Test Report

FCC ID: JUP-6999600

Test Report

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                                            FCC PART 22H, 24E
                    INDUSTRY CANADA RSS-132, RSS-133
                     TEST AND MEASUREMENT REPORT

                                  Trimble Navigation Limited.
                                                        935 Stewart Drive,
                                                 Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA

                                            FCC ID: JUP-6999600
                                             IC: 1756A-6999600

                   Report Type:                                 Product Type:
                   Original Report                             GSM & GPRS Modem

                           Test Engineer:         Dennis Huang

                         Report Number:           R0909103-2224

                             Report Date:         2009-12-11

                                                  Boni Baniqued
                            Reviewed By:          EMC/RF Supervisor

                                                  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.
                             Prepared By:         1274 Anvilwood Avenue,
                                 (84)             Sunnyvale, CA 94089
                                                  Tel: (408) 732-9162
                                                  Fax: (408) 732 9164

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or used in
part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. This report must not be used by the customer to claim
product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP*, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government.
* This report may contain data that are not covered by the NVLAP accreditation and are marked with an asterisk “*”  (Rev.2)

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                                           FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

1      GENERAL INFORMATION..............................................................................................................................4
    1.1   PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT)........................................................................4
    1.2   MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................4
    1.3   EUT PHOTO ....................................................................................................................................................4
    1.4   OBJECTIVE ......................................................................................................................................................4
    1.5   RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) ...............................................................................................................5
    1.6   TEST METHODOLOGY .....................................................................................................................................5
    1.7   MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ......................................................................................................................5
    1.8   TEST FACILITY ...............................................................................................................................................5
2      SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION.................................................................................................................6
    2.1    JUSTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................6
    2.2    EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................................6
    2.3    SPECIAL ACCESSORIES ...................................................................................................................................6
    2.4    EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................................6
    2.5    REMOTE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................................6
    2.6    LOCAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT .........................................................................................................................6
    2.7    POWER SUPPLY AND LINE FILTERS .................................................................................................................6
    2.8    INTERFACE PORTS AND CABLING ...................................................................................................................7
    2.9    EUT INTERNAL CONFIGURATION DETAILS.....................................................................................................7
3       SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................................................8

4      FCC §2.1047 & IC RSS-132 §4.2, RSS-133 §6.2 - MODULATION CHARACTERISTIC ...........................9
    4.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD .................................................................................................................................9
    4.2    RESULT ...........................................................................................................................................................9
5      FCC §1.1307(B)(1), §2.1091 & IC RSS-102 - RF EXPOSURE....................................................................... 10
    5.1    APPLICABLE STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................. 10
    5.2    MPE PREDICTION ......................................................................................................................................... 11
6      FCC §2.1053, §22.917, §24.238 & IC RSS-132 §4.5, RSS-133 §6.5 - SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS12
    6.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 12
    6.2    TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 12
    6.3    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ........................................................................................................... 12
    6.4    TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................ 13
    6.5    SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS........................................................................................................................ 13
    6.6    TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................................................. 13
7      IC RSS-132 §4.6 & RSS-133 §6.6- RECEIVER RADIATED EMISSIONS.................................................. 15
    7.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 15
    7.2    TEST SETUP .................................................................................................................................................. 15
    7.3    TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 15
    7.4    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ........................................................................................................... 16
    7.5    TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................ 16
    7.6    CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION .................................................................................... 16
    7.7    SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS........................................................................................................................ 17
8      FCC §2.1046, §22.913(A), §24.232 & IC RSS-132 §4.4 & RSS-133 §6.4 – RF OUTPUT POWER............. 18
    8.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 18
    8.2    TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 18
    8.3    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ........................................................................................................... 18

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                                         FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

