Test Report (DTS-BT LE).pdf


Test Report

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                                                               FCC Test Report

                       Report No.: RF180706E10

                            FCC ID: JNZVR0011

                       Test Model: V-R0011

                 Received Date: July 09, 2018

                         Test Date: July 20 to 22, 2018

                     Issued Date: Sep. 10, 2018

                         Applicant: LOGITECH FAR EAST LTD.

                          Address: #2 Creation Rd. 4, Science-Based Ind. Park Hsinchu Taiwan, R.O.C.

                        Issued By: Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch
                                   Hsin Chu Laboratory
                    Lab Address: E-2, No.1, Li Hsin 1st Road, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu City 300,
                                 Taiwan R.O.C.
            Test Location: E-2, No.1, Li Hsin 1st Road, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu City 300,
                           Taiwan R.O.C.
       FCC Registration /
                           723255 / TW2022
      Designation Number:

This report is for your exclusive use. Any copying or replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark, is permitted
only with our prior written permission. This report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The results set forth in this
report are not indicative or representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or any similar or identical product
unless specifically and expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results thereof based upon the information that you
provided to us. You have 60 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any material error or omission caused by our negligence, provided,
however, that such notice shall be in writing and shall specifically address the issue you wish to raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time
shall constitute your unqualified acceptance of the completeness of this report, the tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents. Unless specific
mention, the uncertainty of measurement has been explicitly taken into account to declare the compliance or non-compliance to the specification. The report
must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by TAF or any government agencies.
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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

                                                                   Table of Contents
Release Control Record .................................................................................................................................. 4
1         Certificate of Conformity ...................................................................................................................... 5
2         Summary of Test Results ..................................................................................................................... 6
    2.1      Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................... 6
    2.2      Modification Record ............................................................................................................................ 6
3         General Information .............................................................................................................................. 7
    3.1      General Description of EUT ................................................................................................................ 7
    3.2      Description of Test Modes ................................................................................................................... 8
    3.2.1    Test Mode Applicability and Tested Channel Detail ............................................................................. 9
    3.3      Duty Cycle of Test Signal .................................................................................................................. 10
    3.4      Description of Support Units .............................................................................................................. 11
    3.4.1    Configuration of System under Test ................................................................................................... 11
    3.5      General Description of Applied Standards ........................................................................................ 12
4         Test Types and Results ...................................................................................................................... 13
    4.1      Radiated Emission and Bandedge Measurement ............................................................................. 13
    4.1.1    Limits of Radiated Emission and Bandedge Measurement .............................................................. 13
    4.1.2    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 14
    4.1.3    Test Procedures ................................................................................................................................. 15
    4.1.4    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 15
    4.1.5    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 16
    4.1.6    EUT Operating Conditions................................................................................................................. 17
    4.1.7    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 18
    4.2      6dB Bandwidth Measurement ........................................................................................................... 22
    4.2.1    Limits of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement ............................................................................................. 22
    4.2.2    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 22
    4.2.3    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 22
    4.2.4    Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 22
    4.2.5    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 22
    4.2.6    EUT Operating Conditions................................................................................................................. 22
    4.2.7    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 23
    4.3      Conducted Output Power Measurement ........................................................................................... 24
    4.3.1    Limits of Conducted Output Power Measurement ............................................................................ 24
    4.3.2    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 24
    4.3.3    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 24
    4.3.4    Test Procedures ................................................................................................................................. 24
    4.3.5    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 24
    4.3.6    EUT Operating Conditions................................................................................................................. 24
    4.3.7    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 25
    4.4      Power Spectral Density Measurement .............................................................................................. 26
    4.4.1    Limits of Power Spectral Density Measurement ............................................................................... 26
    4.4.2    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 26
    4.4.3    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 26
    4.4.4    Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 26
    4.4.5    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 26
    4.4.6    EUT Operating Condition .................................................................................................................. 26
    4.4.7    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 27
    4.5      Conducted Out of Band Emission Measurement .............................................................................. 28
    4.5.1    Limits of Conducted Out of Band Emission Measurement................................................................ 28
    4.5.2    Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 28
    4.5.3    Test Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 28
    4.5.4    Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 28
    4.5.5    Deviation from Test Standard ............................................................................................................ 28
    4.5.6    EUT Operating Condition .................................................................................................................. 28

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    4.5.7 Test Results ....................................................................................................................................... 28
5         Pictures of Test Arrangements .......................................................................................................... 30
Appendix – Information on the Testing Laboratories ................................................................................ 31

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                                              Release Control Record

Issue No.                 Description                                         Date Issued
RF180706E10               Original release.                                   Sep. 10, 2018

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

1     Certificate of Conformity

              Product: Remote

                 Brand: Logitech

          Test Model: V-R0011

     Sample Status: ENGINEERING SAMPLE

            Applicant: LOGITECH FAR EAST LTD.

