FCC ID: JNZ201213

Users Manual

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                                FCC ID : JNZ20121

Exhibit E   —   User‘s Manual

                               User‘s Guide


311 REV A



   User‘s Guide

The Mouse that Scrolls in Windows® 95

The Federal Communications Commission Statement

  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the

  following two conditions:

  (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and

  (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
     interference that may cause undesired operation.

  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B

  digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.          These limits are designed to
  provide   reasonable    protection   against   harmful      interference   in a   residential

  installation.   This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency

  energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause

  harmful interference to radio communications.       However, there is no guarantee that

  interference will not occur in a particular installation.    If this equipment does cause

  harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
  turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the

  interference by one or more ofthe following measures:

   — Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

   — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
   — Connect the equipmentinto an outlet on a circuit different from that to

    which the receiver is connected.
   — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

  You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the

  party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.

ies Te      MepsSnnitnd   %     norelfegedl   eereviets   mc

Important Ergonomic Information

         Some experts believe that using any mouse or trackball may cause
         serious injury to hands, wrists, arms, neck, or back.

         if you feel pain, numbness, or weakness in these areas, see a qualified
         health professional.

         * Take frequent breaks. Get up and walk around several times every hour,
         * Vary your tasks throughout the day.
         * Keep your shoulders relaxed with your elbows at your side.
           Position your keyboard and mouse so you do not have to reach.
         * Adjust your chair and keyboard so your upper arms and wrists are
         * Avoid resting your wrists on sharp edges.

         For additional information that may reduce your risk of injury,
         read the Camfort Guidelines on Logitech‘s Internet site:

nnecting the Mouse
                                                                                                 Using the Mouse
                                                                                                         wWith the Logitech MouseWare software, you have all the advantages of the Microsoft"
    The mouse connects to either a PS/2 mouse port or a I—pin serial port.                               intelliMouse" wheel, and but you can also scroll in Windows 95.
    1. For a PS/2 mouse port installation only, turn off the computer.
                                                                                                         if your Logitech mouse has a wheel, the wheel functions both as a wheel and a button.
    2. Connect the mouse cable into the 9—pin serial port on the computer.
                                                                                                         Simply click the wheel like you would a standard mouse buttan.
       For PS}2 mouse port installation, remove the 9—pin adaptor before connecting the
       mouse cable to the computer.                                                                                                                                  If your mouse has a wheel
                                                                                                                                                                     * To scrall, simply move the wheel.
                                                                                                                                                                     * To use the wheel like a standard
                                                                                                                                                                         mouse button, click (press down}
                                                      P5/2 mause port        9—pin serial port                                                                           the wheel,

    3. Turn on the computer, then install the Logitech® MouseWare® software.

                                                                                                         The mouse whest also works like a button.                   The mouse wheet simplifies scrolling.

talling the MouseWare Software                                    —
                                                                                                 Scrolling and Zooming with the Mouse
    The Logitech McuseWare software must be installed to use all the features of your
    Lagitech mouse.                                                                                             Task                        What is It?                                How to Do It?

                                                                                                         WheelScrolt           Use Wheel Scroll for precise up and   To scroll up, mave the wheel forward; to scroll
er Windows® 95                                                                                                                 down movement.                        down, move the wheel back.

                                                                                                         AutoScroll             Use AutoScroll in Microsoft®          Place the cursorin an application. Press
    1. Start Windows® 95 and insert software diskette #1 into drive A or B.                                                    Windows 95 and in Microsoft           the mouse button assigned to AutoScroll,
                                                                                                                               Office 97"" compatible applications    The AutoSeroll icon appears.
    2. Click Start on the Taskbar and select Run.                                                                              to scroll through large documents.
                                                                                                                                                                      Movethe mouse once in the direction you
    3. From the Run dialog box, select {or type) A:\SETUP or B:\SETUP and                                                      AutoScroll altows you to scroll        want to scrall (vertical, horizontal, or
                                                                                                                               a document automatically without       diagonal}. The farther you movethe pointer
       click OK, Follow the on—screen instructions.
                                                                                                                                having to movethe mouse               from the starting point, the faster the scroiling.
                                                                                                                                or mouse wheel continuously.
                                                                                                                                                                      To stop AutoScroll, press any mause button.
er Windows® 3.1
    1. Start Windows and insert software diskette #1 into drive A or B.
    2. Open the File menu and choose the Run command. Windows displays the Run
       dialog box.
    3. In the Command Line text box, type: A:\SETUP (or B:\SETUP} and click OK.
       The Instaflation dialog box is displayed. Follow the on—screen instructions.

