Test Report 3


Test Report

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                                 TEST REPORT
                           RFI GLOBAL SERVICES LTD
                                Test of: Torch (EVDO Rev A) DCM300C

                                       FCC ID: JUP-WCDCM300C

                            To: FCC Parts 15.109, 15.209 and 15.247 (b)(d)

                                         Test Report Serial No:
                                      RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0
                           Version 5.0 Supersedes All Previous Versions

This Test Report Is Issued Under The Authority
Of Chris Guy, Head of Global Approvals:

Checked By:                                             Ian Watch


Date of Issue:                                          26 January 2011

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This report may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval of RFI Global
Services Ltd. The results in this report apply only to the sample(s) tested.

TEST REPORT                                    SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                            ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

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TEST REPORT                                                                             SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Table of Contents
1. Customer Information .................................................................................................................. 4
2. Summary of Testing ..................................................................................................................... 5
    2.1. General Information                                                                                                                5
    2.2. Summary of Test Results                                                                                                            5
    2.3. Methods and Procedures                                                                                                             6
    2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification                                                                                             6
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) ....................................................................................................... 7
    3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)                                                                                 7
    3.2. Description of EUT                                                                                                           7
    3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT                                                                                        7
    3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing                                                                                    8
    3.5. Support Equipment                                                                                                            8
4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing ............................................................... 9
    4.1. Operating Modes                                                                                              9
    4.2. Configuration and Peripherals                                                                                9
5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results ................................................................ 10
    5.1. General Comments                                                                                          10
    5.2. Test Results                                                                                              11
        5.2.1. Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions                                                      11
        5.2.2. Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power                                                               15
        5.2.3. Transmitter Radiated Emissions                                                                      18
        5.2.4. Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions                                                            25
6. Measurement Uncertainty .......................................................................................................... 28
Appendix 1. Test Equipment Used ................................................................................................ 29

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TEST REPORT                                 SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                         ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

1. Customer Information
Company Name:     Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Address:          10355 Westmoor Dr
                  Westminster Colo
                  United States

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TEST REPORT                                                            SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                     ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

2. Summary of Testing
2.1. General Information
Specification Reference:           47CFR15.247
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2010:
                                   Part 15 Subpart C (Intentional Radiators) - Section 15.247
Specification Reference:           47CFR15.109
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2010:
                                   Part 15 Subpart B (Unintentional Radiators) – Section 15.109
Specification Reference:           47CFR15.209
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2010:
                                   Part 15 Subpart C (Intentional Radiators) - Section 15.209
Site Registration:                 209735
Location of Testing:               RFI Global Services Ltd, Wade Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AH.
Test Dates:                        02 December 2010 to 03 December 2010

2.2. Summary of Test Results
FCC Reference (47CFR)              Measurement                                                    Result
Part 15.109                        Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions
Part 15.247(b)(3)                  Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power
Part 15.247(d)/15.209(a)           Transmitter Radiated Emissions
Part 15.247(d)/15.209(a)           Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions
Key to Results

   = Complied             = Did not comply

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

2.3. Methods and Procedures
Reference:                    ANSI C63.4 (2009)
Title:                        American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
                              Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range
                              of 9 kHz to 40 GHz
Reference:                    ANSI C63.10 (2009)
Title:                        American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices

2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification
For the measurements contained within this test report, there were no deviations from, additions to, or
exclusions from the test specification identified above.

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TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT)
3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)
Brand Name:                                  Trimble Navigation DCM300C
Model Name or Number:                        Torch / DCM300C
Serial Number:                               5042Z00084
Hardware Version Number:                     A
Software Version Number:                     0.1.5
FCC ID:                                      JUP-WCDCM300C

3.2. Description of EUT
The equipment under test was a data communications module (DCM) for use in construction vehicles. It
contains a Sierra Wireless CDMA module (FCC ID: N7N-MC5728) capable of 1xEV-DO and a Wi2Wi
Wi-Fi module (FCC ID: U9R-W2CBW009DI) capable of 802.11b and 802.11g.

3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT
No modifications were applied to the EUT during testing.

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TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing
Technology Tested:                        Digital Transmission System
Type of Unit:                             Transceiver
Modulation:                               DSSS and OFDM
Data Rate:                                11 Mbps and 24 Mbps
Power Supply Requirement(s):              Nominal                       13.8 V
Maximum Peak Output Power:                20.6 dBm
Transmit Frequency Range:                 2412 MHz to 2462 MHz
Transmit Channels Tested:                                                                       Channel
                                                   Channel ID                                  Frequency
                                                     Bottom                      1                 2412
                                                     Middle                      6                 2437
                                                        Top                      11                2462
Receive Frequency Range:                  2412 MHz to 2462 MHz
Receive Channels Tested:                                                                        Channel
                                                   Channel ID                                  Frequency
                                                     Bottom                      1                 2412
                                                     Middle                      6                 2437
                                                        Top                      11                2462

3.5. Support Equipment
The following support equipment was used to exercise the EUT during testing:

Description:                              Laptop
Brand Name:                               Dell
Model Name or Number:                     Latitude D610
Serial Number:                            RFI Asset Number PC 344NT

Description:                              DC Power Supply
Brand Name:                               TTi
Model Name or Number:                     EL301D
Serial Number:                            249944

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing
4.1. Operating Modes
The EUT was tested in the following operating mode(s):
    •    All 802.11b and 802.11g modes were initially tested in order to establish which operating modes
         produced the highest EIRP and highest emission levels. 802.11b 11 Mbps and 802.11g 24 Mbps
         modes were found to be worst case modes. Final measurements were performed in these modes.
    •    Transmitting on bottom, middle and top channels.
    •    Receiver/Idle Mode.

