Users Manual

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              Manual Part No. MNGMT20
                        Rev. A
                      Issued 6/96

     © Copyright 1995 Grayson Electroniecs Company
                  All Rights Reserved

                      biv is1 q N

                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. INTRODUCTION 11222022 000eseeervvvseverernerrenrreseernnereannreenss eesveereressernrenssrrernss 2. 11

  1.1 AbOUt Thi$ MANUAI.......0cecceseeecsecververeseeerversresrnercereerseeeeenvercencenrinse                                                                           1—1

  1.2 About the Measurement SySt@M PFOUUCt ................c.ccccosseesssenssecnes                                                                                       1—1

2. PREPARATION FOR USE .....200.0 60000090 ee049eererrerearrerrenserrensnerenss esn 251

  2.1 Introduction......                                                                                                                                                 21

  2.2 Precautions                                                                                                                                      «                 21
      2.2.1 SHOCK HAZBTQL..........2.0e00esveverversescercevsrernsessenennevecs                                                                                          2—1
      2.2.2 Static Sensitive Components                                                                                                                                  2—1

  2.3 UNPACKING ANG INSDECHMG........s.eveeecenereevernmsneenseencennecs                                                                                                 21
      2.3 .A PATES LiSE ....ce000e0ceececereevceeceservecseccecescensensevsescenencen                                                                  —                 2—2

3. INTERFACE DESCRIPTION ..... ... 00000602209 eeraereressrreressserererrererversrrnsnernveee 3—1

  3.1 Introduction.....                                                          eemmnveneereresnercen                            —                                      3—1

  3.2 Front Panel Features                                                        ervrevevesscersecener        —                       ..                                3—1
        3.2 Figure—1 Front Panel                                                  eevsemeververernnennemennennenennenmenmennencnnrnncrennenn                             3—1

  3.3 Side Panel Features                                                     ermenevvervenmsnerves                                                                      3—2
        3.3 Figure—1 Side Panel                                   envevenseneensenseneersensenence                                                                       3—2

  3.4 Keypad Operation                                              —                                    —                                                               3—2
      3.4.1 Mode Keys            «                                                                                                                                       3—2
      3.4.2 Numeric Keypad.........                                                                             ..                                                       3—2
      3.4.3 Function Keys.......                                        eovevsensessessersensncecsenencersensceensecens                                                  3—2

  3.5 SAEUS LEDS                             00240000043                                        ve ev e s e cen ces csev seocev rce sersenvensornren       ..            3—3

  3.6 Display LEDS                 —                       reveenensenenesssrcevssscssnscnsereneccece                                                                    3—3

  3.7 ON—OFF Switch                    ervensenceine                     «.          —                                                                                   3—3

  3.8 External Control.................                                 «.        mvreensevenmenen                                —                    «                 3—3

  3.9 Side PAN@L FEAEUPGS...............«.cssccesecsnssnenernsennrnesnernencenes                                                                                         3—3

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                                                                                                             Page i

4. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION .......... rnrveveserrennereeees secsmneerneeneees vieicn.4—1

  4.1. INEOGUCHEON                                                              eeerenneerecerncerverseeennnersreenersennersonennererreeeepevvecss                                                                                                                                             4—1

  4.2 INStAIIAtiON PTOCEUUIG............s.eeeereneeseesesseseneveverrvreverrersereceserenenensernevervennevereerneenecenenersensenencenes 4—1

