Users Manual

FCC ID: JUP-6999600

Users Manual

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 SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started

Tr im ble SPS M odu la r GPS
Re ce ive r s H e lp
This Help describes how to use the following products:
      •     Trimble SPS GPS receivers
          This family of receivers comprise the SPSx52 Modular GPS receiver,
          the SPSx51 Modular GPS receivers, the SPSx61 Modular Heading GPS
          receivers, and the SPS882 Smart GPS antenna.
      •     SNM910 site-net modem
Where necessary, this Help contains references to specific receivers in the
product family. When information is specific to a particular model, then the
specific model name is used.
Even if you have used other Global Positioning System (GPS) products before,
Trimble recommends that you spend some time reading this manual to learn
about the special features of this product. If you are not familiar with GPS,
visit the Trimble website ( for an interactive look at Trimble
and GPS.


Le ga l N ot ice s
Cor por a t e Office

Trimble Navigation Limited
935 Stewart Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94085

H e a vy H igh w a y bu sin e ss a r e a

Trimble Navigation Limited
Heavy Highway business area
5475 Kellenburger Road
Dayton, Ohio 45424-1099

800-538-7800 (toll free in USA)
+1-937-245-5600 Phone
+1-937-233-9004 Fax


Le ga l N ot ice s

© 2006–2009, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved.

Trimble, and the Globe & Triangle logo are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited,
registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries.
AutoBase, CMR, CMR+, CMRx, HYDROpr o, Maxwell, Micro-Centered, TGO, SiteNet,
TRIMMARK, TRIMTALK, TSC2, TSCe, VRS, Zephyr, and Zephyr Geodetic are
trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited.

The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use
of such marks by Trimble Navigation Limited is under license. Microsoft, Windows, and
Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.

Re le a se N ot ice

This is the October 2009 release (Revision A) of the SPS Receiv ers Help. It applies to
version 4.00 of the receiver firmware.

Pr odu ct Lim it e d W ar r a nt y I n for m a t ion

For applicable product Limited Warranty information, please refer to the Limited
Warranty Card included with this Trimble product, or consult your local Trimble
authorized dealer.


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

    COCOM lim it s
    The U.S. Department of Commerce requires that all exportable GPS products
    contain performance limitations so that they cannot be used in a manner that
    could threaten the security of the United States. The following limitations are
    implemented on this product:
                 • Immediate access to satellite measurements and navigation results
                 is disabled when the receiver velocity is computed to be greater than
                 1,000 knots, or its altitude is computed to be above 18,000 meters.
                 The receiver GPS subsystem resets until the COCOM situation clears.
                 As a result, all logging and stream configurations stop until the GPS
                 subsystem is cleared.

    N ot ice s

    Class B Statement – Notice to Users. This equipment has been tested and found to
    comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules
    and Part 90. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
    harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and
    can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
    the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communication. However,
    there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
    equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
    be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
    correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

       •   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
       •   Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
       •   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
           the receiver is connected.
       •   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

    Changes and modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer or registrant
    of this equipment can void your authority to operate this equipment under Federal
    Communications Commission rules.

    Ca n a da

    This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

    Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

    This apparatus complies with Canadian RSS-GEN, RSS-310, RSS-210, and RSS-119.

    Cet appareil est conforme à la norme CNR-GEN, CNR-310, CNR-210, et CNR-119 du

    Eur ope


                                                                                 Legal Notices

The product covered by this guide are intended to be used in all EU member countries,
Norway, and Switzerland. Products been tested and found to comply with the
requirements for a Class B device pursuant to European Council Directive 89/336/EEC
on EMC, thereby satisfying the requirements for CE Marking and sale within the
European Economic Area (EEA). Contains a Bluetooth radio module. These
requirements are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a residential or commercial
environment. The 450 MHZ (PMR) bands and 2.4 GHz are non-harmonized throughout

CE D e cla r a t ion of Con for m it y

Hereby, Trimble Navigation, declares that the GPS receivers are in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.

Au st r a lia a n d N e w Ze a la n d

This product conforms with the regulatory requirements of the Australian
Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) EMC framework, thus satisfying the
requirements for C-Tick Marking and sale within Australia and New Zealand.

Ta iw a n – Ba t t e r y Re cyclin g Re qu ir e m en t s

( SPSx 5 1 a n d SPS8 8 2 on ly )

The product contains a removable Lithium-ion battery. Taiwanese regulations require
that waste batteries are recycled.


Re st r ict ion of Use of Ce r t a in H a za r dous Su bst a n ce s in Ele ct r ica l a n d
Ele ct r on ic Equ ipm en t ( RoH S)

Trimble products in this guide comply in all material respects with DIRECTIVE
2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and
electronic equipment (RoHS Directive) and Amendment 2005/618/EC filed under
C(2005) 3143, with exemptions for lead in solder pursuant to Paragraph 7 of the
Annex to the RoHS Directive applied.

W a st e Ele ct r ica l a n d Ele ct r on ic Equ ipm e n t ( W EEE)

For product recycling instructions and more information, please go to


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

    Recycling in Europe: To recycle Trimble WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic
    Equipment, products that run on electrical power.), Call +31 497 53 24 30, and ask for
    the “WEEE Associate”. Or, mail a request for recycling instructions to:
    Trimble Europe BV
    c/o Menlo Worldwide Logistics
    Meerheide 45
    5521 DZ Eersel, NL

    FCC D e cla r a t ion of Confor m it y

                      We, Trimble Navigation Limited.