     8.4        TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................ 19
     8.5        SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS........................................................................................................................ 19
9       FCC §2.1049, §22.917, §24.238 & IC RSS-132 §4.4, RSS-133 §6.4 - OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH.............. 21
     9.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 21
     9.2    TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 21
     9.3    SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS........................................................................................................................ 21
10      FCC §2.1051, §22.917, §24.238(A) & IC RSS-132 §4.5, RSS-133 §6.5 - SPURIOUS EMISSIONS AT
ANTENNA TERMINALS .......................................................................................................................................... 22
   10.1   APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 22
   10.2   TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 22
   10.3   TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................................................. 22
11          FCC §2.1055, §22.355, §24.235 & IC RSS-132 §4.3, RSS-133 §6.3 - FREQUENCY STABILITY ......... 23
     11.1     APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 23
     11.2     TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 23
     11.3     TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................................................. 23
12          FCC §22.917, §24.238 & IC RSS-132 §4.5, RSS-133 §6.5 – BAND EDGE................................................ 24
     12.1     APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 24
     12.2     TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 24
     12.3     TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................................................. 24
13        EXHIBIT A - FCC & IC EQUIPMENT LABELING REQUIREMENTS............................................... 25
     13.1   APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 25
     13.2   FCC ID & IC LABEL..................................................................................................................................... 26
     13.3   FCC ID & IC LABEL LOCATION ON EUT ..................................................................................................... 26
14        EXHIBIT B - TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS.......................................................................................... 27
     14.5   RADIATED EMISSIONS BELOW 1 GHZ (HOST ORIENTATION: VERTICAL) - FRONT VIEW .............................. 29
     14.6   RADIATED EMISSIONS BELOW 1 GHZ (HOST ORIENTATION: VERTICAL) - REAR VIEW ................................ 29
     14.7   RADIATED EMISSIONS ABOVE 1 GHZ (HOST ORIENTATION: VERTICAL) – FRONT VIEW .............................. 30
     14.8   RADIATED EMISSIONS ABOVE 1 GHZ (HOST ORIENTATION: VERTICAL) - REAR VIEW................................. 30
     14.9   RECEIVER RADIATED EMISSIONS BELOW 1 GHZ - FRONT VIEW ................................................................... 31
     14.10    RECEIVER RADIATED EMISSIONS BELOW 1 GHZ - REAR VIEW ................................................................ 31
15        EXHIBIT C - EUT PHOTOGRAPHS ......................................................................................................... 32
     15.1   EUT- FRONT VIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 32
     15.2   EUT- REAR VIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 32
     15.3   EUT – BOTTOM/ INTERFACE PORT VIEW ...................................................................................................... 33
     15.4   EUT – SIDE VIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 33
     15.5   EUT SIM CARD PORT VIEW......................................................................................................................... 34
     15.6   EUT WITH SUPPORTING HOST – FRONT VIEW .............................................................................................. 34
     15.7   EUT WITH SUPPORTING HOST – REAR VIEW ................................................................................................ 35
     15.8   SUPPORTING HOST INPUT PORT VIEW .......................................................................................................... 35
     15.9   EUT WITH SUPPORTING HOST – SIDE VIEW ................................................................................................. 36
     15.10    EUT AC/DC POWER ADAPTER ................................................................................................................ 36
     15.11    EUT OUTPUT PORT PBC ASSEMBLY – TOP VIEW.................................................................................... 37
     15.12    EUT PBC ASSEMBLY – TOP VIEW ........................................................................................................... 37
     15.13    EUT PBC ASSEMBLY (WITH SHIELDING) – BOTTOM VIEW ..................................................................... 38
     15.14    EUT PBC ASSEMBLY (WITHOUT SHIELDING) – BOTTOM VIEW ............................................................... 38
     15.15    EUT RF MODULE– TOP VIEW ................................................................................................................. 39
     15.16    EUT RF MODULE– BOTTOM VIEW .......................................................................................................... 39

Report Number: R0909103-2224                                              Page 3 of 39                             FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                 FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

1.1   Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)
This test and measurement report has been compiled on behalf of Trimble Navigation Limited and their product
model: SNM910, Part Number: 69996-00, FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600 or the “EUT” as
referred to in this report. The EUT is a Cellular (GSM/GPRS/EDGE) modem dongle for SPS GPS applications
in the construction industry. The SNM910 is a rugged device that connects to the 26-pin connector on the
SNB900, SPSx51, and SPSx81 GPS receivers, providing GSM/GPRS/EDGE connection capabilities. The
SNM910 has an accessible SIM card slot that takes SIM cards from most international cellular service

1.2   Mechanical Description
The EUT measures approximately 150mm (L) x 130 mm (W) x 100mm (H).

* The test data gathered are from typical production sample, Sample ID: KNEX16 provided by the manufacturer.

1.3   EUT Photo

                                          Additional Photos in Exhibit C

1.4   Objective
This type approval report is prepared on behalf of Trimble Navigation Limited in accordance with Part 2,
Subpart J, Part 22 Subpart H, and Part 24 Subpart E of the Federal Communication Commissions rules, and
RSS-132 Issue 2(2005-09), and RSS-133 Issue 3 (2009-02) of the Canadian Department of Industry rules.

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 22H/24E and IC RSS-132/133 rules for RF output
power, RF Output Power, modulation characteristic, occupied bandwidth, spurious emissions at antenna
terminal, field strength of spurious radiation, receiver spurious emission, frequency stability, band edge,
conducted and radiated margin. This measurement and test report only pertains to the GSM850/1900 portion of
the EUT.

Report Number: R0909103-2224                    Page 4 of 39               FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                    FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

1.5   Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

1.6   Test Methodology
All tests and measurements indicated in this document were performed in accordance with the FCC Part 2, Sub-
part J as well as the following parts:

Part 22 Subpart H - Cellular Radiotelephone Service & Part 24 Subpart E – PCS

And IC RSS-132, RSS-133

Applicable Standards: TIA/EIA 603-C

All radiated and conducted emissions measurement was performed at Bay Area Compliance Laboratory, Corp.
The radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

1.7   Measurement Uncertainty

All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in the field of EMC. The factors
contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna directivity,
antenna factor variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency interpolation,
measurement distance variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system repeatability.