4.2. Configuration and Peripherals
The EUT was tested in the following configuration(s):
    •    Mobilemark RM3-2400 Wi-Fi antenna was used during testing.
    •    Power was supplied from a bench power supply.
    •    All cabling present on the wiring harness was correctly terminated when not in use.
    •    Manufacturing Mode of the software was enabled to allow control of Wi-Fi settings. This was enabled
         and controlled via the serial port of the wiring harness connected to a PC equipped with any generic
         terminal software. It enabled manual setup of the EUT Wi-Fi channel, data rate and power for test

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results
5.1. General Comments
Measurement uncertainties are evaluated in accordance with current best practice. Our reported expanded
uncertainties are based on standard uncertainties, which are multiplied by an appropriate coverage factor to
provide a statistical confidence level of approximately 95%. Please refer to Section 6. Measurement
Uncertainty for details.

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TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

5.2. Test Results
5.2.1. Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                         Crawford Lindsay                Test Date:        03 December 2010
Test Sample Serial No:                 5042Z00084

FCC Part:                              15.109
Test Method Used:                      As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.3 and 6.5
                                       referencing ANSI C63.4
Frequency Range:                       30 MHz to 1000 MHz

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                      24
Relative Humidity (%):                 20

Results: Quasi Peak

  Frequency               Antenna          Level             Limit            Margin             Result
    (MHz)                 Polarity       (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)            (dB)
    135.325                Vertical         30.7             43.5               12.8            Complied
    212.680               Horizontal        31.7             43.5               11.8            Complied
    232.049               Horizontal        39.8             46.0               6.2             Complied
    251.327               Horizontal        37.1             46.0               8.9             Complied
    328.692                Vertical         31.2             46.0               14.8            Complied
    348.011                Vertical         39.5             46.0               6.5             Complied
    464.023               Horizontal        34.4             46.0               11.6            Complied
    599.313               Horizontal        31.8             46.0               14.2            Complied
    986.062               Horizontal        42.1             54.0               11.9            Complied


1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table above incorporates the calibrated antenna
   factor and cable loss.
2. All other emissions shown on the pre-scan plot were investigated and found to be ambient or >20 dB
   below the applicable limit or below the measurement system noise floor.

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TEST REPORT                                                                                         SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                           ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions (continued)
                                                      Marker 1 [T1]              RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      0 dB
                                     Ref Lvl                       27.83 dBÌ V   VBW   300 kHz
                                      70 dBÌ V             212.72545090 MHz      SWT   300 ms      Unit         dBÌ V
                                                                                          1 [T1]          27.83 dBÌ V
                                                                                                   212.72545090 MHz
                                                                                          2 [T1]          38.13 dBÌ V
                                                                                                   232.16432866 MHz
                                50                                                        3 [T1]          37.40 dBÌ V
                                                                                                   251.60320641 MHz
                                                                                          4 [T1]         31.28 dBÌ V
                                40 FCC                23
                                                                                                   348.79759519 MHz IN1
                                     1MAX                                                                               1MA
                                30               1

                                20                                                                                      P20





                                     Center 515 MHz                        97 MHz/                     Span 970 MHz

                              Title:     79038JD03
                              Comment A: RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS
                              Date:      3.DEC.2010 15:01:28

Note: This plot is a pre-scan and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see accompanying table.

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TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                  ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions (continued)
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                         Andrew Edwards                 Test Date:         03 December 2010
Test Sample Serial No:                 5042Z00084

FCC Part:                              15.109
Test Method Used:                      As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.3 and 6.6
                                       referencing ANSI C63.4
Frequency Range:                       1 GHz to 12.5 GHz

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                      24
Relative Humidity (%):                 18


  Frequency               Antenna       Peak Level      Average Limit         Margin             Result
    (MHz)                 Polarity       (dBμV/m)         (dBμV/m)             (dB)
    1204.659              Horizontal        43.6             54.0              10.4             Complied


1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table above incorporates the calibrated antenna
   factor and cable loss.
2. No spurious emissions were detected above the noise floor of the measuring receiver therefore the
   highest peak noise floor reading of the measuring receiver was recorded as shown in the table above.
   The peak level was compared to the average limit as opposed to being compared to the peak limit
   because this is the more onerous limit.