  4.3 ODETAEION       es evererrensenresnseaverereerernennnerseneeeeseseesenececrnescenereerernerecencene                                                                                                                                                                                         4—1
      4.3.1 POWET SOUTCEL......ssececesecerversersersvervesseennervene                     ovenvenereeressorenennermerseeseemenenvene                                                                                                                                                             4—1
        4.3.2 BAUEETY ODETAEIOT                                                                                                                                         enennnrerversernenseresnencensernersoveresereesnevenvensensererrrncer 4—1
        4,3.3 FTEQUEDCY CONEPOL......ss.0000e00s000eereeveresevevevereeerervereenneenevernenennencercaneen                                                                                                                                                                                  . 4—2
        4.3.4    Amplitude Control                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4—2
        4.3.5    MOGUIAtION COMEPOL........ssssesceceeeneeremnenncrees                                                                                                                avereensensnsanescerserseinernenicer                                                                                    4—3
        4.3.6    TTADSNLiE COMETOL                                 e0 e0 +8re ve ren erner e overns nes es es e                                                                                                                                                       e eneresvseser ececesnevese vesenrevers 4—3
        4.3.7    ETTON COG@S                                                                                                                                                                                                      sev rn nev rean ec es ec nsaves                                          .4—4

5. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ........... resersereversarenes asserseccreeseverccccee> 571

  5.1 Frequency Range.....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5—1

  5.2 OUIDPUE POWET......2.eeeecenreeensecencarernnnneensnersreceveseremennnnnennnencenneneeoverevenenenmeneennserererreesnennnneenemecerness 5—1

  5.3 Output Power Level Accuracy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5—1

  5.4 Frequency Stability                                                evvernnnnnerennennenneverererrevenesnnernncnnarneeenreeeinvers                                                                                                                                                    «. 5—1

  5.5 Outpiut POWer SDUTIOUS/HATMOMICS..........2.2..eecereceenesesrereeseereeen                                                                                                                                                                                                      «2. 5—1

  5.6 Duty CyCI@/Operating TeMDETREUTE RAMGE ..............cc0e00ck00eeereerernsssvesreneeververnereseerceenrensncernese 5—1

  327 LOBA VWR                              002000                                              n0vr nsrvere e reanse nereaveresentersonsansives en evece                                                                              ressereeserneenessncssssessereccsnesnecceccevcene 5—2

  5.8 Output VSWR                                                                                                                                                ansanenneveersceovencerevvencerensansenceccenrenenrrencn                                                                         5—2

  5.9 MOGUIRMIOT . . . . 2.s2s                                                                                                                                                           ve re s an ers ev csen scenso rne c se                                                               .5—2

  5.10 POWEP CONSUMDHION                                                                                                  . . . c.cs ec enre ne nernen ernenes                                                                                                                                    5—2

  5.11 DiMeNSIONS ANG WEI@ht...........cceesecss2seescerereeeeeveenessencee                                                                                                                                                                         —                                    ... 5—2

6. BRIEF TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION.............exsssrvresesservevevevnenerrrerensas...e..6—1

  6.1 INEFOUUCHON                                                   . . .c e se m mn m mn ers                                                                                    ..                                                                                                               6—1

  6.2 Overview .                                                                         .
          6.2 Figure—1 GMT20 Block Diagram..

  Page ii                                                                    GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)



Grayson Electronics Company certifies that this product met its published specification at
time of shipment from the factory.


GEC warrants to the original purchaser (hereinafter called        "Buyer") that Equipment
manufactured by GEC shall be free, under normal use and service, from defects in
material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery to
the Buyer (the Warranty Period), and shall conform to GEC‘s specifications. With respect
to any equipment not manufactured by GEC (except for integral parts of GEC‘s
Equipment to which the warranties set forth above shall apply), GEC gives no warranty,
and only the warranty, if any, given by the manufacturer shall apply. Warranty is
available upon request.

The preceding paragraph sets forth the exclusive remedies for claims (except as to title)
based upon defects in or nonconformity of Equipment manufactured by GEC, whether the
claim is in contract, warrant, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, and
however instituted. Upon the expiration of the warranty period, all such liability shall
terminate. The foregoing warranties are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties,
whether oral, written, expressed, implied or statutory. NO IMPLIED OR STATUTORY

In Case of Trouble

In case problems arise that are not addressed adequately by this manual, further
assistance may be obtained by calling Grayson Electronics, Measurements Systems Group
at 1—800—800—7465.

