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  MiniProx Reader Installation Manual

Installation Requirements
The following instructions will explain the installation procedure
for the MiniProx Reader. The instructions include these sec—

 Mounting Instructions (hazardous & nonhazardous)

 Connecting the Reader to the Host

 Testing & Operation of the MiniProx Reader

Mounting Instructions
         1. Determine an appropriate mounting position for the Reader.                2. Drill two 7/64th (.109) inch
 Tolerances .xx =/—   .03"                                                            holes for mounting the Reader
            oc =/—    .010                                                            to the surface.
                        26 en tTeTHny   —

                                                      22                             3. Drill a 3/8 to 1.0 Inch hole for the
                                  L_______S                                          cable. If you are mounting on metal
                                                                                     place a grommet around the edge of
                                                                                     the hole.

                                                                                     4. Route the interface cable from the
                                                ===                                  Reader and/or power supply to the
                                                           ‘                         Host. Linear type power supply is
  Figure 1                                                                           recommended.

                                                                      Check all electrical codes for proper cable
                                  un        ~     —                   installation

                                                                      Mount the Reader with the screws provided when
                                                                      mounting onto metal mullions or junction boxes.
                                                                      On other materials use appropriate fasteners.

Connecting the Reader to the Host

The MiniProx is available with an 18" Pigtail with a 10
conductor cable and a 10 conductor terminal strip.

    a.    Pigtail — Prepare the new cable by cutting the cable       d. Prepare the new cable by cutting the cable jacket
    Jacket back 1—1/4" and strip the wires *                         back 1—1/4 inches and strip the wire %". Twist the ends
    b.   Splice the cable and the pigtail together and seal          of the wires to eliminate stray strands.
    the splice if the Thin Line will be an outdoor unit. Trim        e. Form each wire into a hook and install each wire by
    and cover all conductors that are not used.                      wrapping it around the screw.
    c.     Terminal Strip — Loosen the terminal strip screws
    until the top of the screw is flush with the back surface of
    the Reader. Be careful not turn them further; they
    are not captive and will fall out.

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA TEL (714) 598—1600 (800)237—7769 FAX (714)598—1690
Web page, E—mail — www.prox.com MiniProx Reader Installation Manual 5365—903 REV D                             1

Connect the Reader to the Host according to this wiring diagram and the Host installation quide.
                                                                          The legend for wiring is color coded according to
                                                                    the "Wiegand Standard" for the recommended cable.
                                                                          The numbering for the terminals is shown on the
                                                       ——           back label and in Figure 2

                _                                                             Color           Wiegand          Clock & Data
                                               j         C                    Viokt                =—~              Card Present

                                                                               Blue             *Hold                  *Hold

                                                                              Yelow            *Beeper                *Beeper

                              Figure 2                                        Brown           *Red LED               *Red LED

                                                                              Orange         *Green LED             *Green LED

                                                                              Dram          Shield Ground       Shield Ground

                                                                              White             Data 1                 Clock

           ooo                                                                Green             Data 0                 Data
                                                                              Black            Ground                 Ground

                                                                               Red              +DC                    +DC

                                                   —                       * These connections are OPTIONAL.
           1t       esnt                   cssn nceses                        All other connections are required.
         Terminal Strip

                                                                Marking the wires will make future maintenance easier.

Cable Notes
  1) When using a separate power supply for the Reader, the power supply and Host should have a common
         ground (voltage reference).

  2) If the Host is controlling the beeper, Hold, or the LEDs are configured for the dual LED mode, additional
            conductors will be required. The recommended cables are Alpha 1295C, 1296C, 1297C, 1298C and
            1299C that are five, six, seven, eight and nine conductors respectively. Larger wire gauges are
            acceptable. The wire is to be stranded with an overall shield, either foil or braided.

  3) The Cable shield should be connected to the Shield Ground on Reader TB1— E, and left floating at the panel or
          power supply end of the cable. This configuration is the best for shielding the reader cable from external
          interference and reducing the likelihood of the Reader causing interference.

Testing & Operation of the MultiProx Reader
After wiring the Reader and power supply, the Reader is ready to be tested.
        1. Power up the Reader and the LED and Beeper will flash and beep 3 times in a sequence of two short delays
          and one long delay. This indicates that the micro—controller unit is working properly.
        2. Present an ID card to the Reader and the LED should momentarily turn green, indicating a read of the card.
        3. If the Reader LED is controlled by the Host refer to the Host description of the LED operation.

