Test report

FCC ID: JQU801660A

Test Report

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                                 Compliance test report                   180888-1TRFWL
                                                                          Date of issue
                                                                          August 9, 2011

                                 FCC Part 90, Subpart M, Section 90.353
                                 LMS operations in the 902–928 MHz band

                                      Applicant   Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS Corp.
                                       Product    JANUS™ Interior OBU
                                         Model    801660A-TAB
                                 Model variants   801970A-TAB, 801990A-TAB, 802001A-TAB
                                       FCC ID     JQU801660A

                                                                                                                         SCC Accredited
                                                                                   Nemko Canada Inc., a testing
                                                                                  laboratory, is accredited by the
                                                                              Standards Council of Canada. The
                                                                           tests included in this report are within
                                                                                   the scope of this accreditation             LAB
                                                                                                                          Accrédité CCN   TM

FCC.doc - Date: March 21, 2010

Test location

Nemko Canada Inc.
303 River Road
Ottawa, ON, K1V 1H2

Telephone       +1 613 737 9680
Facsimile       +1 613 737 9691
Toll free       +1 800 563 6336
Website         www.nemko.com

Tested by          Andrey Adelberg, Senior Wireless/EMC Specialist

Reviewed by
                                                                                         August 9, 2011
                   David Duchesne, Senior EMC Specialist                                 Date:

Limits of responsibility

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between the date of initial receipt of
samples and the date of issue of the report.
This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. All results contain in this report are within Nemko
Canada’s ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.
Copyright notification

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the company’s
employees only. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility
of such third parties.
Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on
this report.
© Nemko Canada Inc.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                    Page 2 of 25

Table of contents

Section 1: Report summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.1     Applicant ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.2     Manufacturer ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.3     Test specification ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.4     Statement of compliance ............................................................................................................................................. 4
   1.5     Exclusions ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.6     Site registration number............................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.7     Test report revision history .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Section 2: Summary of test results ............................................................................................................................................. 5
   2.1     FCC Part 90, Subpart I tests result summary .............................................................................................................. 5
   2.2     FCC Part 90, Subpart M tests result summary ............................................................................................................ 5
Section 3: Equipment under test (EUT) details .......................................................................................................................... 6
   3.1     Product details ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
   3.2     Product description ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
   3.3     Sample information ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
   3.4     EUT technical specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 6
   3.5     Operation of the EUT during testing ............................................................................................................................ 7
   3.6     EUT setup diagram ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Section 4: Engineering considerations....................................................................................................................................... 8
   4.1      Modifications incorporated in the EUT ......................................................................................................................... 8
   4.2      Deviations from laboratory tests procedures ............................................................................................................... 8
   4.3      Technical judgment...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Section 5: Test conditions ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
   5.1     Atmospheric conditions................................................................................................................................................ 9
   5.2     Power supply range ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Section 6: Measurement uncertainty ........................................................................................................................................ 10
   6.1      Measurement uncertainty .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Section 7: Test equipment ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
   7.1      Test equipment list..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Section 8: Testing data............................................................................................................................................................... 12
   8.1     Clause 90.205 Effective radiated power of carrier ..................................................................................................... 12
   8.2     Clause 90.209 Occupied bandwidth .......................................................................................................................... 13
   8.3     Clause 90.210 Emission mask .................................................................................................................................. 15
   8.4     Clause 90.210 Spurious emissions............................................................................................................................ 17
   8.5     Clause 90.213 Frequency stability ............................................................................................................................. 19
   8.6     Clause 90.353 LMS operations in the 902–928 MHz band........................................................................................ 20
   8.7     Clause 90.357 Frequencies for LMS systems in the 902–928 MHz band ................................................................. 21
Section 9: EUT and setup photos .............................................................................................................................................. 22

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                                                         Page 3 of 25

                                Section 1: Report summary

Section 1: Report summary

1.1 Applicant
Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS Corp.
6020 Ambler Drive
Mississauga, ON, Canada
L4W 2P1

1.2 Manufacturer
Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS Corp.
6020 Ambler Drive
Mississauga, ON, Canada
L4W 2P1

1.3 Test specification
FCC Part 90, Subpart M, Section 90.353: LMS operations in the 902–928 MHz band

1.4 Statement of compliance
In the configuration tested the EUT was found compliant.

This report contains an assessment of apparatus against specifications based upon tests carried out on samples submitted at Nemko Canada
Inc. These tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with FCC Part 90, Subpart M.

