User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                           Model ULTRX900R
                                                                                                      Ultra RX - Extreme Range Receiver

Overview                                                                                          Relay 2:
The Ultra RX - Extreme Range Receiver has a                                                       8: Common                1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 11 12 13
10-24Vac/Vdc operation with low power consumption                                                 9: Ch 2 Normal Open
(150 ua). The Receiver has 4 Channels, 2 Transistors                                              10: Ch 2 Normal Closed
and 2 Relays. The Receiver can control up to
4 devices.                                                                                        Lower Amperage (500 ma or lower) applications that
                                                                                                  are indirectly controlled, should use Transistor Output
                                                                                                  Channels 3 and 4.
                                                                                                  Channel 3:
Carton Inventory                                                                                  Terminal 6
                                                                                                                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 11 12 13

                                                                                                  Channel 4:
                                                                                                  Terminal 4
                                                                                                                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 11 12 13

                                                                                                  NOTE: If using the Receiver with a Gate Control Unit
                                                                                                  (GCU) proceed to Program with Gate Control Unit
                                     Receiver                                                     Dipswitch Settings
                                                                                                  NOTE: The Dipswitches on the
                                                                                                  Receiver can be accessed by
                                                                                                  removing the screw on the
Setup                                                                                             bottom of the Receiver.
NOTE: Do not connect power until instructed to do so.

Power Connections                                                                                 Ensure the Receiver does
                                                                                                  not have power. Set
                                10-24 Vac
      NOTE: Polarity does not matter.                                                             Dipswitch #1 to the ON

        1   2       3   4   5     6     7      8       9       10 11 12 13                        Additional Receivers
                                                                                                  NOTE: These steps apply only if more than one
                            10-24 Vdc                                                             Receiver is being used.
      +         -
                                                                                                  Step 1: Ensure the
                                                                                                  Receiver does not have
       1    2   3       4   5    6     7       8   9           10 11 12 13                        power. Set Dipswitch #1 to
                                                                                                  the ON position in each
Relay Outputs                                                                                     Receiver.
The Receiver has 2 Relays and 2 Transistor (Open                                                  Step 2: Set the Identity of each additional Receiver
Collector) Outputs to control up to 4 devices.                                                    by changing the Dipswitches as shown in the chart
Higher Amperage (10 amp) applications that are                                                    below.
directly controlled, should use Relay Channels 1
and 2.                                                                                            Receiver ID        Switch #2                         Switch #3
                                                                                                    2                  ON                                OFF
Relay 1:                                                                                            3                  OFF                                ON
11: Common                                                                                          4                  ON                                 ON
                       1                   2   3   4       5    6   7   8   9   10 11 12 13
12: Ch 1 Normal Open
13: Ch 1 Normal Closed


Output Timing                                                 Program with Gate Control
Channel 1:                                                    Unit (GCU)
Dipswitch         Dipswitch                 Time              NOTE: The Dipswitches on the
  #4                 #5                                       Receiver can be accessed by
  OFF                OFF                   0.5 Sec            removing the screw on the
  ON                 OFF                   5 Sec              bottom of the Receiver.
  OFF                ON                    1 Min
  ON                 ON                    Toggle
                                                              Output Timing
Channel 2:                                                    Channel 1:
Dipswitch         Dipswitch                 Time
                                                              Dipswitch       Dipswitch       Time
  #6                 #7
                                                                #4               #5
  OFF                OFF                   0.5 Sec
                                                                OFF              OFF         0.5 Sec
  ON                 OFF                   5 Sec
                                                                ON               OFF         5 Sec
  OFF                ON                    1 Min
                                                                OFF              ON          1 Min
  ON                 ON                    Toggle
                                                                ON               ON          Toggle

Program                                                       Channel 2:
NOTE: If the Receiver will be programmed with a               Dipswitch       Dipswitch       Time
GCU or an accessory proceed to Program with GCU                 #6               #7
or Program Accessories.                                         OFF              OFF         0.5 Sec
The following steps apply only if the Receiver will be          ON               OFF         5 Sec
used by itself.                                                 OFF              ON          1 Min
                                                                ON               ON          Toggle
Step 1: Ensure the Receiver
                                                              Channel 3:
does not have power and
Dipswitch #1 is set to the OFF                                Dipswitch       Dipswitch       Time
position.                                                       #2               #3
NOTE: If Receiver is in this Mode, there can be no              OFF              OFF         0.5 Sec
other 900 Mhz units in the network.                             ON               OFF         5 Sec
                                                                OFF              ON          1 Min
Step 2: Connect power (as shown in Setup: Power
                                                                ON               ON          Toggle
                                                              Channel 4:
Step 3: Within 15 seconds, press and hold a button
on a remote control transmitter. The receiver will buzz        Dipswitch                      Time
indicating programming is successful.                            #8
                                                                 OFF                         0.5 Sec
Additional Remote Control Transmitters:                          ON                          5 Sec
To program additional remote control transmitters,
repeat Step 3 above with each remote control
transmitter (within 10 seconds of each other) or
repeat Steps 1-3.