                                                                                                                      Choosing Options for the Scrolling Mouse
          Task                          What is It?                               How to Do It?

   Zoom                      Use Zoom to either magnify or       Place the cursor in an application that is
                                                                                                                              Need Help Choosing Options ? Let the Mouse Wizard
                             demagnify the view of a document.   Microsoft Office 97 compatible, press the Ctrl               show you how.
                                                                 key on the keyboard, then to zoom in,
                                                                 movethe wheel forward; to zoom out,
                                                                                                                              To begin, go to the Mouse Properties. To do this,
                                                                 move the wheel back.
                                                                                                                              click Start on the Windows 95 Taskbar, thenselect
                        ~                                        You can assign the Ctrl key function to a mouse
                                                                 button. To use Zoom in this manner, click the                Settings, Control Panel, then choose the Mouse
                                                                 button assigned to the Ctrl keyfunction before               in the Control Panel window. Now choose the Quick
                        !‘                                       moving the wheel to use the zoom feature.
                                                                                                                              Setup tab. Follow the on—screen instructions.
                        ]                                        You can alto use Zoom witha button assigned
                                                                 to Universal Scroll: press the Cerl key, click
                                                                 the button assigned to Universal Scroll then
                                                                                                                              Making Button Assignments and Configuring the Wheel
                                                                 movethe mouse forward to zoom in or move
                                                                 the mouse backward to zoom out.
                                                                                                                              Assign special functions to mouse buttons, or
                                                                                                                              configure the mouse wheel using the Buttons tab.
                                                                                                                              The Buttons tab is part of Mouse Properties.

1g the Software under Windows® 95                                                                                             Click the down arrow to select a function for a
                                                                                                                              button. Click the down arrow under "Scroiling
   The Logitech MouseWare software includes features for making button assignments,                                           Size:" to choose the amount of scrolling. Click the
   controlling cursor movement, and setting up the mouse.                                                                     Options button to specify settings for AutoScroll,
   To access the MouseWare software, double—click the mouse ican on the Windows 95 Taskbar                                    CyberJump"®, Hyperiump, and double—click timing.
   to display the Mouse Properties tabs. Choose from the available options to configure the                                   For more information, click the help button.

   The Mouse Properties Tabs
    Modifies cursor movement                                                                 Sets mouse orientation
                                                                                                                      Executing CyberJump" and HyperJump Commands for Windows® 95
              Sets up a mouse                                                            |— Adds anather mouse                CyberJump and Hyperlump combine eight commonly used tasks into one convenient
                                                                                                                              grid so you do not have to point to various parts of the screen to execute commands
                                                                                             Sets up mouse wheel
       Selects a pointer shape                                                               and makes button                 Before you can use CyberJump or Hyperiump, you mustfirst assigneither function to
                                                                                             assignments                      a mouse button.

                                                                                                                              With your mouse, press the assigned button to display the CyberJump or HyperJump grid.
                                                                                                                              (Bath grids are shown on the next page). Move the cursor to an icon on the grid, then
                                                                                                                              click to execute a command.
       Click this button to run
                                                                                                                              Note    To perform a double—click with the button assigned to CyberJump or Hyperlump,
      the Mouse Wizard which
     helps you set up a mouse                                                                                                         first choose the Double—Click Option in the CyberJump or Hyperlump options
                                                                                                                                      dialog box. Then press and release the button quickly. To display the CyberJump
                                                                                                                                      or HyperJump grid, press and hold down the assigned button,

