Installation instructions

FCC ID: JQU-801154

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         C"RZOQ(M) Reader Installation Instructions                                                                                      Document A316000—775

         CR2000 — Reader Kit                                                                    CR2000— Installation Items
                                                                                                The kit of reader components described at left does not
                                                                                                include the following required items...
                                                                                                 1 PC cable, RS232 (DTE—DCE), 12 feet (see Fig 1)
                                                                                                 A/R antenna mount hardware: bracket(s), clamp(s), mast, etc.
                                                                                                 100 feet (or less A/R) of RG213U cable
                                                                                                 2.5 feet of RGS58U cable
                                                                                                 1 N—male connector for RG213U cable
                                                                                                 1 N—female connector for RG213U cable
                                                 CR2000 reader                                   1 N—male connector for RGS58U cable
                                                                                                 1 N—female connector for RGS8U cable
             ee                                                                                  1 each of fixed attenuators: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dB
                  pack                                                                           A/R heat shrink tubing, electrical tape, cable ties and clamps
                                                                                               wl@}J458 During system installation, the contractor determines
                                                                                               the fixed RF attenuation level required.

                                                                                               CR2000— Installation Overview
                                                                                                *    The antenna is installed within the distance/angular limits
                                                                                                     of the "pick—up point" as indicated in Table 1 on the back
                                                                                               *     The reader, power pack, antenna adapter cable and "total
                                                                                                     RF attenuation" components are installed at a location
     CR2000 — Reader Kit Packing List                                                                inside the building (see Figure 1 on the back page) that is
                                                                                                     (all of}...
                                                                                                            a      within 6 feet of a 110Vac power main drop
         801075—001          CR2000 Compact Reader                                                          #* within 12 feet (4 meters) of the host computer
         318993—009          DC Power Pack, 110Vac input, output 5V/3A,                                     ®  within 100 feet of the antenna mounting location
                             15V/1.5A, —15V/0.3A, Skynet #SNP—PA54                                             outside the building
         318145—177          CR2000 PC Software on Diskette                                    4     All system connections are completed as indicated in the
         801076—001          Antenna Assembly                                                        CR2000 — Installation Steps listed on the back page.
                                                                                               *     The CR2000 PC application software is transferred from
     CR2000 Reader — Connections                                                                     the diskette to the host computer and is running.
                                                                                               *     The total RF attenuation value is determined by varying
                                                                                                     the configuration of the available fixed attenuators.

                                                                                               n OJ¥98 Where necessary, Mark IV Industries Ltd. LV.H.S.
                                                                                              personnel may be required to "fine tune" the system RF
                                                                                              attenuation parameters.

                                                                                              Document Revision Record
                                                                                               Rev   Date        ECN
                                                                                               A     18—Jan—01

    CR2000 — Installation Tools
    Your tool kit should include (but is not limited to)...
    *      N—type connector crimp tool
    *      screwdrivers: flat blade, Philips blade
    *      SAE Socket set
    *¢     utility knife, wire cutter, wire stripper

    ©2001 MARK IV INDUSTRIES LTD. Revision B, Issue printed on 02/01/01 9:55 AM,                    filename: F:\Compact Reader 2000\Reader Installation Instructions A316000—775.doc
    CONFIDENTIAL: This documentis the confidential property of Mark IV Industries Ltd. and may not be released or copied without written permission.

  CRZOGO Reader Installation Instructions                                                                                                             Document A316000—775

  CR2000 — Antenna mounting                                                                                 CR2000 — Installation Steps
 The antenna will be mounted over—head at a height of Ha ft                                                Connect the antenna with the reader via RF feedline and RF
 with horizontal polarization where Ha is measured from the                                                attenuator(s) and antenna adapter cable.
 highest part of the antenna. Determine the distance Do (in ft)                                            1    Di        t th           in input to th                                               1
 between the "pick—up point" and the antenna mast, and use it                                                )        Disconnect        the power main input to               the power supply.
               .                      .                         o :         .                              2)      —Connect the Power supply output to the CR2000 reader.
 to detgrmmc the antenna tilt down aqgle o in the in—lane                                                  3)      Connect the PC port COM1 to the reader host port using
 direction (H Plane), using the .followmg table. —                                                                 the provided straight through RS—232 cable.
       A?ntenna             Pick—up 1:omt              Antenna Tilt                     Bean; *            4)      Connect the RF cable adapter (RGS58 short cable) to the
     Height (Ha)               (Do)                     Angle (0)                     Center                       reader RF port (Type N connector).
           [ft]                     [ft]                   [Deg]                         [ft]              5) Connect the RF feedline to the RF cable adapter via the
   12                      5 to 7                     15                          3                                fixed attenuator(s) referenced in step 9. Install a Type—N
                           7 to 9                     18                         4                                 Male connector at the end of the feedline.
   12.5                    5 to 7                     15                          3                        6)       Route the RF feedline through the wall. At the feedline
                           7 to 9                     18                         4                                 antenna end, slip 6" of heatshrink tubing on the cable.
   13                      6 to 8                     15                         3.5                               Install a Type—N female connector at the end of the
                           8 to 10                    18                         4.5                               feedline. Make the connection with the antenna.
   13.5                    7 to 9                     15                         4                         7)      —Reconnect the power main input to the power supply.
                           9 to 10                    18                         4.5                       8)      —Execute the CR2000 PC application software as
 * Distance referred to the antenna mast.                                                                          referenced in document A316000—743.
 ** Based on semi—empirical data.                                                                          9)      Determine the "total RF attenuation" value by varying the
                                                                                                               configuration of the available fixed attenuator value(s).
                                                                                                           10) After the system has been fully tested OK then heat shrink
                                                                                                                   the tubing (in step 6) over the antenna connector to make
                                                                                                                   it water tight.

                       Figure 1 — Installation Diagram                                                                              vehicle with a

                          ***total RF attenuation" value
                             is determined at the end of
                             the installation process
                                                                                                                  inside the building           RF cable
                                           "total RF attenuation" value                                                                         RG213U
                               N male
                                                                                                                         N male                 <100 ft
                                               attenuator ***         [|        attenuator            attenuator
                                                                                                                            antenna feedline cable
                                           N female/female             N male/female              N male/female

                      RF cable                                                                  CR2000
                      RGS8U                                                                                                        pack
                                                                           N male               Reader
                      <2.5 ft              antenna adapter cable                                           pCE
                                                                                        N female            a       DB9 female Host port (P2)

                                                                                                                 DB9 male
                                                           DB9 male*
                                                           5Te                             PC cable              RS232 cable
                                       HostPC                           DB9 female*                             #22AWG, 3 conductor
                                       running                        w          .                .             > 6 ft < 40 ft (12 ft default or specify)
                                    CR2000—PC                          Please verify the serial port            Optional: RS485 cable
                                      software                        connector type on your host                           .
                                                                      PC, is it DB9 or DB25?                    #22ANG, 5 conductor
                                                                                                                > 40 ft < 200 ft (always specify)

©2001 MARK IV INDUSTRIES LTD. Revision B, Issue printed on 02/01/01 9:55 AM,                                      filename: F:\Compact Reader 2000\Reader Installation Instructions A316000—775.doc
CONFIDENTIAL: This document is the confidentiat property of Mark IV Industries Ltd. and may not be released or copied without written permission.

Document Created: 2002-08-21 15:42:14
Document Modified: 2002-08-21 15:42:14

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