DTS Report


Test Report

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                                                                                 Test report No.   : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                                 Page              : 1 of 80
                                                                                 Issued date       : June 8, 2006
                                                                                 Revised date      : July 8, 2006
                                                                                 FCC ID            : N6C -SX10WAG

                               EMI TEST REPORT
                           Test Report No. : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
          Applicant                        :          silex technology, Inc.

          Type of Equipment                :          MiniPCI Wireless LAN Board

          Model No.                        :          SX-10WAG

          Test standard                    :          FCC Part 15 Subpart C
                                                      Section 15.207, Section 15.247: 2006

          FCC ID                           :          N6C-SX10WAG

          Test Result                      :          Complied

          1. This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of
              UL Apex Co., Ltd.
          2. The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
          3. This equipment is in compliance with above regulation. We hereby certify that the data contain a
               true representation of the EMC profile.
          4. The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
      Date of test:
                                    May 11 to July 8, 2006

      Tested by:
                            ______________________________ ______________________________
                                    Hiroka Umeyama                 Norihisa Hashimoto
                                     EMC Services                    EMC Services

      Approved by :
                                    Naoki Sakamoto
                              Group Leader of EMC Services

                                                      This laboratory is accredited by the NVLAP LAB CODE
                                                      200572-0, U.S.A. The tests reported herein have been
                                                      performed in accordance with its terms of accreditation.
                                                      *As for the range of Accreditation in NVLAP, you may
                                                      refer to the WEB address, http://ulapex.jp/emc/nvlap.htm
       NVLAP LAB CODE: 200572-0

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                  MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                                                 Test report No.      : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                                                 Page                 : 2 of 80
                                                                                                 Issued date          : June 8, 2006
                                                                                                 Revised date         : July 8, 2006
                                                                                                 FCC ID               : N6C -SX10WAG

CONTENTS                                                                                                                         PAGE
SECTION 1: Client information................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.) ................................................................................ 3
SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results .................................................................. 4
SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing.......................................................................... 7
SECTION 5: Conducted Emission................................................................................................ 9
SECTION 6: Spurious Emission.................................................................................................10
SECTION 7: Bandwidth .............................................................................................................11
SECTION 8: Maximum Peak Output Power..............................................................................11
SECTION 9: Peak Power Density...............................................................................................11
APPENDIX 1: Photographs of test setup ....................................................................................12
  Conducted Emission................................................................................................................12
  Spurious Emission (Radiated).................................................................................................13
  Worst Case Position (X-axis:Horizontal / Y-axis:Vertical)......................................................14
APPENDIX 2:Test instruments ...................................................................................................15
APPENDIX 3: Data of EMI test...................................................................................................17
  Conducted Emission................................................................................................................17
  6dB Bandwidth .......................................................................................................................28
  Maximum Peak Output Power................................................................................................33
  Radiated Spurious Emission...................................................................................................40
  Conducted Spurious Emission.................................................................................................58
  Conducted emission Band Edge compliance............................................................................71
  Power Density.........................................................................................................................73
  99%Occupied Bandwidth .......................................................................................................78

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                                     MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                                Test report No.    : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                                Page               : 3 of 80
                                                                                Issued date        : June 8, 2006
                                                                                Revised date       : July 8, 2006
                                                                                FCC ID             : N6C -SX10WAG

SECTION 1: Client information

Company Name                       :   silex technology, Inc.
Address                            :   15-15 Takaida higashiosaka Osaka Japan
Telephone Number                   :   +81-6-6784-3758
Facsimile Number                   :   +81-6-6784-3750
Contact Person                     :   Toshiro Kometani

SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)

2.1     Identification of E.U.T.

Type of Equipment                  : MiniPCI Wireless LAN Board
Model No.                          : SX-10WAG
Serial No.                         : ES0002 / 0080923A9A29
Rating                             : DC3.3V, 0.54A
Country of Manufacture             : Japan
Receipt Date of Sample             : April 14, 2006
Condition of EUT                   : Engineering prototype
                                     (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)
Modification of EUT                : No modification by the test lab.