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                        SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions (continued)
                        Marker 1 [T1]          RBW      1 MHz   RF Att      0 dB                                   Marker 1 [T1]           RBW       1 MHz   RF Att      0 dB
         Ref Lvl                 46.22 dBÌ V   VBW      3 MHz                                       Ref Lvl                 39.71 dBÌ V    VBW       3 MHz
          80 dBÌ V           3.80761523 GHz    SWT   7.5 ms     Unit           dBÌ V                 80 dBÌ V           5.89979960 GHz     SWT       5 ms    Unit         dBÌ V
    80                                                                                         80

                                                                                       A                                                                                          A

    70                                                                                         70

    60                                                                                         60

          D1 54 dBÌ V                                                                                D1 54 dBÌ V
    50                                                                                 IN1     50                                                                                 IN1
         1VIEW                                                                         1MA          1VIEW                                                                         1MA
    40                                                                                         40

    30                                                                                         30

                                                                                       TDF                                                                                        TDF
    20                                                                                         20

    10                                                                                         10

     0                                                                                          0

   -10                                                                                        -10

   -20                                                                                        -20
         Start 1 GHz                    300 MHz/                       Stop 4 GHz                   Start 4 GHz                     200 MHz/                        Stop 6 GHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                       Title:     79038JD03
  Date:      3.DEC.2010 19:44:57                                                             Date:      3.DEC.2010 17:42:30

                        Marker 1 [T1]          RBW      1 MHz   RF Att      0 dB                                   Marker 1 [T1]           RBW       1 MHz   RF Att      0 dB
         Ref Lvl                 43.22 dBÌ V   VBW      3 MHz                                       Ref Lvl                 37.73 dBÌ V    VBW       3 MHz
          80 dBÌ V           6.94589178 GHz    SWT   11.5 ms    Unit           dBÌ V                 80 dBÌ V          10.88577154 GHz     SWT   26 ms       Unit         dBÌ V
    80                                                                                         80
                                                                                       A                                                                                          A

    70                                                                                         70

    60                                                                                         60

          D1 54 dBÌ V                                                                                D1 54 dBÌ V
    50                                                                                 IN1     50                                                                                 IN1
         1VIEW                            1                                            1MA          1MAX                                                                          1MA

    40                                                                                         40                                                1

    30                                                                                         30

                                                                                       TDF                                                                                        TDF
    20                                                                                         20

    10                                                                                         10

     0                                                                                          0

   -10                                                                                        -10

   -20                                                                                        -20
         Start 6 GHz                    200 MHz/                       Stop 8 GHz                   Start 8 GHz                     450 MHz/                   Stop 12.5 GHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                       Title:     79038JD03
  Date:      3.DEC.2010 19:07:16                                                             Date:      3.DEC.2010 19:17:08

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TEST REPORT                                                      SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

5.2.2. Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                      Crawford Lindsay               Test Date:      03 December 2010
Test Sample Serial No:              5042Z00084

FCC Part:                           15.247(b)(3)
Test Method Used:                   As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Section 6.10.2 and Sections 6.3 and 6.6
                                    referencing ANSI C63.4 (see note below)

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                   22
Relative Humidity (%):              21

Results: 802.11b / 11 Mbps

                                               De Facto
                            EIRP                                     Margin
      Channel                                 EIRP Limit                                   Result
                           (dBm)                                      (dB)
       Bottom               18.4                   36.0                17.6               Complied
       Middle               15.0                   36.0                21.0               Complied
         Top                14.2                   36.0                21.8               Complied

Results: 802.11g / 24 Mbps

                                               De Facto
                            EIRP                                     Margin
      Channel                                 EIRP Limit                                   Result
                           (dBm)                                      (dB)
       Bottom               20.6                   36.0                15.4               Complied
       Middle               17.6                   36.0                18.4               Complied
         Top                17.0                   36.0                19.0               Complied


1. Tests were performed using a combination of the conducted test method described in ANSI C63.10
   Section 6.10.2 and the test methods for radiated emissions measurements described in Sections 6.3 and
   6.6. The reason for this being that the measurements were performed radiated as the EUT has an
   external antenna and the Customer requested that all measurements were performed with the antenna
2. EIRP was measured using the channel power function of a spectrum analyser. Measurement
   bandwidths were set automatically by the spectrum analyser.

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                                  SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                                      ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 11 Mbps
                        Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   300 kHz        RF Att      20 dB                                Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   300 kHz        RF Att      20 dB
          Ref Lvl                        3.99 dBm       VBW     1 MHz                                           Ref Lvl                        0.71 dBm       VBW     1 MHz
           30.5 dBm               2.41200000 GHz        SWT     5 ms         Unit           dBm                  30.5 dBm               2.43700000 GHz        SWT     5 ms         Unit           dBm
   30.5                                                                                                 30.5
            20.5 dB Offset                                       1 [T1]                3.99 dBm                   20.5 dB Offset                                       1 [T1]                0.71 dBm
                                                                                                  A                                                                                                     A
                                                                              2.41200000 GHz                                                                                        2.43700000 GHz
     20                                                         CH PWR                18.40 dBm            20                                                         CH PWR                14.96 dBm
                                                                CH BW        20.00000000 MHz                                                                          CH BW        20.00000000 MHz

     10                                                                                                    10
      0                                                                                           IN1      0                                                                                            IN1
          1MAX                                                                                    1MA           1MAX                                                                                    1MA

    -10                                                                                                   -10

    -20                                                                                                   -20

                                                                                                  TDF                                                                                                   TDF

    -30                                                                                                   -30

    -40                                                                                                   -40

    -50                                                                                                   -50