            Test Date: July 20 to 22, 2018

           Standards: 47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247)
                               ANSI C63.10: 2013

The above equipment has been tested by Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd.,
Taoyuan Branch, and found compliance with the requirement of the above standards. The test record, data
evaluation & Equipment Under Test (EUT) configurations represented herein are true and accurate accounts
of the measurements of the sample’s EMC characteristics under the conditions specified in this report.

       Prepared by :                                                  ,   Date:   Sep. 10, 2018
                                    Phoenix Huang / Specialist

      Approved by :                                                   ,   Date:   Sep. 10, 2018
                                      May Chen / Manager

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}


2      Summary of Test Results

                                47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247)

       C'I:;ze                  Test Item                    Result                     Remarks

       15.207      AC Power Conducted Emission                   NA     Without AC power port of the EUT.

      12:383 ;     322::?2“5;‘];33"’”3 and Band Edge         prge        mmlgfiw f;q:;fi;r?wr;rgfrll?;n1 0.8dB at
      15.247(d)                                                         4804.00MHz.
      15.247(d)    Antenna Port Emission                     PASS        Meet the requirement of limit.
    15.247(a)(2)   6dB bandwidth                             PASS        Meet the requirement of limit.
      15.247(b)    Conducted power                           PASS        Meet the requirement of limit.
      15.247(e)    Power Spectral Density                    PASS        Meet the requirement of limit.
       15.203      Antenna Requirement                       PASS        No antenna connector is used.

2.1      Measurement Uncertainty

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on
the EUT as specified in CISPR 16—4—2:

                    Measurement                                   Frequency              Expand(ESQl)Jr(];? Py

           Radiated Emissions up to 1 GHz                     30MHz ~ 1GHz                       5.53 dB
                                                                 1GHz ~ 6GHz                     5.08 dB
           Radiated Emissions above 1 GHz                        6GHz ~ 18GHz                    4.98 dB
                                                             18GHz ~ 40GHz                       5.19 dB

2.2       Modification Record
There were no modifications required for compliance.

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3          General Information
3.1         General Description of EUT

    Product                           Remote
    PMN                               RALLY
    Brand                             Logitech
    Test Model                        V—ROO11
    Status of EUT                     ENGINEERING SAMPLE
    Power Supply Rating               3Vde from battery
    Modulation Type                   GFSK
    Modulation Technology             DTS
    Transfer Rate                     Up to 1Mbps
    Operating Frequency               2402 ~ 2.480GHz
    Number of Channel                 40
    Output Power                      0.879 mW
    Antenna Type                      Refer to Note
    Antenna Connector                 Refer to Note
    Accessory Device                  Refer to Note
    Data Cable Supplied               NA
1. The EUT may have a lot of colors for marketing requirement.
2. The associated devices of EUT information are as below:
      No.                 Product                     Brand                  Model No.     ECC ID
       1                Display Hub                 Logitech                  V—RO009      JNZVROO0Y
       2          Rally PTZ Camera                  Logitech                  V—RO010      JNZVROO10
                        Remote                          :
       3                 (EUT)                      Logitech                  V—RO011      JNZVROO11

       4                Table Hub                   Logitech                  V—U0047      —
       5                 Speaker                    Logitech                  V—U0048      —
       6                 Mic Pod                    Logitech                  V—U0049      —
                    Mic Pod Hub                         .
       7                 (optional)                 Logitech                  V—U0050      —

3. The antenna provided to the EUT, please refer to the following table:
    Antenna Net Gain           Frequency range
                (dBi)                      (GHz ~ GHz)                   Antenna Type            Connecter Type
                —0.09                      2.4~2.4835                PCB printed antenna                NA
4. The above EUT information is declared by manufacturer and for more detailed features description,
   please refer to the manufacturer‘s specifications or user‘s manual.