2.2     Product Description

Model: SX-10WAG is the MiniPCI Wireless LAN Board.

Equipment Type                     :   Transceiver
Clock frequency                    :   40MHz
Method of Frequency Generation     :   Crystal
Operating voltage (inner)          :   DC3.3V +/-10%

                                    IEEE802.11b                   IEEE802.11g                      IEEE802.11a
 Frequency of operation            2412-2462MHz                  2412-2462MHz                     5180-5320MHz
 Type of modulation                  DSSS                         OFDM                                OFDM
                              (CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK)          (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK,              (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK,
                                                                  BPSK)                               BPSK)
 Bandwidth &Channel                22MHz & 5MHz                22MHz & 5MHz                      22MHz & 5MHz
 ITU Code                                G1D                          D1D                              D1D
 Antenna type                      Omni-Directional             Omni-Directional                  Omni-Directional
 Antenna Gain                          1.5dBi                       1.5dBi                            2.1dBi

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                  MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                             Test report No.   : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                             Page              : 4 of 80
                                                                             Issued date       : June 8, 2006
                                                                             Revised date      : July 8, 2006
                                                                             FCC ID            : N6C -SX10WAG

SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results

3.1    Test Specification

Test Specification                :        FCC Part15 Subpart C : 2006
Title                             :        FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device Subpart C Intentional
                                           Section 15.207 Conducted limits : 2006
                                           Section 15.247 Operation within the bands 902-928MHz,
                                                          2400-2483.5MHz, and 5725-5850MHz : 2006

FCC 15.31 (e)
The stable voltage (DC3.3V) is provided with the EUT from the host device. Therefore, the EUT complies with the

FCC Part 15.203 Antenna requirement
The EUT complies with the requirement of 15.203, because a unique connector (Reverse SMA) is used for it.

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                              MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                                 Test report No.   : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                                 Page              : 5 of 80
                                                                                 Issued date       : June 8, 2006
                                                                                 Revised date      : July 8, 2006
                                                                                 FCC ID            : N6C -SX10WAG

3.2      Procedures and results

No. Item            Test Procedure          Specification         Remarks      Deviation Worst margin *0                Results
1 Conducted         ANSI C63.4:2003         Section 15.207        -            N/A       17.6dB 0.22844MHz,             Complied
    Emission        7. AC powerline                                                      Phase N (QP)
                    conducted emission                                                   IEEE802.11g
                    measurements                                                         Tx Low Ch.
2     6dB Bandwidth ANSI C63.4:2003         Section 15.247(a)(2) Conducted     N/A       -                              -
                    13. Measurement of
                    intentional radiators
3     Maximum Peak ANSI C63.4:2003          Section 15.247(b)(3) Conducted     N/A         -                            -
      Output Power  13. Measurement of
                    intentional radiators
4     Spurious      ANSI C63.4:2003         Section 15.247 (d)    Conducted/ N/A           [Tx]                   Complied
      Emission      13. Measurement of      Section 15.209        Radiated                 0.6dB
                    intentional radiators                                                  7236MHz(11b Low Ch)
                                                                                           VER, AV
                                                                                           4824MHz(11g Low Ch)
                                                                                           HOR/VER, AV
                                                                                           2483.5MHz(11g High Ch)
                                                                                           VER, AV
                                                                                           3215.9MHz (11b, 11g)
                                                                                           HOR, AV
5   Restricted Band ANSI C63.4:2003 Section 15.247 (d)            Conducted/ N/A           -                      -
    Edges              13. Measurement of                         Radiated
                       intentional radiators
6 Power Density ANSI C63.4:2003 Section 15.247 (e)                Conducted N/A             -                           -
                       13. Measurement of
                       intentional radiators
Note: UL Apex’s EMI Work Procedures No.QPM05 and QPM15.
*0) The result is rounded off to the second decimal place. Therefore, there may be 0.1 difference for the result.
 *These tests were also referred to "Guidance on Measurement for Digital Transmission Systems Section15.247".
 *These tests were performed without any deviations from test procedure except for additions or exclusions.