arJump" for the Internet under Windows® 95                                                                                   The MouseWare‘ Control Center
     Menu.                Activates the HyperMenu.                             Bookmark                                            Performs Windows                          Sets double—click speed                           —— Saves settings
     Go to Bookmark       Displays bookmark window.                                                                                         functions
     Add Bookmark         Adds current pageto bookmark           Menu                                                                                                                                                        I—Can(els changes
     Vertical Scrolf      Jumps to the vertical scroll bar,    Go Back                                                         identifies button being
                                                                                                                                               pressed                                                                           Enhances the cursor
     Stop                 Halts current page from down                                                                                                                                                                      —— (See next figure)
                          loading.                                Start                           Stop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ——— Redetects devices
     Horizontal Scroll    Jumps to the horizontal                                                                                                                                                                               after plugging/unplug»
                          scroll bar.                                                                                             Asigns shorteuts to
                                                                            Horizontal Scrall                                                                     1 o                                                           ging a serial mouse
                                                                                                                                 secandthird buttons
     Start                Activates the Windows 95                                                                                                                mm                 8 Qaneiie
                          Start Menu,                                                                                                                                                 +0 Sntaamem                               —Proviges online help
     Go Back              Returns to previous page.                                                                               Sets cursor travel in          [ S    promly
                                                                                                                                                                  Acrouee s
                                                                                                                                                                                        Houe ied =~~        \     (     (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Product information
                                                                                                                              relation to mouse speed            | S« |ome { bi—rmmil] ) uen

erJump for Windows® 95                                                                                                                                                                                          Moves cursor to default command
                                                                                                                                                                                                                button automatically
     Menu                  Activates the HyperMenu                               Minimize                                                          interchanges button                                          Adjusts cursor speedin relation
                           Minimizes the window.                                                                                                                                                                to mouse move movement
     Minimize                                                     Mena                             Close                                                         functions

     Close                 Closes the window.
     Vertical Scroll       Jumps to the vertical scroll bar.     Recall                            Vertical Scroil
     Resize                Jumps to the Size Grip {resizes
                                                                                                                     Cursor Enhancement under Windows® 3.1
                           window).                                Start                           Resize
      Horizontal Scroll    Jumps to the horizontal                                                                           Use the Cursor Enhancement dialog box to customize the cursor. To display the dialog
                           seroll bar.                                       Harizontal Scroll                               box, click the Cursor button in the Mouse Control Center.
     Start‘                Activates the Windows 95
                           Start Menu.                           These functions are also available as individual            Logitech® Cursor Enhancement
      Recall               Recalls the last active window.              assignments on the Buttons tab.                                                                                                                     Makes the cursor grow larger as it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            moves across the screen""

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sets the speed the cursor must
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            move to change size"*
ing the Software under Windows® 3.1                                                                                                    Displays the cursor in
                                                                                                                                     normal or reverse video                             Ti           Tew                 Sets the time the cursor stays
     Double—click the MouseWare icon located in the Logitech MouseWare group window                                                                                          Pam         Tim io Shink                 [*~large before it shrinks in size**
                                                                                                                                       Changes the pointing                  @ un        GCLL~—_—Ial
     {or in the Windows Control Panel). Choose from the available options to confiqure                                                direction of the cursor                O niw       :L_                                Contrals tracker icon at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            bottom of screen
     the mouse.                                                                                                                                                                          C tnabie tacking
                                                                                                                                                                            @ ;ma   C Amere viehie—                         Cavses tracker icon to point to
                                                                                                                                              Sets cursor size          [~| O ietum C Save e                                cursor as it moves
                                                                                                                                                                            Otese frata
                                                                                                                                          Leaves trail behind
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Places the tracker icon on top of
                                                                                                                                          cursor as it moves®
                                                                                                                                                                        $ cE                                                all applications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Retains position of tracker icon
                                                                                                                                  * Disabted with some SVGA resolutions.                                                    upon exiting
                                                                                                                                         **Disabled if Size is set to Large.

