SAR Report Part 3


RF Exposure Info

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_U Dt&C                                                                     _                        _

          Exsove— sh:asse                                                                                     May 31, 2018
            T0506—     LTE—ToD (GCFDOMA, 100% R8, 10          x     a7o       miar     79      223    soo        £96%
            Aac        NMHz, 64—QAV, UL
                                              —               y     s2r       case     606            200
                                                              z     342|      erse     1655           80.0
            10509—     LTE—TOD (SCFDMA, 100% RB, 15           xX    615       oi       zis     223    soo        £96%
            AaC        MHz, OPSK, UL Subframe=2,
                                                              y     sze       sare     1670           200
                                                              2z    300|      sase     i7ar           80.0
            10510—     LTE—TOD (SCFDNMA. 100% RB, 15          xX    s17       mios     iess    223    soo        £96%
            AC         MHz, 16—QAM, UL
                                                              y     |_see     sare     1630           so0
                                                              2     381       6752     1671           80.0
           T0511—      LTE—TOD (GCFDVA, 100% RB, 15           x     sis       rosr     fsss    225    soo        296%
           mc          MHz, 64—QAM, UL
                                                              v     |_s7o     sass     1629           200
                                                              z     |_see     orse     1668           800
           Tost2—      LTE—To(GCrom®, too% Re, 20             x     72        Toas     rm2s    225    800        £96%
           AnC         MHz, OPSK, UL Subtrame=
                                                              y     |_s5o     sass     1692           so0
                                                              z     380       Tiie     1772           so0
            Tos13—     LTE—TOD (SCFOMA, 100% R8, 20           X     s14       Tim      89e     225    s00        £96%
            Anc        MHz, 16—QAM, UL
                                                              y     35e       saer     1e3            so0
                                                              z     370|      sres     1627           200
            Tosta—     LTE—TDD (SCFDMA, 1oo% RB, 20           x     so5       ross     fase    225    800        £96%
            AnC        Mriz, 64—OAM, UL
                                                              y     sez       saer     1629           500
                                                              z     |_ar6     sr3i     169            s0.0
            10515—     IEEE 802.1Tb Wiri 24 Ghz (DSSe, 2      x     o1        ss0s     feas    000    1500       £96%
           AMA         Mops, 99pe duty cycie)
                                                              y     oss       azse     1425           1500
                                                              2     |_oss     size     1532           1500
           Toste:      |iEEEBOZTTWEZ4GHz(DSSS.55              x     a06       102      si2s    000    isno       290%
           AM          Mops, 9Bpe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |oss      7zer     1eat           1500
                                                              z     o2        Tess     i2             1500
            Tost—      |leeEBuzTWm24GHz(DSSS. 11              x     ose       se40     1839    ooo    isn0       296%
            AAA        Mops, 99pc duty cycie)_
                                                              y     |_oar     si8r     fa7i           1500
                                                              z     oss       sasr     1630           1500
            Tosts—     ieeEBoztianwinsGiz(OrDM,a              x     «87       8707     1651    odo    ts00       296%
            Ans        Mops, 99pc duty cycie)
                                                              y     |_azs     sare     1604           1500
                                                              2z    a21       orie     1620           150.0
            fosts:     |iEeEBOZTianWirsChz(FDM, 12            X     489       sr3s     1664    odo    i500       196%
            ans        Mops, 99pe duty cycie)
                                                              y     aar       saar     ts             1500
                                                              7z    145       sr3s     1633           1500
            Toszo—     |iEEEBOZTianWinsGhz(OFDM, 16           X     474       or36     ies     on0    1500       296%
           as          Mops, 99pe duty cycle)
                                                              v|    4z        sos      1604           1500
                                                              2z    |_as1     or 28|   1620           150.0
            Toszi—     |iEeEBoZTianWirsGhz(OFDM. 24           x     ase       er30     i6890   on0    is00       £96%
            Ans        Mbps, 99pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     1e        sea1     eor            1500
                                                              2z    |_a2s     srze     1620           150.0
            Tosse.     |lEEEBO2TanWRSGHz(OFDM. 36             x     a72       sra4     isei    ono    1500       296%
            Aas        Mops, 99pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_az      sass     fenn           T500
                                                              2|    a2z0      sras     1033           1500

           Cortficate No: EX3—3866_May18                      Page 30 of 39

inrnrovnvane                                    wompng   « nere ons wiaing repris im w roe mepnvnes

  D Dt&C

             EX3DV4~ SN:3866                                                                                  May 31, 2018

              10523      IEEE 802.112h WiFi 5 Giz (OFOM, 48   x     4.60      6727     16.49   0.00   150.0      290 %
              me         Mops, 99pc duty cycle)
                                                              Y     414       6o.93    16.03          1500
                                                              2     423       6741     16.28          150.
              10524—     EEE 802.11ah WiFi 5 Griz (OFDM, 54   x     4.67      67.30    16.60   0.00   150.0      196 %
              ma         Mops, 9pe duty cycle)
                                                              Y     447       6o.00    16.17          1500
                                                              2     425       6733     16.3           1500
              10525      IEEE 802. 1ac WiFi (20MHz, MGSO,     x     463       66.35    16.20   0.00   150.       £06 %
              AnB        9Ope duty oycle)
                                                              Y     4.20      65.00    15.74          1500
                                                              $     429       6648     15.97          150.0
              10526—     1EEE 802. 1tac Wii (20MHz, MGS1,     xX    484       66.77    1634    0.00   150.0      1£96%
              AnB        90pe duty cycle)
                                                              Y     432       66.28    15.85          150.0
                                                              z—|a41~|_sera_|          1608           1500
              10827—     1EEE 802.1tac WiFi (2OMHz, MCS2,     x     476       66.76    16.31   0.00   150.0      296 %
              And        99pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |izs—|    sz       1a7e           m
                                                              £     4.34      66.73    16.08          150.
              10528      1EEE 802. 1 1ac WiFi (20MHz, MCS3,   xX    4.78      66.78    16.34   0.00   150.       206 %
              me         9ope duty eycle)
                                                              Y     427       56.26    15.82          1500
                                                              2z    |_a36~|sere_|_i6.06               1500
              10520—     1EEE 802.1 1e WiFi (20MHz, MCS4,     X     4.78      66.78    16.34   0.00   150.0      200 %
              ro         80pe duty cycle)
                                                              Y     427       66.26    15.82          150.
                                                              2     436       66.74    16.06          1500
              10831—     1EEE 802. Tac Wiri (20Mrz, MGSo,     x     4.79      60.98    16.37   0.00   1500       190 %
              MB         99pe duty cycle)
                                                              y i2     sz              en             1500
                                                              Z|a32~|_sare             1604           1500
              Tose2:~|   T€EE 802 1ac win oNinz, MCST,        x asa    sass            1633    600    is00       206 %
              AAB        80pe duty cycle)            [
                                                              y ag~—|  sn              ns             Tson
                                                              &     421       So.64    15.98          150.
              10533      IEEE 8021 1ac WiFi (20MHz, MCSB,     x     479       66.80    16.32   0.00   150.0      20.0 %
              Ae         89pe duty oycle)
                                                              Y     427       60.34    15.83          150.
                                                              €     436       6683     16.07          1500
              10534      1EEE 802. 1ac WiFi (40MHz, MCSO,     x     5.27      66.05    16.39   0.00   150.0      296 %
              AnB        90pe duty cycle)
                                                              Y     483       66.25    15.90          150.0
                                                              2     490       6064     16.07          1500
              10536      1EEE 802.1 12c Wiri (GOMHz, MCS1,    X     5.34      66.90    16.3    0.00   150.0      196 %
              we         39pe duty cycle)
                                                              ¥     4.87      50.3     15.96          1500
                                                              z[    ass       |_sere   162            1500           —
              10536      IEEE 802. 1ae Wini (dOMHz, MCS2,     X     22        67.00    16.38   0.00   150.0      196 %
              e          99pe duty cycle)
                                                              Y     4.76      66.38    15.9¢          1500
                                                              2     483       66.78    16.12          150.
              10537—     EEE 802. 1 Tac WiFi (#OMHz, MCS3,    X     528       66.96    16.36   0.00   150.0      196 %
              ane        39pc duty cycle)
                                                              Y     483       50.3     15.04          150.
                                                              z[    489|      seze     en             1500
              10538      IEEE 802.1 1e Wisi (dOMHz, MCSA,     x     5.38      67.00    1641    0.00   150.0      206 %
              ane        80pe duty cycle)
                                                              Y     480       66.34    15.06          150.
                                                              €     495       66.70    16.12          1500
              10540—     IEEE 802.11ac Wiri (40MHz, MCS6,     xX    520       66.96    1641    0.00   150.0      296 %
              Ams        $9pe duty oycie)
                                                              Y     482       66.30    15.96          1500
                                                              2z    a80       seer     642            1500