                             935 Stewart Drive
                               PO Box 3642
                         Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3642
                               United States

      Declare under sole responsibility that DoC products comply with
                           Part 15 of FCC Rules.

            Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

          (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
      (2) This device must accept any interference received, including
              interference that may cause undesired operaton

    Un lice nse d r a dios in Pr odu ct s

    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.

    Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

    (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
    (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
    cause undesired operaton.

    Lice nse d r a dios in Pr odu ct s

    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.

    Operation is subject to the condition that this device may not cause harmful



 Re la t e d in for m a t ion
 Sources of related information include the following:
       •   Release notes – The release notes describe new features of the
       product, information not included in the manuals, and any changes to
       the manuals. They can be downloaded from the Trimble website
       ( .
       •    Trimble training courses – Consider a training course to help you
       use your GPS system to its fullest potential. For more information, go to
       the Trimble website at

Technical support
 If you have a problem and cannot find the information you need in the product
 documentation, contact your local dealer. Alternatively, go to the Support area
 of the Trimble website ( Select the product
 you need information on. Product updates, documentation, and any support
 issues are available for download.
 If you need to contact Trimble technical support, complete the online inquiry
 form at

Your comments
 Your feedback about the supporting documentation helps us to improve it with
 each revision. Email your comments to


Getting Started Guides
SNM910 Site-Net Modem
Safety Information

  Before you use your Trimble product, make sure that you have read and
  understood all safety requirements.

Use and care

  This product is designed to withstand the rough treatment and tough
  environment that typically occurs in construction applications. However, the
  receiver is a high-precision electronic instrument and should be treated with
  reasonable care.

 Ca u t ion – Ope r a t in g or st or in g t h e r e ce ive r ou t side t h e sp e cif ie d t e m pe r a t u r e
 r a n ge ca n d a m a g e it .

Regulations and safety

  Some SPS receiver models with Base capability contain an internal radio-
  modem for transmission or can transmit through an external data
  communications radio. Regulations regarding the use of the 410-470 MHz
  radio-modems vary greatly from country to country. In some countries, the
  unit can be used without obtaining an end-user license. Other countries require
  end-user licensing. For licensing information, consult your local Trimble dealer.
  All SPS receiver models are capable of transmitting data via Bluetooth.
  Bluetooth, and 900 MHz1 , (and 2.4 GHz radio-modems - Ja pa n on ly) operate
  in license-free bands.
  The SNM910 contains an internal Quad-Band GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
  radio Modem.
  Before operating a Trimble GPS receiver or GSM modem, determine if
  authorization or a license to operate the unit is required in your country. It is
  the responsibility of the end user to obtain an operator's permit or license for
  the receiver for the location or country of use.
  For FCC regulations, see Legal Notices.

Type approval

  Type approval, or acceptance, covers technical parameters of the equipment
  related to emissions that can cause interference. Type approval is granted to
  the manufacturer of the transmission equipment, independent from the
  operation or licensing of the units. Some countries have unique technical
  requirements for operation in particular radio-modem frequency bands. To
  comply with those requirements, Trimble may have modified your equipment
  to be granted Type approval.

SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

 Unauthorized modification of the units voids the Type approval, the warranty,
 and the operational license of the equipment.

Exposure to radio frequency radiation

For 450 MHz radio

 Safet y. Exposure to RF energy is an important safety consideration. The FCC
 has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency
 electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated equipment as a result of its
 actions in General Docket 79-144 on March 13, 1986.
 Proper use of this radio modem results in exposure below government limits.
 The following precautions are recommended:
                 •   DO NOT operate the transmitter when someone is within 20
                 cm (7.8 inches) of the antenna.
                 •   DO NOT operate the transmitter unless all RF connectors are
                 secure and any open connectors are properly terminated.
                 •    DO NOT operate the equipment near electrical blasting caps
                 or in an explosive atmosphere.
                 •   All equipment must be properly grounded according to
                 Trimble installation instructions for safe operation.
                 •   All equipment should be serviced only by a qualified

For license-free 900 MHz radio1

          Ca u t ion – For you r ow n sa fe t y, a n d in t e r m s of t h e RF e x p osu r e
          r e qu ir e m e n t s of t h e FCC, a lw a ys ob se r ve t h e p r e ca u t ion s list e d h e r e .

                 •   DO NOT operate the transmitter when someone is within 20
                 cm (7.8 inches) of the antenna.
                 •   Do not co-locate the antenna with any other transmitting

For 2.4 GHz radio2

 Safet y. Exposure to RF energy is an important safety consideration. The FCC
 has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency
 electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated equipment as a result of its
 actions in General Docket 79-144 on March 13, 1986.
 Proper use of this radio modem results in exposure below government limits.
 The following precautions are recommended:
                 •   DO NOT operate the transmitter when someone is within 20
                 cm (7.8 inches) of the antenna.
 The maximum gain of the antenna must not exceed 8 dBi.


                                                                                      Getting Started Guides

For Bluetooth radio

  The radiated output power of the internal Bluetooth wireless radio is far below
  the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the wireless radio shall
  be used in such a manner that the Trimble receiver is 20 cm or further from
  the human body. The internal wireless radio operates within guidelines found
  in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, which reflect the
  consensus of the scientific community. Trimble therefore believes that the
  internal wireless radio is safe for use by consumers. The level of energy
  emitted is far less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices
  such as mobile phones. However, the use of wireless radios may be restricted
  in some situations or environments, such as on aircraft. If you are unsure of
  restrictions, you are encouraged to ask for authorization before turning on the
  wireless radio.

