Revised user manual

FCC ID: JQU-801154

Users Manual

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         Short Range Vehicle—to—Roadside Communications Equipment for Intelligent Transportation Systems Applications

                          Delivers Mobile Commerce in a Tiny Package!

         ew for 2001 is this
       | great little Reader,
       | called         mGATE.
Made      exclusively   by
Mark IV IVHS, we have
designed this to be the
smallest and lowest cost
way of reading FPT and
LPT transponders. mGATE
lets you perform Mobile
Commerce applications and
gate control functions like
never before!

New ITS Applications

Perfect for parking lot ac—              mGATE Reader shown with power supply, Yagi antenna and software
cess    control,      drive—thru
payment applications and
anywhere you need to per—                these few steps to begin                      For AC power, connect the
form a simple tag read at                capturing Mobile Com—                         external UL/CSA power
low     vehicle           speeds.        merce transactions!                           supply to the reader and
mGATE comes ready to                                                                   plug it into a 115V, 60Hz
perform simple tag reads in              Install the application soft—                 outlet. Power consumption
single lane applications. It             ware on your PC by follow—                    is minimal. UPS backup
is also capable of handling              ing the simple installation                   and supplementary line
2 lane—based antennas per                instructions shown in the                     conditioning is highly rec—
controller. mGA4TE runs                  user manual and connect                       ommended for all mobile
under the control of our                 your PC to the mGATE us—                      commerce installations.
exclusive mGA4TE applica—                ing an RS—232C serial data
tion software (WIN95/98                  cable (not included).                         Antennas are connected to
and PC not included).                                                                  the reader in typical fashion
                                         In future, up to 4 mGA4TE                     using an appropriate RF
Easy Installation                        Readers can be controlled                     cable with N—Type connec—
                                         from one PC. Each reader                      tors. For cable runs up to
Intended for installation in             can be configured for up to                   150 feet, Mark IV normally
a protected environment,                 2 antennas, for a total ca—                   recommends the use of UIl—
mGATE is very small and                  pacity of 8 lanes worth of                    tralink"" made by Crush—
easy to set up. Just follow              monitoring capability!                        craft Signals. By pre—

                                                                                                             MARK IV

This device shall cause no harm at a
distance greater than 1m away from the
antenna. The antenna has a gain of 6dB.

Document Created: 2002-11-14 16:04:56
Document Modified: 2002-11-14 16:04:56

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