Based on NIS 81, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the values ranging from +2.0 dB for
Conducted Emissions tests and +4.0 dB for Radiated Emissions tests are the most accurate estimates pertaining
to uncertainty of EMC measurements at BACL Corp.

Detailed instrumentation measurement uncertainties can be found in BACL Corp. report QAP-018.

1.8   Test Facility
The test site used by BACL Corp. to collect radiated and conducted emissions measurement data is located at its
facility in Sunnyvale, California, USA.

The test sites at BACL have been fully described in reports submitted to the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) and Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI). The details of these reports has
been found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on February 11 and
December 10, 1997 and Article 8 of the VCCI regulations on December 25, 1997. The facility also complies
with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI C63.4-2003.

The Federal Communications Commission, Industry Canada, and Voluntary Control Council for Interference
has the reports on file and is listed under FCC registration number: 90464, IC registration number: 3062A, and
VCCI Registration Number: R-2463 and C-2698. The test site has been approved by the FCC, IC, and VCCI for
public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access Link (PAL) database.

Additionally, BACL is a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) accredited laboratory, under the
National Voluntary Laboratory Accredited Program (Lab Code 200167-0). The current scope of accreditations
can be found at http://ts.nist.gov/ts/htdocs/210/214/scopes/2001670.htm   .

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                   FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

2.1   Justification
The EUT was configured for testing according to TIA/EIA 603-C.

The final qualification test was performed with the EUT operating at normal mode.

2.2   EUT Exercise Software
Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 Communication test set was used to activate the EUT. A DOS ping command was
used to create traffic in the Ethernet line. For the RS232 line, Winpan was used to obtain updates from the
EUT/host via the serial port.

2.3   Special Accessories

2.4   Equipment Modifications
No modifications were made to the EUT

2.5   Remote Support Equipment

2.6   Local Support Equipment

              Manufacturer           Description          Model Number                  Serial Number

          Trimble Navigation Ltd        Host                    SPS850                    4814K55001

            Rohde & Schwarz           CMU200                  1100.0008.02                833871/031
                   Dell                Laptop                    D620                    35990178337

2.7   Power Supply and Line Filters

            Manufacturer               Description                 Model Number             Serial Number

                 Ault              AC/DC Power Supply            PW174KB1802F04                    -

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

2.8    Interface Ports and Cabling

          Cable Description       Length                     From                      To

          60789-00 (Ethernet)        1m                      EUT                    Laptop PC

            LEMO (R232)              2m                      EUT                    Laptop PC

          LEMO (DC power)            2m                      EUT               AC/DC power supply

 2.9    EUT Internal Configuration Details

               Manufacturer               Description              Model Number        Serial Number
             Trimble Navigation      PCB Assembly –
                                                                      74373A           74373-00-A-0L
                  Limited              Main Board
             Trimble Navigation      PCB Assembly –
                                                                      6844-B                    -
                  Limited            Connector Board

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                         FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600


                   FCC & RSS Rules                                Description of Test                  Result

                    FCC §2.1047
                                                               Modulation Characteristics               N/A
            IC RSS-132 §4.2; RSS-133 §6.2
                    FCC §2.1053
             FCC §22.917 (a); §24.238 (a)               Field Strength of Spurious Radiation         Compliant
            IC RSS-132 §4.5; RSS-133 §6.5
                      FCC §2.1091
                                                                     RF Exposure                     Compliant
                      IC RSS-102
                    FCC §2.1046
                FCC §22.913; §24.232                               RF Output Power                   Compliant *
            IC RSS-132 §4.4; RSS-133 §6.4
                    FCC §2.1049
              FCC §22.917; FCC §24.238             Out of Band Emissions, Occupied Bandwidth         Compliant *
            IC RSS-132 §4.5; RSS-133 §6.5
                    FCC §2.1051
             FCC §22.917; FCC §24.238(a)             Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals         Compliant *
            IC RSS-132 §4.5; RSS-133 §6.5
                    FCC §2.1055
                                                         Frequency stability vs. temperature
              FCC §22.355; FCC §24.235                                                               Compliant *
                                                           Frequency stability vs. voltage
            IC RSS-132 §4.3; RSS-133 §6.3
              FCC §22.917; FCC §24.238
                                                                      Band Edge                      Compliant*
            IC RSS-132 §4.5; RSS-133 §6.5

            IC RSS-132 §4.6; RSS-133 §6.6                      Receiver Spurious Emission            Compliant

Note* Please refer to the following report for test results:

             FCC ID: QIPAC75I and IC: 7830A-AC75I

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                            FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

4     FCC §2.1047 & IC RSS-132 §4.2, RSS-133 §6.2 - MODULATION
4.1    Applicable Standard
According to FCC § 2.1047(d), Part 22H & 24E there is no specific requirement for digital modulation,
therefore modulation characteristic is not presented.