             Gertficate No: EX3—3806_May18                    Page 31 of 30

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 TD Dt&C

           EXGDVS— SN:3806                                                                                        May 31, 2018

            10501—     12BE802.—1ac Wini (dovinz, MGsr,     X     s2e       ces      i6ar      one        is0n       296%
            AAB        99pe duty cycte)
                                                            Y     481       66.21    15.90                1500
                                                            2     4.00      66.62    16.07                1500
            10542——|   1EEE 802.1ac Wiri (dowiz, McSs,      x     s4z       seso     fess      o00        is00       +96%
            as         99pe duty cycle)
                                                            Y     4.96      66.32    15.97                1500
                                                            2     5.03      66.60    16.13                1500
            10543      IEEE 802.1 tac WiFi (dOMHe, MCSO,    x     551       66.90    16.40     0.00       1500       296%
            ans        29pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     sos       sead     fe0r                 1500
                                                            C     5.00      66.74    16.18                1500
            10544—     EEE 8021 tac WiFI (BOMHz, MCSO,      x     5.55      66.9¢    16.30     0.00       1500       206%
            AAB        $9pe duty oyole)
                                                            y     ExH       6632     15.89                1500
                                                            &     s2e       |_sase   16.04                1500
            10545—     IEEE 802.1tac WiFi (GOMHz, MCS1,     x     5.79      6730     1641      0.00       1500       296%
            AnB        99pe duty cycie)
                                                            y     535       6677     16 07                1500
                                                            §     EES       6704     16.18                1500
            10546—     IEEE 802. 1 tac WiFi (GOMHz, MCS2,   x     565       6723     16.40     0.00       1500       £96%
            AnB        99pe duty cycle)
                                                            ¥     20        éeai     1502                 1s00
                                                            2     527       sear     1607                 1500
            10847—     1EEE 802.1tac WiFi (BOMHz, MCS3,     x     574       erze     iea2      o0         is00       +96%
            Ans        99pe duty cycie)
                                                            y     |s20      sese     1897                 T500
                                                            z     [ss«      coss     1611                 1500
            Tosis—     IEEE 802.1tac Wisi (BoMHz, MCSA,     xX    s06       se10     1670      on0        is00       £96%
            Ans        99pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |_sas     orie_|   1625                 1500
                                                            2|    sas       or42_|   1035                 1500
            10590—     EEE 802.11ac WiFI (GOMiz, MCSG,      X     5.07      67.18    16.38     0.00   | 1500         £96%
            And        $9pe duty oycle)
                                                            y     |_sar     soee     1603                 1500
                                                            2z    |_sar     cose     1015                 1500
            Tosst—     1EEE 802.1tac Wisi (GOMHz, MCST,     xX    see       sras     1636      O00        1800       296%
            Ans        99pe duty oycle)
                                                            y     s20       ssa1     1586                 T500
                                                            z[    o26       core     1603                 1500
            1oss2.     1EEE 802.1 ac Wim (Bovinz, MGSe,     x     sse       eros     ieze      on0        1500       296%
            And        $9pe duty cycie)_
                                                            y     si8       soas     1580                 1500
                                                            2     |_s2ze    soas     1606                 1500
            Tosss—     12BE 802.1Tac Wimi (boMnz, MCSo,     x     see       er0s     i63       On0        1800       +56%
            AAB        $9pe duty cycie)                                                               I
                                                            y     |_s2e     sose     1590           1500
                                                            z     s30       sere     1605           1500
            Tossd—     IEEE 602.1tac Wii (160MiHz, MCSO,    xX    |saa~|    erzo     iear      on0  is00             +90%
            mac        $9pe duty cycle)                                                            _
                                                            y     seo       sses     isso           1500
                                                            2     |_ses     6689     |_16.10        150.0
            Tosss—     12E 802.1tac Wisi (roonz, MCS1,      X     so9       sre2     ies0      ono  ts00             £98%
            MA         $9pe duty oycle)
                                                            Y     5.60      6608     16.06                150.0
                                                            2     |_s7a     er19     1018                 1500
            Tosss—     IEEE 802.1 tac Wisi(1GOMHz, MCS2,    xX    s10       eres     1680      ono        ts00       £56%
            Mc         $9pe duty oycle)
                                                            y     |_s73     seso     en                   1500
                                                            2     |_si7     or2s     1622                 1500
            Toser—     12BE802.1tac Wini (TooMnz, MCSs,     xX    es        sre0     1ss1      on0        ts00       £96%
            Mc         99pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |_see     cos5     1608                 1500
                                                            z     s7a       er20     1619                 1500

           Cortficate No: EX3—3866_May18                    Page 32 of 39

en n ruvinywuces                    10 oi sine sogyiny sn n raaus sn se repi imumwepese ns