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3.2     Description of Test Modes

40 channels are provided to this EUT:
                  Frequency              Frequency                 Frequency                 Frequency
  Channel                      Channel                  Channel                Channel
                    (MHz)                  (MHz)                     (MHz)                     (MHz)
       0             2402        10         2422              20      2442       30             2462
       1             2404        11         2424              21      2444       31             2464
       2             2406        12         2426              22      2446       32             2466
       3             2408        13         2428              23      2448       33             2468
       4             2410        14         2430              24      2450       34             2470
       5             2412        15         2432              25      2452       35             2472
       6             2414        16         2434              26      2454       36             2474
       7             2416        17         2436              27      2456       37             2476
       8             2418        18         2438              28      2458       38             2478
       9             2420        19         2440              29      2460       39             2480

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3.2.1        Test Mode Applicability and Tested Channel Detail

        EUT                                    APPLICABLE TO
 CONFIGURE                                                                                            DESCRIPTION
   MODE                   RE21G           RE<1G            PLC              APCM

         —                  \                  \             —                \                              —
Where         RE21G: Radiated Emission above 1GHz &        RE<1G: Radiated Emission below 1GHz
              Bandedge Measurement
              PLC: Power Line Conducted Emission           APCM: Antenna Port Conducted Measurement

Note: 1. The EUT had been pre—tested on the positioned of each 3 axis. The worst case was found when positioned on Y—plane.
      2. No need to concern of Conducted Emission due to the EUT is powered by battery.

 Radiated Emission Test (Above 1GHz):

 K Pre—Scan has been conducted to determine the worst—case mode from all possible combinations
   between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity
 [X] Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.

                0 to 39                0, 19, 39                 GFSK                    1

 Radiated Emission Test (Below 1GHz):

 B Pre—Scan has been conducted to determine the worst—case mode from all possible combinations
        between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity
 K Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.

                0 to 39                   39                     GFSK                    1

 Antenna Port Conducted Measurement:

 [X This item includes all test value of each mode, but only includes spectrum plot of worst value of each
 K Pre—Scan has been conducted to determine the worst—case mode from all possible combinations
   between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity
 K Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.

                0 to 39                0, 19, 39                 GFSK                    1

 Test Condition:

         APPLICABLE TO            ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS               INPUT POWER                       TESTED BY
               REP1G                   23deg. C, 67%RH                        3Vde                        Steven Chiang
               RE<1G                   23deg. C, 66%RH                        3Vde                        Steven Chiang
               APCM                    21deg. C, 60%RH                        3Vde                        Jyunchun Lin

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3.3     Duty Cycle of Test Signal

Duty cycle of test signal is < 98 %, duty factor shall be considered.
Duty cycle = 0.388 ms/0.628 ms = 0.618, Duty factor = 10 * log (1/Duty cycle) = 2.09

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3.4      Description of Support Units

The EUT has been tested as an independent unit together with other necessary accessories or support units.
The following support units or accessories were used to form a representative test configuration during the

 ID         Product         Brand           Model No.              Serial No.              ECC ID                     Remarks
 A.         Battery         Maxell          CR2032                    NA                       NA                 Provided by Lab

 ID          Descriptions            Qty.       Length (m)        (Yes/Nog);    Cores (Qty.)                    Remarks

 1.         Console Cable             1             0.3              No              0              Supplied by client (for RF Setup)

3.4.1     Configuration of System under Test




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3.5     General Description of Applied Standards

 The EUT is a RF Product. According to the specifications of the manufacturer, it must comply with the
 requirements of the following standards:

  FCC Part 15, Subpart C (15.247)
  KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v04
  ANSI C63.10-2013

 All test items have been performed and recorded as per the above standards.

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4       Test Types and Results
4.1     Radiated Emission and Bandedge Measurement
4.1.1     Limits of Radiated Emission and Bandedge Measurement

Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands must comply with the radiated emission limits
specified as below table. Other emissions shall be at least 20dB below the highest level of the desired

               Frequencies                       Field Strength                Measurement Distance
                  (MHz)                        (microvolts/meter)                    (meters)

              0.009 ~ 0.490                       2400/F(kHz)                             300

              0.490 ~ 1.705                       24000/F(kHz)                            30
              1.705 ~ 30.0                              30                                30
                  30 ~ 88                              100                                 3
                 88 ~ 216                              150                                 3
                216 ~ 960                              200                                 3
                Above 960                              500                                 3
1. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
2. Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
3. For frequencies above 1000MHz, the field strength limits are based on average detector, however, the
   peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits, specified
   above by more than 20dB under any condition of modulation.

