Test Report


Test Report

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                           HID GLOBAL CORPORATION TEST REPORT

                                                      FOR THE

                                 6125BXD MULTICLASS RP40 READER

       FCC PART 15 SUBPART C SECTIONS 15.207, 15.209 & 15.225 AND RSS-210


                                    DATE OF ISSUE: MARCH 15, 2007

PREPARED FOR:                                                 PREPARED BY:

HID Global Corporation                                        Mary Ellen Clayton
9292 Jeromino Road                                            CKC Laboratories, Inc.
Irvine, CA 92618-1905                                         5046 Sierra Pines Drive
                                                              Mariposa, CA 95338

P.O. No.: 11007580                                            Date of test: January 9-25, 2007
W.O. No.: 85597

                                              Report No.: FC07-015

This report contains a total of 23 pages and may be reproduced in full only. Partial reproduction may only be done with the
written consent of CKC Laboratories, Inc. The results in this report apply only to the items tested, as identified herein.

                                                                                                            Page 1 of 23
                                                                                                   Report No.: FC07-015

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Administrative Information .............................................................................................3
FCC to Canada Standard Correlation Matrix...................................................................4
Conditions for Compliance ..............................................................................................4
FCC 15.33(a) Frequency Ranges Tested .........................................................................4
FCC 15.35 Analyzer Bandwidth Settings........................................................................4
FCC 15.203 Antenna Requirements ................................................................................4
EUT Operating Frequency...............................................................................................4
Temperature And Humidity During Testing....................................................................4
Equipment Under Test (EUT) Description ......................................................................5
Equipment Under Test .....................................................................................................5
Peripheral Devices ...........................................................................................................5
Report of Emissions Measurements.................................................................................6
       Testing Parameters...............................................................................................6
       FCC 15.207 Conducted Emissions ......................................................................8
       FCC 15.209 Radiated Emissions .........................................................................13
       FCC 15.225 Radiated Emissions .........................................................................16
       Frequency Stability ..............................................................................................20
       Occupied Bandwidth............................................................................................22

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                                                                                                                    Report No.: FC07-015

                            ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

DATE OF TEST:             January 9-25, 2007

DATE OF RECEIPT:          January 9, 2007

MANUFACTURER:             HID Global Corporation
                          9292 Jeromino Road
                          Irvine, CA 92618-1905

REPRESENTATIVE:           Mat Aschenberg

TEST LOCATION:            CKC Laboratories, Inc.
                          5046 Sierra Pines Drive
                          Mariposa, CA 95338

TEST METHOD:              FCC Part 15 Subpart C Sections 15.207, 15.209, 15.225, RSS-210 and
                          RSS GEN

PURPOSE OF TEST:          To demonstrate the compliance of the 6125BxD multiCLASS RP40
                          Reader with the requirements for FCC Part 15 Subpart C Sections
                          15.207, 15.209, 15.225 and RSS-210 devices.


Steve Behm, Director of Engineering Services

QUALITY ASSURANCE:                                  TEST PERSONNEL:

Joyce Walker, Quality Assurance Administrative      Mike Wilkinson, EMC Engineer/Lab
Manager                                             Manager

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                                                                           Report No.: FC07-015


 Canadian      Canadian      FCC         FCC                       Test Description
 Standard       Section    Standard     Section
 RSS 210           5.5      47CFR       15.203 Antenna Connector Requirements
 RSS 210          6.2.1     47CFR       15.209 General Radiated Emissions Requirement
 RSS 210        6.2.2(e)    47CFR     15.225(a)* Fundamental Requirements
 RSS 210        6.2.2(e)      NA          NA      ±150kHz to ±450kHz Emissions Requirement
 RSS 210        6.2.2(e)    47CFR     15.225(b)* Out of band emissions
 RSS 210        6.2.2(e)    47CFR     15.225(c)* Carrier Stability
 RSS 210           6.3      47CFR       15.205 Restricted Bands of Operation
 RSS 210           6.4      47CFR      15.215(c) Frequency Stability Recommendation
 RSS 210           6.5      47CFR      15.35(c) Pulsed Operation
 RSS 210           6.6      47CFR       15.207 AC Mains Conducted Emissions Requirement
              IC 3082A-1                784962 Site File No.
* Indicates that FCC Requirements are more stringent than the Canadian Equivalent.

No modifications to the EUT were necessary to comply.