For GSM/GPRS radio

  Safet y. Exposure to RF energy is an important safety consideration. The FCC
  has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency
  electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated equipment as a result of its
  actions in General Docket 79-144 on March 13, 1986.
  Proper use of this radio modem results in exposure below government limits.
  The following precautions are recommended:
                 •   DO NOT operate the transmitter when someone is within 28
                 cm (11 inches) of the antenna.
                 •   All equipment should be serviced only by a qualified

Installing antennas

          Ca u t ion – For you r ow n sa f e t y, a n d in t e r m s of t h e RF e x posu r e
          r e qu ir e m e n t s of t h e FCC, a lw a ys ob se r ve t h e se p r e ca u t ion s:
          – Alw a y s m a in t a in a m in im u m se pa r a t ion dist a n ce of 2 0 cm ( 7 .8
          in ch e s) be t w e e n you r se lf a n d t h e r a d ia t in g a n t e n n a .
          – D o n ot co- loca t e t h e a n t e n n a w it h a n y ot h e r t r a n sm it t in g de v ice .

          Ca u t ion – Th e GPS a n t e n n a a n d it s ca b lin g sh ou ld be in st a lle d in
          a ccor da n ce w it h a ll n a t ion a l a n d loca l e le ct r ica l code s, r e gu la t ion s,
          a n d pr a ct ice s.

          Th e a n t e n n a a n d ca b lin g sh ou ld be in st a lle d w h e r e t h e y w ill n ot
          be com e e n e r giz e d a s a r e su lt of fa llin g n e a r by pow e r lin e s, n or be
          m ou n t e d w h e r e t h e y a r e su b j e ct e d t o ove r volt a ge t r a n sie n t s,
          pa r t icu la r ly lig h t n in g. Su ch in st a lla t ion s r e qu ir e a d dit ion a l pr ot e ct ive
          m e a n s t h a t a r e de t a ile d in n a t ion a l a n d loca l e le ct r ica l code s.

  Trimble SPS internal radios have been designed to operate with the antennas
  listed below. Antennas not included in this list are strictly prohibited for use
  with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

 The antennas that can be used (country dependent) with the 4 5 0 M H z r a dio
 are 0 dBi and 5 dBi whip antennas. The antennas that can be used (country
 dependent) with the 9 0 0 M H z radio are 0 dBi, 3 dBi, and 5 dBi whip antennas.
 The antennas that can be used (country dependant) with the2 .4 GH z r a dio
 are 2 dBi and 8 dBi whip antennas.
 To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its
 gain should be so chosen so that the equivalent isotropically radiated power
 (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.

Battery safety

SPS receiver internal lithium-ion battery

             W ARN I N G – D o not da m a ge t he r e cha r ge a ble Lit hium - ion ba t t e r y. A
             da m a ge d ba t t e r y ca n ca use a n e x plosion or fir e , a nd ca n r e sult in pe r sona l
             inj ur y a nd/ or pr ope r t y da m a ge .
             To pr e ve nt inj u r y or da m a ge :
             – D o not use or ch a r ge t he ba t t e r y if it a ppe a r s t o be da m a ge d. Sign s of
             da m a ge inclu de , but a r e not lim it e d t o, discolor a t ion, w a r ping, a nd le a k ing
             ba t t e r y fluid.
             – D o not e x pose t he ba t t e r y t o fir e , high t e m pe r a t ur e , or dir e ct sunlight .
             – D o not im m e r se t he ba t t e r y in w a t e r .
             – D o not use or st or e t h e ba t t e r y inside a ve hicle dur ing h ot w e a t he r .
             – D o not dr op or punct u r e t he ba t t e r y.
             – D o not ope n t he ba t t e r y or sh or t - cir cuit it s cont a ct s.

             W ARN I N G - Avoid cont a ct w it h t he r e cha r ge a ble Lit hium - ion ba t t e r y if it
             a ppe a r s t o be le a k ing. Ba t t e r y fluid is cor r osive , a nd cont a ct w it h it ca n
             r e sult in pe r sona l inj u r y a nd/ or pr ope r t y da m a ge .
             To pr e ve nt inj u r y or da m a ge :
             – I f t he ba t t e r y le a k s, a void cont a ct w it h t he ba t t e r y fluid.
             – I f ba t t e r y fluid ge t s int o your e ye s, im m e dia t e ly r inse your e ye s w it h
             cle a n w a t e r a nd se e k m e dica l a t t e nt ion. D o n ot r ub your e ye s!
             – I f ba t t e r y fluid ge t s ont o you r sk in or clot hin g, im m e dia t e ly use cle a n
             w a t e r t o w a sh off t he ba t t e r y fluid.

             W ARN I N G - Cha r ge a nd use t he r e cha r ge a ble Lit hium - ion ba t t e r y only in
             st r ict a ccor da nce w it h t he inst r uct ion s. Cha r gin g or usin g t he ba t t e r y in
             una u t h or iz e d e quipm e n t ca n ca use a n e x plosion or fir e , a nd ca n r e sult in
             pe r sona l inj ur y a n d/ or e quipm e n t da m a ge . To pr e ve nt inj ur y or da m a ge :
             – D o not cha r ge or use t he ba t t e r y if it a ppe a r s t o be da m a ge d or le a k in g.
             – Cha r ge t he Lit hium - ion ba t t e r y only in a Tr im ble pr oduct t ha t is spe cifie d
             t o cha r ge it . Be sur e t o follow a ll inst r uct ions t h a t a r e pr ovide d w it h t he
             ba t t e r y cha r ge r .
             – D iscon t inue cha r ging a ba t t e r y t ha t give s off e x t r e m e he a t or a bu r ning
             odor .
             – Use t he ba t t e r y only in Tr im ble e quipm e n t t h a t is spe cifie d t o use it .
             – Use t he ba t t e r y only for it s int e nde d use a n d a ccor ding t o t he
             inst r u ct ion s in t he pr oduct docum e n t a t ion .