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 82618 USA TEL (714)598—1800 (800)237—7769 FAX (714)598—1690
Web page, E—mail — www.prox.com MiniProx ReaderInstallation Manual 5365—903 REV D              2

    ;                                                                                     Installation Procedure:
    m=—— 346          ——*=                                    237           r*            (hazardous unit)
    !']                         Figure 3                                                  1. Determine an appropriate location for
        1                                   —                                             the junction box.
        '————                                          o                       o            Attach the junction box to the
                                                                                          mounting surface using the 4 holes
                                                                                          shown in figure 3.
                                                                                            Mount the junction box cover to
                                                                 ©                        the junction box and mount the
                                                                                         Reader to the cover with the
                                                                                         provided screws.

                                                                                         2. Route conduit and cable to the
                                                                                         junction box per National Electric
                                                                                         Code Article 720—2.
                                                             s                              Provide enough cable length to allow
                                           850                                           wiring of the Reader assembly outside
                                                             C                           of the junction box.
                                                             ie                             Route wiring from junction box
                                                                                         through the center hole of the junction
                                                             G———                        box cover.
                                                                                         3. Loosen the terminal strip screws until
                                                                                         there is sufficient room to wrap a wire
                                                                 ©                       around the screw post.
                                                                                            Prepare the cable by cutting the
                                                                                         cable jacket back 1—1/4 inches and strip
                                                                                         the wires !%".
                                                                                           Twist the ends of the wires to
                                                                                         eliminate stray strands.

                                                                                         4. Connect the Reader & the Host
                                                                                         together. Refer to Figure 2 (nonhazard—
                                                                                         ous installation section).

                                                                                         Testing and operation are the same
                                                                                         for this unit.

                               Important Product Specifications

                 Power Requirements
                 >         Power supply      Lineartype recommended
                 >         Operating Voltage Range (+DC)                           4.75VDC —16.0vDC
                 >         Absolute Maximum (+DC non—operating)                    18.0VDC
                 >         Maximum Average Current 5V/12V                          40mA/SOmA
                 >         Peak Current 5V/12V ({maximum)                          60mA/120mA
                 >         Peak Current SV/12V (typical non—metallic mounting)      50mA/100mA
                 >         Peak Current 5V/12V (typical mounted on metal)          6OmA/120mA

                  Operating Parameters
                     Maximum Cable Distance to Host    500 feet (152 meters)

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA TEL (714)598—1600 (800) 237—7769 FAX (714)598—1690
Web page, E—mail — www.prox.com MiniProx Reader Installation Manual 5365—903 REV D                                  3

         Thin Line I!I Reader Installation Manual
                       .             4                                         Parts List (Included                                   Quanti
         Installation Requirements                                                    —     _(           )                                     ty
                                                                               1) Thin Line i1                                             1
     The following instructions will explain the installation procedure        2) #6—32 x 1" seif tapping, Type T or 23                    2
     for the Thin Line II Reader. The instructions include these sec—          |3) Installation Sheet                                      1
         Mounting Instructions                                                 Parts Recommended (not Included)
                                                                               1) Wire Splice                                              9
         Connecting the Reader to the Host                                     2) Grommet
              .              .               hgg                               3) DC Power Supply 4.75 to 16VDC, 50mA                      1
         Testing & Operation of the Thin Line iI Reader                        4) Cable, 10 conductor , 22 AWG

     Mounting Instructions
                  1. Determine an appropriate mounting position for the Reader.                      2. Drill two 7/64th (.109) inch
                                                                                                    holes for mounting the Reader
                                                                                                    to the surface.

                                                                                                    3. Drill a 378 to 1.0 Inch hole for the
                                                                                                    cable. If you are mounting on metal
                                                                                                    place a grommet around the edge of
                                                                                                    the hole.