  D Dt&C

               exsove— sNtsacs                                                                                    May 31, 2018
                Tos5s—    IEEE 802Hac Wir(16oMnz, Mosé,       x     aid       arm        eer        one    fsoo      £90%
                Mc        99pe duty oycle)
                                                              y     |_seo     seer       fel               1500
                                                              2z    |_s7a     |_or25     1624              1500
                10560     TEEE 802 1ae wi(foownz, MGSo,       X     s1s       sres       iess       000    1500      £96%
                Anc       99pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_an      sest       io11              1500
                                                              2z    |_sre     |_sris_|   fo2               1500
                Toso1—    1EEE 8021 ae Wir(1ooMnz, MGSr,      xX    sos       erer       rese       ooo    is00      z96%
                AnC       99pe duly cycle)
                                                              y     |_sei     sees       fee               1500
                                                              z     |_see     |_or14     tozs              1500
                10502—    1EEE 802. 1ac WiFi (100MFiz, MGS,   xX    619       67.99      10.80      0.00   1500      190 %
                AnC       $9pe duty cycle)
                                                              v     seo       some       1622              1500
                                                              z     on        |_or3i_|   13                1500
                Toses—    IEEE 802.—1ae Wiri(foomnz,MGSo,     x     e4s       ssse       iess       ons    iso0      £96%
                Mc        90pe duty eycle)
                                                              y     |_seo     soar       Toir              T500
                                                              2z    se        "|_cr2r    1628              1500
                Tosss—    leee 802114 Wini 24 GHz (DsSs—      x     aso       eri0       iess       o48    is00      £96%
                Ana       OFDM, 9 Mbps. $9pe dutycyde)
                                                              y     |ase      se72       fos               Tso0
                                                              z     |_aer     _|_ormn    1632              1600
                10565—    IEEE 802119 WiFi 2.4 Gitz (DSSS—    x     526       67.61      16.96      0.46   150.      196 %
                AMA       OFDM. 12 Mps. 99pe duty oycle)
                                                              y     [_aza     _|_orir    1648              1500
                                                              z     |_as1     erse       1665              1500
                Tosss—    i2E 802.119 Wiri 2.4 Ghz (osss—     x     soe       srd9       1680       oms    is00      £96%
                AMA       OFDM, 18 Mps, 99pe duty oycle)
                                                              v     asr       soas       1oze              1500
                                                              2z    |_ase     |_or35     1645              1500
                1osor—    lEEE 802.119 Wini 24 GHz (DSSS—     X|    sis       sres       irir       ods    iso       £96%
                AMA       OFDM, 24 Mbps, 99pc duty cycle)
                                                              v     «62       oras       1670              1500
                                                              2z    |_ase     ors2       ioss              1500
                Toses—    iEEE 802.119 Wini 24 GHz (Dsse—     x     ase       ori6       is2        od6    is00      296%
                AMA       OFDM, 36 Mbps. 99pe duty oycle)
                                                              y     |_aas     coo2      tos5               1500
                                                              2     |_as2     |_c0890_|_16.18              1500
                Toses.    ieE s02.119 Win 24 onz (oss:        x     sor       erar      w21         ons    is0       £96%
                AAA       OFDM, 48 Mbps, 99pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_4s1     sres       1081              T500
                                                              2z    |_aso     |_soo8     1708              1500
                Tosro—    ieE 802119 Wini 24 Ghz (SSS—        x     sn        sr7r       ini2       o4s    ts00      +96%
                AMA       OFDM, 54 Mbps, 99pe duly oycle)
                                                              y     |_a60     oras       fozz              1500
                                                              2z    |_ass     |_org2     _|_10.90          1500
                Toari—    iE€E 80211b Wiri 24 GHz (Dase, 1    xX    180       aris       iss        045    1300      £66%
                AMA       Mops, 90pe duty oycle)
                                                              y     oso       sses       tz                1500
                                                              z     |_i10     6i7s       16a1              1500
               Tosrz—     iEEE 80211b Wiri 24 GHz (SSS, 2     x     13s       sens       fens       o4s    ts00      £96%
               AMA        Mops. 90pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_too     |_saze     T6or              1300
                                                              z[    in        s54s       1602              1300
                Tosrs     iEEEsOZTTbWiriZ4GHz(DSSS.55         x    10000      15595      4255       040    1300      55%
               AAA        Mops, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_izs     sasr       Pror              T300
                                                              z     29e       saee       zesi              1300
               Tosra—     iEEEa0zTTbWiriz4GHz(pess, 11        x     201       sose       2se8       od6    feon      +90%
               AMA        Mops, $0pe duty oycle)
                                                              y     |_i10     7oss       1ez               1500
                                                              2     izs       7asi       i96s              1300

              Certficate No: EX3—3866_May18                   Page 33 of 39

bavme wwwapive ies                  1smm sine wopgiiy uie e raunes w sn nmss uon aprprevan                                       ons

_U Dt&C                                                                    mm                      _

          Exsove— sN:s806                                                                                   May 31, 2018
           Tosrs—     1EEE 602.119 wiri 24 GHz (DSSS—       X     are       seso     iess    o48    1800       196%
           AMA        OFDM, 6 Mbps, 80pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |~a31     sear     teto           1300
                                                            2     ase       soet     tozs           1300
           Tosre—     ieE a02.113 win 24 onz (DSS5—         xX    as1       sr0s     ferr    048    1900       £96%
           AMA        OFDM; 9 Mbps, 0pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |_ase     soss     to20           1300
                                                            2     |a«1_|    605|     t630           1300
           Tosr—      1€EE 802. 119 wei24 onz (psss—        xX    soe       arai     fose    048    1300       £96%
           AMA        OFDM, 12 Mops, 90pe duty cyclo)
                                                            y     50|       seso     tese           T500
                                                            2|    asr       srar     iess           1300
           Tosre—     1EEE 802.119 mri 24 Gnz (DsSs—        X     ass       eres     tror    048    1300       £96%
           AMA        OFDM, 18 Mbss. 9Ope duly cycle)
                                                            Y     442|      oroo     feas           T300
                                                            2z    a40       |_sras   1667           1300
           Tosrs—     12E80211g We 24 Ghz (DoSe:            x     a70       sesr     re3e    o4     1800       296%
           AMA        OFDM, 24 Mops. 90pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |a15      sois     fses           1300
                                                            2z    122       sese     1583           1300
           Toseo—     iEEE 802. 1ig Wiri 24 Giz (DSSS—      X     azs       sear     tear    48     1900       £96%
           AMA        OFOM, 36 Mps. S0pe duty cyole)
                                                            y     |_a1s     soir     faat           1300
                                                            2|    aze       sost     toss           1300
           Toset—     iEEE 802.119 wri24 onz (DSse—         xX    a8s5      arm      in0i    o48    1900       £96%
           AMA        OFDM; 48 Mops, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     az        orie     feas           1300
                                                            2z    |_a40     orse     fess           1300
           Tosez—     iEEE 802.119 Wiri 24 onz (DSSS—       xX    465       sees     fai6    o48    1800       196%
           AM         OFDM, 54 Mops, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |aor      ssse     fese           T300
                                                            2z    |_ara     cez      1958           130.0
           toses—     |iEEEBOZTiamWirSGHz(OFDM,6            X     478       6600     ise9    odé    1300       £86%
           AaB        Mops, 90ps duty cycle)
                                                            y     |a31      soa      fe0            1300
                                                            2     |ase      cear     1028           1300
           Toser      |iEEESOZTanWmSGNz(GFDMe               x     481       or08     1677    od6    1300       +96%
           Aas        Mops, 90pe duy cycle)
                                                            v     13        sese     1620           T300
                                                            2|    441       sros     1630           1300
           Tosss:     |iEEEBOZTanWmSGHz(OFDM 12             x     504       or41     1694    od6    1900       196%
           aas        Mbps, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     «50       saso     fese           1500
                                                            2     457       6127     16.53          130.0
           Tosss:     iEEEBOZTianWrsGHz(CFDM. is            x     4ss       res      iror    ods    tsnd       +96%
           AAB        Mops, 9Ope duty cycle)
                                                            y     442|      oros     1eas           T500
                                                            z     |_a40     oras     1667           1300
           Toser.     |iEEESoZTaMWFSGHz(OFDM.2¢             x     470       ce%2     ie3e    ons    fsoo       296%
           AnB        Mops, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     [ais      sais     1963           T500
                                                            2|    a2z2      sasr     1983           1300
           fosss.     |iEEEBOZTTamWrisGHz(GFDM,36           X     475       cer      i6ar    o4s    isn0       200%
           AaB        Mops, 90ps duty cycle)
                                                            y     a15       sair     met            1300
                                                            2     |_a24     sase     foss           1300
           Tosse.     iEEEBOZTTanWirisGHz(CrDM,48           x     4ss       or.71    1704    o4     fs00       200 %
           AnB        Mops, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |_ass     orie     foas           T300
                                                            z     440|      srse     1665           1300
           Tosso—     |IEEEBOZTahWmSGHz(OFDM.54             x     405       coes     1616    od6    1300       +96%
           Aas        Mops, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |_aor     ssse     1538           1500
                                                            2     a14       sez      1568           1300