         Connecting SPS receivers to a vehicle battery


                                                                                              Getting Started Guides

                 W ARN I N G – Use ca ut ion w he n conne ct ing ba t t e r y ca ble 's clip le a ds t o a
                 ve hicle ba t t e r y. D o not a llow a ny m e t a l obj e ct or j e w e lr y t o con ne ct ( shor t )
                 t he ba t t e r y's posit ive ( + ) t e r m ina l t o e it he r t he ne ga t ive ( - ) t e r m ina l or t he
                 m e t a l of t he ve hicle conne ct e d t o t he ba t t e r y. This could r e sult in high
                 cur r e n t , a r cing, a nd high t e m pe r a t ur e s, e x posing t he use r t o possible
                 inj ur y.

                 W ARN I N G - W he n conn e ct ing a n e x t e r na l ba t t e r y, such a s a ve hicle
                 ba t t e r y, t o a n SPS r e ce ive r , be sur e t o use t he Tr im ble ca ble w it h pr ope r
                 ove r - cur r e nt pr ot e ct ion int e nde d for t his pur pose , t o a void a sa fe t y ha z a r d
                 t o t he use r or da m a ge t o t he pr oduct .

Changing the Radio module

SPS882 only

  Trimble requires that you do not change from one version of a radio door
  assembly to another, for the following reasons:
                     •  The regulatory compliance requirements will be violated.
                     Operating such a product is illegal.
                     •   The internal connector on the radio is not intended for
                     multiple insertions or extractions. It may be damaged or break if
                     •    The seal integrity of the whole GPS receiver is compromised
                     when the radio is removed. Users do not have the facilities to test
                     the integrity of the seal.
                     •   If the unit is outside of warranty, you can purchase another
                     radio door, which must be installed by a Trimble authorized
                     Service Provider. There are hardware limitations to this, so be
                     very careful, especially with the 900 MHz doors.

              Ca u t ion - Be ca u se of in st a lla t ion pr oble m s a n d cou n t r y r e gu la t ion
              issu e s, Tr im b le doe s n ot se ll r a dio door s t o e n d u se r s. Tr im ble
              a u t h or iz e d Se r v ice Pr ovide r s m u st com ply w it h cou n t r y r e gu la t ion s
              a n d in st a ll t h e cor r e ct r a dio on ly in d e fin e d a n d a cce pt e d r e ce iv e r s.
              I nst a llin g a r a d io in a n on - sp e cif ie d GPS p r oduct or de v ice voids a n y
              w a r r a n t y of t h e r a d io a n d of t h e GPS pr odu ct . I t a lso su b j e ct s t h e
              se r v ice pr ovide r t o pe n a lt ie s se t for t h b y v a r iou s g ove r n m e n t
              a ge n cie s. Tr im ble sh a ll a ssu m e n o lia b ilit y for r a dios u se d in n on -
              a u t h or iz e d pr odu ct s.

Wet locations

SPSx61 only

    W ARN I N G - This pr oduct is not int e nde d t o be u se d out door s or in a w e t loca t ion
    w he n it is pow e r e d by t he Pow e r ove r Et he r ne t ( POE) int e r fa ce , or by t he e x t e r na l
    pow e r su pply.


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

     W ARN I N G - The e x t e r na l pow e r a da pt or a nd it s a ssocia t e d pow e r cor d a nd plu g a r e
     not int e n de d t o be inst a lle d out door s, or in a w e t loca t ion.

Use of Power over Ehternet

SPSx61 only

     W ARN I N G - W he n t his pr oduct is con ne ct e d t o a Pow e r ove r Et he r ne t conne ct ion,
     t he sou r ce of t he Et he r n e t pow e r m ust m e e t I EEE 8 0 2 .1 1 a f, a nd it s D C out pu t
     ( Et he r ne t pow e r sou r ce ) m ust be com ple t e ly isola t e d fr om e a r t h gr oun d ( floa t ing) ,
     or a sh ock ha z a r d m a y e x ist .

     W ARN I N G - The e x t e r na l pow e r a da pt or a nd it s a ssocia t e d pow e r cor d a nd plu g a r e
     not int e n de d t o be inst a lle d out door s, or in a w e t loca t ion.

1. 900 MHz radios are not used in Europe.
2. 2.40 GHz radios are available initially only for Japan.

SNM910 Site-Net Modem: What's in the box

list of items.

  I tem     Pa r t N um be r

SNM910 Site-Net Modem: Setting up a SIM card and IP address

Types of SIM cards

  <which ones are suitable>

Obtaining a SIM card

  How does a user get a card?

IP addresses


                                                                Getting Started Guides

 <Dynamic or static, public or private - which IP address type is required>
 Trimble server?? as a solution

SNM910 Site-Net Modem: Connecting and turning on

Mounting brackets

 Before the SNM910 modem can be installed, the correct mounting bracket
 must be attached to the host device:
               1. Remove the rubber end bumpers from the host device to
               expose the two pairs of fixing holes on the underside of the host
               end caps.
               2. Attach the mounting bracket using the four screws that are
               3.   Replace the rubber end bumpers.