FCC 15.33(a) Frequency Ranges Tested
15.207 Conducted Emissions: 150 kHz – 30 MHz
15.209 Radiated Emissions: 9 kHz – 1 GHz
                                   FCC SECTION 15.35:
 CONDUCTED EMISSIONS           150 kHz                  30 MHz               9 kHz
 RADIATED EMISSIONS             9 kHz                   150 kHz             200 Hz
 RADIATED EMISSIONS            150 kHz                  30 MHz               9 kHz
 RADIATED EMISSIONS            30 MHz                  1000 MHz             120 kHz

FCC 15.203 Antenna Requirements
The antenna is an integral part of the EUT and is non-removable; therefore the EUT complies
with Section 15.203 of the FCC rules.

EUT Operating Frequency
The EUT was operating at 13.56MHz & 125kHz.

Temperature and Humidity During Testing
The temperature during testing was within +15°C and + 35°C.
The relative humidity was between 20% and 75%.

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                                                                         Report No.: FC07-015

The customer declares the EUT tested by CKC Laboratories was representative of a production
unit. The reader includes a 3127A Indala Prox Expansion Module.

The following model was tested by CKC Laboratories: 6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40

(Since the time of testing the manufacturer has chosen to use the following model name in its
place. Any differences between the names does not affect their EMC characteristics and
therefore complies to the level of testing equivalent to the tested model name shown on the data
sheets: 6125BxD multiCLASS RP40 Reader


multiCLASS RP40 Reader
Manuf:     HID Global Corporation
Model:     6125BxD
Serial:    010907
FCC ID:    pending


The EUT was tested with the following peripheral device(s):
DC Power Supply
Manuf:       Topward Electric Instruments Co., Ltd.
Model:       TPS-2000
Serial:      920035

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                                                                              Report No.: FC07-015


The cables were routed consistent with the typical application by varying the configuration of the
test sample. Interface cables were connected to the available ports of the test unit. The effect of
varying the position of the cables was investigated to find the configuration that produced
maximum emissions. Cables were of the type and length specified in the individual
requirements. The length of cable that produced maximum emissions was selected.

The equipment under test (EUT) was set up in a manner that represented its normal use, as
shown in the setup photographs. Any special conditions required for the EUT to operate
normally are identified in the comments that accompany the emissions tables.

The emissions data was taken with a spectrum analyzer or receiver. Incorporating the applicable
correction factors for distance, antenna, cable loss and amplifier gain, the data was reduced as
shown in the table below. The corrected data was then compared to the applicable emission
limits to determine compliance. Preliminary and final measurements were taken in order to
ensure that all emissions from the EUT were found and maximized.

The basic spectrum analyzer reading was converted using correction factors as shown in the
highest emissions readings in the tables. For radiated emissions in dBµV/m, the spectrum
analyzer reading in dBµV was corrected by using the following formula. This reading was then
compared to the applicable specification limit to determine compliance.

                                   SAMPLE CALCULATIONS
                                   Meter reading       (dBµV)
                             +     Antenna Factor      (dB)
                             +     Cable Loss          (dB)
                             -     Distance Correction (dB)
                             -     Preamplifier Gain   (dB)
                             =     Corrected Reading   (dBµV/m)

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                                                                               Report No.: FC07-015

The test instrumentation and equipment listed were used to collect the emissions data. A
spectrum analyzer or receiver was used for all measurements. The following table shows the
measuring equipment bandwidth settings that were used in designated frequency bands. For
testing emissions, an appropriate reference level and a vertical scale size of 10 dB per division
were used. When conducted emissions testing was performed, a 10 dB external attenuator was
used with internal offset correction in the analyzer.

  CONDUCTED EMISSIONS              150 kHz                   30 MHz                 9 kHz
   RADIATED EMISSIONS              30 MHz                   1000 MHz               120 kHz
   RADIATED EMISSIONS             1000 MHz                   >1 GHz                 1 MHz

The notes that accompany the measurements contained in the emissions tables indicate the type of
detector function used to obtain the given readings. Unless otherwise noted, all readings were made in
the "Peak" mode. Whenever a "Quasi-Peak" or "Average" reading is listed as one of the highest
readings, this is indicated as a "Q" or an "A" in the appropriate table. The following paragraphs
describe in more detail the detector functions and when they were used to obtain the emissions data.
In this mode, the spectrum analyzer/receiver readings were recorded all emissions at their peak value
as the frequency band selected was scanned. By combining this function with another feature of the
measuring device called "peak hold," the measuring device had the ability to measure transients or
low duty cycle transient emission peak levels. In this mode the measuring device made a slow scan
across the frequency band selected and measured the peak emission value found at each frequency
across the band.
When the true peak values exceeded or were within 2 dB of the specification limit, quasi-peak
measurements were taken using the quasi-peak detector.
For certain frequencies, average measurements may be made using the spectrum
analyzer/receiver. To make these measurements, the test engineer reduces the video bandwidth
on the measuring device until the modulation of the signal is filtered out. At this point the
measuring device is set into the linear mode and the scan time is reduced.