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                               Page iii

                                                                         1. Introduction

                             1.      Introduction

1.1   About This Manual

      This manual provides an overview of the GMT20 PCS Transmitter.
      The transmitter is the propagation test configuration partner for the Spectrum—
      Tracker ‘‘ wireless measurement instrument.

      Also included in this manual are procedures for unpacking, inspecting, and setting
      up the product for operation.

1.2   About the Measurement System Product

       1.2.1   Measurement System Operational Overview

      Personal Communications Services (PCS) represents the next wave in
      communications technology. As such, PCS carriers will require advanced test and
      analysis equipment to optimize network development and eventual construction.
      Grayson Electronics, a leader in wireless measurement technology offers a line of
      powerful diagnostic instruments including the wireless measurement mainframe,
      the GMR1000, and its matching PCS transmitter, the GMT20. The GMT20 is a
      rugged portable, and easy—to—use test transmitter created specifically for PCS.

      The GMT20 is a full featured, 20—watt transmitter that can generate both CW and
      digitally modulated test signals in the PCS frequency band. The rugged GMT20
      transmitter is housed in a durable, water resistant package ideal for the rigors of
      outdoor use in the field. The GMT20 enables carriers to test signal propagation
      from potential base station locations, and to validate and refine analytical
      propagation models. Information measured with Spectrum Tracker"~ in these site
      surveys assists in system budget analysis, site selection, and evaluation of system
      architecture prior to hardware installation. The GMT20 is an essential site survey
      tool for network design engineers. Its rugged design will support temporary
      rooftop and other outdoor installations required for system site surveys.

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                          Page 1—1

                                                                 2. Preparation for Use

                        2.      Preparation For Use

2.1    Introduction

       This section outlines precautions and preparations necessary before use of the
       measurement system. Also covered is unpacking and inspecting of the individual
       pieces and the requirements placed on the external power supply.

2.2    Precautions

       2.2.1   Shock Hazard

               When replacing the AC fuse on the side panel, be sure to unplug the line
               cord and replace with a fuse of the correctrating and type.

               When connecting the DC power cable, be sure to connect the red lead to
               the positive terminal and black lead to the negative terminal.

       2.2.2   Static Sensitive Components

               This unit includes integral static discharge protection devices. However,
               as with any electronic equipment, care should be taken not to touch
               connector pins directly.

               There are no user serviceable components inside. Units must be returned
               to the factory for repairs.

2.3    Unpacking and Inspecting

       All equipment is packaged in a single shock and vibration protected enclosure.

      Examine the carton for signs of damage. If carton appears to be damaged, contact
      the transportation agent immediately.

      Open the carton and carefully remove each item.       Check all items received
      against the packing slip and the following Parts List. Examine each item for
      physical damage, and make a note of any damages observed.

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                         Page 2—1

2. Preparation for Use

       2.3.1   PARTS LIST

                         Item       |            P/N
                AC Line Cord            G15A0075—1

                DC Line Cord            G15A00076—1
                AC Fuse                 GS2AFOOO—5     5 Amp
                DC Fuse                 GS52AFO13—30 30 Amp
                Manual                  MNGMT20

Page 2—2                   GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)

                                                                              3. Interface Description

                           3.    Interface Description

3.1    Introduction

       This section covers the front panel features and external interface ports. the
       first section gives a pictorial view of the front panel and a detailed description
       of the keypad and resultant indicators. The second part gives a detailed
       description of the side panel connectors and fuse holder.