SIM card

 Insert the SIM card into the SNM910 modem before attaching it to the host
               1.   Remove the SIM slot cover by unscrewing the two screws.
               2. Insert the SIM card with orientation as shown on the SNM910
               3. Push the SIM card into the slot until it locks in place (i.e., it
               does not spring back when released).
               4.   Replace the SIM slot cover and tighten the two screws.

Attaching the SNM910 site-net modem to the host device

 After the bracket has been attached and the SIM card installed, attach the
 SNM910 site-net modem to the host device:
               1.   Turn off the power on the host device.
               2. Slide the SNM910 site-net modem into the supporting
               bracket and ensure that the 26-pin connector mates correctly
               with the host device.
               3.   Tighten the two thumb screws.
               4. Connect an external power cable to the SNM910 site-net
               5.   Turn on the host device.


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

Rear view

Front view


      Pa r t      SN M 9 1 0     Pow e r
                                                Pow e r Sour ce   Ot he r con ne ct or s
      N um be r   conne ct ion   conne ct ion

                                                Power from 12 V
      46125-20    7-pin Lemo     'Croc' clips                     None
                                                car battery


                                                                              Getting Started Guides

                                    Cable with DC      Power from 12 V
      59044           7-pin Lemo                                                Serial
                                    plug               car battery
                                                       Power to host
                                    Cable with DC                               Serial-to-serial for
      67384           7-pin Lemo                       devices from AC
                                    plug                                        Moving Base applications
                                    Adapter with       Power from AC            USB(B) socket and
      57167           26-pin
                                    DC plug            adapter                  Ethernet socket
                                    Adapter with       Power from AC            Serial and Ethernet
      57168           26-pin
                                    DC plug            adapter                  socket
                                                                                2 x Serial, Ethernet
                                    Cable with DC      Power from AC
      77070-00        26-pin                                                    plug, USB(A) plug, 1PPS
                                    plug               adapter
                                    Cable with DC      Power from AC            2 x Serial, Ethernet
      78235-00        26-pin
                                    plug               adapter                  socket

Using the SNM910 Site-Net Modem with the SPS Receivers

Using the SNM910 Site-Net Modem with the SPS Receivers

  I n t h is se ct ion :

                       •       Web interface
                       •       Front panel < < lin k y e t t o b e done > >
                       •       Setting up an iBase
                       •       Setting up an SPS rover receiver

Configuring the SNM910 site-net modem for use with SPS receivers

SPSx 6 1 a nd SPSx 5 1 only

 How to connect to host using a web browser.
 Which web browsers are supported.
 Description of web UI pages which are releavant to the SNM910:
         •     GPRS modem
         •     Network


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

          •   PPP
          •   I/O
              Not e –


Setting up a SNM910 site-net modem for use with a SPS rover receiver

SPSx 6 1 a nd SPSx 5 1 only

 Photo of typical rover with an SNM910 on a marine vessel
 step-by-step instructions
              Not e –


Connecting a SNM910 site-net modem to an SPS receiver using the Web interface

SPSx 6 1 a nd SPSx 5 1 only

 How to connect to host using a web browser.
 Which web browsers are supported.
 Description of web UI pages which are releavant to the SNM910:
          •   GPRS modem
          •   Network
          •   PPP
          •   I/O
              Not e –


Using the SNM910 Site-Net Modem with the SNB900R Radio Modem

Use cases for a SNM910 site-net modem

 Detail some use cases (line art of long road job with SNM910/SNB900 used for
 CMR rebroadcast)
              Not e –


                                                           Getting Started Guides


SNB900 front panel

 Description of front panel on host SNB900 that relate to the SNM910

            Not e –


Setting up a 900 MHz rebroadcaster

 <photo of SNM910/SNB900 using AC supply in office>
 <photo of SNM910/SNB900 using DC supply in field>
 Mounting options - Tripod, benchtop, lighting pole
 Step-by-step instructions

            Not e –


Getting the best performance

 Choosing the best location for radio and cellular.

            Not e –


Connecting a SNM910 site-net modem to an SNB900 radio-modem using the Web

 How to connect to host using a web browser.
 Which web browsers are supported.
 Description of web UI pages which are releavant to the SNM910:


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

          •   GPRS modem
          •   Network
          •   PPP
          •   I/O
              Not e –



Glossa r y
                              Pulse-per-second. Used in hardware timing. A pulse is
1 PPS                         generated in conjunction with a time stamp. This defines
                              the instant when the time stamp is applicable.

                              A file that contains orbit information on all the satellites,
                              clock corrections, and atmospheric delay parameters. The
                              almanac is transmitted by a GPS satellite to a GPS
                              receiver, where it facilitates rapid acquisition of GPS
a lm a n a c                  signals when you start collecting data, or when you have
                              lost track of satellites and are trying to regain GPS
                              The orbit information is a subset of the
                              emphemeris/ephemerides data.

                              AutoBase technology uses the position of the receiver to
                              automatically select the correct base station; allowing for
Au t oBa se                   one button press operation of a base station. It shortens
                              setup time associated with repeated daily base station
                              setups at the same location on jobsites.

                              Also called refer ence st at ion. A base station in
                              construction, is a receiver placed at a known point on a
                              jobsite that tracks the same satellites as an RTK rover,
                              and provides a real-time differential correction message
                              stream through radio to the rover, to obtain centimeter
ba se st a t ion              level positions on a continuous real-time basis. A base
                              station can also be a part of a virtual reference station
                              network, or a location at which GPS observations are
                              collected over a period of time, for subsequent
                              postprocessing to obtain the most accurate position for
                              the location.