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4.1.2     Test Instruments

DESCRIPTION &                                                                 CALIBRATED        CALIBRATED
                                  MODEL NO.                   SERIAL NO.
MANUFACTURER                                                                  DATE              UNTIL
Test Receiver
                                  N9038A                      MY50010156      July 12, 2018     July 11, 2019
                                  EMC001340                   980142          Feb. 09, 2018     Feb. 08, 2019
Loop Antenna
                                  EM-6879                     264             Dec. 16, 2016     Dec. 15, 2018
RF Cable                          NA                                          Jan. 15, 2018     Jan. 14, 2019
                                  ZFL-1000VH2B                AMP-ZFL-05      May 05, 2018      May 04, 2019
Trilog Broadband Antenna
                                  VULB 9168                   9168-361        Nov. 29, 2017     Nov. 28, 2018
RF Cable                          8D                          966-3-2         Mar. 20, 2018     Mar. 19, 2019
Fixed attenuator
                                  UNAT-5+                     PAD-3m-3-01     Oct. 03, 2017     Oct. 02, 2018
                                  BBHA9120-D                  9120D-406       Dec. 12, 2017     Dec. 11, 2018
                                  EMC12630SE                  980384          Jan. 29, 2018     Jan. 28, 2019
                                  EMC104-SM-SM-1200           160922
RF Cable                          EMC104-SM-SM-2000           150317          Jan. 29, 2018     Jan. 28, 2019
                                  EMC104-SM-SM-5000           150322
Spectrum Analyzer
                                  N9030A                      MY54490679      July 25, 2017     July 24, 2018
                                  EMC184045SE                 980386          Jan. 29, 2018     Jan. 28, 2019
                                  BBHA 9170                   BBHA9170608 Dec. 14, 2017         Dec. 13, 2018
RF Cable                          EMC102-KM-KM-1200 160924                    Jan. 29, 2018     Jan. 28, 2019
Software                          ADT_Radiated_V8.7.08 NA                     NA                NA
Antenna Tower & Turn Table
                                  MF-7802                     MF780208406     NA                NA
Boresight Antenna Fixture         FBA-01                      FBA-SIP01       NA                NA
Spectrum Analyzer
                                  FSV40                      100964          June 20, 2018     June 19, 2019
Power meter
                                  ML2495A                    1014008         May 09, 2018      May 08, 2019
Power sensor
                                  MA2411B                    0917122         May 09, 2018      May 08, 2019

1. The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
2. *The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 24 months and the calibrations are traceable to
3. The test was performed in 966 Chamber No. 3.
4. The CANADA Site Registration No. is 20331-1
5. Loop antenna was used for all emissions below 30 MHz.
6. Tested Date: July 20 to 22, 2018

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4.1.3      Test Procedures

For Radiated emission below 30MHz
 a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter chamber
        room. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.

     b. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top
        of a variable-height antenna tower.

     c. Parallel, perpendicular, and ground-parallel orientations of the antenna are set to make the

     d. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and the rotatable table was turned
        from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.

     e. The test-receiver system was set to Quasi-Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with
        Maximum Hold Mode.
     1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 9kHz at frequency
        below 30MHz.

For Radiated emission above 30MHz
a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters (for 30MHz ~ 1GHz) / 1.5 meters (for above
    1GHz) above the ground at 3 meter chamber room for test. The table was rotated 360 degrees to
    determine the position of the highest radiation.
b.      The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top
        of a variable-height antenna tower.
c.      The height of antenna is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the
        maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to
        make the measurement.
d.      For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned
        to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to
        find the maximum reading.
e.      The test-receiver system was set to quasi-peak detect function and specified bandwidth with maximum
        hold mode when the test frequency is below 1 GHz.
f.      The test-receiver system was set to peak and average detects function and specified bandwidth with
        maximum hold mode when the test frequency is above 1 GHz. If the peak reading value also meets
        average limit, measurement with the average detector is unnecessary.

1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120kHz for
    Quasi-peak detection (QP) at frequency below 1GHz.
2.      The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video bandwidth is 3 MHz
        for Peak detection (PK) at frequency above 1GHz.
3.      The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and the video bandwidth is ≥ 1/T
        (Duty cycle < 98%) or 10Hz (Duty cycle ≥ 98%) for Average detection (AV) at frequency above 1GHz.
4.      All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported.

4.1.4      Deviation from Test Standard

     No deviation.

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4.1.5     Test Setup

 For Radiated emission below 30MHz

              EUT&                      3m
              Support Units

                                Turn Table


                                      Ground Plane
                                      Test Receiver

  For Radiated emission 30MHz to 1GHz

                                                        Ant. Tower
                Support Units

                                    Turn Table


                                        Ground Plane

                                        Test Receiver

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  For Radiated emission above 1GHz

                                                             Ant. Tower            1-4m
              EUT&                            3m
              Support Units

                                     Turn Table


                                           Ground Plane
                                           Test Receiver

 For the actual test configuration, please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).