                                                                                                    4. Route the interface cable from the

                                                                                                    Reader and/or power supply to the
                                                                                                    Host. Linear type power supply is

                                                                                                  Check all electrical codes for proper
 wmww——g____L                            ———                                                     cable installation

                      —T                                        us—         —oecs                Mount the Reader with the screws
                                       .                                                         provided when mounting onto metal
                                      Figure 1
                                                                                                 mullions orjunction boxes. On other
                                                                                                 materials use appropriate fasteners.
Connecting the Reader to the Host
The Thin Line HI is available with an 18" Pigtail with a 10 conductor
cable and a 10 conductor terminal strip.
    a. Pigtail — Prepare the new cable by cutting the cable                               Important Product Specifications
    jacket back 1—1/4" and strip the wires !a".
    b. Splice the cable and the pigtail together and seal               Power Requirements
    the splice if the Thin Line will be an outdoor unit. Trim           > Power supply              Linear type recommended
    and cover all conductors that are not used.                         >   Operating Voltage Range (+DC)                         a.r3vDe 16.0vpc
    c.    Terminal Strip — Loosen the terminal strip screws             >   Absolute Maximum (+DC non—operating)                  18.0v0C
    until the top of the screw is flush with the back surface of        >   Maximum Average Current SV/2V                         40mA/SOmA
    the Reader. Be careful not turn them further; they                  >   Peak Current SVM2V (maximum}                          6OmAFA20mA
    are not captive and will fall out._                .                >   Peak Current SV/12V (typical non—metallic mounting)   50mA/100mA
    d. Prepare the new cable by cutting the cable jacket                >   Peak Current 5V/M2V (typical mounted on metal)        60mA/120mA
    back 1—1/4 inches and strip the wire . ". Twist the
    ends of the wires to aliminate stray strands.
                                                                        Operating Parameters
    e.. Form each wire into a hook and install each wire by
    wrapping it around the screw.                                       Maximum Cable Distance to Host        500 feet (152 meters)

    HID Corporation 9292 Jeronime Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA TEL (714)598—1600 (800) 237—7769 FAX (714) 598—1690
    Web page, E—mail — www.prox.com Thin Line I! Reader Installation Manual 5395—902 Rev C                                        1 of 2

Connect the Reader to the Host according to this wiring diagram and the Host instailation guide.
                                                                                    The legend for wiring is color coded according to
                                                                              the "Wiegand Standard" for the recommended cabie.
                                                                                   The numbering for the terminals is shown on the
                                                                              back label and in Figure 2
                                           ;                     ;                      Color               Wiegand          Clock & Data

                                          _                      E:                      Red                   +BC                DC
                                                                 |                       Black                Ground             Ground
              i         ~t cxpomitcn
              j                                                                         Creen                 Data 0              Data
                                                                                         White                Data 1              Clock

                                           e                                             Drain             Shiekd Ground      Shield Ground

                                           >                                            Orange             *Creen LED          *Creen LED
          :                                                                             Brown               *Red LED            *Red LED

                                                                                        ww                   "Bape               ‘ege
          ‘                                                                              Ble                  *Hold               *Hold

          j                               _                                             Vokt                                   Card Present
          |                                —:                                        * These connections are OPTIONAL.
          \            Wfi                                    i                         All other connections are required.

                                       Figure 2                          Marking the wires will make future maintenance easier.

Cable Notes
  1) When using a separate power supply for the Thin Line 11, the power supply and Host should have a common
         ground (voitage reference).

  2) If the Host is controiling the beeper, Hold, or the LEDs are configured for the dual LED mode, additional
                  conductors will be required. The recommended cables are Alpha 1295C, 1296C, 1297C, 1298C and
                  1299C that are five, six, seven, eight and nine conductors respectively. Larger wire gauges are
                  acceptable. The wire is to be stranded with an overall shield, either foil or braided.

  3) The Cable shield should be connected to the Shield Ground on Reader TB1— E, and left floating at the panel or
                  power supply end of the cable. This configuration is the best for shielding the reader cable from external
                  interference and reducing the likelihood of the Reader causing interference.

Testing & Operation of the Thin Line II Reader
After wiring the Reader and power supply, the Reader is ready to be tested.
        1. Power up the Reader and the LED and Beeper will flash and beep 3 times in a sequence of two short delays
                  and one long delay. This indicates that the micro—controller unit is working properly.
        2. Present an ID card to the Reader and the LED should momentarily turn green, indicating a read of the card.
        3. If the Reader LED is controlled by the Host refer to the Host description of the LED operation.

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA TEL (714)598—1600 (800) 237—7769 FAX (714)598—1690
Web page, E—mail — www.prox.com Thin Line i! Reader Installation Manual 5395—902 Rev C                                       2 of 2

Document Created: 2001-05-26 14:39:29
Document Modified: 2001-05-26 14:39:29

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