                                                                                                Maintaining the Mouse
ton Assignments under Windows 3.1
     MouseWare allows you to assign functions to mouse buttons and replaces frequently                if the cursor skips or moves abnormally, you may need to clean the ball of your mouse.
     used tasks, such as double click, drag lock, etc., to a single button click. To override         1. Removethe retainer ring to remove the bail. On the bottom of the mouse,
     a button assignment temporarily so you can use an application—specific feature, press               press in the direction of the Open arrow imprinted on the retainer—ring cover.
     the Contralkey while clicking the button to be overridden.

    * When using the mouse, you may encounter one of two problems; the cursor does not
      move smoothly or the mouse is not detected the by computer, To improve cursor
     movement, refer to "Maintaining the Mouse" to clean the mouse bail and ball cage.
     To remedy a mouse not detected problem, try the following:
      * Make sure the mouse cable is plug'ged into the right port—serial or PS/2, When
        installing the mouse, connect the mouse cable before installing the mouse software.
        Reboot the system.
      * Make sure your serial (or PS{2) port has the proper configuration.                            2. Wipe the ball with a clean,lint—free cloth,
        Refer to your computer documentation for the correct part configuration.                         then blow carefully into the bail—cage
                                                                                                         to dislodge dust and lint.                                                       inside
      * You may have other system devices (e.g., a modem card) that conflict with                                                                                                         roller

        the mouse. Check the IRQf/address settings of these devices for conflicts, and change         3. £ook for a build—up of dirt on the rubber
        the settings as required. If the problem persists, please contact technical support.             roller(s) inside the ball—cage. This build—up
                                                                                                         usually appears as a stripe running around the
                                                                                                         middle of the roller.
                                                                                                                                                                             Ball cage
                                                                                                      4. If dirty, clean the roller(s) using a cotton
                                                                                                         swab moistened lightly with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. After cleaning,
                                                                                                         make sure the roller(s) are still centered in their channels.
                                                                                                      5. Make sure that fluff from the swab is not left on the roller(s).
                                                                                                      6. Replace the ball and retainer ring.

ou Need Technical Support
1 have a problem with your mouse, call or write to our Technical Support specialists. Include the                              #
wing information in yourletter or haveit in front of you when you call:                                                      @:

ouse type and model   MouseWare Unilities serial #] MouseWare driver version   5oS & Windows          |                   LoglteCh

  Hardware and          AUTOEXEC.BAT fisting                      has                .                    *
                                                     CONFIG.SYS list           R
   peripherals          (DOS & Windows 3.1)                 G.SY5 listing          esident programs       ,

ech offers additional customerassistance through, product information, and a technical support
20.                                                                                                       ‘           MouseMan®
iternet: www.logitech.com

mail address: logitw@ms4.hinet.net

1 Southeast Asia, E—mail address: logitech@singnet.com.sg

reduct Support. Provides technical help for your Logitech products.
ease call our technical help hotline at 886—2—7615235.

                                                                                                              KE IAAzARIUBER « Windows® 95 FH#E)AYT)#%

  mmire, MitifronrOimamksiitti s, tarerniaMerts x
  SA —
  *   BXitiAtLA, eninie B eWRX
  *   KA B EmEREt
  *   O# tt hoMoke is h eP . ab eme d ie ar eb frie
  *   die Beho B tho (o B . eFieR t o ie i tR Bd m
  *   it 9 NeeokiR ibtio ets

  BB oRA RRHEThEt eBE . stemrpos r fIRIAr emA :
  www .logitech.com


                                                                   ¥#€ Windows® 3.1 27 $ MEEEIEzT
                                                                        1. H&&@)Windows, 16}$Mousefare BIBRXEH—RMHHAECRMARENM a: aB:

 RERHMekERETM¢ @Eers/mMBRMRAKRO Shef3UM(Serial Port), —fif                KHRBA —
 S cont — «EMARYFERMT:                                                  2. KWindows 3.1ZMRA MA T (Program Manager), 3Z [EX ] (File) Ihf€

 L. KERRAIRITLE $t2P5/27859 . id BAE A k im —                             KNMZ [ $f7f ] (Run) M e
 21. CHENHMAERARPMA®RIRACI 8904A (Serial Port) e                        31. HKR@QTMNEA Aa:\SETUPS B:\SETUP ( flms eRA h tm e t in
     Ek tBuoPrS/2v8 Rik, NTR EMAEESA —                                    KT Ifek] (OK) RAMREERNIDTF— k*xkifdarnend. O¥ink
                                                                          friB o
                                                                          (BH—RRHME@IVindos S$KENFAME!)

