Test Report


Test Report

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In-wall RF fan speed controller for Caséta


            FCC ID: JPZ0119
           IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

      REPORT NUMBER: 12570864

        ISSUE DATE: 2018-11-08

            Prepared for
           7200 Suter Rd
     Coopersburg, PA, 18036-1249

              Prepared by

                UL LLC
           333 Pfingsten Rd.
          Northbrook, IL 60062
          TEL: (847) 272-8800

         NVLAP LAB CODE 100414-0

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

                                               Revision History

 Rev.      Date           Revisions                                                                 Revised By
   --                     Initial Issue

                                                 Page 2 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                                           DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                               IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.   ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS .................................................................................... 4
2.   TEST METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 5
3.   FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION .................................................................................... 5
4.   CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY .................................................................................. 5
  4.1. MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION ................................................................ 5
  4.2. SAMPLE CALCULATION ............................................................................................... 5
  4.3. MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................. 6
5. EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ................................................................................................. 7
  5.1. DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................................................. 7
  5.2. DESCRIPTION OF AVAILABLE ANTENNAS ................................................................ 7
  5.3. SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE ...................................................................................... 7
  5.4. WORST-CASE CONFIGURATION AND MODE ............................................................ 7
  5.5. MODIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 7
  5.6. DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP .................................................................................. 7
6. TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ......................................................................... 9
  1.1     Radiated Emissions ........................................................................................................ 9
  1.2     Conducted Emissions ..................................................................................................... 9
7. ANTENNA PORT TEST RESULTS .................................................................................... 10
  7.1. 20 dB AND 99% BW ..................................................................................................... 10
  7.2. DUTY CYCLE ............................................................................................................... 15
  7.3. TRANSMISSION TIME ................................................................................................. 17
8. RADIATED EMISSION TEST RESULTS ............................................................................ 18
  8.1. TX FUNDAMENTAL RADIATED & SPURIOUS EMISSION ........................................ 18
     8.1.1. Outdoor to 10m SAC Correlation Data .................................................................. 20
8.1.2.        Radiated Emissions Graph 9kHz-30MHz .............................................................. 21
     8.1.3. Radiated Emissions Data 9kHz-30MHz ................................................................ 23
     8.1.4. Radiated Emissions Data above 30MHz including fundamental ........................... 24
     8.1.5. RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 30MHz-1GHz 431.5MHz ............................... 25
     8.1.6. RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 30MHz-1GHz 433.6MHz ............................... 26
     8.1.7. RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 30MHz-1GHz 436.6MHz ............................... 27
     8.1.8. RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 1GHz-6GHz 431.5MHz ................................. 28
     8.1.9. RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 1GHz-6GHz 433.6MHz ................................. 29
     8.1.10.    RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 1GHz-6GHz 436.6MHz.............................. 30
9. AC MAINS LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ..................................................................... 31
10.    SETUP PHOTOS ............................................................................................................. 34

                                                           Page 3 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                              TEL: (847) 272-8800
                 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

              7200 Suter Rd
              Coopersburg, PA, 18036-1249

EUT DESCRIPTION:                 In-wall RF fan speed controller for Caséta
MODEL:                           PD-FSQN-xx
SERIAL NUMBER:                   non-serialized
DATE TESTED:                     2018-10-30 to 2018-10-31

                                       APPLICABLE STANDARDS
                            STANDARD                                                TEST RESULTS
                    FCC PART 15 SUBPART C                                                Complies
                 ICES RSS-210 Issue 9, Annex A                                           Complies
                      ICES RSS-GEN Issue 5                                               Complies

UL LLC tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
standards. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of demonstrating
compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and
modes of operation as described herein. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to assure that
additional production units of this model are manufactured with identical electrical and
mechanical components. All samples tested were in good operating condition throughout the
entire test program. Measurement Uncertainties are published for informational purposes only
and were not taken into account unless noted otherwise.

This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL LLC and all
revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out
by UL LLC will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used by
the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any agency
of the U.S. government.

Approved & Released For

UL LLC By: Jeff Moser                                        Prepared By: Bart Mucha

Project Engineer/Operations Leader                           Test Engineer
UL LLC                                                       UL LLC

                                                 Page 4 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119


The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10-2013,
FCC CFR 47 Part 2, FCC CFR 47 Part 15, RSS-GEN Issue 5 and RSS-210 Issue 9.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 333 Pfingsten
Road, Northbrook, IL 60062 USA.

UL NBK is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 100414-0, ISED Site registration #2180A-1.

The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been
calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to
recognized national standards.


Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
      Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable
      Loss (dB) – Preamp Gain (dB)
      36.5 dBuV + 18.7 dB/m + 0.6 dB – 26.9 dB = 28.9 dBuV/m

Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
      Final Voltage (dBuV) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Cable Loss (dB) + Limiter Factor
      (dB) + LISN Insertion Loss.
      36.5 dBuV + 0 dB +10.1 dB+ 0 dB = 46.6 dBuV

                                                 Page 5 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests
performed on the apparatus:

       Test               Range              Equipment            Uncertainty k=2
Radiated Emissions    30-200MHz           Bicon 10m Horz          4.27dB
Radiated Emissions    30-200MHz           Bicon 10m Vert          4.28dB
Radiated Emissions    200-1000MHz         LogP 10m Horz           3.33dB
Radiated Emissions    200-1000MHz         LogP 10m Vert           3.39dB
Radiated Emissions    30-200MHz           Bicon 3m Horz           3.30dB
Radiated Emissions    30-130MHz           Bicon 3m Vert           4.84dB
Radiated Emissions    130-200MHz          Bicon 3m Vert           4.94dB
Radiated Emissions    200-1000MHz         LogP 3m Horz            3.46dB
Radiated Emissions    200-1000MHz         LogP 3m Vert            4.98dB
Radiated Emissions    1-18GHz             Horn                    4.24dB
Conducted Ant Port    30MHz-26GHz         Spectrum Analyzer       2.94

Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

                                                 Page 6 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                             DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                 IC: 2851A-JPZ0119


    4.1.        DESCRIPTION OF EUT

The EUT is an In-wall RF fan speed controller for Caséta


The antenna is integral and features a peak gain of -16dBi and the bandwidth of approximately


The normal unit software is PD-FSQN version 1.00
The FCC test image software is PD-FSQN version 250.03


The EUT is wall mounted, single orientation only. The device is capable of transmitting on three
channels between 431.5MHz and 436.6MHz. With 5.1MHz span it is required to measure two
channels (one near bottom and one near top), however since middle channel produces the
highest level of emissions it was measured as well.

    4.5.        MODIFICATIONS

No modifications were made during testing.


                                           I/O Cable List
Cable Port          # of identical Connector Cable Type Cable        Remarks
No                  ports          Type                   Length (m)
1       AC          1                  none             three wire      2m              AC power into the device


The EUT is tested as standalone device.

                                                  Page 7 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                TEL: (847) 272-8800
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119






                                                 Page 8 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                              DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                  IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this

1.1      Radiated Emissions
      Description           Manufacturer               Model               Identifier       Cal. Date        Cal. Due
 EMI Test Receiver        Rohde & Schwarz             ESCI                EMC4328          2017-12-21       2018-12-31
  Bicon Antenna               Chase                 VBA6106A              EMC4078          2018-03-28       2019-03-31
  Log-P Antenna               Chase                 UPA6109               EMC4313          2018-04-09       2019-04-30
   Loop Antenna               EMCO                   6502/1               EMC4026          2018-01-10       2019-01-31
  Antenna Array                 UL                   BOMS                 EMC4276          2018-06-19       2019-06-30
 EMI Test Receiver        Rohde & Schwarz             ESU                 EMC4323          2017-12-20       2018-12-31
  Signal Analyzer             Aglient              N9030A PXA             EMC4360          2017-12-28       2018-12-31

1.2      Conducted Emissions
      Description         Manufacturer                Model              Identifier       Cal. Date         Cal. Due
EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz              ESR                EMC4377         2017-12-23         2018-12-31
 Transient Limiter       Electro-Metrics          EM7600-2              EMC4224            N/A                N/A
 High-Pass Filter       Solar Electronics         2803-150              EMC4327            N/A                N/A
    Attenuator                 HP                   8494B              2831A00838          N/A                N/A
    LISN - L1           Solar Electronics      8602-50-TS-50-N          EMC4066         2017-12-29         2018-12-31
    LISN - L2           Solar Electronics      8602-50-TS-50-N          EMC4064         2017-12-29         2018-12-31

                                                   Page 9 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                 TEL: (847) 272-8800
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119


   5.1.        20 dB AND 99% BW

FCC §15.231 (c)
The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for devices
operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the
emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency. Bandwidth is determined at the
points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

IC A1.3
For the purpose of Section A1.1, the 99% Bandwidth shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center
frequency for devices operating between 70-900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz,
the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency.


ANSI C63.10

The transmitter output is connected to the spectrum analyzer.

20dB Bandwidth: The RBW is set to 1% to 5% of the signal bandwidth. The VBW is set to 3
times the RBW. The sweep time is coupled. Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 dB down
from the modulated carrier.

99% Bandwidth: The RBW is set to 1% to 5% of the 99 % bandwidth. The VBW is set to 3 times
the RBW. The sweep time is coupled. The spectrum analyzer internal 99% bandwidth function
is utilized.

* For measurements as worst case condition slightly larger RBW was used for measurements.