          Cortficate No: EX3—3000_Mey18                     Page 34 of 39

inrnrovnvane                                   wory      nere ons wiaing repris im w roe mepnvnes

  D Dt&C                                            |                                                                        |

             exsove— sn:ssee                                                                                May 31, 2018
              10501      1EEE 802.11n NT Nmd 20Miiz,      x     ass       sess        isfs    ode    fs00      195%
              ass        MCS0, 8Ope duty oycle)                                                __       _
                                                          y     |_aa7     sese        1625           1300
                                                          2z    |_ase     |_seat      1642           1300
              T002       122E 802.11n (HT Mxed, 20Miz,    x     |~si1     |Carar      ieo1    ods    1200      208%
              aa8        MCSt, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                          y     |_aso     some        tose           1500
                                                          z     |_ass     |_er20      1684           1300
              To59s—     TEEE 802.11n (HT Mixod, 20Miz,   x     s04       er2s        iee1    046    1300      £96%
              pro        MCS2, 90pe duty oycle)
                                                          Y     4.50      66.70       1621           1300
                                                          2z    |_asr     _|_er06_|   1638           1300
              T0592——|   1EEE 802.11n (HT Noad, 20Miz,    xX    s00       ar42        iess    ods    fs00      296%
              ans        MCS3, 9Ope duty oycle)
                                                          y     |_ase     soso        1640           Tsoo
                                                          2z    |_aes     |_er26      1657           1300
              T0595——|   1EEE 802.17n (NT Miced, 20Miz,   x     sos       sr3e        iess    ode    fso0      +90%
              AsB        MCS4, 80pe duty oycle)
                                                          y     |_as>     sese        1630           Ts00
                                                          2z    |aso      6723        1647           1300
              10506      1EEE 802.11n (HT Ned 20Miz,      x     s0o       sras        iss     om6    is00      298%
              Ae         MCSS, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                          y     «4s       seat        1628           T300
                                                          z     |_ase     |_or18      1645           1300
              10597—     EEE 802.1tn (HT Mised, 20Mz,     x     495       6732        16.77   0.46   1300      296 %
              ass        MCSS, 80pe duty cycte)
                                                          y_|_a40         _|_soor     1012           Tson
                                                          2     447       6704        16.30          1500
              To598——|   1EEE 802.17n (HT Mxed. 20Miz,    x     ase       sret        1707    od6    1300      208%
              me         MCST, 90pe duty oycle)
                                                          y     |_aa1     coar        1043           1300
                                                          2z    |_a4s     er3e        r661           1300
              T0590—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Miced, a0Miz,   x     |S5e      ara0        i69z    od6    1300      +95%
              As         MCS0, 80pe duty oycle)
                                                          y     |sis      ar02        ies            T500
                                                          2z    |_sieo    _|_orz6     1660           1300
              T0600——|   1EEE 802.11n (FT Mixed, 40Mz,    x     s76       arse        ir1s    od6    fs00      208%
              Lro        MCS1, 9Ope duty oycle)
                                                          v—|_s25|        arse        tass           1500
                                                          2z   |_s2s      |_sras      1668           1300
              T0601—     1EEE 802.11n (HT Med, 40Miz,     x    ses        er70        iro1    o6     1300      208%
              Ane        MCS2, 90pe duty oycie)
                                                          y     |_sis     |_aris      fes7           T300
                                                          2z    |_sio     sr30        1665           1300
              10602      1EEE 802.11n (HT Med, d0VMiz,    x     sn        srer        1690    uds    fs00      208%
              Ae         MCS3, 90pe duty oyle)
                                                          y     sze       sri7        teas           T300
                                                          2z    62e       eres        1653           1300
              T0603——|   1EEE 802.11n (HT Miced, 40Miz,   x     sez       same        1723    o46    fs00      £90%
              aa8        MCS4, 90pc duty oycle)
                                                          y     s3z       arso        1es0           1500
                                                          z     |_s3s     |_sree      1685           1300
              10604—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 40Miz,   xX    sso       sras        iess    ons    tsoo      z96%
              As         MGSS, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                          y     |_sz0     |_ari2      fase           T300
                                                          z     |_s21     arze        iss3           1300
              10605——|   1EEE 802.17n (NT Mived, 40Miz,   x     ses       err1        ir0s    od6    fs00      298%
              me         MCSE, 90pe auty oycle)
                                                          v     |_san     ar22        iess           Teon
                                                          2     |_s2s     _|_or40     1669           1300
              To60s:—|   1EEE 802.11n (HT Mived, a0Viz,   x     s4r       sr22        iess    od6    1800      206%
              Ans        MCS7, 9Ope duty cycle)
                                                          y     |so2      saes        1618           Tso0
                                                          2z    sos       cose        1027           1300

             Certfcate No: EX3—3866_May18                 Page 35 of 30

en e wwenwa se w                  £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                      cugee reviewy

  D Dt&C                                               |                                                                        |