                              Source of RTCM DGPS corrections transmitted from
be a con                      coastal reference stations in the 283.5 to 325.0 kHz

                              BInary EXchange format. BINEX is an operational binary
                              format standard for GPS/GLONASS/SBAS research
BI N EX                       purposes. It has been designed to grow and allow
                              encapsulation of all (or most) of the information currently
                              allowed for in a range of other formats.

                              An Internet server that manages authentication and
                              password control for a network of VRS servers, and
br oa dca st se r ve r
                              relays VRS corrections from the VRS server that you

                              A radio wave having at least one characteristic (such as
ca r r ie r                   frequency, amplitude, or phase) that can be varied from
                              a known reference value by modulation.

                              The frequency of the unmodulated fundamental output of
ca r r ie r f r e qu e n cy   a radio transmitter. The GPS L1 carrier frequency is
                              1575.42 MHz.


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

                                    Is the cumulative phase count of the GPS or GLONASS
ca r r ie r ph a se
                                    carrier signal at a given time.

                                    A wireless adaptor that connects a laptop computer to a
                                    cellular phone system for data transfer. Cellular modems,
                                    which contain their own antennas, plug into a PC Card
ce llu la r m od e m s
                                    slot or into the USB port of the computer and are
                                    available for a variety of wireless data services such as

                                    Compact Measurement Record. A real-time message
                                    format developed by Trimble for broadcasting corrections
                                    to other Trimble receivers. CMR is a more efficient
                                    alternative to RTCM.

                                    A real-time message format developed by Trimble for
                                    transmitting more statellite corrections resulting from
CM Rx                               more satellite signals, more constellations, and more
                                    satellites. Its compactness means more repeaters can be
                                    used on a site.

                                    A statistical measure of the variance of two random
                                    variables that are observed or measured in the same
cova r ia n ce                      mean time period. This measure is equal to the product
                                    of the deviations of corresponding values of the two
                                    variables from their respective means.

                                    Also called geodet ic dat um . A mathematical model
                                    designed to best fit the geoid, defined by the relationship
                                    between an ellipsoid and, a point on the topographic
                                    surface, established as the origin of the datum. World
                                    geodetic datums are typically defined by the size and
                                    shape of an ellipsoid and the relationship between the
                                    center of the ellipsoid and the center of the earth.
                                    Because the earth is not a perfect ellipsoid, any single
da t u m                            datum will provide a better model in some locations than
                                    in others. Therefore, various datums have been
                                    established to suit particular regions.
                                    For example, maps in Europe are often based on the
                                    European datum of 1950 (ED-50). Maps in the United
                                    States are often based on the North American datum of
                                    1927 (NAD-27) or 1983 (NAD-83).
                                    All GPS coordinates are based on the WGS-84 datum

                                    Withdrawal of all electrical energy to the end-point
de e p disch a r ge
                                    voltage before the cell or battery is recharged.

D GPS                               See real-time differential GPS.

                                    Differential correction is the process of correcting GPS
                                    data collected on a rover with data collected
                                    simultaneously at a base station. Because the base
diff e r e nt ia l cor r e ct ion   station is on a known location, any errors in data
                                    collected at the base station can be measured, and the
                                    necessary corrections applied to the rover data.
                                    Differential correction can be done in real-time, or after



                                  the data has been collected by postprocessing.

diff e r e n t ia l GPS           See real-time differential GPS.

                                  Dilution of Precision. A measure of the quality of GPS
                                  positions, based on the geometry of the satellites used to
                                  compute the positions. When satellites are widely spaced
                                  relative to each other, the DOP value is lower, and
                                  position accuracy is greater. When satellites are close
                                  together in the sky, the DOP is higher and GPS positions
                                  may contain a greater level of error.
                                  PDOP (Position DOP) indicates the three-dimensional
                                  geometry of the satellites. Other DOP values include
                                  HDOP (Horizontal DOP) and VDOP (Vertical DOP), which
                                  indicate the accuracy of horizontal measurements
                                  (latitude and longitude) and vertical measurements
                                  respectively. PDOP is related to HDOP and VDOP as
                                  follows: PDOP² = HDOP² + VDOP².

                                  A type of receiver that uses both L1 and L2 signals from
                                  GPS satellites. A dual-frequency receiver can compute
du a l- fr e qu e n cy GPS        more precise position fixes over longer distances and
                                  under more adverse conditions because it compensates
                                  for ionospheric delays.

                                  European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. A
                                  satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) that
EGN OS                            provides a free-to-air differential correction service for
                                  GPS. EGNOS is the European equivalent of WAAS, which
                                  is available in the United States.

                                  The angle below which the receiver will not track
                                  satellites. Normally set to 10 degrees to avoid
e le v a t ion m a sk
                                  interference problems caused by buildings and trees,
                                  atmospheric issues, and multipath errors.

                                  An ellipsoid is the three-dimensional shape that is used
                                  as the basis for mathematically modeling the earth’s
e llip soid                       surface. The ellipsoid is defined by the lengths of the
                                  minor and major axes. The earth’s minor axis is the polar
                                  axis and the major axis is the equatorial axis.

                                        A list of predicted (accurate) positions or locations of
                                        satellites as a function of time. A set of numerical
e m ph e m e r is/ e p h e m e r id e s parameters that can be used to determine a satellite’s
                                        position. Available as broadcast ephemeris or as
                                        postprocessed precise ephemeris.