When all the remote control transmitters have been
programmed, wait 15 seconds for the Receiver to
leave Learn Mode. The Receiver will buzz twice
indicating it is ready for use.


Program Accessories                                             Door Strike or Magnetic Lock
Single Pushbutton Control (WPB1LM)                              Step 1: Connect relays (as shown in Setup: Relay
                                                                Outputs and the charts below).

                                                                NOTE: If a Door Strike is used, a separate power
                                                                supply is required.
                                                                If a Magnetic Lock is used, use the Normally Closed
                                                                connections (see below).


                                                                             Optional external power
Step 1: Connect relays (as shown in Setup: Relay                             input 10-24 Vac or DC
Outputs).                                                                          +      -
                                                                                                        N/O N/C
                                                                                    AC                    COM
Step 2: Connect power (as shown in Setup: Power
                                                                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Step 3: Press and Release the
Learn button on the Pushbutton                                   Door                                                   Transformer/
                                                                 Strike                                                 Power Supply
                                                                              Door Strike- Normally Open (N/O) Connection
The Receiver will buzz and the LED
will blink 3 times indicating
programming is successful.                                                                      GCU
If the memory in the Pushbutton Control needs to be
cleared, press the Learn button until a tone is heard.                      Optional external power
                                                                            input 10-24 Vac or DC
                                                                                   +      -
Refer to the Pushbutton Control manual for mounting                                   DC
                                                                                                        N/O N/C
and operating instructions.                                                         AC

Gate Access Panel (GAPLM)/Keypad
                                                                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

                                                                 Magnetic                                              Transformer/
                                                                 Lock                                                  Power Supply

                                              1     2   3                     Magnetic Lock- Normally Closed (N/C) Connection
                                      OR      4     5   6

                                              7     8   9

                                              a c   0   #

                                                                Step 1: Reattach cover with screw.
Step 1: Connect relays (as shown in Setup: Relay
Outputs).                                                       Step 2: Mount the Receiver with
                                                                the Terminal Block at the bottom
Step 2: Connect power (as shown in Setup: Power                 and the antenna hanging straight
Connections).                                                   down.

Step 3: On the GAPLM or Keypad, enter Master PIN                NOTE: Metal surfaces can shorten the
Number, followed by the Receiver Identity (1-4) as              range of the Receivers. If mounting on a metal
determined in Setup: Additional Receivers.                      surface and long range is required, use a
                                                                non-metallic spacer to move the Receiver away from
The Receiver will buzz and the LED will blink 3 times           the metal surface.
indicating programming is successful.

Refer to the GAPLM/Keypad manual for mounting
and operating instructions.


  GAPLM/Keypad                                                                                    Clear Memory
  On the GAPLM/Keypad enter any valid PIN Number                                                  When the Receiver has power,
  followed by Identity (1-4).                                                                     press the Learn button until the                                     7   6   5   4   3   2        1

  If the Receiver gets a request a success tone is                                                LED blinks a total of 8 times.                                                               ON

  If a fail tone is heard, check the batteries in the
  GAPLM/Keypad or try again.

  Single Pushbutton Control (WPB1LM)
  Push the button on the Pushbutton Control.
  If the Receiver gets a request a success tone is
  If a fail tone is heard, check the batteries in the
  Pushbutton Control or try again.

                                        FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT DIAL OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER:

                   NOTICE: To comply with FCC and or Industry Canada rules (IC), adjustment or modifications of this receiver and/or transmitter are prohibited,
                   except for changing the code setting or replacing the battery. THERE ARE NO OTHER USER SERVICEABLE PARTS.
                   Tested to Comply with FCC Standards FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
                   cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

                                                                      © 2007, The Chamberlain Group Inc.
114A3549                                                                      All Rights Reserved

Document Created: 2008-08-08 07:17:36
Document Modified: 2008-08-08 07:17:36

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