             Ex3DV4— SN:30se                                                                                     May 31, 2018
              10607—     IEEE 802. TTac Wini (2OVMTz, MCSO,   X     477       seai      feds       oas    1900      125%
              ane        9Ope duty cycle)
                                                              £     432       65 80     15.09             1300              4
                                                              2z    aso       so30      fece              1300
              10608—     TEEE 802. Tac Wiri (2oViiz, MGST,    x     aso       sars      feso       o4     1300      26%
              Ans        20pe duty oycle)
                                                              Y     445       66.22     16.04             1300
                                                              2z    |_ass     coer      1623              1300
              10608      1EEE 802.1ac Wiri (2oMz, MCS2,       X     a8s       sess      feas       48     1300      185%
              MB         90pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_ass     conr      1554              1300
                                                              2     242|      seas      16.04             1300
              10810—     12E802. tac wini (@ovinz, MGS3,      x     ase       seso      1662       015    1300      186 %
              AMB        9Ope duly oycle)
                                                              Y     4.40      66.22     16.03             1300
                                                              z     |_a4s     sees      fozs              1300
              10611      IE€E 802.tTac Wiri (@oMiz, MCSA,     xX    ass       soer      feas       o48    ts00      £96%
              Ant        $0pe duty oycle)
                                                              Y     431       65 99     1586              1300
                                                              2z    |_aso     _|_soat   foos              1300
              10612.—|   1EEE 802. tTac Wiri (2oMinz, MCSS,   x     asr       ser       fes2       o46    1900      £86%
              mns        $0pe duty cycle)
                                                              Y     |_a3o_|_se10_|      T588              1300
                                                              2z    asr      |_sost     _|_toos           1300
              10or3—     1EEE 802. Tac Wiri (2oMiz, MGS,      xX    488      sess       fea2       046    1300      296%
              ans        Sope duty cycle)
                                                              Y     429       65.90     15.71             130.
                                                              2z    |_a3o     sest      foot              1300
              10614—     12E802.Tiao Wini (2DMiz, MoSr,       x     482       seer      fess       o46    1900     £95%
              ans        9Ope duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_a2r     sezo      1602              1300
                                                              &     435       6562      1622              1500
              10615      EEE 802. 11ac WiFi (2OMHiz, MCSB,    X     4.85      66.40     1624       0.46   1800     206%
              Ane        9Ope duty cycle)
                                                              T     430       65.77     15.58             1300
                                                              2z    |_asr     coi8_|    1579              1300
              10616—     EEE 802.iac Wiri (dOViz, MCSO,       xX    s42       ces       fese       045    1900     196%
              Ans        SOpe dutycycie)
                                                              y     |_ase     |_se20    160               1300
                                                              &     5.01      6652      1622              1300
              10617      EEE 802. tae Wiri (doMnz, MCS1.      xX    s4s       coss      fese       o48    1800     £90%
              Ang        9Ope duty oycle)
                                                              Y     5.00      66.32     16.13             1300
                                                              z     sor       |_soet    1ez               1500
              10818      1EEE 802. 11ac Wiri (€OMHz, MCS2,    x     538       67.04     1667       046    1300     296%
              Ans        $Ope duty cycie)
                                                              Y     |_a91     s640|     1018              1500
                                                              2z    dse       cor2      1632              1300
              10019      IEEE 802. 1ac WiFi (€OVHz, MCS3,     X     5.40      66.83     16.50      0.46   1300     290%
              ans        80pe duty oycle)
                                                              y     |_ass     sez       feot              1500
                                                              z     |_ase     |_soor    mod               1300
              10620—     IEEE 802. e WiFi (4OMHz, MCS4,       x     551       66.02     16.59      046    1300     296%
              AnB        $0pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_soo     sez0      1606              1300
                                                              z     |_soe     |_seas             1300
              10621—     1EEE 8021 tac Wiri (dOMHz, MCSG,     X     5.49      67.03     16.76      0.46   1300     20. %
              Ang        20pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_sor     sese      1620              T00
                                                              z     |_sor     |_soes    _|_to.40          1300
              10622;     IEEE 802.1ae Wiri (oHz, MCSo,        xX    s49       eris      fesr       646    1900     £96%
              ane        20pe duty cycle)
                                                              y     |_soo     es        fesi              Tsoo
                                                              2     5.05      66.75     16.43             1300

             Certifcate No: EX3—3066_May18                    Page 36 of 39

bavme wwwapive ies                    1smm sine wopgiiy uie e raunes w sn nmss uon aprprevan                                    e

  D Dt&C                                              |                                                                        |

             Exsove— shrs0c6                                                                                    May 81, 2018
              10o25—     IEEE 802. ac Wir: (doMMz, MCST,       x     se        sari       feds    o45   isod       196%
              me         S0pe duty oycle)
                                                               y     |_ase     sae        feor          1300
                                                               2z    |_as:     |_seze_|   1605          1300
              10624—     EEE 802t ac Wiri (40MHz, MCSS,        x     s5s       soes       feeo    ods   fsno       £86%
              Ang        $Ope duty cycle)
                                                               Y     |_sus     sazs       feiz          1300
                                                               2z    |s1s      soss       toze          1300
              10625      IEEE 802. 112 Wisi(dOMHz, MCS9,       x     s1        67.73      17.09   046   130.0      1296 %
              me         SOpe duty cycle)
                                                               y     |_sir     sase       1627          1300
                                                               2z    |_s21     sess       1636          1300
              10626      TEEE 802. 1 ac Wir:   (BoMMz, MGSO,   x     ses       sear       fest    ode   fsod       286 %
              me         S0pe duty cycle)
                                                               y     520       sez        1608          1300
                                                               2z    s3        sast       16.i7         1300
              T0627—     1EEE 802. 1ac Wir: (@oMz, MGS1,       xX    sa1       srss       670     045   1900       £95%
              Ans        $Ope duty oycle)
                                                               f     551       co.83      16.32         1300
                                                               z     se4       sr0s       1640          1300
              T028       IEEE 802.1ac Wiri (BOMHz, MGSZ,       xX    s74       sroz       feds    045   1900       £96%
              Ang        $0pe duty cycle)
                                                               y     52        sair       1697          1300
                                                               2     ss2       seas       1604          1300
              T0628—     TEEE 802.11ac Wiri (GOMHz, MCSS,      xX    se2       sros       feas    o46   1200       96%
              And        $Ope duty oycle)
                                                               y     53e       sase       foor          100
                                                               z     |_sa1     sesr       16.10         1300
              10630      T2E8021 tac Wiri (Boninz, MGSA,       xX    ear       sase       ir2s    o46   1300       £90%
              ae         SOpe duty cycle)
                                                               y     |_see     srze       1647          1300
                                                               2z    sso       srse       1648          1300
              10631—     IEEE 802. 1ae Wiri (BOMHz, MCSS,      xX    622       sas?       trao    046   is00       £96%
              And        S0pe duty cycle)
                                                               y     seo       srao       feza          1500
                                                               2z    see       sree       1ea1          1300
              Toss2—     TEEE 802. 1 1ac Wi(GoMz, MCSG,        x     sei       srsi       fes»    o46   1300       +90%
              Ans        $Ope duty cycle)
                                                               y     55e       |_sros     fese          1500
                                                               2     5.55      67.20      16.5          1300
              Toss—      1EEE 802.—tae Wiri (@oMHz, MCS7,      x     see       srze       fess    o4s   1900       95%
              Asd        $0pe duty oycle)
                                                               y     |_sa1     saze       feor          1300
                                                               2z    536       seso       16.14         1300
              Tossa—     12E802.1tac Win (BonMnz, MCSs,        xX    se2       srze       1670    045   1300       £96%
              Ap         $Ope duty cycle)
                                                               Y     53i       seae       167           Tooo
                                                               z     |_s40     cesz       1631          1300
              T06s5—     12BE 802.—1ac Wisi (BoMHz, MCSG,      X     seo       sasr       fear    o4s   ts00       £96%
              Ass        $0pe duty cycle)
                                                               y     sis       mas        mat           1300
                                                               2z    |_s2s     sose       1558          1300
              T05s6—     IEEE 802. tac Wiri (TooNMiz, MCS0,    x     sos       srzs       ress    046   t900       £96%
              Anc        $Ope duty cycle)
                                                               y     |_s72     sese       1e            1300
                                                               2     sre       soss       1623          1300
              Tossr—     12EE 802.—1iee Wisi (Toonz, MGS1,     X     e2n       srei       te7s    045   1300       £96%
              Anc        $Ope duty cycle)
                                                               y     |_see     sear       fo2r          1300
                                                               z     |_see     srio_|     1635          1300
              Tosss—     I2EE 802.1tec Wisi (TooNnz, MGS2,     xX    62e       srar       1670    046   1900       196%
              Anc        $Ope duty cycle)
                                                               y     |_seo     sez        1627          Tsoo
                                                               z     seo       sris       1636          1300

