RF Exposure

FCC ID: JUP-9091191

RF Exposure Info

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Trimble Navigation Ltd..                                                     FCC ID: JUP-9091191; IC: 1756A-9091191

4     FCC §15.247 (i), §2.1091 & IC RSS-102 – RF Exposure
4.1    Applicable Standard
According to FCC §15.247(i) and §1.1307(b)(1), systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be
operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the
Commission’s guidelines.

                               Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

         Frequency           Electric Field        Magnetic Field
                                                                            Power Density        Averaging Time
           Range               Strength              Strength
                                                                              (mW/cm2)             (minutes)
           (MHz)                 (V/m)                (A/m)
                                  Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
           0.3-1.34                614                   1.63                   * (100)                 30
           1.34-30                824/f                 2.19/f                 * (180/f )               30
           30-300                 27.5                  0.073                     0.2                   30
          300-1500                  /                      /                     f/1500                 30
        1500-100,000                /                      /                      1.0                   30

        f = frequency in MHz
        * = Plane-wave equivalent power density

Before equipment certification is granted, the procedure of IC RSS-102 must be followed concerning
the exposure of humans to RF fields.

According to IC RSS-102 Issue 4 section 4.2, RF limits used for general public will be applied to the EUT.

                             Electric Field       Magnetic Field            Power Density       Time Averaging
                              (V/m rms)            (A/m rms)                   (W/m2)               (min)
           0.003 - 1              280                   2.19                       -                   6
            1 - 10               280 / f               2.19 / f                    -                   6
            10 - 30                28                  2.19 / f                    -                   6
           30 – 300                28                  0.073                      2*                   6
                                          0.5                   0.5
         300 – 1 500            1.585 f              0.0042 f                   f / 150                6
        1 500 – 15 000            61.4                 0.163                      10                   6
       15 000 – 150 000           61.4                 0.163                      10              616000 / f1.2
       150 000- 300 000         0.158 f0.5        4.21 x 10 -4 f0.5          6.67 x 10-5 f        616000 / f1.2

Note: ƒ is frequency in MHz
* = Power density limit is applicable at frequencies greater than 100 MHz

Report Number: R14073110-247 AC900                       Page 9 of 52              FCC Part 15C/IC RSS-210 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Ltd..                                                       FCC ID: JUP-9091191; IC: 1756A-9091191

4.2    MPE Prediction
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance, Equation from OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

                                                      S = PG/4R²
Where: S = power density
       P = power input to antenna
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

4.3    MPE Results
Note: The EUT contains the following modules which can transmit simultaneously.

902-928 MHz:

                          Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):            29.96
                           Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):            990.83
                                                                 Prediction distance (cm):      50
                                                            Prediction frequency (MHz):         927.6
                                                 Maximum Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):           3
                                                     Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):            1.99
                            Power density of prediction frequency at 50.0 cm (mW/cm2):          0.0629
                  MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency (mW/cm2):         0.6184

MPE Percentage: 0.0629/0.6184*100% = 10.17%

2.4 GHz Wi-Fi:

                          Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):            14.85
                           Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):            30.549
                                                                 Prediction distance (cm):      50
                                                            Prediction frequency (MHz):         2412
                                                 Maximum Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):           4
                                                     Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):            2.511
                            Power density of prediction frequency at 50.0 cm (mW/cm2):          0.02443
                  MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency (mW/cm2):         1.0

MPE Percentage: 0.002443/1.0*100% = 0.24%

Report Number: R14073110-247 AC900                         Page 10 of 52              FCC Part 15C/IC RSS-210 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Ltd..                                                   FCC ID: JUP-9091191; IC: 1756A-9091191

2.4 GHz BT:

                         Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):         2.16
                          Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):         1.644
                                                                Prediction distance (cm):   50
                                                           Prediction frequency (MHz):      2402
                                                Maximum Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):        4
                                                    Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):         2.511
                           Power density of prediction frequency at 50.0 cm (mW/cm2):       0.000131
                 MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency (mW/cm2):      1.0

MPE Percentage: 0.000131/1.0*100% = 0.01%

Cellular Band:

                         Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):         30.49
                          Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):         1119.438
                                                                Prediction distance (cm):   50
                                                           Prediction frequency (MHz):      824.2
                                                Maximum Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):        3.92
                                                    Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):         2.466
                           Power density of prediction frequency at 50.0 cm (mW/cm2):       0.0878
                 MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency (mW/cm2):      0.549

MPE Percentage: 0.0878/0.549*100% = 15.99%

Co-Location MPE: 10.17%+0.24%+0.013%+15.99%=26.413%.
The device meets FCC/IC MPE at 20 distance.

Report Number: R14073110-247 AC900                      Page 11 of 52             FCC Part 15C/IC RSS-210 Test Report

Document Created: 2015-01-16 11:04:26
Document Modified: 2015-01-16 11:04:26

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