                %              ~ perusut          9stA F11         78 MR 1E
                                                                       Besot REEDE t . UR HTUIEMRIAMAER TKAE Intel l iMouse" ZiRREINE,
 3. HMMANMKEH, CRRRIRRMEIE) (Mouselare) Ex —                           it & oJ f¥¥indows® 95 °F H B1# & (Scrol1) e

                                                                       t RIiEBANERRERmERAARRRREIN,. AftEft—GREkR, AE€R
RRHRF MEEERET (MouseWare)                                              —F . BN BJK & Rrih emmakse eRRI KE —
 Bhmiemhoehx oobe . tbietterehnRradhiext —
                                                                                                          $0 BR t tR t C e Hotin tRm
& Windows® 95 Z)@MEE&R                                                                                     * EKiX SnR , BNo ETE
 1. RBWindows®95, #h#Mouseare BHHR~EH—IRRAMAAEMAEREH® a:                                                   * Sik—tTik®,. MITH—Ratm
    XB: RHBAN—
 2. RXyWindows* 95 TfEIIOR) [ BH% J (Start) H#, EKT &T J (Run) e
    MirzcIs. aHinEemiR
                                                                       t RARRSCT¢ A —teabik m              Th SR t it it £ 5 B

hR & R fahk x 1t thie                                                                  HMAR KX
                                                                                         L HABAEH §) ——————                          Xi#v4hik
 t       fe         hERR33                         Rfei®En
 Rkit ah          mE fF L T iRnewIR®               iRthitait. h LR®                                                                  ArX UR K
 (Wheel Scroi})                                    Ria tR t . o TiR D
                                                                                         uhinitH 4                                    BUe #f N
 6¥               * 46 Microso{t® ¥indows® 95,     * JE IRREM®IT . ETE                                                               A 3 fhs 4e Sb zh fik,
 (AutoScrol1)     Officed? XKMERKACKER             &. AURO ENE NCOE
                  t. M it—IERHRAEX                 SokfeBtm ib dbseabthhe)
     —            fFe                              * — Bdb & — BsE J5 6 t h
                  * RBob h @itOOnit NYEBRH         GEk KT —BAR)HERH
                  io ho thie Sakikth . M uf B WR   Auce e o actoith                      %fi&z%iwi
                  ) 36 @I BR XCfF +                * flc hk 6 #h B4 hh ht .   hA i
                                                   $7 BE T KR B0 of
 Kemx tzhbe       * hok c flsc fhig se              * JBOLCice97""tP, fF"Ctr| "&##,
 (Zoom)                                            RWidk . TRXEAXtA
                                                   * MIATRENHRMRR®E‘CO1"
                                                                                     Ee RREIHE
                                                   & , dome _b ib fe en a1#h hok 4
                                                   * deeiBRuien m meibthhe
                                                                                       9 mac e e ie 16 o 1i on fel 5e se Ra se +
                                                   (Universal Seroll) ET "Ctrl"
                                                   R. MRBANE, MARkoct] *
                                                                                       HYRBHBWindows®95 Taskbar, E1#$! f PH
                                                                                       NCHR"@ToHZ "Quick Setup", ACiH
                                                                                       M#HK Harile
adows® 95 PRIDfERTE
                                                                                       h HaathbtT mRtnht
 Mous eWa re#BB) h6t isit eHetch ht 1t td t t t e . R em
                                                                                       EARBRREE_®, MJZ"Buttons" HH,
  K AT BIEEIT L (MouseWare): fWindows®95#§Taskbar HUEKMTICRRENREL
                                                                                       BJ @ HRAre EhAE F in thbe— tX —
 BR RIENCUAE — Msm EIfE dR C                                                           3 "Seroll ing Size" K , t o 28 16 $
                                                                                       as » thil § $t 6t th i dese B NAE HF 2 4t h
                                                                                       fE, IMD: AutoSeroll, CyberJump",
                                                                                       HyperJump, Double—Click # + iB ik—t8HM
                                                                                       H#K, ifSNiNelpIhfit