                                  The measurement interval of a GPS receiver. The epoch
                                  varies according to the measurement type: for real-time
                                  measurement it is set at one second; for postprocessed
e poch                            measurement it can be set to a rate of between one
                                  second and one minute. For example, if data is measured
                                  every 15 seconds, loading data using 30-second epochs
                                  means loading every alternate measurement.

                                  A feature is a physical object or event that has a location
fe a t ur e                       in the real world, which you want to collect position
                                  and/or descriptive information (attributes) about.


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

                            Features can be classified as surface or non-surface
                            features, and again as points, lines/breaklines, or

                            The program inside the receiver that controls receiver
fir m w a r e
                            operations and hardware.

                            Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System. GLONASS is
                            a Soviet space-based navigation system comparable to
GLON ASS                    the American GPS system. The operational system
                            consists of 21 operational and 3 non-operational satellites
                            in 3 orbit planes.

GN SS                       Global Navigation Satellite System.

                            General Serial Output Format. A Trimble proprietary
                            message format.

H D OP                      Horizontal Dilution of Precision. HDOP is a DOP value that
                            indicates the accuracy of horizontal measurements. Other
                            DOP values include VDOP (vertical DOP) and PDOP
                            (Position DOP).
                            Using a maximum HDOP is ideal for situations where
                            vertical precision is not particularly important, and your
                            position yield would be decreased by the vertical
                            component of the PDOP (for example, if you are
                            collecting data under canopy).

                            The primary L-band carrier used by GPS and GLONASS
                            satellites to transmit satellite data.

                            The secondary L-band carrier used by GPS and GLONASS
                            satellites to transmit satellite data.

                            A modernized code that allows significantly better ability
L2 C
                            to track the L2 frequency.

                            The third L-band carrier used by GPS satellites to
                            transmit satellite data. L5 will provide a higher power
                            level than the other carriers. As a result, acquiring and
                            tracking weak signals will be easier.

                            Some applications such as vehicular-mounted site
                            supervisor systems do not require Precison RTK accuracy.
                            Location RTK is a mode in which, once initialized, the
Loca t ion RTK
                            receiver will operate either in 10 cm horizontal and 10 cm
                            vertical accuracy, or in 10 cm horizontal and and 2 cm
                            vertical accuracy.

                            Every single NTripSource needs a unique mountpoint on
                            an NTripCaster. Before transmitting GNSS data to the
M ou n t poin t
                            NTripCaster, the NTripServer sends an assignment of the

                            Moving Base is an RTK positioning technique in which
                            both reference and rover receivers are mobile.
M ovin g Ba se              Corrections are sent from a “base” receiver to a “rover”
                            receiver and the resultant baseline (vector) has
                            centimeter-level accuracy.



                     MTSAT Satellite-Based Augmentation System. A satellite-
                     based augmentation system (SBAS) that provides a free-
M SAS                to-air differential correction service for GPS. MSAS is the
                     Japanese equivalent of WAAS, which is available in the
                     United States.

                     Interference, similar to ghosts on an analog television
                     screen, that occurs when GPS signals arrive at an
                     antenna having traversed different paths. The signal
m ult ipa t h        traversing the longer path yields a larger pseudorange
                     estimate and increases the error. Multiple paths can arise
                     from reflections off the ground or off structures near the

                     National Marine Electronics Association. NMEA 0183
                     defines the standard for interfacing marine electronic
                     navigational devices. This standard defines a number of
                     'strings' referred to as NMEA strings that contain
                     navigational details such as positions. Most Trimble GPS
                     receivers can output positions as NMEA strings.
                     Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol
                     (NTrip) is an application-level protocol that supports
                     streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data
N Tr ip Pr ot ocol
                     over the Internet. NTrip is a generic, stateless protocol based
                     on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The HTTP
                     objects are extended to GNSS data streams.
                     The NTripCaster is basically an HTTP server supporting a
                     subset of HTTP request/response messages and adjusted
                     to low-bandwidth streaming data. The NTripCaster
                     accepts request messages on a single port from either
                     the NTripServer or the NTripClient. Depending on these
N Tr ipCa st e r     messages, the NTripCaster decides whether there is
                     streaming data to receive or to send.
                     Trimble NTripCaster integrates the NTripServer and the
                     NTripCaster. This port is used only to accept requests
                     from NTripClients.

                     An NTripClient will be accepted by and receive data from
                     an NTripCaster, if the NTripClient sends the correct
N Tr ipClie n t
                     request message (TCP/UDP connection to the specified
                     NTripCaster IP and listening port).

                     The NTripServer is used to transfer GNSS data of an
                     NTripSource to the NTripCaster. An NTripServer in its
                     simplest setup is a computer program running on a PC
                     that sends correction data of an NTripSource (for
N Tr ipSe r ve r     example, as received through the serial communication
                     port from a GNSS receiver) to the NTripCaster.
                     The NTripServer - NTripCaster communication extends
                     HTTP by additional message formats and status codes.

                     The NTripSources provide continuous GNSS data (for
N Tr ipSou r ce      example, RTCM-104 corrections) as streaming data. A
                     single source represents GNSS data referring to a specific
                     location. Source description parameters are compiled in


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

                                 the source-table.

                                 The OmniSTAR HP/XP service allows the use of new
                                 generation dual-frequency receivers with the OmniSTAR
                                 service. The HP/XP service does not rely on local
                                 reference stations for its signal, but utilizes a global
Om n iSTAR
                                 satellite monitoring network. Additionally, while most
                                 current dual-frequency GPS systems are accurate to
                                 within a meter or so, OmniSTAR with XP is accurate in 3D
                                 to better than 30 cm.