4.2    Result
      Not applicable.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                     FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

5     FCC §1.1307(b)(1), §2.1091 & IC RSS-102 - RF EXPOSURE
5.1    Applicable Standards
According to FCC §1.1307(b)(1), §2.1091 and IC RSS-102, RF exposure is calculated.


                                   Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

              Frequency          Electric Field     Magnetic Field
                                                                      Power Density          Averaging Time
                Range              Strength           Strength
                                                                         (mW/cm2)              (minutes)
                (MHz)                (V/m)              (A/m)
                                 Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
               0.3-1.34               614                  1.63                *(100)               30
                1.34-30              824/f                2.19/f              *(180/f )             30
                30-300                27.5                0.073                  0.2                30
               300-1500                 /                    /                 f/1500               30
             1500-100,000               /                    /                   1.0                30

         Note: f = frequency in MHz
              * = Plane-wave equivalent power density


                         RSS-102, RF Field Strength Limits for Devices Used by the General Public

              Frequency          Electric Field     Magnetic Field
                                                                      Power Density          Averaging Time
                Range              Strength           Strength
                                                                          (W/m2)               (minutes)
                (MHz)                (V/m)              (A/m)
                                 Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
                0.003-1               280                  2.19                   -                 6
                 1-10                280/f                2.19/f                  -                 6
                 10-30                 28                 2.19/f                  -                 6
                30-300                 28                 0.073                  2*                 6
                                             0.5                   0.5
               300-1500             1.585 f             0.0042 f                f/150               6
              1500-15000              61.4                0.163                  10                 6
            15000-150000              61.4                0.163                  10            616000/f f1.2
            150000-300000          0.1585 f0.5         4.21x10-4 f0.5        6.67x10-5 f       616000/f f1.2

       Note: ƒ is frequency in MHz
            * Power density limit is applicable at frequencies greater than 100 MHz.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                       FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

5.2    MPE Prediction
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance

                                                      S = PG/4πR²
Where: S = power density
       P = power input to antenna
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

Cellular Band

                      Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):             33.45
                       Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):             2213.09
                                                             Prediction distance (cm):       28
                                                         Prediction frequency (MHz):         824.6
                                                         Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):        -0.3
                                                 Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):             0.933
                     Power density at predication frequency and distance (mW/cm2):           0.2097
                         Power density at predication frequency and distance (W/m2):         2.097
         FCC MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at predication frequency (mW/cm2):          0.5497
             IC MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at predication frequency (W/m2):         5.4973

PCS Band

                      Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):             30.58
                       Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):             1142.88
                                                             Prediction distance (cm):       28
                                                         Prediction frequency (MHz):         1850.2
                                                         Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):        2.2
                                                 Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):             1.66
                     Power density at predication frequency and distance (mW/cm2):           0.1927
                         Power density at predication frequency and distance (W/m2):         1.927
         FCC MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at predication frequency (mW/cm2):          1.0
             IC MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at predication frequency (W/m2):         10.0


The device is compliant with the requirement MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure. The maximum power
densities at the distance of 28 cm are 0.2097 mW/cm2 (2.097 W/m2) for Cellular band and 0.1927 mW/cm2
(1.927 W/m2) for PCS band. Proper use this device results in exposure the government limits below has been
addressed in the user manual.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                 FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

6     FCC §2.1053, §22.917, §24.238 & IC RSS-132 §4.5, RSS-133 §6.5 - SPURIOUS

6.1    Applicable Standard
Requirements: CFR 47, §2.1053, §22.917 & §24.238.

Requirements: RSS-132 §4.5 & RSS-133 §6.5.

6.2    Test Procedure
TIA/EIA-603-C Section 2.2.12 – Unwanted Emission: Radiated Spurious

The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load which was
also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of emissions
from the EUT. The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

The frequency range up to tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the substitution
antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured by the

Spurious emissions in dB = 10 log (TX Power in Watts/0.001) – the absolute level

Spurious attenuation limit in dB = 43 + 10 Log10 (power out in Watts)

6.3    Test Equipment List and Details

        Manufacturer              Description              Model Number     Serial Number

           Agilent            Spectrum Analyzer                E4440A        MY44303352          2009-04-28

       Rohde & Schwarz             CMU200                   1100.0008.02      833871/031         2009-06-22
        Sunol Sciences             Antenna                         JB1        A020106-1          2009-04-17

            A.R.A                Horn Antenna                DRG-118/A           1132            2009-07-28

        A. H. Systems        Antenna, Horn, DRG             SAS-200/571           261            2009-07-01

       Rohde & Schwarz         Generator, Signal              SMIQ03         849192/0085        2007-12-03*
         Ducommun                Pre-Amplifier                                988251-03R         2009-03-04
             HP                  Pre-Amplifier                 8447D         2944A06639          2009-03-06

*Based on a two year calibration cycle
Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the NVLAP requirements,
traceable to the NIST.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                   FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

6.4     Test Environmental Conditions

          Temperature:                 21 °C ~ 25 °C
      Relative Humidity:               50 % ~ 67 %
         ATM Pressure:              101.1kPa ~ 101.6kPa

* Testing performed by Dennis Huang on 2008-09-10, 2008-09-11, 2009-10-15.