3.2    Front Panel Features

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                                   3.2 Figure—1 Front Panel

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                                            Page 3—1

3. Interface Description

3.3    Side Panel Features

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                                           3.3 Figure—1 Side Panel

3.4    Keypad Operation

       3.4.1      Mode Keys

                        =         Frequency Mode
               9> & m

                                  Modulation Mode
                                  Amplitude Mode

                                  Transmit Mode

       3.4.2        Numeric Keypad

                  0—9    Numeric
                  CE/C = Clear Entry
                  ENT = Enter Key

       3.4.3      Function Keys

                  F1 — F4 =            Undefined function keys

Page 3—2                               GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)

                                                              3. Interface Description

3.5     Status LEDS

       Transmit LED — ON when unit is transmitting
       Synthesizer LED — ON when synthesizer is locked
       ALC lock LED — ON when ALC loop is locked

3.6    Display LEDS

       Frequency     Indicates transmit frequency in MHz
       Modulation    Indicates toggle function "OFF" or "EXTERNAL"
       Amplitude     Indicates output power in 1 db increments
       Diagnostic    Alternately displays internal DC voltage and internal operating
                     temperature in degrees C.                                         ‘

3.7    ON—OFF Switch

       Controls primary power source, AC or DC

3.8    External Control

       DB 15 Connector for I—Q Modulation input

3.9    Side Panel Features

      AC Fuse
      Power Connector — AC or DC Power Cable
       RF Connector — Type N Female

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                        Page 3—3

                                                          4. Installation and Operation

                 4.      Installation and Operation

4.1   Introduction

      This section covers the installation, set up and operational features of the GMT20

4.2   Installation Procedure

      Remove transmitter from shipping container and install in a location with an
      ambient temperature range between —20 and 55°C. With the cabinet lid closed the
      transmitter will operate in a rainy environment as long as the drain holes on the
      bottom remain clear of obstructions and the transmitter is on a level surface.

4.3   Operation

      4.3.1   Power Source

              Connect either the AC power cord to a source of 115 vac 60 Hz or the DC
              power cable to 11.2—15 Vde capable of 15A. The AC input is fused on the
              side panel and the DC power cable contains an in line 30A fuse and
              reverse polarity protection. The front panel ON—OFF switch controls the
              primary power that is connected to the side panel.

      4.3.2   Battery Operation

              Connect the DC cable to the GMT20 and either a 12 volt battery or a 12
              volt power supply capable of 18 amps. An internal voltage monitoring
              circuit will disable the transmitter when the internal voltage drops to
              approximately 11 volts. The front panel will then display "LOW BATT."
              To restore operation recharge or replace the battery and then resume
              testing. Note that long cables or poor connections will create a voltage
              drop which will cause the transmitter to shut down prematurely.

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                           Page 4—1

4. Installation and Operation

       4.3.3   Frequency Control

               The keypad sequence is as follows:

                   Push "F" button
                  Enter desired frequency in 20 KHz steps
                  EX 1850.020
                  Note that the initial "1" is preloaded. The "ENT" key is not required
                  at the end of the frequency entry.
                  Some 30 KHz frequency increments are available. The desired
                  frequency must be divisable by 30°KHz exactly to be valid.

                          Example: 1850.03 = 61,667.6 is not a valid channel

                                      1920.03 = 64,001 is a valid channel
                  Read the transmit frequency on the frequency display.
                  An invalid frequency entry will result in the display returning to the
                  previous valid entry.

       4.3.4   Amplitude Control

               The keypad sequence is as follows:

                  Push "A" button
                  Enter desired amplitude from 03 to 43 in 1 db steps. The "ENT" key
                  is not required. All single digit amplitudes must be preceded by a 0.
                  Example:   03, 04 etc.
                  Amplitude display indicates the transmit output power in dBm.
                  An invalid keypad entry will result in the display returning to the
                  previous valid entry.