    -60                                                                                                   -60
                                                                        C0                                                                                                    C0
                             C0                                                                                                    C0
  -69.5                                                                                                 -69.5
          Start 2.392 GHz                      4 MHz/                         Stop 2.432 GHz                    Center 2.437 GHz                     4 MHz/                               Span 40 MHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                                  Title:     79038JD03
  Comment A: EIRP                                                                                       Comment A: EIRP
  Date:      3.DEC.2010       10:33:49                                                                  Date:      3.DEC.2010       11:06:44

                                  Bottom channel                                                                                         Middle channel
                        Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   300 kHz        RF Att      20 dB
          Ref Lvl                        0.29 dBm       VBW     1 MHz
           30.5 dBm               2.46200000 GHz        SWT     5 ms         Unit           dBm
            20.5 dB Offset                                       1 [T1]                0.29 dBm
                                                                              2.46200000 GHz
     20                                                         CH PWR                14.23 dBm
                                                                CH BW        20.00000000 MHz


      0                                                                                           IN1
          1MAX                                                                                    1MA







          Center 2.462 GHz                     4 MHz/                               Span 40 MHz

  Title:     79038JD03
  Comment A: EIRP
  Date:      3.DEC.2010       11:29:30

                                     Top channel

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                                        SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11g / 24 Mbps
                        Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   300 kHz        RF Att      20 dB                                Marker 1 [T1]                  RBW   300 kHz        RF Att      20 dB
          Ref Lvl                        2.72 dBm       VBW     1 MHz                                           Ref Lvl                     -1.74 dBm        VBW     1 MHz
           30.5 dBm               2.41200000 GHz        SWT     5 ms         Unit           dBm                  30.5 dBm               2.43700000 GHz       SWT     5 ms         Unit           dBm
   30.5                                                                                                 30.5
            20.5 dB Offset                                       1 [T1]                2.72 dBm                   20.5 dB Offset                                      1 [T1]               -1.74 dBm
                                                                                                  A                                                                                                    A
                                                                              2.41200000 GHz                                                                                       2.43700000 GHz
     20                                                         CH PWR                20.63 dBm            20                                                        CH PWR                17.57 dBm
                                                                CH BW        20.00000000 MHz                                                                         CH BW        20.00000000 MHz

     10                                                                                                    10


      0                                                                                           IN1      0
                                                                                                                                                         1                                             IN1
          1MAX                                                                                    1MA           1MAX                                                                                   1MA

    -10                                                                                                   -10

    -20                                                                                                   -20

                                                                                                  TDF                                                                                                  TDF

    -30                                                                                                   -30

    -40                                                                                                   -40

    -50                                                                                                   -50

    -60                                                                                                   -60
                                                                        C0                                                                                                   C0
                             C0                                                                                                    C0
  -69.5                                                                                                 -69.5
          Start 2.392 GHz                      4 MHz/                         Stop 2.432 GHz                    Center 2.437 GHz                    4 MHz/                               Span 40 MHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                                  Title:     79038JD03
  Comment A: EIRP                                                                                       Comment A: EIRP
  Date:      3.DEC.2010       10:48:30                                                                  Date:      3.DEC.2010       11:15:08

                                  Bottom channel                                                                                            Middle channel
                        Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   300 kHz        RF Att      20 dB
          Ref Lvl                     -3.04 dBm         VBW     1 MHz
           30.5 dBm               2.46200000 GHz        SWT     5 ms         Unit           dBm
            20.5 dB Offset                                       1 [T1]               -3.04 dBm
                                                                              2.46200000 GHz
     20                                                         CH PWR                16.96 dBm
                                                                CH BW        20.00000000 MHz


      0                                             1                                             IN1
          1MAX                                                                                    1MA







          Center 2.462 GHz                     4 MHz/                               Span 40 MHz

  Title:     79038JD03
  Comment A: EIRP
  Date:      3.DEC.2010       11:34:56

                                     Top channel

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TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

5.2.3. Transmitter Radiated Emissions
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                        Crawford Lindsay                 Test Date:       03 December 2010
Test Sample Serial No:                5042Z00084

FCC Part:                            15.247(d) & 15.209(a)
Test Method Used:                    As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.3 and 6.5
                                     referencing ANSI C63.4
Frequency Range                      30 MHz to 1000 MHz

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                     24
Relative Humidity (%):                20

Results: Quasi Peak / Top Channel

  Frequency          Antenna              Level              Limit             Margin
    (MHz)            Polarity           (dBμV/m)           (dBμV/m)             (dB)
    115.986         Horizontal             27.5               43.5               16.0             Complied
    135.335           Vertical             28.3               43.5               15.2             Complied
    193.393         Horizontal             24.6               43.5               18.9             Complied
    212.695         Horizontal             31.2               43.5               12.3             Complied
    231.999         Horizontal             41.5               46.0               4.5              Complied
    251.347           Vertical             37.9               46.0               8.1              Complied
    328.732         Horizontal             28.6               46.0               17.4             Complied
    399.984         Horizontal             33.4               46.0               12.6             Complied
    464.063           Vertical             32.2               46.0               13.8             Complied
    599.524           Vertical             31.6               46.0               14.4             Complied
    985.935         Horizontal             40.4               54.0               13.6             Complied