6.5 Summary of Test Results

Worst case reading as follows:

Host Orientation - Horizontal Flat on Table

            Mode: GSM 850 MHz
                           Margin                           Frequency                 Polarization
                            (dB)                              (MHz)               (Horizontal/Vertical)
                           -10.07                            1673.20                   Horizontal

            Mode: GSM 1900 MHz
                           Margin                           Frequency                 Polarization
                            (dB)                              (MHz)               (Horizontal/Vertical)
                           -27.73                            3760.00                    Vertical

6.6 Test Results
         Please refer to the following tables.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                         FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

GSM 850 MHz Band (Host Orientation – Horizontal on Table)

Middle Channel – 836.6 MHz

       Indicated                       Test Antenna                            Substituted
                           Azimuth                                                                              Limit    Margin
                S.A.                                                              Ant.       Cable   Absolute
 Frequency                 (degree)   Height   Polarity    Frequency Level                                      (dBm)     (dB)
               Amp.                                                               Cord.      Loss      Level
   (MHz)                               (cm)     (H/V)        (MHz)   (dBm)
              (dBuV)                                                              (dB)       (dB)     (dBm)
   1673.2      70.93         233       121        V         1673.2    -28.4        9.2        4.66    -23.86    -13.00    -10.86
   1673.2      70.82         278       113        H         1673.2    -27.6        9.2        4.66    -23.07    -13.00    -10.07

GSM 1900 MHz Band (Host Orientation – Horizontal on Table)

Middle Channel – 1880 MHz

       Indicated                       Test Antenna                            Substituted
                           Azimuth                                                                              Limit    Margin
                S.A.                                                              Ant.       Cable   Absolute
 Frequency                 (degree)   Height   Polarity    Frequency Level                                      (dBm)     (dB)
               Amp.                                                               Cord.      Loss      Level
   (MHz)                               (cm)     (H/V)        (MHz)   (dBm)
              (dBuV)                                                              (dB)       (dB)     (dBm)
   3760.0      57.02         229       110        V         3760.0    -44.49      11.30       7.54    -40.73    -13.00    -27.73
   3760.0      55.41         188       158        H         3760.0    -50.39      11.30       7.54    -46.63    -13.00    -33.63

GSM 850 MHz Band (Host Orientation – Vertical on Table)

Middle Channel – 836.6 MHz

       Indicated                        Test Antenna                           Substituted
                           Azimuth                                                                              Limit    Margin
                 S.A.                                                            Ant.        Cable   Absolute
  Frequency                (degree)   Height   Polarity    Frequency Level                                      (dBm)     (dB)
                Amp.                                                             Cord.       Loss      Level
    (MHz)                              (cm)     (H/V)        (MHz)   (dBm)
               (dBuV)                                                            (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)
   1673.2       66.24        255        100       V          1673.2   -33.08      9.20       4.66     -28.55    -13.00   -15.55
   1673.2       66.36        294        168       H          1673.2   -32.06      9.20       4.66     -27.53    -13.00   -14.53
   2509.8       56.75        105        134       V          2509.8   -43.98      9.40       6.12     -40.71    -13.00   -27.71
   2509.8       51.81        125        152       H          2509.8   -50.72      9.40       6.12     -47.45    -13.00   -34.45

GSM 1900 MHz Band (Host Orientation – Vertical on Table)

Middle Channel – 1880 MHz

        Indicated                       Test Antenna                           Substituted
                           Azimuth                                                                              Limit    Margin
                 S.A.                                                             Ant.       Cable   Absolute
  Frequency                (degree)   Height   Polarity    Frequency Level                                      (dBm)     (dB)
                Amp.                                                              Cord.      Loss      Level
    (MHz)                              (cm)     (H/V)        (MHz)   (dBm)
               (dBuV)                                                             (dB)       (dB)     (dBm)
    3760.0         53.76      111       148       V          3760.0   -47.75      11.30      7.54     -43.99    -13.00   -30.99
    3760.0         54.38      220       202       H          3760.0   -51.42      11.30      7.54     -47.66    -13.00   -34.66

Report Number: R0909103-2224                          Page 14 of 39                 FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

7     IC RSS-132 §4.6 & RSS-133 §6.6- Receiver Radiated Emissions
7.1    Applicable Standard
IC RSS-132 §4.6 and RSS-133 §6.6 Receiver spurious emissions shall comply with the limits specified in RSS-
Gen §6

(a) If a radiated measurement is made, all spurious emissions shall comply with the limits of table below:

                                     Spurious Emission Limits for Receiver

                        Spurious Frequency                    Field Strength (microvolts/m)
                              (MHz)                                    at 3 metres
                                30-88                                     100
                                88-216                                    150
                               216-960                                    200
                               960-1610                                   500
                             Above 1610                                   1000

(b) If a conducted measurement is made, no spurious output signals appearing at the antenna terminals shall
exceed 2 nanowatts per any 4 kHz spurious frequency in the band 30-1000 MHz, or 5 nanowatts above 1 GHz.

