Test Report

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                                                                                                 Serial No. GM99059f

                              FCC EMC TEST REPORT
                                     FOR THE
                        INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS, INC.
                        SIDEKIK 3000 CAR ALARM RECEIVER
                                   FCC ID JLFM1

                                                                   Prepared for:
                                                            International Electronics, Inc.
                                                                 12609 NE 95 Street
                                                                     Suite 106—B
                                                        Vancouver, Washimgton 98682

                                                                  Submitted by:

                                       Green Mountain Electromagnetics, Inc.

                                                                      (802) 388—3390
                                                                   Fax: (802) 388—6279
                                                          E—mail: gme@gmelectro.com
                                                219 Blake Roy Road + Middlebury, Vermont 05753

                                                            Copyright: August 17, 1999

g This report shall not be reproduced, except
            in full, without the written approval of GME.

                                                                               Serial No. GM99059f

                                 International Electronics, Inc.
                                           FCC EMC Testing
                       Green Mountain Electromagnetics, Inc.
                              Middlebury, Vermont

Unit:     SideKik 3000 Receiver
Tested:      August 16, 1999
Received:        8/12/99

I.    Applicable Standards:

The unit described in this report was measured for verification of compliance with the FCC
Unintentional Radiator EMC standard, 47 CFR: Part 15, Subpart C.

Measurement procedures were in accordance with ANSI C63.4, "Methods of Measurement of
Radio—Noise Emissions from Low—Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9
kHz to 40 GHz (1992)."

IL.     nits Tested:

The International Electronics, Inc. SideKik 3000 (SideKik) receiver is part of the SideKik
automobile alarm and accessory control system. The SideKik consists of a plastic case containing
the receiver electronics and a permanently attached external antenna. There is no provision for
connecting the SideKik to an AC power source; consequently, a conducted emissions test was not
performed. The table below describes the unit that was subjected to measurements determining
compliance with applicable EMC standards:

      Product                  Manufacturer            Model        FCC ID

Automobile                 International       SideKik 3000
Alarm/Accessory        Electronics             Receiver
Control System

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                                                                                   Serial No. GM99059f

III.   Equipment and Cable Configuration:

GME received the unit in satisfactory condition for testing, however the manufacturer is
responsible for ensuring that the equipment under test (EUT) represents the product line. The EUT
was arranged on a turntable as in the block diagram below. This EUT configuration produced the
maximum radiated emissions. The EUT was subjected to final emissions tests while connected to
all loads and operating in a continuous mode.

The temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure during unit testing were 22°C, 59% RH and
100.8 kPa for radiated emissions.

IV.    Measuring Equipment:

The table below describes the instrumentation used at Green Mountain Electromagnetics, Inc.
(GME) to perform this testing:

Unit           Manufacturer             Model             Serial #     Last Cal.    Next Cal.
Spectrum        Hewlett—         §592              3624A00631        879799        879100
Analyzer        Packard
Broadband       Mini—Circuits    ZJL—3G            D021699           2/20/99       2/20/00
Plotter         Hewlett—         7440              2539409149        wa            n/a

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                                                                                Serial No. GM99059f

Broadband E—| Antenna           LPB—2513/A       |1125          9/23/98         9/23/99
field Antenna Research
Turntable       Antenna         ART—1000         1004           n/a             n/a
Antenna Mast    Antenna         AS—620           1004           wa              n/a

V.     Unit of Measurement:

Measurements of radiated electric fields were made in units of dB referenced to 1 microvolt per
meter (dBuV/m). Fields and deviations in the results table were corrected for the appropriate
antenna factor, cable loss, amplifier gain and measurement distance X (per 47 CFR, C15.31). The
following equations were employed:

(1) Field (dBuV/m) = Measured Value (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB) + Cable Loss (dB) —
Amplifier Gain (dB).
(2) Pass/Fail Deviation (dB) = Field (dBuV/m) — Limit (dBuV/m) — 20 log(X/3 meters).

