Statement required for Notification

FCC ID: JUP-6211-450-1

Attestation Statements

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Thomas N. Cokenias              EMC/RFI Specialist
Test & Consulting Services for Commercial, Military, International Compliance
P.O. Box 50128
Palo Alto, CA  94303

3 July 1998

                      NOTIFICATION STATEMENT PER 2.975(a)6

Applicant:               Trimble Navigation Ltd.

Equipment:               Communication Receiver, 430 - 470 MHz

FCC ID:                  JUP-6211-450-1

On behalf of my client, Trimble Navigation Limited, I certify that:

This equipment has been tested in accordance with the requirements contained in FCC
Rule paragraph 15.101 et seq. To the best of my knowledge, these tests were performed
using measurement procedures consistent with industry and Commission standards, and
demonstrate that the equipment complies with the appropriate standards. Each unit
manufactured, imported, or marketed, as defined in the Commission’s regulations, will
conform to the samples tested within the variations that can be expected due to quantity
production and testing on a statistical basis. I further certify that the necessary
measurements were made by Compliance Consulting Services, 1366 Bordeaux Drive,
Sunnyvale, CA 94086.


              tel: 415-493-4219   fax: 415-813-1255   internet:

Document Created: 2001-07-16 11:43:15
Document Modified: 2001-07-16 11:43:15

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