7.2    Test Setup
The radiated emissions tests were performed in the 5-meter test chamber, using the setup in accordance with
CISPR 22 Ed. 5.2 b: 2006 measurement procedures. The specifications used were in accordance with CISPR 22
§6 Standard, Class B limits for frequencies between 30 MHz and 1 GHz, and FCC Part 15 Standard, Class B
limits for frequencies above 1 GHz.

The spacing between the peripherals was 3 cm.
The external I/O cables were draped along the test table and bundled as required.
The adaptor of EUT was connected to a 120 V, 60 Hz AC line power source.

7.3    Test Procedure
Maximization procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions readings to ensure the EUT is
compliant with all installation combinations.

All data was recorded in the peak detection mode. Quasi-peak readings were performed only when an emission
was found to be marginal (within -4 dB of specification limits).

Report Number: R0909103-2224                  Page 15 of 39                FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                   FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

7.4    Test Equipment List and Details

           Manufacturer              Description             Model Number    Serial Number
               Agilent            Spectrum Analyzer             E4440A       MY44303352        2009-04-28

         Rohde & Schwarz               CMU200                 1100.0008.02    833871/031       2009-06-22
           Sunol Sciences              Antenna                       JB1       A020106-1       2009-04-17
               A.R.A                Horn Antenna              DRG-118/A          1132          2009-07-28

           A. H. Systems         Antenna, Horn, DRG           SAS-200/571         261          2009-07-01
         Rohde & Schwarz           Generator, Signal            SMIQ03        849192/0085      2007-12-03
             Ducommun                Pre-Amplifier                            988251-03R       2009-03-04
                 HP                  Pre-Amplifier               8447D        2944A06639       2009-03-06

*Based on a two year calibration cycle
Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the NVLAP requirements,
traceable to the NIST.

7.5    Test Environmental Conditions

           Temperature:             21 °C ~ 25 °C
      Relative Humidity:            50 % ~ 67 %
         ATM Pressure:           101.1kPa ~ 101.6kPa

* Testing performed by Dennis Huang on 2008-09-10, 2008-09-11, 2009-10-15.

7.6    Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation
The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna and Attenuator Factor, Cable Loss and
subtracting the Amplifier Gain from the Amplitude reading. The basic equation is as follows:

         Corrected Amplitude = Indicated Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Attenuator Factor –
                               Amplifier Gain

For example, a corrected amplitude of 40.3 dBuV/m = Indicated Reading (32.5 dBuV) + Antenna Factor
(+23.5dB) + Cable Loss (3.7 dB) + Attenuator (10 dB) - Amplifier Gain (29.4 dB)

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance within the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of -7 dB means the emission is 7 dB below the maximum limit. The equation for
margin calculation is as follows:

         Margin = Corrected Amplitude - Limit

Report Number: R0909103-2224                         Page 16 of 39           FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                  FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

7.7   Summary of Test Results
According to the recorded data, the EUT complied with CISPR 22 §6 Standard, Class B limits, and had the
worst margin reading of:

         Mode: Receiving
               Margin                Frequency                Polarization                   Range
                (dB)                   (MHz)              (Horizontal/Vertical)              (MHz)

                  -                       -                         -                      30 to 10000

      *Note: All emissions from the EUT are on the noise level or with a margin greater than 20 dB.

Report Number: R0909103-2224                     Page 17 of 39               FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                 FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

8     FCC §2.1046, §22.913(a), §24.232 & IC RSS-132 §4.4 & RSS-133 §6.4 – RF
8.1    Applicable Standard
According to FCC §2.1046 and §22.913 (a), the ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must
not exceed 7 watts.

According to FCC §2.1046 and §24.232 (a), in no case may the peak output power of a base station transmitter
exceed 2 watt.

According to RSS-132 §4.4, the transmitter output power shall not exceed the limits given in SRSP-503. The
maximum ERP shall be 6.3 watts for mobile stations

According to RSS-133 §6.4 (with reference to SRSP-510), the maximum permissible output power for a mobile
station is 2 watts (33 dBm).