4.1.6     EUT Operating Conditions

a. Placed the EUT on the testing table.
b. The communication partner run test program “BLE_nRFgo Studio (” to enable EUT under
    transmission/receiving condition continuously at specific channel frequency.

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4.1.7    Test Results
Above 1GHz Data:

CHANNEL                        TX Channel 0                      DETECTOR                Peak (PK)

FREQUENCY RANGE |1GHz ~ 25GHz                                    FUNCTION                Average (AV)

                    EMISSION                                       ANTENNA    TABLE         RAW          |CORRECTION
NO.      '(:;53      LEVEL         (dléll':nvl;rm)   M’(\::;IN      HEIGHT    ANGLE        VALUE           FACTOR
                    (dBuV/m)                                          (m)     (Degree)     (dBuV)            (dB/m)
 1      2390.00      55.3 PK           74.0           18.7          2.66 H      199          58.0             27
 2      2390.00      42.8 AV           54.0           41.2          2.66 H      199          455              2.7
 3      *2402.00     91.7 PK                                        2.66 H      199          94.4             2.7
 4      *2402.00     90.7 AV                                        2.66 H      199          93.4             2.7
 5      4804.00      43.3 PK           74.0           —30.7         2.36 H      271          41.7             1.6
 6       4804.00     37.9 AV           54.0           16.1          2.36 H      271          36.3             1.6
                    EMISSION                                       ANTENNA    TABLE         RAW          |CORRECTION
NO.      '(:;53      LEVEL         (dléll':nvl;rm)   M’(\::;IN      HEIGHT    ANGLE        VALUE           FACTOR
                    (dBuV/m)                                          (m)     (Degree)     (dBuV)            (dB/m)
 1      2390.00      54.7 PK           74.0           19.3           1.39 V     311          57.4             2.7
 2      2390.00      42.5 AV           54.0           41.5           1.39 V     311          45.2             2.7
 3      *2402.00     87.3 PK                                         1.39 V     311          90.0             2.7
 4      *2402.00     86.3 AV                                         139 V      311          89.0             2.7
 5       4804.00     48.4 PK           74.0           —25.6         2.69 V      183          46.8             1.6
 6       4804.00     43.2 AV           54.0           —10.8         2.69 V      183          41.6             1.6
      1. Emission Level(dBuV/m) = Raw Value(dBuV) + Correction Factor(dB/m)
      2. Correction Factor(dB/m) = Antenna Factor(dB/m) + Cable Factor(dB) — Pre—Amplifier Factor(dB)
      3. The other emission levels were very low against the limit.
      4. Margin value = Emission Level — Limit value
      5. " * ": Fundamental frequency.

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CHANNEL                        TX Channel 19            DETECTOR                 Peak (PK)
FREQUENCY RANGE                1GHz ~ 25GHz             FUNCTION                 Average (AV)

                       EMISSION                            ANTENNA     TABLE        RAW          CORRECTION
          FREQ.                      LIMIT     MARGIN
NO.                     LEVEL                               HEIGHT     ANGLE       VALUE           FACTOR
          (MHz)                    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                       (dBuV/m)                               (m)     (Degree)     (dBuV)           (dB/m)
  1     *2440.00        93.1 PK                              2.59 H     195          96.1             -3.0
  2     *2440.00        92.0 AV                              2.59 H     195          95.0             -3.0
  3      4880.00        44.1 PK      74.0       -29.9        2.36 H     269          42.4              1.7
  4      4880.00        38.4 AV      54.0       -15.6        2.36 H     269          36.7              1.7
  5      7320.00        46.3 PK      74.0       -27.7        2.89 H     194          38.5              7.8
  6      7320.00        36.1 AV      54.0       -17.9        2.89 H     194          28.3              7.8
                       EMISSION                            ANTENNA     TABLE        RAW          CORRECTION
          FREQ.                      LIMIT     MARGIN
NO.                     LEVEL                               HEIGHT     ANGLE       VALUE           FACTOR
          (MHz)                    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                       (dBuV/m)                               (m)     (Degree)     (dBuV)           (dB/m)
  1     *2440.00        88.7 PK                              1.38 V     316          91.7             -3.0
  2     *2440.00        87.8 AV                              1.38 V     316          90.8             -3.0
  3      4880.00        48.1 PK      74.0       -25.9        2.67 V     167          46.4              1.7
  4      4880.00        42.9 AV      54.0       -11.1        2.67 V     167          41.2              1.7
  5      7320.00        44.8 PK      74.0       -29.2        2.03 V     246          37.0              7.8
  6      7320.00        33.8 AV      54.0       -20.2        2.03 V     246          26.0              7.8
   1. Emission Level(dBuV/m) = Raw Value(dBuV) + Correction Factor(dB/m)
   2. Correction Factor(dB/m) = Antenna Factor(dB/m) + Cable Factor(dB) – Pre-Amplifier Factor(dB)
   3. The other emission levels were very low against the limit.
   4. Margin value = Emission Level – Limit value
   5. " * ": Fundamental frequency.