                                                Page 10 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119


No non-compliance noted:

20dB Bandwidth
 Frequency 20dB Bandwidth                           Limit                    Margin
    (MHz)               (kHz)                      (kHz)                      (kHz)
    431.5               149.2                     1078.75                    -929.55
    433.6               149.5                       1084                      -934.5
    436.6               149.5                      1091.5                      -942

99% Bandwidth
 Frequency 99% Bandwidth                            Limit                    Margin
    (MHz)               (kHz)                      (kHz)                      (kHz)
    431.5               136.24                    1078.75                    -942.51
    433.6               136.43                      1084                     -947.57
    436.6               136.58                     1091.5                    -954.92

                                                Page 11 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

20dB & 99% BANDWIDTH (Low Ch: 431.5MHz)

            20dB BANDWIDTH

                                                Page 12 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

20dB & 99% BANDWIDTH (Mid Ch: 433.6MHz)

                                                Page 13 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

20dB & 99% BANDWIDTH (High Ch: 436.6MHz)

                                                Page 14 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                             DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                 IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

   5.2.           DUTY CYCLE

FCC §15.35 (c)
The measurement field strength shall be determined by averaging over one complete pulse
train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not exceed 0.1 seconds. As an
alternative (provided the transmitter operates for longer than 0.1 seconds) or in cases where the
pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the measured field strength shall be determined from the
average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval during which the field strength is at its
maximum value. The exact method of calculating the average field strength shall be submitted
with any application for certification or shall be retained in the measurement data file for
equipment subject to notification or verification.


The transmitter output is connected to a spectrum analyzer or radiated field strength. The RBW
is set to 1MHz and the VBW is set to 1MHz. The sweep time is coupled and the span is set to 0
Hz. The number of pulses is measured and calculated in a 100 ms scan.


Average Reading = Peak Reading (dBuV/m) + 20log (Duty Cycle), Where Duty Cycle is
(# of long pulses * long pulse width) + (# of short pulses * short pulse width) / 100 or T


No non-compliance noted:

          One                 Pulse               #             Duty             20*Log
         Period               Width              of            Cycle          Duty Cycle
          (ms)                 (ms)           Pulses                              (dB)
          100                  5.04               2            0.101             -19.93

                                                 Page 15 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                TEL: (847) 272-8800
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119


            ONE PERIOD

Note: Marker 2 – 1 = 79.96 ms – 74.92 ms = 5.04 ms

                                                Page 16 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

   5.3.        TRANSMISSION TIME

FCC §15.231 (a) (2)

RSS-210 A1.1

A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after activation.


The transmitter output is connected to a spectrum analyzer or radiated field strength. The RBW
is set to 1MHz and the VBW is set to 1MHz. The sweep time is set to 10 seconds and the span
is set to 0 Hz.


No non-compliance noted:

            LESS THAN 5 SECONDS

                                                Page 17 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                              DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                  IC: 2851A-JPZ0119



FCC §15.231 (b)
IC A1.2
In addition to the provisions of § 15.205, the field strength of emissions from Intentional
radiators operated under this section shall not exceed the following:

Fundamental       Field Strength of      Field Strength of
Frequency         Fundamental Frequency  Spurious Emissions
(MHz)             (microvolts/meter)     (microvolts/meter)

40.66 - 40.70          2,250              225
70 - 130               1,250              125
130 - 174              1,250 to 3,750 1   125 to 3751
174 - 260              3,750              375
260 - 470              3,750 to 12,500  1 375 to 1,2501
Above 470              12,500             1,250
1 Linear interpolation

§15.205 (a) Except as shown in paragraph (d) of this section, only spurious emissions are
permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below:

          MHz                            MHz                           MHz                           GHz
     0.090 - 0.110               16.42 - 16.423                   399.9 - 410                    4.5 - 5.15
     10.495 - 0.505           16.69475 - 16.69525                   608 - 614                   5.35 - 5.46
   2.1735 - 2.1905            16.80425 - 16.80475                  960 - 1240                   7.25 - 7.75
     4.125 - 4.128                 25.5 - 25.67                   1300 - 1427                   8.025 - 8.5
  4.17725 - 4.17775                37.5 - 38.25                  1435 - 1626.5                    9.0 - 9.2
  4.20725 - 4.20775                  73 - 74.6                  1645.5 - 1646.5                   9.3 - 9.5
     6.215 - 6.218                 74.8 - 75.2                    1660 - 1710                   10.6 - 12.7
  6.26775 - 6.26825               108 - 121.94                  1718.8 - 1722.2                 13.25 - 13.4
  6.31175 - 6.31225                 123 - 138                     2200 - 2300                   14.47 - 14.5
     8.291 - 8.294               149.9 - 150.05                   2310 - 2390                   15.35 - 16.2
     8.362 - 8.366                156.52475 -                    2483.5 - 2500                  17.7 - 21.4
  8.37625 - 8.38675                 156.52525                     2655 - 2900                  22.01 - 23.12
  8.41425 - 8.41475               156.7 - 156.9                   3260 - 3267                   23.6 - 24.0
    12.29 - 12.293             162.0125 - 167.17                  3332 - 3339                   31.2 - 31.8
 12.51975 - 12.52025             167.72 - 173.2                  3345.8 - 3358                  36.43 - 36.5
 12.57675 - 12.57725                240 - 285                     3600 - 4400                        (2)
    13.36 – 13.41                  322 - 335.4