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                                                                                  Report No.: FC07-015


Test Setup Photos

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                                 Report No.: FC07-015

Test Data Sheets

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           HID Global Corporation
Specification:      FCC 15.207 - AVE
Work Order #:       85597                                                  Date:     1/10/2007
Test Type:          Conducted Emissions                                    Time:     3:52:14 PM
Equipment:          iCLASS Reader                                     Sequence#:     9
Manufacturer:       HID Global Corporation                            Tested By:     Mike Wilkinson
Model:              6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40                                            120V 60Hz
S/N:                010907
 Test Equipment:
Function                         S/N             Calibration Date           Cal Due Date               Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA                US44300407      01/12/2005                 01/12/2007                 02660
150kHz HP Filter TTE             G7754           03/09/2006                 03/09/2008                 02608
LISN, 8028-50-TS-24-BNC          8379276, 280    06/03/2005                 06/03/2007                 1248 & 1249
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                          Model #               S/N
iCLASS Reader*            HID Global Corporation                6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40 010907
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                    Model #                        S/N
DC Power Supply                 Topward Electric                TPS-2000                       920035
                                Instruments Co., Ltd.
 Test Conditions / Notes:
Equipment is an iCLASS Reader operating on a frequency of 13.56MHz & 125kHz. The EUT is mounted
vertically on a support structure to simulate normal installation. DC power supply is bonded to ground. Frequency
Range Investigated: 150kHz - 30MHz. Temperature: 21ºC, Relative Humidity: 35%.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=LISN Insertion Loss s/n276                                   T2=Filter 150kHz HP AN02608
T3=Cable - Site D LISN 100k-30M

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                                 Test Lead:   Black
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                        Dist         Corr        Spec      Margin     Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                  dB    Table       dBµV        dBµV        dB         Ant
   1 13.561M        34.3    +0.5      +0.1 +10.9                        +0.0        45.8         50.0      -4.2      Black

    2    13.564M         33.1       +0.5     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     44.6        50.0        -5.4     Black

    3    13.557M         30.1       +0.5     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     41.6        50.0        -8.4     Black

    4    13.567M         26.1       +0.5     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     37.6        50.0        -12.4    Black

    5     9.978M         23.5       +0.5     +0.1       +10.8              +0.0     34.9        50.0        -15.1    Black

    6    13.772M         22.8       +0.5     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     34.3        50.0        -15.7    Black

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                                                                                                        Report No.: FC07-015

 7   13.775M    21.8   +0.5   +0.1   +10.9   +0.0   33.3   50.0       -16.7   Black

 8   13.769M    21.6   +0.5   +0.1   +10.9   +0.0   33.1   50.0       -16.9   Black

 9   13.554M    21.5   +0.5   +0.1   +10.9   +0.0   33.0   50.0       -17.0   Black

10   13.570M    20.2   +0.5   +0.1   +10.9   +0.0   31.7   50.0       -18.3   Black

11   165.999k   22.4   +0.4   +1.3   +11.7   +0.0   35.8   55.2       -19.4   Black

12   13.778M    19.0   +0.5   +0.1   +10.9   +0.0   30.5   50.0       -19.5   Black

13   13.694M    18.8   +0.5   +0.1   +10.9   +0.0   30.3   50.0       -19.7   Black

14   13.691M    18.6   +0.5   +0.1   +10.9   +0.0   30.1   50.0       -19.9   Black

15   13.697M    17.9   +0.5   +0.1   +10.9   +0.0   29.4   50.0       -20.6   Black

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                                                                  Report No.: FC07-015

