Test Report

FCC ID: JUP-9414-450

Test Report

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Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                             FCC ID: JUP-9414-450

Class 2 Permissive Change

Description of Changes to the Trimmark 3, FCC ID JUP-9414-450

Changes to Power Amplifier Board

The 25W PA Module (U4) was changed for an equivalent part because the
original one became obsolete

Driver (U10) chip was changed for the same reason.

Changes to Digital RF Board

The synthesizer chip was changed for an equivalent part because the original
one became obsolete.

Plots are provide for a number of representative modulation types supported for by the
25W module:

Types of emission:

9600 baud GMSK(.5), 3.5 kHz deviation                20 kHz auth BW:        20K0F1D
19200 baud 4FSK 4.8 kHz deviation                    20 kHz auth BW:        20K0F1D
Spurious out-of band emissions to 10fo

Schematics and photographs: refer to separate attachments

All measurements were performed at Compliance Certification Services, 561F Monterey
Road, Morgan Hill, CA 95037.

T.N. COKENIAS                                               21 March 2005
Agent for Trimble Navigation Ltd.

              12. Mar 18, 2005                    Peak Search
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                                                  Next Pk Right

                                                   Next Pk Left

                                                    Min Search

                                                  Pk—Pk Search

                                                       Hker 3 CF

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       29 Mar 18, 2005               Peak Search
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                                          Hker 3 CF

                                             1 of 2
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       31. Mar 18, 2005           Peak Search
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                                  Next Pk Right

                                   Next Pk Left

                                    Min Search

                                  Pk—Pk Search

                                       Hker 3 CF

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                       Peak Search
E‘v? Pucsl ?   4   E      Next Peak

                       Next Pk Right

                        Next Pk Left

                         Min Search

                       Pk—Pk Search

                            Hker 3 CF

                               1 of 2

01/24/05 High Frequency Substitution Measurement
Compliance Certification Services, Morgan Hill Open Field Site

Test Engr:William Zhuang
Project #:05U3218-1
Company:T. Cokenias / Trimble
EUT Descrip.:Trimber
           Trimble Navigation Ltd
EUT M/N: FCC ID: JUP-9414-450
Test Target:FCC Part 90 Class II Change
Mode Oper:Trasmit

Test Equipment:

  EMCO Horn 1-18GHz                     Pre-amplifer 1-26GHz                        Spectrum Analyzer                        Horn > 18GHz                  Limit

  T73; S/N: 6717 @3m

    Hi Frequency Cables
                                                                                        Peak Measurements:
       (2 ft)             (2 ~ 3 ft)           (4 ~ 6 ft)         (12 ft)               Fundamental:                       Bandedge:                Spurious
                                                                                        RBW>99% or 26dB Emissions BW       RBW=>1% Emissions BW   RBW=1MHz
                                                                                        VBW=RBW                            VBW=> 3*RBW               VBW=1MHz

   f            SA reading       SG reading                  CL             Gain            Gain                  Limit     Margin                Notes
  GHz             (dBm)            (dBm)                    (dB)            (dBi)           (dBd)       (dBm)     (dBm)      (dB)
First Ch. Freq.: 450MHz
0.900             -75.5                -38.6                0.6              0.0              0.0       -39.2      -13.0      -26.2                 V
1.350             -76.9                -45.0                0.8              7.1              5.0       -50.8      -13.0      -37.8                 V
1.800             -81.1                -51.9                1.0              7.8              5.6       -58.5      -13.0      -45.5                 V
2.250             -82.7                -54.0                1.1              8.3              6.2       -61.3      -13.0      -48.3                 V
2.700             -73.6                -38.7                1.2              8.8              6.6       -46.6      -13.0      -33.6                 V
3.150             -88.0                -52.4                1.3              9.2              7.1       -60.8      -13.0      -47.8                 V
3.600             -88.2                -53.9                1.4              9.5              7.3       -62.6      -13.0      -49.6                 V
4.050             -83.4                -49.2                1.5              9.8              7.6       -58.3      -13.0      -45.3                 V
4.500             -84.8                -49.0                1.6             10.2              8.0       -58.6      -13.0      -45.6                 V
Second Ch. Freq.: 460MHz
0.920             -71.9                -34.0                0.6              1.3              0.0       -34.6      -13.0      -21.6                 V
2.300             -69.1                -35.2                1.1              8.4              6.2       -42.5      -13.0      -29.5                 V
4.600             -74.3                -39.6                1.6             10.3              8.1       -49.3      -13.0      -36.3                 V
Third Ch. Freq.: 470MHz
0.940             -72.2                -33.6                0.6              2.6              0.0       -34.2      -13.0      -21.2                 V
2.350             -69.3                -36.7                1.1              8.4              6.3       -44.1      -13.0      -31.1                 V
2.820             -70.0                -36.0                0.0              8.9              6.8       -42.8      -13.0      -29.8                 V
3.290             -70.0                -33.6                0.0              9.3              7.1       -40.7      -13.0      -27.7                 V

Document Created: 2005-03-25 14:26:11
Document Modified: 2005-03-25 14:26:11

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