                                                  Page 18 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                 TEL: (847) 272-8800
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

1 Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490-0.510 MHz.
2 Above 38.6

§15.205 (b) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e), the field strength of emissions
appearing within these frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown in Section 15.209. At
frequencies equal to or less than 1000 MHz, compliance with the limits in Section 15.209 shall
be demonstrated using measurement instrumentation employing a CISPR quasi peak detector.
Above 1000 MHz, compliance with the emission limits in Section 15.209 shall be demonstrated
based on the average value of the measured emissions. The provisions in Section 15.35 apply
to these measurements.

§15.209 (a) Except as provided elsewhere in this Subpart, the emissions from an intentional
radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

Frequency         Field Strength     Measurement Distance
(MHz)             (microvolts/meter) (meters)

30 88                 100 **                          3
88 216                150 **                          3
216 960               200 **                          3
Above 960             500                             3
** Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators
operating under this Section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54 72 MHz, 76 88 MHz,
174 216 MHz or 470 806 MHz. However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted
under other sections of this Part, e.g., Sections 15.231 and 15.241.

§15.209 (b) In the emission table above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.


Radiated Emissions measurements were conducted per the following:

   •   9kHz-490kHz – actual measurement distance of 3m and data extrapolated to distances
       specified by the limits using extrapolation factor of 40*log(3/300).
   •   490kHz-30MHz – actual measurement distance of 3m and data was extrapolated to
       distances specified by the limits using extrapolation factor of 40*log(3/30).
   •   Fundamental measurements and second harmonic measurements were done at 3m
   •   30MHz-1GHz pre-scans were conducted at 10m distance and data was extrapolated to
       distances specified by the limits using extrapolation factor of 20*log(10/3).
   •   Above 1GHz measurement distance was 3m.

                                                Page 19 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

       6.1.1. Outdoor to 10m SAC Correlation Data

Correlation Data for measurements 9kHz-30MHz between Outside and 10m semi-anechoic
chamber at Underwriter Laboratories in Northbrook, IL.

Correlation measurements were conducted using a signal source with an antenna outside in
open area (parking lot). Immediately following the measurements the same setup was moved
inside the 10 meter semi-anechoic chamber and the measurements were repeated. The above
plot shows the difference in levels measured between outside and the 10 meter semi anechoic

                                                Page 20 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO                                                                                                                                                                                            _i 2018—11—08
                           6.1.2. Radiated Emissions Graph 9kHz—30MHz
                          UL EMC Test System                                                                                                                                       38 Oct 2018
                                     15_209 Li            it {dBdiU/im                   Om                                          Radiated             Emiss ions
                              CC     1             Li     it {dBiU/ m                    m                                           Lutron
                     40                                                                                                              PD—FSQN
                                                                                                                                     Tx Mid Ch
                                                                                                                                     12BU 6BHz
                     30                                                                                                              Redi X—Axis,
 Perpend to EUT
                                                                                                             Frequency          CMHz]
                          Range (ifs)             RBW/UBU            Ref/Attn   bet/fvg Node         Sucep      Pis    K    Rangs o)           RBW/VBU              Ref/Atin    Det/fvg Nods
                          4:.000—.15             200 (~64B) /3k      9270       PEAK/LogPur—Video   futo        4901        6:1—30            3«(—648) / 10Bk       9270        PEAK/LogPur~Vi deo   Auto
                          51. 18—1               3k(—6d0)/100k       9278       PEAK/LogPur—Uideo   Auto        4001
* not saved x                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rev 9.5 19 Oct 2018
                               EMC Test System                                                                                                                                     38 Oct 2018                12112119
                     5q UL
                          T          15209         Limit           idBpU/im}    C    3080m                                           Radiated             Emiss ions
                          ECC        1       9     Li     it {dB{U/mi C              8Gm                                             Lutron
                     40                  ~<243, L/      \\
                                                                                                                                     Tx Mid Ch
                                                                      \\\\\                                                          12BU 6BHz
                     30                                                             E4                                               Red X—Axis          Green:       Y—Axis,     Cyan! Z—Axis

 to EUT

 Paral le|

 d CuVolts/meter)
                                                                                                                                          1                                                                           30
                                                                                                             Frequency          CMHz]
                          Range (ifs)             RBW/UBU            Ref/Attn   bet/fvg Node         Sucep      Pis    #1   Range (fHz)        RBW/VBU              Ref/Atin    Det/Avg Mode          Sueep     Pis   #3up
                          1:.800—.15             200 (~64B) /3k      9270       PEAK/LogPur—Video   futo
                          21.15—1                3k (—6dB) /100k     9270       PEAK/LogPur—Uideo   futo
                          3:1—30                 3k (—6dB) /100k     9270       PEAK/LogPur—Uideo   Auto
* not saved x                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rev 9.5 19 Oct 2018
                                                                                                             Page 21 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                                                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701.