Sample calculation at 30 MHz:
32.0 dBuV/m field = 32.5 dBuV measured + 19 dB/m AF + 0.5 dB cable loss — 20.0 dB amp.
—8.0 dB deviation = 32.0 dBuV/m field — 40.0 dBuV/m limit — 20 log(3/3) dB distance.

The combined uncertainty for GME radiated emissions measurements is: u(y) = 1.946.

VI._   Measurement Location:

The GME laboratory and Open Area Test Site (OATS) are located at 219 Blake Roy Road,
Middlebury, VT. The OATS is a 3—meter site complete with antenna positioner, ground plane and
motorized turntable. The OATS is constructed in accordance with ANSI C63.7—1992 and complies
with the requirements for radiated emissions testing in ANSI C63.4—1992 and CISPR 16—1993.
The electromagnetic laboratory is constructed in accordance with CE immunity standards and
ANSI €63.4—1992 (conducted emissions).

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                                                                                    Serial No. GM99059F

GME is internationally accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
(A2LA) and meets the quality requirements in EN 45001—1989 and ISO/IEC Guide 25—1990,
"General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing Laboratories."

VII.    Measurement Procedures:

Results of Preliminary Testing: The EUT configuration identified in III produced the maximum
radiated emissions. Average data is not required as the unit is compliant with average limits in
peak detection mode.

1.     Radiated Emissions in accordance with FCC Part 15.209 & 15.231.
         Frequency range: 30 MHz to 88 MHz
         Limit: 40 dBuV @ 3 meters
         Frequency range: 88 MHz to 216 MHz
         Limit: 43.5 dBuV @ 3 meters
         Frequency range: 216 MHz to 960 MHz
         Limit: 46 dBuV @ 3 meters
         Frequency range: 960 MHz to 3.1 GHz
         Limit: 54 dBuV @ 3 meters
a.     Set up instrumentation at open area test site.
         i. Mount EUT on turntable and broadband antenna on antenna positioner.
         ii. Record temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure.
         iii. Measurement distance is 3 meters and antenna scan height is varied from 1 to 4 meters.
b.     Verify spectrum analyzer and antenna operation.
         i. Spectrum analyzer is connected to antenna.
         ii. Broadband amplifier is inserted between antenna and analyzer to ensure analyzer noise
            threshold is at least 6 dB below specification limit.
c.     Set up, power and operate EUT as described in section IIL.
       Perform preliminary evaluation of equipmentin the near field.
         i. Vary antenna height, antenna polarization, and antenna orientation to EUT.
         ii. Repeat step d.i. while evaluating electromagnetic radiation in the 30 to 3100 MHz
e.     Determine frequencies and equipment orientations that produce maximum radiation.
         i. Identify processor, clock and beat frequencies, and harmonics.

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                                                                                  Serial No. GM99059f

f.   Perform final evaluation of unit by recording spectrum analyzer data on the plotter.
      i. Ensure the EUT is producing the maximum radiation found in step e.
      ii. Collect data over the entire frequency range.

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                                                                                Serial No. GM99059f

VIHI.   Summary _of Results:

The International Electronics, Inc. Sidekick 3000 car alarm and accessory control system complies
with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, emissions requirements. Section X contains a table comparing the
unit emissions to the applicable limit from 30 MHz to 3.1 GHz as identified in measurement
procedure VII—1 and in accordance with the equations identified in V.

Testing was performed by Kyle R. Kowalezyk, president, Green Mountain Electromagnetics and
requested by:

International Electronics, Inc.
12609 NE 95th Street
Suite 106—B
Vancouver, WA 98682

                                       Ky!e/R. Kowaléiyk

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                                                                              Serial No. GM99059f

IX.   Photograph of Measurement Setup:

The following page contains a photograph of the equipment as it was tested.

