-603-C-2004 Section 2.2.1 referencing FCC
                                     CFR Part 2.1046(a)

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                    21
Relative Humidity (%):               29

Results - 0 dBi gain Antenna Types:

Channel         Frequency   Conducted     Declared         EIRP    EIRP Limit      Margin         Result
                  (MHz)       Power       Antenna         (dBm)      (dBm)          (dB)
                              (dBm)        Gain
 Bottom           1851        28.0          0.0           28.0        33.0           5.0         Complied
  Middle          1880        28.2          0.0           28.2        33.0           4.8         Complied
   Top            1901        28.3          0.0           28.3        33.0           4.7         Complied


1. The declared antenna gain for the antennas specified for use with the EUT (i.e. Taoglas MA.104
   “Hercules” Antenna, part number MA.104.C.A301111.B301311 and Pulse IP67 Active 6 bands GPS
   Antenna, part number W4120GW5000) is stated as nominal 0 dBi
2. The declared antenna gain was added to the conducted output power in order to calculate the final EIRP

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TEST REPORT                                                     SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B      V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                               ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Output Power (EIRP) (continued)
Results – Wilson NMO Cellular Antenna:

Channel       Frequency   Conducted    Declared    Cable      EIRP       EIRP     Margin      Result
                (MHz)       Power      Antenna     Loss      (dBm)       Limit     (dB)
                            (dBm)       Gain        (dB)                (dBm)
 Bottom           1851      28.0          5.9        2.2      31.7       33.0       1.3      Complied
 Middle           1880      28.2          5.9        2.2      31.9       33.0       1.1      Complied
   Top            1901      28.3          5.9        2.2      32.0       33.0       1.0      Complied


1. The declared antenna gain for the Wilson NMO Cellular Antenna, part number 301104, is stated as
   nominal 5.9 dBi.
2. The combined declared antenna gain in dBi and cable loss in dB was added to the conducted output
   power in order to calculate the final EIRP figure.
3. The RF coaxial cable (part number GBR-20-240-T1-A) specified for use with the Wilson NMO Cellular
   Antenna is a 20 feet length type LMR-240 cable which has a minimum loss of 2.2 dB in the 1900 MHz
   PCS band.

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TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B        V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

6. Measurement Uncertainty
No measurement or test can ever be perfect and the imperfections give rise to error of measurement in the
results. Consequently the result of a measurement is only an approximation to the value of the measurand
(the specific quantity subject to measurement) and is only complete when accompanied by a statement of
the uncertainty of the approximation.
The expression of uncertainty of a measurement result allows realistic comparison of results with reference
values and limits given in specifications and standards.
The uncertainty of the result may need to be taken into account when interpreting the measurement results.
The reported expanded uncertainties below are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by an appropriate
coverage factor such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is maintained. For the purposes of this
document “approximately” is interpreted as meaning “effectively” or “for most practical purposes”.

                                                                            Confidence         Calculated
Measurement Type             Range
                                                                            Level (%)          Uncertainty
Conducted Output Power       824 to 849 MHz & 1850 to 1910 MHz              95%                ±0.27 dB

The methods used to calculate the above uncertainties are in line with those recommended within the
various measurement specifications. Where measurement specifications do not include guidelines for the
evaluation of measurement uncertainty the published guidance of the appropriate accreditation body is

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TEST REPORT                                                     SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03B    V2.0

VERSION 2.0                                                               ISSUE DATE: 12 JANUARY 2011

Appendix 1. Test Equipment Used
RFI        Instrument          Manufacturer      Type No.   Serial No.        Date           Cal.
No.                                                                           Calibration    Interval
                                                                              Due            (mths)
M1009      Power Meter         Hewlett Packard   437B       3125U13706        26 Jan 2011    12
M1254      Preselector Mixer   HP                11974U     3001A00152        08 Sep 2011    12

NB In accordance with UKAS requirements all the measurement equipment is on a calibration schedule.

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Document Created: 2011-01-12 11:35:22
Document Modified: 2011-01-12 11:35:22

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