1.5 Exclusions


1.6 Site registration number
Test site FCC ID number       176392 (3 m Semi anechoic chamber)

1.7 Test report revision history

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                           Page 4 of 25

                                 Section 2: Summary of test results

Section 2: Summary of test results

2.1 FCC Part 90, Subpart I tests result summary
         Part            Test description                                           Verdict
§90.205(l)               Power and antenna height limits                             Pass
§90.209                  Bandwidth limitations                                       Pass
§90.210(k)               Emission masks                                              Pass
§90.210(k)               Spurious emissions                                          Pass
§90.213                  Frequency stability                                        Tested*
* - The EUT is a mobile transponder therefore it is exempt from this requirement.

2.2 FCC Part 90, Subpart M tests result summary
        Part             Test description                                           Verdict
§90.353(h)               Authorized bands                                            Pass
§90.357(b)               Frequencies for LMS systems in the 902–928 MHz band         Pass

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                   Page 5 of 25

                                 Section 3: Equipment under test (EUT) details

Section 3: Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.1 Product details
Product name                           JANUS™ Interior OBU
Model number                           801660A-TAB
Model variants                         801970A-TAB, 801990A-TAB, 802001A-TAB
FCC ID number                          JQU801660A
Class of product                       LMS

3.2 Product description
801660A-TAB: has no micro-controller or peripherals
801970A-TAB: has the micro-controller with LEDs and buzzer peripherals. The case is translucent
801990A-TAB: has no micro-controller or peripherals. Has a different configuration on protected bits in the ASIC
802001A-TAB: has the micro-controller with tamper-proof peripheral. The dual-lock attachments are replaced with stronger, permanent
adhesive strips

The EUT is a Transponder that operates within 902–928 MHz ISM band at frequency 915 ±0.6 MHz, which is mounted on a vehicle at a
location that is visible to the Reader Antenna when the vehicle passes through the RF capture zone, which is dictated by the directional pattern
of the Reader Antenna. This Transponder is designed for interior mounting in a passenger vehicle, specifically on the windshield near the top
and near the vehicle centreline.
The Transponder responds to and emits with horizontal polarization when correctly oriented for normal operation with the flat surface of the
Transponder against the vehicle windshield. In this location the boresite will point towards the Reader antenna when the vehicle approaches
the Reader antenna. Outside the RF Capture Zone of the Reader, the unit does not transmit but continuously receives.

3.3 Sample information
Receipt date                   July 18, 2011
Nemko sample ID number         1, 2

3.4 EUT technical specifications
Operating band                 902–928 MHz
Operating frequency            915 ±0.6 MHz
Modulation type                Fixed OOK, Manchester encoded 500 kbps
Occupied bandwidth             6.22 MHz (99 % OBW)
Emission designator            6M22P1D
Antenna type                   Printed 0 dBi (−2.15 dBd) antenna
Power source                   3.6 VDC internal Lithium battery

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                 Page 6 of 25

                                 Section 3: Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.5 Operation of the EUT during testing
The units are internally battery powered and are continuously in the Receive mode. They require an external RF trigger to stimulate a
response. Each RF trigger will produce one burst of transmission from a unit.
The trigger pulse can be generated by using a signal generator gated by a function generator, or by using a signal generator that has the
internal pulse modulation function.

3.6 EUT setup diagram

                          Signal generator


                           Spectrum analyzer

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                                Section 4: Engineering considerations

Section 4: Engineering considerations

4.1 Modifications incorporated in the EUT
There were no modifications performed to the EUT during this assessment

4.2 Deviations from laboratory tests procedures
No deviations were made from laboratory test procedures

4.3 Technical judgment
The EUT comes at 4 model variants (see section 3.2 for details). The most populated model (801970A-TAB) was deemed as a representative
model and was used for all the tests. Additionally, one specially modified sample of the EUT with SMA connector instead of integral antenna
was supplied for conducted measurements.

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                                  Section 5: Test conditions

Section 5: Test conditions

5.1 Atmospheric conditions
Temperature: 15–30 °C
Relative humidity: 20–75 %
Air pressure: 86–106 kPa
When it is impracticable to carry out tests under these conditions, a note to this effect stating the ambient temperature and relative humidity
during the tests shall be recorded and stated.