                          UL EMC Test System                                                                                                      38 Oct 2018                12112119
                                15209 L        it {dBdiU/m                                                   Radiated         Emiss ions
                           CC         Li       it {cdBdU/m                                                   Lutron
                     40                                                                                      PD~FSQN
                                                                                                             Tx Mid Ch
                                                                                                             12BU 6BHz
                     30                                                                                      Redi X—Axis,
 to GND

 Paral lel




                                                                                       Frequency       CMHz]
                          Range z)   RBW/UBU        Ref/Attn   Det/Avg Mode    Sueep      Pis   4 Range ONo)         Reu,vsu        Ref/Atin   Det/Avg Node          Sueep     Pis Bup
                                                                                                  7:.Bag—.15        200(—6d0)/3k    9270       PEAK/LagPur~Ui deo   Auto       4g01 Naky
                                                                                                  81. 18—1          3k(—6d8)/100k   9272       PEAK/LogPur~Uideo    Auto       4001   HeXH
                                                                                                  9: 1—30           9k(—648)/10k    9272       PEAK/LogPur~Ui deo   Auto       4001   HOXH

* not saved x                                                                                                                                                                  Rev 9.5 19 Oct 2818

                                                                                         ~g— —— ~> —

                                                                     <—p—> <eee en en n n pes en n en

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

       6.1.3. Radiated Emissions Data 9kHz-30MHz
Tx Mid Ch
120V 60Hz
Red: X-Axis, Green: Y-Axis, Cyan: Z-Axis

Trace Markers

       Test       Meter       Transducer Gain/Loss Corrected Limit:1          2
No. Frequency    Reading       Factor      Factor    Reading dB(uVolts/meter)
       (MHz)                    (dB)        (dB)
Antenna Parallel to EUT
1 .00928        43.43dBuV Pk     23.1      -80         -13.47     48.24       -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -61.71        -
2 .06456        37.84dBuV Pk     13.1      -79.9       -28.96     31.4        -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -60.36        -
3 .386          37.66dBuV Pk     11.7      -79.9       -30.54     15.87       -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -46.41        -
4 4.32775       16.71dBuV Pk     12.3      -39.8       -10.79     -       29.54
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB)   -      -40.33
Antenna perpendicular to EUT
5 .00904        41.78dBuV Pk     23.1      -80         -15.12     48.48       -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -63.6         -
6 .03578        37.35dBuV Pk     15.5      -80         -27.15     36.53       -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -63.68        -
7 .44522        36.07dBuV Pk     11.8      -79.9       -32.03     14.63       -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -46.66        -
8 7.43075       14.55dBuV Pk     12        -39.7       -13.15     -       29.54
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB)   -      -42.69
Antenna Parallel to Ground
9 .00904        43.31dBuV Pk     23.1      -80         -13.59     48.48       -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -62.07        -
10 .02384       42.24dBuV Pk     17.3      -80         -20.46     40.05       -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -60.51        -
11 .36002       38.01dBuV Pk     11.7      -79.9       -30.19     16.48       -
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB) -46.67        -
12 3.784        17.86dBuV Pk     12.3      -39.8       -9.64      -       29.54
                 Azimuth:0-360 Height:102           Margin (dB)   -      -39.18

LIMIT 1: FCC 15_209 Limit dBuV/m @ 300m
LIMIT 2: FCC 15_209 Limit dBuV/m @ 30m

Pk - Peak detector

                                                Page 23 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                                                                                 DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                                                                     IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