3.3      Addition to standards

No. Item              Test Procedure        Specification         Remarks      Deviation Worst margin                  Results
1 99 % Occupied       RSS-Gen 4.4.1         RSS-Gen 4.4.1         Conducted    N/A       -                             -
    Band Width

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                  MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                                       Test report No.     : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                                       Page                : 6 of 80
                                                                                       Issued date         : June 8, 2006
                                                                                       Revised date        : July 8, 2006
                                                                                       FCC ID              : N6C -SX10WAG

3.4      Uncertainty

Conducted Emission
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test is ±2.66dB.
The data listed in this report have enough margin, more than site margin.

Spurious Emission (Radiated)
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Biconical antenna is ±4.59dB(3m)/
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Logperiodic antenna is ±4.62dB(3m)/
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Horn antenna is ±5.27dB.
The data listed in this report meets the limits unless the uncertainty is taken into consideration.

Other test except Conducted Emission and Spurious Emission (Radiated)
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test is ±3.0dB.

3.5      Test Location

UL Apex Co., Ltd. Head Office EMC Lab. *NVLAP Lab. code: 200572-0
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, M ie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 596 24 8116               Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124
                          FCC            IC Registration      Width x Depth x       Size of                          Other
                          Registration Number                     Height (m)        reference ground plane (m) /     rooms
                          Number                                                    horizontal conducting plane
 No.1 semi-anechoic       313583         IC4247A              19.2 x 11.2 x 7.7m    7.0 x 6.0m                       Preparation
 chamber                                                                                                             room
 No.2 semi-anechoic       655103         IC4247A-2            7.5 x 5.8 x 5.2m      4.0 x 4.0m                       -
 No.3 semi-anechoic       148738         IC4247A-3            12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9m     6.8 x 5.75m
 No.3 shielded room       -              -                    4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7m      N/A                              -
 No.4 semi-anechoic       134570         IC4247A-4            12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9m     6.8 x 5.75m                      -
 No.4 shielded room       -              -                    4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7m      N/A                              -
 No.5 shielded room       -              -                    6.0 x 6.0 x 3.9m      N/A                              -
 No.6 shielded            -              -                    4.0 x 4.5 x 2.7m      N/A                              -
 No.6 measurement         -              -                    4.75 x 5.4 x 3.0m     N/A                              -
 No.7 shielded room       -              -                    4.7 x 7.5 x 2.7m      4.7 x 7.5m                       -
 No.8 measurement         -              -                    3.1 x 5.0 x 2.7m      N/A                              -
* Size of vertical conducting plane (for Conducted Emission test) : 2.0 x 2.0m for No.1, No.2, No.3 and No.4 semi-anechoic chambers
and No.7 shielded room.

3.6    Test set up, Test instruments and Data of EMI

Refer to APPENDIX 1 to 3.

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                          MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                                  Test report No.   : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                                  Page              : 7 of 80
                                                                                  Issued date       : June 8, 2006
                                                                                  Revised date      : July 8, 2006
                                                                                  FCC ID            : N6C -SX10WAG

SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing

4.1        Operating Modes

The EUT was operating in a manner similar to typical use during the tests.
  PacketType :           Maximum
  Payload      :         PN9
  Operation    :         Transmitting mode (IEEE802.11b/11g)
                         - Low Channel : 2412MHz(Ch1)
                         - Mid Channel : 2437MHz(Ch6)
                         - High Channel : 2462MHz(Ch11)

                              Transmitting mode (IEEE802.11a)
                                              : 5825MHz(Ch165)

                              Turbo mode (IEEE802.11g)
                              - Channel      : 2437MHz(ch6)