5.2 Power supply range
The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal mains voltage. For the purpose of the present
document, the nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage, or any of the declared voltages ±5 %, for which the equipment was designed.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                    Page 9 of 25

                               Section 6: Measurement uncertainty

Section 6: Measurement uncertainty

6.1 Measurement uncertainty
Nemko Canada Inc. has calculated measurement uncertainty and is documented in EMC/MUC/001 “Uncertainty in EMC measurements.”
Measurement uncertainty was calculated using the methods described in CISPR 16-4 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity
measuring apparatus and methods – Part 4: Uncertainty in EMC measurements; as well as described in UKAS LAB34: The expression of
Uncertainty in EMC Testing. Measurement uncertainty calculations assume a coverage factor of K=2 with 95 % certainty.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                       Page 10 of 25

                               Section 7: Test equipment

Section 7: Test equipment

7.1 Test equipment list
Equipment                              Manufacturer           Model No.    Asset/Serial No.   Next cal.
3 m EMI Test Chamber                   TDK                    SAC-3        FA002047           Mar. 09/12
Flush Mount Turntable                  Sunol                  FM2022       FA002082           NCR
Controller                             Sunol                  SC104V       FA002060           NCR
Antenna Mast                           Sunol                  TLT2         FA002061           NCR
Receiver/Spectrum Analyzer             Rohde & Schwarz        ESU 26       FA002043           Jan. 14/12
Bilog Antenna                          Sunol                  JB3          FA002108           Jan. 18/12
Horn Antenna #2                        EMCO                   3115         FA000825           Jan. 18/12
1–18 GHz Amplifier                     JCA                    JCA118-503   FA002091           Oct. 07/11
Temperature chamber                    Thermotron             SM-16C       FA001030           NCR
Multimeter                             Fluke                  16           FA001831           Jan. 26/12
International power supply             California inst.       3001I        FA001021           COU
Receiver/spectrum analyzer             Rohde & Schwarz        ESU 40       FA002071           Jan. 04/12
Horn antenna #1                        Emco                   3115         FA000649           Mar. 08/12
Signal generator                       Rhode & Schwarz        SMB100A      FA002174           Jan. 26/12
Note: NCR = No calibration required, COU = Calibrate on use

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                   Page 11 of 25

                                 Section 8: Testing data
                                 Test name: Clause 90.205 Effective radiated power of carrier
                                 Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart I

Section 8: Testing data

8.1       Clause 90.205 Effective radiated power of carrier
Applicants for licenses must request and use no more power than the actual power necessary for satisfactory operation. Except where
otherwise specifically provided for, the maximum power that will be authorized to applicants whose license applications for new stations are
filed after August 18, 1995 is as follows:
(l) 902–928 MHz.
      LMS systems operating pursuant to subpart M of this part in the 902–927.25 MHz band will be authorized a maximum of 30 watts ERP.
      LMS equipment operating in the 927.25–928 MHz band will be authorized a maximum of 300 watts ERP. ERP must be measured as peak
      envelope power. Antenna heights will be as specified in §90.353(h).
                                                                            Table 8.1-1: ERP limits

         Assigned frequency band                                                                                                ERP
                  (MHz)                                                                     (W)                                                          (dBm)
              902.00–927.25                                                                  30                                                           44.8
              927.25–928.00                                                                 300                                                           54.8

8.1.1     Test summary

Test date: July 19, 2011                                  Test engineer: Andrey Adlberg                                                Verdict: Pass
Temperature: 22 °C                                        Air pressure: 1003 mbar                                                      Relative humidity: 30 %

8.1.2     Special notes

The test was performed using peak detector of the spectrum analyzer with RBW and VBW of 10 MHz.
The test was performed conducted on the specially modified sample for that matter. The antenna gain declared by the manufacturer is 0 dBi.

8.1.3     Test data

                                                                                           * RBW   10 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                            VBW    10 MHz              -4.94 dBm
                                           Ref    10 dBm              Att    30 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         915.000000000 MHz

                                           10    Offset    5.7 dB

                                    1 PK









                                           Center   915 MHz                          5 MHz/                         Span     50 MHz

                                    Date: 19.JUL.2011      22:00:37

                                                               Plot 8.1-1: Peak power measurement

                                                                      Table 8.1-2: ERP calculation

      Frequency            Peak output power                        Antenna gain                              ERP                              Limit             Margin
        (MHz)                   (dBm)                                  (dBd)                                 (dBm)                            (dBm)               (dB)
         915                     -4.94                                  -2.15                                 -7.09                           44.80              51.89

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                                               Page 12 of 25

                                 Section 8: Testing data
                                 Test name: Clause 90.209 Occupied bandwidth
                                 Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart I