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

CHANNEL                        TX Channel 39            DETECTOR                 Peak (PK)
FREQUENCY RANGE                1GHz ~ 25GHz             FUNCTION                 Average (AV)

                       EMISSION                            ANTENNA     TABLE        RAW          CORRECTION
          FREQ.                      LIMIT     MARGIN
NO.                     LEVEL                               HEIGHT     ANGLE       VALUE           FACTOR
          (MHz)                    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                       (dBuV/m)                               (m)     (Degree)     (dBuV)           (dB/m)
  1     *2480.00        91.1 PK                              2.53 H     199          94.1             -3.0
  2     *2480.00        90.2 AV                              2.53 H     199          93.2             -3.0
  3      2483.50        55.2 PK      74.0       -18.8        2.53 H     199          58.2             -3.0
  4      2483.50        42.7 AV      54.0       -11.3        2.53 H     199          45.7             -3.0
  5      4960.00        44.1 PK      74.0       -29.9        2.42 H     260          42.2              1.9
  6      4960.00        38.6 AV      54.0       -15.4        2.42 H     260          36.7              1.9
  7      7440.00        46.6 PK      74.0       -27.4        2.91 H     184          38.7              7.9
  8      7440.00        36.6 AV      54.0       -17.4        2.91 H     184          28.7              7.9
                       EMISSION                            ANTENNA     TABLE        RAW          CORRECTION
          FREQ.                      LIMIT     MARGIN
NO.                     LEVEL                               HEIGHT     ANGLE       VALUE           FACTOR
          (MHz)                    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                       (dBuV/m)                               (m)     (Degree)     (dBuV)           (dB/m)
  1     *2480.00        87.0 PK                              1.42 V     313          90.0             -3.0
  2     *2480.00        85.9 AV                              1.42 V     313          88.9             -3.0
  3      2483.50        54.8 PK      74.0       -19.2        1.39 V     311          57.8             -3.0
  4      2483.50        42.4 AV      54.0       -11.6        1.39 V     311          45.4             -3.0
  5      4960.00        47.5 PK      74.0       -26.5        2.67 V     174          45.6              1.9
  6      4960.00        42.5 AV      54.0       -11.5        2.67 V     174          40.6              1.9
  7      7440.00        44.5 PK      74.0       -29.5        2.02 V     245          36.6              7.9
  8      7440.00        33.5 AV      54.0       -20.5        2.02 V     245          25.6              7.9
   1. Emission Level(dBuV/m) = Raw Value(dBuV) + Correction Factor(dB/m)
   2. Correction Factor(dB/m) = Antenna Factor(dB/m) + Cable Factor(dB) – Pre-Amplifier Factor(dB)
   3. The other emission levels were very low against the limit.
   4. Margin value = Emission Level – Limit value
   5. " * ": Fundamental frequency.

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

Below 1GHz Data:
CHANNEL                        TX Channel 39            DETECTOR
                                                                                 Quasi-Peak (QP)
FREQUENCY RANGE                9kHz ~ 1GHz              FUNCTION