             6.1.4. Radiated Emissions Data above 30MHz including fundamental
                                                                                                    Level with
    Test       Meter                Antenna     Path                        Peak           DC          DC         Average   Average
 Frequency    Reading                Factor    Factor Peak Level Peak Limit Margin       Factor     Correction     Limit     Margin   Azimuth   Height
   (MHz)      (dBuV)     Detector    (dB/m)     (dB)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)     (dB)         (dB)      (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)     (dB)     [Degs]    [cm]    Polarity   Notes
 431.5384       66.01       Pk        16.4       8.5     90.91       100.74     -9.83    -19.93       70.98       80.74      -9.76      235      101        H         1
 433.5595       65.15       Pk        16.5       8.5     90.15       100.81     -10.66   -19.93       70.22       80.81     -10.59      252      299        H         2
 436.5593       56.48       Pk        16.7       8.5     81.68       100.91     -19.23   -19.93       61.75       80.91     -19.16      288      341        H         3
 862.9245       30.81       Pk        21.8       9.6     62.21         66       -3.79    -19.93       42.28         46       -3.72      107      169        H         1
 867.2675       26.57       Pk        22.1       9.6     58.27         66       -7.73    -19.93       38.34         46       -7.66      114      159        H         2
 873.2745       31.83       Pk        22.3       9.7     63.83         66       -2.17    -19.93        43.9         46        -2.1      351      101        H         3
 431.5373       71.21       Pk        16.4       8.5     96.11       100.74     -4.63    -19.93       76.18       80.74      -4.56      351      124        V         1
 433.5606       72.06       Pk        16.5       8.5     97.06       100.81     -3.75    -19.93       77.13       80.81      -3.68       0       119        V         2
 436.5548       67.41       Pk        16.7       8.5     92.61       100.91      -8.3    -19.93       72.68       80.91      -8.23      337      124        V         3
 867.2765       28.59       Pk        22.1       9.6     60.29         66       -5.71    -19.93       40.36         46       -5.64      296      145        V         1
 862.9208       31.17       Pk        21.8       9.6     62.57         66       -3.43    -19.93       42.64         46       -3.36      294      148        V         2
 873.1208       33.68       Pk        22.3       9.7     65.68         66       -0.32    -19.93       45.75         46       -0.25      297      146        V         3
    1294        78.55       Pk         29      -55.53    52.02         74       -21.98   -19.93       32.09         54      -21.91     0-360     150        H        1*
   1726.1       86.45       Pk        29.3     -53.88    61.87         74       -12.13   -19.93       41.94         54      -12.06      96       205        H         1
   2157.3       81.17       Pk        31.2     -51.98    60.39         74       -13.61   -19.93       40.46         54      -13.54      334      145        H         1
    2588         67         Pk        32.4     -50.94    48.46         74       -25.54   -19.93       28.53         54      -25.47     0-360     150        H        1*
    5179        65.11       Pk        34.5     -48.73    50.88         74       -23.12   -19.93       30.95         54      -23.05     0-360     150        H        1*
    1301        79.72       Pk        29.1     -55.49    53.33         74       -20.67   -19.93        33.4         54       -20.6     0-360     150        H        2*
   1734.2       85.94       Pk        29.4     -54.02    61.32         74       -12.68   -19.93       41.39         54      -12.61      100      215        H         2
   2168.2       81.87       Pk        31.2     -51.99    61.08         74       -12.92   -19.93       41.15         54      -12.85      324      139        H         2
    2602        65.65       Pk        32.4     -50.81    47.24         74       -26.76   -19.93       27.31         54      -26.69     0-360     100        H        2*
    3035        64.89       Pk        32.9     -50.13    47.66         74       -26.34   -19.93       27.73         54      -26.27     0-360     150        H        2*
    5204        65.06       Pk        34.6     -49.19    50.47         74       -23.53   -19.93       30.54         54      -23.46     0-360     150        H        2*
    1309        80.12       Pk         29      -55.56    53.56         74       -20.44   -19.93       33.63         54      -20.37     0-360     100        H        3*
   1746.6       86.52       Pk        29.6     -53.95    62.17         74       -11.83   -19.93       42.24         54      -11.76      94       194        H         3
   2182.8       79.79       Pk        31.3     -51.83    59.26         74       -14.74   -19.93       39.33         54      -14.67      345      125        H         3
    2620        64.43       Pk        32.4     -50.39    46.44         74       -27.56   -19.93       26.51         54      -27.49     0-360     100        H        3*
    5240        64.23       Pk        34.7     -49.09    49.84         74       -24.16   -19.93       29.91         54      -24.09     0-360     149        H        3*
   1294.4       81.39       Pk         29      -55.52    54.87         74       -19.13   -19.93       34.94         54      -19.06      163      206        V         1
   1725.8       85.14       Pk        29.3     -53.92    60.52         74       -13.48   -19.93       40.59         54      -13.41      179      125        V         1
    2157        73.52       Pk        31.2     -52.05    52.67         74       -21.33   -19.93       32.74         54      -21.26     0-360     100        V        1*
    2589        65.63       Pk        32.4     -50.82    47.21         74       -26.79   -19.93       27.28         54      -26.72     0-360     150        V        1*
    5179        64.25       Pk        34.5     -48.73    50.02         74       -23.98   -19.93       30.09         54      -23.91     0-360     100        V        1*
   1300.7       83.56       Pk        29.1     -55.48    57.18         74       -16.82   -19.93       37.25         54      -16.75      162      150        V         2
   1734.6       84.59       Pk        29.4     -54.02    59.97         74       -14.03   -19.93       40.04         54      -13.96      173      118        V         2
    2168        74.86       Pk        31.2     -52.12    53.94         74       -20.06   -19.93       34.01         54      -19.99     0-360     150        V        2*
    2601        64.78       Pk        32.4     -50.74    46.44         74       -27.56   -19.93       26.51         54      -27.49     0-360     100        V        2*
    3035        63.91       Pk        32.9     -50.13    46.68         74       -27.32   -19.93       26.75         54      -27.25     0-360     100        V        2*
    5204        64.91       Pk        34.6     -49.19    50.32         74       -23.68   -19.93       30.39         54      -23.61     0-360     100        V        2*
   1309.7       83.62       Pk         29      -55.54    57.08         74       -16.92   -19.93       37.15         54      -16.85      153      193        V         3
   1746.2       84.38       Pk        29.6     -53.97    60.01         74       -13.99   -19.93       40.08         54      -13.92      163      115        V         3
    2183        74.06       Pk        31.3     -51.86     53.5         74       -20.5    -19.93       33.57         54      -20.43     0-360     150        V        3*
    2619        64.65       Pk        32.4     -50.74    46.31         74       -27.69   -19.93       26.38         54      -27.62     0-360     150        V        3*
    5240        63.33       Pk        34.7     -49.09    48.94         74       -25.06   -19.93       29.01         54      -24.99     0-360     150        V        3*
For all harmonics 15.209 limit was used as worst case
1 - Low Ch (431.5MHz)
2 - Mid Ch (433.6MHz)
3 - High Ch (436.6MHz)
Pk - Peak Detector
* - Pre-scan trace marker data with large margin. Maximized measurement considered not necessary.