8.2       Clause 90.209 Occupied bandwidth
(a) Each authorization issued to a station licensed under this part will show an emission designator representing the class of emission
    authorized. The designator will be prefixed by a specified necessary bandwidth. This number does not necessarily indicate the bandwidth
    occupied by the emission at any instant. In those cases where §2.202 of this chapter does not provide a formula for the computation of
    necessary bandwidth, the occupied bandwidth, as defined in part 2 of this chapter, may be used in lieu of the necessary bandwidth.
(b) The maximum authorized single channel bandwidth of emission corresponding to the type of emission specified in §90.207 is as follows:
    (1) For A1A or A1B emissions, the maximum authorized bandwidth is 0.25 kHz. The maximum authorized bandwidth for type A3E emission
        is 8 kHz.
    (2) For operations below 25 MHz utilizing J3E emission, the bandwidth occupied by the emission shall not exceed 3000 Hz. The assigned
        frequency will be specified in the authorization. The authorized carrier frequency will be 1400 Hz lower in frequency than the assigned
        frequency. Only upper sideband emission may be used. In the case of regularly available double sideband radiotelephone channels, an
        assigned frequency for J3E emissions is available either 1600 Hz below or 1400 Hz above the double sideband radiotelephone
        assigned frequency.
    (3) For all other types of emissions, the maximum authorized bandwidth shall not be more than that normally authorized for voice
    (4) Where a frequency is assigned exclusively to a single licensee, more than a single emission may be used within the authorized
        bandwidth. In such cases, the frequency stability requirements of §90.213 must be met for each emission.
    (5) Unless specified elsewhere, channel spacings and bandwidths that will be authorized in the following frequency bands are given in the
        following table:
                                                  Table 8.2-1: Occupied bandwidth requirements
              Frequency band                                 Channel spacing                               Authorized bandwidth
                   (MHz)                                          (kHz)                                              (kHz)
                 Below 25*
                   25–50                                            20                                                 20
                   72–76                                            20                                                 20
                  150–174                                           7.5                                          **20/11.25/6
                216–220****                                        6.25                                           20/11.25/6
                  220–222                                            5                                                  4
                  406–512*                                         6.25                                          **20/11.25/6
            806–809/851–854                                        12.5                                                20
            809–824/854–869                                         25                                                 20
            896–901/935–940                                        12.5                                               13.6
                  929–930                                           25                                                 20
               1427–1432****                                       12.5                                               12.5
                Above 2500*
* Bandwidths for radiolocation stations in the 420–450 MHz band and for stations operating in bands subject to this footnote will be reviewed
   and authorized on a case-by-case basis.
** Operations using equipment designed to operate with a 25 kHz channel bandwidth will be authorized a 20 kHz bandwidth. Operations using
   equipment designed to operate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth will be authorized a 11.25 kHz bandwidth. Operations using equipment
   designed to operate with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth will be authorized a 6 kHz bandwidth. All stations must operate on channels with a
   bandwidth of 12.5 kHz or less beginning January 1, 2013, unless the operations meet the efficiency standard of §90.203(j)(3).
*** The maximum authorized bandwidth shall be 12 MHz for non-multilateration LMS operations in the band 909.75–921.75 MHz and 2 MHz in
    the band 902.00–904.00 MHz. The maximum authorized bandwidth for multilateration LMS operations shall be 5.75 MHz in the 904.00–
    909.75 MHz band; 2 MHz in the 919.75–921.75 MHz band; 5.75 MHz in the 921.75–927.25 MHz band and its associated 927.25–927.50
    MHz narrowband forward link; and 8.00 MHz if the 919.75–921.75 MHz and 921.75–927.25 MHz bands and their associated 927.25–
    927.50 MHz and 927.50–927.75 MHz narrowband forward links are aggregated.
****See §90.259.

8.2.1     Test summary

Test date: July 19, 2011                        Test engineer: Andrey Adlberg                    Verdict: Pass
Temperature: 22 °C                              Air pressure: 1003 mbar                          Relative humidity: 30 %

8.2.2     Special notes

The RBW was set to ≥1 % of occupied bandwidth. VBW was set wider than RBW.
The test was performed conducted, using a peak detector of spectrum analyzer, on specially modified sample for that purpose.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                               Page 13 of 25

                              Section 8: Testing data
                              Test name: Clause 90.209 Occupied bandwidth
                              Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart I