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           HID Global Corporation
Specification:      FCC 15.207 - AVE
Work Order #:       85597                                                  Date:     1/10/2007
Test Type:          Conducted Emissions                                    Time:     15:51:25
Equipment:          iCLASS Reader                                     Sequence#:     8
Manufacturer:       HID Global Corporation                            Tested By:     Mike Wilkinson
Model:              6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40                                            120V 60Hz
S/N:                010907
 Test Equipment:
Function                        S/N              Calibration Date           Cal Due Date             Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA               US44300407       01/12/2005                 01/12/2007               02660
150kHz HP Filter TTE            G7754            03/09/2006                 03/09/2008               02608
LISN, 8028-50-TS-24-BNC         8379276, 280     06/03/2005                 06/03/2007               1248 & 1249
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                          Model #               S/N
iCLASS Reader*            HID Global Corporation                6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40 010907
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                    Model #                      S/N
DC Power Supply                 Topward Electric                TPS-2000                     920035
                                Instruments Co., Ltd.
 Test Conditions / Notes:
Equipment is an iCLASS Reader operating on a frequency of 13.56MHz & 125kHz. The EUT is mounted
vertically on a support structure to simulate normal installation. DC power supply is bonded to ground. Frequency
Range Investigated: 150kHz - 30MHz. Temperature: 21ºC, Relative Humidity: 35%.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=LISN Insertion Loss s/n280                                   T2=Filter 150kHz HP AN02608
T3=Cable - Site D LISN 100k-30M

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                                 Test Lead: White
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                        Dist         Corr      Spec      Margin     Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                  dB    Table       dBµV      dBµV         dB        Ant
   1 15.240M        21.4    +0.4      +0.1 +10.8                        +0.0        32.7       50.0      -17.3     White

    2     9.980M         20.6       +0.4     +0.1       +10.8              +0.0     31.9      50.0        -18.1    White

    3  13.561M           20.5       +0.4     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     31.9      50.0        -18.1    White
    ^ 13.561M            40.5       +0.4     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     51.9      50.0        +1.9     White

    5    11.980M         16.9       +0.4     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     28.3      50.0        -21.7    White

    6    11.760M         12.3       +0.4     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     23.7      50.0        -26.3    White

    7    14.180M         11.2       +0.4     +0.1       +10.9              +0.0     22.6      50.0        -27.4    White

    8    350.000k         7.3       +0.3     +0.1       +12.0              +0.0     19.7      49.0        -29.3    White

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                                                                                                      Report No.: FC07-015

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Test Setup Photos

                                        Page 13 of 23
                                Report No.: FC07-015

Test Data Sheets

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           HID Global Corporation
Specification:      FCC 15.209
Work Order #:       85597                                                  Date:    1/15/2007
Test Type:          Radiated Scan                                          Time:    16:19:58
Equipment:          iCLASS Reader                                     Sequence#:    22
Manufacturer:       HID Global Corporation                            Tested By:    Mike Wilkinson
Model:              6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40
S/N:                010907
 Test Equipment:
Function          S/N                            Calibration Date           Cal Due Date           Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA US44300407                     01/03/2007                 01/03/2009             02660
EMCO Loop Antenna 1074                           05/13/2005                 05/13/2007             00226
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                          Model #               S/N
iCLASS Reader*            HID Global Corporation                6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40 010907
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                    Model #                    S/N
DC Power Supply                 Topward Electric                TPS-2000                   920035
                                Instruments Co., Ltd.
 Test Conditions / Notes:
Equipment is an iCLASS Reader operating on a frequency of 13.56MHz and 125kHz The EUT is mounted
vertically on a support structure to simulate normal installation. DC power supply is bonded to ground. Test data
is corrected for proper test distance using 40dB per decade correction factor in accordance with 15.31. Frequency
Range Investigated: Carrier. Relative Humidity: 35%.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Cable - Site D 10m 9k-1G                                     T2=Mag Loop - AN 00226 - 9kHz-30M
T3=15.31 10m 40dB/Dec Correction

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                          Test Distance: 10 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                        Dist     Corr       Spec     Margin      Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                  dB    Table dBµV/m dBµV/m            dB         Ant
   1 125.052k       44.0    +0.2 +10.2        -60.0                     +0.0     -5.6       25.7     -31.3      Vert

    2    125.096k        36.4       +0.2    +10.2       -60.0              +0.0    -13.2    25.7        -38.9   Horiz

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                                                                                                    Report No.: FC07-015

