Authority to act as agent

FCC ID: JQU-801154

Attestation Statements

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                                              6020 AMBLER DRIVE
                                        MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO L4W 2P1
                                     TEL: (905) 624—3025 FAX: (905) 624—4572

                                             Authority to Act as Agent

       . On our behaif, I appoint Nemko Canada Inc. to act as our agent in all matters relating to
         application for equipment authorization. 1 certify that submitted Exhibits properly
         describe the device or system for which equipment authorization is sought. | also certify
         that each unit manufactured, imported or marketed, as defined in the Commission‘s
         regulations will have affixed to it a label identical to that submitted for approval with this

        I also hereby certify that no party to the application authorized hereunder is subject to
        the denial of benefits, including FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
        Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C.853(a)

        This agreement expires one year from the current date.


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        Signed and dated by the Company Representatlve

                                      ISO $001:1994 CERTIFICATE #002002

F—P EBLECTRONICS DIVISION                                                       IVHS DIVISION
TEL: (005) 62493020    FaX: (005) 625—6197                             TEL: [905) 624—3025   FAX: (908) 6244572

Document Created: 2002-08-21 15:41:47
Document Modified: 2002-08-21 15:41:47

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