8.2.3    Test data

99 % and 20 dB occupied bandwidth:
                                                                                       * RBW   200 kHz   Delta 3 [T1 ]
                                                                                        VBW    500 kHz                -0.24 dB
                                        Ref    10 dBm               Att   10 dB         SWT 2.5 ms              5.128205128 MHz

                                        10    Offset    5.7 dB                                           OBW    6.217948718 MHz
                                                                                                         Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                      -30.23 dBm     A
                                                                                                               912.275641026 MHz
                                 1 PK                                                                    Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                        -10                                                                           20.32 dB
                                                                                                                2.564102564 MHz
                                                                                                         Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                        -20                                                                           -36.77 dBm
                                                                                                            912.035256410 MHz
                                                            1                                            3
                                                                                                         Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                        -30                                                                    T2
                                                                                                                   -32.89 dBm
                                                                                                               918.253205128 MHz







                                        Center   915 MHz                          1 MHz/                            Span   10 MHz

                                 Date: 19.JUL.2011      22:04:33

                                                                   Plot 8.2-1: Occupied bandwidth

                                                        Table 8.2-2: 20 dB Bandwidth measurements
          Frequency                     20 dB occupied bandwidth                                                     Limit                                    Margin
            (MHz)                                (MHz)                                                              (MHz)                                     (MHz)
             915                                  5.13                                                              12.00                                      6.87

                                                 Table 8.2-3: 99 % occupied bandwidth measurements
                           Frequency                                                                                                99 % occupied bandwidth
                             (MHz)                                                                                                          (MHz)
                              915                                                                                                            6.22

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                                                 Page 14 of 25

                                 Section 8: Testing data
                                 Test name: Clause 90.210 Emission mask
                                 Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart I

8.3       Clause 90.210 Emission mask
Except as indicated elsewhere in this part, transmitters used in the radio services governed by this part must comply with the emission masks
outlined in this section. Unless otherwise stated, per paragraphs (d)(4), (e)(4), and (m) of this section, measurements of emission power can be
expressed in either peak or average values provided that emission powers are expressed with the same parameters used to specify the
unmodulated transmitter carrier power. For transmitters that do not produce a full power unmodulated carrier, reference to the unmodulated
transmitter carrier power refers to the total power contained in the channel bandwidth. Unless indicated elsewhere in this part, the table in this
section specifies the emission masks for equipment operating in the frequency bands governed under this part.
                                                   Table 8.3-1: Emission mask requirements
  Frequency band, (MHz)             Mask for equipment with Audio low pass filter          Mask for equipment without Audio low pass filter
           Below 25                                       A or B                                                 A or C
             25–50                                           B                                                     C
             72–76                                           B                                                     C
           150–174                                      B, D, or E                                             C, D, or E
       150 Paging only                                       B                                                     C
           220–222                                           F                                                     F
           421–512                                      B, D, or E                                             C, D, or E
       450 Paging only                                       B                                                     G
      806–809/851–854                                        B                                                     H
      809–824/854–869                                        B                                                     G
      896–901/935–940                                        I                                                      J
           902–928                                           K                                                     K
           929–930                                           B                                                     G
          4940–4990                                       L or M                                                 L or M
       All other bands                                       B                                                     C
(k)(3) Other transmitters. For all other transmitters authorized under subpart M that operate in the 902–928 MHz band, the peak power of any
        emission shall be attenuated below the power of the highest emission contained within the licensee's sub-band in accordance with the
        following schedule:
        (i) On any frequency within the authorized bandwidth: Zero dB.
        (ii) On any frequency outside the licensee's sub-band edges: 55 + 10×log(P) dB, where (P) is the highest emission (watts) of the
             transmitter inside the licensee's sub-band.
    (4) In the 902–928 MHz band, the resolution bandwidth of the instrumentation used to measure the emission power shall be 100 kHz,
        except that, in regard to paragraph (2) of this section, a minimum spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth of 300 Hz shall be used for
        measurement center frequencies with 1 MHz of the edge of the authorized subband. The video filter bandwidth shall not be less than
        the resolution bandwidth.
   (5) Emission power shall be measured in peak values.
 (6) The LMS sub-band edges for non-multilateration systems for which emissions must be attenuated are 902.00, 904.00, 909.75 and 921.75

8.3.1     Test summary

Test date: July 19, 2011                         Test engineer: Andrey Adlberg                     Verdict: Pass
Temperature: 22 °C                               Air pressure: 1003 mbar                           Relative humidity: 30 %

8.3.2     Special notes

The test was performed conducted on the specially modified unit for conducted measurements. The test was done using spectrum analyzer with
peak detector and RBW was set to 100 kHz.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                 Page 15 of 25