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                                                                                                 Serial No. GM99059f

X. RadiatedEmissionsData (FCCIDJLFM1)                                                   |
Freq:Pol DetectorRBW/VBW!V¥meas: AF — Amp Cable| Field — Dist|Limit Dev|
MHz |HV_       _ kHz kHz dBuV dBli/im dB_ dB ‘dBuV/m:| dB |dBuV/m; dB

   30 H:. Peak 100              30;325          190.          200     05     320|   0.0!              40.0, —8.0
   30V     Peak 100            30. 32.5         19.0          20.0,    05| °320| ~©0.0.                400|80
   35 H~ Peak
         Peak100.  30 350. 182
              100. 30 325
                                  200| _ 0.3 337
                            182 _ 20.0| _ 0.5 31.2
   40°    K))    Peak 100 30] 32.5                           20.0) _ 0.5|__ 313| ___0.0} _40.0|    __—8.7
   40     V      Peak 100. 30! 35.0   310                    20.0,   0.5    33.8 0.0       40.0|   62
   450   H)      Peak1000 301 3255  178)                     200 053|308         0.0       40.0|    —9.2
   450    V/     Peak100 30 35550 178.                       200| 65|      338|00          40.0|_ —6.2
   50    H       Peak   100    ©30,    37.0°    15.6         200       05| 33.1;             0.0| _40.0|         —6.9]
   50)   V       Peak   100. 30.       380.     156          200       05~34.41°             00        40.0)       <5.9
 ~~60°   H       Peak   100    30 420           11.0         200      1.0       34.0)_0.0              40.0.~ —6.0|
  60 CV          Peak 100      30 410          C110          200       10 330                00     40.0) _ —7.0
  70 H           Peak 100.     30 45.0           8.00        20000     1.00 0 34.0           0.0, _40.0|—6.0|
   70V           Peak   100    3039.0            8.0°        20.0.     1.0°     28.0)60              _ 40.0] ©12.0
  ~80 H          Peak   100 30          42.5     98          200       10_33.3 00                    400          —67
   80‘ °V        Peak 100.     30      37.0°     $8 200|              C110      278          0.0     _ 40.0|    4122
   00.   H° Peak        1000300 450 109                  200           10 ©36.9)             00        43.5\       —6.6
~~~0p!   V ~ Peak       100 30 4300 109                   200          1034.9                0.0,    _43.5)       —8.6
  100     H‘      Peak 100     30 43.5          125          20.0      1.5) _ 37.5]          0.0| _ 43.5] _—6.0|
  100    V_      Peak   100.   300    43.00     125          20.0      L5\      370. — 0.0             43.5)      —6.5
 125     H       Peak 100 30 425                122          200 20           — 367          0.0       43.50    ©6.8
  125    VPeak          100    30      420      122|         200      20        36.2         0.0       43.5,    —7.3
  150    H/      Peak   100    30      44.0     10.5         ©20.0,   20| _ 365             0.0| _     43.5]    _ —7.0
  150    V       Peak   100    30      43.0     10.5         20.0|    2.0       35.5         0.0       43.5      —8.0
  175 H_ _ Peak 100 30 440                      109      200 20| 36.9)                       0.0|    _43.5)—6.6)
  175    V       Peak   100    30      350      10.9         20.01    20        27.9         60.0      43.5|    —15.6
  200 H:    Peak100 30 3008                     11.3         2000   25|        23.8          0.0       43.5)    —19.7
  200. V~~Peak 100 30  34.0°                    11.3 C       20.00 23—          278|         70.0°     43.s)    457
  250 H   Peak100              30      34.5     1348         200      30 30.9)~ 0.0_46.0| —15.1
  250 V _ Peak 100_            30      325      134          200      30 _ 289| 0.0| 460| —171
  300    H Peak         100    3033.0°         151           20.0     3.0, — 311 _00|                  46.0° —14.9)
  300     H‘ ~   Peak 100      30      320      15.1         200      3.0,      30100| 460 —15.9
  310    V~       Peak 100     30°     33.0°    152          200      3.0) _    312 0.0} 46.0|148
  310V       Peak 100(300 320                   152      ©20.0     30| 302 0.0            46.0| —15.8
  400. H~~ Peak 100 30 33.50                    16.5       19.0; _ 3.51° 34.5\ _ 0.0      46.0| —11.5
  400. V _  Peak 100   30 3250                  16.5:      19.0°  7350   33.5     0.0. _ 46.0l —12.5