                       EMISSION                            ANTENNA     TABLE        RAW         CORRECTION
          FREQ.                      LIMIT     MARGIN
NO.                     LEVEL                               HEIGHT     ANGLE       VALUE          FACTOR
          (MHz)                    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                       (dBuV/m)                               (m)     (Degree)     (dBuV)          (dB/m)
  1        49.47        23.7 QP      40.0       -16.3        2.00 H     211         31.6             -7.9
  2       162.24        22.1 QP      43.5       -21.4        1.00 H     100         30.1             -8.0
  3       520.50        27.3 QP      46.0       -18.7        2.00 H     140         28.9             -1.6
  4       730.24        30.9 QP      46.0       -15.1        2.00 H     243         28.5              2.4
  5       845.99        33.2 QP      46.0       -12.8        1.00 H     360         29.0              4.2
  6       917.02        34.4 QP      46.0       -11.6        2.00 H     136         29.1              5.3
                       EMISSION                            ANTENNA     TABLE        RAW         CORRECTION
          FREQ.                      LIMIT     MARGIN
NO.                     LEVEL                               HEIGHT     ANGLE       VALUE          FACTOR
          (MHz)                    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                       (dBuV/m)                               (m)     (Degree)     (dBuV)          (dB/m)
  1        39.17        23.2 QP      40.0       -16.8        1.50 V     139         31.6             -8.4
  2       151.40        21.4 QP      43.5       -22.1        2.00 V     218         28.9             -7.5
  3       457.45        26.6 QP      46.0       -19.4        1.50 V     360         29.4             -2.8
  4       644.37        31.7 QP      46.0       -14.3        2.00 V     62          30.5              1.2
  5       851.81        32.8 QP      46.0       -13.2        2.00 V     356         28.6              4.2
  6       955.99        33.9 QP      46.0       -12.1        1.00 V     240         28.2              5.7
   1. Emission Level(dBuV/m) = Raw Value(dBuV) + Correction Factor(dB/m)
   2. Correction Factor(dB/m) = Antenna Factor(dB/m) + Cable Factor(dB) – Pre-Amplifier Factor(dB)
   3. The other emission levels were very low against the limit.
   4. Margin value = Emission Level – Limit value

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4.2     6dB Bandwidth Measurement
4.2.1     Limits of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement

 The minimum of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement is 0.5 MHz.

4.2.2     Test Setup

                                     Attenuator             Analyzer

4.2.3     Test Instruments

 Refer to section 4.1.2 to get information of above instrument.

4.2.4     Test Procedure

  a.    Set resolution bandwidth (RBW) = 100kHz
  b.    Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 x RBW, Detector = Peak.
  c.    Trace mode = max hold.
  d.    Sweep = auto couple.
  e.    Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated with the
        two amplitude points (upper and lower) that are attenuated by 6 dB relative to the maximum level
        measured in the fundamental emission

4.2.5     Deviation from Test Standard

 No deviation.

4.2.6     EUT Operating Conditions

 The software provided by client to enable the EUT under transmission condition continuously at lowest,
 middle and highest channel frequencies individually.

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4.2.7     Test Results

                                                  6dB Bandwidth            Minimum Limit
        Channel                Frequency (MHz)                                                      Pass / Fail
                                                      (MHz)                    (MHz)

            0                       2402                 0.69                   0.5                    Pass
           19                       2440                 0.70                   0.5                    Pass
           39                       2480                 0.70                   0.5                    Pass

                                            Spectrum Plot of Worst Value
                                                       CH 0

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4.3     Conducted Output Power Measurement
4.3.1     Limits of Conducted Output Power Measurement

 For systems using digital modulation in the 2400–2483.5 MHz bands: 1 Watt (30dBm)

4.3.2     Test Setup

             EUT                            Power Sensor              Power Meter

4.3.3     Test Instruments

 Refer to section 4.1.2 to get information of above instrument.

4.3.4     Test Procedures

 A peak power sensor was used on the output port of the EUT. A power meter was used to read the response
 of the peak power sensor. Record the power level.

 Average power sensor was used to perform output power measurement, trigger and gating function of wide
 band power meter is enabled to measure max output power of TX on burst. Duty factor is not added to
 measured value.

4.3.5     Deviation from Test Standard

 No deviation.

4.3.6     EUT Operating Conditions

 Same as Item 4.2.6.

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4.3.7     Test Results

                           Frequency           Peak Power        Peak Power     Limit
     Channel                                                                                        Pass/Fail
                               (MHz)             (mW)                  (dBm)    (dBm)
          0                    2402              0.7962                -0.99     30                    Pass
         19                    2440              0.8375                -0.77     30                    Pass
         39                    2480              0.879                 -0.56     30                    Pass

                                   Frequency                    Average Power           Average Power
                                       (MHz)                           (mW)                   (dBm)
           0                           2402                            0.787                   -1.04
          19                           2440                            0.8279                  -0.82
          39                           2480                            0.869                   -0.61

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4.4     Power Spectral Density Measurement
4.4.1     Limits of Power Spectral Density Measurement

 The Maximum of Power Spectral Density Measurement is 8dBm in any 3 kHz.