                                 Position Dilution of Precision. PDOP is a DOP value that
                                 indicates the accuracy of three-dimensional
                                 measurements. Other DOP values include VDOP (vertical
PD OP                            DOP) and HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision).
                                 Using a maximum PDOP value is ideal for situations
                                 where both vertical and horizontal precision are

                                 Postprocessing is the processing of satellite data after it
                                 has been collected, in order to eliminate error. This
post p r oce ssin g
                                 involves using computer software to compare data from
                                 the rover with data collected at the base station.

                                 Also known as r eal- t im e differ ent ial corr ect ion or DGPS.
                                 Real-time differential GPS is the process of correcting
                                 GPS data as you collect it. Corrections are calculated at a
                                 base station and then sent to the receiver through a radio
                                 link. As the rover receives the position it applies the
                                 corrections to give you a very accurate position in the
r e a l- t im e dif fe r e n t ia l GPS Most real-time differential correction methods apply
                                        corrections to code phase positions.
                                 While DGPS is a generic term, its common interpretation
                                 is that it entails the use of single-frequency code phase
                                 data sent from a GPS base station to a rover GPS
                                 receiver to provide sub-meter position accuracy. The
                                 rover receiver can be at a long range (greater than 100
                                 kms (62 miles)) from the base station.

                                 A rover is any mobile GPS receiver that is used to collect
r ove r                          or update data in the field, typically at an unknown

                                 Roving mode applies to the use of a rover receiver to
Rovin g m ode                    collect data, stakeout, or control earthmoving machinery
                                 in real time using RTK techniques.

                                 Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services. A
                                 commission established to define a differential data link
                                 for the real-time differential correction of roving GPS
                                 receivers. There are three versions of RTCM correction
RTCM                             messages. All Trimble GPS receivers use Version 2
                                 protocol for single-frequency DGPS type corrections.
                                 Carrier phase corrections are available on Version 2, or
                                 on the newer Version 3 RTCM protocol, which is available
                                 on certain Trimble dual-frequency receivers. The Version
                                 3 RTCM protocol is more compact but is not as widely



                                  supported as Version 2.

                                  real-time kinematic. A real-time differential GPS method
RTK                               that uses carrier phase measurements for greater

                                  Satellite-Based Augmentation System. SBAS is based on
                                  differential GPS, but applies to wide area
SBAS                              (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS) networks of reference stations.
                                  Corrections and additional information are broadcast via
                                  geostationary satellites.

                                  SNR. The signal strength of a satellite is a measure of the
                                  information content of the signal, relative to the signal’s
sig n a l- t o- n oise r a t io
                                  noise. The typical SNR of a satellite at 30° elevation is
                                  between 47 and 50 dBHz.

                                  The satellite skyplot confirms reception of a differentially
                                  corrected GPS signal and displays the number of satellites
sk yplot
                                  tracked by the GPS receiver, as well as their relative

SN R                              See signal-to-noise ratio.

Sou r ce - t a ble                The NTripCaster maintains a source-table containing
                                  information on available NTripSources, networks of
                                  NTripSources, and NTripCasters, to be sent to an
                                  NTripClient on request. Source-table records are
                                  dedicated to one of the following:
                                         •      data STReams (record type STR)
                                         •      CASters (record type CAS)
                                         •      NETworks of data streams (record type
                                  All NTripClients must be able to decode record type STR.
                                  Decoding types CAS and NET is an optional feature. All
                                  data fields in the source-table records are separated
                                  using the semicolon character.

                                  A type of receiver that uses three carrier phase
t r ip le fr e qu e n cy GPS
                                  measurements (L1, L2, and L5).

                                  Universal Time Coordinated. A time standard based on
                                  local solar mean time at the Greenwich meridian.

                                  Virtual Reference Station. A VRS system consists of GPS
                                  hardware, software, and communication links. It uses
                                  data from a network of base stations to provide
                                  corrections to each rover that are more accurate than
                                  corrections from a single base station.
                                  To start using VRS corrections, the rover sends its
                                  position to the VRS server. The VRS server uses the base
                                  station data to model systematic errors (such as
                                  ionospheric noise) at the rover position. It then sends
                                  RTCM correction messages back to the rover.

                                  Wide Area Augmentation System. WAAS was established
W AAS                             by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for flight
                                  and approach navigation for civil aviation. WAAS


SNM910 Site-Net Modem Getting Started Guide

                            improves the accuracy and availability of the basic GPS
                            signals over its coverage area, which includes the
                            continental United States and outlying parts of Canada
                            and Mexico.
                            The WAAS system provides correction data for visible
                            satellites. Corrections are computed from ground station
                            observations and then uploaded to two geostationary
                            satellites. This data is then broadcast on the L1
                            frequency, and is tracked using a channel on the GPS
                            receiver, exactly like a GPS satellite.
                            Use WAAS when other correction sources are unavailable,
                            to obtain greater accuracy than autonomous positions.
                            For more information on WAAS, refer to the FAA website
                            The EGNOS service is the European equivalent and MSAS
                            is the Japanese equivalent of WAAS.

                            World Geodetic System 1984. Since January 1987, WGS-
                            84 has superseded WGS-72 as the datum used by GPS.
W GS- 8 4
                            The WGS-84 datum is based on the ellipsoid of the same


Document Created: 2017-11-11 18:10:35
Document Modified: 2017-11-11 18:10:35

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