  500° H         Peak 100. 30° 325              182          19.0° 4.0._35.7| _ 0.0|_ 46.0|—10.3
  500    V       Peak   100;   300     32.5     18.2         19.0     4.0,      35.7:        6.0       46.0     10.3

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                                                                                                            Serial No. GM99059f

Radiated Emissions Data (FCC ID JLFM1)                                         _             1                  J   __—       |

Freq Pol DetectorRBW VBWVmeas                AF        Amp ;Cable‘ Field |                       Dist * L'imi,t:TiDev |
MHzWV                  _kHz kHz dBuV dBi/m _             dB            dB dBuV/m\ dB }dliufi\l/mlfl dB _|
  600. H: Peak           100    30    325    200         190.           4.0; _ 37.5]_0.0, ©46.0| —8.5
  600_ V Peak            100    30    325    20.0         19.0          40+ 37.5)_ oof 46.0, _ —8.5]
  620 H _       Peak     100    30 325       20.5            190         4.0]       38.0!          _ 0.0,            46.0| —8.0|
  620_ V        Peak     100    30    325    20.5             19.0_     4.0 _        38.0         _ 0.0! _ 46.0, —8.0
  700 H
  700 V
        _ Peak  100° 30. 30.5
           Peak 100 30 305
                                                             19.0] 4.5
                                                                   45| _ 370|_00|460|
                                                                          37.0, 0.0! ©46.0,
  800 _ H _     Peak 100        30    305    22.1            19.01 _    5.0|_38.6!—O.Qjfi"'7"16.9Lj-74
  800    V      Peak 100        30    305     22.1           19.0       5.0          38.6, — 0.0‘                    46.0,            —7.4
  900    H      Peak 100        30.   305    23.3            19.0°      60|         408‘ 00|                         460              :52
  900    V_     Peak    100    30     305    23.3            19.0,      60.         40.8| ~0.0,                       ~46.0|           —52
  930    H      Peak 100        30    30.5   23.3             19.0      60           40.8,          _—          |   ~~46.0,           —5.2
  930    _V _   Peak 100       30     30.5   23.3            190‘       60         "408]           ©0.0|__            46.0| 5.2
 1000 _ H _ Peak 1000 300             325    24.2            18.0 _     7.0° 45.7;—0.0‘ _ 54.0| _ —8.3
 1000 _ V _ Peak 1000          300    32.5    24.2           18.0‘      7.0?\#77745.7*"770.0|___54.0! _ —8.3
 1240    H  Peak 1000          300    325    25.7            17.0       4.0      45.2     0.0‘   ~~61.9
 1240V          Peak 1000300          325    257             17.0;      4.0 ~45.2                        6.0]         61.9
 1550    H‘      Peak 1000     300    325    265             160       40          ©470,          60                619           —
 1550._ V _ Peak 1000          300    325265                 16.0.      4.0, _ 47.0|                /9;0'\""'61/9;"*
 1860 H     Peak 1000          300    32.5 27.3              16.0°      4.0     47.8                 0.0!   ~~61.9
| 1860   _V     Peak 1000 300         325    27.3            16.0}     40|          478           0.0| 619—I
 2170    H      Peak 1000 300         325     28.1           150        5.0        _ 50.6                0.0‘        "61.9
 2170    _V_ Peak 1000 300 325               28.1            15.0;      5.0 _ 50.6|___0.0|_ 61.9|
 2480     H     Peak 1000      300    325    2§.9            14.0°      5.01        524                  6.01619. _ —9.5
 2480    V       Peak 1000 300        325     28.9           14.0       5.0.        524_                 0.0         61.9
 2790 H         Peak 1000 300         325    29.8 _          13.0 6.0| _ _ 55.3                   —0.0|__            61.91              —6.
  2790   V      Peak 1000 300 325             29.8 _     13.0           60 _ 553                    0.0! _ 619—6.6
[ 3100   H      Peak 1000 300 _ 325          30.6         12.0.         60     571                  0.0,_61.9] _
  3100   _V     Peak 1000 300   32.5         30.6         12.0°         6.0, C371                 ~~0.0| T619_

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Document Created: 2001-05-23 10:49:29
Document Modified: 2001-05-23 10:49:29

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