1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table above incorporates the calibrated antenna
   factor and cable loss
2. The preliminary scans showed similar emission levels below 1 GHz, for each channel of operation.
   Therefore final radiated emissions measurements were performed with the EUT set to the top channel
3. All other emissions were at least 20 dB below the appropriate limit or below the noise floor of the
   measurement system.
4. Transmitter spurious emissions were performed with the EUT transmitting with a data rate of 24 Mbps,
   as this was seen to have the highest power level and therefore deemed to be worst case

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TEST REPORT                                                                                            SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
                                                     Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      0 dB
                                    Ref Lvl                        32.06 dBÌ V   VBW   300 kHz
                                     70 dBÌ V                212.72545090 MHz    SWT   300 ms      Unit         dBÌ V
                                                                                          1 [T1]         32.06 dBÌ V
                                                                                                   212.72545090 MHz
                                                                                          2 [T1]          41.37 dBÌ V
                                                                                                   232.16432866 MHz

                               50                                                         3 [T1]          37.77 dBÌ V
                                                                                                   251.60320641 MHz
                                                                                          4 [T1]         42.87 dBÌ V
                               40 FCC                    3
                                                                                                   986.39278557 MHz IN1
                                    1MAX                                                                                1MA

                               20                                                                                       P20





                                    Center 515 MHz                         97 MHz/                     Span 970 MHz

                             Title:     79038JD03
                             Comment A: RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS
                             Date:      3.DEC.2010 13:54:30

Note: This plot is a pre-scan and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see accompanying table.

RFI Global Services Ltd                                                                                                                        Page 19 of 29

TEST REPORT                                                     SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                             ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                   Andrew Edwards                  Test Date:        03 December 2010
Test Sample Serial No:           5042Z00084

FCC Part:                        15.247(d) & 15.209(a)
Test Method Used:                As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.3 and 6.6
                                 referencing ANSI C63.4
Frequency Range                  1 GHz to 25 GHz

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                24
Relative Humidity (%):           18

802.11b / 11 Mbps
Results: Peak Bottom Channel

  Frequency         Antenna          Level             Limit            Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity       (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)            (dB)
   4823.798          Vertical         42.9               74.0            31.1               Complied

Results: Average Bottom Channel

  Frequency         Antenna          Level             Limit            Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity       (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)            (dB)
   4823.798          Vertical         26.9               54.0            27.1               Complied

Results: Peak Middle Channel

  Frequency         Antenna          Level             Limit            Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity       (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)            (dB)
   4873.748          Vertical         49.1               74.0            24.9               Complied

Results: Average Middle Channel

  Frequency         Antenna          Level             Limit            Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity       (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)            (dB)
   4873.748          Vertical         27.6               54.0            26.4               Complied

Results: Peak Top Channel

  Frequency         Antenna          Level             Limit            Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity       (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)            (dB)
   4924.176         Horizontal        41.1               74.0            32.9               Complied

Results: Average Top Channel

  Frequency         Antenna          Level             Limit            Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity       (dBμV/m)          (dBμV/m)            (dB)
   4924.176         Horizontal        26.8               54.0            27.2               Complied

Page 20 of 29                                                                        RFI Global Services Ltd

TEST REPORT                                                SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
802.11g: 24 Mbps
Results: Peak Bottom Channel

  Frequency               Antenna      Level      Limit            Margin
    (MHz)                 Polarity   (dBμV/m)   (dBμV/m)            (dB)
    4825.645              Vertical     53.5       74.0              20.5           Complied

Results: Average Bottom Channel

  Frequency               Antenna      Level      Limit            Margin
    (MHz)                 Polarity   (dBμV/m)   (dBμV/m)            (dB)
    4825.645              Vertical     26.5       54.0              27.5           Complied

Results: Peak Middle Channel

  Frequency               Antenna      Level      Limit            Margin
    (MHz)                 Polarity   (dBμV/m)   (dBμV/m)            (dB)
    4875.783              Vertical     45.0       74.0              29.0           Complied

Results: Average Middle Channel

  Frequency               Antenna      Level      Limit            Margin
    (MHz)                 Polarity   (dBμV/m)   (dBμV/m)            (dB)
    4875.783              Vertical     26.6       54.0              27.4           Complied

Results: Peak Top Channel

  Frequency               Antenna      Level      Limit            Margin
    (MHz)                 Polarity   (dBμV/m)   (dBμV/m)            (dB)
    4923.785              Vertical     49.6       74.0              24.4           Complied

Results: Average Top Channel

  Frequency               Antenna      Level      Limit            Margin
    (MHz)                 Polarity   (dBμV/m)   (dBμV/m)            (dB)
    4923.785              Vertical     25.9       54.0              28.1           Complied

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TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)

1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table above incorporates the calibrated antenna
   factor and cable loss
2. All other emissions shown on the pre-scan plot were investigated and found to be ambient or >20 dB
   below the applicable limit or below the measurement system noise floor.
3. The emission shown on the 1 GHz to 4 GHz plot is the EUT fundamental.
4. All pre-scans were performed with a peak detector against average limits apart from measurements
   made in the range 1 to 4 GHz where pre-scans were performed with peak and average detectors and
   the applicable limit applied. This was due to the noise floor exceeding the average limit when using a
   peak detector
5. Transmitter spurious emissions were performed with the EUT transmitting with a data rate 11 Mbps in
   802.11b mode and 24 Mbps in 802.11g mode, as this were seen to have the highest power level and
   therefore deemed to be worst case
6. Final measurements were made using appropriate RF attenuators and RF filters where required.

