User Manual.pdf


Users Manual

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       THE K780 AT A GLANCE               k780#%E K780 R®E                wso .4.          VISAO GERAL DO K780              VISION GENERAL DE K780

Easy—Switch keys     Press to connect and select devices                                           Cradle    Holds phone or tablet at a comfortable angle

Easy—Switch S#       .#ETSAAAE                                                                     leke      WhiS senommciormettaiedtie
Easy—Switch kB#      .#HTSARmAE                                                                    leke      upiéenanaimineiemcueteferie

d<ei@d               3@ 4@ d @9 4 F827                                                             A2d        2s dig¢ 27 1¢ 4z= 6940
Teclas Easy—Switch Pressione para conectar e selecionar os dispositives                            Base      Permite que 0 telefone ou tablet em um &ngulo confortével
Teclas Easy Switch Pulsa para conectar y seleccionar dispositives                                  Base      Permite colocar el teléfonc 0 la tablet en un angulo comodo

      3 Spiit keys                   Modifier based on type of device connected to keyboard Above: Windows® and Android "". Below: Mac OS® X and iOS®

      3 AASIREE                      MEbRHEESERIT SSEREREMATIANIEER .7; : Windows® fl Android ! « "FJ; : Mac OS X ft1 iOS

      3 maSltEt                      Mihetmimateiyt RRREEEMAT RfEM] L7 : Windows® fil Android *« "FJj : Mac OS X fil i0

      s l4 7#41 71                   144 s rlasd d 4d 22) #40l h# U}4l 1 C. : Windows® 2 Android". 6}€l: Mac OS X 2 108
      Trés teclas de divisso         Modificador de acordo com 0 tipe de dispositive conectado ao teclado acima; Windows® e Android "". Abaxo: Mac OS® X e iOS®

      Tres teclas divididas          Modificador basado en el tipo de dispositivo conectado al teclado. Arriba; Windows® y Android "*. Abajo: Mac OS® X y iOS®

K780 comes pre—paired with a Unifying receiver. Fllp your keyboard over and slide the battery cover off
Take out the reeeiver. On the computer, plug the Unifying reesiver Into a USB port
K7e0 RftMdeRNIEHY UnivingBukes » BiteibicrrRich t— Nt Rikes + 1Unifying RubeinA
Sigy USB &D —
K780 (AHESERENE) Univingiikes — iniDAERDNE > NE ReKe — 16 Unifying ReesinA
waey Uss use
K780 Unifyng +417 2} 4 slel 4 s alasld. dlel e =e ie aldel g/il€ dol
¥440. +417 Aul. d #Sel4) Uniying +417)€ USB x54@ #40
K780 ¢ fomecido pré—empare/hado a um reeeptor Unifying. Virar o teclado e desiize a tampa da bateria
Tirar o reeeptor. No computador, conecte o receptor Unifying a uma porta USB
K780 incluye un reeeptor Unifying pre—empareJado. Voltear teclado y desiice la tapa de la bateria
Lievar a eabo el receptor. En el ordenador, conecta el receptor Unifying a un puerto USB

Power on the keyboard
F7 tu8
a@ 47
Ligue a allmentagio
Conecte la alimentacidn

After seiting up connections with up to three devices, switch among them by pressing the Easy—Switch
Simg edemrininHyo > "TRURHEET Easy—Switch #eiiltm eéteieit2zietik —
Bm&=6tEnTTE4 > TDURIREET Casy—Gwich #redfor eeveezMnt
d old 44 dag 444 h cld—ed4 es esd id deddt4dend
Depois de configurar as conexGes em até trés dispositvos, alterne entre eles pressionando 0 botflo
Easy Switch
Puedes configurar conexiones con hasta tres dispositivos y luego alternar entre ellos pulsando el botén

K780 gives you a choice of two wireless connections: Logitech Unifying and Bluetooth Smart
K780 #etT RipbSedutinret : idPR Unityinghioeermendtwhedotie: —
k7eo 1 > "al4 74 «d 491 4414 l# #41 0. 2191 Unifying 74 #+417] 5+ Bluetooth
Smart 7] 4&
K780 permite que voeé escolha entre duas conexdes sem fio: Logitech Unifying e tecnologia Bluetooth
K780 permite elegir entre dos tipos de conexidn inalambrica; Logitech Unifying y tecnologia Bluetooth

Document Created: 2016-03-09 17:21:17
Document Modified: 2016-03-09 17:21:17

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