                              Section 8: Testing data
                              Test name: Clause 90.210 Emission mask
                              Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart I

8.3.3    Test data

                                                                                             * RBW   100 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                              VBW    300 kHz                  -36.35 dBm
                                         Ref     10 dBm                  Att   30 dB          SWT 2.5 ms              909.323717949 MHz

                                         10    Offset     5.7 dB                                                   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                              -37.90 dBm
                                                                                                                      908.334134615 MHz    A
                                                                                                                   Marker 3 [T1 ]
                                  1 PK                                                                                        -38.80 dBm
                                         -10                                                                          907.314102564 MHz
                                                                                                                   Marker 4 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                              -40.36 dBm
                                         -20                                                                          906.316907051 MHz

                                                    D1 -25 dBm

                                                                                         3                     2






                                         Start     905 MHz                             475 kHz/                        Stop   909.75 MHz

                                 Date: 19.JUL.2011        22:06:02

                                                          Plot 8.3-1: Lower band edge at 909.75 MHz

                                                                                             * RBW   100 kHz       Marker 4 [T1 ]
                                                                                              VBW    300 kHz                  -40.77 dBm
                                         Ref     10 dBm                  Att   30 dB          SWT 5 ms                925.306490385 MHz

                                         10    Offset     5.7 dB                                                   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                              -37.85 dBm
                                                                                                                      922.305288462 MHz    A
                                                                                                                   Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                  1 PK                                                                                        -38.81 dBm
                                         -10                                                                          923.310096154 MHz
                                                                                                                   Marker 3 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                              -39.63 dBm
                                         -20                                                                          924.288461538 MHz

                                                    D1 -25 dBm


                                                             2           3        4






                                         Start     921.75 MHz                          825 kHz/                           Stop   930 MHz

                                 Date: 19.JUL.2011        22:06:41

                                                          Plot 8.3-2: Upper band edge at 921.75 MHz

                                             Table 8.3-2: Conducted spurious emissions measurements
      Frequency         Measured power         EUT antenna gain                                                     ERP*                          Limit   Margin
        (MHz)                 (dBm)                 (dBd)                                                          (dBm)                         (dBm)     (dB)
        906.32                -40.36                 -2.15                                                         -42.51                        -25.00   17.51
        907.31                -38.80                 -2.15                                                         -40.95                        -25.00   15.95
        908.33                -37.90                 -2.15                                                         -40.05                        -25.00   15.05
        909.32                -36.35                 -2.15                                                         -38.50                        -25.00   13.50
        922.31                -37.85                 -2.15                                                         -40.00                        -25.00   15.00
        923.31                -38.81                 -2.15                                                         -40.96                        -25.00   15.96
        924.29                -39.63                 -2.15                                                         -41.78                        -25.00   16.78
        925.31                -40.77                 -2.15                                                         -42.92                        -25.00   17.92
* - ERP = Measured power at antenna connector + EUT antenna gain.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                                        Page 16 of 25

                                 Section 8: Testing data
                                 Test name: Clause 90.210 Spurious emissions
                                 Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart I

8.4       Clause 90.210 Spurious emissions
(k)(3)(ii) On any frequency outside the licensee's sub-band edges: 55 + 10 log(P) dB, where (P) is the highest emission (watts) of the
    transmitter inside the licensee's sub-band.
                                                                 Table 8.4-1: Spurious emissions limit
            Frequency range                                             Attenuation below carrier                                            ERP of spurious emissions
                 (MHz)                                                            (dBc)                                                               (dBm)
            30–10th harmonic                                                 55 + 10×Log (P)                                                            -25

8.4.1     Test summary

Test date: July 19, 2011                                  Test engineer: Andrey Adlberg                                               Verdict: Pass
Temperature: 22 °C                                        Air pressure: 1003 mbar                                                     Relative humidity: 30 %

8.4.2     Special notes

For radiated measurements at the frequencies below 1 GHz the RBW was set to 100 kHz and for frequencies above 1 GHz the RBW was set to
1 MHz. VBW was wider than RBW at any time
Radiated emissions were tested using substitution method for field strength at 3 m to ERP conversion.
Two EUT possible positions were assessed; only worst-case emissions are reported.
Conducted measurements were performed on the sample especially modified for that matter.