Page 22 of 29                                                                            RFI Global Services Ltd

TEST REPORT                                                                                                        SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
                        Marker 1 [T1]           RBW     1 MHz   RF Att     10 dB                                   Marker 1 [T1]           RBW      1 MHz   RF Att     10 dB
         Ref Lvl                 57.60 dBÌ V    VBW     3 MHz                                       Ref Lvl                 48.43 dBÌ V    VBW      3 MHz
          80 dBÌ V           3.78957916 GHz     SWT   7.5 ms    Unit           dBÌ V                 80 dBÌ V           3.98797595 GHz     SWT   7.5 ms     Unit         dBÌ V
    80                                                                                         80
           10.2 dB Offset                                                                             10.2 dB Offset
                                                                                       A                                                                                         A
          D1 74 dBÌ V
    70                                                                                         70

    60                                                                     1                   60

                                                                                                     D1 54 dBÌ V
    50                                                                                         50
                                                                                       IN1                                                                                       IN1
         1VIEW                                                                         1MA          1VIEW                                                                        1AV

    40                                                                                         40

    30                                                                                         30

                                                                                       TDF                                                                                       TDF
    20                                                                                         20

    10                                                                                         10

     0                                                                                          0

   -10                                                                                        -10

   -20                                                                                        -20
         Start 1 GHz                     300 MHz/                      Stop 4 GHz                   Start 1 GHz                     300 MHz/                       Stop 4 GHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                       Title:     79038JD03
  Date:      3.DEC.2010 17:20:22                                                             Date:      3.DEC.2010 17:23:59

                                Peak Detector                                                                           Average Detector
                        Marker 1 [T1]           RBW     1 MHz   RF Att     10 dB                                   Marker 1 [T1]           RBW      1 MHz   RF Att     10 dB
         Ref Lvl                  47.01 dBÌ V   VBW     3 MHz                                       Ref Lvl                 45.78 dBÌ V    VBW      3 MHz
          80 dBÌ V            4.92585170 GHz    SWT     5 ms    Unit           dBÌ V                 80 dBÌ V           6.96192385 GHz     SWT   11.5 ms    Unit         dBÌ V
    80                                                                                         80

                                                                                        A                                                                                        A

    70                                                                                         70

    60                                                                                         60

          D1 54 dBÌ V                                                                                D1 54 dBÌ V
    50                                    1                                            IN1     50                                                                                IN1
         1VIEW                                                                         1MA          1VIEW                                                                        1MA

    40                                                                                         40

    30                                                                                         30

                                                                                       TDF                                                                                       TDF
    20                                                                                         20

    10                                                                                         10

     0                                                                                          0

   -10                                                                                        -10

   -20                                                                                        -20
         Start 4 GHz                     200 MHz/                      Stop 6 GHz                   Start 6 GHz                     200 MHz/                       Stop 8 GHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                       Title:     79038JD03
  Date:      3.DEC.2010 17:47:09                                                             Date:      3.DEC.2010 19:03:11

RFI Global Services Ltd                                                                                                                                            Page 23 of 29

TEST REPORT                                                                                                        SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
                        Marker 1 [T1]          RBW    1 MHz    RF Att      10 dB                                   Marker 1 [T1]           RBW    1 MHz   RF Att       0 dB
         Ref Lvl                 39.48 dBÌ V   VBW    3 MHz                                         Ref Lvl                 47.00 dBÌ V    VBW    3 MHz
          80 dBÌ V          12.35020040 GHz    SWT   27 ms     Unit            dBÌ V                 80 dBÌ V          17.69488978 GHz     SWT   30 ms    Unit          dBÌ V
    80                                                                                         80

                                                                                       A                                                                                        A

    70                                                                                         70

    60                                                                                         60

          D1 54 dBÌ V                                                                                D1 54 dBÌ V
    50                                                                                 IN1     50                                                                      1        IN1
         1VIEW                                                                         1MA          1VIEW                                                                       1MA
    40                                                                                         40

    30                                                                                         30

                                                                                       TDF                                                                                      TDF
    20                                                                                         20

    10                                                                                         10

     0                                                                                          0

   -10                                                                                        -10

   -20                                                                                        -20
         Start 8 GHz                    475 MHz/                Stop 12.75 GHz                      Start 12.75 GHz                 525 MHz/                     Stop 18 GHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                       Title:     79038JD03
  Date:      3.DEC.2010 19:19:46                                                             Date:      3.DEC.2010 19:27:13

                        Marker 1 [T1]          RBW    1 MHz    RF Att         0 dB
         Ref Lvl                 49.01 dBÌ V   VBW    3 MHz
          80 dBÌ V          24.92985972 GHz    SWT   40 ms     Unit            dBÌ V




          D1 54 dBÌ V
    50                                                                                 IN1
         1VIEW                                                                         1MA







         Start 18 GHz                   700 MHz/                      Stop 25 GHz

  Title:     79038JD03
  Date:      3.DEC.2010 19:35:22

Note: These plots are pre-scans and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see accompanying tables.