Windows® 95 T #1f7 CyberJump"" & HyperJump                                 HyperJump ID§EEKA9———Windows® 95 M# H

  RKEHW) CyberJunp R Hyperiump 66. SRRBEAREFIENRRKEEE                          Menu (3%)                      METHAXEADRNER
  Yindows$5 RKMKMKRMELKHINE» {BRHE CyberJump K HyperJump INHE                  Minimize (R&R@UNL )            NBE RH E /
  Zbi. MODRAKKEHRREMMRMIE®IE® MouseWare, if B#X CyberJump $                    Close (MEHRE)                  BRBE B it TTR&
  Hyper Jump    IHHHEENNE ME —HBEE —                                           Vertical Scroll (Ci6##8p)      Y th > m i6 1e t#
                                                                               Resize (RMERE®RE)              WR ERMEME AXLNR—TUNE
  BB HIKECRWBRHEDO—KHBRINERH CyberJump 3 HyperJump %, #if¢# Hl                 Horizontal Scroll (KF##)       EcE30017
   _ MBM—HRKH® Double—Click Hf6, HHRWT: HAMH—BR*, K                            Start ($A#)                    BK#)Windows® 95 " BM " Thhes
     F"Buttons "3OR, MWMOGERS CyberJump (K HyperJunp)#—&, MTF                  Recall (VRER—MRE)              Ghiecceat —(8( m 6 T eR
       "Options"&, MfZ"CyberJump"(%¥ HyperJump), $#"Double—Click Option"
       Fkith. kT Rse‘msAme#g® o                                                                            MB HeMt
                                                                                              Tasxsitk               HMiag
berJump Ibf§EEK88———Windows® 95°TF Internet M M#EMEEHNR
                                                                                              wiaAreak M           I #46
  Menu (X%)                         ME TE RXEADNE®                                          HE"Mi"Hin ‘poed       § azasza+
  Go to Bookmark (# ¥##)            Brekne
  Add Bookmark (JNA $r#Y K )        B+EMAREKRE
  Vertical Scroll (ERERE)           UAZEEEREH
  Stop ((# i)                       #it FR*E                               Windows® 3.1 RMIfeiR®E
  Horizontal Scroll (A /#)          SJt 3 k F1e th h
  Start (BAH)                       RkBh Windows® 95 "BRM"Thfiex               BAE@Windows® 3.1 Z @RRHR MEEHRXAT M ®HE (Icon Group), HRHIEM X
  Go Back (HX.L—H)                  H£L—H                                       (Double—Click) Mouse¥are BHir, MTMKEXERIN (Gt—ubBBGP
                               W #Bookmark

                  TEXIN%       j ]: EEEE #fBookmark

                       a+s R          e
                 xos 6. ces

  7 MHEEId/{>(The MouseWare® Control Center)                                     Windows® 3.1 TMRRRRE®E
                                                                                     NE B TB MSB B) B r(Mousefa refe ft it MA # 6 17e t MR . oo A ie mdy
                     mks         m              ho                                   Th h6 ht t B CaK h iJ $# ) , iN : EOMA (Double—Click), #8 § §XE (Drag
  M M# se4) p u_ RRORRATARERRARA O _ ppaelg                                         Lock) $% — fno emeemaUtemcMBRUDpREAMIREMEE ——— REk
                                                     omm( "i3 t $                    TFAR"CO 1 "@R TCOE RSNRN c —
       miexkam»                                      CS
                                                     Co=3|—#itikx                GalRHHRISG (Troubleshooting)
   .   t fdkstit®                        es                   l
                                                                                     l te ie MB Bs . n mis ReMmEIN T: 1 OfRBEDR NTE 2 lRiArdaa®)
                                                S«            ~4+*                   B o MRMIE, ies ra‘maanr®‘ ; manline, rERTIIHER::
       Who shk &                                g)| &]        — x4Axza
                                                                                    * HESETR MAESIAEAIFIIHR(COML Port)HRMAHA(PS/2 Mouse Port) E c MU04H%
                                                      A 6 xi is                        *EERCON), MXEHRGGOET, ARENHMEAECRER—