Page 4—2                     GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)

                                                          4. Installation and Operation

       4.3.5   Modulation Control

               The keypad sequence is as follows:

               — Push "M" button
               — Modulation display will toggle between "EXT" and "OFF" with each
                 "M" key closure.
               — "OFF" indicates a CW carrier
               — "EXT" indicates that the external I—Q Modulation input on the front
                 panel DB—15 connector is now active. The "EXT" configuration
                 should not be selected unlessan external I—Q input is connected or the
                 amplitude display will not be accurate.
               — The external modulation inputs are located on the front panel DB—15
                   connector. There are three inputs: I, Q, and Ref. These are located
                   on pins 7, 6, and 5 respectively. Pins 12, 13, 14, and 15 are all
                   grounds. The Ref input must be a fixed 3 Volt de level. The I and Q
                   input levels are both the same and consist of 2 Vp—p data riding on 3
                   Volts de. Hence the maximum instantaneous I or Q voltage is 4 Volts
                   and the minimum instantaneous I or Q voltage is 2 Volts. The input
                   impedance of the I, Q, and Ref inputs is 1 K ohm. The I and Q inputs
                   have a modulation bandwidth of 5 Mhz.

               — NOTE: The transmitter will not function in the External Modulation
                   mode without an input to the DB15 connector.        Error 11 may also

       4.3.6    Transmit control

               The keypad sequence is as follows:

               — Push the "T" button
               —   An illumination of the Transmit, Synthesizer Lock, and ALC lock
                   LED‘s indicates proper transmitter operation.
               —   Each contact closure of the   "T" button toggles between transmitter
                 ON and OFF.
               — Any key that is pressed while the unit is transmitting will result in the
                 transmit function being disabled.

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                          Page 4—3

4. Installation and Operation

       4.3.7    Error Codes

               Error 10        Synthesizer has lost phase lock.
               Error 11        Power amplifier is not under leveling loop control.
               Error 14        EEPROM data is invalid
               Error 15        Last state configuration data is invalid
               PA Temp         Internal temperature above limit
               Low Batt        Internal DC supply voltage below limit.

       — NOTE: Consult factory if error codes appear.

Page 4—4                      GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)

                                                      5. Performance Specifications

                 5.     Performance Specifications

5.1    Frequency Range

       1850—1990 MHz, 20 or 30 KHz steps.

5.2    Output Power
      43 dBm to 3 dBm in 1 dB steps.

5.3    Output Power Level Accuracy

       —20 to 0° C           — 1.25 dB + 0 dB
       0 to +40° C           £0.75 dB
      +40 to +55° C          — 0 dB +1.5 dB

5.4    Frequency Stability

      +/—0.5 PPM                    Typical —20 to +55° C
      +/— 1.0 PPM                   Worst Case —20 to +55° C

5.5    Output Power Spurious/Harmonics

      >60 dBc relative to 43 dBm

5.6   Duty Cycle/Operating Temperature Range

       Continuous, —20° to +55° C

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                    Page 5—1

5. Performance Specifications

5.7    Load VSWR

       Safe operation into Open/Short at all phase angles.

5.8    Output VSWR

       1.5:1 (14 dB Return Loss)

5.9    Modulation

       CW or externally supplied I/Q source.
       Bandwidth 5 MHz

5.10 Power Consumption

       AC     115 volts (85 min, 264 max)
              60 Hz (47 min, 63 max)
              2.0 A nominal (2.25 A max)

       DC     12.0 volts (1I min, 13.8 max)
              18 A nominal (20 A max)

5.11 Dimensions and Weight

      Height —        11.0 inches
      Width —         19.0 inches
      Depth —         14.0 inches
      Weight —        40 lb.

Page 5—2                    GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)

                                                                                                                      6. Brief Technical Description

                        6.             Brief Technical Description

6.1     Introduction

       This section includes information on how the transmitter hardware functions.
       This information is presented so that the user may have a better understanding of
       how the unit works.

       NOTE: There are no field repairable asssemblies in the transmitter.