Page 24 of 29                                                                                                                                     RFI Global Services Ltd

TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                     ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

5.2.4. Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                       Andrew Edwards                  Test Date:        03 December 2010
Test Sample Serial No:               5042Z00084

FCC Part:                            15.247(d) & 15.209(a)
Test Method Used:                    As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Section 6.9.2

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                    23
Relative Humidity (%):               18

Results: 802.11b / 11 Mbps Peak

     Frequency              Level                 Limit                 Margin
       (MHz)              (dBμV/m)              (dBμV/m)                 (dB)
        2400                 53.5                  79.5*                 26.0                Complied
       2483.5                62.0                  74.0                  12.0                Complied

Results: 802.11b / 11 Mbps Average

     Frequency              Level                 Limit                 Margin
       (MHz)              (dBμV/m)              (dBμV/m)                 (dB)
       2483.5                49.1                  54.0                   4.9                Complied

Results: 802.11g / 24 Mbps Peak

     Frequency              Level                 Limit                 Margin
       (MHz)              (dBμV/m)              (dBμV/m)                 (dB)
        2400                 74.2                  80.5*                  6.3                Complied
       2483.5                65.8                  74.0                   8.2                Complied

Results: 802.11g / 24 Mbps Average

     Frequency              Level                 Limit                 Margin
       (MHz)              (dBμV/m)              (dBμV/m)                 (dB)
       2483.5                49.3                  54.0                   4.7                Complied


1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table above incorporates the calibrated antenna
   factor and cable loss.
2. * -20 dBc limit.

RFI Global Services Ltd                                                                          Page 25 of 29

TEST REPORT                                                                                                            SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                            ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 11 Mbps
                          Marker 1 [T1]              RBW   100 kHz   RF Att      10 dB                                 Marker 1 [T1]              RBW     1 MHz   RF Att      10 dB
         Ref Lvl                   53.46 dBÌ V       VBW   300 kHz                                      Ref Lvl                 61.96 dBÌ V       VBW     3 MHz
          110 dBÌ V            2.40000000 GHz        SWT   12.5 ms   Unit          dBÌ V                 110 dBÌ V          2.48350000 GHz        SWT     5 ms    Unit          dBÌ V
   110                                                                                            110
           20.5 dB Offset                                                                                 20.5 dB Offset
                                                                                           A                                                                                            A

   100    D1 99.5 dBÌ V                                                                           100

    90                                                                                             90

    80       D2 79.5 dBÌ V                                                                 IN1     80                                                                                   IN1
         1VIEW                                                                             1MA          1VIEW                                                                           1MA
                                                                                                            7 dBÌ V
                                                                                                         D1 74
    70                                                                                             70

    60                                                                                             60
                                                                                           TDF                                                                                          TDF
    50                                                                                             50

    40                                                                                             40

    30                                                                                             30

    20                                                                                             20

                                             F1                                                                                           F1
    10                                                                                             10
         Center 2.4 GHz                    5 MHz/                           Span 50 MHz                 Center 2.4835 GHz                5 MHz/                          Span 50 MHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                           Title:     79038JD03
  Comment A: Radiated Band Edge                                                                  Comment A: Radiated Band Edge
  Date:      3.DEC.2010 20:23:56                                                                 Date:      3.DEC.2010 20:17:57

           Lower Band Edge Peak Measurement                                                               Upper Band Edge Peak Measurement
                                                                                                                       Marker 1 [T1]              RBW     1 MHz   RF Att      10 dB
                                                                                                        Ref Lvl                 49.08 dBÌ V       VBW     10 Hz
                                                                                                         110 dBÌ V          2.48350000 GHz        SWT   12.5 s    Unit          dBÌ V
                                                                                                          20.5 dB Offset



                                                                                                   80                                                                                   IN1
                                                                                                        1MAX                                                                            1MA



                                                                                                         D1 54 dBÌ V                                                                    TDF




                                                                                                        Center 2.4835 GHz                5 MHz/                          Span 50 MHz

                                                                                                 Title:     79038JD03
                                                                                                 Comment A: Radiated Band Edge
                                                                                                 Date:      3.DEC.2010 20:19:53

                                                                                                     Upper Band Edge Average Measurement

Page 26 of 29                                                                                                                                             RFI Global Services Ltd

TEST REPORT                                                                                                             SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                             ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: 802.11g / 24 Mbps
                           Marker 1 [T1]              RBW   100 kHz   RF Att      10 dB                                 Marker 1 [T1]              RBW     1 MHz   RF Att      10 dB
         Ref Lvl                    74.20 dBÌ V       VBW   300 kHz                                      Ref Lvl                 65.84 dBÌ V       VBW     3 MHz
          110 dBÌ V             2.40000000 GHz        SWT   12.5 ms   Unit          dBÌ V                 110 dBÌ V          2.48350000 GHz        SWT     5 ms    Unit          dBÌ V
   110                                                                                             110
           20.5 dB Offset                                                                                  20.5 dB Offset
                                                                                            A                                                                                            A