                                               Toi9 & atiP k                        * Hele
                                                                                         k een Oorlie sbin)atieicnt. Mithifore®s tm Aasikei
            # RARatzhtt EiA
                                                                                      MX# e
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                                                                                       16 , 3 RBR0 O it he ik . mt hn o BotlkR BE +
  ,‘é’,‘.fl'{ffifii‘ogitech Cursor Enhancement BE MRA MiRANE, HRMNER
  1#$$14u0, RATFCursor Button, MBE —BNA K# e
  RHCBRIHEIETEIbfE(Logitech® Cursor Enhancement)                                     WRIBREERERK OTTH) , tubaif=e LARERE ENAE —
                                                                                     L. 1 BAWERRE , Nx Th IRERK : 1tMRA ROpenchit 41 BRKE >
                                      r———— B KB tak o HHREX
                        ~—BRmemormerrermel           —|     flk/”g\figfif‘l}lfl# ,

            smm            —|[Sae |geepe
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                           Tem *|tas smiee “:Jf?k#agx&'aafim
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                                                           — 1its1B M it &

  2. MX BR N SXike ie h tE s dh A U N4 B
      Rikes RE LR—
    — GGaxiinkit <Hkk, iX kess

      phat#ina®ktx. iuaifeatzte                     c   raller



     mB e B iniF 5o nR t tssonm se Te 1Afit
     <9 lfi e +

     Ee                       .
26. MERK & Rogck it HiC#t fi ie c
                                                                 AJEAX} LA

S io < 1B BR
 HERBHRRTRER. tmlamkksitnLuNd, dkeRtFiNek — If
 RRETEACO2YJeLS235 > iR (O2)7621943 »
 E—mail#8hk : Log   Q@ms4.hinet.ne{\
 3 thk 3 hy ko e mieda M CoH ) dR T6 sumde E MA —
  Internet: www.logitech.com. tw

                                                         714 4cleAl4le.






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     * Headquarters                             Shanghai Office
      Logitech International SA         Unit C, 4/f, Building A, TinXin Business
          CH—1143 Apples,                 Centre, No 825 Thoo Jia Bang Rood
             Switzerlond                       Shanghai 200032, China
                                                Tel: 86—21—64289045
                                                Fox: 86—21—64288466
 Operational Headquarters
           Logitech Inc.
         6505 Kaiser Drive                 5 Beijing Office
         Fremont, CA 94555          Room 327, 8A Guanghue Rood, Chao Yang District
                                      He Qio Headquarter (Grand Pocific Building)
                                             100026 Beijing, P. R. China
  Logitech Far East Ltd.                        Tel: 86—10—65063833
              Sales Office                      Fox: 86—10—65065757
    6F—4, 123, SecIV, Pa—Teh Rd.,
        Taipéi, Taiwon, £.0.C.
         Tel: 886—2—7466601
         Fax: 886—2—7621943
                                         KBR ET O 6RA 8
                                        B imb ts m mhmPo d 23¢%
                                                3: (03)5778241
Logitech Singapore PTE Ltd.
                                                NiR : (03)5778246
        1 Moritime Squore
     #09—65 Warld Trade Centre
                                             #3f hk 9 Bs me
        Singapore 099253                4 dbrh )\ fls 99 BR L 23 i6g2 4 *
         Tel: 65—2705515
                                             f81iB : (02)7621943
         Fax: 65—2705016                                     >


Document Created: 2001-07-01 13:11:49
Document Modified: 2001-07-01 13:11:49

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