             Certficate No: EX3—3066_May18                     Page 37 of 30

en e wwenwa se w                    £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                     cugee reviiy

WDH&C_                                                                    m                        m                     m

            Exsove— sN:3808                                                                               May 31, 2018
            fosse—     |iEEESOZTiacWiri(ioomnzMoss,         X     625     sre1      1677    046    1300      156%
            e          90pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     582|    sear      to2e           T300
                                                            z     |_see   |_sr0e    1636           1300
            106d0—     IEEE 8oZ TiacWiri(ioomnz, Mos4,      x     620     6704      16.73   046    1300      236 %
            Ac         $Ope duty cycie)
                                                            y     |_s77   sass      fors           T300
                                                            2|    sat     _|_sess   1623           1300
            Tosst—     IEEE 802.11ac Wini(160MHe, MGSS,     x     a2e     sr40      fees    o6     1300      £36%
            Arc        80pe duty cycle)
                                                            y     ser     se7e      fen8           1300
                                                            2z    |seo    _sese     1627           1500
            10642—     12EE 802.tiae WiFi (160MHz, MCSG,    ®     635     arre—|    1600    ods    is00      295%
            AnC        SOpe duty cycle)
                                                            Y     |_seo   sror      1650           1300
                                                            z     sor     |_erzs    1650           1300
            106d3—     1E€E 802. tTac Wiri (1ooMnz, MGSr,   xX    e16     sraz      670     ods    fsoo      286 %
            mc         SOpe duty cycle)
                                                            y     |_s7a   sass      1620           1300
                                                            2z    |_sr    |_soar    1620           1300
            106dd—     TEEE 802. tac Wiri (160MHz, MCSB,    x     sar     sant      oi      ods    feuo      +90%
            mc         Sope duty cycle)
                                                            y     seo     sast      1632           T300
                                                            2     |_sae   sri1      1641           1300
             10845—    TEEE 802.Tc Wiri (1ooMnz, MCSo,      xX    ses     saso      w21     ods    fsno      256%
            AnC        9Ope duty cycle)
                                                            Y     see     sear      1632           1300
                                                            2z    |_soe   oroe      1036           1300
            10616—     LTE—TDD (GC—FOMA, 1 RS, 5 Mz,        x    dass     12570     4142    830    00        £36%
            AnD        GPSK, UL Subtrame=2.7)
                                                            y    si2      sodt      es             so0
                                                            z    oar      seio      3232           so0
            10607—     LTE—TDD (GC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 Viie,     x    sees     i2a26     4116    930    600       £96%
            Arc        GPSK, UL Subtreme=2,7)
                                                            y     |_7zo   saze      mois           600
                                                            2|    s12     sas       sr52           600
            106d8—     COMAZ00D (1x Advanced)               x     io2     seor      fa71    one    is00      255%
                                                            y     |_ase   soce      600            1500
                                                            z     |_o4s   |_sa0e    ase            1500
             Toss2.    LTE—TOD (OFDMA 5 ine, E—Tia.1,       x     a1      sase      m7s     223    too       +06%
            ans        Clipping 44%)
                                                            y     312     saae      1530           200
                                                            2|    sz      sere      1993           800
            Tosss—     |LTE—TDD(OFDMAfomHzE—TM31,           X     4ss     8r60      irsd    223    800       £56%
            ma         Clipping 44%)
                                                            y     |_an    ssas      16a1           200
                                                            2z    |_sa1   seos      1624           200
             fossd.    |LTE—TDD(OFDMAisvnzE—mM31,           X     448     sr20      irs0    22     00        196%
            Ans        Clpping 44%)
                                                            y     37      seis      1589           200
                                                            z     |_ses   css       1628           200
             10655—    LTE—TDD (OFOMA, 20 MHz, E—TM3.1,     X     483     6723      1753    223    80.0      £06%
            ans        Clpping 44%)
                                                            y     sa1     esos      1604           soo
                                                            2z    so1     6559      1632           ©0.0
            10656—     Pulse Wavelorm (200Hz, 10%)          x    foo0o    f1e44     2e34    1000   500       +56%
                                                            y     35e     srse      mad            so0
                                                            z     108|    sase      1278           so0
            10859—     Pulse Wavelorm (200Hz, 20%)          X    foooo    i1ies     2609    689    600       +56%
                                                            y     |_zoo   |_se2i    a5s            600
                                                            z     ase     yose      1143           s00

           Certficate No: EX3—3006_May18                    Page 38 o30

incaicowiwone                                   vonpiny sn ie ce wuine copen

D Dt&C

           Exsovs~ shse66                                                                                                               May 31, 2018
            10660—       Pulse Waveform (200Hz, 40%)                      x      10000       i1149       2473        398        80.0       £90 %
                                                                          y       |_a7s      sror         612                   so0
                                                                          z       |_7ss      Tose         is48                  soo
            10661         Puise Waveform (200Fiz, 60%)                    x      foomo       is1          2621       222        f000       296%
                                                                          Y       0.35        60.00       423                   100.0
                                                                          Z      foo00       ssao         is8s                  1000
            10662.—       Pulse Waveform (200Hz, 80%)                     x      roomo       isai7        3081       o87        1200       £96%
                                                                          y      Zoar        2sz          2271                  1200
                                                                          2      oi          so00         410                   1200

           * Uncertaintis determined using the max. devitionfrom linear respanse applying rectangulardistibution and is expressed for the square of the
           fild value

           Cortficate No: EX3—3806_May18                                   Page 39 of 39

m wewepive ies                        1smm sine wopgiiy uie e raunes w sn nmss uon aprprevan                                                           couse