                                                                               Page 24 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                                                                       FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                                                                    TEL: (847) 272-8800
                        This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                              DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                  IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

        6.1.5. RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 30MHz-1GHz 431.5MHz

*other than the fundamental and the second harmonics all emissions are at least 10dB below the limit.

                                                  Page 25 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                 TEL: (847) 272-8800
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                              DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                  IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

        6.1.6. RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 30MHz-1GHz 433.6MHz

*other than the fundamental and the second harmonics all emissions are at least 10dB below the limit.

                                                  Page 26 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                 TEL: (847) 272-8800
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                              DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                  IC: 2851A-JPZ0119

        6.1.7. RADIATED EMISSIONS GRAPHS 30MHz-1GHz 436.6MHz

*other than the fundamental and the second harmonics all emissions are at least 10dB below the limit.

                                                  Page 27 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                 TEL: (847) 272-8800
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

                      8UL EMC Test System                                                                                                      38 Oct 2018   13: 16135

                                                                                                     Preliminary Radiated Emissions
                                                                                                     Tx Low Ch
                                                                                                     1280U 60Hz
                                                                                                     Red:    Horizontal,       Green:    Vertica

                          47 CFR 15.209 Pk

 dBuU/m Vertical

                          47 CFR 15.209 Gv





                                                                              Frequency         (GHz)
RE_1GHz—6GHz Single Antenna ENS5B32. TST                                                                                                                       Rev 9.5 18 Sep 2017

                      8UL EMC Test System                                                                                                      38 Oct 2018   13: 16135

                                                                                                     Preliminary Radiated Emissions
                                                                                                     Tx Low Ch
                                                                                                     1280U 60Hz
                                                                                                     Red:    Horizontal,       Green:    Vertica

                          47 CFR 15.209 Pk

 dBuU/m Horizontal

                          47 CFR 15.209 Av





                                                                              Frequency         (GHz)
RE_1GHz—6GHz Single Antenna ENS5B32. TST                                                                                                                       Rev 9.5 18 Sep 2017

                                                                                 ~ug— +         ~> —~

                      «en rgsev zen n n ssm p n esn nc en me sns g e e                                                                               «on y se kn p en e sns

                                                        nmgms in neme m n n en mm n ge t n n n merng n n n en n e en en n t n n n n en

                      8UL EMC Test System                                                                                         38 Oct 2018             12:52:43

                                                                                        Preliminary Radiated Emissions
                    198                                                                 PD—FSQN
                                                                                        Tx Mid Ch
                                                                                        12900 60Hz
                    o9                                                                  Red: Horizontal, Green: Vertica

                          47 CFR   15.209 P

dBuU/m Vertical

                          47 CFR 15.209





                                                                   Frequency        (GHz)
* not saved x                                                                                                                                               Rev 9.5 18 Sep 2017

                      8UL EMC Test System                                                                                         38 Oct 2018             12:52:43

                                                                                        Preliminary Radiated Emissions
                    198                                                                 PD—FSQN
                                                                                        Tx Mid Ch
                                                                                        1290 60Hz
                    o9                                                                  Red: Horizontal, Green: Vertica

                          47 CFR   15.209 P

dBuU/m Horizontal

                          47 CFR 15.209   Av





                                                                   Frequency        (GHz)
* not saved x                                                                                                                                               Rev 9.5 18 Sep 2017

                                                                      ~ug— —~       ~> —~

                                               ee                                                                                          «on y se kn p en e sns

                                               timgm sw nrmr m n en en tm n gm t n n merrg n n n en n e een en n m nn n n en en vgegm t n n en en e n n