6.2    Overview

       The GMT20 is a self contained 20 watt linear transmitter for Personal
       Communications Services (PCS) frequencies. It is made up of many individual
       modules which will be each discussed in the text to follow. A block diagram is
       shown in Figure 6.2.1.

                 i   Auto Leveling Control
                 |                 (ALC)

                               .                                                                                        |                          |                       %
                                                                                                                        1                i         (
           Synthesizer /           12 dBm             _                   Power                                        .       LWCZ:;‘;';'" 5oi asaBm_2
       ‘    Modutator          ‘                          . Amplifier                                                   ;         Detector                         RF Output
       ;                                                      i                                                                                    j               (N Type)
       hm                                                                           I

                 |                                  Temp.
                                                                                    i                                                                         AC Input (115 V)
                                                    Sensor                          |   ‘
                 1                                                    :
                 |                                            4'___1_1[_                                                                                      DC Input (12 V)
                 [                                                                                                            AC Fuse
                 i Ref, |, Q                                              Power Supply                                                        ;

                        ;                                 .                                                                                   . Fan
             C                                            +                                                                                   _
                 : RS232                                                   DC                Control                                           ,
                 i                                                              1                                                            »— Fan

                                                                                                                      Thermostatically                 ;
                 hnn sns                             ob           Micro—Controller                                          Controlled            Fan ;

                                                                                                                                             > Fan
                                     mnm e                                                       r————
                                                                  j                         L.       Displays /   ;
                                           Keypad                 —                              "    LED‘s

                                                    Figure 6.2.1 GMT20 Block Diagram

GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)                                                                                                        Page 6—1

6. Brief Technical Description

       The synthesizer derives its frequency reference from an on board TCXO. It can
       tune in 20 or 30 KHz steps as shown in the examples in section 4.3.3. Following
       the signal source is an I / Q modulator. It has a modulation bandwidth of up to 5
       MHz. External 1 /Q and DC Reference signals can be supplied to the modulator
       to produce any modulation format. Also the synthesizer/modulators output level
       is adjusted by the leveling control loop which is located in the filter—coupler.

       The power amplifier is based on high power GaAs FET devices. There are three
       stages of amplification yielding at least 32 dB of gain. The stages are biased
       class—A to achieve high linearity and the ability to use any modulation type. The
       amplifier stages are followed by a dual isolator.       The power amplifier has an
       internal temperature sensor that reports back to the micro—controller. There is also
       internal bias, regulation, and protection circuitry.

       Following the power amplifier. is the filter/coupler. It is basically a 5—pole low
       pass filter followed by a coupler. The output of the coupler is detected and
       compared to a stored reference voltage for a particular power level at a calibration
       frequency. The error signal from this comparison is used to adjust the output level
       of the synthesizer. There is a calibration point for every level at 5 different
       frequencies. These values are stored in the filter—coupler.

       The power supply is designed to operate on either 115 VAC line voltage or 12
       VDC battery voltage. The transmitters internal voltage is 12 volts and therefore
       for DC operation battery voltage is used directly. There are provisions to
       internally disconnect the supply should the battery voltage drop below
       approximately 11 volts. This is to protect the batteries and make sure that the
       transmitters performance stays within specification. For AC operation the supply
       uses a line of high performance switching regulator modules. The first of which is
       a Harmonic ‘Attenuator Module (HAM) that maintains a good power factor
       regardless of load. This makes the power supply tolerant to operation with gas
       powered generators. The AC—DC and DC—DC switching modules are operated
      well below their capabilities to insure performance at high temperatures.

      The GMT20 transmitter is controlled by a HC11 micro—controller. The controller
      reads keypads, sends messages to the displays, and controls each of the individual
      modules. There are feedback points built into the hardware to allow the controller
      to monitor the operation of the transmitter.            The software contains built in
       diagnostics that watch for operation and performance problems.

Page 6—2                     GMT20 PCS Transmitter User‘s Manual (MNGMT20, 6/96)

Document Created: 2001-07-17 16:44:22
Document Modified: 2001-07-17 16:44:22

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