D Dt&C

      Calibration Laboratory of                                     «09                                           .
                                                                   «u>                                    . Sctweizerischor Kallbrerdienst
      Schmid & Partner
                                                                   ibewek                                 § Service sulsse o‘italonnage
         Engineering AG                                             Tatle                                       Sarviclo svizzoro ditaratura
      Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Swizerland                     m/f_\\\\‘v\                         5 suies Calivration Service
      Aceredted by the Swiss Accredtation Sarvico (GAS)                                                   Accreditation No.:   SCS 0108
      The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
      Multlateral Agroement for trecognition of calloration cortficates
      Client       DT&C (Dymstec)                                                              Gortficate No: EX3—3016_Apr18

       Object                             EXGDV4 — SN:3916

       Galibration procedure(s)           QA CAL—01v8, QA CAL—14.44, QA CAL—23./5, QA CAL—25.v6
                                          Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

       Calitration date:                  April 25, 2018

       "This caibraton certficate documents the traceabiity to nationastandards, which realze the physical unof measuromonts (S1
       The meassrements and the uncerainieswih confidence probabiltyare gven on the folowing pages and are part o tcerticate.
       All caltrations have bean conducted n tclosed laboratory faciiy: environmont temperature(22 + 3)°C and humidiy < 70%

       Gallbration Equipment used (MATE crtalfor caltration)

       Primary Standards                 io                             Cal Date (Corthcate No)                   Scheduled Calbration
       Power meter NRP                   Sh: roarre                     04—Apr18 (No. 2r7—orerprozera)            Aoers
       Power sensor NRP—231              sh: rospse                     0t—Aor18 (No. 217—02072)                  Aoce
       Pover sensor NRP—291              on roams                       o4—Ror—18 (No. 217—00573)                 Apere
       Reference 20 d Attenuator         SN. 56277 (209)                04—Apr—1(No. 217.02002)                   Apcio
       Reference Probe ES2OV2            stt so18                       30—Dac—17 (No. ES3—3013_Doct?)            Dec.18
       page                              sit soo                        21—bec—17 (No. DAEA—050_Dect?)            Dec—18

       Secondary Standards               ©                              Check Date (in house)                     Scheduted Check
       Poer meter Ex4198                 shtcnerzcoere                  06—Apr—16 in house check Jun—16)          in house cheoke Jun—18
       Power sensorE412A                 snmvataseos?                   06—Apr—16 in house check Jun—16)          in house checks Jun—18
       Pover sensor E4124                sn coottozio                   06—Apr—16 in house check Jun—18)          in house chocke Jun—18
       RF generater HP B648C             stt usasezuo1700               04—Aug89 n house check Jun—16)            in house checke Jun—1
       Network Analyzer HP 8753E         SN: ussr3ost5                  18—0ct.01 (n house check Oct17)           in house cheok Oct—18
                                           Neme                                Funcion                              Shnatlre
       Calibrated by:                      Claudo Leubler                      Laboratary Technician

       Approved by:                        Kata Pokove

                                                                                                                    Issued: Apri 26,2018
       This caltration centficate shal not be reproduced excoptin ful wthout wrtten approvalof the aboratory.

      Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                                    Page 1 of 11

m www se w                         £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                                         cuyee

  D Dt&C                                                    |                                                                                  |

                  i     Laboratory of                                  &   >                             s    Schwelzerischor Kallbreedienst
            Schmid & Partner                                           .                                 g    Sorvice suisse détalonnage
              Engineering AG                                                                             «5   Sorvizio aviezaro dltaratura
            Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Swizerland                    Mn                                 Swiss Calioration Service

            Acorediteby the Swiss Accredtation Service (SAS)                                              Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
            The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories tothe EA
            Multlateral Agreement for the recognition of callbration cortficatos
            TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
            NORMicy,z                   sensitivily in free space
            Convr                       sensitivity in TSL / NORMy,z
            poP                         diode compression point
            cF                          crest factor (1/duty_oycle) of the RF signal
            A, B, C, D                  modulation dependent lincarization parameters
            Polarization                « rotation around probe axis
            Polarization 8              8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probeaxis (at measurement center),
                                        Le., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis
            Connector Angle             information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system
            Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
                a) IEEE Sid 1528—2013, ‘IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Averaged Specific
                   Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
                   Techniques®, June 2013
                b) 12C 62200—1, *, "Measurementprocedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) from hand—
                   held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz}‘, July 2016
                c) 12C 62200—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices
                   used in close proximily to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
                d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
            Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
                *    NORVs          Assessed for E—feld polarization 3 = 0 (f< 900 MHz in TEM—cel; 1 > 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide)
                     NORMx,y,2z are only intermediate values,               he uncertainties of NORMx.y,z does not affect the E—field
                     uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF)
                *    NORM(Axy,2 =NORMsy,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Ghart). This linsarization is
                     implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of the frequency response included
                     in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
                *    DCPxy,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
                     signal (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
                *    PAR; PAR is the Peak to Average Ratio that is not calibrated but determined based on the signal
                *    Axy.ziBy,z; Coyiz:Dxy.z: VRuyz: A, B, C, D are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on
                     the data of power sweep for specific modulation signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
                     media. VR is the maximum calibration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
                *    Conyand Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—feld (or Temperature Transfer
                     Standard for f s 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical feld distributions based on power
                     measurements for {> 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
                     boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
                     used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds
                     to NORMxy,z * ConvF: wherebythe uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A frequency dependent
                     ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100
                =    Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isolropy); in a field of low gradients realized using a fat phantom
                     exposed by a patch antenna.
                *    Sensor Offset: The sensor affect corresponds to the offsct of vitual measurement canter from the probe tip
                     (on probeaxis). No tolerance required.
                *    Connector Angle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORMs (no
                     uncertainty required)

           Certifcate No: EX3—3016_Apri6                                   Page 2 of 11

en e wwenwa se w                       £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                                   cugee reviy

D Dt&C

        Exsove — SNisote

                              Probe EX3DV4


                                         Manufactured:            December 18, 2012
                                         Calibrated:              April 25, 2018

                                        Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                           (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

        Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                    Page 3 of11

w werwepise s                   £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene    cugsecovercer

 D Dt&C

           Exsov«— sN:sore                                                                                                            Aprl 25, 2018

            DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3916
           Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                         SensorX                         SensorY                   Sensor Z            Une(22)
            Norm (gVi(Vim))                                056                             047                       052               £10.1%
            DCP (mv)"                                      06                             101.3                      598

           Modulation Calibration Parameters
            w            Communication System Name                                 A           s           o          o         vr         Uns"
                                                                                  ds        aBviy                    aB         my         (k=2)
            &            ow                                               x       |_o0         00         10         ooo       mas        s5%
                                                                          v       |_o0         o0         10                   15e
                                                                          2       o0           o0         10                   1423

            The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
            multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
            probability of approximately 95%.