4.4.2     Test Setup

                                       Attenuator             Analyzer

4.4.3     Test Instruments

 Refer to section 4.1.2 to get information of above instrument.

4.4.4     Test Procedure

  a. Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
  b. Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
  c. Set the RBW to: 3 kHz ≤ RBW ≤ 100 kHz.
  d. Set the VBW ≥ 3 × RBW.
  e. Detector = peak.
  f.    Sweep time = auto couple.
  g. Trace mode = max hold.
  h. Allow trace to fully stabilize.
  i.    Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.

4.4.5     Deviation from Test Standard

 No deviation.

4.4.6     EUT Operating Condition

 Same as Item 4.2.6.

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4.4.7     Test Results

                                Freq.            PSD                 Limit              Pass
                               (MHz)          (dBm/3kHz)          (dBm/3kHz)            /Fail
           0                   2402               -15.97               8                Pass
          19                   2440               -15.76               8                Pass
          39                   2480               -15.63               8                Pass

                                        Spectrum Plot of Worst Value
                                                  CH 39

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

4.5     Conducted Out of Band Emission Measurement
4.5.1     Limits of Conducted Out of Band Emission Measurement

Below 20dB of the highest emission level of operating band (in 100kHz Resolution Bandwidth).

4.5.2     Test Setup

                                    Attenuator             Analyzer

4.5.3     Test Instruments

Refer to section 4.1.2 to get information of above instrument.

4.5.4     Test Procedure

1. Set the RBW = 100 kHz.
2. Set the VBW ≥ 300 kHz.
3. Detector = peak.
4. Sweep time = auto couple.
5. Trace mode = max hold.
6. Allow trace to fully stabilize.
7. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum power level in any 100 kHz band segment within
   the fundamental EBW.

1. Set RBW = 100 kHz.
2. Set VBW ≥ 300 kHz.
3. Detector = peak.
4. Sweep = auto couple.
5. Trace Mode = max hold.
6. Allow trace to fully stabilize.
7. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.

4.5.5     Deviation from Test Standard

No deviation.

4.5.6     EUT Operating Condition

The software provided by client enabled the EUT to transmit and receive data at lowest and highest channel
frequencies individually.

4.5.7     Test Results

The spectrum plots are attached on the following pages. D1 line indicates the highest level, and D2 line
indicates the 20dB offset below D1. It shows compliance with the requirement.

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}




                                                                                CH 0
                                     rew roowee   CRPVEW          msneer y                                           sw roo e   MMPVEN        uascrgry
                                     vewsoowe                               azcn                                     vewsmoue                            usn
     i ratti aom      an o           surrsone                             rarsore   .. itc
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                                                                                                                                              Haders y

                                                                     anomnrem                                                                    anomnrem
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                                                                                                                                              Haders on

                                                                     anomnrem                                                                    anomnrem
       cenerza on            nosuw                 Sot osime                           strco ue              zerow                stezsore

                                     w roote      TIMPVEN         useergey                                           w roote    TIMPVEN       useergey
                                     vewsoowe                              cssn                                      vewsoowe                            cnssasn
     .. Aititsm
          omars       an o           surrsone                             ramson    . Ati®e           an o           surese                            zeomore
                                                                                        omares                                                Hader2grn sssan
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       Cenier2 0 oe          nsuw                  Span t os ie
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     . use            mae        Ttine                                 mME          ,, amen           mae        Ttine                             1abe


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                                                   Sountooume        anomnrem          conmresse on                              Sountooume
       cenerzass on          rome                                                                            rome

Report No.: RF180706E10                                               Page No. 29 /31                                   Report Format Version: 6.1.1

5     Pictures of Test Arrangements

 Please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

Appendix – Information on the Testing Laboratories

We, Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch, were founded in 1988 to
provide our best service in EMC, Radio, Telecom and Safety consultation. Our laboratories are FCC
recognized accredited test firms and accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025.

If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us at the following:

Linkou EMC/RF Lab                                      Hsin Chu EMC/RF/Telecom Lab
Tel: 886-2-26052180                                    Tel: 886-3-6668565
Fax: 886-2-26051924                                    Fax: 886-3-6668323

Hwa Ya EMC/RF/Safety Lab
Tel: 886-3-3183232
Fax: 886-3-3270892

Email: service.adt@tw.bureauveritas.com
Web Site: www.bureauveritas-adt.com

The address and road map of all our labs can be found in our web site also.

--- END ---

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Reference No.: {ref-reports}

Document Created: 2018-09-10 17:48:21
Document Modified: 2018-09-10 17:48:21

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