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           HID Global Corporation
Specification:      FCC 15.209
Work Order #:       85597                                                  Date:    1/15/2007
Test Type:          Radiated Scan                                          Time:    16:42:11
Equipment:          iCLASS Reader                                     Sequence#:    23
Manufacturer:       HID Global Corporation                            Tested By:    Mike Wilkinson
Model:              6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40
S/N:                010907
 Test Equipment:
Function          S/N                            Calibration Date           Cal Due Date           Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA US44300407                     01/12/2005                 01/12/2007             02660
EMCO Loop Antenna 1074                           05/13/2005                 05/13/2007             00226
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                          Model #               S/N
iCLASS Reader*            HID Global Corporation                6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40 010907
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                    Model #                    S/N
DC Power Supply                 Topward Electric                TPS-2000                   920035
                                Instruments Co., Ltd.
 Test Conditions / Notes:
Equipment is an iCLASS Reader operating on a frequency of 13.56MHz and 125kHz The EUT is mounted
vertically on a support structure to simulate normal installation. DC power supply is bonded to ground. Test data
is corrected for proper test distance using 40dB per decade correction factor in accordance with 15.31. Frequency
Range Investigated: 9kHz to 30MHz. Relative Humidity: 35%.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Cable - Site D 10m 9k-1G                                     T2=Mag Loop - AN 00226 - 9kHz-30M
T3=15.31 10m 40dB/Dec Correction

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                          Test Distance: 10 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                        Dist     Corr       Spec     Margin      Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                  dB    Table dBµV/m dBµV/m            dB         Ant
   1 27.122M        21.8    +1.4      +6.6    -20.0                     +0.0      9.8       29.5     -19.7      Horiz

    2    250.026k        46.6       +0.2    +10.2       -60.0              +0.0    -3.0     19.6        -22.6    Vert

    3    27.122M         14.2       +1.4     +6.6       -20.0              +0.0     2.2     29.5        -27.3    Vert

    4    250.096k        39.4       +0.2    +10.2       -60.0              +0.0    -10.2    19.6        -29.8   Horiz

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Test Setup Photos

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                                Report No.: FC07-015

Test Data Sheets

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           HID Global Corporation
Specification:      15.225/15.209
Work Order #:       85597                                                  Date:    1/10/2007
Test Type:          Radiated Scan                                          Time:    14:25:44
Equipment:          iCLASS Reader                                     Sequence#:    4
Manufacturer:       HID Global Corporation                            Tested By:    Mike Wilkinson
Model:              6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40
S/N:                010907
 Test Equipment:
Function                        S/N              Calibration Date          Cal Due Date            Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA               US44300407       01/12/2005                01/12/2007              02660
Chase CBL6111C Bilog            2456             06/07/2005                06/07/2007              01991
HP 8447D Preamp                 1937A02604       03/11/2005                03/11/2007              00099
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                          Model #               S/N
iCLASS Reader*            HID Global Corporation                6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40 010907
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                    Model #                   S/N
DC Power Supply                 Topward Electric                TPS-2000                  920035
                                Instruments Co., Ltd.
 Test Conditions / Notes:
Equipment is an iCLASS Reader operating on a frequency of 13.56MHz & 125kHz. The EUT is mounted
vertically on a support structure to simulate normal installation. DC power supply is bonded to ground. Frequency
Range Investigated: 30-1000MHz. Temperature: 21ºC, Relative Humidity: 35%.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Cable - Site D 10m 9k-1G                                     T2=Amp - S/N 604
T3=Bilog Site D

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                          Test Distance: 10 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                        Dist     Corr       Spec     Margin      Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                  dB    Table dBµV/m dBµV/m           dB          Ant
   1 176.301M       40.0    +3.9     -26.7    +8.4                     +10.0     35.6       43.5     -7.9       Vert
   ^ 176.301M       42.2    +3.9     -26.7    +8.4                     +10.0       37.8     43.5         -5.7    Vert

    3    54.248M         36.2       +2.0    -26.8        +7.3          +10.0       28.7     40.0        -11.3    Vert

    4   122.053M         32.7       +3.3    -26.7       +11.0          +10.0       30.3     43.5        -13.2    Vert

    5   325.492M         29.4       +5.6    -26.4       +13.5          +10.0       32.1     46.0        -13.9    Vert

    6   149.193M         31.8       +3.6    -26.7       +10.4          +10.0       29.1     43.5        -14.4    Vert

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 7   135.616M   30.5   +3.4   -26.7   +11.0   +10.0   28.2   43.5       -15.3    Vert

 8   230.544M   30.3   +4.7   -26.2   +10.7   +10.0   29.5   46.0       -16.5    Vert