             The uncetainies of No XY.Z do not affect the E*feld uncertainy inside TSL (soe Pages 5 and 6.
           * Numerical    aization paremeter: uncertainty not reauired
           * Uncertainy is determined using the max. deviation rom Incar response applying rectangular istrbtton and is expressod for the square ofthe
           field value

           Certficate No: EX3—3916_Apr18                                   Page 4 of 11

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  D Dt&C

            EXGDV4— Shis016                                                                                                         Aprl 25, 2018

            DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3916

            Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                                  Relative        Conductivity                                                           Depth®          Une
                 £(Miz)®        Pormitivity®          (Sim)®         ConvFX       ConvEY       ConvEZ        Aipha®       |__(mm)       (ke2)
                   2450             292                180             772          772           772         ose         085         £120%
                   2600             29.0               1.9             751          751           751         osr         o8          £120%
                   5200             26.0               466             5.38         538           5.38        0.35        180         £181%
                   5300             35.0               476             5.04         5.04          5.04        040         180         £131%
                   5500             356                496             5.01         s01           so1         0.40        180         £18.1%
                   se00             35.5               sor             484          484          484          0.40        180         +181%
                   se00             35.3               s2r            494           4.94         4.94         0.40        180         £13.1%

            © Erequency valldly above 300 MHz of : 100 MHz only applis for DASY w44 and higher0 Page 2), ele i is resticted o + 50 Miz. The
            uncertainy is the RSS ofthe Conunsertainty at callratin requency and the uncertaityfor the indlcated requency band. Frequency vality
            betow 300 MHz is 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 10 and 220 Hz respectvaly. Above 5 GHiz frequency
            yalidty can be extended to : 110 MKe.
            " Atfrequencies below 3 GHiz, the valeity of issue parameters(s and a) can be relaxed to * 10% i iquid compensation formula is appled to
            measured SAR values. A frequencios above 3 GHz, he valdty oftssue parameters (t and a) is restrcted to % 5%. The uncertaint is e RSS of
            the ConvE uncertintfo indicated targottsoue paramaters
            * AlphalDapth are determined during callration, SPEAG warrantsthat the remaining devialon dutothe boundary effect after compensaton is
            always loss than 2 1% forequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% fofrequencies betveen 3—6 GHiz at any ditance lrger than halfthe probe t
            diameterfrom the boundary.

           Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                                 Page 5 of 11

en e wwenwa se w                        £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                                         cugsec cmerer

_D Dt&C_
              Ex3DVé— SN:3016                                                                                                          April 25, 2018

              DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3916

              Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media

                   1(uia©         P-?-:Ii:t'i‘:i:y'   cm(‘sfl;::)""my   ConvEX        ConvEY        ComvEZ_|     Alpha® j{fl')u               (E:;)
                       2450            52.7               1.95            769           769          789          0.36        0.90        £ 12.0 %

                       2600            52.5               2.16            742           742          742          041         0.90        +12.0 %

                       5200            49.0               5.30            4.66         4.66          4.86         0.50        1.90        £13.1%

                       5300            48.9               542             444          444           444          0.50        1.90        £18.1%

                       5500            48.6               5.65            4.23         4.23          423          0.50        1.90        £13.1%

                       5600            48.5               5.77            4.02         4.02          4.02         0.50        1.90        £13.1%

                       5800            48.2               6.00            431          431           431          0.50        1.90        +13.1%

              © Frequeney vallity above 300 Ntz of 2 100 itz only agples for DASY vé.4 and highor (5e0 Page 2), ise it is restrcled to : 50 MHz. The
              unceraintis the RSS f the ConvE: unsertinty atcallbration reguency and the uncertainy forthe indlcated frequency band. Frequency vality
              below 300 MHz s 2 10,25, 40, 50 and 70 Mz for Conve assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectvely. Above 5 Ghiz frequency
              yalldty can be extended to x 110 Mz
              * Atfequencios below 3 GHz,the valdtyof esue parameters (tand «) can be relaxed to + 10% i lould componsation formula is appled to
              messured SAR values. Afrequencies above 3 Giiz,the valityof ssue parematers (s and o)is resticted to 2 5%. The uncertinty is the RSS of
              the Gonv: uncertainty for ncicated targetssue parametors
              * ApralDepth are determined during calbration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary ofct after compensation is
              always loss than + 1% forfroquencies below 3 GHiz and below 2 2% fo freguencies betwaen 36 GHiz at any ditance larger than hallthe probe tp
              iameter from the boundary

              Certiicate No: EX3—3016_Aprt8                                  Page 6 of 11

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D Dt&C

   ExsDV4— SN:3016                                                                                        April 25, 2018

                                               Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                    (TEM—Cell:if110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
            Frequency response {normalized)

                                              Uncertainty of Frequency Responseof E—field: £ 6.3% (k=2)

  Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                                     Page 7 of 11

  D Dt&C

              Ex3OV4— SN:3916                                                                                                           Apri 25, 2018

                                                       Recei ing Pattern (¢), 8 = 0°

                                        1=600 MHz,TEM                                                  121800 MHz,R22


                                >                                                                                                         s
                                1*                                                             t             y
                                    >       i      ®       F                                       *     1             *    +

                              as                Biay u2t        xs                            as                                us
                                —                  m ~                     A      —          sse                 hae   ..
                         &                                           3                   >
                         To                                          £                  To

                                        C           *                          RolF]
                                        m%l(z                   SC%Z                         flilfi}fl                         ES@HI

                                                  Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: + 0.5% (k=2)

             Gerificate No: EX3—3916_ Apri8                              Page 8 of 11

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   Exsove— SN3916                                                                                         Aprl 25, 2018

                                         Dynamic Range f(SARpeaq)
                                                   (TEM cell , fevar= 1900 MHz)


                      3 108
                      = 104


                                             I           I         423        1             T
                               10t          108         101        10         10           10        10
                                                              SAR {mWiemg]
                                                 C                                C8]
                                           not compensated                    compensated


                                  108        102        101        10      101        toe       10
                                                              SAR [mWiems]
                                            not compansatec                  compersated

                                        Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

   Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                              Page 9 of 11


   Ex3OV«— SN:3016                                                                                                 Apri 25, 2018

                                       Conversion Factor Assessment
                 1= 2450 MHz.WGLS R22 (H_con?)                               1= 2450 MHz.WGLS R22 (M_convt)

                             &                                         i0
                                        ;                               +                     ol
                       Iapiirenfiiatersr ied      ts                    gfrizzmmee
                        e    o# a) $          m s on                     s   0+    on ca
                                 im                                                   «im
                      wlz                   marne                                s
                                                                                wl                         a

                                      Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                     Error (6, 9), £= 900 MHz

                                 10      —08   0s    04    —02   0o     02    04    ce   o8        1.0
                                      Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.6% (k=2)

   Cerificate No: EX3—3916_Apri8                            Page 10 of 11

D Dt&C

   EX3DV4— SN:3916                                             April 25, 2018

   DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3916

   Other Probe Parameters
    Sensor Arrangement                                          Triangular
    Connector Angle (*)                                               88.3
    Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                             enabled
    Optical Surface Detection Mode                                disabled

    Probe Overall Length                                          337 mm
    Probe Body Diameter                                             10 mm
    Tip Length                                                       9 mm
    Tip Diameter                                                   2.5 mm
    Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point                          1 mm
    Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                          1 mm
    Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                          1 mm
    Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                  1.4 mm

   Certificate No: EX3—3916_Apr18              Page 11 of 11

Document Created: 2019-02-07 11:39:15
Document Modified: 2019-02-07 11:39:15

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