                              Receiving mode (IEEE802.11b/11g)
                              - Mid Channel : 2437MHz(Ch6)

      Conditions       :      1) Data Rate:IEEE802.11b:1, 2, 5.5, 11
                                           IEEE802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps
                                           Turbo mode: 12,18,24,36,48,72,96,108 Mbps
                              2) Antenna Port: A and B (same type)

      *We pre-confirmed the above conditions on EUT and performed the final test with the following conditions;
                        IEEE802.11b                IEEE802.11g                   IEEE802.11a
         Conducted         1) Data Rate: 11Mbps        1) Data Rate: 54Mbps        1) Data Rate: 54Mbps
         emission test     2) Antenna Port A           2) Antenna Port A           2) Antenna Port A
         Radiated          1) Data Rate:11Mbps         1) Data Rate: 54Mbps        1) Rate: 54Mbps
         emission test     2) Antenna Port A           2) Antenna Port A           2 )Antenna Port A
         Other tests       1) Data Rate:11Mbps         1) Data Rate: 54Mbps        1) Data Rate: 54Mbps
                           2) Antenna Port B           2) Antenna Port B           2) Antenna Port A

Conducted emission test     : The above conditions did not affect the test result so that the test was made with these
                            conditions in the above table.
Radiated emission test      : As for Rate, 11Mbps (Maximum transmission rate of 11b) and 54Mbps (Maximum
                            transmission rate of 11g) had worst margins.
                            The result of Antenna Port A had worst margin.
Other tests                 : As for Rate, 11Mbps (Maximum transmission rate of 11b) and 54Mbps (Maximum
                            transmission rate of 11g) had worst margins.
                            The result of Antenna Port B had worst margin.
* Conducted/Radiated Emission level at Turbo mode has no difference from the ones at usual operation mode.
Therefore, only the test items such as Output Power, Bandwidth, and Bandedges that would be influenced by the Turbo
mode were performed.

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                   MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                               Test report No.    : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                               Page               : 8 of 80
                                                                               Issued date        : June 8, 2006
                                                                               Revised date       : July 8, 2006
                                                                               FCC ID             : N6C -SX10WAG

4.2 Configuration and peripherals

                          B                     D
                                        A   C



                                                           AC 120V/60Hz

*Cabling and setup were taken into consideration and test data was taken under worse case conditions.

Description of EUT and Support equipment
 No.   Item                       Model number          Serial number          Manufacturer             Remarks
       Mini PCI Wireless LAN      SX-10WAG              ES0002 *1)             silex technology         EUT
       Board                                            0080923A9A29 *2)
 B     Antenna                    SX-10WAG              2, 3                   silex technology         EUT
       Mini PCI Cardbus           -                     -                      silex technology         -
 D     PC                         PP350N009X31・2        Z2026858J              TOSHIBA                  -
 E     Adapter                    PA3241V-1ACA          0210A0010919G          TOSHIBA                  -
*1) Used for 11b/g test
*2) Use for 11a test

List of cables used
 No.             Name                   Length (m)                         Shield                           Remarks
                                                               Cable                Connector
 1     DC Cable                   2.0                        Unshielded             Unshielded          -
 2     AC Cable                   2.0                        Unshielded             Unshielded          -

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                 MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                               Test report No.   : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                               Page              : 9 of 80
                                                                               Issued date       : June 8, 2006
                                                                               Revised date      : July 8, 2006
                                                                               FCC ID            : N6C -SX10WAG

SECTION 5: Conducted Emission

Test Procedure

EUT was placed on a urethane platform of nominal size, 1.0m by 0.5m, raised 80cm above the conducting ground plane.
The rear of tabletop was located 40cm to the vertical conducting plane. The rear of EUT, including peripherals aligned
and flushed with rear of tabletop. All other surfaces of tabletop were at least 80cm from any other grounded conducting
surface. EUT was located 80cm from a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)/ Artificial mains Network (AMN)
and excess AC cable was bundled in center.