   100    D1 100.5 dBÌ V                                                                           100

    90                                                                                              90

    80       D2 80.5 dBÌ V                                                                  IN1     80                                                                                   IN1
         1VIEW                                    1                                         1MA          1VIEW                                                                           1MA
                                                                                                             7 dBÌ V
                                                                                                          D1 74
    70                                                                                              70

    60                                                                                              60

                                                                                            TDF                                                                                          TDF
    50                                                                                              50

    40                                                                                              40

    30                                                                                              30

    20                                                                                              20

                                              F1                                                                                           F1
    10                                                                                              10
         Center 2.4 GHz                     5 MHz/                           Span 50 MHz                 Center 2.4835 GHz                5 MHz/                          Span 50 MHz

  Title:     79038JD03                                                                            Title:     79038JD03
  Comment A: Radiated Band Edge                                                                   Comment A: Radiated Band Edge
  Date:      3.DEC.2010 20:27:35                                                                  Date:      3.DEC.2010 20:12:39

           Lower Band Edge Peak Measurement                                                                Upper Band Edge Peak Measurement
                                                                                                                        Marker 1 [T1]              RBW     1 MHz   RF Att      10 dB
                                                                                                         Ref Lvl                 49.31 dBÌ V       VBW     10 Hz
                                                                                                          110 dBÌ V          2.48350000 GHz        SWT   12.5 s    Unit          dBÌ V
                                                                                                           20.5 dB Offset



                                                                                                    80                                                                                   IN1
                                                                                                         1VIEW                                                                           1MA



                                                                                                          D1 54 dBÌ V                                                                    TDF




                                                                                                         Center 2.4835 GHz                5 MHz/                          Span 50 MHz

                                                                                                  Title:     79038JD03
                                                                                                  Comment A: Radiated Band Edge
                                                                                                  Date:      3.DEC.2010 20:14:39

                                                                                                      Upper Band Edge Average Measurement

RFI Global Services Ltd                                                                                                                                                   Page 27 of 29

TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

6. Measurement Uncertainty
No measurement or test can ever be perfect and the imperfections give rise to error of measurement in the
results. Consequently the result of a measurement is only an approximation to the value of the measurand
(the specific quantity subject to measurement) and is only complete when accompanied by a statement of
the uncertainty of the approximation.
The expression of uncertainty of a measurement result allows realistic comparison of results with reference
values and limits given in specifications and standards.
The uncertainty of the result may need to be taken into account when interpreting the measurement results.
The reported expanded uncertainties below are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by an appropriate
coverage factor such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is maintained. For the purposes of this
document “approximately” is interpreted as meaning “effectively” or “for most practical purposes”.

                                                                           Confidence       Calculated
                Measurement Type                        Range
                                                                            Level (%)       Uncertainty
Radiated Maximum Peak Output Power             2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz           95%            ±2.94 dB
Radiated Spurious Emissions                      30 MHz to 26.5 GHz            95%            ±2.94 dB

The methods used to calculate the above uncertainties are in line with those recommended within the
various measurement specifications. Where measurement specifications do not include guidelines for the
evaluation of measurement uncertainty the published guidance of the appropriate accreditation body is

Page 28 of 29                                                                             RFI Global Services Ltd

TEST REPORT                                                      SERIAL NO: RFI-RPT-RP79038JD03A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 26 JANUARY 2011

Appendix 1. Test Equipment Used
RFI        Instrument        Manufacturer         Type No.     Serial No.      Date          Cal.
No.                                                                            Calibration   Interval
                                                                               Due           (Months)
A1393      Attenuator        Huber & Suhner       757456       6820.17.B       06 Jul 2011   12
A1396      Attenuator        Huber & Suhner       757987       6810.17.B       06 Jul 2011   12
A1534      Pre Amplifier     Hewlett Packard      8449B        3008A00405      06 Jun 2011   12
A1818      Antenna           EMCO                 3115         00075692        05 Sep 2011   12
A253       Antenna           Flann Microwave      12240-20     128             05 Sep 2011   12
A254       Antenna           Flann Microwave      14240-20     139             05 Sep 2011   12
A255       Antenna           Flann Microwave      16240-20     519             05 Sep 2011   12
A288       Antenna           Chase                CBL6111A     1589            05 Sep 2011   12
A436       Antenna           Flann Microwave      20240-20     330             05 Sep 2011   12
A553       Antenna           Chase                CBL6111A     1593            16 Mar 2011   12
G0543      Amplifier         Sonoma               310N         230801          30 Jun 2011   12
K0001      5m RSE Chamber    Rainford EMC         N/A          N/A             25 Apr 2011   12
K0002      3m RSE Chamber    Rainford EMC         N/A          N/A             05 Sep 2011   12
L1001      ESU26             Rohde & Schwarz      ESU26        100239          28 Jan 2011   12
M1124      Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz      ESI26        100046K         22 Apr 2011   12

NB In accordance with UKAS requirements all the measurement equipment is on a calibration schedule.

RFI Global Services Ltd                                                                      Page 29 of 29

Document Created: 2011-01-26 15:35:34
Document Modified: 2011-01-26 15:35:34

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