                      8UL EMC Test System                                                                                                              38 Oct 2018            13:36:801

                                                                                                                 Preliminary Radiated Emissions
                                                                                                                 Tx High Ch
                                                                                                                 1280U 60Hz
                                                                                                                 Red:   Horizontal,    Green:   Vertical

                           47 CFR     15.209 P

 dBuU/m Vertical

                          47 CFR 15.209          8





                                                                                                  Frequency   (GHz)
RE_1GHz—6GHz Single Antenna ENS5B32. TST                                                                                                                                        Rev 9.5 18 Sep 2017

                      8UL EMC Test System                                                                                                              38 Oct 2018            13:36:801

                                                                                                                 Preliminary Radiated Emissions
                                                                                                                 Tx High Ch
                                                                                                                 1280U 60Hz
                                                                                                                 Red:   Horizontal,    Green:   Vertical

                           47 CFR     15.209 P

 dBuU/m Horizontal

                          47 CFR 15.209 A





                                                                                                  Frequency   (GHz)
RE_1GHz—6GHz Single Antenna ENS5B32. TST                                                                                                                                        Rev 9.5 18 Sep 2017

                                                                                                   ~g— —~     ~> —~

                          «h rgsev zen n n ssm p n n se ar mer wever ng n en ar n e n y m ner n                                                                 «on y se kn p en e sns

                                         mrw n mgm mt n mt neern n ne m me m n egeet m ne e m n en e ge n n n n enrng n en ne nem en n n n nn en t n nugege t m t en en e n

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119



§15.207 (a)
IC RSS-GEN, Section 8.8

     Frequency of emission                                Conducted Limit (dBµV)
            (MHz)                         Quasi-peak                                 Average
         0.15 to 0.50                      66 to 56*                                 56 to 46*
           0.50 to 5                          56                                        46
            5 to 30                           60                                        50
 * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.


ANSI C63.10


No non-compliance noted:

                                                Page 31 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119


Tx Mid Ch
120V 60Hz
Red: QP, Green: CAV

Trace Markers

      Test        Meter       Transducer Gain/Loss Corrected Limit:1      2
No. Frequency    Reading        Factor     Factor    Reading (dB(uVolts))
      (MHz)                      (dB)       (dB)
Range 1: Line - L1 .15 - 30MHz -----------------------------------------------
1 .20175        43.28dBuV Qp      0        11.4        54.68       63.54    -
                                                    Margin (dB)   -8.86     -
2 .19725        29.5dBuV Ca       .1       11.5        41.1        -        53.73
                                                    Margin (dB)    -      -12.63
3 .39525        43.31dBuV Qp      0        10.8        54.11       57.95    -
                                                    Margin (dB)   -3.84     -
4 .39188        28.06dBuV Ca      0        10.8        38.86       -        48.02
                                                    Margin (dB)    -      -9.16
5 2.445         17.83dBuV Qp      0        10.6        28.43       56       -
                                                    Margin (dB)   -27.57    -
6 2.445         13.72dBuV Ca      0        10.6        24.32       -        46
                                                    Margin (dB)    -      -21.68
LIMIT 1: 47 CFR 15.207 Limit QP
LIMIT 2: 47 CFR 15.207 Limit AV

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector
Ca - CISPR Average detection

                                                Page 32 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: 12570864                                                                            DATE: 2018-11-08
FCC ID: JPZ119                                                                                IC: 2851A-JPZ0119


Tx Mid Ch
120V 60Hz
Red: QP, Green: CAV

Trace Markers

      Test        Meter       Transducer Gain/Loss Corrected Limit:1      2
No. Frequency    Reading       Factor      Factor    Reading (dB(uVolts))
      (MHz)                     (dB)        (dB)
Range 2: Line - L2 .15 - 30MHz -----------------------------------------------
7 .19725        43.24dBuV Qp     .1        11.5        54.84       63.73    -
                                                    Margin (dB)   -8.89     -
8 .19725        30.26dBuV Ca     .1        11.5        41.86       -        53.73
                                                    Margin (dB)    -      -11.87
9 .39525        43.63dBuV Qp     0         10.8        54.43       57.95    -
                                                    Margin (dB)   -3.52     -
10 .39075       29.23dBuV Ca     0         10.8        40.03       -        48.05
                                                    Margin (dB)    -      -8.02
11 2.17725      21.03dBuV Qp     0         10.6        31.63       56       -
                                                    Margin (dB)   -24.37    -
12 2.17725      15.77dBuV Ca     0         10.6        26.37       -        46
                                                    Margin (dB)    -      -19.63

LIMIT 1: 47 CFR 15.207 Limit QP
LIMIT 2: 47 CFR 15.207 Limit AV

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector
Ca - CISPR Average detection

                                                Page 33 of 38
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

Document Created: 2019-09-20 12:29:29
Document Modified: 2019-09-20 12:29:29

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC