Test Report

FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

Test Report

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                                        FCC PART 90

                                Trimble Navigation Ltd.
                                          935 Stewart Drive
                                      Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA

                        FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1
             Model: R8-M2(RoHS) with TNL450I 450 MHz radio

         Report Type:                                Product Type:
                  Original Submission:                   GPS Receiver with incorporated UHF
                 Supplemental Report                            and Bluetooth radios

            Test Engineer:      Choon-Sian Ooi

          Report Number:        R0710171-90

              Report Date:      2007-11-12

              Reviewed By:      James Ma, Test Engineer

             Prepared By:       Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (BACL)
                 (12)           1274 Anvilwood Ave.
                                Sunnyvale, CA 94089
                                Tel: (408) 732-9162
                                Fax: (408) 732 9164

Note: This test report is for the customer shown above and their specific product only. It may not be
      duplicated or used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.
      This report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement
      by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government     .

Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                                                                             FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1


1      GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 3
    1.1   PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ....................................................................... 3
    1.2   ANTENNAE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................... 3
    1.3   MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT.............................................................................................................. 3
    1.4   EUT PHOTOGRAPH ......................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.5   OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.6   RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) ............................................................................................................... 5
    1.7   TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................... 5
    1.8   MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ...................................................................................................................... 5
    1.9   TEST FACILITY ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2      SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION................................................................................................................. 7
    2.1    JUSTIFICATION................................................................................................................................................ 7
    2.2    EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................ 7
    2.3    EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 7
    2.4    SPECIAL ACCESSORIES ................................................................................................................................... 7
    2.5    LOCAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................... 7
    2.6    POWER SUPPLY LINES .................................................................................................................................... 7
    2.7    INTERNAL CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................... 7
    2.8    INTERFACE PORTS AND CABLING ................................................................................................................... 8
    2.9    TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAMS...................................................................................................................... 8
3       SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS FOR FCC PART 15................................................................................... 9
4      §2.1053 & §90.210 – FIELD STENGTH OF SUPRIOUS RADIATION....................................................... 10
    4.1     APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................... 10
    4.2     TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 10
    4.3     TEST SETUP .................................................................................................................................................. 10
    4.4     TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ........................................................................................................... 11
    4.5     ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................... 11
    4.6     SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS TEST DATA............................................................................................... 12
5      EXHIBIT A – LABEL AND LABEL LOCATION ON EUT......................................................................... 13
    5.1   LABEL .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
    5.2   LABEL LOCATION ON EUT........................................................................................................................... 13
6      EXHIBIT B – TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS ............................................................................................. 14
    6.1   SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS 30 – 1000 MHZ (450 MHZ RADIO) FRONT VIEW ..................................... 14
    6.2   SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS 30 – 1000 MHZ (450 MHZ RADIO) REAR VIEW ....................................... 14
    6.3   SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS ABOVE 1 GHZ (450 MHZ RADIO) FRONT VIEW ....................................... 15
    6.4   SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSIONS ABOVE 1 GHZ (450 MHZ RADIO) REAR VIEW ......................................... 15
7      EXHIBIT C - EUT PHOTOGRAPHS ............................................................................................................. 16
    7.1   EUT EXTERNAL TOP VIEW .......................................................................................................................... 16
    7.2   EUT EXTERNAL BOTTOM VIEW ................................................................................................................... 16
    7.3   EUT EXTERNAL FRONT VIEW ...................................................................................................................... 17
    7.4   EUT INTERFACE CABLES ............................................................................................................................. 17
    7.5   POWER SUPPLY ............................................................................................................................................ 18

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Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                                  FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

1.1    Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)

The Trimble Navigation Ltd. product, FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1, model: R8-M2 (RoHS) with TNL450I 450
MHz Radio, or the “EUT” as referred to in this report, is a GPS receiver with integrated Bluetooth module,
and is capable of being factory configured with various radio modules, which provide GPS corrections
between a base station and a mobile unit. The Bluetooth enables the receiver to communicate with a
handheld data collector. The TNL450I is a 450MHz radio which operates in three bands: 410-430MHz, 430-
450MHz, and 450-470MHz. The R8-M2 was configured with the TNL450I radio (FCC ID: KEATNL450I)
and Bluetooth (FCC ID: Q2331308) for testing.

* The test data gathered are from typical production samples provided by the customer with serial numbers as follows:
   • R8-M2: Part Number: 60250-66; Serial Number RoHSA0001
   • TNL450I Radio: Part Number: 64235-66; Serial Number: A02377 M02 0704 3001

1.2    Antennae Description

       Item Number                                               Model/Type
                              Model:                            Antenna Mobile
                              Manufacturer:                     SAS (Signal Antenna Systems, Inc.)
       GPS receiver           Frequency Range:                  Dual Frequency: 902-928 MHz; 2.4 – 2.5 GHz
         antenna              Maximum Antenna Gain:             2 dBi at 915 MHz; 2 dBi at 2.5 GHz
                               Antenna Type                     Monopole omni
                              Measurement:                      23 cmH

1.3    Mechanical Description of EUT

Trimble Navigation Limited’s product, model: R8-M2(RoHS) or the “EUT” measures approximately 19
cm(D) x 25.5 cmH (including base stand).

Report No.: R0710171-90                       Page 3 of 18                                    FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                               FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

1.4   EUT Photograph

                                 Please refer to Exhibit C for more EUT photographs

1.5   Objective

This report is prepared on behalf of Trimble Navigation in accordance with the Part 2 and Part 90 rules of the
Federal Communication Commissions rules.

The objective of the manufacturer is to determine compliance with FCC rules spurious radiated emissions.

The objective of the manufacturer is to demonstrate compliance with the applicable FCC rules. The EUT has
integrated into its design one UHF radio, and one FHSS radio module already tested for compliance and
submitted to the FCC under FCC ID’s KEATNL450I, and Q2331308 respectively; thus, the testing in this
report concerns the compilation of these modules along with a GPS receiver into the device designated as
FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1. Only those tests affected by this assemblage (bold face type blow) are herein
conducted and recorded; for all other test results please see those submission and reports mentioned in the
following subsection.

Output Power*
Occupied Bandwidth (emission mask)*
Spurious Emission at antenna terminal*
Frequency Stability*
Spurious radiated emissions
Transient frequency behavior*

           *Please see related test reports for details

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Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                           FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

1.6   Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

Please refer to FCC submissions FCC ID: KEATNL450I (BACL project number R0604242), and FCC ID:
Q2331308 (BACL project number R0702082) for measurements and test results pertaining to the 450 MHz
UHF radio and Bluetooth radio modules. Also, please refer to BACL report R0710171-247 for testing and
results pertaining to the applicable FCC part 15 requirements for this device.

1.7   Test Methodology

All tests and measurements indicated in this document were performed in accordance with the Code of
Federal Regulations Title 47 Part 2, Sub-part J as well as the following individual parts:

Part 90 – Private Land Mobile Radio Service

Applicable Standards: TIA/EIA-603-C, ANSI 63.4-2003, American National Standard for Methods of
Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range
of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

All radiated and conducted emissions measurement was performed at Bay Area Compliance Laboratory,
Corp. The radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

1.8   Measurement Uncertainty

All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in field of EMC. The factors contributing
to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna directivity, antenna
factor variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency interpolation,
measurement distance variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system repeatability.

Based on NIS 81, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the values range from +2.0 for
Conducted Emissions tests and +4.0 dB for Radiated Emissions tests are the most accurate estimates
pertaining to uncertainty of EMC measurements at BACL.

Detailed instrumentation measurement uncertainties can be found in BACL report QAP-018.

1.9   Test Facility

The test site used by BACL Corp. to collect radiated and conducted emissions measurement data is located at
its facility in Sunnyvale, California, USA.

The test sites at BACL have been fully described in reports submitted to the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) and Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI). The details of these reports has
been found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on February 11 and
December 10, 1997 and Article 8 of the VCCI regulations on December 25, 1997. The facility also complies
with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI C63.4-2003.

The Federal Communications Commission, Industry Canada, and Voluntary Control Council for Interference
has the reports on file and is listed under FCC registration number: 90464, IC registration number: 3062A,
and VCCI Registration Number: C-2463 and R-2698. The test site has been approved by the FCC, IC, and
VCCI for public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access Link (PAL) database.
Report No.: R0710171-90                    Page 5 of 18                                FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                         FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

Additionally, BACL is a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) accredited laboratory, under
the National Voluntary Laboratory Accredited Program (Lab Code 200167-0). The current scope of
accreditations can be found at http://ts.nist.gov/ts/htdocs/210/214/scopes/2001670.htm

Report No.: R0710171-90                   Page 6 of 18                                       FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                            FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

2.1     Justification

The EUT was configured for testing according to TIA/EIA 603-C

The EUT was tested in the engineering operating mode to represent worst-case results during the final
qualification test.

2.2     EUT Exercise Software

During the conducted emissions tests, the EUT was searching for GPS satellites, and the 450 MHz radio was
in receive mode. The Bluetooth radio was in listen mode. The EUT was continuously communicating with the
laptop over the RS-232 connection. During the radiated emissions tests, the radio being tested was
continuously transmitting in CW mode on the selected channel.

2.3     Equipment Modifications

No modifications to the EUT were made.

2.4     Special Accessories

As shown in following test block diagram, all interface cables used for compliance testing are shielded.

2.5     Local Support Equipment

       Manufacturer               Description                   Model                 Serial Number
             Dell                    Laptop                    DELL610                  8273581345

2.6     Power Supply Lines

       Manufacturer               Description                   Model                  Serial Number
           AULT                  AC/DC Adapter            PW174KA1802FXX                     201

2.7     Internal Configuration

       Manufacturer               Description               Part Number                      Rev
      Trimble Navigation          Control Board               53646-00-E                      B
      Trimble Navigation         Bluetooth Board              55155-00-D                       1

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Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                          FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1
2.8     Interface Ports and Cabling

      Cable Description          Length (m)                          From                       To

         Serial Cable                 < 3m                           EUT                   Laptop

2.9     Test Setup Block Diagrams

Radiated Emissions and Conducted Emissions


                                                                            table 80 cm above
                                                            AC-DC           table plane


                                                                                                LISN 1
                                               table 80 cm above
                                               ground plane

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Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                        FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1


    FCC Rule                           Description                                Result
    § 2.1046,                                                       Compliant, Please refer to
                                    RF Output Power
    § 90.205                                                        FCC ID: KEATNL450I for UHF 450 MHz
                                                                    Compliant, Please refer to
    § 2.1091                           RF Exposure
                                                                    FCC ID: KEATNL450I for UHF 450 MHz
    § 2.1049                                                        Compliant, Please refer to
                           Emission mask, Occupied Bandwidth
    § 90.209                                                        FCC ID: KEATNL450I for UHF 450 MHz
    § 2.1051                                                        Compliant, Please refer to
                          Spurious emissions at antenna terminals
    § 90.210                                                        FCC ID: KEATNL450I for UHF 450 MHz
    § 2.1053
                            Field strength of spurious radiation                 Compliant
    § 90.210
    § 2.1055                Frequency stability vs. temperature     Compliant, Please refer to
    § 90.213                  Frequency stability vs. voltage       FCC ID: KEATNL450I for UHF 450 MHz
                                                                    Compliant, Please refer to
    § 90.214                  Transient Frequency Behavior
                                                                    FCC ID: KEATNL450I for UHF 450 MHz

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Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                          FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

4.1   Applicable Standard

§2.1053 and §90.210

4.2   Test Procedure

The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load which
was also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
emissions from the EUT. The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

The frequency range up to tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured by
the substitution.

Spurious emissions in dB = 10 lg (TXpwr in Watts/0.001) – the absolute level

Spurious attenuation limit in dB = 43 + 10 Log10 (power out in Watts) for EUT with a 25 KHz channel

Spurious attenuation limit in dB = 50 + 10 Log10 (power out in Watts) for EUT with a 12.5 KHz channel

4.3   Test Setup

The test setup used was that of TIA/EIA-603-C, ANSI 63.4-2003, American National Standard for Methods
of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the
range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

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Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                                        FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

4.4     Test Equipment List and Details

 Manufacturer                   Description                        Model             Serial Number
      Agilent                Analyzer, Spectrum                    E4446A              US44300386                2007-04-26

        HP                      Amplifier, Pre                     8447D               2944A10198                2007-01-08

  A. H. Systems             Antenna, Horn, DRG                   SAS-200/571                  261                2007-06-07

        HP                    Generator, Signal                    83650B              3614A00276                2007-05-18

      A.R.A.                   Antenna, Horn                     DRG-118/A                   1132                2007-06-18

Sonama Instrument               Pre- Amplifier                      317                     260407                  N/R

  Sunol Science              Broadband Antenna                   JB3 Antenna               A020106-2             2007-04-05

Rohde & Schwarz              EMI Test Receiver                     ESCI 3                   100337               2007-03-08

  Sunol Science               System Controller                    SC99V                    011003-1                N/R

      * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the NVLAP
      requirements, traceable to the NIST.

4.5     Environmental Conditions

         Temperature:                                22-24 º C
       Relative Humidity:                            33-36 %
         ATM Pressure:                            104.5-106 kPa

* The testing was performed by Choon-Sian Ooi on 2007-10-17 to 2007-10-24.

Summary of Test Results

According to the data hereinafter, the EUT complied with the limits presented in FCC Title 47 part 2 and part
90 rules for radiated emissions applicable to intentional radiators, and had the worst margin reading of:

Mode: 450 MHz (UHF)
       Margin (dB)                   Frequency (MHz)                                                              Range
             -52                               400                             Horizontal                      30-1000 MHz

             -46.1                            2800                              Vertical                       Above 1 GHz

Please refer to the following tables for full test results

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 Trimble Navigation Ltd.                                                         FCC ID: JUP-642356X-B1

 4.6     Spurious Radiated Emissions Test Data

 Spurious Radiated Emissions – UHF Radio (Transmitting mode)

                             Antenna                     Turntable      Power
Frequency         Peak                   Polarity                                          Limit      Margin
  (MHz)         (dBµV/m)      Height                      Position   (Substitution)       (dBm)        (dB)
                               (cm)                        (deg)        (dBm)
       400         40.5        100          H               146           -65               -13         -52
  401.33           38.9        100          H               152          -66.5              -13        -53.5
       600         43.1        100          H               138           -67               -13         -54
  479.833          32.5        100          V               148           -77               -13         -64

                             Antenna                     Turntable      Power
Frequency         Peak                   Polarity                                          Limit      Margin
  (GHz)         (dBµV/m)      Height                      Position   (Substitution)       (dBm)        (dB)
                               (cm)                        (deg)        (dBm)

   2.8             52.6        158          V               48           -59.1              -13         -46.1
   1.4              54         158          H               249          -60.8              -13         -47.8
   1.8            50.91        158          H               322          -61.5              -13         -48.5

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Document Created: 2007-11-20 13:46:55
Document Modified: 2007-11-20 13:46:55

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