 9   311.899M   27.0   +5.5   -26.3   +13.2   +10.0   29.4   46.0       -16.6    Vert

10   311.892M   26.6   +5.5   -26.3   +13.2   +10.0   29.0   46.0       -17.0   Horiz

11   216.984M   30.8   +4.4   -26.3    +9.7   +10.0   28.6   46.0       -17.4    Vert

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                                                                    Report No.: FC07-015

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           HID Global Corporation
Specification:      FCC 15.225(a)
Work Order #:       85597                                                  Date:    1/15/2007
Test Type:          Radiated Scan                                          Time:    16:02:09
Equipment:          iCLASS Reader                                     Sequence#:    21
Manufacturer:       HID Global Corporation                            Tested By:    Mike Wilkinson
Model:              6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40
S/N:                010907
 Test Equipment:
Function          S/N                            Calibration Date           Cal Due Date           Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA US44300407                     01/12/2005                 01/12/2007             02660
EMCO Loop Antenna 1074                           05/13/2005                 05/13/2007             00226
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                          Model #               S/N
iCLASS Reader*            HID Global Corporation                6125xxDxx iCLASS RP40 010907
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                    Model #                    S/N
DC Power Supply                 Topward Electric                TPS-2000                   920035
                                Instruments Co., Ltd.
 Test Conditions / Notes:
Equipment is an iCLASS Reader operating on a frequency of 13.56MHz and 125kHz The EUT is mounted
vertically on a support structure to simulate normal installation. DC power supply is bonded to ground. Test data
is corrected for proper test distance using 40dB per decade correction factor in accordance with 15.31. Frequency
Range Investigated: Carrier. Relative Humidity: 35%.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Cable - Site D 10m 9k-1G                                     T2=Mag Loop - AN 00226 - 9kHz-30M
T3=15.31 10m 40dB/Dec Correction

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                          Test Distance: 10 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                        Dist     Corr       Spec     Margin      Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                  dB    Table dBµV/m dBµV/m            dB         Ant
   1 13.561M        49.2    +1.0      +9.6    -20.0                     +0.0     39.8       84.0     -44.2      Vert

    2    13.561M         48.3       +1.0     +9.6       -20.0              +0.0    38.9     84.0        -45.1   Horiz

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                                                                                                    Report No.: FC07-015


Test Equipment
   Description       Asset #   Manufacturer       Model #        Serial #   Cal Date    Cal Due
Spectrum Analyzer   1406       HP             8564E           3623A00539     8/01/06      8/01/08
Temp Chamber        01879      Thermotron     S-1.2 MiniMax   11899          1/24/05      1/24/07
Thermometer         02242      Omega          HH-26K          T-202884       1/18/05      1/18/07
Multimeter          02369      Fluke          8520A                          4/25/05      4/25/07

Test Conditions: EUT was placed inside the temperature chamber and was transmitting
continuously. SA RBW =1.0 kHz, VBW = 10 kHz, Span = 5 kHz.

Test Setup Photos

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Test Data

Customer:              HID Global
WO#:                   85597
Test Engineer:         Mike Wilkinson
Operating Voltage:                        12 VDC
Frequency Limit:                        0.01 %

Temperature Variations
                       iCLASS RP40           Dev. (MHz)
Channel Frequency:         13.561190
 Temp (C)    Voltage

   -20         12          13.561286          0.00010
   -10         12          13.561280          0.00009
    0          12          13.561250          0.00006
   10          12          13.561255          0.00006
   20          12          13.561190          0.00000
   30          12          13.561160          0.00003
   40          12          13.561120          0.00007
   50          12          13.561102          0.00009

Voltage Variations (±15%)
    20        10.2         13.561190          0.00000
    20         12          13.561190          0.00000
    20        13.8         13.561190          0.00000

Max Deviation (MHz)                           0.00010
Max Deviation (%)                             0.00071

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Test Equipment
Function             S/N              Calibration Date   Cal Due Date       Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA    US44300407       01/12/2005         01/12/2007         02660
EMCO Loop Antenna    1074             05/13/2005         05/13/2007         00226

Test Setup Photos

Test Conditions
Equipment is an iCLASS Reader operating on a frequency of 13.56MHz and 125kHz. The EUT
is mounted vertically on a support structure to simulate normal installation. DC power supply is
bonded to ground.

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                               Report No.: FC07-015

Document Created: 2007-03-29 08:59:59
Document Modified: 2007-03-29 08:59:59

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