8.4.3     Test data

                                                 Table 8.4-2: Radiated spurious emissions measurements
                                                                                                              Substitution method
   Frequency           Field strength
                                              SG-CL            Tx antenna gain                                        ERP*                        Limit            Margin
     (MHz)               (dBµV/m)
                                               (dBm)                (dBd)                                            (dBm)                       (dBm)              (dB)
     1830.000             65.14                -41.40                6.23                                            -35.17                      -25.00            10.17
     2745.000             58.35                -52.56                7.57                                            -44.99                      -25.00            19.99
* - ERP = SG-CL (Signal generator level – cable loss) + antenna gain.

Conducted spurious emissions
                                                                                       * RBW   100 kHz       Marker 3 [T1 ]
                                                                                        VBW    300 kHz                 -48.03 dBm
                                           Ref     10 dBm                Att   30 dB    SWT 960 ms                4.582905856 GHz

                                           10    Offset      5.7 MHz
                                                             100 dB                            1 GHz         Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                       -11.45 dBm
                                                                                                                915.121607818 MHz    A
                                                                                                             Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                    1 PK                                                                               -37.61 dBm
                                    MAXH                                                       1
                                           -10                                                                    1.832504466 GHz


                                                     D1 -25 dBm









                                           Start    30 MHz                                                          Stop   9.5 GHz

                                    Date: 19.JUL.2011        22:11:47

                                                    Plot 8.4-1: Spurious emissions within 30–9200 MHz

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                                               Page 17 of 25

                              Section 8: Testing data
                              Test name: Clause 90.210 Spurious emissions
                              Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart I

8.4.3    Test data, continued

                                       Table 8.4-2: Conducted spurious emissions measurements
      Frequency         Measured power         EUT antenna gain              ERP*                Limit   Margin
        (MHz)                 (dBm)                 (dBd)                   (dBm)               (dBm)     (dB)
       1832.05                -37.61                 -2.15                  -39.76                -25    14.76
       4582.91                -48.03                 -2.15                  -50.18                -25    25.18
* - ERP = Measured power at antenna connector + EUT antenna gain.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                       Page 18 of 25

                                    Section 8: Testing data
                                    Test name: Clause 90.213 Frequency stability
                                    Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart I

8.5        Clause 90.213 Frequency stability
a) Unless noted elsewhere, transmitters used in the services governed by this part must have minimum frequency stability as specified in the
    following table.
                                                            Table 8.5-1: Frequency stability limits
         Frequency range                   Fixed and base stations                                 Mobile stations (ppm)
              (MHz)                                 (ppm)                        Over 2 W output power               Over 2 W output power
             Below 25                                 100                                 100                                 200
              25–50                                    20                                  20                                  50
              72–76                                    5                                                                       50
             150–174                                   5                                   5                                   50
             216–220                                   1                                                                       1
             220–222                                  0.1                                 1.5                                 1.5
             421–512                                  2.5                                  5                                   5*
             806–809                                   1                                  1.5                                 1.5
             809–824                                  1.5                                 2.5                                 2.5
             851–854                                   1                                  1.5                                 1.5
             854–869                                  1.5                                 2.5                                 2.5
             896–901                                  0.1                                 1.5                                 1.5
             902–928                                  2.5                                 2.5                                 2.5
             902–928*                                 2.5                                 2.5                                 2.5
             929–930                                  1.5
             935–940                                  0.1                                 1.5                                 1.5
            1427–1432                                 300                                 300                                 300
           Above 2450
* - Fixed non-multilateration transmitters with an authorized bandwidth that is more than 40 kHz from the band edge, intermittently operated
hand-held readers, and mobile transponders are not subject to frequency tolerance restrictions.

8.5.1      Test summary

Test date: July 20, 2011                               Test engineer: Andrey Adlberg                     Verdict: Pass
Temperature: 22 °C                                     Air pressure: 1003 mbar                           Relative humidity: 30 %

8.5.2      Special notes

Since the EUT is a mobile transponder it is exempt from this requirement.

