Test data using substitution method

FCC ID: JQU-801154

Test Report

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Signal Substitution:                                       Date:      November           Tester:                  Dome #
ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-1992,                                                22, 2002
Radiated Spur. Emissions,
A                          Distance: 3 m                   Location                      Glen Westwell
8564E                      Comment   Mark IV Retest        Temp:                         Humidity:
 Frequency   Anten Polarity RCVD        Ant.      Sig. Sub. Amp.       Duty      Cable   Field Str.       Limit   Margin
              na              Signal   Factor       Factor   Gain      Cycle     Loss     (dBm)          (dBm)     (dB)
                             (dBuV)     (dB)                 (dB)      Corr.     (dB)
1831.5000    Horn1    V        87.5               -119.1                          3.8      -27.8         -25.0      2.8
1831.5000    Horn1    H        89.2               -119.7                          3.8      -26.7         -25.0      1.7
2747.2000    Horn1    V        96.5               -127.5                          5.5      -25.5         -25.0      0.5
2747.2000    Horn1    H        98.0               -129.1                          5.5      -25.5         -25.0      0.5
3662.9000    Horn1    V        81.2               -124.8                          6.0      -37.6         -25.0     12.6
3662.9000    Horn1    H        79.2               -126.3                          6.0      -41.1         -25.0     16.1
4578.7000    Horn1    V        75.8               -120.7                          7.3      -37.6         -25.0     12.6
4578.7000    Horn1    H        71.3               -121.2                          7.3      -42.6         -25.0     17.6
5494.5000    Horn1    V        70.3               -117.7                          8.3      -39.1         -25.0     14.1
5494.4000    Horn1    H        66.0               -114.9                          8.3      -40.6         -25.0     15.6
6410.2000    Horn1    V        84.7               -120.0                          9.5      -25.8         -25.0      0.8
6410.2000    Horn1    H        81.0               -117.4                          9.5      -26.9         -25.0      1.9
7325.9000    Horn1    V        71.8               -116.0                         11.9      -32.4         -25.0      7.4
7325.9000    Horn1    H        74.5               -116.7                         11.9      -30.3         -25.0      5.3

Document Created: 2002-12-04 10:27:02
Document Modified: 2002-12-04 10:27:02

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