For the tests on EUT with other peripherals (as a whole system)
I/O cable and AC cables that were connected to the peripherals were bundled in center. They were folded back and forth
forming a bundle 30cm to 40cm long and were hanged at a 40cm height to the ground plane.

The AC Mains Terminal Continuous disturbance Voltage has been measured with the EUT in a Semi Anechoic Chamber
or a Measurement Room.
The EUT was connected to a LISN (AMN).
An overview sweep with peak detection has been performed.
The measurements have been performed with a CISPR quasi-peak detector (IF BW 9 kHz ).
Measurement range: 0.15-30MHz

Test data                          : APPENDIX 3
Test result                        : Pass

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                                 Test report No.   : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                                 Page              : 10 of 80
                                                                                 Issued date       : June 8, 2006
                                                                                 Revised date      : July 8, 2006
                                                                                 FCC ID            : N6C -SX10WAG

SECTION 6: Spurious Emission


Test Procedure
The Out of Band Emission was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna port.

Test data                           : APPENDIX 3
Test result                         : Pass


Test Procedure
EUT was placed on a urethane platform of nominal size , 1.0m by 0.5m, raised 80cm above the conducting ground plane.
The Radiated Electric Field Strength intensity has been measured in a Semi Anechoic Chamber with a ground plane and
at a distance of 3m(Below 10GHz) and 1m(Upper 10GHz) and 0.3m(Upper 26.5GHz).
The height of the measuring varied between 1 and 4m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain the
maximum value of the electric field intensity.
The measurements were performed for both vertical and horizontal antenna polarization with the Test Receiver or the
Spectrum Analyzer.

In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum intentional radiator is operating,
the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator confirmed 20dB below that in the 100kHz
bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on a radiated measurement.

When not satisfying the requirement of § 15.209, 20dBc was applied except the restricted band of §15.205
 Frequency             Below 1GHz                                   Above 1GHz
 Instrument used       Test Receiver / Spectrum Analyzer            Spectrum Analyzer
 Detector              QP: BW 120kHz(T/R)                           PK: RBW:1MHz/VBW: 1MHz
 IF Bandwidth          20dBc : RBW:100kHz/VBW: 300kHz (S/A) AV: RBW:1MHz/VBW:10Hz
                                                                    20dBc : RBW:100kHz/VBW:300kHz

- The carrier level and noise levels were confirmed at each position of X, Y and Z axes of EUT to see the position of
maximum noise, and the test was made at the position that has the maximum noise.

Test data                           : APPENDIX 3
Test result                         : Pass

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                  MF060b(14.06.06)

                                                                            Test report No.   : 26GE0351-HO-A-1
                                                                            Page              : 11 of 80
                                                                            Issued date       : June 8, 2006
                                                                            Revised date      : July 8, 2006
                                                                            FCC ID            : N6C -SX10WAG

SECTION 7: Bandwidth

Test Procedure
The bandwidth was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna port.

Test data                         : APPENDIX 3
Test result                       : Pass

SECTION 8: Maximum Peak Output Power

Test Procedure
The Maximum Peak Output Power was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna port.
The test was made with the spectrum analyzer that has a function of channel-power measurement
Integral bandwidth of Channel-power measurement function was set at 40MHz/80MHz after it was verified by pre-check
that there was no difference between 26dB bandwidth and 40MHz/80MHz bandwidth.
We followed the method 1 specified in Guidance on Measurement for Digital Transmission Systems Section15.247.

Test data                         : APPENDIX 3
Test result                       : Pass

SECTION 9: Peak Power Density

Test Procedure
The Peak Power Density was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna port.

Test data                         : APPENDIX 3
Test result                       : Pass

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                             MF060b(14.06.06)

Document Created: 2006-07-11 21:39:24
Document Modified: 2006-07-11 21:39:24

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