8.2    Test Procedure

The RF output of the transmitter was connected to wireless communication test set through the sufficient


TIA/EIA-603-C Section 2.2.17 – Radiated Power Output

8.3    Test Equipment List and Details

            Manufacturer           Description            Model Number      Serial Number
               Agilent          Spectrum Analyzer            E4440A         MY44303352          2009-04-28

        Rohde & Schwarz             CMU200                 1100.0008.02      833871/031         2009-06-22
            Sunol Sciences           Antenna                      JB1         A020106-1         2009-04-17
               A.R.A              Horn Antenna             DRG-118/A             1132           2009-07-28

            A. H. Systems      Antenna, Horn, DRG          SAS-200/571           261            2009-07-01
        Rohde & Schwarz         Generator, Signal            SMIQ03          849192/0085        2008-10-14
             Ducommun             Pre-Amplifier                              988251-03R         2009-03-04
                 HP               Pre-Amplifier             8447D            2944A06639         2009-03-06

* Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the NVLAP requirements,
traceable to the NIST.

Report Number: R0909103-2224                      Page 18 of 39             FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                               FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

8.4     Test Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:           21 °C ~ 25 °C
      Relative Humidity:             50 % ~ 67 %
          ATM Pressure:         101.1kPa ~ 101.6kPa

* Testing performed by Dennis Huang on 2008-09-10, 2008-09-11, 2009-10-15.

8.5     Summary of Test Results

Conducted Output Power:

       Please refer to FCC ID: QIPAC75I

Radiated Power (ERP and EIRP)

GSM/GPRS 850 MHz Band (Host Orientation – Horizontal Flat on Table)

                                       Test Antenna                       Substitution                             FCC & IC
                     S.A.      Table                                                                  Absolute
  Frequency                                                                       Antenna     Cable
                    Amp.     Azimuth Height Polar             Freq        Level                         Level    Limit   Margin
   (MHz)                                                                           Gain       Loss
                  (dBμV/m)   (Degrees) (m)    (H/ V)         (MHz)       (dBm)                         (dBm)     (dBm)   (dBm)
                                                                                   (dB)       (dB)
      824.2         102.00     340        1.0        V        824.2      26.42       0         0.21    26.21     38.45   -12.24
      824.2         105.08     330        1.0        H        824.2      28.53       0         0.21    28.32     38.45   -10.13
      836.6         103.13     335        1.0        V        836.6      27.57       0         0.21    27.36     38.45   -11.09
      836.6         104.80     340        1.0        H        836.6      28.87       0         0.21    28.66     38.45    -9.79
      848.8         103.34     350        1.0        V        848.8      28.25       0         0.21    28.04     38.45   -10.41
      848.8         103.29     340        1.0        H        848.8      27.88       0         0.21    27.67     38.45   -10.78

GSM/GPRS 1900 MHz Band (Host Orientation – Horizontal Flat on Table)

                                       Test Antenna                       Substitution                             FCC & IC
                     S.A.      Table                                                                  Absolute
  Frequency                                                                       Antenna     Cable
                    Amp.     Azimuth Height Polar             Freq        Level                         Level    Limit   Margin
   (MHz)                                                                           Gain       Loss
                  (dBμV/m)   (Degrees) (m)    (H/ V)         (MHz)       (dBm)                         (dBm)     (dBm)   (dBm)
                                                                                   (dB)       (dB)
      1850.2        93.73       84        1.28       V       1850.2      16.79      9.5        4.95    21.34      33     -11.66
      1850.2        93.88      189        1.61       H       1850.2      15.37      9.5        4.95    19.92      33     -13.08
      1880.0        93.96      84         1.74       V       1880.0      14.99      9.0        5.16    18.83      33     -14.17
      1880.0        92.13      200        1.63       H       1880.0      11.54      9.0        5.16    15.38      33     -17.62
      1909.8        93.65       82        1.66       V       1909.8      17.08      9.0        5.16    20.92      33     -12.08
      1909.8        91.38      195        1.60       H       1909.8      15.01      9.0        5.16    18.85      33     -14.15

Report Number: R0909103-2224                             Page 19 of 39                    FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                      FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

GSM/GPRS 850 MHz Band (Host Orientation – Vertical on Table)

                                   Test Antenna                  Substitution                             FCC & IC
                 S.A.      Table                                                             Absolute
  Frequency                                                              Antenna     Cable
                Amp.     Azimuth Height Polar        Freq        Level                         Level    Limit   Margin
   (MHz)                                                                  Gain       Loss
              (dBμV/m)   (Degrees) (m)    (H/ V)    (MHz)       (dBm)                         (dBm)     (dBm)   (dBm)
                                                                          (dB)       (dB)
    824.2      102.71        52      1      V        824.2      27.13       0         0.21    26.92     38.45   -11.53
    824.2      107.24        74      1      H        824.2      30.69       0         0.21    30.48     38.45    -7.97
    836.6      100.98        53      1      V        836.6      25.42       0         0.21    25.21     38.45   -13.24
    836.6      107.72        75      1      H        836.6      31.79       0         0.21    31.58     38.45    -6.87
    848.8      104.41        52      1      V        848.8      29.32       0         0.21    29.11     38.45    -9.34
    848.8      108.10        75      1      H        848.8      32.69       0         0.21    32.48     38.45    -5.97