8.5.3      Test data

                                                      Table 8.5-2: Frequency stability measurements

                                                                         Frequency (MHz)                                                 Offset*
 Test conditions
                        Power up              1 min            2 min          3 min            4 min          5 min        10 min        (ppm)
+50 °C, Nominal       914.809550         914.809350         914.809750     914.809750       914.809550     914.809350    914.809750        17.06
+40 °C, Nominal       914.807350         914.807150         914.806949     914.806949       914.807150     914.807350    914.807150        14.22
+30 °C, Nominal       914.803545         914.803745         914.803745     914.803946       914.803745     914.803954    914.803945        10.71
+20 °C, +15 %         914.801004         914.800804         914.800796     914.801205       914.800827     914.800996    914.801597         8.15
+20 °C, Nominal       914.793553         914.793352         914.793344     914.793753       914.793375     914.793545    914.794146     Reference
+20 °C, -15 %         914.783697         914.783497         914.783488     914.783897       914.783520     914.783689    914.784290       -10.77
+10 °C, Nominal       914.777952         914.777952         914.777751     914.778152       914.778152     914.777743    914.777952       -17.70
0 °C, Nominal         914.760953         914.760945         914.761146     914.760946       914.761146     914.761159    914.761346       -35.85
-10 °C, Nominal       914.738972         914.738155         914.738556     914.738972       914.738748     914.738556    914.739157       -60.11
-20 °C, Nominal       914.709956         914.709756         914.709956     914.709764       914.709756     914.709740    914.710147       -91.82
-30 °C, Nominal       914.679551         914.679359         914.678750     914.679511       914.678758     914.679167    914.678357      -126.57
* Note: Offset calculation: FMeasured    Freference
                                                    1 106

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                    Page 19 of 25

                                 Section 8: Testing data
                                 Test name: Clause 90.353 LMS operations in the 902–928 MHz band
                                 Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart M

8.6       Clause 90.353 LMS operations in the 902–928 MHz band
LMS systems may be authorized within the 902–928 MHz band, subject to the conditions in this section. LMS licensees are required to
  maintain whatever records are necessary to demonstrate compliance with these provisions and must make these records available to the
  Commission upon request:
(h) Non-multilateration stations are authorized to operate on a shared, non-exclusive basis in the 902–904 MHz and 909.75–921.75 MHz sub-
    bands. Non-multilateration systems and multilateration systems will share the 919.75–921.75 MHz band on a co-equal basis. Non-
    multilateration LMS systems may not provide non-vehicular location services. The maximum antenna height above ground for non-
    multilateration LMS systems is 15 meters.
(i) Non-multilateration LMS licenses will be issued on a site-by-site basis, except that municipalities or other governmental operatives may file
     jointly for a non-multilateration license covering a given U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis Economic Area (EA).
     Such an application must identify all planned sites. After receiving the license, the non-multilateration EA licensee must notify the
     Commission if sites are deleted or if new sites are added, before those sites may be put into operation.

8.6.1     Test summary

Test date: July 21, 2011                         Test engineer: Andrey Adlberg                     Verdict: Pass

8.6.2     Special notes

The EUT operates within 909.75–921.75 MHz band. The only operational frequency is 915 ±0.6 MHz.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                                  Page 20 of 25

                                 Section 8: Testing data
                                 Test name: Clause 90.357 Frequencies for LMS systems in the 902–928 MHz band
                                 Specification: FCC Part 90, Subpart M

8.7       Clause 90.357 Frequencies for LMS systems in the 902–928 MHz band
(b) Non-multilateriation LMS systems will be authorized in the frequency bands stated in the Table 1 below.
                                                      Table 8.7-1: LMS frequency bands
                                                               LMS sub-band*
                                                             902.00–904.00 MHz
                                                             909.75–921.75 MHz
*- Applicants for non-multilateration LMS systems should request only the minimum amount of bandwidth necessary to meet their operational

8.7.1     Test summary

Test date: July 21, 2011                        Test engineer: Andrey Adlberg                    Verdict: Pass

8.7.2     Special notes

The EUT operates within 909.75–921.75 MHz band. The only operational frequency is 915 ±0.6 MHz.

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                                                                            Page 21 of 25

                                            Section 9: EUT and setup photos

Nemko Canada Inc.,
303 River Rd, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1V 1H2

Section 9: EUT and setup photos
9.1           Setup with EUT on the front surface

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                            Page 22 of 25

                                            Section 9: EUT and setup photos

Nemko Canada Inc.,
303 River Rd, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1V 1H2

9.1           Setup with EUT on top of the surface

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                            Page 23 of 25

                                            Section 9: EUT and setup photos

Nemko Canada Inc.,
303 River Rd, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1V 1H2

9.2           EUT photo

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                            Page 24 of 25

                                            Section 9: EUT and setup photos

Nemko Canada Inc.,
303 River Rd, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1V 1H2

9.2           EUT photo, continued

Report reference ID: 180888-1TRFWL                                            Page 25 of 25

Document Created: 2011-08-09 14:25:04
Document Modified: 2011-08-09 14:25:04

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