GSM/GPRS 1900 MHz Band (Host Orientation – Vertical on Table)

                                   Test Antenna                  Substitution                             FCC & IC
                 S.A.      Table                                                             Absolute
  Frequency                                                              Antenna     Cable
                Amp.     Azimuth Height Polar        Freq        Level                         Level    Limit   Margin
   (MHz)                                                                  Gain       Loss
              (dBμV/m)   (Degrees) (m)    (H/ V)    (MHz)       (dBm)                         (dBm)     (dBm)   (dBm)
                                                                          (dB)       (dB)
   1850.2       90.09        312    100     V       1850.2      13.15      9.5        4.95    17.70      33     -15.30
   1850.2       87.71        324    106     H       1850.2       9.20      9.5        4.95    13.75      33     -19.25
   1880.0       89.19        340    160     V        1880       10.22      9.0        5.16    14.06      33     -18.94
   1880.0       87.11        319    229     H        1880        6.52      9.0        5.16    10.36      33     -22.64
   1909.8       88.91        340    160     V       1909.8      12.34      9.0        5.16    16.18      33     -16.82
   1909.8       87.89        313    243     H       1909.8      11.52      9.0        5.16    15.36      33     -17.64

Report Number: R0909103-2224                    Page 20 of 39                    FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                             FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

9     FCC §2.1049, §22.917, §24.238 & IC RSS-132 §4.4, RSS-133 §6.4 - OCCUPIED

9.1    Applicable Standard

Requirements: CFR 47, §2.1049, §22.917 and §24.238.

Requirements: RSS-132 §4.4 & RSS-133 §6.4.

9.2    Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the simulator and the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 3 kHz (Cellular /PCS) and the -26 dB bandwidth
was recorded.

9.3    Summary of Test Results
       Please refer to the following report for test results:

         FCC ID: QIPAC75I and IC: 7830A-AC75I

Report Number: R0909103-2224                    Page 21 of 39           FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                             FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

10 FCC §2.1051, §22.917, §24.238(a) & IC RSS-132 §4.5, RSS-133 §6.5 -

10.1 Applicable Standard
Requirements: CFR 47, § 2.1051. § 22.917 & §24.238(a).

Requirements: RSS-129 §8.1, RSS-132 §4.5 & RSS-133 §6.5.

The spectrum was to be investigated to the tenth harmonics of the highest fundamental frequency as specified in
§ 2.1057.

10.2 Test Procedure
TIA/EIA-603-C Section 2.2.13– Unwanted Emission: Conducted Spurious

The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer and simulator through appropriate
attenuation. The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 kHz. Sufficient scans were taken
to show any out of band emissions up to 10th harmonic.

10.3 Test Results
Please refer to the following report for test results:

          FCC ID: QIPAC75I and IC: 7830A-AC75I

Report Number: R0909103-2224                     Page 22 of 39          FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                              FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

11 FCC §2.1055, §22.355, §24.235 & IC RSS-132 §4.3, RSS-133 §6.3 -

11.1 Applicable Standard
Requirements: CFR47 §2.1055(a), §2.1055(d) & §22.355, §24.235.

Requirements: IC RSS-132 §4.3 & RSS-133 §6.3.

11.2 Test Procedure
Frequency Stability vs. Temperature: The equipment under test was connected to an external DC power supply
and the RF output was connected to communication test set via feed-through attenuators. The EUT was placed
inside the temperature chamber. The DC leads and RF output cable exited the chamber through an opening
made for the purpose.

After the temperature stabilized for approximately 20 minutes, the frequency output was recorded from the
communication test set.

Frequency Stability vs. Voltage: An external variable DC power supply was connected to the battery terminals
of the equipment under test. The voltage was set to 115% of the nominal value and was then decreased until the
transmitter light no longer illuminated; i.e., the battery end point. The output frequency was recorded for each
battery voltage.

11.3 Test Results
Please refer to the following report for test results:

          FCC ID: QIPAC75I and IC: 7830A-AC75I

Report Number: R0909103-2224                     Page 23 of 39           FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                              FCC ID: JUP-6999600, IC: 1756A-6999600

12 FCC §22.917, §24.238 & IC RSS-132 §4.5, RSS-133 §6.5 – BAND EDGE

12.1 Applicable Standard
According to § 22.917, the power of any emissions outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be
attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.

According to §24.238, the power of any emissions outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be
attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.

Requirements: RSS-132 §4.5 & RSS-133 §6.5.

12.2 Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

The center of the spectrum analyzer was set to block edge frequency, RBW set to 10 kHz.

12.3 Test Results
Please refer to the following report for test results:

          FCC ID: QIPAC75I and IC: 7830A-AC75I

Report Number: R0909103-2224                     Page 24 of 39           FCC Part 22/24 & IC RSS-132/133 Report

Document Created: 2010-01-06 16:02:31
Document Modified: 2010-01-06 16:02:31

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